allthingsfook · 9 months
I'm gonna keep this anonymous cause personal but not really hehe!
I am a 21-year-old woman who's 5'5 and with light brown hair, fair skin, and Brown/green eyes (they change color in different lighting). I have a little mole (beauty mark) on the left side of my face, kind of full lips, and where little to no makeup daily. I'd say my body type is mid-size (192 lbs and I can fit into M/L/XL so it's hard to tell) and I'm not too curvy.
I'm an Aquarius Sun, Virgo rising, Capricorn moon, and Venus in Aquarius. My hobbies are painting, drawing, and any kind of visual art. I love rock music, both old and new, and will sometimes listen to folk music. I'm entering my fourth year of college as an Arts Management Major and Comm minor (still got a way to go till I graduate cause shit's expensive) and ideally would love to be a part-time artist and work in PR or Journalism.
I come off as shy and particular with a little stubbornness, but as you get to know me I open up and will laugh with you and share things I'm passionate about whether it's big or small. I will always try to hide my emotions around you and if we are really close you'll be able to get me to talk about it cause you know how I try to mask it all.
Extra facts: I love cats, I love pasta so much it's what I eat the most, I am a caffeine addict, and I have never dated anyone.
Who would you ship me with?
Sorry if this was long 😬
Hiiii!!! I am so incredibly sorry this has taken me this long to get through my inbox, BUT good new is…. You are last, but MOST DEFINITELY not least!!! I won’t make this drag out any longer, so lets jump into it!!
I ship you with….
Daniel Robert Wagner
Let’s start with the zodiac compatibility… Both Capricorn’s and Aquarius’ are intentional with their love lives. You are cautious, yet open-minded. You take time to build a trusting relationship, and slowly approach each other’s vulnerabilities and insecurities together. Danny would be the best partner to help you through that. He is incredible patient and kind. He would wait as long as you need him to for you; just to feel safe with him. He’d assure you along the way, not only with his words, but with his actions. Once all the walls are broken down, you’d share a stable and positive life.  
With the foundation of your relationship being extremely strong, it’s easy to see how the rest of it can fall into place. Your hobbies are things I could easily see Danny eager to do with you. Clearly Danny is a very talented man, not just with drumsticks in hand… maybe a paint brush or marker. He’d jump at the chance to hunker down into a cozy corner of the house with you, skim through pages of an activity book and color you a purple monkey. He’d hold it up to you like a proud 1st grader and sport a cheesy smile. You’d giggle and tell him you love it! I could see you discovering an old rock song one day. Playing it in the shower, the car, and around the house. Danny would recognize the tune and quickly learn how to play it on the guitar. One night while he is playing around, he’d start casually playing that song. You’d slowly catch on and begin dancing around, singing the lyrics with him. Those are the moments he would live for with you. So innocent and playful. Just what he needs after years of rigorous touring and creating.
Danny, per usual, would be extremely supportive when it came to your education. He’d understand the need to take things slow or even taking time away from it. For someone who didn’t have to go to college, he’d seem to know a lot about the woes of it. Or maybe he is just that insightful to your feelings. He’d be your biggest cheerleader on the days you get stellar grades. Then he’d be your shoulder to cry on when things get tough. No matter the circumstance, he’s always going to stand beside you. When you do complete your academics, he’ll be blushing over you. Showering you with reminders of how far you’ve come and how smart you are. When you are ready to step foot into a career, Danny would be hyping you up on social media, and getting your name out with his contacts. We love a supportive man!!!
I suppose it is the Aquarius in you that identifies with being shy and stubborn. Definitely a few things Danny would be able to handle. Compared to the other boys, Danny is certainly a little more reserved. That may be the very thing that unites the two of you when you first meet. He’d notice you behind your drink and subtle smirks over the obnoxious gal in the room. Once the two of you have been together for a while, he’ll get a taste of that stubbornness. Again, Danny is so understanding and not very quick to temper. He’ll have his ways of taming you. Not in a dismissive or demeaning way either. He’d be kind and understanding. Giving you reason and words of affirmation. Once you come back down to earth, your passionate, loving, beaming soul will shine again. The very reasons Danny would love you!
To address your tid bits:
Danny would adopt any cats you may have now, and if you don’t have any (or want more) I could see him coming home with a tiny kitten in the palm of his hand with a bell on it’s collar. He’d insist on naming it something like Ludwig or Ramone.
Danny would also love a good bowl of pasta. As I am sure you know, he is a great cook and the minute you beg for a pasta dish, he’ll be in the kitchen boiling it up.
Danny would share and feed into your caffeine addiction. If that is in the form of coffee, he’d always be making early morning coffee runs. Greeting you with a cup in hand.
And finally, Danny would be so accepting and understanding of you not being in a relationship. He’d agree to take things slow and guide you through everything. His want for you to feel comfortable and safe is so profound. You will quickly understand how deeply he would care for you!
Alright!!! I so hope you are happy with this ship! As always, let me know what you think! I always love to hear back!!!!
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7 notes · View notes
allthingsfook · 10 months
Hey there! I’ve been scrolling through your page and love it here lol I just saw you were doing ships and wondered if I could get one! But also stopping by to say hi 💖💖 (nsfw things are gladly welcomed for this ship as well lol)
I’m 24 years old, a double cancer, 5’4”, with short brown hair with bangs, I have some tattoos and piercings and love wearing lots of crystals on my necklaces and rings. I’m a thicker, curvier kinda gal.
I’ve been a modern and contemporary dancer my entire life and occasionally teach workshops and classes, I love what I do so much. I also play piano and ukulele in my spare time, but am too shy to play in front of a crowd. I love swimming in the river, hiking, camping, anything outdoors really. Also love crocheting when I’m not feeling like going out and doing anything. I love all 60s/70s music (The Doors is one of my faves)
I’m an extremely and deeply sensitive/emotional person. I cry a lot about everything lol. I also consider myself a deeply spiritual creature and practice yoga and breath work regularly. but I also love making people laugh and tend to be the comic relief in a lot of my friend groups.
