#glowstone23b asks
glowstone23b · 9 months
warden/ancient city thoughts …
Anicent cities aren’t actually cities, they’re actually massive temples instead that devoted themselves to a certain god (im not sure what god the old builders would worship akandk)
They laid many people to rest in those underground crypts, that a bit of their souls leaked out of the bodies and infected the glowing cave vines, resulting in a strange mutation of sculk
and as more people died and got places in those tombs,,, the more sculk spread
Eventually some worshippers caught notice of this and assumed it to be some gift from the gods, so they continued to add fuel to it, experimenting with it, etc, finding out that when a creature dies— instead of the soul ascending to an afterlife, it is instead pulled down by the sculk and merged into what was like a sentient hivemind of connected souls working together to become something akin to an organism
At some point, as evolution of the sculk furthered and sculk sensors formed, it eventually led to a sculk shrieker
and after worshippers activated it a couple times in a row,
It summoned the massive, blind hulking beast known as the warden. It harvested as many souls as it could from the worshippers as it chased after them, leaving no one in it’s wake, before retreating back into the biomass until the next time there is a significant amount of soul that alerts the shriekers once more
Ok mini rant story thing over. i like to think that sculk works in a weird sort of method
Catalyst farm and form the extra sculk needed to begin an infection —> sensors pick up on sounds made by noises that supposedly could be creatures with a soul —> shriekers sound a scream that helps determine if a warden should form —> warden harvests any nearby creatures to help the sculk spread. if killed, the warden drops a catalyst, so it can all begin again
The warden itself is a weird amalgamation of human souls stuck together fused with the sculk. the main reasoning for it being blind (other than cave animals usually being blind since low to zero light requires little need for eyes) is because detecting sound means a very high chance of something w soul
Sculk sickness …. Possibly a rare disease only picked up by deep miners. nasty no good and probably hurts as the sculk eats you from the inside out
Illagers came across the ancient cities and set up camp for a short amount of time to try and study the sculk . you can imagine what happened to them
[ i like to think every ‘living’ creature in minecraft has a soul. that keeps them alive and thinking and breathing and stuff. and undead mobs have soul residue which leaves them with very basic instincts or things they subconsciously remember how to do ITS A FUN THOUGHT ]
[ in my little au illagers love experimenting w souls . because the more you experiment the more messed up results you get (vexes being the fused collective of 2-3 allays, or creating abominations via sticking two different mob souls together… possibly how ravagers came to be since they look a bit like villagers that got turned into beasts . fun theorizing ]
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Hey invention? Phanon? I love your mind, it's wonderful. Have a drawing!
I've never drawn a warden before, mostly because it's been very daunting, but I think I got it out the way I wanted it to!! Sculk itself is kind of like... a fungus-y tentacle-y mixture, and i got some inspiration from the devil's fingers fungus irl! Really cool, I suggest giving it a look-see.
In my head, sculk would start off kind of like little eggs or pips or... whatever those things are... there's a name for it, when a plant or a cell decides to split off to make a new plant or cell? Mitosis? Bulbs? Plantlets? There's a word I'm looking for. Anyways. They'd probably grow mini sculk bits off of more mature ones so they can drop off and spread on their own, kind of like some types of succulent if that makes sense? Which explains the little sticky-outy bits on the wardens' horn things. Man, there's gotta be proper terminology for this, my brain is not finding the right words today.
They'd release some sort of bioluminescence when disturbed, and have an almost tar-like substance produced to trap smaller mobs (spiders, bats, etc.) that happen to wander too close, akin to fly traps. It wouldn't work as well for humans, but it's not uncommon to have your foot tugged on by some sculk in the hopes it can digest you.
I went off "The warden itself is a weird amalgamation of human souls stuck together fused with the sculk" because it's FREAKING COOL, so !!! Yeah!! I've got some of the larger/longer sculk tendrils used as arms and 'fingers' in a sense, though they're not all that precise in use. It just opts to smack the heck out of people usually. The bones in the shoulders and feet I thought were really cool on the in-game design, so I feel that the sculk would grow around any sorts of bones it had access to to keep a more stable structure. Keeping yourself upright if you're a soft mass of plantiness/fungus-yness would be a little tough, I think. Also, keeping bones close to the sculk might make it easier to tether souls together? Who knows!
