#gitf for students
merisaiart · 9 months
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loupettes · 3 years
A year of loup.fics 🎉
A year ago today, I posted my first ever piece of fanfic! 👏🏻 237801 words later, I've done a cheeky roundup of all 67 pieces of work I've written in my first year.
Purple: Upon reflection, these are my favourite pieces ☺️
Blue: Teen rating
I’ve had a blast writing the stories I have, and I cannot believe the amount of reception they’ve received. I never thought I’d get into the world of fan fiction writing, but it’s turned out to be something I really enjoy doing. Escapism/denial of responsibilities at its finest!
Things I want to tackle within the next year
a GITF fix-it (it’s in the works!)
FINALLY post one of the E ratings in my drafts 👀
Finish doomsday 
Post more Nine!
Here’s the complete list!
soho down to peckham, then back up again | hiraeth 
redamancy | prate | schiamatchy | morosis | fanaa | yoko meshi | liberosis | ephemeral | laconic | ab initio | eccedentesiast | aegis | lacuna | dès vu | kilig | mamihlapinatapei | natsukashii | dépaysement | exulansis | procellous | woolgathering | matutine | greng-jai | samba | washing | sphallolalia | the stone rose | spaghettification and the singularity | a thousand times but only once | mistletoe| gingerbread | midnight | apricity | twenty one | eight, nine, ten   
clinomania | suspiration | limerence | latibule | caim | anacampserote | goetic | gotong-royong | quab | kit kat caramac | safeway in thornton heath | marylebone to king's cross | a thousand times but only once 
new earth | tooth and claw | school reunion | the girl in the fireplace | 2.04.1 | rise of the cybermen | the age of steel | the idiot's lantern | the impossible planet | the satan pit | 2.09.1 | love and monsters | fear her | army of ghosts | doomsday 
Click under the cut for more details, or click a random link above and see where it takes you!
redamancy: 321 words, TEN x ROSE. Fear Her missing scene ficlet.
prate: 3962 words, TEN x ROSE. New Years Eve party domestics.
clinomania: 2302 words, TENTOO x ROSE. Their beginning on the parallel world.
schiamatchy: 2773 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose feels the devil's prophecy following Krop Tor.
morosis: 1489 words, TEN x ROSE. Small ficlet whereby Rose and the Doctor escape prison.
fanaa: 2121 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-Satan Pit missing scene ficlet.
concilliabule: 1048 words, NO PAIRING. The Tyler fam & Mickey getting up to no good on the parallel world.
suspiration: 1095 words, TENTOO x ROSE. The Doctor and Rose get locked out of the TARDIS.
limerence: 2002 words, TENTOO x ROSE. Things get a little heated after Tony's birthday party between the Doctor and Rose.
latibule: 682 words, TENTOO x ROSE. The Doctor plays a game of Marco/Polo with his family.
yoko meshi: 2293 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose finds a new way to tell the Doctor how long she plans on staying with him.
caim: 2190 words, TEN x ROSE. The Impossible Planet missing scene.
liberosis: 2868 words, TEN x ROSE. Takes place during School Reunion. The Doctor talks to one of his students about love.
ephemeral: 4271 words, TEN x ROSE. Devastated after losing Rose, the Doctor runs into a past version of her on the TARDIS.
laconic: 3041 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-Age of Steel anger UST.
ab initio: 2354 words, TEN x ROSE. After the Christmas Invasion, Rose and the new Doctor have a chat.
eccedentesiast: 2954 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-the Idiot's Lantern. The Doctor takes Rose somewhere and they talk about the events of the day.
anacampserote: 3380 words, TENTOO x ROSE. The Doctor does his best to help Rose adjust to this new him.
aegis: 3596 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-New Earth, the Doctor looks after a post-psychograft Rose
lacuna: 4412 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose learns of what happened to Nine.
goetic: 2104 words, TENTOO x ROSE. Halloween nonsense where the Doctor, Rose, and Tony play a game to spook Jackie.
dès vu: 2619 words, TEN x ROSE. A quiet moment of stargazing between the Doctor and Rose.
kilig: 2669 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose flirts with somebody at a bar, and the Doctor get jealous.
gotong-royong: 1839 words, TENTOO x ROSE. A disaster in London strikes, and Rose panics she might have lost the Doctor.
mamihlapinatapei: 4538 words, TEN x ROSE. A morning in bed spent discussing their relationship.
natsukashii: 2820 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor draws Rose a bath after finding a rare moment of quiet between themselves.
quab: 2365 words, TENTOO x ROSE. The Doctor and Rose play a daft game they used to play back on the other universe.
dépaysement: 4744 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor and Rose run into Jimmy Stone at the pub.
exulansis: 5797 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose comforts the Doctor after a nightmare.
ataraxia: 4121 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-The Satan Pit, Rose can't sleep.
procellous: 5728 words, TENTOO x ROSE. A stormy night in Pete's world, Rose finally gets to ask the questions she's been wanting to since they were separated.
woolgathering: 1227 words, TEN x ROSE. Small scene where Doomsday never happens!
kit kat caramac: 2094 words, TENTOO x ROSE. The Doctor has something to hopefully cheer up a very pregnant Rose.
amity: 2690 words, NO PAIRING. A Journey's End missing scene when Rose, Donna and Martha get to talk.
matutine: 3015 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-Fear Her, the Doctor tells Rose he loves her.
greng-jai: 5570 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor seemed to have gotten the wrong idea about their relationship.
samba: 2186 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-New Earth, Rose learns of what she did when possessed by Cassandra and, suffice to say, is mortified. The Doctor tries his best to fix it.
washing: 1322 words, TEN x ROSE. Domestic fluff and a broken washing machine.
safeway in thornton heath: 2745 words, TENTOO x ROSE. Rose and Tentoo stop at the supermarket on their way back from Norway, and Rose can't help but feel a twinge of guilt at the monotonous life the Doctor now faces.
sphallolalia: 17484 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose is the maid of honour for Shareen’s wedding, but the Doctor, unsurprisingly, doesn’t seem all that enticed by a day of romance and weddings, and Rose is starting to draw the attention of others, one of whom is Jimmy Stone.
marylebone to king's cross: 2513 words, TENTOO x ROSE. Tentoo and Rose on their ten-year anniversary.
the stone rose: 3339 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-The Stone Rose, the Doctor regrets the events of the day — or rather, what that kiss might have done to his and Rose's relationship.
spaghettification and the singularity: 6773 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose is sick on Krop Tor, and she worries it might have something to do with the black hole above them. The Doctor does his best to comfort her and get her to sleep.
soho down to peckham, then back up again: 4508 words, NINE x ROSE. Rose tries to go 24 hours back at home without talking to the Doctor, but he can't do the same to her.
a thousand times but only once: 6656 words, TENTOO x ROSE. Rose wakes one ordinary Saturday morning to find the Doctor she's been building a life with making her pancakes in the kitchen.
