#goetia grimoire demon bune
Hello! I'm curious, do you know any good online sources for researching demonolatry? I'm pretty new to all this and I'm just trying to find some good information; if you don't have any that's ok, dw about it.
Thanks and have a great day :]
Hi there! I recently answered a similar question to this one if you would like to check that post out. It has a lot of good information on there, with resources listed too. But I do have a few ancient grimoires to provide as well! :) They can be a good start.
So sorry for taking so long to answer this btw!
↓ : Full Post Will Be Under The Cut : ↓
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A lot of the ancient original daemonolatry grimoires are available to read for free online, if you know where to look. I've linked them down below. Also just a heads up, most of them are in PDF format and might automatically download once you click on the hyperlinks, depending on your browser settings lol.
༺ The Ars Goetia ༻ . . . The Goetian Daemons are probably the most well-known infernal spirits in Daemonolatry, and a majority of them are very good to work with for beginners. . . . But something very important to note here; Please do not use Solomonic methods to conjure daemons. This will seriously piss them off! Solomonic conjuration methods involve binding, controlling, demanding, threatening, and manipulating daemons against their will, and it is very disrespectful to the Infernal Divine to treat them in such a way. If you respect the Infernal Divine, they will respect you. 🖤 . . . Some beginner-friendly Goetian Daemons I would recommend working with are; Asmodeus/Asmoday, Bael, Zagan, Paimon Agares, Zepar, Dantalion, Bune, Astaroth, Vassago, Stolas, Orobas, Ipos, Naberius, Forneus, Phenex, Buer, Marbas, Foras, and Valac. However if none of these resonate with you, that's okay! Personally, I think it's best to trust your intuition and reach out to whatever daemons/daemonesses you're drawn towards the most. .
༺ The Dictionnaire Infernal ༻ . . . The Dictionnaire Infernal is a Daemonology scripture that was written way back in the 1800s. I believe the Dictionnaire Infernal may have been inspired by the Ars Goetia. In fact, it's where a lot of the Goetian daemon illustrations originate from (drawn by Louis Le Breton, respectfully). This grimoire includes Christian and Biblical daemons, as well as "demonized" deities and daemonic spirits from other belief systems. . . . It has a few obscure infernal deities and spirits that aren't seen in many other grimoires, so I recommend it if you're into that! :) .
༺ The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum ༻ . . . The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum is what later inspired the Ars Goetia, and has much of the same information with a few key differences worth noting. . . . Prince Vassago, Prince(ss) Seere, Duke Dantalion, and Count Andromalius were not listed in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, but rather made their first appearance in the Ars Goetia. However, Prince/Duke Pruflas made their first appearance in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, but were not added into the Ars Goetia. There has been speculation that Pruflas is the same daemon as King Purson, though this has never been confirmed. .
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Also I touched on this in the similar ask I linked at the top of this post, but I'll copy and paste it here just to make sure you don't miss this! I think this is very important to keep note of:
~ Quote [ . . . Please educate yourself on closed practices and steer clear of cultural appropriation in your personal practises. There are a group of people in the Daemonolatry community who appropriate the heck out of Jewish daemons, especially Lilith. Judaism is a closed practise and therefore it's only respectful to not incorporate Judaism into your personal practises. Appropriating Judaism is actually a form of anti-Semitism, so please be mindful and respectful of these things! 🖤 . . . I'm ashamed to admit this but I actually used to think it was completely fine to appropriate Jewish daemons last year, thanks to subreddits like r/DemonlatryPractices who would constantly try to push propaganda about Lilith being a "MeSoPoTaMiAn PaGaN GoDdEsS" and other excuses for appropriating her. That same subreddit decided to attack me when I merely mentioned (on a completely different subreddit, mind you) that I disagreed with them appropriating Lilith, and in turn I got witch-hunted so that's great lmao. 