frdaejeon · 10 months
15 août, un jour férié en Corée et en France
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Le 15 août est, en France et en Corée, un jour férié. Découvrez pourquoi.
En Corée, on appelle ce jour "Gwangbok-jeol" (광복절) que l'on peut traduire littéralement  par "le jour de la restauration de la lumière". Ce jour-là, les Coréens fêtent leur indépendance face au Japon. C'est la journée nationale de la libération de Corée.
Les drapeaux sont de sortie ce jour-là.
8월 15일, 오늘은 제78주년 광복절입니다.​ 대한민국의 빛을 되찾은 날을 맞이하여 태극기를 달아주세요.
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Le 15 août 1945, le Japon capitule et c'est la fin de la colonisation japonaise et 3 ans plus tard, le 15 août 1948, c'est la proclamation de l'indépendance de la République de Corée.
Elle est aussi fêtée en Corée du Nord où elle se nomme Chogukhaebangŭi nale, le Jour de la Libération de la Patrie.
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En France, le 15 août est férié parce que c'est une fête religieuse. Il s'agit de l'Assomption, appelée Dormition chez les Orthodoxes. Le 15 août représente la montée au ciel de la Vierge Marie, mère de Jésus-Christ, pour les chrétiens.
성모 승천은 기독교에서 성모 마리아가 선종한 후, 하느님에 의해 육체와 영혼을 수반하고 하늘나라에 들어 올림을 받았다는 믿음이다. 특히 로마 가톨릭교회에서는 성모 승천에 대해 마리아가 지상 생애를 마친 다음, 육신과 영혼이 함께 천상의 영광으로 들어 올림을 받았다고 표현한다.
Cette date vient du roi Louis XIII. Après la naissance annoncée du futur Louis XIV, il décida de consacrer le pays à la Vierge Marie en 1638 en décrétant ce jour comme fête nationale.
Bonne journée de repos et/ou célébrations à tous.
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without-ado · 2 years
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The 77th anniversary of Korea's Liberation Day
815 Gwangbokjeol (815 광복절; literally, "August 15, 1945, the day the light returned")
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August 15th is also celebrated by many countries as Victory Over Japan Day, the day Japan was defeated and World War ll came to an end.
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scene of cutting Japan's "rising sun" flag from K-drama [각시탈, Bridal Mask]
In1940, Germany, Italy and Japan formed the Axis powers by signing the Tripartite Pact in Berlin. And the Japanese imperial navy used the "rising sun" flag until its defeat in World War II in 1945 as Japan had colonized, invaded or occupied Korea, parts of China and other Asian countries.
So, in many of Asian countries, Japan's "rising sun" flag is regarded as a symbol of Japanese militarism and colonial rule just like how the Nazi swastika is a symbol of Nazis which reminds Europeans of invasion and horror.
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Japanese "rising sun" flag and Nazi Germany's Reichskriegsflagge hung together at a reception for the Japanese warship U-511 that arrived in Penang, Malaysia in 1943 (sr. Insight Korea)
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marwahstudios · 10 months
ICMEI Congratulates Republic of Korea on the Occasion of National Liberation Day of South Korea
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New Delhi: The International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI) extends its warmest congratulations to H.E. Chang Jae-bok, the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea and the people of Republic of Korea on the occasion of National Liberation Day of South Korea. This significant day commemorates the end of Japanese colonial rule in 1945 and the establishment of South Korea as an independent nation. To mark this momentous occasion, Sandeep Marwah, Chairman of the Indo-South Korea Film and Cultural Forum, shared his insights into the strengthening ties between India and South Korea.
National Liberation Day of South Korea, also known as ‘Gwangbokjeol,’ holds immense historical and cultural significance for the Korean people. It stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the nation and its enduring commitment to freedom, democracy, and prosperity.
Sandeep Marwah, a prominent figure in the field of media and entertainment, emphasized the deep-rooted and flourishing relationship between India and South Korea. He highlighted the pivotal role that cultural exchanges and collaborations play in fostering greater understanding and cooperation between the two nations.
“India and South Korea share a rich history of cultural exchange, and our collaboration in the fields of film and entertainment has been particularly fruitful,” said Marwah. “The Indo-South Korea Film and Cultural Forum is committed to strengthening these ties further, promoting artistic exchanges, and enhancing people-to-people connections.”
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jinjusanhq · 10 months
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Os residentes de Jinjusan celebravam com entusiasmo a Libertação da Coreia pelo segundo dia seguinte. A rua principal se encheu de moradores locais e visitantes de toda a região de Gangwon, marcando a data com apresentações culturais, desfiles e barracas repletas de iguarias tradicionais. No auge da celebração, quando as ruas estavam adornadas com bandeiras nacionais e os sorrisos irradiavam a alegria da ocasião, um trágico revés se abateu sobre a vila. O céu não estava bonito desde o início do dia, um tanto acinzentado e nublado, mas havia sido ignorado em prol do aquecimento que os belos sorrisos pueris poderiam dar aos moradores. Contudo, ele rapidamente se transformou em uma massa de nuvens carregadas, anunciando uma mudança repentina nas condições climáticas.
Em questão de minutos, uma chuva torrencial desabou sobre Jinjusan. As gotas d'água caíam com uma intensidade que parecia desafiar a própria gravidade. A multidão que enchia as ruas para celebrar o Gwangbokjeol foi surpreendida por essa reviravolta climática, e as atividades festivas tiveram de ser interrompidas abruptamente, com pessoas correndo e gritando enquanto tentavam encontrar abrigo e salvar seus itens da chuva. Apesar da inesperada reviravolta, a resiliência do povo de Jinjusan ficou evidente. Os organizadores do festival, juntamente com os moradores locais e visitantes, uniram esforços para buscar abrigo improvisado nas lojas, tendas e edifícios próximos. No meio da tempestade, o espírito de camaradagem prevaleceu, com pessoas compartilhando guarda-chuvas, rindo das circunstâncias inusitadas e mantendo viva a esperança de que o evento poderia ser retomado assim que o clima melhorasse. À medida que a chuva persistia, uma sensação de solidariedade e união permeava as ruas inundadas de Jinjusan. As pessoas compartilhavam histórias, cantavam músicas e trocavam memórias enquanto aguardavam o retorno do sol. Mesmo que as apresentações programadas tivessem sido interrompidas, a chuva não conseguiu apagar o espírito festivo dos presentes.