Until he's not the Doctor she's been building a life with.
new earth: 8584 words, TEN x ROSE. Set after the Doctor and Rose drop Chip off to say goodbye to Cassandra, where the two spend a night in New New York getting to know the new him. Fluff, humour and a sprinkling of romance.
tooth and claw: 2720 words, TEN x ROSE. Takes place on the cart ride back to the TARDIS. Fluff, humour and a slightly hormonal Rose Tyler faced with a devilishly handsome Tenth Doctor.
school reunion: 5416 words, TEN x ROSE. Split into two chapters: chapter one takes place the morning of, chapter two takes place in the evening following their trip to Deffry Vale High.
the girl in the fireplace: 7076 words, TEN x ROSE. Two chapters, takes place after the Doctor severs all links on the ship and tries to mend his relationship with Rose.
2.04.1: 2727 words, TEN x ROSE. Set between the Girl in the Fireplace and Rise of the Cybermen. There's still a lot left to discuss following the events on that spaceship and the nature of the Doctor and Reinette's relationship, and Rose wants the answers to questions she’s been too afraid to ask.
rise of the cybermen: 4539 words, TEN x ROSE. Takes place at Pete's mansion, where Rose is saddened, conflicted, and most certainly bored. She and the Doctor play a game of 'Who am I?' away from Jackie's party to pass the time.
the age of steel: 9295 words, TEN x ROSE. Takes place after the Doctor drops Rose off at her mum's. Rose mourns the loss of Mickey, and deals with the aftermath of having two of the most important people in her life turn her away. And, worryingly, the Doctor is nowhere to be found. Has he left her, too?
the idiot's lantern: 7642 words, TEN x ROSE. Takes place at the street party following the events of the day. The Doctor and Rose enjoy the end of an evening of laughter and giddiness together with a dance. But Rose can feel herself getting nervous as the night comes, afraid that she might be reliving the day in her nightmares.
the impossible planet: 10395 words, TEN x ROSE. Two chapters: chapter one takes place in the canteen pre-mortgage chat, where the Doctor struggles with the strange sensation that he's on the verge of something quite terrifying — and oddly tempting; chapter two takes place that night when Rose can't sleep and the Doctor offers her comfort.
the satan pit: 12522 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose and the Doctor wind down after their escape from Krop Tor, and Rose can feel a shift in the Doctor's demeanour and their relationship. But as the end of the evening approaches, her anxieties following their time on that planet still haven't been addressed, and she's a bit too afraid to do so.
2.09.1: 4278 words, TEN x ROSE. Set between The Satan Pit and Love and Monsters. The Doctor finds himself completely and utterly in love with Rose Tyler as they stand beneath the stars on a frozen lake.
love and monsters: 5676 words, TEN x ROSE. Takes place after their encounter with the Abzorbaloff. The Doctor and Rose spend the night at Jackie's following what happened with Elton, and Rose has caught quite the cold. But Jackie's started to notice things have changed a little between Rose and the Doctor, and she has some questions for the man who is, quite obviously, very in love with her daughter.
fear her: 5163 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor takes Rose for a peaceful breakfast picnic on an uninhabited planet before their trip to the 2012 summer Olympics in London.
army of ghosts: 4941 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor and Rose enjoy a domestic morning in bed, talking about horoscopes and taking relationship quizzes that ultimately lead to more serious conversations.
doomsday: 24827 words, TEN x ROSE. Tells the story of how the Doctor went from losing Rose at Canary Wharf to finding her on Bad Wolf Bay, with past missing scenes of their time together that detail just how he was able to do so. [UNFINISHED] ... good luck loup.
mistletoe: 4931 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor suffers a Christmas party back in present day London with Rose.
gingerbread: 3336 words, TEN x ROSE. The TARDIS is transformed into a gingerbread house!
midnight: 7187 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor pines over Rose at a New Year's Eve party.
apricity: 2990 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor and Rose, on the TARDIS, Christmas Eve, getting ready for Christmas back on the Powell Estate.
hiraeth: 4941 words, NINE x ROSE. After leaving the Doctor alone in his grief, Rose is still upset over what happened that day he left her and Mickey on that spaceship for Reinette. She goes to find him and confront her feelings, but runs into somebody she could never have imagined to instead.
twenty one: 12439 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor attends Rose's 21st birthday party.
eight, nine, ten: 20585 words, TEN x ROSE, EIGHT x ROSE. The Doctor takes Rose to 2030's New York to investigate paranormal activity at a nightclub. Rose, exhausted from their flirting that seems to be going nowhere, meets a man who charms her in a way she can't quite explain.
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kelkat-9 · 5 years
Kelkat9 Master Fic List
In Progress - all stories will be linked to AO3 unless only on Teaspoon/ Thanks for reading my stories!
Updated 4/13/18
Following Are My Series/Verses
Dark!Ten Verse - Series is numbered for reading order (Dark!Ten x Rose) ADULT/NSFW
Victorian Verse - TenII x Rose - These are historical time travel in Pete’s World - Teen but one story (a one shot is NSFW)
Forever is Full of Twists and Turns - Eleven x Immortal Rose thus far - more might be added later with Twelve - this is one you should probably read in order - Teen until story #5 the some NSFW parts
Through the Void and Darkness - Ten x Rose - reunion and AU at JE - it would be best to read this one in order as well.  NSFW bits in Story #2
Lordstorm and His LiveJournal Adventures - TenII x Rose - some are NSFW - I wrote these early on so they need polishing - CrackFic and humor
Time, Eternals and the Domestic Life - TenII/Rose Adventures in Pete’s World domestic and otherwise - some are kidfic and some NSFW
Greek Gods - The Adventures of Hades and Persephone and their Friends - AU Peter V/Rose - NSFW mostly - modern mythology
Dark, Dangerous and Otherworldly - Ten/Rose AU - Ghost Verse NSFW
Dark Journeys - Ten/Rose UA - Dark!Ten
Santa Baby - Ten/Rose AU CEO/Employee  BDSM NSFW
Sir Alec and Lady Rose - Alec H/Rose AU Historical
Eleventh Doctor - Eleven/Immortal Rose  AU one NSFW
A Dark Path to Redemption - NSFW in one chapter but otherwise adult.  This is a Dark!Ten x Rose mythology AU
A Girl and Her Frog - Ten x Rose - fairy tale AU  Teen
A Sip of Darkness, A Taste of Light - Adult - Hades/Perspehone type Nine x Rose AU
Blood Death & Shagging - Peter Vincent x Rose the slayer - vampire/Fright Night AU - NSFW and copious cursing - it’s Peter Vincent!
