#gideons prickery
shroomidude · 10 months
Hello! I am Shroomidude! I have gone by a lotta different names online over time and this is the one I've settled for. (Doesn't mean I don't love it, I love mycology!!) I've been dedicated to my art since first grade, now I'm in highschool and am still in love with art. I like to write as well, I've been trying to find a way to fit my characters into one story that wasn't wholly reliant on my friends. I ended up creating The Elevator. And that really helps me with the incorporation of my ocs.
My characters are as follows:
JINX- (#lovey jinx) Ruler over the domain known as the Lover's Garden. Friend of Josephine. She's considered a queen, rather than a goddess in her world. It's all for the pursuit of love and joy.
TAMSIN- (#tamsin belle) Dead and shoved into an afterlife in a cage, permanent slumber. She emits enough energy on her own to need to be kept in by force. Her guards fear her waking up.
HELIA- (#guardian helia) She passed and was one of the unfortunate few who were tasked with watching over Tamsin, and monitoring her slumber. She's not afraid of Tamsin waking up, she prays it would let them leave their nothingness.
JOSEPHINE- (#josephines madness) The "main character" and main keeper of documents covering the afterlives. Was once an anxious 16 year old girl who passed in a car crash after leaving her school. She's now an omen of death, working under The Elevator. Her preferred nickname is Joss.
GIDEON- (#gideons prickery) First person Joss met upon waking within the elevator. He's an ass just to be an ass. Most often walking around the human realm and not transporting souls of the dead. He's cursed by the elevator, not to be an omen of death. But to be forever in tune with the thoughts of those around him.
HELDOCHT- (#the elevator #the elder hole) An elder being, now commonly in an elevator form yet started as an endless hole. It holds over its designated "employees" with curses and markings and gives them meaning to their non-lives. In return, all the employees must do is bring the souls to their final rest.
TWENTY EIGHT- (#funky android) Once a spunky, albeit unhinged and nutty android, she now rules over her own playpen afterlife where she has subjects that view her like a monster goddess. She sees the world... differently than her subjects do. She sees them loving her, as she gifts them with everything they could possibly need. Her people can only watch as she completely destroys them and their homes.
I have made 5 other tags for various things.
(#shroomis lore)- for my story lore and my lore-related stuff as I try to build it up.
(#unrelated shroom talks)- probably just talks about everything and anything I really don't know.
(#shroomis art)- my art stuff!!
(#shroomis ocs)- posts that feature my ocs!!!
(#shroomis asks)- ask posts of my story and ocs (and possibly me?!?!?! bonkers.)
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halfdeadfriedrice · 3 years
I've just discovered one of my favorite things, which is that Gideon is maybe the only person on the whole of the benighted First House who actually wants to listen to Naberius, despite noting the obvious glaze of any of his conversational partners, but he won't speak to her due to his inherent prickery
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shroomidude · 10 months
“I died and then I woke up again, that's just how it was. I should've been dead and I woke up again.”
“It felt like being thrown out of a bad dream, you know? That panicky energy you feel afterwards, as you sit and wonder whether or not you're still alive. Like an almost out of body experience, I guess you could call it. Well, I thought I'd meet the end the way my Ma always told me I'd meet it. "It" is hell, in this case. My mother was… a bit of a religious nut case. Instead, I was met with an elevator.”
“That elevator…”
She lets out a deep, stressed sigh. Her brows are furrowed, the words trying to come to mind.
“It was surrounded by smoke, and I was drawn to it. There was something…off about it. I couldn't focus at all because my mind was still spinning. But, for some reason, I was walking towards the doors. With my head high and chest puffed, I was walking towards the elevator. And it opened for me, I didn't push a button or anything. As I walked towards it, those doors were opening. I stopped just outside of its entrance, and it made that familiar elevator ding.
For whatever reason, that little noise calmed me. I suddenly felt like I was at home. Well, I walked inside that box, for whatever reason I was confident as could be. My hand moved on its own and pushed the button. I think I blacked out, maybe?”
“Then I remember waking up inside the elevator, and I knew who the man in the room with me was. I don't think I'd ever met him before. His name was Gideo— well, is Gideon. He was apparently working with me, which at the time I don't think I should've known. It's not like he would've told me we were working together himself, he's a prick. I just knew. Exactly like how I knew what I was doing in the elevator, and I knew what the markings on me were.
I don't think I've ever felt so calm in a situation so jarring. There were so many things happening at once and yet I could only feel that spinning sensation. If what I knew was true, I should've been going mad in that elevator. It wasn't a god, no. It was Heldocht, something far beyond me. Well, this was around the time I realized I hopped from one life to another, more complicated one. Somehow I managed to squeeze in a forever job along with it.
