#hawaii five 0 xreader
pizzacavill · 5 years
Danny Williams x Reader
A/N: First of all I would like you to know that english is not my native language. I’m practicing and trying to make my stories feel less “simple”. I’ll try my best and hope you like it.
Title: Falling for you.
Part: 1/2.
Word count: 1250.
Summary: You’ve been part of the Five-0 task for a while now and you’re relationship with Danny is gonna take a step foreward thanks to an undercover mission. 
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I remember coming to Hawaii knowing I was going to be working along a guy called Steve who created a task force not long ago. At first I though I was going to be working with them for just a month and come back to New York were a belonged but these people have become my family since then. Even though I've been here for a few months I knew this place was now my home. The governor gave me the chance to go back but I refused it. I was more than happy here. There were a lot of things retaining me here, well, there was mainly someone in particular...
I opened the door to the main office in HQ. Everyone was already there. We were attending to the Oahu's Museum anniversary party at Oahu's Resort Hotel. Our swindler was one of the main art collector so it was a great opportunity to get him. 
"Am I late?" I asked making everyone to turn looking at me. "Hello Miss Red dress" Kono said smiling. She was wearing a long blue dress that fit her perfectly. "Thank you Miss Blue dress" We both burst laughing and hug. "Well... What's the plan?" I said coming next to the monitor were all the information was. "You three will attend to the party as art collectors and historians while Chin and I check everything from the van. We'll be ready if anything happens" We all nodded as a way of letting him know we understood. "If any of you sees something try not to make a scene. We don't want to scare anyone" Giving us a ear piece Steve proceded with the plan. "Kono, you'll try to talk to our target and see if you can get something. Danny and Y/N, you'll try to get into his room in case there's anything more" We all got in our way to the party. Danny and I went on the same car, followed by Kono and right behind Chin and Steve in the van.
"Ready guys?" Steve said through the ear piece and we all answered with a 'yes'. Danny and I looked at Kono who just got in and walked into the party taking a glass of champagne. "Hello and welcome. Have fun" The girl at the door said after both of us gave her the names. "Mrs. Jones..." I whispered to Danny. "Yeah. Something wrong?" we both took a glass and start drinking. "I'm sure you were the one who chose it" He looked at me putting an arm around my waist walking next to one of the paintings. "Why so sure?" I turned to him and came closer to him. "Museum, Indiana Jones... Seriously?" "Told you Danno" We both heard Steve laughing. "Shut up!" He said. I smiled at the situation.
"I see him" Kono said and both Danny and I waited for her to get closer so we could go to his room knowing he was with her. "Okay guys, showtime" She said and both of us walked inside the hotel. "We need a key" I said and he nodded looking at me. There was a girl at the hall so he walked to the counter and asked her for a key. He was making her laugh and flirting with her. "Wow. That was fast" I said looking at him and getting into the elevator with him. "She couldn't resist" He smiled winking at me.
"Wait" We exit the elevator but Danny took me by the wrist making me turn to face him. "Too easy" We walked getting behind one of the corners. We were a few doors away from his room. I took a mirror out of my bag to try and see if there was any camera. "Security men coming our way" I put the mirror back in the bag and looked at Danny. "Follow me" I said before crushing my lips on his felling the footsteps of the men approaching. Danny continued the kiss making me walk near the room. The kiss went from soft to a bit rough. I started to unbutton his shirt when security men passed not even caring about us. Without breaking apart Danny passed the key opening the door and closing it behind him. I broke a part but neither of us moved. "We need to find..." "Yes" He said a bit fast letting me go and starting to look for some things. A few minutes later Kono talked. "He's coming back to his room. Get out now!" We looked at eachother and Danny opened the door for us to exit but I found something. "Guys... I think we found a kidnaper" I said taking a picture from his table. In the picture there was a girl who disappeared a few days back. HPD was looking for the kidnaper and asked us about it. "He's coming" Danny said taking me to the balcony. He closed the door and we both waited for the guy to come in. 
Even if we were outside we didn't make a move. Danny was close to me trying to focus on the guy in case he opened the door. I was trapped between Danny and the wall, both being a few inches apart. He looked at me and smiled making me blush. His shirt was still unbuttoned so I started to button it back. He looked at my hands and took me by the wrists making me stop. "You need to stop" He whispered. I nodded thinking I was making him feel uncomfortable.