Claimed by Moonlight - NSFW - Darker Dom Ten x Rose - He’s an Alpha ;)  Sort of a wolf au
Definitely Not a Debutante - Ten x Rose  spy/mystery woman AU - NSFW part
Doctorella -  Ten x Rose  Fairy Tale AU  Teen
Finding Harmony - Ten x Rose   Rock Star Rose AU  Teen to Adult for language
Happily Ever After Isn’t Just a Fairy Tale - Ten x Rose  Royal AU.  NSFW - 2 chapts.  A King and his braid with much going wrong in his kingdom except for a blonde lady who steals his heart
Legend of the Traveling House - NSFW in one chapt so far.  Nine x Rose.  Sort of like an altverse reimagining of Gallifrey
Tardis Toys - Ten x Rose Teen - very sweet romance.  toy shop au
The Academy - Ten x Rose   Super Power Teens/Mutant Teens AU - Rated Teen
The Blue Box Case - Ten x Rose   Adult Spy AU - my first of this kind so it’s a little rough but it’s cute and flirty with a touch of angst
The Doctor and The Hidden Wolf - Nine x Rose   Futuristic Detective Nine AU
The Exes - Ten x Rose - Divorced couple repairs their broken relationship AU   Ten x Rose with many others.  Adult for cursing.  Drama, angst and a touch of humor.
The Lord of Gallifrey - Ten x Rose Regency/Georgian historical AU One chapt has a NSFW thing in it but the rest is pretty Teenish to Adult rating.
Under The Sea - Teen - Ten x Rose - Merman AU - cute with a side of angst
Not Just An Ordinary Call Boy - Adult-NSFW - Ten x Rose - Bad prossy Ten
Vinification - Teen - Ten x Rose - winemaker Ten meets business woman Rose
A Ghost Story - Adult-NSFW - novel length.  Ten x Ros - Unit student Rose moves into an allegedly haunted house with a mystery she must unravel
Anti-Soul Mates - Adult NSFW - Nine x Rose - Professor and student meet on a lecture about soul mates
Santa Baby, He’s No Gentlemen - Adult NSFW - Ten x Rose, dark and powerful CEO falls for an executive assistant - read the tag warnings
Ramifications of Bachelor Bidding - Adult NSFW - Ten x Rose and Olicity - crossover with Arrow - Bachelor Auction, competitors falling in love and mayhem
A Sip of Darkness, A Taste of Light - Teen - some violence - Nine x Rose - inspired by Hades/Persephone myth
In You I Have Found Paradise - Adult NSFW - Missing scene from Sip of Darkness
Legend of The Traveling House - Adult NSFW - Nine x Rose - re-imagining Time Lords and Gallifrey in a new verse
Bacchanalia - Adult NSFW - Ten x Rose - An accidental meeting at a Masquerade Ball leads to something more
Smith’s Book Store - Nine x Rose Teen - Victorian Book Store AU/Historical
A Lady’s Choice - Alec H x Rose Teen courtly AU
Bad Wolf Salon - Ten x Rose Teen hairdresser AU just over a drabble
New Las Vegas - Peter V x Rose Adult space vampires AU
Torchwood Symposium of Temporal Displacements Protocol - Adult Ten/Rose Adventure-Human AU Rivals to Lovers
A Night in Venice - Adult Ten x Rose - Spy AU
231 Farrington - Ten x Rose NSFW Dragon AU
The Wedding Planner - Ten/Rose based on the movie AU
Being A Gorgon Can Be So Annoying - Nine/Rose Mythology AU
Smith’s Bookstore - Nine/Rose  Historical AU
Bad Wolf Salon - Ten/Rose Salon AU short prompt fic
New Las Vegas - Peter V/Rose space vampire AU
TenII x Rose Fics
A Closet To Remember - NSFW - TenII proves himself to Rose - romance/humor
Accusation - Teen  - Angst/Romance TenII has a hard time adjusting to Pete’s World
A Not So Typical Torchwood Mission - Explicit TenII/Rose undercover at an alien sex club
A Not So Typical Valentines Day -  Teen - Fluff Valentine’s Fic
Applegrass - Teen fluff, romance - a day with TenII and Rose
An Unexpected Shearing - Teen - fluff, humor cracky fic -Rose gives the Doctor a trim
Beginning - Teen Angst/Romance - a bit prosey
Broken - Explicit - Angst - PTSD Rose, hurt/comfort
Denial - Teen - angst - romance - Rose pregnant fic
Evil Elves and Cranky Reindeer - It Must Be A Torchwood Christmas - Teen Adventure/humor - things go a bit pear shaped at Torchwood’s Christmas Party
Flame - Explicit - TenII is tired of waiting
Look - Teen - humor and fluff
Nakedness - Teen - Domestics, nudist colonies and evil scientists - fun/adventure
Nothing Says Valentines Day Like Star Wars - Teen fluff and humor
Silver - Teen - humor/adventure/romance disco and aliens!
