#gloxinia nnt
romanxoxo · 4 months
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i find it so funny that in most of his outfits hes either shirtless or wearing some fuck ass crop top 😭😭
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cupidthewriter · 6 months
Incorrect Quotes Again (nnt stuff including a little gloxinia x oc )
gloxinia: Bonjour, drole. Voulez–vous coucher avec moi? drole: No, I don't want to sleep with you. gloxinia: Is that what that means? Oh, man, I had a really gross tennis instructor.
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drole: I like your top, gloxinia! Sage: I have a name, you know. gloxinia: sighs Why. Why are you like this.
elizabeth: You know, gloxinia gives drole flowers everyday, I wish you'd do that too. meliodas: Okay. Later meliodas: gives drole flowers drole: ??? meliodas: I don't know, I'm confused as well.
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meliodas: I sleep with a gun under my pillow. elizabeth: I sleep with a knife. zeldris: Both of you are pathetic. meliodas: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with? zeldris: gelda.
zeldris: That's ridiculous, gelda doesn't have a crush on me. meliodas: Yes they do. elizabeth: Yes they do. gelda: Yes I do.
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Gelda: zeldris and I are no longer dating. zeldris: Gelda, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
king: How do I ask someone out? dahlia: Roses are red, violets are blue, guess what, my bed has room for two. king: No! helbram: Twinkle twinkle little star, we can do it in a car. king: Stop! gloxinia: Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily I can make you scream. king: I feel like the last one is verging dangerously into serial killer territory.
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librathefangirl · 1 year
We All Bleed for a Reason
ao3 (2k+; One-Shot)
(First Holy War Era) It was easy to distrust the Prince of the Demon Realm. It was a lot harder to distrust a demon who would sacrifice himself for a goddess. / Elizabeth introducing them to the Demon Prince turned traitor was a lot more chaotic than Gloxinia had first anticipated. Febuwhump 2023 Day 15: Self-Sacrifice.
Warnings: Blood and Injury.
Read on ao3 or under the cut!
When Elizabeth had first suggested the idea, Gloxinia had been strictly against it. It hadn’t been fear. He was the fairy king, he didn’t have the luxury for fear, nor would he give any demon the satisfaction. No, he hadn’t been scared but he had been apprehensive. After all, this wasn’t just a demon that Elizabeth had claimed as an ally. He was pretty much the demon. The first-born prince and expected successor to the Demon King. Not to mentioned all the rumors and horror stories about him from the battlefield. As leader of the Ten Commandments, Meliodas was as ruthless and skilled as they came, cutting down anyone who stood in his way. Until Elizabeth, it seemed. Gloxinia might not have liked the situation, but Elizabeth did have his trust.
Gloxinia sat crossed legged in the air as they waited, wringing his hands together. Drole glanced at him but didn’t say anything. Gloxinia knew he too had his doubts about this. After all, the idea of a demon in Stigma was absurd. Unthinkable even – but so was the idea of a goddess and a demon together. Now, Gloxinia hadn’t actually seen Elizabeth together with Meliodas, but he’d heard her talk about him, he’d heard the rumors about the two of them that had been circling around for a good while now. He had also heard the rumors about Meliodas turning his back to the demons and leaving the Demon Realm. A demon prince turned traitor, now that was a thought.
When it came down to it, Gloxinia was willing to give Meliodas the benefit of the doubt. For Elizabeth’s sake. To be honest, Gloxinia was curious about him. If nothing else, it’d be an intriguing meeting.
They didn’t have to wait too long before two figures approached them. Elizabeth was recognizable immediately, her pure power unmistakable. The other was almost as apparent. Gloxinia’s hair stood on end at the sinister power that could only belong to someone of Meliodas race and rank. Elizabeth held Meliodas’ hand as they landed in front of them. For a moment their wings entwined around each other like a unification of light and dark. Then Meliodas’ wings disappeared.
“Hey! Sorry we’re late,” Elizabeth greeted with a bright smile. She glanced at Meliodas with a look that clearly meant something Gloxinia couldn’t quite grasp. “We… got caught up in a discussion.”
Meliodas raised an eyebrow at her and shook his head lightly. Gloxinia noticed it wasn’t just the wings that had vanished. The darkness in his eyes and the demon mark on his forehead were both gone now too. Instead, there were eyes as green as Gloxinia’s own forest and a face that, well, frankly didn’t fit the most feared demon around. Huh, definitely intriguing.
“Mmm, still stand by what I said,” Meliodas said, causing Elizabeth to huff. She tugged him even closer by his hand.
“Shush, this is fine, you will be fine,” Elizabeth mumbled quietly – but not quietly enough. Gloxinia shared a look with Drole at that. The same thought crossed both their minds. Apparently, Elizabeth was the only one who had thought this was a good idea.
Gloxinia frowned. It didn’t seem like the – former or not – leader of the Ten Commandments would be apprehensive to meet them. Even if they were the kings of their own races. While Gloxinia would never openly admit it, he was pretty certain Meliodas could take either of them in a one-on-one battle. Depending on how reliable those rumors were. Yet, that was the conclusion he drew from the duo’s conversation. Meliodas hadn’t wanted to meet them anymore than Gloxinia and Drole had initially. Now though, Gloxinia’s interest was definitely piqued. If only he could know for sure what the demon was thinking and feeling, but Gloxinia got nothing. Meliodas was a complete blank in a way Gloxinia had never seen before – which was equal parts intriguing and frustrating.
Elizabeth kept her gaze locked on Meliodas as she waited for his response. He didn’t say anything, just sighed quietly and flashed her a smile. It said I trust you more than it did I agree with you. Elizabeth seemed satisfied at least. She turned her attention back to Gloxinia and Drole, who had quietly observed the interactions between the two.
Elizabeth had barely even opened her mouth when all hell broke loose.