That’s all I can think of. 💖💖
Hi!!!! So glad you stopped by my blog and you are curious about your ship!!! I hope you enjoy what follows…. 💕💕
I ship you with 🥁🥁🥁
Danny 🥁❤️
Of all the boys, I think Danny would be the most attracted to your aesthetic, personality, and hobbies! I think all the boys are enamored by beautiful curvy figures, but Danny…. That hits different for him. God would he worship you! Close your eyes and imagine his calloused hands caressing your thighs and skimming across your stomach. While you may or may not be self conscious about certain parts of yourself, Danny would touch you in such a way that rewires the way you view your body. What a special thing to do.
Danny would be immediately attracted by your tattoos. When he first sees them, it would reveal a kink he didn’t know he had. And every time you sleep with each other, he’d kiss your skin where the ink is imbedded. Where alt meets natural, you exist. Danny would swoon over your crystals and jewelry, and probably steal some of your crystal necklaces.
He would love that your a dancer, constantly begging you to show him your moves. Once you finish your latest routine, he’d stand, make his way to your, wrap his hands around your hips and graze his lips across your neck. Trailing his kisses up your neck, he’d whisper into your ear, “you are beyond sexy.” All his teasing movements climax to a heated round of sex on the living room floor. One thing that is special about Danny is when he is with you nothing else in the world matters. Dropping down to the floor, he has zero regard for the drapes being open and the lights on. He also has this odd yet perfect balance of showing you off but letting everyone know you are his!
I believe Danny would be the best at protecting and serving your delicate soul. Always supporting and caring for you. He’d be dedicated to boosting your confidence, validating your feelings, and talking your through hard times. Being with him for a few months would have you feeling like a strong, fierce, kickass woman!!!!
I can see you and Danny share a lot of hobbies. I could easily see the both of you taking a trip into the mountains, pitching a tent, hiking all afternoon, and taking a dip in the river to cool off. That’s what Danny would say anyway, but once you have stripped down to your bra and panties and dive in…. It’s game on. Try keeping his hands off you. He’d tread over to you and run his hands over your body under the water. You’d giggle and wrap your arms and legs around him. Before you know it, his tongue is in your mouth and your bra is floating away 😉☺️
Finally, don’t think about Danny watching you do yoga. Manipulating your body into relaxing, soothing, sensual positions. He’d respect your time and wait until your done to come tell you he loves how sexy you look stretching out in your yoga fit. Soon you’d find him putting you into his own interpretation of yoga moves. Only this day, he wants to spice it up. He says he got something for you…. He presents you a silk baggy. You untie it to reveal an Indian Jade chakrub. You honestly are a little surprised but completely turned on. He’d go on to lay you out on your yoga mat and pleasure you with the crystal. 😍😍😍
Omg…… that was hot as hell 😲 I so hope this finds you well and you enjoy!!!! And most of all!!!!!! I wanna hear what you think of this so badly I will also include a collage and song ship for you as well 🥰🥰 Thank you for stumbling along my blog, hope to hear more from you!!
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9 notes · View notes
allthingsfook · 9 months
Hello! I heard you do ships and I would appreciate it so much if you did one for me! :)
My name is Ali. I’m 5’4” with long brown hair and blue eyes. I have two tattoos currently, and plan on getting some more! My favorite tattoo is a watercolor sunflower on my right inner forearm! Sunflowers hold such a significance to me as I love how they always stand tall and reach for the light.
Speaking of flowers, I am a big lover of nature. It grounds me and makes me feel at peace. I can be a little anxious at times so I love going for walks and seeing sunsets and being physically active. I also am an avid hiker. In the past couple of years, I have been to Wyoming and Montana and hiked Grand Teton and Glacier National Parks. I love the mountains so much and plan on making more trips!!
I love to travel. I’m quite adventurous, and love to explore different cultures and countries. So far, I’ve been to Austria, Czech Republic, and Costa Rica. I love learning and reading about different languages and cultures, and have dabbled in speaking some Spanish! I also am a huge English nerd, and am a 7-12 English teacher! I love to pass down my passions for reading and exploring different perspectives to my students.
I also am a huge lover of music. I have been Musical my whole life. I have played the piano since I was six and have been singing pretty much since I could speak. I was involved in choir all throughout high school and did and have a love for theatre as well. I also LOVE going to concerts and exploring different genres. My favorite is folk/acoustic. I have a whole folk playlist which I’m so proud of with artists such as Fleet Foxes, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, John Denver, and so many more artists that mean the world to me. Folk music just matches my energy and soul, very calm and deep and meaningful. I would love to be able to share my thoughts about this kind of music with someone.
As for my personality, I’m definitely an old soul type of person. I’m more ambiverted. I can be extroverted when I want to be, but also am introverted and need to recharge sometimes. I’m a Capricorn Sun, Taurus Moon, Scorpio Rising. I’m definitely hard working, independent, and ambitious, but also extremely sensitive and emotional as well. I think I’d ideally want someone similar to me in that we are both independent, but who can take care of one another and be soft at the same time. I’ve definitely been the “mom friend” my whole life, and to have someone match that energy would be glorious and mean the world to me.
Okay I think this is more than enough info haha! So sorry this is so long! 🥰
Hey Hey Ali!! You heard right!!!! I apologize for not being so prompt, but I’ve had my eye on these ships…. So here it is!!!!
I ship you with….
No surprise, Josh!