O festival foi interrompido pela chuva forte, que ficará assim até as 18h de amanhã (17/08). A chuva inicia às 17h.
Os personagens podem fazer várias coisas, inclusive buscar abrigos em locais juntos, auxiliar pessoas que podem ter se machucado enquanto corriam, carregar os itens da feira local para ajudar os vendedores, dentre outros. Também vale a pena investir tempo no Discord para se juntar e contar histórias, fazer os chars interagirem, etc!
Existe alguma trovoada aqui e ali, mas nada preocupante. Serviços como água e luz continuam funcionando normalmente.
Lembrem-se: a maioria das ruas de Jinjusan não é asfaltada. Isso pode representar um perigo de ficar preso na estrada alagada por lama e água suja para os personagens também!
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brookston · 10 months
Holidays 8.15
Acadian Day (Canada)
Air Conditioning Appreciation Days end
Armed Forces Day (Poland)
Asunción Foundation Day (Paraguay)
Awa Dance Festival (Japan)
Best Friend's Day
Cass Elliot Day (Baltimore, Maryland)
Caveernova Awareness Day (UK)
Chant at the Moon Day
Chauvin Day (a.k.a. Nicolas Chauvin Day)
Check the Chip Day
City Hall Selfie Day
Constitution Day (Equatorial Guinea)
Dog Days of Summer end
815 Day
Ferragosto (Oven of August; Italy)
Flooding of the Nile (Egypt)
Flower Festival begins (Colombia)
Fool’s Dance (Japan)
Green Data Day
Hello Day
I Love Cowboys and Cowgirls Day
International Apostrophe Day
International Neonatal Nurses Day
International Play Lax Day
Jogukhaebangui nal (a.k.a. Fatherland Liberation Day; North Korea)
Khalistan Day
La Vieja Day (Panama)
Loaded Dice Day
Lupin Day (French Republic)
Memorial Day For the End of the War (終戦記念日 Shūsen-kinenbi; Japan)
Moms Equal Pay Day 2023 ( website )
Mother’s Day (Antwerp, Belgium)
National Back-to-School Prep Day
National Day (Liechtenstein)
National Failures Day
National Jean Day
National Leathercraft Day
National Liberation Day of Korea
National Mourning Day (Bangladesh)
National No Spongebob Day (SpongeBob)
National Philip Day
National Relaxation Day
National Sunflower Day (Canada)
Neighbor’s Day (Mexico)
Oscar Peterson Day
Panama Canal Day
Panama La Vieja Day (Panama)
Rockford Day (Illinois)
Sandakan Day (Malaysia)
Sang Marie (Gambia)
Shoro Nagashi Nagasaki (Japan)
Sit Back and Relax Day
SJS Memorial Day
Staatsfeiertag (Liechtenstein)
Stadium Rock Day
Tuva Republic Day (Russia)
Velika Gospa (Croatia)
Victory Over Japan Day (UK)
Woodstock Day
World Child Abuse & Neglect Awareness Day
World Reiki Day
World Greatness Day
Wow! Signal Anniversary Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Fresh Poke Day
National Ginseng Day
National Lemon Meringue Pie Day
3rd Tuesday in August
International Chalk the Walks Day [3rd Tuesday]
Independence Days
Gwangbokjeol or Kwang Bok Jul (Liberation Day; South Korea, redeclared independence from Japan; 1945)
Bahrain (from UK, 1971)
India (from UK, 1947)
Republic of the Congo (from Belgium, 1960)
Feast Days
Alypius of Thagaste (a.k.a. Alipius; Christian; Saint)
Assumption (a.k.a. ... 