Meliodas was the first one to notice. His eyes turned black and his wings formed behind him before Gloxinia even knew what was going on. Elizabeth and Meliodas tumbled to the ground at the same time the new demon threw his spear. He didn’t last long after that as Gloxinia and Drole both sprung into action. Still, the guilt stabbed through Gloxinia – how could he have missed the demon’s approach? Had he been that focused on Meliodas? Drole let out a sharp curse beside him, snapping Gloxinia back to the situation in the worst way possible.
“Are you two okay?” Drole asked as Gloxinia’s gaze zeroed in on the ground. There was blood in the grass. Bright red and undeniably fresh. There was a lot of it. Shit!
Elizabeth shot up to a sitting position, seemingly unharmed underneath wild locks of silver. Her breath stuttered in her chest as her too wide eyes took in the scene before her.
“Meliodas!” Her panicked cry almost made Gloxinia’s own throat feel raw. He landed on the ground beside her. Like a helpless aid, not even sure how to react himself. This… was not how this was supposed to go. Good or bad; this hadn’t even been an option.
“Hey? Hey, Mel?” Elizabeth breathed and stroked the fallen demon’s cheek. Meliodas was slumped over on his side, the spear sticking out in an angle from both his back and front. Now, Gloxinia definitely wasn’t an expert on demon anatomy, but he couldn’t image that the spear hadn’t punctured something vital. Especially given the blood that pooled around them. How much blood did a demon have? How much could they afford to lose? Gloxinia felt a little startled by his own worry.
“Meliodas?!” Tears fell from Elizabeth’s eyes as her voice cracked. Meliodas groaned. His hand clumsily reached up and grabbed hers. Elizabeth let out a choked gasped, holding onto the hand like a lifeline. Meliodas’ eyes slowly blinked open. Gloxinia let out a long breath of his own. Not dead. He felt more relieved than he probably should for an ally he didn’t trust.
“Yo,” Meliodas slurred and for a moment Gloxinia thought Elizabeth was actually going to hit him.
“Idiot!” she chided, burying her head against his shoulder instead. Meliodas chuckled softly. One hand came up to brush through her hair while the other remained closed around hers. It would have been a sweet sight if it hadn’t been for the fact that he was still skewered on a spear. It certainly changed everything. Not just the imagery, but Gloxinia’s own thoughts too. Ally or not, self-sacrifice was not something he would have attributed to the demon.
Elizabeth helped Meliodas sit up, wincing along with him all the way. She removed her hand from his to instead hover both of hers frantically over his bloods-stained skin. Gloxinia knew she longed to just reach out with her magic and make it all go away, but there was little she could do as long as the spear was still there.
“Why would you do that?” Elizabeth asked. Her voice had gone from panicked and heated, to quiet and soft. Meliodas brushed away the tears from her eyes, even having the audacity to try to smile at her. It failed miserably, looking more like a grimace than anything else, but the intention was clear. Meliodas, impaled through the chest and bleeding all over the ground, was trying to comfort Elizabeth. Either meeting Elizabeth had changed him completely or everything Gloxinia had ever heard about Meliodas was complete and utter bullshit.
“Well, you’ve only got one heart, and I happen to really like it.” Meliodas shrugged casually, immediately gasping at the movement. “Besides, I, ahh, damn… I still got five beating ones.”
“Five?!” Elizabeth’s voice rose in pitch as her eyes widened. Again, not an expert, but Gloxinia was pretty sure Meliodas was supposed to have seven hearts.
“Yeah, ah,” Meliodas smiled sheepishly. “Bad angle.”
“Oh, oh! Okay, uhm, Drole?” Elizabeth steadied Meliodas, wrapping her arms around his and looked up at the giant. “Can you help him?”
“Of course,” Drole responded and knelt behind them. Gloxinia could see the way Meliodas tensed up as Drole grabbed hold of the spear. His shoulders went rigid, and his knuckles turned white around his curled fists. Elizabeth reached down and uncurled one of Meliodas’ hands, tucking her own back inside it. She gave it a reassuring squeeze. Meliodas met her gaze, the unyielding trust in his eyes almost making Gloxinia feel like they were intruding on a private moment.
Gloxinia took place on Meliodas’ other side, bracing against his shoulder to help keep him steady. He noticed Meliodas glancing at him from the corner of his eyes, but Gloxinia kept his own focus on the spear and Drole’s hand. He wasn’t quite ready to deal with – whatever the hell this was. Gloxinia had thought he knew what to expect when they came here today, but that just wasn’t it.
“This is going to hurt,” Drole warned.
“Yup,” Meliodas agreed, closing his eyes tightly. Elizabeth squeezed his hand again. Drole shared a look with Gloxinia and Elizabeth – and then he pulled.
The sound of the spear being extracted was awful. The wet scraping of wood and metal against flesh. The splashing of more blood falling into the grass. The poorly suppressed scream that cut off into what Gloxinia could only image was a vile string of demonic curses.
Drole let the spear drop to the ground with an unpleasant splattering as Meliodas collapsed against Elizabeth. She pulled him even closer, rubbing at his arms and muttering quietly to him. Slowly Meliodas’ breathing evened back out. When he blinked up at her, his eyes were still as green as before. Gloxinia floated back into the air while Elizabeth’s hands instantly hovered over Meliodas’ wounds again. This time there was nothing holding her back. Elizabeth’s magic flowed from her hands into his wounds, willing them back together; willing five beats into seven.
Gloxinia found himself watching Meliodas watching Elizabeth as she worked. It was clear by now that Meliodas and Elizabeth weren’t exactly your average demon and goddess. Their relationship at all was a before unheard thing. There was no basis for this. Yet at the same time, Gloxinia couldn’t help but be in awe at the way Meliodas looked at her. Here he was, a wounded demon, completely at ease under a goddess’ hands, not even paying attention to the magic that touched him. The goddesses might be well-known around Britannia for their miracle healings, but to a demon that was surely the last thing their power was associated with. Despite all that, there was nothing but trust and admiration and – dared Gloxinia say it – love in Meliodas’ gaze.