The Banning of Cosmo - Explicit - crackfic -TenII likes to read Cosmo
The Well Prepared Multiversal Traveler - Explicit - what does Dimension Hopping Rose have in her pockets
Huddling For Warmth - Teen - trapped in a cold cellar
The Ginger Solution - Adult - drunk!TenII; adventure - post Bad Wolf Bay coming together fic
Everything is Better with Toys - NSFW - sexy times adventures
Even a Baby TARDIS Needs a Special Friend - Teen - fluff
Bed Shopping Adventure - Teen - fluff
Huddling For Warmth - like it says on the tin Teen
Ten x Rose fics
A Cinematic Reunion - NSFW Dimension Hopping Rose Reunion Fic
A Visit to Mos Eisley - Teen - Star Wars crossover
Blame it On The Poxatalen Brandy - Mature so many tropes in this one - crackfic
Corruption Never Felt So Good - NSFW Rose saves Ten in an unusual way
Cupcake Wars Doctor Style - Teen - crossover with reality tv show cupcake wars - fluff/humor
Dimension Cannons and Drunk Time Lords - Explicit - drunk pervy Ten - reunion - crackfic
Family of Blood - Explicit - AU FoB/HN, Reunion fic, humor, vampires, Peter Vincent
Fever - Explicit - reunion/dimension hopping Rose - song fic
Formal - Angst/Romance - post GitF - Ten takes Rose to a ball and she is mistreated
Halloween Is Us - Explicit - Adventure/Smut//Humor and Peter Vincent
Haze - Teen - Angst - Romance - Reunion
Is It All Nothing But a Dream - Teen - Universe Alteration at DD - Angst/Romance
Midnight Reunion - NSFW - Explicit - Reunion fic set at the end of Midnight
Phantom of The TARDIS - Teen - Tardis room ficathon - humor - drama
Prepared - Teen - angst - romance - suprise kid fic
Respect The Wolf - Explicit - reunion fic - humor/adventure and dragons - bamf Rose
Rudolph The Evil Reindeer - Teen Crackfic - humor - Ten and Rose save Rudolph from his evil ways
Secrets of an Alpha Class Pleasure Slave - Explicit - reunion/slave fic trope/shag or die
Shudder - Teen - prompt word fic - Doctor Whump and bamf Rose
The Forgotten Moment - Explicit - AU post JE/DoD Moment Rose/Bad Wolf Rose
The Land of Misfit Toys - Teen - sweet fluffy story
The Oncoming Sperm - Explicit - crackfic all the way
The Perils of Repression - Explicit - kind of jekyll/Hyde fic
The Seduction of Rose Tyler - Explicit  Humor, Romance, slight crackiness
The Tale of the Holy Pear and the Prophet Bob - Teen - crack/adventure/humor
The Victorian, The Bookstore and The Fireplace - Teen - reunion fic pre JE
Wind - Teen - humor - Ten, Rose, Donna with the Master
White Wall - NSFW post doomsday wall shagging
An Addiction to Knowledge - Adult - crackfic escaping a  hospital
The Wolf is Free - Adult - Idris as the TARDIS - slightly spooky
When Time Lords Wander Off - Adult drugged!Ten - Donna and dimension hopping Rose
Unexpected Unicorns - Rose and Ten get turned into unicorns
An Ode to Hope - Doomsday UA/Reunion/Adventure/Babyfic
An Addition To Knowledge - Adventure/crack fic  Adult due to streaking
Nine x Rose fics
A New Kind of Sonic Setting  - Teen - lactation and sonics hmmm
Companion - Explicit - sex pollen cliche
Dalek - Explicit - so cracky/ep rewrite - funny
Fifty Shades of Skaro - Explicit - short version of Dalek
His Wicked Mistress - Explicit - slave trope
Order - Explicit - Sex Pollen Trope - humor
Peace, Love & Hippy Aliens - Teen humor/adventure/a bit of crack
Pychedelic Pollen and Dalek Squirrels - Explicit - Cracky Adult Adventure with Nine, Rose and Jack
Restless - Teen - Trapped on Earth - Nine needs to run
Snowflake - Teen - Nine and Rose play in the snow
Summer - Teen - fluff and humor
Dr. and Mrs. Tyler - Adult NSFW - Fake Married/Adventure in Regency Era
First Kiss - Teen - like it says on the tin
The Bairn Bubbalo Baby Store - Teen - babyfic
Breaking His Resolve - Teen - Nine in a Tux
A Platoon of Judoon on the Moon - Teen - hiding in a closet
Trapped - NSFW - trapped on a lift - wall shagging
Daddy Doctor - Teen sweet fluff - baby fic
The One Time They Watched That Channel - NSFW for them watching porn
It Was A Dark and Stormy Night - Haunted House with a twist - Teen
A Platoon of Judoon on the Moon - Royal Hope Hospital - Teen
Trapped - standard trapped in a lift let’s shag trope NSFW
Daddy Doctor - fluff babyfic General
Multi Era
Knowledge - Teen - Rose through the Doctor’s eyes
Move - Teen Ten/Tenii - how the Doctor and Rose dance
Transformation - Teen - How Rose healed the Doctor and became so much more
Thanks - Teen - Rose perspective on Nine regenerating into Ten
A Blue Leather Jacket - Drabble about Dimension Hopping Rose rated Teen
It Burned In His Eyes  Drabble about TLV  - rated Teen
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lirlovesfic · 6 years
The Choice
A Doctor Who fanfic Summary: After GitF, the TARDIS brings the Doctor, Rose, and Mickey back to the estate to solve a problem involving the TARDIS herself. But when they see a familiar face, the face of someone who should not exist, they realize the problem is deeper than they thought and could endanger the Doctor’s very existence. Primary characters: Ninth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Mickey Smith, Jackie Tyler. Genres: Romance, mystery, adventure, drama, character study, HN AU, fobbed!Nine, sick TARDIS. Pairings: Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose Rating: Adult
Warning: None for this chapter
a/n: I am currently working on editing this chapter-by-chapter, with the hopes of completing a chapter a day until I catch up with myself. As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m doing it to try to get back into the swing of writing and to build some momentum in order to finish this. Also, there have been some tiny things nagging at me for a while (grammar, punctuation, etc.) so I’ll be correcting as many of them as I can find as I go. The story will not change. In fact, most of the changes are going to be so minor that I doubt anyone (besides myself) will notice. But to keep me on target, I’ll be posting it all here as I go, with links to the other websites it’s on. I hope you enjoy it.
