spirkme915 · 2 years
a list of the spirk fics i've read in the last few weeks and loved:
Breaking a Sweat by GhostofAsimov - emotional, heart-wrenching but soft, beautifully written
I [43M] wish to tell my friend [40M] that it’d be logical for us to get married. by Smile_Edgeworth - had me laughing out loud, too damn cute, short read
Heart in Tender Orbit by slightlycrunchy - had me SOBBING, so painful, so satisfying at the end
This Must Be the Place by gunstreet - alternate look at what happened post-amok time, mystery and intrigue, warm burn instead of slow, the explicit rating is EARNED
The Lotus Eaters by aldora89 - reread of this classic, always a rec, stellar world-building and relationship building, soooo interesting, double kudos for dealing head on with trauma
The Inevitability of Orbital Decay by fakinbrilliance and the sequel Achieving Escape Velocity by fakinbrilliance - these equally had me laughing then awwwww'ing, fun reads
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ghostofasimov · 2 years
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✨New Fic Release✨
Star Trek TOS | Rating-E | Warnings for Violence, Blood, and mentions of Character Injury
Breaking a Sweat
After nearly losing Spock on a diplomatic mission that went sideways, Jim struggles to manage his stress in the aftermath and realizes he isn’t so willing to put Spock back on duty—back in harm’s way—without a fight.
I hope you enjoy the read!!!!
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herself-nyc · 2 years
WIP tag game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
I was tagged by @twinkboimler ! Thanks!
Happy to share more details if anyone wants to hear them!
So, I only have 2 WIPs going now:
--Untitled Post-Miramanee Fic
I’ll tag @1shirt2shirtredshirtdeadshirt
@thetimetostrikeislater, @uss-genderprise, @ghostofasimov, @pkrosche
 and anyone else who wants to participate, feel free to say I tagged you!
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ao3feed-spirk · 2 years
Breaking a Sweat
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42211428
by GhostofAsimov
After nearly losing Spock on a diplomatic mission that went sideways, Jim struggles to manage his stress in the aftermath and realizes he isn’t so willing to put Spock back on duty—back in harm’s way—without a fight.
Words: 8044, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Trek: The Original Series
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek)
Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Sparring, Hurt/Comfort, Secret Relationship, Semi-Public Sex, I Almost Lost You Smut, angsty sex, Blood and Violence, Major Character Injury, Injury Recovery, Sparring is better than talking about our feelings
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42211428
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oddthesungod · 2 years
Odd, I wanted to let you know how much your recent art post of Joanna and Doctor McCoy meant to me. I just lost my Dad three weeks ago, we were very close, and seeing your art was so cathartic. I know a lot of artists aren’t usually told of how much their content cant truly touch and reach other people, but I wanted to let you know how much that piece of yours meant to me, today, in a moment where my soul needed it most. ❤️
Thank you so much.
AW GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad it has touched you in this way! I tried to infuse all the love I have for my dad in that piece as I worked on it, so I'm glad some of that love came thru via Bones and Jo <3333
Thank you sm for the kind words!!! And I'm very very sorry for your loss 🫂💖
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greenroseunderglass · 2 years
@ghostofasimov I keep trying to answer you in the proper place but for the thirtieth time tumbler has eaten it. If all of those show up later, I am deeply sorry.
At any rate, this is what tumblr has refused to let me reblog:
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ghostofasimov · 2 years
Unfortunately, while not Vitrification nor an update to Symposium, I’ve been getting back into my writing projects after a really rough summer and have a 10k one-shot I’m close to finishing to offer as a treat for you all for being such patient readers!
If anyone is a fan of angst leading to a very steamy spar session with an established secret relationship, this one is definitely for you ;)
As an added treat—here’s a little preview snip below!
Spock dipped his head, his voice low and breath not close enough in the space between them.  “I will remind you, we made the terms clear to one another that our involvement would not impact the ship’s affairs.  Do not allow it to do so.”
