shepherd-tothestars · 2 years
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Anonymous asked:
Oh no, what is this entity emerging and towering over phyco? // @gxdsfury​
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Haha that’s an odd wormhole isn’t it??? Never seen that one before. What an odd Ultra Beast, the city defenses should take care of it haha-
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Haha, he’s in danger.
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renisence · 2 years
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Stella was quiet, as she approached, but made sure to make noise, leaves crunching under her feet. She knew the other was blind, she’d heard it. She’d heard every wish. Every time the other would wish on her. Just wanting a friend. She’d tried to send them, but she never heard a thanks, so she’d assumed they hadn’t reached Inana.
She was so kind, other times. Stella stepped closer. “Miss Inana? You....You’ve been wishing for a friend, yes? I’m the....” She paused, wondering how to phrase it. “I’m the star you’ve been wishing on. I tried to send you friends, but I’ve never heard from you afterwards. I’ve come to be the friend you wish for, if you’ll have me.”
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starofvirtue · 2 years
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@heeheehyena​ / @gxdsfury​ sent:
Inana BITES.
      A grimace-- Inana’s teeth were sharp, dammit! The blind leader turned his head quickly and worriedly, mumbling, “ I-Inana--! I-I’m coming, I’m coming, come on... ”
      He was GOING to cuddle! He just had to do one more thing before getting to bed!
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      “ P-Please, stop biting my arm... I just need to check with my fellow resistance members and then I’ll join you in bed! ”
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expvrgction · 2 years
Inana has emerged and gently took the slayers hand, tugging to get his attention and....
"250,000 deaths are caused by medical error each year......ALSO In the 1800s, dentures were made out of the real teeth of deceased people."
@gxdsfury to doom guy
The Doom Slayer actually stopped in his tracks to see Inana hold one of his armored hands.
He had no idea that there were people much, much shorter than him. He would have otherwise mistaken her for a lost kid.
What she said though... Oh boy.
Those kinds of info would only be fit for privy by morticians, or health historians.
Or... If you know, you know.
The Slayer did not say anything, but his expression beneath the helmet showed one of curiosity. He would like to listen to Inana speak of little known facts of the Void.
He, in fact, missed this type of conversation.
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bcdwclves-aa · 2 years
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@gxdsfury​ said:  "I like to think that you're very handsome." -Inana @ Alastor //
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“My, my, darling. Flattery will get you everywhere. If I might add, I believe you’re also quite beautiful yourself, deary.” 
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selccuth · 2 years
Of destructive family matters she knows not, having grown up with such love and tenderness it had been heartbreaking to think such bonds did not exist elsewhere. A tinge of anger somewhere between disbelief and frustration, a depressive sensation unlike most others. There was no edge to Lulubelle quite like that of familial dissonance. A mere thought causing conflicting emotions, difficult to contain and balance as was so easily managed before. But none were so forthright as concern, written in the lines of her face with such depth it drowns out the chipper personality beneath.
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❝ You should not have to deal with this. This is... ❞ Words, like running thoughts, seize and fail in the midst of a moment. Were her own mother anything like this, she would be beside herself with grief. No matter the method, there are hints of fury and sadness hanging from every tensed muscle. ❝ There are no words for this. I- ❞ Hands clenched into fists, so frightfully subconscious and forceful in restraint it turns palms a ghostly white. ❝ I do not see a peaceful resolution to this, Inana. ❞
It is unlike the peaceful to demand something so physically righteous, but through a string of uncertain feeling, it seemed as though there was little choice.
❝ She will tear you apart, if you let her. Let me help you. ❞
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@gxdsfury​ || s.c.
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picavecalyx · 1 year
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@gxdsfury asked:
' You are peculiar, aren't you? ' - Giratina
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At first, all Silva did was shrug! Not really phased by the comment, nor the actual person--rather pokemon--asking the question. Already aware that it was a pokemon from the heart she heard so near her. When Silva actually did look over, she was only a little surprised, feeling replaced more prevalently by the expression of joy of excitement. This was a new person! A new friend too! She bet!
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" well sure!! but aren't we all a little? i'm just me! i'm silva!! bagatella silva!! nice tu meet yu! "
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despairforme · 2 years
It is a dog!! Two actually, that are sniffing and licking nnoitoras hands!! A Saint Bernard and Cane Corso and a very short woman in tow who looked very startled by the dogs tugging.