This chapter: on AO3, on TSP, on ffnet
Prologue–London, 1 January, 2007 Six months ago… Fire. Searing heat. An inferno of red and yellow and orange rushing through the deep red grasses of the plains. Red flames igniting the trees. The delicate silver leaves ablaze, turning the trees into torches that illuminated the night sky. Screams. Running. Monstrous metal creatures of silver and black with glowing eye stalks. Shooting beams of energy. Killing everything in sight. "Exterminate! Exterminate!" Disjointed faces. Circling, swirling in front of his eyes. Voices. Echoing… An elderly man. Straight white hair. Beaky nose. "One day I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back..." Dark, straight hair. An expressive face. "Jamie, stay with me, don't wander off." White hair. Piercing eyes. "Courage isn't just a matter of not being frightened, you know. It's being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway." Brown curls. Floppy hat. Lots of teeth. "Just touch these two strands together, and the Daleks are finished... Have I that right?" Straight blond hair. A young face. Pleasant features. "Brave heart, Tegan." Blond curls. Haughty, arrogant. Filled with righteous indignation. "Power-mad conspirators, Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen - they're still in the nursery compared to us. Ten million years of absolute power. That's what it takes to be really corrupt." Dark hair. A Panama hat. "Every great decision creates ripples. Like a huge boulder dropping in a lake. The ripples merge and rebound off the banks in unforeseeable ways. The heavier the decision, the larger the waves, the more uncertain the consequences." Dark curly hair. A grave expression. "It's not my war. I will have no part of it." An elderly man. A warrior. "No more!" Explosions. Fire. Fire everywhere. The ground on fire. The sky on fire. The sounds of screaming– Suddenly cut off. Silence. The silence of space. The silence of the Void. The silence of the dead. After a moment that could have lasted a second or a year or several millennia, new images, new sounds, emerged out of the blackness. New faces. New voices. Plastic people. A hand in his. A glimpse of blonde hair. "Run!" "Are they students?" "Nice to meet you… Run for your life!" "The turn of the Earth… I can feel it. Now forget me…" "It wasn't my fault! I couldn't save your world! I couldn't save any of them!" Someone swinging on a chain, saving him. Another glimpse of blonde hair. A pretty face. Warm brown eyes and a generous mouth. "You were useless in there. You'd be dead if it wasn't for me." "Yes, I would… Uh... I don't know... you could come with me." "You could come with me…" "You could come with me…" The feel of something repetitively poking him in the ribs drew him slowly back to consciousness. As awareness returned, he gradually realized he was lying face down on something hard. Rough. Asphalt. Cutting into the side of his face. "Oi, mate. Wakey, wakey," said a deep male voice. The poking became harder, more insistent. He opened his eyes a crack. Even that slight movement made his head pound. Despite lying horizontally, he was struck with a wave of dizziness and nausea. "Come on, time to wake up." This was a different voice. Lighter, younger. Feminine. He wondered where he was, and cautiously he opened his eyes wider. Someone, probably the person poking him, was shining a torch in his face. Through the glare, he could see a series of bins in front of him. All sorts of rubbish lay on the ground around and under them–pizza cartons and takeaway containers, empty glass whisky bottles and half empty pop bottles, cast off bits of clothing and used condoms and fragrant nappies, and large black bin bags filled so tightly they threatened to burst–as if the people who had left it all couldn't be bothered to actually lift up the lids of the bins and put it inside. He turned his head, wincing at the throbbing pain that shot through his head at the move. Black shoes led to black trousers led to radio equipped utility belts led to bright yellow rain slickers and black helmets. Police officers. One, the female–petite with dark brown skin and closely cropped hair–was looking at him with a frown, while the other, the male–large with a red, beefy face–was still prodding him with a baton. "Ow," he complained. "Sir, are you hurt?" the policewoman asked. He groaned. Now I am, he thought. "Sir, have you been mugged?" she asked. "He hasn't been mugged, Seward," her partner said. "New Year's, unconscious in an alley, he's sleepin' it off. And now he needs to go home." The policeman turned back to him. "So you need to get up and go home, mate." "I don't smell any alcohol on him, Rutgers," Seward told him. "Doesn't mean anything," Rutgers said. "Alcohol, drugs… whatever he took, he needs to sleep it off at home, not in the alley." "Shouldn't he go to A & E?" "Not if he's not hurt," her partner replied. "And I don't see a mark on him." As they spoke, he felt an overwhelming wave of drowsiness. His eyes drifted closed. "Oi, don't go back to sleep!" Rutgers said, poking him again. "Wake up." "Sir, can you tell us your name?" He opened his eyes again. The policewoman, Seward, was kneeling over him now, concern written all over her face. "Can you tell us your name?" she repeated. "Is there someone we can call?" He opened his mouth to answer… and realized he didn't remember. Not whether he had any family, not where he was from, not how he had ended up in the alley. Not even his name. Nothing. "Told you he was drunk," Rutgers said. He couldn't argue with that. He didn't remember, so for all he knew he had been. "Check his ID," the officer continued. Seward reached forward as if she was going to check his pockets, and he held up a hand. Slowly he pushed himself up to a sitting position and patted down his jacket. All he could find was a slim wallet in an interior pocket. He handed it to her. "Looks like he's… John Smith from Manchester," she said. She handed her partner the wallet. "Manchester, eh?" Rutgers said. The officer examined the contents before handing the wallet back to him. "You're a long way from home." He flipped open the wallet. Only one thing in it, a driving license made out in the name of John Smith, Manchester, with the picture of a man with short cropped hair and a big nose and big ears. Him, he guessed, although the face didn't look familiar. Frowning, he searched the wallet. Beyond the license there was nothing in it. No money, no credit card, no NHS card, not even an old ticket for the Tube. He returned his attention to the driving license. There was something odd about it. For just a second, he could have sworn it was just a blank piece of paper… "Yeah, guess I am," he replied. He put the wallet back in his pocket. "So what's your story? Drunk or mugged?" John tried to remember, but he couldn't. The name sounded familiar, but odd at the same time, like it could be his but really wasn't. But until he could figure out who he was, it was as good a name as any. "If you were drunk, we could let you go with a warning," Rutgers continued. "But if you were mugged, we'd have to bring you in to file a report. Now which was it? Drunk or mugged?" There was only one answer he could give. If they brought him in to file a report, he'd have to admit he didn't remember who he was, and that could mean a stint in the local psychiatric ward. No. If he was sectioned, he'd never figure out who he was. "New Year's," he said, remembering that the officer had mentioned it earlier. "Was celebratin'. Had a couple too many at the local and got pissed. Was on my way home, but obviously didn't make it." Rutgers nodded sharply. "Right. We'll be on our way, then. And next time, make sure you head home before you're so drunk you can't walk." He headed out of the alley, but Seward hung back for a moment, a worried expression on her face. "Are you going to be able to make it home all right?" she asked. "Absolutely," he told her. She nodded. John could tell she didn't believe him, but she stood and headed towards the mouth of the alley anyway. Just before she left, he stopped her. "Hey," he said impulsively. "What year is it?" She stared at him in shock. "It's 1 Jan, 2007. Are you sure you're alright?" "Don't worry about me," he told her. "I'm fantastic. Absolutely fantastic." She gave him another disbelieving look before turning and following her partner out of the alley. John gave them a several minute head start before he stood up. His entire body ached, as if it had been pummeled repeatedly. Maybe he had been mugged after all, he thought. Without knowing where to go, he slowly staggered out of the alley, never noticing the tall blue box he was leaving behind.