Assomption (Belgium, Croatia, Haiti, Slovenia)
Feast of the Assumption
Feast of the Assumption of Mary
Fête Nationale of the Acadians (Canada)
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos (Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches)
Feast of Saint Mary the Virgin
Feralia X (Day of Purification; Pagan)
Festival of the Outremeuse (Liege, Belgium)
Ferragosto (Italy)
Holy Day of Obligation (Catholic Church)
Irmandade da Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte Fiesta (Festival of the Order of Our Lady of the Good Death; Bahia, Brazil)
Lady's Day (Ireland)
Lunes siguiente a la Asunción de la Virgen (Spain)
Māras (Latvia)
Marilyn Chambers Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Mother's Day (Antwerp and Costa Rica)
National Acadian Day (Acadians)
Navy Day (Romania)
Virgin of Candelaria, patron of the Canary Islands. (Tenerife, Spain)
Zoline (Lithuania)
Bob (Muppetism)
Bon Festival (a.k.a. Obon; Japan)
Condom Day (Pastafarian)
Feast of the Formation of the Theotokos (Eastern Orthodox)
Festival of Vesta (Ancient Roman Goddess of the Hearth)
Francesco Zuccarelli (Artology)
Great Mother Goddess Day
Herbal Holy Day
Maras Diena (Ancient Latvia)
McCartin (Christian; Saint)
San La Muerte (Paraguayan Folk Catholicism)
Santa Muerte (Mexican Folk Catholicism)
Sproshinki (Slavic Pagan End of the Hay Harvest Festival)
Stanislaus Kostka (Christian; Saint)
Tarcisius (Christian; Saint)
Vasco de Gama (Positivist; Saint)
Wafaa El-Nil (a.k.a. Flooding of the Nile; Ancient Egypt)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fatal Day (Pagan) [16 of 24]
Historically Bad Day (Buddha died & 6 other tragedies) [6 of 11]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [23 of 32]
Prime Number Day: 227 [49 of 72]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [42 of 57]
Alice’s Tin Pony (Disney Cartoon; 1925)
American Splendor (Film; 2003)
Americathon (Film; 1979)
Apocalypse Now (Film; 1979)
Bambi, a Life in the Woods, by Felix Salten (Novel; 1922)
Batman and Harley Quinn (WB Animated Film; 2017)
Cat’s Paw (WB LT Cartoon; 1959)
Crazy Rich Asians (Film; 2018)
Dancing Queen, by ABBA (Song; 1976)
Fly Me to the Moon (Animated Film; 2008)
The Full Monty (Film; 1997)
Garbage, by Garbage (Album; 1995)
How to Read a Book, by Mortimer J. Adler & Charles Van Doren (Book; 1972)
I Me ine, by George Harrison (Autobiography; 1980)
In Through the Out Door, by Led Zeppelin (Album; 1979)
The Larry Sanders Show (TV Series; 1992)
Living My Life, by Emma Goldman (Biography; 1931)
Macarena, by Los del Rio (Song; 1993)
Make Mine Music (Animated Disney Film; 1946)
Notorious (Film; 1946)
A Place in the Sun (Film; 1951)
Player Piano, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (Novel; 1952)
The Sinking of Lusitania (Windsor McKay Cartoon; 1918)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Animated Film; 2008)
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (Film; 2008)
The Wizard of Oz (Film; 1939)
Wizard’s First Rule, by Terry Goodkind (Novel; 1994)
Woodstock Festival begins (Music Festival; 1969)
You Shook Me All Night Long, by AC/DC (Song; 1980)
Today’s Name Days
Maria Himmelfahrt, Tarsitius (Austria)
Mariya (Bulgaria)
Julijana, Mara, Marija (Croatia)
Hana (Czech Republic)
Maria (Denmark)
Hanna, Jaana, Jaanika, Jana, Janika, Janne, Jenny, Johanna, Nanna (Estonia)
Jaana, Jatta, Marianna, Marianne, Marita, Maritta, Marja, Marjaana, Marjatta, Marjo, Marjukka, Marjut (Finland)
Alfred, Marie (France)
Maria Himmelfahrt, Steven (Germany)
Despoina, Maria, Panagiotis, Panayotis (Greece)
Mária (Hungary)
Assunta, Maria (Italy)
Dzelde, Zamuels, Zenta (Latvia)
Napalys, Napoleonas, Sigita, Visvilas, Vydenė (Lithuania)
Margot, Marielle, Mary (Norway)
Maria, Napoleon, Stefan, Stella, Trzebimir (Poland)
Marcela (Slovakia)
Alba, Asunción, Azucena, Mar, María, Patrocinio, Prado, Reyes (Spain)
Estelle, Stella (Sweden)
Madonna, Malia, Mara, Maria, Mariah, Marian, Mariana, Maribel, Marie, Marisa, Marissa, Maritza, Marla, Mary, Maryann, Mimi, Miriam, Mitzy, Molly, Napoleon, Polly (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 227 of 2024; 138 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 33 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Ji-Wei), Day 29 (Yi-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 28 Av 5783
Islamic: 28 Muharram 1445
J Cal: 17 Hasa; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 2 August 2023
Moon: 1%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 3 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Vasco de Gama]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 55 of 94)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 24 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Holidays 8.15
Acadian Day (Canada)
Air Conditioning Appreciation Days end
Armed Forces Day (Poland)
Asunción Foundation Day (Paraguay)
Awa Dance Festival (Japan)
Best Friend's Day
Cass Elliot Day (Baltimore, Maryland)
Caveernova Awareness Day (UK)
Chant at the Moon Day
Chauvin Day (a.k.a. Nicolas Chauvin Day)
Check the Chip Day
City Hall Selfie Day
Constitution Day (Equatorial Guinea)
Dog Days of Summer end
815 Day
Ferragosto (Oven of August; Italy)
Flooding of the Nile (Egypt)
Flower Festival begins (Colombia)
Fool’s Dance (Japan)
Green Data Day
Hello Day
I Love Cowboys and Cowgirls Day
International Apostrophe Day
International Neonatal Nurses Day
International Play Lax Day
Jogukhaebangui nal (a.k.a. Fatherland Liberation Day; North Korea)
Khalistan Day
La Vieja Day (Panama)
Loaded Dice Day
Lupin Day (French Republic)
Memorial Day For the End of the War (終戦記念日 Shūsen-kinenbi; Japan)
Moms Equal Pay Day 2023 ( website )
Mother’s Day (Antwerp, Belgium)
National Back-to-School Prep Day
National Day (Liechtenstein)
National Failures Day
National Jean Day
National Leathercraft Day
National Liberation Day of Korea
National Mourning Day (Bangladesh)
National No Spongebob Day (SpongeBob)
National Philip Day
National Relaxation Day
National Sunflower Day (Canada)
Neighbor’s Day (Mexico)
Oscar Peterson Day
Panama Canal Day
Panama La Vieja Day (Panama)
Rockford Day (Illinois)
Sandakan Day (Malaysia)
Sang Marie (Gambia)
Shoro Nagashi Nagasaki (Japan)
Sit Back and Relax Day
SJS Memorial Day
Staatsfeiertag (Liechtenstein)
Stadium Rock Day
Tuva Republic Day (Russia)
Velika Gospa (Croatia)
Victory Over Japan Day (UK)
Woodstock Day
World Child Abuse & Neglect Awareness Day
World Reiki Day
World Greatness Day
Wow! Signal Anniversary Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Fresh Poke Day
National Ginseng Day
National Lemon Meringue Pie Day
3rd Tuesday in August
International Chalk the Walks Day [3rd Tuesday]
Independence Days
Gwangbokjeol or Kwang Bok Jul (Liberation Day; South Korea, redeclared independence from Japan; 1945)
Bahrain (from UK, 1971)
India (from UK, 1947)
Republic of the Congo (from Belgium, 1960)
Feast Days
Alypius of Thagaste (a.k.a. Alipius; Christian; Saint)
Assumption (a.k.a. ... 