" they aren't bothering you, are they?" // @gxdsfury
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      Okay - The fuck? Was he LOSING his alpha predator vibes or what? Usually dogs were FUCKING SCARED of him, and would run away and/or bark ( in which case he'd obviously bark back, to establish dominance ). These two dogs now sniffing and licking his hands meant that a total of four dogs actually LIKED him. There was Bor, Emil's dog, and Wesson, Adelha's puppy. He wasn't really sure what he thought about the whole newfound dogs-love-me deal. To be honest, he was pretty starved for affection at this point, so... Yeah.
      He patted the dogs. He knew jack shit about breeds, but the two were definitely different. Both had that ugly droopy face look. Nnoitra could relate to looking ugly, so it didn't deter him from petting them. They were towing a long a short woman, who looked startled. Nnoitra wondered how such a SMALL chick could control these two large dogs. Mah, maybe she kept them around for protection?
      ❝ Nah, 's all good. ❞ Nnoitra said as he looked at his now wet hands, feeling mildly disgusted, but also - AT LEAST SOMEONE LIKED HIM! Even if they were just dogs. ❝ Looks like ya got yer hands full, huh? ❞ / @gxdsfury .
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sciass · 2 years
@gxdsfury​ sent:  Inana is offering king caramel apple slices...go on take one, she just wanted to share!
Isn’t she nice? King’s got his hands full right now though, focusing intently on a Splatoon match, so he leans in to very carefully take a slice with his teeth. 
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“T’ank you,” he mutters around it before the piece is shoved into his mouth properly. Chomp.
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xynchronicity · 2 years
How does your muse handle emotions? Ft. Vasha
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jaw clenching, hands balling into fists, teeth grinding, yelling, going non-verbal, stuttering speech, rushed speech, slow concise speech, rambling, quiet, arms crossing, shaking head, tearing up, animated, expressionless, projects, internalizes, vents, withdraws, passive-aggressive, direct, physical outbursts, verbal outbursts.
easy smiles, fighting back grins, suppressed laughter, loud laughter, giggles, chuckling, smirks, whole body laughs, covers mouth when laughing/giggling, throws head back when laughing, slaps leg, touches people around them when laughing, looks down when laughing, looks for eye contact when laughing, sparkling eyes, bubbly happiness, quiet subtle happiness, obnoxious happiness, wants to spread joy, quietly savors joy.
crying, bottling it up, seeks distractions, wallows, meditates and processes, avoidance, seeks out comfort, withdraws, talks it out, internalizes it, sad smiles, depression naps, uses alcohol, uses drugs, seeks out sources of joy, fidgets with sentimental item, sits in silence, broods, gets moody, wants someone to share the misery, tries to hide negative emotions, nurtures others to make themselves feel better.
blushing, looking away, rubbing at back of head, covering face, laughing nervously, laughs it off, overthinks, lets it go, self-deprecating humor, deflects, gets irritated, smiles, withdraws, crossing arms over stomach, crossing arms over chest, hands in pockets, shoulders sinking, shrugs, falling into silence until comfortable again, talking a lot to compensate.
avoiding eye contact, shoulders sinking low, head hanging down, crying, chest aches, lashes out, internalizes, apologizes, deflects, communicates, withdraws, grand gestures for forgiveness, accepts fault easily, punishes themselves, martyrdom, victim complex, guilt complex, healthy conscience, internalizes even after forgiveness, seeking redemption, moves on easily, denial, lack of guilt/conscience, sorry they got caught more than caused harm, can’t handle knowing they hurt others.
trembling, crying, sarcasm/sass to cope, rambles, goes silent, gets angry, fidgeting, clenching jaw, picking at nails, chewing at lip, pulling at clothes, adjusting jewelry/clothing, swallowing thickly, eyes widening, over-reacts, under-reacts, calm, logical, panic, irrational, overthinks, carefully analyzes, talks to themselves, breathing exercises, fight, withdraw, fawn
Tagged by: @gxdsfury
Tagging: Anyone who wishes to do this!
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ssatxr-archive · 2 years
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@gxdsfury​ proposed:  "Your efforts didn't change anything. It was all useless." -to Lennothan, from Rigel (probably abt void inana lmao)
From this meme
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“Th-That’s what you think!”
He hated talking to the gods; he was of course technically one too. A mere vessel, a grand throne for the One of Dark Descent. This god, however, clad in his attire and scared face, reminded him of the other gods he’d see in his distant past.