Jim could feel his nostrils flare, and his temper seep out from under his control “I’m well within my right as your commanding officer to question your ability to participate in a landing party after a severe injury, Commander.  You saw the instant that explosion happened and not a moment after it.  You didn’t see the wreckage.  The rest of the landing party.  You didn’t see all the—“  He stopped as his throat constricted.  “When I saw you under that rubble, I thought you were dead, and you’re expecting me to clear you for the duty roster, just like that?”
“I am asking you to understand that I am not human, and that your standards for personnel recovery do not apply to me.”
“You’re not.  But you’re not indestructible, either.”  He wanted to see red, but all he could see was green.  Too much green.  Spilling, seeping, staining, even as he’d rinsed it down the drain.  
Spock didn’t respond to that.  “At any rate, the decision will lie with Doctor McCoy whether or not I am fit for duty.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that the duty roster is still mine to decide.”
“And if the medical data agrees with you, I shall respect that decision unquestionably.”
Jim shook his head, turning reaching for his towel to wipe the sweat from his brow.  “I’m sorry, Spock.  But even if McCoy thinks you’re ready, I’m not willing to put you on anything more than light-duty.  Not right now.  That’s what I believe will be the most beneficial to the landing party.”
“Their benefit, or yours, Captain?”
Something in him snapped, a jaw trap deep in a wound as he whipped around, closing the distance between them and making no effort to hide the fury on his face.  “Fine.  If we’re at a stalemate and neither of us is proving his point to the other, we’re doing this the hard way.  Spar with me.”
Spock was taken aback by the demand, his eyes softening as they raked over his body.  “You are exhausted, I do not think it wise—“
“Spar with me, or its a hard no,” he said, his tone strict and eyes unwavering as he issues Spock the challenge.  “You win, I let you on the duty roster if McCoy clears you.  You lose, and I don’t want to hear you countermand my decision on this again. Understood?”
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ghostofasimov · 2 years
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And we’re almost ready for launch tonight!! 😍
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ghostofasimov · 2 years
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✨Writing Update✨
I’ve started going through edits and have a few people interested in Beta reads for my spar-thirst angst fest piece, Breaking a Sweat. I’m hoping to be able to post it by the end of the week, but we’ll see!
As an extra special treat for you all—here’s the first 600 words of Breaking a Sweat.
[Content warnings include violence, angst, blood, explosions, injured main character, and trauma.]
The sweat dripping down his face did nothing to cool the flush on his skin as Jim pushed the bar off his chest, hands choking the metal as his arms shook and buckled against the weight of it.  He held it, counting seconds behind closed eyes as he tried to purge the day from his mind, reducing himself to the simple function of breath, numbers, and the ache of his body supine on a bench, lying somewhere between routine and overindulgence.  
  Breath was the foundation for everything.  An expanse he could feel radiating in his chest.  A rhythm he’d memorized, pulling in as the bar came back to hover above his chest, and out as he pushed it up again.  
Breath was desperation and panic, spilling quick from his lungs as he tore through the rubble of the Videan embassy, debris and shattered opulence cutting into his palms and scuffing his dress uniform as he searched for signs of life in the aftermath of an anarchist’s playground.  And his duty had kept him on the ship.  If they hadn’t signed the accords on the ship—
He huffed sharply, his throat raw from calling out ranks and names between dust-filled coughs, and his ears ringing with the screaming silence of their absent response.  He spied a communicator, snapped in half from the pressure of the column that had crumbled over it.   He spied a body just the same, the red of their shirt matching the grim color on the floor.  He swallowed a sickening lump.  If he’d only noticed the signs sooner, he’d have called the whole thing off and made demands of his own.  
Blood.  The twinge of blood and noxious smell of a lithium-fuse reaction made him sick to his stomach.  But he was sicker still without knowing.  He’d never forgive himself if the last conversation they had were the professional  logistics of a landing party for a diplomatic decoy.  He’d bid his usual farewell, a silent, authoritative look that begged him to exercise his best judgement in caution.  There was never enough time and space for more words than that. 
