#god I want to rewatch Deja Q
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Star Trek - Strange New Dumb Comics #73
tfw Q invited himself in your ready room to talk about his godly problems for 2 hours
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🎫 here's a gush pass ^^ feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other selfshippers!
OOOH BOY OKAY Well if you've been watching my blog for the past, idk, two weeks then you know that a certain omnipotent bastard has been on my mind constantly 🥺👉👈 SO IT'S TIME FOR ME TO SCREAM ABOUT Q AGAIN!!!
Okay I just. Ohhhh there's so much I absolutely ADORE about him and yet at the same time he makes me want to bury my face in a pillow and just SCREEEEAM with how much he absolutely flusters me so much like WHY.... DOES HE HAVE THAT POWER OVER ME GGRRRR 😳😳 I literally am rewatching an episode wif him in it as I write this answer and like.. fuck there's just SO MUCH ok ok let me try to list off just the two main things I like about him the most before I go insane
• Okay ONE, of fuckin course I have to admit that I really love his personality. Thats exactly what flusters me so much about him is that he's just SO INCREDIBLY arrogant and deceptive and self-important and dare I say... dominant 😳 Just the way he fuckin acts is like you immediately KNOW that he thinks he's the most important person not just in the room but in EVERY room, he's so full of himself (and the worst part is its JUSTIFIED cuz of his powers like that is NOT FAIR AAAAGH)
• Second is that despite, or maybe even because of, his arrogance and omnipotence, he can be so incredibly childish, especially when something doesn't go his way, and I can't think of a more perfect example than when he loses his powers in "Deja Q". He is just CONSTANTLY complaining about everything in that episode and it is SO FUCKING FUNNY but also.... kinda cute 🥺🥺 Especially when he gets all pouty oh my GOD I swear he has the best sad puppy-dog eyes I have EVER SEEN and I absolutely adore it so much like... GOSH HE CAN BE SURPRISINGLY CUTE 🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖
Okay this has gone on long enough but before I go please just look at his smile with me like ohhhhh my God my heart is BURSTING OVER HERE 🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖
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calliecat93 · 3 years
ST: TNG S4 Watchthrough Episodes 18-21
Identity Crisis: Alright episode, you have redeemed Geordi for me after Galaxy’s Child! This was an interesting one. Two officers that Geordi once worked with are missing, so the Enterprise is sent to the planet that they were an Away Team on along with an officer named Suzanna who was also on the team. So what happened? Long story short, the Away Team members were infected with something that is causing them to lose their humanity. it starts to happen to Suzanna… and it will soon happen to Geordi as well. I like Geordi and Suzanna’s relationship. It isn’t romantic, it comes off very much like a sibling relationship with Geordi trying to comfort her and it’s her who reaches out to Geordi at the end. It’s really sweet. I honestly wonder which one is scarier, not knowing exactly what is happening to you? Or knowing and only being able to wait and hopefully figure out a solution before it’s too late? The aliens also looked pretty cool. But yeah, this one was good. It allowed Geordi to show off his investigation skills and again,t he sibling-like dynamic with Suzanna was really sweet. Also major props to Dr. Crushr for again being a badass doctor who essentially saved the day by figuring out the cause. And Data being anxious about Geordi, oh honey. So yeah, solid episode~! 4/5.
The Nth Degree: Oh hey, Barclay’s back. Didn’t expect that. So what happens to our anxious-ridden officer this time. An Away Mission grants him super intelligence! Yep, really! The newfound intelligence not only increases Barclay’s competency level, but also his confidence and productivity. Compared to last time, the crew is far nicer with Troi especially being glad that he’s been more willing to put himself forward and even tells in in the cold opening to take some credit f himself. Which is always so difficult to remember when one has anxiety. It always tells you over and over that you’ll never be good enough, that no one cares about you, and it will destroy any sense of accomplishment that you have by making you feel like you’ll never be good enough. It is a horrible feeling and Barclay displays those feelings perfectly. So the intellectual/confidence boost does a lot for him and when Geordi pointed out that something’s wrong because he’s not acting like himself, he gets upset because… well, why wouldn’t he? It’s understandable why Geordi’s concerned, but Barclay doens’t want to go back to the nervous wreck that he was before this. But when he decides to essentially fuse his brain with the main computer… yyyyeah. This feels like it was based on Spock’s Brain to an extent considering the sudden intellect plot point and one’s brain gets uploaded into a computer, except far less stupid and doens’t involve literally stealing a brain. But yeah, it’s solid. IDK if I like it better than Barclay’s last episode, but it was still enjoyable and Barclay is even more relatable as Hell now. 3.5/5.