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fleurdeneuf · 7 years
my all time top 10 favorite fics
I saw this going around as a meme for another fandom (h/t @justkeeponthegrass), and the OP encouraged others to jump in, so let’s do this thing!
Choosing only ten fics was nearly impossible, and some of them would change depending on the day, but for now - here they are.  Most of these are old, from when I first started reading fic on Teaspoon, years before I’d heard of tumblr, let alone joined it.  These are the fics that have settled deep into my bones and are what I think of when I think of “fic.”  They shaped fandom and fic for me from the very beginning.
These are not in any ranked sort of order, aside from the order in which I thought of them, so it’s fitting that lilli and amber are at the top. :’)  As always, please heed all authors’ ratings/warnings.
1. Wolf Moon (Teaspoon | LJ) by throughanamberfocus (Teaspoon | LJ), 119k words (Alt!Nine/Rose, NSFW, post-Doomsday), first story in the Better With You series (Teaspoon | LJ), second story is Hunger Moon (Teaspoon | LJ).  (Several more stories were planned, but as yet unwritten.) 
Rose changed direction and went to answer her front door. She pulled the door open and looked at the man standing there. She took a step back and the glass of wine tumbled out of her hand and onto the carpet. She looked down at it in dismay. “That’s going to leave a stain,” she said. She glanced back up at the familiar, yet unfamiliar face in front of her. “Club soda and salt,” said that voice in that accent. She had never expected to hear that harsh Northern accent spoken from that particular throat ever again in her life. --Wolf Moon, Chapter 2
@thedalektables has a great round up post for this fic, if you want to know more of what’s coming.
See also: Leap of Faith (Fobwatched!Alt!Nine/Rose, NSFW, post-Doomsday, WIP) (Teaspoon | LJ) and the one shot that inspired it, Third Time’s the Charm (Teaspoon | LJ), the Bodies in Motion series (Nine/Rose, NSFW) (Teaspoon | LJ), The Zeppelins Verse (Tentoo/Alt!Rose, NSFW, post-Journey’s End) (Teaspoon | LJ), and everything else she’s ever written.
2. Passions Unspoken (Teaspoon | LJ) and its sequel, Out of the Woods (Teaspoon | LJ) by @lillibetm3 (Teaspoon | LJ) , 6k words (Nine/Rose, NSFW)
Stepping away from the doors, Rose turned and cast a covert glance to the Doctor, only to find that he was busy checking one of the console screens as if nothing had happened between them. In fact if it wasn't for the Time Lord shaped ache between her legs, and that her knickers were still on Canthan, (the Doctor had been quite determined that he wanted them off,) Rose could almost believe that she'd imagined the whole thing. --Out of the Woods
See also: Heart Shaped (Nine/Rose, NSFW, sex pollen) (Teaspoon | LJ ) , Strange Magicks (Nine/Rose, NSFW), Teach Me to Sin (Nine/Rose, NSFW, teacher/student), and everything else she’s ever written.
3. In Human Hands by rallalon (Teaspoon | LJ), 160k words (Nine/Rose, Human Nature UA, Abandoned)
"What’s your name?" he asks without meaning to, straightening to look at her once more. She pauses in the doorway of the garage, this small girl framed in the large entrance. The sunlight doesn’t so much hit her hair as stroke it, doesn’t so much strike her as kiss her bare shoulders. Maybe it’s the tank top that’s familiar or maybe it’s the smile. It could be nothing more than a well-known accent. But it’s definitely something. "I’m Rose," she says, stresses the second word as if she thinks he might be slow or as if she thinks he needs reminding of a crucial fact. It does sound like a reminder. Maybe she said before and he forgot. He’s not very good with names. "John Smith," he replies. "See you," she says and leaves and, much to his frustration, the engine continues to be temperamental for the rest of the day.
--In Human Hands, Chapter 1
Yes, I know it’s unfinished.  But it’s worth reading and getting your heart ripped out for, so read it anyway. 
See also: Non-Linear Love Story (Eight/Rose, Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose, NSFW) (Teaspoon | LJ)
4. Premium Quality Narcotics by Untempered Schism, 32k words (Nine/Rose, NSFW, post-Dalek), part of the Trajectory series.  The sequel is The Lift (set during The Long Game).
Rose blinked and nodded, her head swimming. She was having a difficult time getting a handle on which Doctor she was talking to at any given moment, the sensual tease who had centuries of sexual experience to draw upon for inspiration, the oh so lucid and serious goal-oriented physician trying to reassure her and heal himself, the sweetly innocent and giddy adoring man-child or the broken, reluctant and guilt-ridden ex-soldier with more PTSD than any being could reasonably hope to survive. They were all him, but he was cycling through personality fragments so fast it was hard to keep up. She inhaled deeply, pulling herself together and dashed the last trace her tears from her cheeks with trembling fingertips. --Premium Quality Narcotics, Chapter 2
See also: Designated Driver (Nine/Rose, NSFW, BDSM), One Street Away (Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose, NSFW) [If there were a story that could make me forgive and sympathize with Ten for what Rose goes through in School Reunion and GITF, this fic would be it.], Just One Universe Away (Nine/Rose, UA, NSFW, baby!fic), and all other Nine/Rose smut she’s ever written.
5. Tangled up in Blue (Teaspoon | LJ) by @jessalrynn (Teaspoon | LJ | FF) , 10k words (Nine/Rose, NSFW)
He looked like he'd been dipped in blue paint and then decorated and, while Rose could admire the results, she actually hated the artist with a passion. That this unknown person had gotten to trail a paint brush over her Doctor, picking out his details in gold and silver, trimming it all in fine black lines, and the occasional bright band of color, set her blood boiling. Rose deeply resented the unknown man or woman for having had both the audacity and the opportunity to do something she now dearly wished she'd thought of first. --Tangled up in Blue
See also: Handstands (Nine/Rose, NSFW) (LJ | FF), Never Quite Normal (Nine/Rose, UA, NSFW), co-written with Jabberwocky as Pairadox Timeline (Teaspoon | FF), Sunday, Domestic (Nine/Rose, NSFW) (Teaspoon | FF), Double Crossing (Ten/Rose, Seven, Ace McShane) (Teaspoon | LJ | FF)
6. An Education by @anne-hedonia​ (Teaspoon), 55k words (Nine/Rose, NSFW, Human Nature UA)
"Fine," she sighed tremulously.  "Take me h–"
He cut her off with a wordless cry–he couldn't even bear to hear the sentence finished.  He shoved the table out from between them and grabbed her, clasping her body to his with an arm around her waist and her mouth to his with a large hand on the back of her head.  She caught him and welcomed him and gave back in kind, and together they fought the cruel separation imposed by bones and flesh.  --An Education, Chapter 16
@thedalektables has a great round up post for this fic, if you want to know more of what’s coming.