He’d barely heard Lieutenant Giotto call for him when the air was mercilessly ripped from his lungs.  If breathing was intrinsic, he’d forgotten how and why.  He ran, numb, and threw his weight to the ground, his hands fitting perfectly against the face they’d mapped many times, turning green as they pressed against clammy skin, begging him to open his eyes.
His hands grasped painfully against the stone, skin splitting on broken edges as he failed to lift the column.  And heaved, strained, and failed again.  Giotto was by his side, calling the rest of the security detail to assist.  If there were words of comfort there, he hadn’t heard them over the blood in his ears, or his hands, or the floor.  
He wasn’t sure if the column moved first, or he did, but his knees slammed against the unforgiving, onyx floor, and his hands moved of their own accord.  For what use, he wouldn’t know.  His knowledge of medicine was like him, enough to get by but nothing extraordinary.  It existed for survival, and survival alone.  And God, if he could will that away to his better half in this moment, he would in the span of the rapid, alien heartbeat that didn’t flutter against his palm.
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ghostofasimov · 2 years
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✨Posting Tomorrow!!!✨
I hope you’re ready readers, Breaking a Sweat is coming soon to an AO3 link near you!! Here’s the last little teaser for you all before tomorrow!!
(Content warnings for blood, allusions to violence, and explosions below the cut)
He breathed in the remnants of conversations playing in his mind like a warped and tired record—
Sir, there’s been an attack planet-side.  
Shift.  Jab.  Jab.  Power hit.
An explosion.  Not a wee one by any means.
Shift.  Jab.  Knee.
Too many bodies to count and several more that have yet accounted for.  A bloody nightmare if you ask me.  
Parry.  Kick.  Shift.  Throw.
We haven’t been able to reach them.  
  Jab.  Jab.  Jab.  Jab.  Jab.  Jab.  Jab.
Sir, you cannae beam yourself down there, its too dangerous—Captain!
Spock.  Explosion.  Green.  So much green, he could still see it on his gloves, feel it on his body as warm liquid pooled from his jaw into his collarbones, covering him as he beat the bag senseless.  Every stroke of his fist couldn’t race against the unknown to protect any of them.  To protect his ship.  His crew.  Him. 
Captain?  Captain!
His hits became sloppy, the artistry was gone and anger settled into each tug of his muscles.  He resigned finesse for power, his fists falling harder and harder into the bag, each collision drowning out the pound of blood in his head that wasn’t his, the nightmare that hadn’t let him sleep for two weeks, the ache horror and madness of the cardinal sin he’d committed by becoming attached to a living, breathing being instead of living, breathing, and bleeding for the machine, and the machine alone.   
“Captain, if you continue striking with that much power and so little efficiency, you will tire before your opponent.”  
Spock.  That soft spoken, deep timbre could belong to no one else.  He turned, flushed and breathless, his mind racing with half a dozen things to ask him, and two dozen more to reprimand him for.  Before he could act on most of them, his throat dried at the sight of him and his lips pulled shut.  He must have come from the pool.  His hair was damp, and mussed, dark clumps matting to his forehead, the rest threatening to wave.  The robe he was wearing was a style that could have only been made on Vulcan, dark in contrast to his pale skin, the neckline deep enough that Jim could still see water on his chest, running along the beginnings of a mess of scars he knew hadn’t been there before.  
He cleared his throat and willed his mind to shift its focus anywhere but Spock and the pool.  “Don’t take this the wrong way, but when were you released from sickbay?”
“Earlier today, hence my presence here this evening,” he said, adding a coy lift to his brow.  “I find it far less unpleasant to acquiesce to the Doctor’s sentencing of unnecessary confinement than to entertain his emotional reaction to my objections later.”
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ghostofasimov · 2 years
✨ Writing Update!! ✨
I just finished the spar-thirst, angst-fest, I-almost-lost-you gem of a K/S fic I’ve been putting off finishing for months!! As soon as I get it beta-ed I’ll be sharing a post with a link to AO3 when I drop it!
I can’t wait to share it with you all! This fic has been a secret fave of mine for a while and I’m so glad I managed to get it to a point where I feel ready to release it to the wild!