Intriguing didn’t seem to be quite enough. Watching the two of them was… enchanting.
Elizabeth leaned back slightly when she was done. She watched Meliodas with baited breath, as if she still thought he would crumble to the ground. Meliodas just grinned at her and leaned up to place a kiss to her cheek. Her face flushed with color.
“You are a fool,” Elizabeth muttered, shaking her head.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Meliodas mumbled back, his voice soft as he brushed his fingers across her cheek. “I’m here, Ellie. I’m not going anywhere.”
Gloxinia shared another look with Drole before Drole – bless his soul – cleared his throat and finally reminded the two that they weren’t actually alone. Elizabeth’s cheeks grew even redder, but Meliodas just turned to them with a startingly easy smile playing on his lips.
“Gloxinia, Drole, it’s nice to finally meet you,” Meliodas greeted, despite whatever qualms he’d had before coming here. Then his smile faded as his gaze flickered to the ground. The change was almost as startling. The barely noticeable tenseness to his shoulders, the heaviness in his eyes. The fact that he seemed unable to even meet their gazes. “Under more civilized circumstances that is.”
Meliodas seemed determined to just keep shocking Gloxinia today – proving him wrong even. These were hardly civilized circumstances, not after that attack, but at the same time, Meliodas was right. Things between the four of them could have been so much worse. Meliodas had been the leader of the Ten Commandments. His role was hardly a secret. All of them knew that he very much had had a crucial part in the destructive demonic forces that had cost countless beings their lives. Not just goddesses and humans, fairies and giants too. Of course, every race had some blame in the state of the land, but Gloxinia had never expected Meliodas to acknowledge it all like that.
“Nice to meet you too, Meliodas,” Gloxinia returned, finding himself to actually mean it. Then the serious moment broke as Meliodas gave another crooked, sheepish smile.
“I, uh,” he glanced down at where he and Elizabeth were still seated on the ground, “would have like to not be sitting in a pool of my own blood, but I guess I can’t be picky.”
“Well, it’s quite the impression, if nothing else,” Drole commented, causing Gloxinia to snort. That was a bit of an understatement. Meliodas laughed too, a light and happy sound, as he let Elizabeth pull him up on his feet.
“Well, I do aim to please.”
Yeah, Meliodas was not how Gloxinia had anticipated. At all. Maybe Elizabeth wasn’t so crazy for choosing him after all – No, it definitely was crazy. Insane even. But maybe Gloxinia was just as crazy. Because he had the feeling the four of them would get along just fine.
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koochipatchi · 6 months
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sydns · 2 years
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pt 3 of alignment madness
(sorry that it's kinda lackluster than the first two)
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dreyhendyheadquarters · 4 months
I decided to decorate my keyboard with characters from the Seven Deadly Sins (long story) so I’m going to have a bunch of square images of characters.
No payment no nothing, I’m handling them out for free, but first come first serve applies.
The first batch is the Ten Commandments, if you want one, comment the name of the character you want, and I’ll DM you about it
1) Zeldris (taken)
2) Melascula (taken)
3) Monspeet (taken)
4) Gloxinia (taken)
5) Estarossa (taken)
6) Grayroad
7) Derieri (taken)
8) Drole (taken)
9) Galand (taken)
10) Fraudrin (taken)
The names that are green are available; if they turn red, that means they are taken.
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sidonisms · 5 months
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Fairy Queen Titania, wife of King Gloxinia, originator of Tír na nÓg
Loooong character bio/story summary because I struggle with writing long fics!! I wish I could write a whole story about these two and their relationship but know I wouldn't finish it ;;
Her special ability is Wither, any living thing she touches will decay almost instantly — excluding fairies as their bodies don't rot even in death and she isn't able to turn it off. To compound her destructive nature, Titania isn't capable of any of the nature-nourishing magic that is innate to the Fairy Clan. Because her special ability is similar to an aspect of the Fairy Kings' ability, Disaster, but only the aspect of decay, Titania was surrounded by skeptics.
In her young life she was subtly outcast from the community by her fellow fairies. Titania spent decades of her life lonely and despising the fact that she was failing her duty as a fairy until she met the King of Fairies, Gloxinia. Gloxinia was curious about Titania's abilities as he noticed that even though Wither was destructive in the moment in following decades all flora that grew where Wither was used came up healthier and heartier, though Titania and the other fairies had their doubts.
The two spent years together trying to understand how to get control of Wither, though Titania was holding out hope that he would a way to remove her "curse" permanently. Slowly, the attempts to help her shifted into spending time together simply because they enjoyed each other's company. Gloxinia had it as his personal mission to try and make the sad woman smile with tricks or jokes or games, anything he could to try and lift her spirits.
It was through that closeness that they were able to learn that Gloxinia himself was able to neutralize her decay ability, just by being capable of using Disaster. With Gloxinia, Titania was able to feel safe enough to spend more time with the other fairies and finally experience what living as part of the community was like. Though Titania still felt like an outsider or a guest, rather than a complete part of the Fairy Clan.
Using her magic, Titania created an island for herself called Tír na nÓg, the effort she spent nearly ended up killing her. She only survived thanks to Gloxinia finding her and getting the help of the other fairies to heal her. The creation of Tír na nÓg granted Titania an immortal lifespan as her magic is tied to every living thing on the island. As long as a single blade of grass grows, Titania and any mortal being will live.
Tír na nÓg was the first place that Titania truly safe and comfortable, as she could walk around without worrying about upsetting anyone as she withered the flora around her. Only those who are given permission can set foot on or even find the island. One could search for a thousand years for the Land of the Young and never see its shores. It's Titania's own safe haven. She granted permission to her dear friend Gloxinia and it became a place for the two of them to spend an untold amount of time together, relishing in each other's company.