Qpid: We got a twofer for returning characters folks! Not only is Q back as the title indicates, but so is Picard’s love interest Vash from Captain’s Holiday! Q, of course, takes interest in Picard’s love life and decides on the only sensible option to see how far it goes… make Picard and the crew Robin Hood and his Merry Men, have Vash play Maid Marian, and force our heroes to rescue the fair maiden so that Picard may win her heart! OF COURSE! Boy Q should really consider a career in matchmaking, he’s essentially God so why not pick up a new hobby? XD The second I realized what having both Q and one of Picard’s love interests in the same episode would mean, I was prepared for complete and utter chaotic fun… and I am not disappointed! Admittedly going from ‘archeology conference’ to ‘Robin Hood’ was a bit of a sudden shift, but it was just fun! Word was a laugh riot, haha! Gosh, I love Vash, and heck she’d have probably rescued herself in Picard hadn’t tried to rescue her. Then you have Q being Q and gosh it was just great! The theme of Picard not wanting to appear vulnerable and essentially acting in a way that made it seem like Vash was an embarrassment… yeah I’d be annoyed if I were here too. Honestly, this whole thing felt like Q got jealous of Vash… then realized how interesting she was, and decided to become buddies cause of their endless fascination/pining over Picard. Ah, solidarity! I liked Q Who and Deja Q better and I have some nitpicks like the crew feeling mostly irrelevant and… why did the boys all get cool sword-fights but Crusher and Troi just get to smash pots? Oh right, girls. Silly me! Nevermind that Crusher’s very handy with a phaser and that they’re trained officers, girls getting in ont he action in a 90’s show when standards were improving? That’s ridiculous! Regardless, it was still the utter chaos that I expect from a Q episode and I loved it~! 4/5.
The Drumhead: Well… this one certainly stood the test of time/relevancy. So in this one we are dealing with a potential Klingon/Romulan conspiracy that stretches even within Starfleet. An admiral named Satie is brought on board to help with the investigation/interrogations… and it ends up turning into a full-blown witch hunt. It seems that they based this on the Red Scareor the Salem Witch Trials, movements that began due to fear and hatred that ruined/ended multiple lives out of pure paranoia and prejudice. Which as recent times have shown… yeah, clearly movements are doomed to repeat. When it turns out that a medical officer named Tarses has Romulan ancestry, he is put onto blast and practically prosecuted as a spy by Satie. Despite there being no evidence and his only crime lying that he had Vulcan ancestry because of the anti-Romulan sentiments. It’s somewhat understandable, the Romulans have been… well, not nice. But not only does that not mean that every Romulan is evil or without morals as episodes like The Enemy and The Defector demonstrated to some degree, but it’s no good reason to suspect or persecute Tarses all due to his background, nothing on the man or his current actions itself. He told a lie, that’s not a crime and pretty understandable under the circumstances. Picard of course is against this… but Worf isn’t. Makes sense, the Romulans are part of why he’s under the circumstances that he and his family are under now so him being Hellbent on exposing a Romulan conspiracy and any potential prejudice/paranoia that comes with it makes sense. it’s not good but makes sense. At least he snaps out of it by the end while Satie exposes herself as the horrid person that he is. She may have seemed perfectly professional and rational, but alas. Like her saying that Picard couldn’t be trusted because of the Borg assimilation? What the ever-loving Hell lady?! So yeah… yeah this is very much one of those episodes that people should really rewatch from time to time. Not only is it a well-done episode and has one of Picard’s best speeches, but the message and theme remain as relevant as ever: the spread of paranoia vs upholding personal freedom. The only way to stop things from repeating is to remember and learn from them, and if any show can remind us of those things, it’s Star Trek. 5/5.
Alright, just a few more of Season. left to go~! While there’s been a couple of misses, there have been far more hits. This may be my favorite seaosn of TNG thus far~! Still three more to go, but still! Will the last few episodes manage to maintain that quality? We’ll see soon enough~!
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