Assomption (Belgium, Croatia, Haiti, Slovenia)
Feast of the Assumption
Feast of the Assumption of Mary
Fête Nationale of the Acadians (Canada)
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos (Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches)
Feast of Saint Mary the Virgin
Feralia X (Day of Purification; Pagan)
Festival of the Outremeuse (Liege, Belgium)
Ferragosto (Italy)
Holy Day of Obligation (Catholic Church)
Irmandade da Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte Fiesta (Festival of the Order of Our Lady of the Good Death; Bahia, Brazil)
Lady's Day (Ireland)
Lunes siguiente a la Asunción de la Virgen (Spain)
Māras (Latvia)
Marilyn Chambers Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Mother's Day (Antwerp and Costa Rica)
National Acadian Day (Acadians)
Navy Day (Romania)
Virgin of Candelaria, patron of the Canary Islands. (Tenerife, Spain)
Zoline (Lithuania)
Bob (Muppetism)
Bon Festival (a.k.a. Obon; Japan)
Condom Day (Pastafarian)
Feast of the Formation of the Theotokos (Eastern Orthodox)
Festival of Vesta (Ancient Roman Goddess of the Hearth)
Francesco Zuccarelli (Artology)
Great Mother Goddess Day
Herbal Holy Day
Maras Diena (Ancient Latvia)
McCartin (Christian; Saint)
San La Muerte (Paraguayan Folk Catholicism)
Santa Muerte (Mexican Folk Catholicism)
Sproshinki (Slavic Pagan End of the Hay Harvest Festival)
Stanislaus Kostka (Christian; Saint)
Tarcisius (Christian; Saint)
Vasco de Gama (Positivist; Saint)
Wafaa El-Nil (a.k.a. Flooding of the Nile; Ancient Egypt)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fatal Day (Pagan) [16 of 24]
Historically Bad Day (Buddha died & 6 other tragedies) [6 of 11]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [23 of 32]
Prime Number Day: 227 [49 of 72]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [42 of 57]
Alice’s Tin Pony (Disney Cartoon; 1925)
American Splendor (Film; 2003)
Americathon (Film; 1979)
Apocalypse Now (Film; 1979)
Bambi, a Life in the Woods, by Felix Salten (Novel; 1922)
Batman and Harley Quinn (WB Animated Film; 2017)
Cat’s Paw (WB LT Cartoon; 1959)
Crazy Rich Asians (Film; 2018)
Dancing Queen, by ABBA (Song; 1976)
Fly Me to the Moon (Animated Film; 2008)
The Full Monty (Film; 1997)
Garbage, by Garbage (Album; 1995)
How to Read a Book, by Mortimer J. Adler & Charles Van Doren (Book; 1972)
I Me ine, by George Harrison (Autobiography; 1980)
In Through the Out Door, by Led Zeppelin (Album; 1979)
The Larry Sanders Show (TV Series; 1992)
Living My Life, by Emma Goldman (Biography; 1931)
Macarena, by Los del Rio (Song; 1993)
Make Mine Music (Animated Disney Film; 1946)
Notorious (Film; 1946)
A Place in the Sun (Film; 1951)
Player Piano, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (Novel; 1952)
The Sinking of Lusitania (Windsor McKay Cartoon; 1918)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Animated Film; 2008)
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (Film; 2008)
The Wizard of Oz (Film; 1939)
Wizard’s First Rule, by Terry Goodkind (Novel; 1994)
Woodstock Festival begins (Music Festival; 1969)
You Shook Me All Night Long, by AC/DC (Song; 1980)
Today’s Name Days
Maria Himmelfahrt, Tarsitius (Austria)
Mariya (Bulgaria)
Julijana, Mara, Marija (Croatia)
Hana (Czech Republic)
Maria (Denmark)
Hanna, Jaana, Jaanika, Jana, Janika, Janne, Jenny, Johanna, Nanna (Estonia)
Jaana, Jatta, Marianna, Marianne, Marita, Maritta, Marja, Marjaana, Marjatta, Marjo, Marjukka, Marjut (Finland)
Alfred, Marie (France)
Maria Himmelfahrt, Steven (Germany)
Despoina, Maria, Panagiotis, Panayotis (Greece)
Mária (Hungary)
Assunta, Maria (Italy)
Dzelde, Zamuels, Zenta (Latvia)
Napalys, Napoleonas, Sigita, Visvilas, Vydenė (Lithuania)
Margot, Marielle, Mary (Norway)
Maria, Napoleon, Stefan, Stella, Trzebimir (Poland)
Marcela (Slovakia)
Alba, Asunción, Azucena, Mar, María, Patrocinio, Prado, Reyes (Spain)
Estelle, Stella (Sweden)
Madonna, Malia, Mara, Maria, Mariah, Marian, Mariana, Maribel, Marie, Marisa, Marissa, Maritza, Marla, Mary, Maryann, Mimi, Miriam, Mitzy, Molly, Napoleon, Polly (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 227 of 2024; 138 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 33 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Ji-Wei), Day 29 (Yi-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 28 Av 5783
Islamic: 28 Muharram 1445
J Cal: 17 Hasa; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 2 August 2023
Moon: 1%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 3 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Vasco de Gama]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 55 of 94)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 24 of 31)
0 notes
garudabluffs · 2 years
ADG7: Tiny Desk Concert
August 19, 2022
“How do you fit a gayageum and an ajaeng behind the Tiny Desk? That's the question I whispered into the ear of our Tiny Desk audio engineer, Josh Rogosin, when we first saw ADG7 playing those five-foot long string instruments at globalFEST in New York City at the top of 2020. The Tiny Desk team solved the puzzle and the nine-piece Korean band filled the room with joy and a sound that's unique in Tiny Desk history. ADG7 mixes traditional, shamanistic ritual sounds with Korean folk songs from Hwanghae Province. The group's full name is Ak Dan Gwang Chil: "Ak Dan" translates as band, while "Gwang Chil" is in honor of the band having formed during the 70th anniversary of Gwangbokjeol, the National Liberation Day of Korea. The music is from the band's 2020 album, Such is Life,and its self-titled 2017 album.The three singers, Hong Ok, Myeong Wol and Yoo Wol, immediately capture my eyes and ears but my attention begins to sway toward Lee Man Wol, who appears to be blowing into a pipe organ she holds in her hands. The instrument is a saenghwang, just one of ADG7's transfixing instruments — including brilliant percussion and a large bamboo flute known as a daegeum played by bandleader Kim Yak Dae — that make this enthusiastic and adventurous concert an eye-opener.”