Im not big on shipping people based on their physical descriptions, but I love to compliment them because I know all of the boys are obsessed with the beauty of women… inside and out. Josh would be so in love and jealous of your blue eyes. He’d gaze into them with such intent and affection when the sun makes them glisten. He’d immediately compliment your tattoos as he finds them as a great expression of yourself and art all in one. Once you share the significance of sunflowers to you, they’d follow Josh around, forcing him to think of you. Every year he would make it a point to take you to sunflower patches…. Anything to watch your soul light up.
Nature is also a place of worship for Josh. I could see the both of you spending most of your days basking in it. Whether is lounging in the sun or planing a day of outdoor activities to keep you busy, all that matters is your outside! I could see you and Josh deciding to buy a property outside of Nashville…. Getting out of the hustle and bustle. The selling point on the property would be the sun rise and sun set visibility. Every morning Josh would wake up to enjoy the sun rise while he meditates on the front porch. And every evening, the two of you would walk the fence line and soak up the sun set. A precious time for the both of you to spend with one another.
Josh would undoubtedly be your travel buddy! His appreciation and curiosity for different cultures and ways of life runs so deep. He is such a sponge for it all, so when researching it becomes stale…. He has to experience it for himself. Plane ticket is bought, bags are packed, and you guys are on your way!!!! Also, Josh would love the fact that you are a teacher. Clearly there are a lot of role models in his life that are teachers. I think he has such a soft spot for them. They are building the foundation for new generations. After all, we do not live forever, and so we must raise coming generations with love, kindness, and acceptance. I’m certain that is a huge goal for you as a teacher, Josh would agree and be so proud of you for that.
Sounds like Josh would also be proud of his lady’s music taste too!!! You have immaculate taste! Folk seems to be right up Josh’s alley (even if he says Danny draws the most inspiration from it) I could see you dancing to Fleet Foxes in the kitchen at 3 am. The dim glow of a night light sparkling in his eyes as he admires you. He’d plant a soft kiss on your lips and tuck his head into your neck. I know he’d also be attracted to your musical abilities. No doubt the two of you would station yourselves at the piano and play off each others talent. I easily imagine you guys improving a tune and it sticking with him. So much so that when their new album comes out, you can hear a familiar tune in the background of the forth track.
A self proclaimed old soul is so in line with Josh. If you haven’t heard, he’s such a peepaw. Although a lot of that is surely a facade or one of his alter egos, he truly is captured by the simpler things in life. As elaborate and flashy as their stage presence is, Josh clearly settles into a more sophisticated and uncomplicated lifestyle away from performing. When all the tour commotion dies down, I think he wants to come home to his rock and safe space…. That being you!!!
All the words you used to describe yourself are so powerful!!! Hard working…YES! Independent…YES! Ambitious…YES! No doubt you radiate that energy and Josh lives for that! All the good vibes! Not only would he be so proud of you for seeing that in yourself, but grateful that those vibes affect all around you! And you know what?! Being sensitive is okay! Being emotional is okay! That’s being real. Feelings are real and expressing them is healthy! Josh would be the biggest advocate of this message. He’d hold you up on your best days and guide you through your worst days. I couldn’t think of anything more amazing. Josh has such big love and concern for everyone in his life, so fear not. This man takes care of everyone he crosses paths with. You’d never find someone so kind.
To wrap this up, I hope you love the ship! I hope it finds you well after all this time. Pleaseee share your feelings and thoughts… I always love to hear ❤️❤️
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4 notes · View notes
allthingsfook · 10 months
I was curious if I could get a ship! I work as a nurse (I really love helping people when they are at their most vulnerable) and am 5’5” have brown eyes, auburn hair and pale skin (I cannot tan at all, I just burn 🤣). I love reading especially Jane Austen. I love Star Wars and I love going to live music shows! I’m most excited to see Hozier this fall! I have a black kitty named Gibson and love fall and winter oddly enough. I also just love spending genuine time with friends whether that be at a bar or at home or somewhere else! Thank you :)
Heyyyy! I’m so sorry I haven’t gotten around to your ships! I have an inbox full that I’m hoping to rock out in the next few days.
I ship you with….
Jake ❤️
To start off, the most attractive thing he’s ever said is if he wasn’t in the music industry, he’d want to work in healthcare…. As a nurse I find that extremely attractive as I’m sure you do as well 😂 I feel like Jake has such an unwavering love of people and distinguished care for others well being. It’s no shock he’d see himself in a healthcare role. Wonder what he would specifically do…. You should let me know what you think!!
Your physical description reminds me of a character from the Victorian era, and to which Jake would constantly reference when complimenting you. How timeless and pure you are. Whether you believe so or not, Jake would always be around to offer his praises.
Over and over again I’ll sing how much of a bookworm Jake is! I can envision Jake retreating to a dim-lit, moody library hidden in the depths of his gorgeous home. Between the two of you, the room would be packed from floor to ceiling with literature. He’d spend hours obsessing over everything from history to lore to autobiographies. Time would often get away from him, and he’d emerge hours later…. Feeling stimulated and refreshed to flip the crisp pages through his fingers. Psssst!!!! Don’t even think about Jake finally breaking down and getting glasses for reading…. 🤭 I’ll torture you and include a visual at the end!!!
All the boys are such nerds, so there is no doubt in my mind Jake would love to sit down and binge Star Wars when he comes home. I can see you setting up a whole experience to make it something Jake thinks about for months afterwards. You’d lower the lights but program the mood lighting to toggle between blue and red. You’d make a nest of pillows and blankets on the couch… don’t forget your Yoda, Chewbacca, and Darth Vader plushies. You’d lay a whole spread of snacks out on the coffee table, Star Wars themed of course! You might even throw your hair in braided buns for him 😉
Compared to Sam and Danny, Jake’s lack of affection toward puppies makes me think he might be a cat guy. He’d obsess over Gibson! Obviously! It would melt your heart to come home to Jake kicking back, strumming his beloved Gibson while Gibson is stretched out at his side! Wouldn’t take long for them to become best buds, and not gunna lie you might be a little jealous of their bond!!!