🤡 . . . Please avoid that subreddit at all costs, it's an absolute cesspit of cultural appropriation and passive anti-Semitism, and honestly they exhibit cult-like behaviour if you do so much as simply disagree with the appropriation of Jewish daemons. It's pretty disturbing... But yeah anyways sorry for rambling lol. . . . I'd also recommend avoiding people and organisations such as S. Connolly, V.K. Jehannum, Satan & Suns/Sons, BlackWitchCoven, The BecomeALivingGod Forum, The Satanic Temple, Joy Of Satan Ministries, The Order Of Nine Angles, scarletarosa (a user that literally exists here on Tumblr... yikes), etc. They engage in Jewish appropriation, and some of them even have ties to Nazism, racism, and other forms of bigotry too. . . . Some other Jewish daemons/spirits that you should avoid appropriating alongside Lilith are; Naamah, Agrat Bat Mahalath, Eisheth Zenunim, Samael, Abyzou, Shamdon, and The Grigori / Watcher Angels. . . . There are many other closed practices too, but if you'd like to do further research I can leave that up to you. ^.^ . . . Okay sorry about that huge ramble lmao, just thought I would get that out of the way before getting into the main post because I think it's an important point to make and I don't want you to fall down a cultural appropriation apologist pipeline like I did at the beginning of my practise lol. Xx . . . ] End Quote ~
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So that's pretty much it! I'm sorry if I couldn't provide much, but I hope this answer was helpful nonetheless!
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~❀~ Baphometic Blessings ~❀~
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WHB Lesser key: Tartaros
Did you wonder how much inspo they drew from the descriptions of the different demons of the Ars Goetia to create their characters and what that could point towards in terms of personality and powers? I did. You can find each character with it's respective descriptions here, divided by their respective factions.
The main link is this helpful little list of the 72 with summarized descriptions, so it's not an exhaustive list, just an organized one.
Gehenna | Tartaros | Hades | Avisos | Abaddon | Paradise Lost | Niflheim
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Err... There isn't one named Bimet, but someone pointed out it might be Bune, and it fits, so
Bune is a demon listed in demonological grimoires such the Lesser Key of Solomon (including Thomas Rudd's version, as Bime). All of these texts describe Bune as a duke who is able to move the dead, make one rich, and answer a variety of questions. The Livre des Esperitz claims that Bune rules 35 legions of spirits, while the other texts only give him 30 legions to command. Buné is depicted as a three-headed dragon, being his heads like those of a dog, a griffin, and a man (although according to some grimoires he has two heads like a dragon and the third like a man). And others give him the additional powers of making devils gather around graves and making one wise and charismatic.
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Eligos is a Great Duke of Hell, ruling 60 legions of demons. He discovers hidden things and knows the future of wars and how soldiers should meet. He also attracts the favor of lords, knights and other important persons. He is depicted in the form of a goodly knight carrying a lance, an ensign and a serpent. The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum names his alias as Abigor or Eligor.
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4352141988 · 4 months
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Bune is the 26th spirit in the Ars Goetia, which is the first section of The Lesser Key of Solomon, a grimoire (book of magic) that lists the demons or spirits that can be summoned. Bune is often described as a Great Duke of Hell who commands 30 legions of demons. According to the grimoire, Bune is skilled in making the conjurer rich and wise.
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adisakchaided · 4 years
Bune - wealth demon
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Ars Goetia demon Duke Bune. The spell he taught me was for him to support your business. This is the journal entry: 
‘His appearance Big snake and a dragon (while also crocodile looking) face. Also a dog face. Have a white candle, purple (or white) flowers, red fruit, red wine. Mention brand, what you do, mention your name, what you want (example: I want you help me and support my business).’
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oipteaapdoce · 6 years
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$49.99 for the following 1″ Daemon seals:
#Haures #Flauros
Occodon (#Enochian Governor)
The following 2″ #Daemon seals are only $149.99
!All 1″ 14K gold Daemon seals only $799.99!
DM me for the payment request.  
I have been in business making and selling these since 2004. I have been a practitioner for 28 years now, and my first Daemon working about 25 years ago :D.  
#demon #goetia #grimoire #evocation #
The first 1-2 people who order each one can have their item shipped today or Monday as I have cast many lately for the holidays! :)
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