LISTEN  READ MORE  https://www.npr.org/2022/08/19/1116915187/adg7-tiny-desk-concert
  "Yeong Jeong Geo Ri"
  "Hee Hee”
Hong Ok: vocals
  Myeong Wol: vocals
  Yoo Wol: vocals
  Weon Meondongmaru: gayageum
  Choi Byung Hwal: ajaeng
  Chun Gung Dal: percussion
  Sunwoo Barabarabarabam: percussion
  Lee Man Wol: piri, saenghwang, taepyeongso
  Kim Yak Dae: daegeum
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annhallow87 · 2 years
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🌟¿Sabías qué?🌟 Gwangbokjeol (광복절; literalmente, El día que la luz regresó). Es un día festivo celebrado anualmente el 15 de agosto en Corea del Norte y Corea del Sur. Se conmemora el Día de la Victoria sobre Japón en 1945, cuando Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética liberaron el sur y el norte de Corea respectivamente, terminando con décadas de ocupación japonesa. Es notable destacar que es el único día festivo que es celebrado por ambas Coreas. #annhallowchannel #sabiasque #koreanpedia #kculture #harmonywithkculture #gwangbokjeolday #15deAgosto🇰🇷 https://www.instagram.com/p/ChSqVVQJDBD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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awblogeu · 2 years
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mugunghwarp · 2 years
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Aqui você encontrará toda a programação prevista para Mugunghwa durante todo o mês de Agosto de 2022! Sujeito à alterações constantes.
DIA 06 e 07
Soigner Days Evento e Plotdrop As chuvas de verão não eram um problema para os moradores que felicitavam com feirinhas, música e comida! LINK LINK
DIA 13
Nightclub Party Evento por player Festa e comemoração de posse pelo novo proprietário do Rebellious Rose LINK
DIA 15
Dia da Libertação Feriado Nacional O Gwangbokjeol comemora a libertação da Coreia do domínio colonial japonês, após a vitória dos Aliados sobre o Japão, que levou ao fim da II Guerra Mundial.
DIAs 26, 27 e 28
Feira de Adoção Evento por player 1° feira de adoção responsável em colaboração de Mon Ami Gâté e a ONG Bark for love LINK LINK
DIA 29
Feira de Livros Evento com ideia de player 1 e 2 Feira promocional, de troca e concurso do mascote na Floraison LINK LINK
Por esse mês, é só!
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judgedarts · 4 years
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happy korean liberation day (8.15). today marks 75 years since the koreas were freed from japanese colonial rule.
korean liberation day is known as "gwangbokjeol" (광복절), which literally means "restoration of light day". it shares the same independence day as india’s! even if you do not celebrate this day, please spend a little time at least reading about our history and the effort it took to become independent from japanese rule
to koreans: appreciate your history! never forget about the struggles our country overcame and the immense effort that was put into achieving our liberation. we would not have our cultural identity today if not for the freedom fighters who relentlessly fought  against the cultural suppression and genocide being committed against korea. be proud of being korean, no matter how disconnected you feel from your culture. the fact that you are even here means so much. happy independence day!
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heungmins · 3 years
Today is the National Liberation Day in Korea, which commemorates the end of Japanese occupation and colonial rule of Korea that lasted from 1910–1945 !!
🇰🇷대한 독립 만세🇰🇷
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yangsubinie · 4 years
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🇰🇷 오늘은 우리나라의 광복절입니다 (🇮🇳그리고 인도의 독립기념일이기도 합니다!). 1945년 8월 15일 - 평소에는 우리나라에게 이런 역사가 있다는것을 모를정도로 반복적이고 안정적인 삶을 살지만 사실 잘 생각해보면 1945년도 직전까지도 제 할머니 할아버지들의 부모님께서 청춘을 바쳐 살아온 세상이며 직시해야하는 현실였고, 제 할머니 할아버지들은 대한민국이 일본제국에서부터 해방되는것을 직접적으로 느끼며 자라왔을겁니다. 지금의 자유와 권리를 자연스럽게 누릴수 있게 된것은 개개인의 시민들과 수많은 독립운동가들의 노고가 있었기에 가능하다고 생각해요. Today is a special day for not just one but two countries that are close to my heart - 8.15.1945 National Liberation Day of Korea 🇰🇷, 8.15.1947 Independence Day of India 🇮🇳 If you think really hard about it, 1945 isn't a long time ago - my great grandparents lived through Japanese colonialism and the war and my grandparents lived through the aftermath of the war and the Korean independence. The fast advanced Korea, the comfort of daily life, and the rights I have as a citizen in this country is a direct result of all the individual citizens' and Independence Activists' efforts of enduring, withstanding, and fighting for their rights. 그림은 작업중 그림을 편집했습니다 / art is edited from my wip!