If Jake were a season, he’d easily either be fall or winter. His whole persona and attitude is so mystic and sometimes cold. Looking back on all the high school photos of him, Jake seems to enjoy winter especially. I’m sure he would love to go on a little winter get away and go skiing, snowboarding or even take you to Frankenmuth for the whole holiday experience!
To round out this ship, all the boys are so dedicated to their friends and family. They would do anything to make them feel special and cherish their relationships. I think Jake, most of all, has a huge soft spot for people close to him. Just judging that on all the matching bracelets and necklaces he shares with his loved ones. I live for all the old photos of him and josh being front row at Kelly’s gigs. Settling down with you and creating a little family, I think he would be more apt to going home to visit mom and dad and his grandparents. Through him you would gain some very special people in your life too.
Well I really hope you enjoyed your ship as you hate to wait an eternity for it! Please let me know what you think! I always love to hear your reactions. It means the world 💕
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4 notes · View notes
allthingsfook · 10 months
Hi there - I'm wondering if I can get a ship please?
I am 5' 7", a little on the curvy side, long dark brown hair cut in a shag (I had it before Jake, so there). I have freckles everywhere and my eyes are green.
I love being out in nature - hiking, exploring, and just absorbing the stunning beauty of a variety of landscapes. At home, I'm typically curled on the couch though, learning about something that has caught my attention. My typical interests involve history and cultures. I'm a bookworm and usually can be found with either a book or laptop in my hands as I read constantly. I'm one of those people who can rattle off strange historical events. When I vacation, I love going to either national parks or cities for museums, parks, learning. I'm a plant mama and do garden when the time strikes. I love music. I can listen to anything from classical and opera to death core, and everything in between - with just a few exceptions. *cough, cough* pop *cough, cough*
I am a weirdo (meant lovingly) for long haired men who have confidence, but also are adventuresome. A man who is not limited by always having to look a certain way and can laugh at himself. I love to cook and bake with my partner - and cook huge for family and friends. Holidays would wipe the kitchen out for weeks!
I'm typically the quiet one in the group of friends, though my laugh can be mighty. I'm a bit shy, but can be counted on and have been know to be too loyal. I love quickly and deeply. I try to find joy in the little stuff always. I'm a family centered person, although most of my family right now happen to be found in friends as I live quite a distance from my family.
Thank you ahead of time! 😘
Howdy! You most definitely can get a ship!!! I’m sorry for not getting back to you promptly, but I hope that this ship will make it up to you and find you well!!!
Without further ado, I ship you with….
This was tough deciding between Jake or Sam, but my gut said Sam for various reasons. Let’s dive in!
First off, Sammy does not have a type! I think he’s in love with women as a whole and those who are more than what meets the eye grip him. I think Sam would swoon over your curves and emerald hue eyes.
One of the many things you and Sammy could enjoy together is basking in Mother Nature!!! He would always be game for getting out of the city to hike the hills and explore the country side. I can imagine Sam being extremely in touch and loving on those trips. Mostly because he is escaping from all the distractions of his career. He can bask in life’s beauty as well as yours! Sammy is definitely one to tell you that too! I can see the both of you spending the afternoon hiking in the hills with Rosie leading the way. You’d come to a break in the trees, leading out to a rock overlook. Extremely breathtaking. The both of you would stand in silence for a moment, until Sam breaks the silence and comments on how the view doesn’t compare to you. He’d then embrace you until Rosie barks with jealousy.
You’ll meet your match when it comes to diving into history and culture. I think we often forget how smart and inquisitive Sam is. He puts himself off as a goofball, which he is, but he’s much deeper than that. You’d be shocked by the knowledge he’d contribute to the conversation and fun facts he’d randomly blurt out of no where. Sammy is much like a sponge, always looking for an opportunity to learn and expand his mind. Sometimes it’s great and sometimes not 😂
The garden and house plants the both of you would care for would be both of your prides. Between the plants and Rosie, it’s like having kids!!!! It would make your morning to wake up to him hunched over dainty plants; pruning and carefully packing soil. He’d be so enveloped that he wouldn’t notice you standing in the doorway until you say good morning in a groggy voice. He’d startle and greet you with a warm hug and invite you to try some homegrown produce.
One statement that solidified the Sammy ship was your vast music taste with the exception for pop 😂 such a Sammy move. ALTHOUGH I think that’s a facade for him. I truly do think Sam loves select songs from every genre, it’s just a matter of finding one that resonates. Shockingly Sam might be the one that turns you on to a great pop song….. who knows!!!
And the mold you have created for your dream man, how well does Sam fit into that?
Long hair ✅
Confident and Adventurous ✅
A man that doesn’t take himself too seriously ✅
Someone who enjoys to cook/bake ✅
If you weren’t sold already, are you now? I mean no matter the style or length, Sam’s hair has always been beautiful, but I must say his current facial hair to hair length ratio is hitting different 🤌 Sam has such a secure outlook on himself. Not that he’s cocky… far from it, but he is so authentically himself and not ashamed of it. Building on that he’s always living! Sam is certainly a person who takes advantage of his time on earth and wants to leave nothing unwritten. How excited life would be with him 💕
As outgoing and theatrical Sam is, he certainly needs a little balance. No doubt you could be the source of that. Don’t get me wrong, I think you guys would compliment each other well. I think Sam sometimes might need a reminder to come home and take care of himself, and you may need a reminder to go on that impromptu trip you’ve always wanted to take.
Another key point that made me decide on Sam was the fact that you said you often love quickly and deeply. That screams Sam. He’s so sure of people and willing to find them a special part of his life. His love seems like a whirlwind experience. Though it might be chaos at times, it’s the most beautiful and pleasurable relationship you’d share.
I so hope you enjoyed the ship! As usual, pleaseee let me know what you thought and if it correlates to your lane (if you have one). I will also include a collage and song ship that reminds me of Sam!!!