Which really wasn't the worst. It was lonely, sure. It's not like Gideon hung around much. But he had his own things to do, I believe. I was “fixed” to be able to handle lack of interaction, and general loneliness, among some other things. I could handle those huge feelings far better than I could when I was alive. At the time I barely felt at all. It's a strange adjustment process, within the elevator. You have to find your own way to properly feel again. It’s like it erased bits of my identity so I could change for it. To become better….but who am I to assume?”
She chuckles a bit, finding humor in it all. It’s all very funny isn’t it? Going from a fun, but stressful situation where she had a found family…to a completely neutral environment, with almost an entire lack of anything. There’s nothing to stress over, save for the times she had to defend herself. Sometimes things from the afterlife try to breach from their hold, it never ends well. They just go back to their hold.
She looks back, seeming to realize how long the silence has dragged on for. Uncomfortably, she clears her throat.
“Ahem— anyways, while I was in this funky period where I was trying to figure myself out, I was also doing my job. It’s nothing much, all I have to do is transport souls of the dead to their destination. It’s really not all that complicated, either. The inside of the elevator is huge, so it can carry the souls and whatever energy they hold with them. You just press a button and go. The trips seem long, but in reality time moves much quicker within the elevator to keep up with the many strings of the universe. I’d have to count in millenniums for how long I’ve been there. Even with all the time I’ve been, sometimes I still feel like I’m that anxious 16 year-old kid back in U.A.. I just chalk it up to being homesick. Though with how time moved in my world, I would’ve been around twenty one or twenty two, right? Twenty one or twenty two, yeah.
I never really did move on from back then, I’ve just become numb to the memories.”
“I dunno how long it took until I learned I could “sink in” to myself. I can delve into my consciousness and dig through my thoughts, memories, and whatnot. Even the things I’ve repressed have come back to me. I like to look through my times back at school. Sometimes, I pause those moments just so I can see everyone’s face again. It’s nice. They’re happy. I looked at myself…and I couldn’t figure out what I was feeling. My memories are like…uhm… kind of like snow globes, I guess. The ones with music boxes that can move, y’know? They’re all scattered around me. I can enter those and just— revisit my memories. It’s nice sometimes, painful other times, and sometimes I’ve felt nothing at all.”
She appears to get lost in thought for a moment, her eyes become distant. It’s a dead, empty stare. She blinks a bit, and she regains that life to her eyes. She looks fine.
“Learned I had more powers, but I lost my quirk along with it. I don’t think I really cared at the time, that quirk held bad memories. It held ties to a family I no longer serve. It wasn’t useful to me, it wasn’t helping me, and after a while it just made me sick. So, I’m fine with no longer having a quirk in my system. An upside to the elevator “fixing me,” as Gideon puts it. I thought it was a silly way of putting it at the time. I still do. But he’s a muddy bull’s dick, so I really don’t give a damn about him. He put me through hell whenever he got the chance, so I always got a bit happier there when he left. It was a small joy, just having some peace and quiet. I think I learned to cherish solitude.
Whenever I had the time, I kept sinking deeper and deeper within my memories— within my head. It looked a bit like I was taking a nap, and I was still somewhat aware of what was going on around me. I could pop out of it to move on to the next floor for the next batch of souls. I-it starts to get messy after a while. Not that I can mess with my memories, it's just that- sometimes I’d uncover things I didn’t want to see. And that’d mess with me. A lot. So, after a while I started to try and do it less. I just wanted to see my friends again, you know? It’s been more than beyond our times, and yet I still can’t get over anything. I can’t move on. Sometimes I feel stuck in time, but everything’s still moving. I can’t stop it.
I wish time could just wait a moment. Even if it was for a second, just so I can catch up. Take a breath and catch up, that’s all I want to do.”
“I’ve entered some of the afterlives before, most certainly haven’t seen them all yet. I’m just glad that I’m not part of them. The elevator feeds off of their energy, whether it’s a punishment or a reward or something in between, it feeds off of their energy and whatever comes from that. That’s all it is, pure energy. The souls are made of pure energy, whatever they let off is pure energy. All it is for the elevator is a full-course meal. It eats from them, lets them make more energy, then it eats again. It’s a working cycle where everything gets what it gets. Their end is their end. Whether it’s what they deserve or not was never part of the question. It’s random selection, or confined to their beliefs. Whatever happens, it’s what they got. It’s not like they could have a say in the matter.”
She looks down, clearing her throat again as she nervously rubs her thighs up and down through her pants. Her mind was starting to race and mumble and it was driving her crazy. She couldn’t be here anymore, telling this to people who couldn’t hear. It’s insane, isn’t it? The way she talks, she speaks like they’re strangers. Frozen in time, the memory of her friends was right in front of her. Her breathing went ragged and she just kept staring at them all. Every one of them.
It all disappears, and she’s back in the elevator. Surrounded by souls which desperately need to move on, she shoves her way through the crowd and pushed the button. She uses her sleeves to wipe away the damp feeling on her face.
It’s time to move on to the next floor.
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