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jinjusanhq · 10 months
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Gwangbokjeol, também conhecido como Dia da Libertação da Coreia, comemora a libertação das Coreias do domínio colonial japonês, após a vitória dos Aliados na Segunda Guerra Mundial. O dia 15 de agosto é feriado nacional, tanto na Coreia do Sul quanto na do Norte.  O dia 15 de Agosto é comemorado com uma série de festivais, cerimônias e paradas, e a Taegeukgi, a bandeira da Coreia do Sul, é içada para honrar os heróis que lutaram pela libertação da nação. Neste dia o governo concede também uma série de perdões especiais aos descendentes de ativistas pela independência, além de serem concedidas entradas grátis em museus e concertos.
Em Jinjusan, não é diferente. Apesar das fracas pancadas de chuva, a cidade não se acovardou e montou uma parada cercada por várias atrações na rua principal, ou seja, a única rua exclusivamente comercial da vila. Neste ano de eleições, os dois deputados que disputam pelo título passeiam em carros alegóricos exibindo simbologias coreanas, como mugunghwa (rosa-silvestre), bulgasari (besta devoradora de ferro) e o bonghwang (fênix). É essencial vestir seu melhor hanbok e ouvir alguns dos talentosos musicistas da vila tocando gayageum (harpa) e janggu (tambor).
O feriado dura um dia, mas a cidade decidiu ficar em festa por dois! Durante 15 e 16 de agosto, o festival estará aberto para que os residentes aproveitem.
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Desfile da Liberdade: O evento começa com um desfile emocionante pelas ruas da cidade. Grupos de indivíduos com fantasias temáticas apresentam números: militares organizam marchas, dançarinos apresentam números de dança folclórica e até mesmo lutadores dão shows com golpes de taekwondo, kumdo e ssireum.
Comida Tradicional: Diversas barracas de comida oferecem pratos tradicionais com a colheita das fazendas locais. Os residentes podem se deleitar com kimchi, bulgogi, tteokbokki e outras delícias! Mais do que isso, podem eles mesmos montar suas barracas e anunciá-las.
Torneio de Arco e Flecha: Que tal testar suas habilidades de tiro com arco em um torneio amigável de gakgung (arco tradicional da Coreia)? Prêmios são concedidos aos melhores arqueiros, incluindo cestas de café da manhã, uma motocicleta e até mesmo um microondas novo em folha.
Espetáculo de Dança Hanbok: Um espetáculo de dança tradicional coreana é realizado no palco principal. Os residentes podem participar da atração ou até mesmo escolher apenas assistir.
Cerimônia da Lanterna: Ao entardecer, uma cerimônia de lanternas é realizada para homenagear os heróis da libertação. Os residentes podem criar suas próprias lanternas decorativas e soltá-las no rio, enquanto fazem pedidos, lembram eventos históricos e rezam por seus ancestrais, que também podem ter lutado na guerra.
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Concurso de Trajes Históricos: Os residentes são encorajados a vestir trajes históricos da época da libertação e participar de um concurso de moda. Os trajes mais autênticos e criativos recebem prêmios em dinheiro!
Exposições Culturais: Tendas com exposições culturais oferecidas pela biblioteca pública e o museu mostram informações sobre a história da Coreia e da libertação. Além disso, alguns moradores se dedicaram a montar um quiz sobre a história coreana para testar seus vizinhos!
Fogos de Artifício Finais: O evento culmina em uma deslumbrante exibição de fogos de artifício, simbolizando a liberdade e a esperança do povo coreano. Eles não possuem barulhos, visando o bem estar dos animais. Os residentes podem buscar o melhor lugar para sentar e assistir o espetáculo.
A celebração durará 2 dias: 15/08 e 16/08. Ela começa às 15h do dia 15/08 com o Desfile da Liberdade e finaliza às 21h do dia 16 com os fogos de artíficio, em teoria, mas teremos uma pequena interrupção amanhã à tarde!
Existe um canal especial para o evento no nosso servidor do Discord, onde os jogadores podem se reunir para algum turno em grupo durante o evento.
