#Welcome (IC)
sketchquill · 1 year
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I bring you more Nutcracker AU art (づ*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)づ
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put the podcast guys’ boyfriends (and non corporeal besties) in a room together to trauma bond
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clownsuu · 1 year
The mob au just hits different. You've got such a unique art style and they're all so detailed. (I personally just love the way you draw Wally's hair for the mob au, so Curly.)
Taking an eye to be part of The Family has such implications. Like these are people who can be immediately identified by anyone who knows of The Boss. Specifically that they are part of the inner circle, direct access to Wally. This on its own is awful for a mob but it also means that they are powerful enough that the lack of a second eye would inspire fear instead of it being an exploitable weakness.
Also Wally is so Smol that he breaks the big and intimidating stereotype. This is a master of the mind rather than someone who got lucky by being muscle. He has something to offer everyone, something that is worth losing an eye through violent means.
That's what's so intriguing about this au. Everyone (or at least me) wants to know how this came to be, what does The Boss have that is worth it?
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His family.
cw mild-ish body horror
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Lil bit more of thems, a lil lightning round of mini questions iv gotten vaguely answered lmAOOO
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lizaisdrawing · 17 days
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Siblings and shopping
🪷🪻 I’ve never seen these emojis before, how prettyyyy
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If Frank gets annoyed hearing the different pronunciation of caramel
Than he's gonna love hearing how some folks will pronounce Worcestershire sauce
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jeyneofpoole · 5 months
modern theon goes to ramsay’s halloween rager in roose’s basement, gets violently high, agrees to take ramsay to get mcdonalds in balon’s truck (that he stole), they’re driving on a back country road and hit something, theon thinks it’s a deer but he and ramsay get out to check and it’s two small children (trick-or-treating in. the woods?) theon is in a delusional crossfaded haze vomiting into a bush while ramsay is trying to convince him that they have to bury the bodies before the police come (he jacks off to true crime documentaries) and theon (hallucinating that the kids are bran and rickon because ramsay laced his weed with rat poison probably) is like oh yeah that’s rational we should do that so they do it and then get back in the truck and go get big macs and never talk about it again except for when they’re having freak nasty out-of-bdsm-regulations sex and ramsay forces him to confess to the crime over and over while theon ideates suicidally. aaaaaand post!
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kenneduck · 6 months
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Welcome to the Madness, but the madness is my SidLink brain rot. 🌸💕
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soranatus · 11 months
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Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville (2023) #2 variant cover by Greg Smallwood
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dailydccomics · 10 months
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Fire & Ice by Greg Smallwood
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bekyocas · 4 months
Do you like Ice Nine Kills? 🔪
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Spencer as Patrick Bateman in the iconic American psycho poster - I feel like someone have already done this already, I mean someone MUST HAVE done it before, I'd be really disapoited in this fandom if not lmao :d
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nelkcats · 1 year
Sam tried, she figured introducing her mentor to her best friend would be a good idea, Danny didn't have radical ideas or a green thumb but his heart was in the right place, that had to count for something!
Unfortunately Danny's ice core was not compatible with Dr. Pamela and her plants, as people they get along, they even liked each other, but the poor flowers could not stand subzero temperatures near the boy
So they made some kind of compromise, since Danny was temporarily living in Gotham they figured it was best to avoid every confrontation. Every time they saw each other on the street and Ivy was surrounded by plants, one of them would immediately leave the scene.
That didn't go unnoticed by the bats, but the boy wasn't doing anything wrong, maybe he was part of Ivy's past they didn't know about?
Dick started calling him "The Anti-Ivy" as some kind of joke, Jason followed naming him "Green repellent", and everything continued the same as always (with Tim freaking out because all the images of the boy were corrupted and his trackers were damaged the second it came into contact).
The assumption that they hate each other continued while the guy was on a girls night with Selina, Ivy and Harley.
Maybe one day the bats will notice they're friends, Selina bet they never would as Ivy waved her glass at Danny who sighed, poured a few ice cubes into the drink with Harley calling him "Portable Freezer" in the background. Sam was happy at least.
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brainfreeze27 · 5 months
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mrs-steve-harrington · 5 months
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Sit back for the sequel of your dreams All psychos crave more shocking scenes Who cares if it bleeds beyond the screen?
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amplifyordie · 1 year
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Are you misunderstood? Are you more bad than good? WELCOME TO HORRORWOOD Where anyone would kill for a call back
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finally colored that Eddie scribble <3 rough day p.2!
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