Fromac, God of War, General to Tiali. Such a similar energy...but not at the same time; he doesn’t feel the need to encase this god in a snare as he did Inana. Yet...they way he spat, it was a strong desire to do so anyways. The four eyed beast growled at him, his eyes narrowing.
“You...know nothing! Nothing at all!”
He was not of the Heavenly Order as he knew it, Lennothan could gess that much. But, he knew he could take this being on if need be. He will...for them, for the mysterious void, for the Earth.
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reverxnce · 2 years
|| Continued ||
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"Why so afraid? I have not done anything."
Yet. Nothing yet.
If anything, Rigel would react like the monster he was had things been different. That, one could be sure of. For now....The god plucked the book from the mortal, sitting up and with his claw he flipped through the pages.
Squinting and attempting to read and then just dropping it.
"But he does, If he kept you."
“I’m not afraid?” Ezekiel said, rather unconvincingly. 
His face betrayed how he truly felt, with the way he seemed incapable of meeting the stranger’s eye. This person, this strange person, did more than set him on edge - his instinct was screaming at him to turn and run!
Distracted by these thoughts, the book slipped easily from his fingers, leaving him to watch bewilderedly as Rigel went on to simply throw it away. He ignored the nasty comment, slowly starting to back away. 
“I have to go now, sir. My father’s expecting me back...” 
Hopefully this man, whoever he was, would accept this and leave him alone - although he wasn’t convinced he’d be granted the courtesy of such an ideal outcome...
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drgnbld · 2 years
"Hi, sorry to bug you...can we take a picture together? Im just.....a big fan!"
Inana's rotophone is hovering next to her and she's just fiddling with the sleeve of her clothes shyly. // @gxdsfury
UNPROMPTED ASKS.   /   @gxdsfury.
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dressed in fairly casual clothing, lance hadn’t expected to meet anybody while on his evening walk around wyndon. how he hadn’t expected could be argued as sheer stupidity given the size of the area compared to the cities in johto - and the fact he was here as a competitor. at least she hadn’t caught him wearing his running outfit or during a run, having a sweaty photo saved for eternity wasn’t something he enjoyed giving and couldn’t imagine others would enjoy having. 
it’s early enough in the morning that the city’s still pretty quiet. quieter than the last few nights anyway. and he wasn’t one to let someone down just because of a photo. 
“  of  course!  you’re  not  bugging  me  don’t  worry.  ”   he smiles and appreciates the stranger’s nice words, the support over the next few days were absolutely needed after his defeat against leon the last time he was here.   “  do  you  want  a  pose  or  something  more  normal?  ”  
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rxdropes · 2 years
"You talk a whole lot of shit for a man who's ass I can drag across the mud."
Very bold of luciana... // @gxdsfury
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A small huff comes from him, almost like a puff of a chuckle. His blue eyes, almost a little bloodshot in color, stares at the woman before him on his throne, his smile as crazed ever. 
This...This is too funny to be real. So what does he do? Laughs right in her face.
“If you keep speaking in such ways, I’ll have to deal you away myself!”
Oh Souther...you husk of a man.
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expvrgction · 2 years
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"Don't you think that using fear or past trauma is tacky of you?" // @gxdsfury from inana to davoth
This bitch again? 
Of course, she was here for more. How much further could he attempt to break her? And as a bonus, put her out of misery by utterly destroying her soul and put it into yet another pool of energy?
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“Fear and pain has always been a staple to every reality, whether you accept it or otherwise. Trying to escape from it is futile. But if you think you can prove me wrong, then be my guest.”
She was still angry. Was taking it out of him once not enough? Being reactive must be tiring, but saying that to her face would only encourage her to try and kill him again. It wasn’t like she wasn’t already trying, here. “Still harboring that burning vengeance that I’ve taken your beloved once, hmm? I could do it a thousand times over should I desire so.”
“Oh, and your methods at facing your foes are, in contrast to the battles I had to go through, is still pathetically infantile.”
That wicked sword flashed forth to life again as he unholstered it from the belt keeping it on the armor’s waist.
“It may not be me who has to resurrect after my own body’s destruction this time. I wonder if you can handle having YOUR demolished vessel restored.”
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savior-of-humanity · 2 years
{ “Let’s finish the fight!” for my blog @gxdsfury :)) }
Hi, thank you for reading my rules!! :]
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