It'd be neat to see what types of matter the sculk would attach to to form a warden-- it could be enderman bones, for all we know! Big and long and short and stubby, and all of the bones are in the wrong places. Using femurs for toes, or ribs for arms... it'd definitely not be fun to see in person.
Sculk sickness sounds SO NEAT TOO!!! I imagine you might be able to inhale it, like spores? Since it feeds off of xp or souls, you just keep fueling it once you're infected whether you like it or not. Does it have any cure, or would you have to have some sort of surgery to try to remove the existing sculk from your body? That'd cause a heck of a lot of complications, if it were to block anything internally. Wild, but neat to theorize about.
And YES on the experimenting with souls thing! Especially with the update so vexes look a lot more like allays-- definitely experiment material. I wonder how many more mobs are out there that we haven't seen because they haven't been made yet? Just mish mashes of any sort of soul they could get their hands on, inhabiting a body that doesn't feel quite right. Kinda interesting!
Thank you for sharing as always ily you rule. Your theories slap, may your inventory be full of diamonds or something. May the Nether's fire guide your way, idk. More piglin-y, as per my blog, lol.
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karlobears · 10 months
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@glowstone23b You asked, you'll recieve.
This is three of more fleshed out crew of piglins, from the least fleshed out to the most. (I bet you can guess who) There's more info under the read more, so I don't clog the tag.
Mora is my best girl and the most beloved; Queen of the Nether as she is fondly nicknamed among friends. I can and will talk about her all day if someone lets me.
Kiataryn is next, he's the rambuctious screamer from the art the other day. He is rather, headstrong, no thanks to his mother. And he has a very strong sense of 'doing the right thing because it's right.' He's made plenty of mistakes but he makes it to adulthood, despite all his shortcomings.
Tami is the youngest of any of my piglin OCs, and they're a troublemaker in their own right. Left along with their siblings, there is no telling what mischief they could stick their little snout into. They're not quite as fleshed out as the other two, but just enough to be the cutest little mute bean this side of the Crimson Forest.
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glowstone23b · 9 months
!!!!! blushing furiouslyyyy thank youu i actually have quite more for them!!!
ive semi recently updated rhem, to have an alt palette to match my biome rules, and they look so handsome i cant even!! and!! theyve got a wither skeleton friend!!
and!!! yes i did build the bg! its a temple i made in one of my survival worlds, dedicated ro the nether and gold ^-^, it has a portal inside so its like the fungus grew out through the portal and started growing on the temple like ivy :3c
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It’s fun seeing how people organize their hotbars, hehe. Very nice! I love the interior of that building 😩😩😩 all the gold!!!! So nice!!!! Lemme come over and add to that stockpile! I love when people do stuff like the nether is coming to the overworld through the portal and vice versa— I always build bits of netherrack and whatnot through my portals!
They ARE SO HANDSOME!!!!! Tell them that!!! I also love the wither skeleton’s like… gold etching to repair it! Peak design!!! And also SAME HEADCANON 🤝🤝 piglins running really hot and finding the overworld like insanely cold in comparison so they have to wear heavy clothing when they’re there. LOVE IT
I’ll have to find some mc builds of mine, I swear I need to do more nether builds now that I have a love for it. I just love terraforming to be honest, so anything that incorporates that, lol. YOUR!!!!! Art. May I hold them gently in my hands like a baby chick, that design is so good
I wish I had access to my computer rn cause I’d draw them but like. Give me time. I am your cheerleader here let’s be completely normal about piglins and the nether together
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glowstone23b · 11 months
Hey, I saw your post asking us to gush about minecraft ocs and…ok, so, I have a lot. Partly because details of my ocs tie into the world I made for them, and mostly because I’ve been working on this for 3 and a half years and there’s a lot to tell.