A few seconds later we heard a door being closed. "Guys, he's gone" No one answered. "Hello? Steve? Chin?" He opened the door and we both got inside. I tried to look for some sort of clue that could help us find the girl. "I don't think we have enough time. We should go. There's nothing here" "There has to be..." I kept searching for any paper or… "The phone" It was hidden in one of the closets. I stood up putting the phone in my bag. "Let's go" He checked everything was on its place but after turning the lights of I put my hand over Danny's who was just going to open the door. "We should…" I moved my hands over my head and my dress. He looked at me confused and I tried to button his shirt up like I did in the balcony. The neck of the shirt was messed up so I put it in place the best I could. "No tie. I like it" He smiled making me blush. His hand was now on my check caressing every inch. "Danny we have to go" I whispered closing my eyes but I could feel him coming closer. "We have a few minutes" He finally crushed his lips on mine. He pushed me to the wall while kissing me. All those butterflies they say you feel when you're in love with someone were having a party in my belly. His hands were now on my hips trying to pull me even closer to him, if that was possible. We couldn't be like this for too long so I broke apart putting my hand over his chest. "Even though I would love to continue we HAVE to go" He sight nodding but before coming back to the door he kissed me one last time. "We'll finish this later" I whispered before walking out of the room coming back to the hall with Kono.
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word-scribbless · 5 years
A real date part 1
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Masterlist Part 2
x female reader
*not my gifs*
Steve couldn’t help but smile as he walked out of the water to see y/n in his back yard greeting Eddie. Y/n was the local vet that had saved Eddie when Steve had first found him. She runs a play group at the local animal shelter on her days off to let already adopted dogs mingle with the ones in the shelter.
Y/n had taken an instant liking to Eddie, and his owner, and had offered to pick Eddie up on her way to the shelter each week. Steve and Eddie has also taken quite the liking to her.
“Hey there super seal!” Y/n greets
“Hey y/n how’s it going?”
“Better now that I get to see my favorite pooch!” She says as she kisses Eddie on the nose.
“You’re a vet, are you allowed to pick favorites?” Steve asked with a chuckle.
“Well,don’t be a snitch and no one will know! Except for my man Eddie here!” She says getting his leash clipped on and ready for their walk to the shelter.
Y/n looks up to see Steve staring at her. “Uhhh you alright the over there?” she asks
“Oh yeah, I’m good” Steve snaps out of his trance.
“Hey y/n I was wondering if you’d maybe like to grab dinner with me tonight?”
Y/n smiled wide “like a date?”
“Well I mean maybe, I think, it depends... would you say yes if it was?” Steve says laughing
“Nope uh-uh” y/n says shaking her head “if you’re gonna ask me out , you need to be damn sure!” Y/n smiles leaning up to kiss Steve on the cheek “be back in an hour” she says as she leaves with Eddie.
Y/n walks back in Steve’s front door an hour later. She is unhooking eddies leash when she hears Steve clear his throat. She looks up to find a clean shaven Steve with a bunch of her favorite wild flowers in his hand. “Y/full/n will you do me the honor of being my date for dinner this evening?”
“Now how can I say no to that” y/n says as Steve hands her the flowers
“You can’t!” He chuckles
“Well then, I would love to be your date! Where are you taking me?”
“Mmm-mm y/n/n you said that if I was gonna ask you out I had to be sure and it had to be real!”
“Yeah” y/n nods
“Well what’s more of a real date than me cookin’ you a candle lit dinner for two?”
“Oh, now I’m really glad I decided not to say no” she chuckles winking “I’ll go home now and get ready! What time should I come back for this lovely date?”
“No no no this is a real date y/n/n, I’ll swing by to pick you up at 7” Steve says, leaning in to kiss her cheek!
Y/n smiles as she leans in to the contact and whispers
“Can’t wait”
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word-scribbless · 5 years
I Care About You
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x female reader
Y/n knew working with five -0 meant she would probably get shot one day, but she was not happy that that day was today. She was already having an awful week, hell an awful month. Ever since she had broke things off with Danny Williams she’d been a mess.