Eventually, their relationship evolved past companionship into love and eventually marriage. As it was the wedding of the first King of the Fairies, it was a gathering full of friends and love. Even the ever-anxious Titania was more rambunctious and lively, keeping the party alive until well into the next day with singing, dancing, and drink. On her wedding day, Titania truly got to experience being herself, wholly and unapologetically.
On the first night they spent together as a married couple, a nearby flower was made to bloom from the joy Titania felt and once she noticed it she was so overwhelmed at being able to create life for the first time, she cried while holding it. Gloxinia blessed it to never die and tucked it into her hair, his first gift as her husband and her most treasured possession.
However, following the ancient Holy War and the disappearance of Gloxinia as he joined the Demon Clan, Titania's joy came to an end. Without Gloxinia there to tether her to the forest, she retreated to Tír na nÓg permanently. No one within the Fairy Clan knew what happened to her and for thousands of years, until the unsealing of the Coffin of Eternal Darkness and Gloxinia's return.
Wanting to know the fate of his wife, Gloxinia asks Gerheade and the other fairies if anyone has heard anything about Titania as no one seems to mention her. Through them, Gloxinia learns about her vanishing but no one can say for sure what became of her. Taking this as a chance, he asks those at the Boar Hat to keep an ear open for rumors. He confesses that no matter how hard he tries he can't find Tír na nÓg and suspects that becoming a demon severed his connection.
Tír na nÓg might have been her personal paradise but he's sure she would have allowed other misfits like her to find refuge in its eternal paradise. Eventually, a lead turns up and brings them to an old woman with a much darker story to tell than Gloxinia is expecting. The old woman spent time on Tír na nÓg herself as one of the immortal Fair Folk. As a young woman, she was mistreated by the people of her village when one night a beautiful young woman appeared and offered her a place in paradise.
She spent years in Tír na nÓg, living in a place of beauty and bounty when she met a man she would soon fall in love with and wanted to return to the mainland to raise a family. The ruler of Tír na nÓg refused to allow them to leave, viewing the rest of the world as an inescapable hell, and warned them of the severe consequences if they should ask again. So the lovers devised a plan to escape the island that was as much a prison as it was a paradise. Under the cover of night for weeks they built a boat to flee on. When the night to escape came, the forest began to shake and shudder and rot as the full power of the ruler of Tír na nÓg approached them.
The man sacrificed his chance to escape and shoved the boat out, promising to distract the tyrant holding them prisoner and promising to find her. And so the old woman has been waiting for decades now, alone in her home. She laments leaving the love of her life behind, knowing that if he's alive she's aged well beyond her beautiful prime and fears for all the other poor souls that the tyrant has preyed upon. Her sweet voice promising the outcasts of society a home and safety only to chain them like dogs in a beautiful, immortal prison.
The woman's story lives Gloxinia reeling. He can't imagine his dear, sad Titania being capable of that level of cruelty but he also knows just what grief can drive someone to do. What it drove him to do. Gloxinia asks the woman if she knows any way to get back to Tír na nÓg which she confirms, giving him some stones from the shore as anything taken from Tír na nÓg can lead someone back. After expressing his gratitude, he takes the stones and returns to Meliodas to decide what to do next.
The group follows Gloxinia as he heads to Tír na nÓg and is unsettled by the eerie atmosphere and fog that hangs over the island. Screamers attack as they make landfall and quickly hide to avoid the sight of a fairy woman patrolling over the forest canopy. Slowly making their way through the forest, they encounter a village filled with terrified humans who beg them to bring them back to the mainland. The commotion is cut off by a man matching the description the old woman gave of her love, a man named Nico, who explains the reason the island is in the state that it's in.
Titania, the tyrant of Tír na nÓg has been using tricks to bring humans to the island against their will, even going so far as taking children and babies from their parents and replacing them with changelings if they weren't loving them enough in her eyes. Following the escape of one human woman, his beloved, an enchanted fog appeared around the shores, choking anyone who attempted to leave. It seems day by day, Titania falls further into madness. The island has been subject to earthquakes for the past few days as the ruler of Tír na nÓg is punishing them but no one knows for what reason. Gloxinia promises that he can fix this and when questioned, he simply smiles and says it's his duty as a husband to soothe his wife.
Their conversation is interrupted when a woman spots them talking to outsiders, flicking between everyone before calling them traitors and sprinting away into the forest to inform Titania. The man urges them to do whatever they're going to do quickly as they might not survive the day when Titania finds out.
Gloxinia hopes that Titania might come to her senses as soon as they reunite but the constant unending attacks from Screamers, the mysterious fairy, and the forest itself make him question his optimism. And sure enough when face to face with Titania, her eyes tinged with mania, those hopes are dashed. She calls them thieves and begins attacking. Gloxinia tries to calm her but for years Titania was tortured by visions of Gloxinia and believes him to be another one.
During the battle, Elizabeth asks why she's tormenting the villagers. Titania says she doesn't want to do any of it, they just need to give back the thing that they stole from her. It's then that Gloxinia notices the flower that he gifted her isn't in her hair but he can sense his magic nearby. He orders the others to hold her off while he finds it but makes it clear that if they hurt her too badly there would be hell to pay. Ban shoos him off saying they'll do whatever they need to do to make sure she doesn't kill anyone. Gloxinia isn't amused.
It takes some time and he's forced to fight the mystery fairy girl — Oberon, loyal attendant of Titania — but eventually Gloxinia finds the flower in the village. And it's utterly torn to shreds. Gloxinia picks up the damaged petals, looking utterly heartbroken when Nico appears behind him. Gloxinia asks if he was the one that destroyed the flower, which Nico confirms. He resents Titania for keeping him trapped here as one of her Fair Folk while the woman he loves will wait for him until she dies. Destroying the only thing she seems to treasure felt like a fitting punishment after she destroyed his happiness.