Anyways, my main oc, Hannah, is from the real world and was dragged into the realm of Minecraft. It turns out that there are four kingdoms in this world and three out of the four kingdoms believe in a religious prophecy that entails that a tyrant will rise from one of the kingdoms, but a warrior will return to vanquish them. They believe Hannah to be this warrior, but Hannah doesn’t feel like she is. Unfortunately for her, the only way for her to get back is to go through the same portal that she came in from, and the only way to get the portal to reactivate is to gather the missing corner pieces from each of the four kingdoms. Throughout her journey, Hannah makes friends and allies, all while learning the rules of the server she’s in and how Minecraft works.
Oh yeah, the four kingdoms here are:
Kinerfall: A kingdom for the other players on the server. They see the world as more of an in-depth roleplay thing. Ruled by Queen Amara, who is also from the real world.
Weyforlosa: A kingdom for mobs. They are currently in an active war with Kinerfall because their ruler, King Coveris, used to date Queen Amara, but they split because they each thought that the other was going to be the tyrant.
Lavail: The Nether kingdom. They usually don’t believe in the prophecy or the religion the other kingdoms follow called Avianity. Ruled by King Hesil.
Vaniscar: The End kingdom. Currently the people there are a bit on edge because their recently crowned king, King Afias, has a bit of a checkered past, but he’s what they have for now. 
Here’s a drawing of the rulers of those kingdoms btw:
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Throughout the story, Hannah makes friends with some mobs that decide to tag along with her, pictured here:
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Lonnie is a witch’s experiment that came to life as a slime. She loves adventures and knows how to brew potions.
Isador used to be a wandering trader, but he got turned into an evoker after being captured during a raid. He breaks free from the pillager’s side after meeting Hannah.
Dilou is a part of the royal guard for Lavail. He’s never been outside of the Nether before, so the adventure he goes on with the team is full of new surprises.
Evelyn has it out for King Afias after he wronged her in such a way that it got her banished from Vaniscar. 
Anyways, sorry I rambled for so long. I just have a lot to say about this world…wait, I didn’t even tell you its name.
The world is called Avion. As such, the story is called Tale of Avion.
That’s all. Take care. Stay determined <3
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This is me reading this btw^^^
Thank you for sharing!!! Your drawings rule, I love the way you draw endermen especially (you get the proportions just right!!) Also never apologize for rambling about it, especially when you've been asked to do so! I appreciate it!!
As for Kinerfall, all of the players there see it as a roleplay sort of thing (and at least Amara is an irl person, though idk if the others are as well)... would they ever want to return to the real world, do they have access to do so, or are they mostly just in-game players? Is Amara an exception in this right, like Hannah is?
Also even if Hannah isn't the real hero the rest of the kingdoms make her out to be, she still seems to be uniting them in a way! Getting a bunch of mobs together from different corners of the world towards a common force (and getting to understand where each is coming from) is very valuable!
For kingdoms, are they/have they ever been on good terms? Do they have agreements or treaties between one another to keep the peace, is it uneasy, or are there a lot of wars happening? In my head I feel that Kinerfall wouldn't get along with a lot of the kingdoms (being that players typically hunt mobs for resources/sport/etc.), but I have little knowledge about it as of yet so I'd love to hear :)
I ask a lot of questions because I'm curious, so sorry if the wall of text is a little intimidating! I just love the worldbuilding!! As you know, my nether fascination is not very sane of any human being, but I also love exploring how in-game mechanics might work in a story-- things like using your inventory, for instance, or how totems of undying feel to use, if applicable in the AU. Like-- for the end kingdom, what is their main material? Like what are Afias' clothes/armor made of? Do they have materials in the end we're not able to see in game, or do they trade with other kingdoms? Do they eat chorus fruit? Do endermen need to eat at all? How do alliances work out between them all? How do the mobs keep from burning during the day? Do they have any magic that helps? Charms, amulets, totems? Do kingdoms have to compromise sometimes (like players would need to have a meeting with the mobs at night, to prevent them from burning up, in lieu of being able to see all that comfortably?)