Here she was sitting in the hospital while the team was still trying to track down the murder suspect who had also shot her. All she was thinking about was how much she wished she could call Danny, but she couldn’t. She was the one that got scared after their first big fight and ran off, she was the one that would barely talk to him in the office.
Danny had been on a tail of the shooters partner on the other side of the island when y/n had been shot. She wasn’t even sure if he knew what happened, or even cared.
Right as she let the idea of Danny not caring over take her mind, her door swung open. Her head shot up to she a panicked Danny enter the room.
“Danny” she whispered
“Hey babe” he breathed out, walking to her slowly like he was afraid she’d run.
“Wha-what are you doing here Danno?” She said, trying to sound nonchalant when all she wanted to do was run into his arms.
“Why wouldn’t I be here y/n? When Steve told me what happened, I... I needed to be here with you. I care about you y/n, more than you know.”
She tried to fight back the tears but they burst through at his words and she couldn’t take it anymore.
“No no no don’t cry, shhh you’re okay y/n/n” Danny said as he moved to her side wrapping her up in his arms.
“I’ve just missed you so much!” Y/n managed to whisper. Yes she saw him practically everyday, but they barely talked for weeks.
Danny placed a kiss to her temple and waited for her to go on.
“I- I was wrong! I shouldn’t have pushed you away. I just got so scared Danny, I got so scared I’d lose you and pushed you away and now I’ve lost you and it’s all my fault.”
She finally fell apart and let out every thing she’d been thinking for the past month.
“You haven’t lost me y/n. You’ll never lose me babe.”
She finally looked up at him, as he moved his hands to cup her face.
“Y/n I don’t want to scare you more but, I love you.” His confession made her heart swell! “I love you so much it hurts, and I’m sorry it took you getting shot for me to tell you that but I do. I know your scared, I am too y/n/n but I would die before I hurt you!”
Y/n tried to speak but nothing came out. That’s all she had wanted to hear him say for months. She let her emotions take over as she pulled him into a kiss she’d been longing for since she walked out of Danny’s home all those weeks ago.
She pulled away reluctantly and nuzzled her self in to him.
Danny pulled her into a tight hug and sighed. “Should I take you not running again as a good sign or is that just cause your kinda stuck here?” He said pointing to the medical equipment next to y/n’s bed that she was hooked up to.
“I think kissing you is pretty opposite of running away Danno...”
“Yeah well...” he said looking a down and seeming but less confident.
“Danno?” Y/n said, putting her hand on his cheek.
“Hmm?” He hummed leaning into her touch and looking back up at her.
“I love you so much!”
Danny let out a breath he’d been holding in since he confessed his feelings.
“God, I could get used to hearing that” he said as he kissed her forehead
“Good!” She said with a smirk “I don’t think I’m gonna get tired of saying it... ever!” She said as she moved over to give him room to sit with her.
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word-scribbless · 5 years
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x female reader
Ever since she met Steve mcgarret her life had changed. Almost a year ago she transferred from her job as a detective in California to the HPD. She had helped 5-0 on several cases before Steve asked her to jump ship at HPD to be on his team. While the prospect of immunity and means and a swanky office were incredibly inticing it was the handsome man standing in front of her with a smirk that could end a world war that made it pretty impossible to say no. While she prided herself on not getting swept away by a nice smile and intense eyes. There was a first for everything.
When she started with 5-0 she quickly noticed that the team was like a family, and she was happy to be a part of it. She also noticed that the handsome commander was going through something, she managed to deduce (or ask Danny) that he had his heart broken by a woman named Catherine.
Over the next 6 months Y/N and Steve began to gravitate towards each other. Steve would partner her up with him when Danny was away, they would stand closer and closer to each other while watching jerry run down a case on the screen, when it was time for paper work Y/N would end up working on the couch in Steve’s office or vis virsa. Danny noticed of course and kept quiet as long as he could. To Y/N at least, he had been encouraging Steve to make a move for months now but knew he just had to wait the both of them out.