Gloxinia thanks him for his honesty and promises that Titania won't find out who stole the flower. He doesn't blame Nico for doing what he did but tells him that as her husband he can't stand knowing how sad she would feel if he didn't return it to her, then flies back towards the battle.
As he appears back on the battlefield, Oberon has joined Titania, even though she's injured. The pair of them look exhausted, having to take on the Sins but not too worse for wear. He flies up to Titania, offering the shreds of his first gift to her, and in an instant Titania begins crying - utterly horrified by what's happened to it. She swears she's going to kill everyone on the island but gets cut off by Gloxinia kissing the tip of her nose and chiding her for crying over something so trite.
In an instant, he injects his magic into the flower, healing it and restoring the bloom to full vitality. Titania is stunned, not believing her eyes before slowly reaching out and touching Gloxinia's face to confirm he's really there and not a hallucination. Once she confirms it, she utterly collapses into him, apologizing and begging for forgiveness but once again he chides her for her dramatics. He tucks the flower back into its rightful place in her hair before embracing her properly and finally kissing his wife again after three thousand years apart.
Following Titania's return to her senses, she returns the children to their families and allows everyone to leave Tír na nÓg. To her surprise, some choose to stay. As long as Titania is the same kind, just queen she was when they first arrived they're more than happy to stay. Oberon hands Titania a magic stone they can communicate through and says she'll take care of the Fair Folk while their queen spends time with her husband. If they need anything or she needs them, a message into the stone is all it will take. Nico doesn't hesitate to climb on the boat back to the mainland, ready to finally be with the love of his life again and fulfill his promise.
Gloxinia is just happy to be with Titania again and show her the world, the new fairy forest, whatever she wants as long as they can stay together.
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winterlogysblog · 2 months
Fairy Scents ft. Kiane Kids Scent Headcanons
It's well established that each fairy has a scent that is associated with a flower or a herb. So far we have confirmed scents for each notable fairy we have been introduced to.
So after some quick research I found some info about these flowers and their scents
King - Gold Osmanthus
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Osmanthus Wine tastes same as I remember, but where are those who share the memory XD
Origins: China
In the language of flowers, they carry the meaning of love and romance, symbolising true love and faithfulness
Smells like a mix of juicy peaches, ripe apricots with soft leather or suede.
Elaine - Lavender
Origins: Mediterranean
Represent purity, silence, devotion, serenity, grace, and calmness.
Biblical meaning of lavender symbolizes purity, devotion, and love
Delicate, sweet smell that is floral, herbal, and evergreen woodsy at the same time
Helbram - White Rose
Origins: Ancient Greece
Symbolize loyalty, purity, and innocence.
Combination of floral and fruity notes, with hints of honey and jasmine
Fun fact: A White Rose is what King used to kill Helbram (the first time) it turned red because of the blood
Gerheade - Mint
Origins: Mediterranean
Symbol of Hospitality and Wisdom
Gloxinia - Ginger
Origins: Maritime Southeast Asia
In many cultures, ginger is considered a symbol of love
Used in religious rituals to symbolize cleansing, protection and blessing.
Warm and spicy, with a hint of sweetness
Lancelot - Lemon
Origins: Unknown (said to be first grown in Northeast India, Northern Myanmar, or China)
Symbol of purity and cleansing
Headcanon Time
Since Nakaba hasn't spoken out about their scents I'll give my thoughts on the matter.
Lancelot introduced fruits into the mix of scents and Gloxinia smells like Ginger which is a root so I went ham with this.
Nasiens - Oleander or Sunflower
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Oleander are toxic which is very fitting for our Mad Herbalist
Smells like Vanilla
Oleander symbolizes love, beauty, and resilience
I want one of Kiane's kids to smell like Sunflowers cause you know... Sunflower
Sunflowers also don't have a distinct smell so it's actually fitting for Nasiens since he grew up thinking he's human so there's really no natural fairy-like smell he could have detected from himself
Sunflower represents longevity, lasting happiness, adoration, and loyalty
Sixtus - Peach
Since Sixtus looks extremely like King I think it's only fitting if his scent is close to King's as well
Peaches symbolizes longevity
Belte - Jasmine
Belte gives Helbram energy and he kinda looks like him too so his scent also needs to give Helbram energy
Jasmine stands for purity, simplicity, modesty and strength.
Zana and Zillian - Blackberry and Raspberry
Since they're twins I want their scents to match
Blackberries are mild, sweet and slightly acidic scent, with earthy and woody nuances.
Some believed that blackberries contain properties of abundance and prosperity
Raspberries are fruity, sweet and slightly acidic
Raspberries are symbol of kindness in Christian art.
Tioreh - Pink Hyacinth
Phao - Lily of the Valley
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Symbol of purity, joy, love, sincerity, happiness and luck,
Has a floral and green scent, with fresh and slightly sweet notes
I want one of Kiane's kids scents to come from the earth, something underground. There's an underground Orchid but it smells bad so that won't do so I specifically looked for a flower that has an earthy scent. I also want it to be PINK for Tioreh
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Sweet, robust, and earthy
Pink hyacinths symbolize playful joy.
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untasdedessin · 3 months
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It's the birthday of the First Fairy King !
Will he be able to find some rest today?
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dailymarshmallows · 1 month
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Before we leave the fairy kings forest I figured I should share this old art I made of Commandment Revival! Gloxinia. I drew this over a year ago after seeing that Galand and Melascula came back and figured I wanted my favorite commandment to return too.
The outfit is very inspired by his Grand Cross Erosion of the Corrupted Nightmare set. Because of the way Arthur probably remembers him I kept it very Demon/Ten Commandment inspired hence the fake Repose Commandment.