ALSO stay determined? A fellow UTDR enjoyer? Huzzah! This is coming from someone who wears a LOT of stripes and now has a love for sweaters after allowing it to shape my life a while back lol
Anyways. Lots of questions, I'm inherently curious, what can I say? Long story short. I love your characters I'm looking directly at them!!!! Thank you for sharing with the class :D
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glowstone23b · 7 months
Do you think this is a good piglin art thing to do and other piglin artists should do? Just wanna see what you would say do or think :)
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For short is this good lore?
Oo yeah I like it! I always thought if they had something besides white eyes it'd be in the reds-yellows tone-wise, so I agree there! :D Normal piglins not having eyebrows also makes sense, it'd be more like how dogs emote with their 'eyebrows'. You draw some with white pupils-- do you think they have tapetum lucidum? Like those shiny eyes cats have? I feel the lava might make it harder to see cause it's super bright in some areas and super dark in others. I love your piglins in general :D I'll have to see what some of mine look like with colored eyes. (idek how white eyes & pupils would work, technically speaking, but. idk, I like the look lol)
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glowstone23b · 9 months
:DD!!! yes!! a wither!! (i saw a video once of some guy spawning a wither in the nether and letting these piglins have at em, cuz theyre naturally aggroed on wither skeletons as enemies and i thought it was super cool- i think one suevived nearly the whole fight? and it just,, gave me ideas!)
the immortality thing is kinda like a player status thingy! so yeah! (in part cuz im super attached to some of them, namely dereck, rylan, and grimm; and so i while i was super cool with them getting hurt and outcasted and going thru a lot of angst essentially, i was super super uncomfortable with them experiencind death in any permanent capacity, so here we are 😔) so respawning is a thing! and my thought was since players (people playing the game) are able to be any kinda skin they desire, i figured itd make sense like this "player" status was bestowed upon them like a gods blessing! if that makes any sense,,
and yea so with dereck, with his withered status, it cant really go away cuz he was withered BEFORE the wither died and he got blessed, aha 🤭 🤷 (lol i just thought that what if he treats his condition with milk like in game, and so he keeps trades with zombie piglins and other players who go to the overworld so he can drink it since its not available in the nether omg *enter he needs some milk vine* and and lol if he does nothing to take care of it hes just gonna fall into a death loop cuz hes immortal 👀)
omg flint is so cute i wanna draw em together 😭 who knows if i have time tho. they WOULD be friends omg taking care of the littol ones together 🥺🥺
thank you!! i love the wither star idea! just a littol trophy for him ^-^
dereck loves u too
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How tall would you say your ocs are? Dereck here but rylan and grimm for future reference? No reason (I lie, it’s for drawing reasons). I would love to draw them together also!! I love piglins :) if you couldn’t tell fhdbsjsk
Poor guy with his chronic illness & pain 😔 but hey he’s a good channel for staying on good terms with the local overworld villages and whatnot bc of trade routes, it works out! RIP dude, don’t fall into a death loop… maybe overworld like… cow’s milk has special properties that help soothe ailments that are caused by negative statuf effects? I assume they could probably get milk from hoglins or like. Idk. Ghasts or something fbdbsjjs or maybe if nether fungus variants of mooshrooms existed? Who knows!
I’d like to see that tbh— I’m surprised a bastion could hold their own against a wither in game 😳 that’d be interesting to see the outcome of for sure! Makes sense why an oc would come of it, haha.
I have a couple more piglins in the works, but I’ll have to refine designs, tbh. I’d love to have a solid brute, but most of the ones I come up with end up being retired brutes or dropouts/wannabes, lol. Maybe a good set of piglets to draw consistently or something, too. Idk I have a bastion in my head and I just need inhabitants for it 🤔
Trying to find a good in between for in-game mechanics versus irl influences is so tough !! I do my best but sometimes I realism too hard. It’s kinda fun to mess with though :D
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glowstone23b · 10 months
So I have several references for Mora, including commissioned art and such. Let me just, neatly plop this here;
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So another fun side fact, she is seven feet in height; and Tiny is the same at the shoulder. So he doubles as a mount as well. But these days he's carrying children around on their wild imaginative adventures against whatever evils their minds can think of.