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 8.15
Air Conditioning Appreciation Days end
Armed Forces Day (Poland)
Asunción Foundation Day (Paraguay)
Awa Dance Festival (Japan)
Best Friend's Day
Cass Elliot Day (Baltimore, Maryland)
Chant at the Moon Day
Chauvin Day (a.k.a. Nicolas Chauvin Day)
Check the Chip Day
Constitution Day (Equatorial Guinea)
Dog Days of Summer end
Ferragosto (Oven of August; Italy)
Flower Festival begins (Colombia)
Fool’s Dance (Japan)
Green Data Day
Hello Day
I Love Cowboys and Cowgirls Day
Joe Miller’s Joke Day (UK)
Jogukhaebangui nal (a.k.a. Fatherland Liberation Day; North Korea)
La Vieja Day (Panama)
Loaded Dice Day
Memorial Day For the End of the War (終戦記念日 Shūsen-kinenbi; Japan)
Mother’s Day (Antwerp, Belgium)
National Day (Liechtenstein)
National Failures Day
National Fresh Poke Day
National Leathercraft Day
National Mourning Day (Bangladesh)
National No Spongebob Day (SpongeBob)
National Relaxation Day
National Thrift Shop Day
Panama Canal Day
Panama La Vieja Day (Panama)
Sang Marie (Gambia)
Shoro Nagashi Nagasaki (Japan)
Sit Back and Relax Day
Staatsfeiertag (Liechtenstein)
Stadium Rock Day
Tuva Republic Day (Russia)
Velika Gospa (Croatia)
Victory Over Japan Day (UK)
Woodstock Day
World Greatness Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Fresh Poke Day
National Ginseng Day
National Lemon Meringue Pie Day
3rd Monday in August
Cupcake Day (Australia) [3rd Monday]
Hartjesdagen (Little Hearts Day; Amsterdam/Haarlem, Netherlands) [Original holiday 3rd Monday]
RSPCA Cupcake Day (UK) [3rd Monday]
Stay Home With Your Kids Day [3rd Monday]
Weird Contest Week begins (Ocean City, NJ) [3rd Monday thru Friday]
Independence Days
Gwangbokjeol or Kwang Bok Jul (Liberation Day; South Korea, redeclared independence from Japan; 1945)
Bahrain (from UK, 1971)
India (from UK, 1947)
Republic of the Congo (from Belgium, 1960)
Feast Days
Altfrid (Christian; Saint)
Alypius of Thagaste (a.k.a. Alipius; Christian; Saint)
Assumption (a.k.a. ... 
Assomption (Belgium, Croatia, Haiti, Slovenia)
Feast of the Assumption
Feast of the Assumption of Mary
Fête Nationale of the Acadians (Canada)
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos (Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches)
Festival of the Outremeuse (Liege, Belgium)
Ferragosto (Italy)
Holy Day of Oblifgation (Catholic Church)
Irmandade da Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte Fiesta (Festival of the Order of Our Lady of the Good Death; Bahia, Brazil)
Lady's Day (Ireland)
Lunes siguiente a la Asunción de la Virgen (Spain)
Māras (Latvia)
Mother's Day (Antwerp and Costa Rica)
National Acadian Day (Acadians)
Navy Day (Romania)
Virgin of Candelaria, patron of the Canary Islands. (Tenerife, Spain)
Zoline (Lithuania)
Bob (Muppetism)
Bon Festival (a.k.a. Obon; Japan)
Condom Day (Pastafarian)
Festival of Vesta (Ancient Roman Goddess of the Hearth)
Great Mother Goddess Day
Herbal Holy Day
Maras Diena (Ancient Latvia)
McCartin (Christian; Saint)
San La Muerte (Paraguayan Folk Catholicism)
Santa Muerte (Mexican Folk Catholicism)
Sproshinki (Slavic Pagan End of the Hay Harvest Festival)
Tarcisius (Christian; Saint)
Vasco de Gama (Positivist; Saint)
Vaughn Bode Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Wafaa El-Nil (a.k.a. Flooding of the Nile; Egypt)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fatal Day (Pagan) [16 of 24]
Historically Unlucky Day [6 of 11]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [23 of 32]
Prime Number Day: 227 [49 of 72]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [42 of 57]
Americathon (Film; 1979)
Apocalypse Now (Film; 1979)
Dancing Queen, by ABBA (Song; 1976)
In Through the Out Door, by Led Zeppelin (Album; 1979)
The Larry Sanders Show (TV Series; 1992)
Macarena, by Los del Rio (Song; 1993)
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (Film; 2008)
The Wizard of Oz (Film; 1939)
Wizard’s First Rule, by Terry Goodkind (Novel; 1994)
Today’s Name Days
Maria Himmelfahrt (Austria)
Mariya (Bulgaria)
Julijana, Mara, Marija (Croatia)
Hana (Czech Republic)
Maria (Denmark)
Hanna, Jaana, Jaanika, Jana, Janika, Janne, Jenny, Johanna, Nanna (Estonia)
Jaana, Jatta, Marianna, Marianne, Marita, Maritta, Marja, Marjaana, Marjatta, Marjo, Marjukka, Marjut (Finland)
Alfred, Marie (France)
Maria Himmelfahrt, Steven (Germany)
Despoina, Maria, Panagiotis, Panayotis (Greece)
Mária (Hungary)
Assunta, Maria (Italy)
Dzelde, Zamuels, Zenta (Latvia)
Napalys, Napoleonas, Sigita, Visvilas, Vydenė (Lithuania)
Margot, Marielle, Mary (Norway)
Maria, Napoleon, Stefan, Stella, Trzebimir (Poland)
Marcela (Slovakia)
Alba, Asunción, Azucena, Mar, María, Patrocinio, Prado, Reyes (Spain)
Estelle, Stella (Sweden)
Madonna, Malia, Mara, Maria, Mariah, Marian, Mariana, Maribel, Marie, Marisa, Marissa, Maritza, Marla, Mary, Maryann, Mimi, Miriam, Mitzy, Molly, Napoleon, Polly (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 227 of 2022; 138 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 33 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 10 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Lányuè), Day 18 (Geng-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 18 Av 5782
Islamic: 17 Muharram 1444
J Cal: 17 Hasa; Twosday [17 of 30]
Julian: 2 August 2022
Moon: 82% Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 3 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Vasco de Gama]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 56 of 90)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 24 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 8.15