Also I tried to keep all the injuries he died with like the slashed chest and the torn off wings which are now being held on by weird darkness-blood thingys.
And he now has greenish skin cuz… zombie and chlorophyll reasons….and it looked cool. Also the pink hair… apparently it’s canon? Grand Cross has it labeled as pink, so I overly emphasized it.
I may start a (slowly updated) series with this with characters I think would exist in Camelot or be brought back by Arthur if I do the next one would probably be Chion? Just since I have a design for him. Other characters would probably be Diodra, Drole, Revived! Jade, Isolde, Vivian pretty much whatever I think of!
Non-cropped version under the cut
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Pretty much the blank space is left for a human disguise form I never got enough motivation to finish. I cropped it down just since it looked awkward with all the blank space next to it. Would’ve just redrawn it honestly but my art style and the way I’ve colored’s changed so it would’ve been off next to each other so… may redesign this in the future with the other form?
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romanxoxo · 3 months
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glox art for his birthday hes my little princess
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cupidthewriter · 9 months
I’ve come across a dilemma /jk
In a little mermaid AU…
Do I make Sage the mermaid, bc that’s my first thought?
because the human world symbolizes independence for Ariel like the fairy world does for sage? Do I make her the mermaid bc gloxinia is the actual royal and it makes sense for him to be the prince here too, even if Ariel also happens to be royal? Do I make her a mermaid bc of the leaving home aspect because Sage ALSO left her whole world behind for independence and love?
or do I make gloxinia a mermaid for the pure aesthetic because LOOK AT HIS HAIR
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librathefangirl · 1 year
When the Past Comes Crashing
ao3 (Chapter 1/7; 2k+)
A seemingly easy mission quickly goes awry for the Seven Deadly Sins, forcing them to make some critical decisions that sets off an unexpected set of events. At the same time, a long-buried secret comes back to haunt Meliodas with a 3,000-year-old call for revenge. Written for @amonthofwhump's March Trope-A-Thon!
Okay, so a little run-down about this AU/timeline: This goes off-canon back in the First Holy War and Meliodas’ betrayal against the demons. The details of how exactly, you’ll find out through the story (as it’s a vital part of the plot).
As for the present-time timeline, it’s canon-divergent in the way that Meliodas actually killed Fraudrin back in Danafor. This means Dreyfus was never possessed, Zaratras was never killed, and the Sins were never framed. Elizabeth’s relationship with Meliodas is of course also affected by this as she never had to search for the Sins with him. Instead, she grew up with him as the captain fo the Seven Deadly Sins and a holy knight of Liones. As for the Sins’ current dynamic, it’s mostly like how it was in Prisoners of the Sky, except only Merlin and Gowther (who has regained his memories) know about Meliodas being a demon.
Chapter Prompts: Day 1 – Environmental; Rockslide/Building Collapse.
Read on ao3 or under the cut!
“You’re worried about me?” Meliodas teased when Drole lingered behind. Gloxinia and Elizabeth had already flown ahead. Gloxinia had held onto Elizabeth’s hand, as if he was afraid that she would circle back given the chance. Maybe she would have. They had all been even less excited about the plan than usual. Elizabeth had been downright against it.
Drole sighed deeply, “I’m worried you’re not taking this seriously.”
“Come on, when am I not serious?” Meliodas questioned, flying up to the giant’s eye-level. Drole just gave him a look, causing Meliodas to roll his eyes. “I’ve got this.”
“If it were up to Elizabeth, you wouldn’t be doing this at all.”
“Well, Ellie’s a worrier,” Meliodas smiled. He then sighed when he only got the same apprehensive look. “The plan hasn’t changed.”
“Maybe it should,” Drole suggested. Meliodas crossed his arms over his chest, avoiding his gaze.
“We’ve been over this. I’m not abandoning him.”
“I know,” Drole acknowledged. “And we’re not asking you to.”
“Then you’re just going to have to trust me!”
“We do,” Drole promised. Meliodas felt his defensiveness falter. His hands dropped to his sides. “But that doesn’t mean we don’t worry about you.”
A small smile passed over Meliodas’ face, “We’re all taking risks here.”
“Not all of us are betraying the Demon King right under his nose,” Drole pointed out. Meliodas hummed at that.
“That’s true,” he admitted. “But we don’t have a lot of options here. Unless you honestly think we can count on Ludociel to end this war peacefully.”
Drole sighed again, “Just be careful.”
“I will,” Meliodas promised. He hesitated as he was about to fly away, glancing over his shoulder towards the spot the others had disappeared. “Look after Elizabeth for me.”
Drole nodded his head, “We’ll see you soon.”
– 3,000 years later –
“So, what exactly is this mission again?” Ban asked, glancing up at the towering building with an almost bored expression.
The massive house was like something from a horror story. It somehow looked simultaneously both sturdy and ready to collapse at any moment. Meliodas eyed the mountain behind it critically. He didn’t like the way it was more or less hanging out over the building. If something were to happen to the mountain, the building would be buried instantly.
“Ghost hunting,” Meliodas then exclaimed, throwing Ban a bright grin. Ban just rose his eyebrows at him as King groaned beside them.
“Captain,” King protested. Merlin shook her head.
“Nobody said anything about ghosts.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Meliodas muttered, waving his hand at her as they came to a stop before the house. “But that’s what they were all implying. Spooky hauntings.”
“The village down the hill has been subjected to a series of… mysterious incidents,” Merlin explained. “Nobody could give a proper explanation on what exactly happened, but it has the whole village crying ghosts and monsters. They’re all blaming this house, apparently. Even the knights are scared to go near it.”
“Wimps,” Ban snorted. “So, they sent us instead.”
