#haeman the blacksmith
heniareth · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
I am again thinking about Harman the blacksmith (and am in the revision stage for this next section. Exciting!!!) I love him very much, but he's also very frustrating:
"I still think you're making a mountain out of a molehill." Harman shrugged. "At the very least, the Grey Wardens would've found that tainted old god thing if it'd been in Ferelden this whole time."
"The Grey Wardens were exiled from Ferelden in 7:5 Storm," Duncan said. "Almost two centuries ago."
"Oh." Harman looked up from his mug. "What for?"
Duncan sighed. "They participated in a coup against the king of Ferelden of that time."
"Hah!" Harman slapped his thigh. "Brazen bastards. I like that."
"Harman, please!" Duncan set his stew aside with an expression halfway between frustrated and pleading. "This is no laughing matter! I'm telling you this because it is of utmost importance that you make plans to get yourself and your family to safety in case the king's army is defeated at Ostagar."
"Ostagar, Ostagar." Harman shook his head. "Listen, lad, I'm going to tell you the same thing I've been telling the people here. You're running yourself ragged on suppositions. When the Orlesians had occupied Ferelden, it seemed impossible for king Maric and teryn Loghain to pull through with their rebellion. But they did it! After years and years of occupation, they kicked those fancy poodles out. And now they're at Ostagar—well, not king Maric, but his son. They have it covered, lad. Have a bit of faith."
Faith indeed.
Tagged by @oxygenforthewicked and @yukichouji — thank you so much for allowing me to share this!! I'm busily typing away at this section and it's coming along nicely. I still don't know what will happen to Harman. One can only hope that he will see sense
Tagging you both back for whenever it pleases you, as well as @wild-houseplant @icy-warden @badartxd @siriskulksnerding @bumblerhizal and @fade-and-loathing-in-thedas . Have a lovely day, all of you!
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