Air Conditioning Appreciation Days end
Armed Forces Day (Poland)
Asunción Foundation Day (Paraguay)
Awa Dance Festival (Japan)
Best Friend's Day
Cass Elliot Day (Baltimore, Maryland)
Chant at the Moon Day
Chauvin Day (a.k.a. Nicolas Chauvin Day)
Check the Chip Day
Constitution Day (Equatorial Guinea)
Dog Days of Summer end
Ferragosto (Oven of August; Italy)
Flower Festival begins (Colombia)
Fool’s Dance (Japan)
Green Data Day
Hello Day
I Love Cowboys and Cowgirls Day
Joe Miller’s Joke Day (UK)
Jogukhaebangui nal (a.k.a. Fatherland Liberation Day; North Korea)
La Vieja Day (Panama)
Loaded Dice Day
Memorial Day For the End of the War (終戦記念日 Shūsen-kinenbi; Japan)
Mother’s Day (Antwerp, Belgium)
National Day (Liechtenstein)
National Failures Day
National Fresh Poke Day
National Leathercraft Day
National Mourning Day (Bangladesh)
National No Spongebob Day (SpongeBob)
National Relaxation Day
National Thrift Shop Day
Panama Canal Day
Panama La Vieja Day (Panama)
Sang Marie (Gambia)
Shoro Nagashi Nagasaki (Japan)
Sit Back and Relax Day
Staatsfeiertag (Liechtenstein)
Stadium Rock Day
Tuva Republic Day (Russia)
Velika Gospa (Croatia)
Victory Over Japan Day (UK)
Woodstock Day
World Greatness Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Fresh Poke Day
National Ginseng Day
National Lemon Meringue Pie Day
3rd Monday in August
Cupcake Day (Australia) [3rd Monday]
Hartjesdagen (Little Hearts Day; Amsterdam/Haarlem, Netherlands) [Original holiday 3rd Monday]
RSPCA Cupcake Day (UK) [3rd Monday]
Stay Home With Your Kids Day [3rd Monday]
Weird Contest Week begins (Ocean City, NJ) [3rd Monday thru Friday]
Independence Days
Gwangbokjeol or Kwang Bok Jul (Liberation Day; South Korea, redeclared independence from Japan; 1945)
Bahrain (from UK, 1971)
India (from UK, 1947)
Republic of the Congo (from Belgium, 1960)
Feast Days
Altfrid (Christian; Saint)
Alypius of Thagaste (a.k.a. Alipius; Christian; Saint)
Assumption (a.k.a. ... 
Assomption (Belgium, Croatia, Haiti, Slovenia)
Feast of the Assumption
Feast of the Assumption of Mary
Fête Nationale of the Acadians (Canada)
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos (Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches)
Festival of the Outremeuse (Liege, Belgium)
Ferragosto (Italy)
Holy Day of Oblifgation (Catholic Church)
Irmandade da Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte Fiesta (Festival of the Order of Our Lady of the Good Death; Bahia, Brazil)
Lady's Day (Ireland)
Lunes siguiente a la Asunción de la Virgen (Spain)
Māras (Latvia)
Mother's Day (Antwerp and Costa Rica)
National Acadian Day (Acadians)
Navy Day (Romania)
Virgin of Candelaria, patron of the Canary Islands. (Tenerife, Spain)
Zoline (Lithuania)
Bob (Muppetism)
Bon Festival (a.k.a. Obon; Japan)
Condom Day (Pastafarian)
Festival of Vesta (Ancient Roman Goddess of the Hearth)
Great Mother Goddess Day
Herbal Holy Day
Maras Diena (Ancient Latvia)
McCartin (Christian; Saint)
San La Muerte (Paraguayan Folk Catholicism)
Santa Muerte (Mexican Folk Catholicism)
Sproshinki (Slavic Pagan End of the Hay Harvest Festival)
Tarcisius (Christian; Saint)
Vasco de Gama (Positivist; Saint)
Vaughn Bode Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Wafaa El-Nil (a.k.a. Flooding of the Nile; Egypt)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fatal Day (Pagan) [16 of 24]
Historically Unlucky Day [6 of 11]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [23 of 32]
Prime Number Day: 227 [49 of 72]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [42 of 57]
Americathon (Film; 1979)
Apocalypse Now (Film; 1979)
Dancing Queen, by ABBA (Song; 1976)
In Through the Out Door, by Led Zeppelin (Album; 1979)
The Larry Sanders Show (TV Series; 1992)
Macarena, by Los del Rio (Song; 1993)
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (Film; 2008)
The Wizard of Oz (Film; 1939)
Wizard’s First Rule, by Terry Goodkind (Novel; 1994)
Today’s Name Days
Maria Himmelfahrt (Austria)
Mariya (Bulgaria)
Julijana, Mara, Marija (Croatia)
Hana (Czech Republic)
Maria (Denmark)
Hanna, Jaana, Jaanika, Jana, Janika, Janne, Jenny, Johanna, Nanna (Estonia)
Jaana, Jatta, Marianna, Marianne, Marita, Maritta, Marja, Marjaana, Marjatta, Marjo, Marjukka, Marjut (Finland)
Alfred, Marie (France)
Maria Himmelfahrt, Steven (Germany)
Despoina, Maria, Panagiotis, Panayotis (Greece)
Mária (Hungary)
Assunta, Maria (Italy)
Dzelde, Zamuels, Zenta (Latvia)
Napalys, Napoleonas, Sigita, Visvilas, Vydenė (Lithuania)
Margot, Marielle, Mary (Norway)
Maria, Napoleon, Stefan, Stella, Trzebimir (Poland)
Marcela (Slovakia)
Alba, Asunción, Azucena, Mar, María, Patrocinio, Prado, Reyes (Spain)
Estelle, Stella (Sweden)
Madonna, Malia, Mara, Maria, Mariah, Marian, Mariana, Maribel, Marie, Marisa, Marissa, Maritza, Marla, Mary, Maryann, Mimi, Miriam, Mitzy, Molly, Napoleon, Polly (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 227 of 2022; 138 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 33 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 10 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Lányuè), Day 18 (Geng-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 18 Av 5782
Islamic: 17 Muharram 1444
J Cal: 17 Hasa; Twosday [17 of 30]
Julian: 2 August 2022
Moon: 82% Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 3 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Vasco de Gama]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 56 of 90)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 24 of 31)
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