#gossip girl spoilers
bakerolivia · 1 year
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#audrey has those boys on a leash
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joyexe · 2 years
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Serena and Blair <33
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slinkpinkiller · 1 year
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These two love each other and you can´t tell me otherwise. ofc i will ship them with my LIFE
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kierreras · 1 year
new episode was so refreshing! it really was something special and it finally brought insecurities of the triad to another level. they are finally communicating and discussing their feelings. would that have been better if that happened sooner? yes. wouldn’t that be great if they discussed rules for doing it in couples beforehand? definitely. but also let’s not forget that they are teenagers entering their first polyamory relationships. they could and they totally should make mistakes, argue, have insecurities - that’s how relationships work.
however, i am really disappointed with some akimax shippers as they try to villainize audrey and her not being okay with her boyfriends having sex. it’s not her fault that she feels this way and it’s definitely not something that she should be hated for. she’s what sixteen. she saw her parents getting divorced because the third person was involved, she saw her mother losing it because of their separation. i think that her insecurities have solid ground.
some fans saying that audrey is a bitch and boys should hookup behind her back is really childish. audrey's issues are complex and it’s not something so simple that she can get rid of in a minute. she will always be afraid of being left out because that’s exactly what she was seeing when growing up. audge makes tons of mistakes but she is allowed to feel what she feels. moreover, i think that aki and max are both wrong in the occurred situation. their biggest issue is lack of communication indeed because they don’t even tell audrey that they are not going to aspen. basically, she, like every sane person, thinks that they are keeping something from her. also, there is a scene where audrey is walking out of class and she was definitely expecting to see someone waiting for her. what she sees instead? aki and max being lovey-dovey in the school yard. yes, they are allowed to be this way because they are in relationships, but try thinking as a sixteen years old girl with a baggage of insecurities.
basically this whole rant is about encoraging people to be more supportive of audrey because starting from season one a lot of people here and on twitter are acting like she is the main issue on why akimax are not together. and it’s okay to ship akimax or maudrey or akidrey, but it is not okay to act like one person in the triad is an extra and the other two should live him or her.  that’s toxic. 
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thessc · 2 years
“I knew you three were experimenting but I didn’t expect a relationship”
“How does it work?” “ Have you ever seen Bertolucci’s The Dreamers?”
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seriesluticons · 1 year
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yuyinator · 1 year
the more time passes the more i side with dan after being revealed he was gossip girl
you know what? i support him. he should have gone "you" on these rich people. sure, go kill chuck and lock someone in those glass cages, who cares????
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emmanelson · 2 years
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Maudrey crumbs?
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ecnmatic · 1 year
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strideofpride · 1 year
!!! dan and serena have a kid!!! (i mean i know reboot canon is only canon insofar as it’s interesting, but i think that’s kind of interesting!)
I think what’s more upsetting is the fact that Georgina is still torturing them all these years later like??? It doesn’t even make sense based off how they ended things either??? Why was that the one thing Safran erased??? I hate it here
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jnlletrry · 1 year
Idc how quickly it passed by, and they're probably never gonna talk about it again. I can't believe Gossip Girl pulled the twincest thing
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100hearteyes · 2 years
gossip girl season 2 is still shit (as a gg show ought to be; the delight of it is its trash factor) but way better than 1 (this time it's pleasant shit rather than shit shit), for one simple reason: more Monet. it was obvious that she was the missing link all along and still mind-boggling that she was so massively underused in s1.
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thoughtsandfiction · 1 year
Thoughts I had watching GG S2 E5
So we're really doing this affair thing? The spirit of Serena lives on
Sir, where is your wife??!
I thought her mum couldn't afford this place. Did we resolve this??.... You know what, don't tell me.
TWINCEST! 😂😂 Will never get over this
Who is this person?
Oh right, Obie has a sister and mother he hates because they haven't figured out how to be ethical billionaires, and that's a thing I'm sure he believes exists
I don't remember the dress....... should I remember the dress? Was it a moment?.. Well if I have to ask....
This feels like a conversation for ...not here
They're trying a lot harder to make me believe these people are longtime friends and I appreciate that
What are these teachers....... you know what? No. Don't engage. just hold your breath and let it pass
Why does it feel like Nick and Julien are co-parenting Zoya?
Wow... the casual biphobia. How very Real O'Neals of them
Is every storyline about these 3 going to be about the insecurities stemming from this relationship?
I said I wouldn't engage but, it's Georgina right? The blackmailer is Georgina?
Look at Shan, sneaking liquor, like a child with parents who set limits....... a nice little moment
"We're never boring," guess that gene skipped Obie
Julien, this could've, SHOULD'VE, been a text
"...For Z"?? For Z?! Baby you are not her mum!
What does this man want from Julien? Get a job! Stay away from her! Call your wife!
These adults need to READ THE ROOM
Call her? Like if we're being good boyfriends then call the person who is clearly spiralling
HA! Audrey can be so fun
Now why is Monet in it?
At what point during the 3 hours of your adult day that you have spent driving two teenagers ,you barely know, to the Hamptons do you start questioning your life choices?
See, even he knows it could've been a text! I hate it when y'all put me in a position to agree with a man.... but his foolish ass shouldn't be texting her anyway! And the correct thing would've been to dead that shit and apologise for letting it go so far via text! Ugh..... okay I'm good again. Onward
I'm sorry, she took you to a party in a different city and did what?! Baby that girl is not your friend. Never hangout with her again.
Okay, so Audrey is fun when she's got a silly little mission. She's so good when she strong arms her way to the Hamptons and when she and Max were playing detective? Wonderful! Entertainment! Comedy! But this *gestures vaguely in the direction of the triad* can't always be the motivation for it. Not only is the resolution going to be the same, "we need to be better about communicating", so the stakes feel pretty non-existent but it's also robbing us of what could be a stellar performance. Give this girl shenanigans! Point her in the direction of a farce! Let her be a little maniac outside of this relationship
Oh she's cutting him off for real for real?
Imagine being Helene and seeing a random man playing a cello in your driveway in the middle of the night. Maybe she thinks it's normal. Like "Oh, I guess someone sent me a cellist, how nice." Or "Did I order a cellist when I was drunk online shopping... again?" I don't know what wealthy people do
Does Obie have a dad?
Gonna test these conviction now Obie.
Huh, I have the most minimal interest in Obie.... Wow! Pats on the back for everyone! You have truly achieved something here.
Julien is messing around with a married man and Obie is broke? We're really walking in the path of our predecessors here. The writers really said "Reject modernity, embrace tradition."
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kierreras · 1 year
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also, the potential this storyline had. him stalking these rich kids, getting to know them, getting into their private circle. what a great option and fresh story! i am sorry for zoya as this would have been her another heartbreak, but this storyline sounds so interesting.
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thessc · 1 year
Episode 3 Great Reputations
Max’s “did you just resi me”
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Audrey being a supportive gf when Max was so upset cuz he wasn’t hot sh** anymore.
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Obie tell Aki his boyfriend needs him more 🥹
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This entire Obie/ Julien thing was 🤷🏽‍♀️
Monet thinking she could have a love match.
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Max really causing a scene.
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Wait is the war over?!
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I knew he was after who GG was!!
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seriesluticons · 1 year
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