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6 notes · View notes
allthingsfook · 9 months
Not sure if you are taking ships right now but here goes:
I am 26 years old, 5’7, on the curvy side, tan, with long, wavy/curly hair dyed dark red. I have brown eyes and I have softer features, like a round/oval face, full lips and a button nose. I wear glasses quite often, and I don’t really wear a lot of makeup too much. I have multiple tattoos as well.
I’m a Virgo sun, Sagittarius moon, Virgo rising, and Libra venus. I am a queer woman (not yet out to my family though). I was in the military for 5 years, and now I am working towards a career in the aviation industry.
I have 3 dogs, I have a big garden in my backyard, and I love watching shows mostly on the history and science channel. I also love horror movies and comedies. Watching football is also one of my favorite things, and I grew up playing soccer for 12 years as well.
I have an expansive music taste, I grew up on bands like Metallica, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Motley Crue, Journey, etc, but I also really love indie, folk, and alternative. And I love a lot of music from the 50’s-90’s, really 😅
I have a shy personality, I don’t drink, don’t go out much on my days off unless it’s shopping or going to the movies, I prefer staying at home and reading or watching tv. I will open up super fast if I feel comfortable enough with someone though. My favorite foods are curry, tomato soup, and tacos! Eventually I wanna move to Wisconsin where most of my family is, but I do love to travel! Korea and Germany have been my fav places to go so far (:
Anyway I think that’s it lol I’m super excited to see who you ship me with 😊
Heyyyy!!! I’m honestly the worst at getting to ships lately, but trust me I have been thinking about you and here it is—
I ship you with…
Danny ✨
I honestly struggled. Your interests screamed Sam, your music taste screamed Jake…. But to mesh the two together, I thought Danny would be a good fit ☺️
Danny would melt over your appearance. Your pouty lips and full figure 😍 He would not be able to keep his hands and eyes off of you. He’d always want to be showing you off even though he knows how reserved you can be. He would constantly compliment your natural beauty and admire the lack of make up you wear. Maybe a little mascara when you’re getting ready for an event. He’d notice immediately, telling you how it makes your eyes pop! (Danny of all the boys would love your tattoos. Grazing over them and commenting on how sexy they are 😏)
Being you are a Virgo and Danny a Capricorn, you are intensely compatible. You are both earth signs which creates for a relationship built on respect, stability, and intimacy. Danny would accept you for you and be able to support you when you are ready to come out to your family. Danny would admire your service and be so proud of your aviation career, to which Sam would geek over too!
Danny has big love for puppers so to have his own with you would fill his heart. He’d spoil them just like a kid. When he is home, he’d love to help you in the garden. Watering, trimming, and harvesting. Don’t imagine him playing around, plopping a floppy sun hat over his curls, and carrying a wicker basket to collect produce and a little bouquet for you 🌷You seem to have a good mix of educational and entertaining taste in movies, which Danny would enjoy. You’ll always keep him guessing. Also your interest in sports would trip his trigger. He’d fall so madly in love with you the first time you get talking sports.
Danny seems to have the most versatile taste in music, so anyone could bond with him over music. I can see him blaring 80s rock in his corvette while your hair blows uncontrollably in the wind! As social as Danny is, he’d appreciate staying in and soaking up the downtime he has outside of recording and touring. He’s cherish the nights you spend cuddling on the couch and having dinner in the backyard. Danny would treat you to homemade dinners all the time when he’s home. Making you all your favorites. Of course you’d indulge in them when he’s gone, but they hit different when he makes them. He’d whip up mean tacos and virgin margs! Even sporting a tiny sombrero you guys got on a trip to Mexico.
I hope you enjoyed your ship, lovely!!!! Please let me know what you think!! I always love to hear 💕
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3 notes · View notes
allthingsfook · 9 months
are you still accepting ships? because i'd love one!
i'm 5'5 with shoulder length brown hair and green eyes (she/they!)
i love love love music, my main favorites being gvf, elton john, billy joel, john denver, wallows, and lana del rey.
i love concerts and being outdoors. especially hiking and kayaking, camping is def growing on me. i'm also a big time plant mom and i have a cat!
i'm currently studying secondary education, focus on earth and space science!! i hold a bachelor's in astrophysics.
Of course! I’m always accepting. I am truly sorry for not being timely so I hope you find this when I post!!!!
I ship you with….
Joshua ✨
Your physical description sounds so natural and beautiful. Just how josh would love you. He’d constantly be complimenting your natural beauty and your dreamy green eyes 💚
Your music taste is extremely compatible with Josh. I can see you guys sitting on a cozy screened in porch, listening to John Denver and Elton John playing softly on a vintage Zenith record player. You’d be surrounded by a wicker set of furniture covered in boho blankets and pillows. Plants towered on a wall of shelves. Wood wind chimes clattering outside the porch. Sun catchers hang in each screen panel, casting a rainbow across the room. An oscillating fan softly blowing your hair which tickles your neck. Stacks of books and vinyl pile up in a corner. Your cat would be napping on an adorned cat tower. Josh would be wrapped up in his journal, doodling, writing, coloring, making his dreams come alive. You’d catch him humming along to songs periodically. How sweet lazy life would be with him.
Outdoors is certainly Josh’s happy place and where he draws a lot of inspiration from. All of the outside activities you enjoy, I see Josh loving as well. No doubt. Imagine his tiny shorts riding up while going on a hike. Him pulling at them and getting flustered. His cheeks rosey from being in the sun, his forehead glazed with sweat. You would reach a shady outlook and josh would huff. Slugging his water and wiping his brow with his bandana. For how exhausted and spent he is, you see how peaceful and genuinely happy he looks. Then he’d gaze at you with his Bambi eyes and hold you while the both of you admire the breathtaking sight. After taking a moment, you’d hike back to your campsite. That’s something Josh has wanted to do for a while; tent camping in true wilderness. And so you end the night with him showing off his Boy Scout skills by building a fire, cooking some hotdogs and s’mores, and snuggling in your tent ☺️
Lastly, Josh would be so incredibly proud of your professional/academic achievements. Also wildly attracted to your smarts. He’d pick your brain on a wide range of topics, each time falling for you over again while you give your opinion. He’d kiss your head and remind you how intelligent you are. That’s the first thing he’d brag about when talking about you, whether you are around or not. Josh would be your biggest fan and supporter.