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ghostofasimov · 2 years
WIP tag game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
I was tagged by @herself-nyc! Thank you so much for the tag, my dear!
I’ll be honest, I’ve definitely been slow to get back onto the writing saddle due to a deeply personal loss I had this summer, but I’m hoping after the holidays I can work on hopping back into a couple of my WIPs. I’m very grateful for the tag. I think this will be nice to look at my WIPs and see which ones are calling to me the most!
All of my current WIPs are fics for Star Trek TOS, and, naturally, Spirk fics. 😂
Before sharing some of my file and concept titles, I’m going to tag @thetimetostrikeislater and @blairamok (if either of you would like with no pressure to do so if you don’t feel like it!)
My WIP List:
• Vitrification
• Two Drifters
•Inelegant Devices
•Inscribed in Flesh
•The Losing Game
•Valley Through the Shadows
•Unnamed Post-Amok Time Accidental Marriage Angst Fest
(Note: A Seat at the Sadist’s Symposium is still very much on my WIP list but needs some heavy rethinking on my end for the direction of the middle of the story, and that coupled with the loss affecting my personal life has made this a very difficult project to dedicate my time to in order for me to give it the love and care it needs as a story, given the sensitive contents of it. I’m so grateful to you all for being patient and understanding as I work to find my voice with it again.)
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ghostofasimov · 2 years
✨Writing Update✨
Hello readers and fellow travelers!
I just finished my edits for Breaking a Sweat and am planning to post the fic this Friday evening.
Mark your calendars and prepare some snacks, it’s Fic-drop Friday and I can’t wait to finally share this with you all!!
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ghostofasimov · 2 years
Based off of the drabble prompts here!
Break Me—Write an angsty drabble. [Kirk/Spock, TOS—pre relationship, City on the Edge of Forever]
The furnace burned out hours ago, and Spock was shivering in their apartment—the flop, as Jim had called it— as he sat and worked with a surgical precision on the transistor panels of the crude motherboard that was laying across the second bed.  
Spock’s eyes didn’t raise to the door as he heard it open, Full footsteps entered the room, along with the cloying smell of feminine perfume mingled with pine and musk.  He didn’t need to ask to know where Kirk had been.  
Kirk froze in the doorway.  “I didn’t think you’d be awake.”
“We have an unknown deadline that draws closer the longer we remain in this century.  If we do not find the singularity—“ he tried to keep his shuddering to a minimum.  
“If you’re going to try and burn the midnight oil, you might actually want to burn something.”  Kirk’s footfalls grew closer as he made his way to the furnace, grabbing a log and tossing it into their wood-stove “It’s chilly in here.”
“We must conserve resources.”
He huffed as he lit the furnace, his face in a raptures, golden glow that glinted off his eyes as they turned to look at him.  “Spock, if I have to drag you half-frozen to a hospital in the middle of Earth’s 20th century, I think we’d be looking at bigger problems than resource conservation.  Besides, I’m sure Edith would be more than willing to lend us some supplies if it meant not freezing for the night.”  His features softened in the fire.  Spock had never recalled a time he’d seen him so relaxed.  A Vulcan should have felt nothing.  A friend should have been grateful.  Neither described the twist in his abdomen as he moved on to the next coupling of wires on his board.  “I’d make it up to her.”
“What if Doctor McCoy arrives tomorrow?”
“I’ll deal with that tomorrow, then.”
“She cannot take precedence over the ship, Jim.”
“I don’t need you to remind me of my priorities!” 
 “I would not if I saw no reason—“  A shudder ripped through him in violent waves against his spine, and by the wide eyed shock in Kirk’s face, he hadn’t succeeded in concealing this one.  
Warm hands that smelled like her brushed against his cheek.   “You’re freezing.”  
There were a dozen things Spock should have said as Kirk pulled him away from his work and led him towards the bed.  A hundred more when Kirk began pulling off their clothes, bundling them together beneath the blankets as any man trained in survival would.  A thousand as he felt skin, heat, and a heart that didn’t beat for him radiating against his back.  And against all logic, he sank against arms that weren’t meant to hold him and felt that voice he’d follow anywhere drone against him as the room filled with idle chatter about survival tactics and 20th century economics and Edith Keeler—
And for the first time since they had arrived in this archaic century, Spock could understand why Kirk wanted to hold onto an illusion a little longer.  
