#shroomis asks
shroomiwoomi · 1 year
Queer IS still used as an insult. Its used as an insult in a lot of places and I see it used pretty often like that on the internet
I don't. It's your opinion. I was just stating a definition and my opinion, but if it is still used as an insult, that doesn't mean it can't be used to describe queer people.
Sorry, don't really want to get involved in discourse. Just want to make sure people know my opinions on my blog before engaging.
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shroomidude · 10 months
Hello! I am Shroomidude! I have gone by a lotta different names online over time and this is the one I've settled for. (Doesn't mean I don't love it, I love mycology!!) I've been dedicated to my art since first grade, now I'm in highschool and am still in love with art. I like to write as well, I've been trying to find a way to fit my characters into one story that wasn't wholly reliant on my friends. I ended up creating The Elevator. And that really helps me with the incorporation of my ocs.
My characters are as follows:
JINX- (#lovey jinx) Ruler over the domain known as the Lover's Garden. Friend of Josephine. She's considered a queen, rather than a goddess in her world. It's all for the pursuit of love and joy.
TAMSIN- (#tamsin belle) Dead and shoved into an afterlife in a cage, permanent slumber. She emits enough energy on her own to need to be kept in by force. Her guards fear her waking up.
HELIA- (#guardian helia) She passed and was one of the unfortunate few who were tasked with watching over Tamsin, and monitoring her slumber. She's not afraid of Tamsin waking up, she prays it would let them leave their nothingness.
JOSEPHINE- (#josephines madness) The "main character" and main keeper of documents covering the afterlives. Was once an anxious 16 year old girl who passed in a car crash after leaving her school. She's now an omen of death, working under The Elevator. Her preferred nickname is Joss.
GIDEON- (#gideons prickery) First person Joss met upon waking within the elevator. He's an ass just to be an ass. Most often walking around the human realm and not transporting souls of the dead. He's cursed by the elevator, not to be an omen of death. But to be forever in tune with the thoughts of those around him.
HELDOCHT- (#the elevator #the elder hole) An elder being, now commonly in an elevator form yet started as an endless hole. It holds over its designated "employees" with curses and markings and gives them meaning to their non-lives. In return, all the employees must do is bring the souls to their final rest.
TWENTY EIGHT- (#funky android) Once a spunky, albeit unhinged and nutty android, she now rules over her own playpen afterlife where she has subjects that view her like a monster goddess. She sees the world... differently than her subjects do. She sees them loving her, as she gifts them with everything they could possibly need. Her people can only watch as she completely destroys them and their homes.
I have made 5 other tags for various things.
(#shroomis lore)- for my story lore and my lore-related stuff as I try to build it up.
(#unrelated shroom talks)- probably just talks about everything and anything I really don't know.
(#shroomis art)- my art stuff!!
(#shroomis ocs)- posts that feature my ocs!!!
(#shroomis asks)- ask posts of my story and ocs (and possibly me?!?!?! bonkers.)
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asksmg4hollowau · 23 days
*bursts in cutely*
Hey Shroomy, opinions on Karen :3
Same for Anti
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"I'm grateful for her help with the gardens in the back! It's hard for me to do it by myself..."
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"She's fine I guess... Gives Mr. sunshine and rainbows someone to talk to constantly... she's also... pretty nice to me as well I guess..."
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nikki-tine · 2 months
Help help help im in a lee mood bc of one of ur reblogs of my post WHAT U DID TO MEEEEE/playful
Now im gonna be bratty and FUCKING bashfulllll!!!
Fuck fuck fuck
Haha C:< Gottem. Well, Guess what...
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Good luck trying. Chances are, you may end up with some extra hands squeezing your sides!
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so dim quadrants.. ok so you said lady rose can control people with her plants? if she does do they get freed?
It really depends!
In cases like Meggy, Karen, and Cody, Lady Rose didn't see them as a massive threat, so they're under a very light control. They're allowed to roam free around the base as they can't really break free of the plant's control. She dies, they're freed.
(Meggy wasn't see as a massive threat due to her being a) human and b) Lady Rose caught her off guard so Meggy couldn't fight back. Lady Rose did have to contend with Karen's shotgun for a bit though.)
SMG3&4 are under a more tight control. Her power is more ingrained in them, though that's because of their code. Its constantly fighting against the control, and they do have moments of clarity from time to to time. In their case, they'd be down and out for the count for a good while, but they'd live. Shroomy is also under this level of control due to Anti-Shroomy coming out one time and Lady Rose deciding to NEVER risk that again.
(Also, fun fact, but Lady Rose is deathly afraid of Meme Energy! Before she got SMG4 and SMG3, she made the mistake of saying she'd find Lily and maybe get rid of her in front of them and.. yeah, you do not say that to two fathers who are still grieving, even if it isn't a current priority.)
Melony.. well just see Duck's amazing idea lol.
In Bob's case.. it'd be a matter of if she dies first or she makes him die first.