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This is also by Quilbug, it was the first commission piece I asked of both Mora and Tami, and it kick started our amazing friendship journey, which was over two years ago now, sheesh. When art block hits, piglins are the go too, you know?
You're more than welcome to doodle any of them, I would love to see how you go about drawing her!
SDFGVHSDFBJKDSNFLDS!!!!!!!!!! (positive) That top ref was done by INSYNDIAR??? I've been looking up to them in terms of piglin art for like! A long time!! You have all the good connections, lol.
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i was gonna try to color it but the motivation is escaping me. anyways. they'd be TALL!!! most recent mc skin for scale. I feel like Mora would give good hugs because of all that fur, but I doubt she'd hand them out all that often.
I love love love love love!!!! Heart eyes!! I get excited! Quil's got really good art, I may have to commission them 👀
Thank you for sharing feel free to share more I just had to draw a little bit. I'd apologize for being obsessed about piglins, but this is my piglin obsession blog, so... no apologies, I guess, lol.
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glowstone23b · 10 months
hi its phantom-tamer oc again this time im just dropping a batch of things u made up for phantoms ahdvdjfm
- hypercarnivores that will regurgitate anything that isn’t meat out of their stomaches. They can drink water too, but prefer blood
- they have barbed tongues, meant for licking blood and meat off of bones and also for preening one another
- in my version they’re not undead mobs, but their equivalent of burning in sunlight is getting blinded if theres too strong of a light source (eg sun or glowstone)
^ - if they’re forced to look at bright sources of light they can become permanently blind within minutes :(
- phantoms generally live in groups of colonies up to 10-50 (depending on habitat, could be even more)
^ - some people refer to groups of phantoms as “nightmares” much in the same way you’d call a group of bats a cauldron :]]
- phantoms rely heavily on camouflage when hunting in groups.
^ - this also means that whenever a phantom happens to be born with albinism, it is almost always eaten no matter how old it may be
- within phantom colonies, they tend to travel around area to area but typically reside in biomes with bad weather or dense forests usually with fog. anything bright is a no no (caves are also a good nesting spot but are more risky with spiders willing to take a bite out of them)
- places where phantoms nest or reside are usually very visible: scratches on trees and torn off, mauled branches, bones littering the ground, the constant distant trilling of one.
^ - phantom nests r usually called “graveyards” :3
- phantoms have a VERY in depth communication system, almost akin to regular humans
^ - the most similar thing that is able to be compared to their communication system is sign languages: simple words or “meanings” that can string together a sentence just via specific calls, screeches, trills, etc
- their level of intelligence is the same of a 9 year old (able to recognize body language, remember faces, locate weak points on prey, etc)
^ - they can also feel emotions much the same (empathy, compassion, etc) which most people usually don’t realize about them (usually assuming its like a snake thing where they don’t feel affection) (but phantoms do!! my oc would know that with how some of her phantoms smother her in really unneeded affection)
^ - also kind of obvious but they can make really strong bonds with one another
- in my lil version they have two sets of eyes: one on top, aka the normal pair of eyes and then their bottom eyes
^ - lower eyes dont have eyelids, meaning they do the gecko lick thing, even in their sleep
- whenever they spot prey their top eyes diliate from a full green to two pinpricks of green in full black (essentially tracking their prey very closely)
- ALSO also in my version they dont have any back legs, having a somewhat wyvern shape with their bodies
^ - they perch via the claws on their wings (on like. The elbow part. or something idk what to call it)
- they have this sort of ribcage section on their bodies that is able to open— it has two main uses
1.) secretes stomach acid (which is. very strong) onto caught prey in order to soften them for biting
2.) childbirth (they just sort of spit the babies out)
- two rows of teeth (ouchie)
- male phantoms tend to be smaller in size but faster in speed, females tend to be larger (child holding reasons) (also to protect said children from potential attackers), have larger claws, and have more steady flight meant for long distances
- most colonies have some sort of leader; one that usually tends to be biggest and most brutal, and is the one that takes charge when finding new areas to nest in
- you probably guessed this already but they’re nocturnal :33 during the day when they sleep in their dark areas they hang upside down like bats, or hold onto branches with their wings spread out
^ - they have glowing markings that look similar to eyes and use it to scare away predators (similar to moths having eye camouflage!!)