See also: Time Out (Nine/Rose, NSFW, Father’s Day), Mamihlapinatapai (Nine/Rose, NSFW), and everything else she’s ever written.
7. Crimes of Passion by Scarlet Women (a collaboration between @lillibetm3 and sap1066), 22k words (Nine/Rose, NSFW)
Rose grinned wickedly at him. "So what you’re saying — is that this," she held out her smeared hand to him. "Is better than sex."
He bristled, unable to look away from the chocolate oozing out of the corner of her mouth. "Not better than sex with me," he replied without thinking, then, realising what he’d said, felt a surge of embarrassment. But with the way Rose was looking at him, it wasn't long before he felt a surge of something else... somewhere else.
She licked her palm thoughtfully, gazing up at him over the tips of her fingers, stroking her tongue around her hand until it was clean. His eyes followed every move she made. "Prove it," she said at last.
--Crimes of Passion, Chapter 3
See also: Modesty Forbids (Nine/Rose, NSFW) (Teaspoon | LJ)
8. Evolution of a Scandal (Teaspoon | AO3 | tumblr) by @rishidiams (Teaspoon | AO3) , 76k words (Nine/Rose, NSFW, AU, SDOACG crossover)
Without another word, John grabs the bottom of her shirt and drags it over her head. He steps away from her slightly as it passes between them, his eyes as dark as a storm when he returns. "I don't like that other men get to touch you. I don't like that they get to see you like this."
"No one sees me like this," she admits breathlessly. "No one has ever seen me like this."
--Evolution of a Scandal, Chapter 19
See also: Mine? (Nine/Rose, UA, post-Doomsday, baby!fic) (AO3 | tumblr) , Promises Unbroken (Nine/Rose, war AU, NSFW, underage warning, WIP) (AO3 | tumblr), Faith of the Heart (Nine/Rose, Star Trek/soulmate AU, NSFW, WIP) (AO3 | tumblr), Her Dragon (Nine/Rose, AU, dragon!Nine) (AO3 | tumblr)
9. Dumbstruck (Teaspoon | LJ | AO3) by sap1066 (Teaspoon | LJ | AO3), 5k words (Nine/Rose, NSFW)
The sudden rush of mellifluous sound into her ears stilled her random movements, her hand stretched in mid air. It was haunting, beautiful, the timbre rich and dark, reminding her of underground, soft and silent things. She raised her eyebrows, looked down curiously at the dials — she had clearly hit the right button somewhere. The noise came again, crawling down her spine, making her shiver. It was possibly the most sensual thing she had ever heard, she thought. She didn’t want it to stop. It did. Released from the spell, her hand fell back onto the panel. The silence was like a dash of iced water, but she jumped even more when she felt his strong fingers wrap themselves around her wrist, tugging her hand away from the controls.  --Dumbstruck, Chapter 1
See also: Five and a Half Hours (Nine/Rose, NSFW, GITF fix it) (Teaspoon | LJ | AO3), Always in the Kitchen at Parties (Nine/Rose, NSFW) (Teaspoon | LJ) , Bonfire Night (Teaspoon | LJ), Advent Calendar (Nine/Rose, NSFW) (Teaspoon | LJ), and all other Nine/Rose smut she’s ever written.
10. Seed Pearls (Teaspoon | LJ | FF) by HonorH (Teaspoon | LJ | FF) , 47k words (alt!Nine/Rose, NSFW, post-Doomsday)
--John. She stopped abruptly. It wasn’t possible that John was blocking her path, arms crossed, a thunderstorm in his face. Yet her eyes were telling her differently. “You know,” he said in a voice like iron, “it’s traditional among civilized society to at least say goodbye face-to-face when leaving a lover.”
--Seed Pearls, Chapter 15
See also: Brown Paper Bag Fics (Nine/Rose, NSFW) (Teaspoon | LJ) and Out of Joint (Nine/Rose, FIrefly crossover) (Teaspoon | LJ)
11. The Winter Season by teawithlemon/teawithlemon2/teawhovian/tealicity (Nine/Rose, Human Nature UA, NSFW)
I know it’s gone, but it needed a place on this list.
Tagging ten people whose ten favorite fics I’d really love to see (They can be from any fandom(s) you want; mine are all Nine/Rose because I’m boring, but any and all fandoms are fine!): @rishidiams, @kelkat9, @ruebella-b, @lillibetm3, @perfectlyrose, @anne-hedonia, @wholockgal, @chiaroscuroverse, @acreasy1, @goingtothetardis  
(I would have tagged @deathlyfandoms because I have her to thank/blame for the classic fic and GITF fix it rabbit holes I’ve fallen down, but she beat me and came up with two rec lists already - both of which are great and you should check them out.)
If anyone else wants to do it, please do, and mention/tag me so I can see your post!
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what ar eyour thoughts on gitf? i love most of moffat's writing and i love the concept of the ep but ten feels quite ooc to me and moffat's comment on "if the doctor would ever settle down it'd be with someone like mme de pompadour" just rubs me the wrong way. like this is the doctor, who travels with shop girls, students and con men at the time like. it just doesn't make sense to me. also ten's ooc ness is not him wanting to save reinette, but that he deserted rose an episode after he told 1/2
he would never do that with her. thoughts?
to be honest, it’s been a long while since I’ve watched Girl In The Fireplace, series 2 is like, the last place I go when it comes to looking for episodes to watch
I do, generally, love the episode, but I feel like I’d need to sit down and give it another, more critical watch and see what I think
I think Moffat probably means that someone like Madame De Pompadour is more his intellectual match than some of the human companions, which makes sense, tbh (she was probably like, a sort of preface to the kind of relationship he wanted for the Doctor and River, even if of course, it’s not massively similar)
the ditching Rose thing is concerning, but to be fair, he had to preserve history! those clockwork things killing Reinette would have disrupted history, which he couldn’t really allow to happen
I imagine he did, in fact, have some kind of plan to find a way back to her and the TARDIS, even if it meant a couple of centuries of waiting around on Earth or something
like I say, I’m not sure, I need to rewatch
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WIP Meme
Here are some of my WIPs… There are several PWPs that I decided to leave out (they’ll never make it to posting…) and a couple of longer fics that are still too much in the planning stage to list here. Also, I have loads of great little things (not listed here) started in a “Working Document” that just keeps getting longer and longer… and some of those are well over 1000 words long, but haven’t been moved to their very own document yet!  