“Yup!” Meliodas nodded his head, still grinning. “So, now we have to go in and make sure there are no vengeful ghosts haunting the village.”
Meliodas tilted his head, regarding the house. There was something about it that seemed off. Okay, there was a lot about this that seemed off. But there was something particular about the house he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Something that, despite his jokes, made him want to send the others away. Unfortunately, he knew they wouldn’t accept that without a proper reason. One he didn’t have yet. Because ‘a bad feeling’ definitely wouldn’t work.
“And Diane and the others stayed back because…?” King asked. Meliodas noticed but didn’t point out his choice of wording. It wasn’t like King was subtle about his crush on Diane, and right now, Meliodas was happy for the distraction. Something to shake the unease feeling. Meliodas shrugged his shoulders casually as he explained.
“To guard the village against whatever we anger of course!” King rolled his eyes, and Meliodas gestured towards the mountain. “And that looks about ready to collapse. If there is a rockslide, Diane and Escanor will be able to protect the village, and Gowther can help with an eventual evacuation.”
“Well, at least you’ve thought this one through, Captain.”
“So, we gonna go in?” Ban questioned, sending a teasing grin in King’s direction. “Or you wanna admit that you’re scared~?”
“I am not-”
“Okay!” Meliodas cut off, before an argument could break out. “Let’s go. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can get a drink instead!”
– X –
“Found any vengeful ghosts?” Meliodas asked as Merlin stepped up beside him. They’d all split up once inside the house to cover all the rooms faster. Merlin sighed, shaking her head at him again.
“You’re enjoying this too much.” Meliodas glanced at her, tilting his head at her tone.
“You’re saying you believe the villagers?”
“There are no ghosts here,” Merlin muttered, glaring at him for even making her say it aloud. “Those people don’t know what they’re talking about, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t something here. There’s magical residue all over the place.”
“Yeah,” Meliodas agreed, his smile dropping. “I felt that too. Haven’t seen anything that can cause any ghost-blamed incidents though.”
“No. I haven’t either,” Merlin said as Meliodas rubbed at a spot on the floorboards with his foot. He glanced at her again. Her arms were crossed over her chest, her shoulder raised; she looked as tense as she sounded.
“But you found something?” Meliodas guessed, frowning at the pattern underneath the dust. It looked familiar… Merlin hesitated for a moment before she shook her head.
“One of the rooms was completely destroyed,” Merlin explained. “What I felt there was… familiar in a way it shouldn’t be.”
Meliodas looked up from the floor, “What do you mean?”
“It felt like miasma.”
“No,” Meliodas muttered. He crossed his own arms, shifting from foot to foot. “It can’t be. Miasma doesn’t occur naturally in this realm.”
“Which explains the rotten wood in the room,” Merlin pointed out. “I know it doesn’t make sense, but it’s the only explanation I have. That room has been exposed to pure miasma.”
“That isn’t possible,” Meliodas protested again, unconsciously grabbing hold of the dragon handle. “The demons have been sealed off from this realm for millennia. You know that.”
“I do,” Merlin acknowledged. “But you know there have been demons who have slipped out before. The Fairy King’s Forest, Danafor-”
“That was different! Fraudrin is dead, and there is no way a red demon could set a trap like this.”
Merlin raised an eyebrow at him, “You think this is a trap?”
“You don’t?” Meliodas questioned. “I wasn’t sure at first, but, something about this place always felt wrong. In a way, it didn’t feel wrong.”
“Like miasma.”
“Exactly. And, I mean, just look around! There’s nothing in this house. Yet the villagers are being plagued by something unseen and unknown? And no other knights will even step foot in this place. Meaning we had to come here. Then there’s the miasma, apparently, and…” Meliodas glanced down at the floor again, but before he could continue, the entire building shook violently. A loud, startling crack sounded from outside.
Meliodas and Merlin shared a knowing look, as Meliodas let out a muttered curse.
“The mountain,” Merlin agreed. Meliodas gaze flickered to the floor again before meeting her gaze.
“Whatever’s going on, we can figure it out later. We need to get the others and get out before that mountain buries us.”
– X –
As they all made it to the door, Meliodas had the feeling this natural disaster happening outside wasn’t so natural after all. Just like these ghost incidents wasn’t so ghost related. Someone had wanted them specifically to come here – had wanted him to come here. That much was clear. He didn’t know who or what or even why, but there was at least one demon involved. A fact that only made this whole situation worse.
Meliodas lingered behind as the other exited the house. Given King’s shout as he looked behind the house, they didn’t have much time.
“Merlin.” Meliodas stopped her before she could join King and Ban. She turned to him with a troubled frown. Her voice was tense as she spoke.
“We need to leave.”
“I know,” Meliodas said, but then shook his head. He rubbed his foot on the floor again, pushing away the layers of dust until she could see the carved pattern. The same pattern that had been in the other room – possibly every room. Logically, he knew it ran through the entire house. Merlin let out a loud curse as she recognized it.
“Yeah,” Meliodas agreed, his mouth twisting into a humorless smile. He reached out one hand towards the door and let his fingers push against the invisible force field there – design to keep demons and demons only from crossing. “This was definitely a trap.”
“But who-”
“There’s no time,” Meliodas cut her off. The ground was shaking with worsening tremors. “You have to get the others away from here. Keep the village safe.”
“Meliodas…” Merlin’s voice trailed off as he reached out his sword towards her. The dragon handle trembled in his hands. Ever since Danafor he had never let it out of his sight. Not even once. Until now. Merlin swallowed.
“What if…” she was stalling. They both knew it. She was no more eager to take the sword than he was to give it to her. They both realized what that meant. Only one of them was leaving this house today. Her gaze flickered back to the floor, but Meliodas shook his head. Ban and King shouted at them frantically from outside. They were out of time. Soon those two would just settle for dragging them out by force if necessary. It wouldn’t work of course, and Meliodas had no plan to have them here when their time really did run out. Big rocks were already crashing down around the house.