Oh man! I loved this ship. I sang to me and gave me huge imagery. I hope you love it just as much as I do. As always, let me know what you think. I love to hear what everyone has to say!!!
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allthingsfook · 10 months
Hii! Can I have a ship please?
I’m 5’5, curly brown hair, with light brown eyes :)
I love music, I love going to concerts even if they’re a small underground band. I love to hang out with my friends, I’m much more extroverted than an introvert but I also get a bit worn out after being with people for a long time.
I love sports, football, softball, golf, ice skating..you name it. I also love nature. Nature has always been something that means a lot to me, its a calming thing to me. sitting out in the park or in my vacation house in the mountains are some things that keep me completely grounded.
Currently I’m in school studying fashion, its my dream to be a fashion stylist for musicians
Also if you can, can you add an nsfw headcanon? :’)
Thank you!! <3
Hello!!!! Of course you can have a ship!!!
**Post Ship Notes** I’m sorry for how long winded this is going to be and I’m also sorry for any typos. I wanted to get this written for you, but also have to work in the morning!!!
I ship you with…
Danny ⭐️
This has nothing to do with the fact that you both have brown curly hair 😂 I struggled between Josh and Danny, but the sports comment ultimately made me decide on Danny!
So let’s just jump right into it!! How could you not enjoy music and end up with one of the boys?! So there’s the first step 😂 I think Danny is the most fond of going out to see bands at local spots/bars. At least he’s the one we see out to those functions the most. I think Danny would admire the fact that you enjoy listening to up and coming/underground bands. He’d go on to tell you that bands like that are so grateful for support, and often need people like you to give them that drive to keep making music. That’s how GVF got started: playing in dives and biker bars.
As sociable and sweet as Danny is, I think his social tank can run dry quickly, especially when being around the boys. He’d always respect your wishes and never initiate the conversation about wanting to go home… he’d just wait until you said something and thank you 🙏 ☺️
Once you arrive home, he’d crawl into bed; barely kicking his clothes off in time for his head to hit the pillow. You’d spend some time caring for yourself; removing your makeup, brushing your teeth, and putting on lotion. Once finished, you’d crawl in next to him. He’d snake his strong arm around your torso and pull you into his warm core. Pretty soon, you feel his stiffening cock push against your back. You smirk and ask him, “what’s going on back there?” He’d chuckle and blush, “nothing.” “I thought you were tired,” you’d tease. He’d grip your shoulder and roll you onto your back while he straddles you. “Not anymore,” he admits. His hands would disappear under your shirt, fingertips grazing your nipples. You’d gasp and flicker your eyes shut to completely sink into the moment. Both of you enjoy for a moment, before he gracefully removes your shirt, then turns his attention toward your lower half. He’d toy with the hem of your shorts then take the strings in his mouth, yanking them with his teeth. He’d shimmy them down to expose your weeping cunt. From between your thighs, he’d smile up at you and press two fingers between your folds. He’s not quick to put himself inside of you, he enjoys teasing you just as much as he loves getting off. He would often touch you for what seemed like hours before guiding his thick cock into you. God, he’d stretch you out each time he thrusts into you. You have never had someone so big that it takes you a while to adjust to his size, but it’s the most narcotic feeling.
No surprise Danny is a golf man, so I’m glad to hear you also enjoy golf, along with many other sports. I can see Danny lighting up the moment you tell him you like to golf. He’d have an outing set up like the next day 😂 Just to get what you want, you get all dolled up in that stereotypical sexy golfer fit; the short white skirt, and color coordinating shirt with him. No shock the breeze would flip the skirt up to show off your perfect ass in the built in spandex. Danny would gawk and whimper at the sight. After you get the ball in the hole, you dramatically bend over, hoping Danny will get hard in his pants…. Mission accomplished. As dedicated as he is to the game, he cuts it short and rushes you to the country club locker room so he can fuck the shit out of you!!! Hastily he will lock the door, instruct you to take off your skirt…as you do he’ll instantly pick you up and carry you over to the vanity. He drops you down on the cool counter top, whips his belt off and shoves his pants down just enough to reveal his throbbing dick. He spits on it and pushes into you with such need and lust. When he finishes inside of you, it will be another check on his bucket list…. Maybe a check one you didn’t even know you had 😉
All the boys are so inspired and find peace in nature, so no surprise Danny would love getting away to the mountains. I could see the two of you basking in mother nature; hiking, swimming, foraging, and sitting around the campfire. To close most nights in, you’d cuddle on the floor of a picture-perfect cabin…. Nestled in front of a gigantic stone fireplace. Although the trip was intended to escapee into nature and relax, you guys can’t help sorting through all the dusty VHS tapes. What classics! Especially the horrible 70s slasher movies. Danny would convince you let him put in Friday the 13th, and there you would cower in his arms…. Wether the movie scares you a little or it’s just downright laughable… you still nuzzle into him so he will grip your waist tighter.
Lastly, I think Danny would find it so interesting that you are going into the fashion industry; also would Josh. Your relationship with Danny would no doubt be a gateway into collaborating with the boys and other stylists when preparing for future tours. Danny would also encourage you to get up from behind your desk and try on the model’s shoes. He’d help you into a skimpy outfit you have designed and hype you up! Not only is he helping build your self confidence, but also giving himself an excuse to touch your curves!