- most phantoms find strength in numbers, meaning when one finds itself lost, old, or heavily injured the rest of the colony will usually leave it behind once it either doesn’t return or is unable to fly. (Phantoms that formed a strong bond with the sick phantom will usually offer comfort and fetch one last meal for them before killing them)
- phantoms are able to mimic cries and sounds from all kinds of species, usually being cries of horses or the whining from dogs, and very rarely human screams.
^ - there have been folklore made about those screams before people found out it was from phantoms
^ - they use said screams and cries to lure unsuspecting prey in
- phantoms have their own form of mating dances and courting !! this usually occurs in winter when the weather sucks and it gets darker quicker
^ - male phantoms will offer certain kinds of trinkets to appeal to a possible mate’s preference, show off to them, make a nest, or do some sort of feat to impress the potential partner
- above clouds and after hunting sessions, phantoms enjoy playing with one another (chasing, nipping one another’s tails, interlocking tails and going into free fall with one another for a moment, races, etc)
- baby phantoms are the sized of month-old kittens when first born :3 their diet also mainly consists of bugs and rodents until growing larger and consuming bigger prey
i love these vulture sized man eating blue wyverns .okay ramble over thanks 🗣️‼️
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You inspired me! I’m at work so it’s on paper, but here’s some sketches!
I love the idea of phantoms being like… vulture sized. Perfect to pick up under an arm. They’d be really nice to use similarly to falcons— probably good to bring in to catch stray vexes or birds or whatnot!
I have made a couple headcanons off of yours, so feel free to bounce them around if you don’t have them already!
- Phantoms likely are a sort of… bat/snake mixture (I had some shark ideas too— face shape or teeth!) My drawings are somewhat… bat/snake/dragon/lizard/shark/bird combo… a lot of elements, lol.
- They’re surprisingly light for their size, averaging roughly 10-20 pounds (more similar to wild turkeys rather than condors, and perhaps lighter bones for easier flight)
- They have talons and feet similar to owls, with their third digit able to rotate so they can have it in the front or back for better grip on prey. They prefer to fly firstly, then crawl, then walk— they’re usually in the air!
- Maybe they could spit venom also? Like how you said with the stomach acid— they might just be able to spit it on cue, because it’s a little more accessible and would make their bites more of a nuisance to people. Good for defense too, especially for baby phantoms!
- On that note, they prefer to bite rather than claw. They’re notorious for their bites, with those rows of razor-sharp teeth (not to mention the bite strength of like. A parrot, if given a good shot), but they sometimes use their talons to pick up smaller prey like rabbits, chickens, parrots, baby animals in general, etc etc. I’d think they’d mostly eat on the spot, preferring to cache tiny little bits of food (or eating a good fill and keeping it in their crop for later) rather than trying to lug around whole kills…? Like. Eat a rabbit foot instead of carry a rabbit back, if that’s anything?
- Maybe they lay eggs? I feel like they’d have a good brood patch of sorts going on, their underbelly being super warm.
- Their outer ribs/bones thing going on is either the ends of their spinal column poking out for defense against predators (perhaps activated at will with the ribs, like that one newt species), some good coloration, or maybe even semi-translucent skin/scales!
- You mentioned second eyes! When I think of that, I imagine them to be more like iguanas— something sort of vestigial, a simple eye that detects movement and brightness. That way, they can stay alert to subtle changes that they might be blinded by something soon!
- If they get blinded as you say, rather than burning up as in game, I can only imagine the chaos after a sunrise when the phantoms are out late. You’d probably end up with a bunch of injured and half-blind phantoms on your doorstep (does your oc rehabilitate?).
- Their tail’s a little longer to act like a rudder! Instead of flapping sporadically like a bat, I feel they’d flap a little slower, but more determined… maybe even like swifts? Like, capable of gliding up at super big heights up in the wind columns, but they’d dive down and flap like sparrows to get back up to where they were to get another shot at it.