Gosh, I hope I’m able to finish some of these one day. There are so many stories here that I absolutely LOVE, but I’m a slow writer and I tend to get distracted by new ideas. Not an ideal combination of traits… Anywho, here goes:
1) Home for the Holidays Ten x Rose (my only WIP that is actually partially posted):
(Multichapter) A Doomsday Fixit that also follows the events of the Runaway Bride. Despite having the victory of the Battle of Canary Wharf behind them, Rose remains resentful that the Doctor tried to send her away after she promised she’d never leave him.
2) Banana Mochachino Tentoo x Rose:
(Multichapter) Tentoo and Rose’s relationship is suffering from the strain of living a life, day after day, but when the TARDIS coral perishes, their relationship falls completely apart, and they go their separate ways.  [This sounds horrible, and parts of it really are, but eventual happy ending, though at times it seems impossible]
3) Hidden Ten x Rose:
(Multichapter) Set in the world of my Christmas story, Timeless, where the events of Journey’s End happened differently: Tentoo never existed; Donna has married Lee; and Rose is traveling with the Doctor, leaving her family in Pete’s World.
After a honeymoon gone wrong, where Rose and the Doctor spend several grueling weeks saving a planet from hostile alien invasion, that involves human children being harvested and used for the aliens’ procreation, they stumble across a baby, abandoned in a barren field, nearly frozen to death, but one of very few precious children left on the planet. In helping the baby to heal, Rose becomes attached, and does not want to give it up. Follows the frustrations of our babies not being able to conceive a child of their own.
4) Run Ten x Rose:
(Multichapter) Sexual tension in Rose and the Doctor’s relationship is near the snapping point when she is nearly killed in an alien attack. Unbeknownst to the Doctor and Rose, the effects of the attack trigger changes in Rose’s physiology. Takes place after TIP/TSP.
5) This Useless Lump Ten x Rose:
(Multichapter) In the aftermath of GitF, the Doctor and Rose go to an extravagant ball, where the Doctor, once again, seems to be captivated by his royal hostess. While the he is otherwise occupied, Rose teams up with a handsome young man to thwart a revolution in the making. The Doctor becomes very concerned when the young man asks Rose to stay on the planet with him, and she seriously considers his offer.
6) Regrets, Repentence, and Promises Ten x Rose; Tentoo x Rose:
(Multichapter) The first story in my These Two Hearts Series, this story follows the evolution of the Doctor and Rose’s relationship in the aftermath of GitF. Follows it through to Doomsday. NOT a fixit. Very close to being ready to post… just working on a few more chapters…
7) Better with Two Ten x Rose:
(Multichapter) All human AU. A ten-year old Rose Tyler secretly ventures into a posh neighborhood in London and meets a wealthy young boy named James Noble. They have grand adventures in their imaginations, traveling through space and time, but are cruelly separated when James’ parents find out about their friendship. They lose contact with one another, but many years later Rose sees James’ again when he and his French fiancée, Jeanne, make a purchase at Henrick’s where Rose is working as a sales associate.
8) Untitled (for now) Ten x Rose:
(Multichapter) Human Nature AU: Rose, Donna, and Jack are all traveling with the Doctor. The Family of Blood is after Rose, instead of the Doctor, wanting to harvest her for the power of BAD WOLF. The Doctor chameleon arches her, and deposits her in modern day Canada, where she is (of course) rather jeopardy-friendly… Not a great summary, but I like the idea of this story, problematic though it is.
9) A Patch of Bad Weather Ten x Rose:
(Oneshot) The Doctor takes Rose to a planet in what he believes to be a grand romantic gesture, but Rose doesn’t quite see it that way.
10) Untitled Hogwarts AU Ten x Rose:
(Oneshot) A prompt fic that I BLOODY WELL WILL fill one of these days. James Noble, a Ravenclaw student, is well-known for his smarts throughout Hogwarts and the entire wizarding world for achieving time travel not limited to space. Everyone knows who he is, except he believes to his consternation, a beautiful Gryffindor quidditch player, two years his junior, named Rose Tyler.
11) So, Here’s the Thing… Tentoo x Rose:
(Oneshot) Part of my These Two Hearts Series. Tentoo and Rose’s three children are growing up faster than the Doctor would like. The Doctor’s adventures in parenthood while Rose is called away on a surprise mission for Torchwood.  (To be posted very, very soon! Yes, I swear this is true!)
12) Stuck on You Ten x Rose:
(Oneshot) Rose is curious about what the Doctor’s sticky notes say, but the Doctor isn’t inclined to share… not until Rose’s sexual frustration snaps. PWP Close to being finished, but…
13) The Cure  Nine or Ten x Rose:
(Oneshot) The Doctor takes care of Rose when she’s on her period. A bit too tropey for my liking, TBH.
14) The Lonely Lord and the Selkie Nine x Rose:
(Oneshot) Celtic Mythology AU Another prompt fic that MUST be filled.  Basically what the title implies. I really want to write this. I just want to make sure I get the mythology correct.
15) Wired Ten x Rose:
(Oneshot) An eccentric young genius calls his trusty IT man, Mickey Smith, whenever his computer crashes (once again) as he’s writing up his PhD. dissertation. However, Mickey’s friend, Rose Tyler is filling in for Mickey while he’s on his honeymoon, and she must convince him she’s qualified to help him out, but will she make a house call?
WHAT!!!! Only 15!!!??? I know there are more out there… I know there are!
Tagging: @timeladyofthesith; @perfectlyrose; @jellyneau-xo; @jem-scribbles; @hanluvr 
Darlings, please feel free to ignore... and I’m not trying to nag anyone or anything (I would never. And I should talk!) Sorry if you’ve already been tagged.
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merisaiart · 9 months
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Mauspad mit dem Motiv "Buntes Wellenmuster in Regenbogenfarben | Papierkunst" 
Hier habt ihr viel Platz für eure Tastatur, Maus, Headset, Stifte und Notizblöcke. Macht euren Schreibtisch zu einem besonderen Highlight!
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