Whew!!! 😋 I warned ya! It’s a lot 🤣 But I really do hope you enjoyed and per usual please please please let me know what you think! I always love to hear! I will also include a collage and song ship!!!!
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allthingsfook · 9 months
Omg thank you for the ship! You always post the best explanations and they are super in depth which I appreciate! I’m super happy cus I’m such a Danny girl lol 🥰🥳
You are so welcome!!! I’m so glad you enjoyed!!! ❤️🥰
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allthingsfook · 9 months
Hi!! could I have a ship pls :)
i’m 5’5 with auburn hair & blue eyes
I am a bit of a home body. I enjoy spending time with friends, but doing simple things. im not into going to bars/ clubs. I more enjoy using quality time to watch movies/ thrifting/ get a quiet dinner/ go shopping/ drive around. I really enjoy being outdoors whether that’s at a beach or in the woods. I really love live music.
Going to concerts has always been a huge part of my life and I plan to do it as much as I can. it’s just as important to me as the idea of traveling. i’ve done a lot of traveling so far and plan to see as much places as possible in the future! I’m not huge into tourist locations, I enjoy the more quiet and unknown parts of the world.
I am a very passionate person. I take my relationships and interests very seriously. if anyone I love has been hurt I try to be there to help and defend them. same goes for things I enjoy. I will defend it against anyone that tries to tear it down. I could go on and on about things that mean a lot to me.
thank you in advance <3
Heyyyyy! I’m finally getting to your ship on this fine Friday evening while I’m at my sister-in-laws bachelorette party 😂😂
I ship you with….
I think Josh is the homebody of the boys, even with how bubbly he is. He often retreats from the camera, which makes me believe he lives in the moment. Documenting his every movement is extremely shallow in his eyes, and he’d rather spend all his time doting after you 💕 Due to the nature of touring and —well— just being a musician, Josh values his time at home. And that means staying home! I know he recently said that he doesn’t spend a lot of time in his home and it’s rather a pit stop on his way to somewhere new. After strengthening your relationship, Josh would quickly learn that home is a feeling, not a place. If he feels that with you, which he so would, he’d go wherever you wanted him to; something tells me that is just spending time together at home. And I don’t believe for a second that he fears domestication…. I think he’s longing for it. Be his home ❤️
On the other hand, traveling for leisure is something Josh would love. He’s so obsessed with learning about the world, so I could easily see you guys flying all over for weeks on end; learning new languages, trying new food, meeting great people, and most of all— spending time together. Although you are not one for going out, I think you’d be game for going to a small, local place to catch an up and coming artist perform. Josh and the boys would keep their ears open for just the opportunities. You’d all share laughs and enjoy the music, but don’t think you’ll escape into the night without some fans coming to awe over the boys. True that’s something you’d have to deal with, but Josh would be the most supportive and reassuring partner. He’d give you sweet praises and attention after the fact. After so long, it wouldn’t even bother you.
Your generosity, kindness, and compassion are huge things Josh would fall for. Much like you, Josh is so thoughtful and loving toward his intimate circle. I’m sure you’ve seen all the thoughtful and caring gifts he’s given to his vocal coach, the special bonds he shares with his parents, and most notably the love he has for Daniel. If that’s how he treats his family, imagine how sweet he would be with you! He might not always physically be at your side or there to buy you flowers in Valentine’s Day, but the cosmic bond that the two of you would share would overthrow all of that. From across the country or globe, his love would be felt.
I hope you enjoyed the heartfelt ship. Josh is such a special person and it’s an honor to witness and be part of GVFs prime. All of them are insanely beautiful inside and out!!!
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allthingsfook · 10 months
Hi! I’m the one you just shipped with Danny. Thank you! It’s funny, I’m twin lane, but I’ve been teetering a bit into a Danny cheat lane so it’s so interesting that you paired me with him. I’m just glad you didn’t pair me with Sam. Love the boy, but youngest sibling energies do not mix in my experience. Anyway, thanks again. It’s so fun and interesting to see other people’s insight. 💕
Awee that’s too sweet! And I hear ya! I’m Sam lane, but sometimes the kid really gives me the ick 😂😂😂
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allthingsfook · 10 months
Hi! Hope you’re doing well! I was wondering if I could get a GVF ship thingy? I’ve never done this before so sorry if I’m bad at it.
I’m in my early twenties, a May Taurus (and that’s all I know about astrology), a youngest sibling, uses she/they pronouns, and am Latina.
I’ve got medium length (down to about my shoulders) brown hair with old faded blue hair dye on the ends that refuses to leave. My eyes are hazel. I’ve got freckles. I’m 5’7” and a little chubby. I’m more top heavy than anything, if you catch my meaning.
Personality wise, I’m definitely introverted. Originally super anxious, but it’s now more of a choice to avoid people. I’m musically inclined. I sing mostly and dabble with the guitar, bass, and piano. I’m a terrible dancer though so not musically inclined in that regard. I also like writing and video games. I’m pretty neat and structured, but (hopefully) not in an annoying way. I don’t mind helping others when it comes to that.
When I’m comfortable with people, I don’t shut up. I’ve been told I’m funny. Sometimes my humor gets me in trouble in terms of pressing people’s buttons (only with friends and family, and never to someone who’s genuinely upset about it). I also like a little drinking now and then. Especially when it comes to hanging out and talking about nothing. Or everything.
And yeah. I don’t know what else to put. Thanks so much if you get to it. And even if you don’t, thanks for being you.
Hey!!! I’m glad you stumbled upon this blog and are curious about a ship! Of course I will give you one!