“You know as well as I do that not even you can undo or overpower that barrier. Not before it is already too late. I can’t leave. So, I need you to take this. You’re the only one I trust with it. Take it and get the others away.” His words were a strange mix of ordering and pleading. Tears shone in his eyes. “You know I will be fine. Take it and get them to safety.”
Reluctantly, Merlin took the sword from Meliodas’ hand. The sound of the crashing rocks almost deafening now. Before she left, she looked him straight in the eyes, “Don’t die.”
Meliodas gave her a shaky smile. Then she snapped her fingers, teleporting Ban, King, and herself down into the village. Away from harm, and away from Meliodas.
Meliodas exhaled slowly. The others were safe. The key was safe. That was all that mattered. He closed his eyes, calling every inch of his magic to him. He extended his wings behind him. Anything that could help as the mountain collapsed over him.
It wasn’t enough.
– 3,000 years ago –
Elizabeth was fluttering. Gloxinia didn’t have a better way to describe it. She was pacing back and forth, her feet barely even touching the ground. She wrung her hands together anxiously as she muttered to herself. Gloxinia would have said she looked like a wreck, but she looked like she had for the past few days.
“You’re back!” she cried out as soon as she saw them. Then she threw a glance over her shoulder, her expression darkening instantly. It seemed like her day with Ludociel had been less than pleasant. Not that Gloxinia was surprised. For all his power, the archangel was very far down on the list of people Gloxinia would willingly spend his free time with.
“What-” Elizabeth cut off herself, giving them a tight smile. Gloxinia nodded his head. This was not a conversation to have around nosy assholes. He shared a glance with Drole. If he was honest, he didn’t want to have this conversation at all. Gloxinia wanted to just erase these past hours and go back to living in blissful unawareness.
Once they’d made it far away to be unheard and undisturbed, Elizabeth spun around.
“So? What happened?” she immediately asked. “Oh, I wished I could have come with you!”
She faltered when she met their gazes. Oh, God. Gloxinia didn’t want to do this. Not when she was looking at them like that. He could see the worry in her eyes go from fearing the what ifs to something a lot more concrete; a realization that something actually had gone wrong. Gloxinia really wished he could prove her wrong.
“What is it?” she asked, her voice a mere whisper. Drole glanced off to the side, but when he spoke, he met her gaze. His steady calm barely hiding his own worry.
“He wasn’t there.”
Gloxinia could see the exact moment that Elizabeth processed the words. Her world shattering.
“… what?”
“It doesn’t have to mean something’s wrong!” Gloxinia hurriedly added. The words sounded false even to his own ears. Elizabeth shook her head, a few tears falling from her eyes as she pressed a hand to her mouth.
“No, it- he wouldn’t- Mel would have let us know!” Elizabeth stammered. She was right. Of course she was right. If Gloxinia had actually believed his own words, the worry wouldn’t have felt like a rock in his stomach.
“Okay, yeah, something is wrong,” he admitted shakily. “But it doesn’t have to mean the worst-case scenario.”
It was the same floundering attempts at comfort he’d been giving himself for hours by now.
“Which is?” Elizabeth asked. They all knew it – but she seemed to need to hear it.
“Worst-case,” Gloxinia said, reluctantly letting the idea form in his mind. “The Demon King knows.”
Elizabeth nodded her head, more tears rolling down her cheeks as she suppressed a sob.
“But it doesn’t have to be worst case,” Gloxinia tried again.
“He’s right,” Drole spoke up. “For all we know, this is to keep his cover. A precaution to not be discovered.”
“That’s still not a good thing, is it?” Elizabeth said shakily. Neither Gloxinia nor Drole answered her. They didn’t need to. All three already knew the answer. No matter the reason, Meliodas not showing up as planned meant that something had gone wrong. Just like they had all feared ever since they started this whole thing.
– 3,000 years later –
When Meliodas came to, it was painfully, slowly, and briefly. It wasn’t to the darkness underneath half a mountain. It was to a ray of the setting sun in his face. It was to a shadow towering above him. It was to the realization that something was horrible wrong before the darkness took over again.
To Be Continued…
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the-dragon-sin · 3 months
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Probably not an original idea but I made this. I low-key ship them together.
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sydns · 2 months
[Fairy rotation] (aka: all the fairies smoke weed and make it everyone's problem)
It was 4pm in the Britannian gas station, and everything was just going as "usual". Except the strong smell of weed. It wasn't bad the first 2 hours, slightly noticeable but tolerable. But now people were complaining and that wasn't good.
Diane stormed up to the source, knowing exactly who was doing this. And angrly swung the door open; There sat Elaine, high, smoking a joint. Gerheade & Gloxinia were sitting back to back, Gerheade inhaling fumes from a bong. Everyone was still in uniform, but unclear if they were skipping or on break.
And there was King. laying on chastiefol crying his eyes out.
Diane rushed over to him with a napkin, wiping residue of his face. It was clear he ate something.
"King what happened to you??!"
She shook him slightly, hoping he'd get it together. But he only cried more. Then looking at a empty brownie tray in the corner, It was clear about what he ate.
"King stress ate the tray of edibles, it's only just starting to hit him now."
Diane looked at Elaine with concern. But King started to sob, everything was a distorted mess for him. Words and faces were jumbled up, He saw colors, and even helbram in the corner of his eye.
"Oh Harlequin you poor thing... Let's get out of here."
Holding him close she picked him up gently along with chastiefol. And halfway out the door, she looked back with disappointment.
"When y'all are finished please make sure to filter out everything. People are starting to complain."
"Okay." said Elaine.
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taeloke · 3 months
For Gloxinia's birthday, have these simple and/or unfinished colorings from 2023. I forgot about them because of classes at the time...until now :)
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