That’s all I can think of right this second, and it’s a pretty long train of thought! I haven’t really proofread all that much because I’m working a lot this week, but I’ll have more time soon! Thanks for your asks, I love hearing about it, phantom anon :) (phanon? Who knows) Anyways, have some drawings!
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glowstone23b · 10 months
Flintbairn and Icarus should pool their knowledge pronto..,.,, they would be unstoppable
Also I promise I’m not completely. Unhinged I’m just excited about this!! That is so so cool?? Hello?????
Okay LITERALLY holding your hand and skipping through some grass really gleefully right now I'm not kidding when I say this excites me to no end. Oh my god? Like, I'm getting cute aggression like if you see a very little and wonderful cat you just want to squeeze it? Doing that with you
Anyways. Drawing Flint and Icarus together right now we're going crazy (I'm kidding, but for real if you have a design in mind for Icarus, I'd be happy to help you get a visual on em ;))
I promise I'm also a very regular person with very regular interests that I am normal about and I'm not unhinged either! Unless it's piglins, then maybe. But only then!
And it's alright if you're a little nervous to reblog with text or send an ask but I'm glad you did!!! Like!!! You're a person who my blog was made for!!!! Let's GOOOOO!!!!! That makes me so unbelievably excited!!!! I'm generally pretty chill and I try my best to be kind to everybody (remember to eat and drink today please), so I like to think I don't come off as intimidating? Though my long paragraphs of rambling may scare some people off, lol. Thank you for saying hello!!!! Hi!!!!! Can we talk about naming systems and your oc please *kicking my feet, twirling my hair*
That's all, I'm just excited about it and I have no idea to express it other than using phrases like "rotating in my head", "microwaving him", et cetera. Complete nonsense because regular words don't have the capabilities to hold the emotions I feel. I promise I can type better and more eloquently than this, but sometimes I get a little too excited for my own good ^^;;
ALSO GET SOME SLEEP! I hope you are resting. Or have rested, I forget when you reblogged my post, but I'm someone who'd also stay up til 3 reading about piglin naming systems so I'm one to talk I guess, lol
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glowstone23b · 9 months
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Marry Christmas
Happy crimim!!! Omg he’s so handsome!! Boris your art is so good look at that shading and lighting and 😩😩 it’s wonderful !!!! Exploding over your art forever I will look at this a while
I just realized him and Flint have the same hands, oddly enough. Like 5 digits with little hoof fingers?? Love it
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glowstone23b · 10 months
Oh I brainrot any chance I get about piglins xD
And don't worry, Mora is the type to give out hugs o'plenty. Kia, is very much not. You try for it and he'll bite. Mora gives those warm and tight hugs that a grandmother would (one that's well loved and makes good food, that type of grandmother)
I am always keen to share piglin knowledge because it eats away at me at all times yes. Should find that word document and get it written up and on here. Nod nod
You have come to the right place to piglin brainrot 🤝 solidarity in this blog tonight.
One question I find myself mulling over more often than not is like… what do you think piglins wear besides the typical tunic/loose fitting pants/sash combo? Stuff for specialized jobs, religious or ceremonial purposes, cold weather, fancy attire, etc.? It’s something I’ve been stuck on for a while, but like tinkering with the idea of. If you ever have any random tidbits you haven’t been able to mention to others (or are just excited about), shoot em my way!! I’m all for it!! :D
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glowstone23b · 10 months
I feel upset that no one is liking my art, even when I post popular art, does this mean no one likes my art anymore and only followed me because they felt bad and that's it, 😔 what do you think I should do abt this
I’m probably not the best for advice on it (as i like, just started posting art lol), but I’ll give you my two cents!
Nobody would follow you out of pity or because they feel bad, any time I follow someone it’s because I genuinely like what they make or enjoyed the content they put on my dash! Some people (like me, who are following like. Bajillions of people) may just not end up seeing it til later if the other people they follow post super often.