I ship you with 🥁🥁🥁
Danny 😊
Let me start off by saying Danny would adore your hazel eyes!!! He’s compliment them endlessly and always say, “my boring brown eyes don’t even compare!” To which you’d probably give him a hard time for even thinking that of himself. That’s the sort of relationship Danny would flourish in. One where you both stand up for each other against your own worst enemies; your inner dialogues. Danny would be so comforting toward you. Always making you feel special and loved. He’d shower you with praise and compliment, and not just to simply make you feel better but because he genuinely means it.
PS: he’d often be preoccupied with the fact that your “top heavy” 😉
In terms of personality, Danny seems to be the most obvious choice. He’s much more calm and level headed compared to the other boys, BUT is still very fun and goofy. He also seems like the person that would help your through anxious moments well. Naturally, he’d want you to come on tour with them for a couple dates or even to one show. With that comes a lot of moving parts and people to make it go round. That may cause some anxiety for you, but Danny would be great! He’d know to have a quiet safe space for you such as a dressing room or trailer. He’d speak to you so kindly and check in with you often 😊 Hopefully all the care he gives you beforehand can ensure that you enjoy the show!!
Danny would love that you are interested in music. I think a lot of people forget Danny not only plays the drums. He plays guitar, sings, and dabbles with piano, and I’m sure much more!!! I could see the both of you puttering around the house on a rainy day, finally deciding to sit down at the piano. You’d both play together, maybe not a whole masterpiece but splicing keys together and somehow making a tune of it. He’d then start softly singing to you. I could see you laying your head on his shoulder, nuzzling in whiles he serenades you.
Of all boys, Danny would like to play some video games with you. He’d be down for anything and be great as soon as he picks it up! Don’t be too quick to think you’d blow him out of the water since you play often. He seems like he’d be good at anything as soon as he picks it up.
Danny is the most reserved of all the boys, but when we are talking about the Kiszka’s they can be pretty unhinged, so it’s not like Danny is a prude. He’s just as goofy and lighthearted, just not as in your face about it. I feel like y’all would connect quickly as far as that goes. In order to be around all the guys you have to have a somewhat warped sense of humor. No need to hold back around them 🤣 I’m addition to that, those boys can knock back some drinks! Be prepared to be offered an over abundance of seltzers.
Misc. Compatibilities:
- Both in early-mid 20s.
- In my opinion, Danny wouldn’t read into astrology too much either 😂 I think astrology probably interests him on its surface, but I definitely don’t think he lives by zodiacs.
- He’s not a youngest sibling, but he is so close with Josie he definitely doesn’t have that older brother complex 😂
- Of all boys, I think Danny appreciates neatness and organization the most.
I hope you enjoyed the ship! I always like to hear what people have to say or if I ship them with their lane! I’m also going to include a Danny collage and a song from a Danny playlist!!!
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allthingsfook · 11 months
Hi ☺️ I just discovered your blog. I’d no idea there was a GVF fandom on Tumblr (I’m always slow to fandoms).. Love your page 💕 May I request a GVF ship/matchup? If you want to of course, and no worries if you can’t! 
Pronouns: She/Her
Appearance: Wavy caramel hair - it’s a mess but I like it, deep cheekbones, dark eyebrows. I always wear oversized, “luxurious” (fluffy and velvety), dark retro clothing and chunky heels. I’m very short (5’2)
Personality: Blunt - no sugar-coating, easy-going and easy to be around.. I prefer to let things be imperfect rather than micromanaging everything..
Open-minded and dirty-minded. I’ve a heavily alternative, multicultural background and people being different or “flawed” doesn’t bother me. kinda mellow in some ways but hotheaded in others. 
Somewhere between an introvert and extrovert; while I like to be alone, I’m not shy and can talk for hours if in the right mood. I’m pretty private when it comes to myself, though, and don’t open up unless I’m comfortable with the person. Saying that, flirting comes kinda natural to me..
I love cooking big meals and do so for my loved ones often, painting, music, hairdressing, spending time with family/friends, just relaxing.. 
Thank you so much ☺️💕
Hello beautiful!!!! I’m so glad that you have joined us on GVF tumblr 💕 Thank you! I appreciate everyone who stops by my blog! And my inbox is always open, so let’s go ahead and give you a ship!!!!
I ship you with….
Sammy ⭐️🌼🍋
First off, I think Sammy would love your original style and flair! He’s such a diva like that 😩✌️😊 Personality wise, Sammy needs a good counter weight. With you being more straight laced, that might teach him to advocate for himself more often. It reminds me of that whole meek guy won’t tell the waiter he asked for no pickles on his sandwich and bold girl will speak up for him scenario 🤣 You need to take care of Sammy boy! If he doesn’t want pickles, dammit send it back!!!! 😂😂 That’s me just being a goof of course, but on the other hand he’d jive well with your laid back approach to life. He truly just wants to have fun and share that with everyone.
“Open and dirty minded” screams Sam 🤣🤣 As philosophical as some people make all the boys out to be, they truly are just like 12 year old boys. Laughing over fart noises, cracking dirty jokes, and hazing on each other constantly. That’ll come with Sam, so buckle up for the buffoonery! Something tells me you’ll gladly deal with it 👍
You’re middle ground of introversion and extroversion speaks to Sammy. He often is so light hearted, glowing, and happy that we tend to overlook his intelligent, ambitious, and tame side. I’m certain there are many people that would speak to those characteristics. As well as entertaining you, I think he’d stimulate your brain with teachings and discussions about substantial topics (then stimulating other things along the way— 😉)
I think Sammy and you share cooking as a love language! I’m certain there would be many nights spent in the kitchen; goofing, dancing, and singing all to create a delicious meal made with love! To wrap that night up, I could see you guys painting each others bodies and creating art whilst— y’know ☺️
I honestly hope that wasn’t too steamy or whatever 😂😂 after all that’s what this blog does best! Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed and let me know what you thought! I always love to hear back and see if I shipped you according to your lane (if you have one) 👍👍 Imma through in a collage and song suggestion just for funsies!!!
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