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ghostofasimov · 2 years
Time for a little Monday treat by way of handing out a snip from my fic Vitrification—my TOS Mirrorverse take on the ‘Amok Time’ storyline.
🌙🌌 ✨
Erikson and Alvarez accompanied him from the bridge to Deck five in a rare and stifled silence. Kirk was impressed. The two had been his guards long enough that they’d stop caring about the number of personal conversations he was privy to. They were more entitled to the ship’s gossip and rumor mill than Kirk would ever be, and other than being a source of mild amusement in the isolation of his position, it also had served to save his life on more than one occaision. It wasn’t until they passed the turn onto the corridor of Deck five that he finally caught on—Alvarez’s lips were pulled taut, his cheeks flushed and glowing with the effort of holding in his laughter.
“Shut your shithole,” Erikson snapped.
Alvarez’s grin widened in a brilliant flash of teeth. “Oh come on that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all day, Rex. I’ve seen dozens of objects used as a murder weapon, but soup?!”
“Do you know how hard a Vulcan Extee can throw?” Erikson wave his hand around his neck. “I thought he was going to take my head off with the bowl!”
It only served to make Alvarez laugh harder. “Well, if Soltone’s color of the year is Plomeek, you’ve already got a head start on your uniform.”
Erikson rolled his eyes. “The agonizer booth is more of a riot than you are, Luís.”
“What’s this about soup?” Kirk watched them flinch, Erikson jumping at the tone of his voice, and Alvarez playing off his discomfort with an easy smile.
“Nothing, sir,” Erikson replied, pulling his uniform tunic straight as he continued walking down the corridor.
“Commander Spock decided his breakfast looked better on Rex’s face,” Alvarez’s Cheshire grin had Erikson muttering curses under his breath. “Hurled the whole bowl of soup at him. Stain’s still on the wall and everything.”
Kirk’s brow furrowed and his steps slowed as he tried to picture the scene. “Why, out of all people on this ship, would Commander Spock throw something at you if it wasn’t in self-defense?”
“Beats me. I thought Vulcans were pacifists,” Erikson said. “Look, I didn’t want to be on his tail as much as he didn’t, I was just trying to strike up some conversation to ease the atmosphere. One comment about shore leave and recreation dens—and the next thing I know I’m about to have a ceramic headpiece permanently fused to my skull.”
Kirk’s frown deepened. He almost wouldn’t have believed it was true, but the faint purple staining on the front of Erikson’s uniform was unmistakable for the deep hue of Plomeek soup, and as he rounded the hall to his quarters, he could see its matching culprit, the majority of the contents of Spock’s soup, lingering on the panel of the wall across from his cabin door. Spock could exercise violence if necessary. They’d crossed paths enough times under different circumstances for Kirk to know he wasn’t someone to underestimate in a fight. But now that Spock had the choice, violence was a last resort and even then, he detested it enough that he’d frequently abstain from it, often at his own expense.
Kirk sighed and turned to Erikson after he keyed in the code for his room. “You really brought up recreation dens in front of a Vulcan? If I were Mister Spock, I’d have half a mind to hurl a bowl at your head, too.”
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ghostofasimov · 2 years
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Title: lsn’t That Worth A Career? Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series Pairing: Kirk/Spock [Pre-Slash/Pre-Relationship] Rating: E Warnings: Unresolved Romantic and Sexual Tension, They don’t get together Words: 4,848 [One-shot, Complete] Summary: In the aftermath of Spock's Pon Farr, Kirk realizes the lines between their professional and personal relationship are not as clear cut as they should be. [A post-Amok Time with lots of pining and two fools who just won’t cross that line.]
Read my first published one-shot here!
Edit: Feel free to reblog and share with folks if it interests you! I’m slowly managing my way through learning to build an audience for my work. Thank you all for the continued support. ❤️
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