To me, just post things because you like posting them! Even if it only reaches a small audience of people, it’s still a small audience who enjoys what you do. Right now, this blog has 16 followers. Though it’s not in the hundreds or thousands or hundreds of thousands like some people, that’s still 16 whole people who enjoyed my stuff enough to follow me!!! That’s nuts! As such, if you had 16 people standing in your room saying they liked your art, isn’t that crazy? In person, I have maybe one or two friends who’d say the same— that’s so cool!
I don’t really know how to put it, but post primarily for you! Gush about the things you enjoy and post what you like because you’d like to give people the opportunity to enjoy it too— and they will, however many or few! You’ll probably make a few friends along the way as well!! ^^
I would also love to commission you at some point if that’s anything— I’ll be here to cheer you on (your art is so cool!!!)
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glowstone23b · 9 months
Does flint got any secret talents or anything like that? What's his personality like? And how tall is he/big (just saying but how I see it piglins can be 9 - 10 feet tall, fyi Ren is 8 feet tall and so is Francis, not bragging I think🤨)
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Not my drawing but looking at you like this^^
Secret talents 🤔 he likes to carve things on his free time, like beads or little gold trinkets for people. He knows how to brew a couple of potions, but he’s still learning on that front. He also does does his best with patching people up/stitching wounds etc. and similarly probably patches clothes and whatnot for his kids.
He’s nice! He tries his best in general :) kind of gruff/formal in his way of speaking, but he’s kind of paternal to everyone he meets. Kind, but definitely stern if you get yourself hurt. A little protective as well, so it’s likely his biggest fault (like… he’d get killed trying to protect people, most likely) He’s got a bit of RBF so he looks more intimidating than he actually is, given the scar and probably a limp later on and all.
Flint’s roughly 6’5” or so— I initially had him pegged at around 7’, but I wanted to be around shoulder height if my player was standing next to him (and I’m 5’3”, so somewhere in that range seems to work). I’d love to sit on a piglin’s shoulders cause I could reach anything! King of the world, haha. He’s kinda built more like a power lifter than anything, also? A little chubby but in a muscle kinda way if that makes any sense? I have a couple references of him if you need cause I can’t remember if I’ve posted em.
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glowstone23b · 9 months
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I love the fact that your joining others with piglin OC's and matching them together, for some reason because of that I feel proud idk why though (hope our OC's will meet)
Omg francis forehead kisses!!!!!! So wonderful!!!! I love your art it’s so soft 🥰
I would love to draw him and Flint together :) I’ll have to throw together some doodles to try to get them in A Situation I can put down on paper. Maybe cooking or something, who knows!!
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glowstone23b · 9 months
screaming thank you for the love on my piglin hoard 😭😭😭 they love you too!! ive actually been thinking about them again and have a ref for one of my brutes in the works
screaminf i love these kinds of tags thank you you made my day better
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Cursed drawing, but fast enough to get my point across, I think. If there's one or two you'd like art of... just saying, I could use some practice hehe.
Please do tell me about them if you ever feel like it, you have a heck of a lot of piglin OCs and I love that!!! I mean I'm kinda biased (I mean... piglin blog...) but still!
I try my best to add tags to art when I can because I know it's fun getting them in return. I'm glad it has the intended effect!! I stand by those tags through and through!!! I hope you have a good rest of your day :D
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glowstone23b · 9 months
Thoughts on the warden ,,,,,, because i love that thing and the dubious city???temple??? It lives in
Invention my friend!!! Hello I hope you’re well :)
The warden and ancient cities… I haven’t played much minecraft since the update so I’m glad I haven’t had the misfortune to see one in person because I’m pretty sure I’d log out, I’d hate dealing with that 😅
No thoughts head empty on it, really, to be honest. I don’t know enough about it in depth to really get a good grasp on it (like you have to get shards of the music disc to make it or something? Neat!!) but it just does not seem fun at all to encounter.
Skulk in general is not something I want to encounter! It’d probably feel like quicksand or thick vines or something, definitely trying to grab a hold of you or something… almost mushroom-y, if it feeds off of exp (corpses alone? Or the magic that binds them together?)
Anyways. I should really draw some form of warden at some point, but do tell about your headcanons if you got em!! I will absorb them >:)
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