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2truehearts · 4 months
by paparazzi i mean my irl bestie ( she took several photos of us 2gether helpel me )
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sleepybite · 1 year
what is OFF
please info dump on me /gen
OFF is a French classic RPG game that came out in 2008, but has gotten multiple translations over the years! The most common translation used is from 2011 iirc! The team that made it is named "Unproductive Fun Time" with two members: Mortis Ghost and Alias Conrad Coldwood! Mortis coded the game and drew all of the artwork, and Alias came up/composed all of the music!
you play as a character named ‘The Batter’ and you are purely here to assist him in purifying each zone you come across—getting rid of specters(ghosts) and helping the town’s people. In total there are four zones with one secret location, and each zone has several unique puzzles and lore that is told within them all by the townspeople/employees you encounter. (the world of OFF is fucking surreal. there’s blood/meat rivers/water, the citizens breathe smoke, and they extract minerals from cows—shit like iron. all revealed in towns/work history). you, the player, is also technically a character as well, but you are only acknowledged by Batter himself and two of the characters who can break the fourth wall.
each zone has a “guardian” that acts as a final boss when you finish clearing everything. each guardian is unique like their zone and had a unique personality and design. once you defeat a guardian, the zone is purified. if you were to come back from another zone, everything would be white and “pure”, and the music would be significantly different.
i feel i should mention this game makes you question your choices. the way the characters speak to you, the way the fourth wall breaking characters speak to you, directly, it makes you think twice about what you’re doing. but it’s not like some other games. you stick to the path you make and you have to make a decision at the complete end of game.
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ask-bayfire · 2 months
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Cum and stop me.
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silentmoor · 24 days
Existence is suffering and time is an illusion, there is only back pain....
But more on that later! Now is the time for shroomies! Specifically ✨️Anthro Shroomies✨️
Am I going to get all up into the lore of how the colloquially named "anthros" came about in the species Canon? Am I going to explain why the entity that created shroomies saw it necessary for them to be able to grow in this manner to defend themselves and their hives from invasive species and humans?
Nope :D
I'm too lazy for that today. Today is show and tell in class and it's my turn with the talking stick.
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This is an example of an anthro shroomie (who is currently available on my toyhou.se for $7.50)! Anthros have 4 fingies on the ledol hands to pick things up, be that a rock to build a wall or a stick to shank your kidneys. They're not hostile by nature, but they will defend themselves or the colony when provoked. But more on that later :3
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F2U and P2U versions of the base I made this bean on are available on my toyhou.se and Ko-Fi respectively if you're interested. The f2u base is only the base lines with no extra features and will not be expanded in the future. The p2u has what is listed in the image and will be added onto down the line.
If you want to learn more about "anthro" or standard shroomies, you're more than welcome to join the server ^v^)/
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theredhotshot · 3 months
braces anon, noticed that I didn't finished my message
I hope your braces don't hurt rn :]!!
Ah! Gotcha.
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melitheduck · 7 months
mitsuba yes or no
(this is a survey that is based off of the enthusiasm in your answer)
Love him♡
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asksmg4hollowau · 2 months
Hollow!Shroomy introduction
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Species: Owlbear/Mushroom Age: 43 Gender: Male Height: 6"3 (Shroomy) 7"3 (Anti)
Shroomy is what seems to be a mix of an owlbear and a mushroom creature. He is very kind and works with children well even for the origins of the owlbear species and is not very aggressive on first contact unless provoked. He actually is a scout troop leader for a group of younger monsters and seems to excel at his job. He is not very aggressive towards humans and will generally wave or say hi to them while walking by, but, even for how friendly he is he is incredibly skilled in combat, and it is not advised you provoke him as he will fight back. Anti is his other half, through study, we have found out they are two separate entities in one body, Anti being very highly aggressive. Though he won't out right attack people Anti has been seen attacking others, including other monsters, though this behavior has seemed to calm down a bit in him, they are still very aggressive towards certain people. It is highly advised that you stay away from Anti. More documents will be make soon. Signed Researcher Niles.
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nikki-tine · 2 months
Liam peeked into Ians room. Seeing him sleeping. Snoring loudly.. huh. A big guy that snores like a loud bear. Funny!
"Iiiiiiiiaaaaaaannnn!" Liam crawled onto his bed and tugged onto his sweater Ian grunted as he felt being pushed.
"Ian, I'm boooorrred!"
"Uuurrghhh... Liam I'll play with you when I'm awaaakeee.."
"But you're already awake!"
"I'm half awake... there's a difference y'know.."
"Well still. My point claims."
Ian sighed in a tired frustrated grunt. He just wants to sleep but he couldn't if the kiddo is botherin' him. Well... can Ian blame Liam? Liam is a but attachy and wants to bond with those he's close with and he adores that about Liam.
"Lee, please... thirty more minutes... and I promise I will play with you.." Ian begged.
Liam huffed... "Fiiiinnneee.." Liam whined as he got off the bed as he pretended to walk away.. he closed the door. Making Ian believe he left his room, leaving the man sigh in satisfaction. Until he felt some hands grabbing his sides and feeling them scribble and scratch. Making Ian squirm, "A-ah!!" Ian yelped in a surprised manner. Liam giggled as he continued. "Hehe! I'm sure this is a fun game isn't it, Ian?" Liam sneered playfully while the man under him is squirming and slamming his fist onto the bed and pillows.
"DAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAMMIT LIHIHIAM!!-" Ian squaked at the younger boy, his face turned bright red like a tomato. Liam cooed in a high falsetto as he scribbled onto Ians ribs and back. Switching spots like crazy! "Tickletickletickle!~" He cooed at Ian as if he was a newborn. "Getchygetchygoo!~" "SHUHUT UHUHUP!!" Ian shook his head, laughing his head off. Liam was having fun but... pretty sure Ian isn't.
(You can draw or sketch something that is like a part 2 of this or whatever-)
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haerius · 4 months
tell me. EVERYTHING. on ur mind that you wanna tell me. please. hehe <3
GRRR… i’m rhinking abt how soft suguru would be 2 me like . that man is the audio “a hero would sacrifice you to save the world, but a villain would sacrifice the world to save you” AND HE’S THE VILLAIN!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA
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2truehearts · 5 months
have. have i told you about my selfship blog yet.
stop the car. U. U have a selfship blog.
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lovestruckpdf · 5 months
-me about you to twiggles
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