One morning while working on a case Steve had pulled a chair up to Y/N’s desk to work through an idea he had with her. They had a classic hallmark movie moment when he went to hand her a paper and their hands touched. Their eyes locked and she was waiting for him to make a stupid excuse to move away from her. Instead he cleared his throat and said “y/n I know this might be a leap but I really like hanging out with you, will you go out with me tonight? Or we could stay in and watch a movie? I’ll cook for you!” Y/n was taken aback for a second but lucky for her she was quick on her feet. “Handsome, strong, and you cook but still nervous to ask a girl out huh?” She replied, earning a throaty chuckle from Steve. “I’d love to have a stay in date with you tonight. What are you gonna cook for me?” “It’s a surprise” Steve said with a smirk wiggling his eye brows causing y/n to laugh.
After solving the case and finishing up paper work the team called it a day early .Steve stopped off at y/n’s office to “pick her up” for their date when they saw an awkward Danny standing in the doorway. “Uhhh Steve... Catherine is here she uh she’s asking for you” Steve’s face paled at her name. “Uh alright let’s go see what’s up shall we?” He asked motioning for her and Danny to come with him. Y/n and Danny exchanged worried looks as Steve turned to walk out the door. “Catherine, Catherine? Like broke Steve’s heart and stomped on it Catherine?” She whispered to Danny as she walked by “That’d be the one.” He replied
They walked out to the main room. Her stomach dropped at the sight of the beautiful woman, she assumed was Catherine standing in front of her! “Steve!” She whispered as she ran to hug him. Steve hesitated for a moment before hugging her back. Y/n knew then that the course of the evening had just changed from “1st date” to “catching up with ex girlfriend who broke your heart” and she had no idea where that left her.
Catherine had explained that a man she had been after for months with the CIA had just fled to the island and she needed the help of 5-0. Y/n didn’t miss the glances Catherine was stealing as Steve gave out the orders. She couldn’t blame her... she’d been in a meaningful relationship that had ended when she had been promoted to detective in her precinct in California and knew there would always be feelings there. However she also knew that Catherine was looking longingly at the man she had been falling for for the past year and that man had finally asked her on a date before she waltzed back into his life and she wasn’t taking it too kindly!
The team had all been given their orders and where about to split up. Kathrine was paired with Steve, y/n with Danny. Y/n knew as the person with the most intel and the leader of the team that it was logical for Catherine and Steve to be paired up but that didn’t sway the anger she felt welling up inside her.
Y/n finished putting on her vest and went to walk towards the door when Steve grabbed her arm gently. He gave her a long sweet kiss on the cheek and said with a smile. “This doesn’t change our plans okay sweetheart? It just alters the timing a little, I’m really sorry about this.” Y/n couldn’t help giant smile or the feeling in her chest, not only at what Steve said or the kiss but also the nickname he used for her. While this eased her worry she still couldn’t shake the feeling in her stomach as she watched how easily Catherine and Steve slipped right back into working side by side.
This feeling lasted through out the whole mission. Especially after Catherine’s reaction to Steve getting punched by the suspect as he put him In the HPD cruiser. Catherine had his face in her hands assessing the bruise and y/n watched as she leaned in whispering to him . She quickly turned on her heal to take her seat in Danny’s car as she told him to drive. Danny of course noticed how quiet the usually quippy y/n was on the ride home, and assumed he knew the reason, but waited for her to bring it up on her own.
After watching her mope as she finished her paper work, Danny had finally had enough. He walked into y/n’s office and said. “Alright y/n/n we talking about this or what?” “I was pleasantly surprised at how long you left me with out the interrogation” She answered as Danny laughed sitting down on the chair across from her. “Y/n I saw the exchange with Steve today before we left. I know my boy and he has it bad. I have spent months berating him to finally make his move with you and in classic Steve nature he has the worst timing.” Danny says “ I don’t know Danny I know we have feelings for each other but now that she’s back maybe I should just take a step back” “y/n there is no way in hell i’m letting you do that with out a fight, I’ve put a lot into this relationship.” “I know man ... but I I can’t go through this again.” She catches herself off guard as she gets chocked up. “ I know I haven’t shared much about that part of my life but let’s just say I’ve been pushed to the back burner a lot in the past and Danny I can’t accept being second best with him. I just can’t.”“y/n listen to me...” Danny says before you cut him off”.
“I’ll never be able to compete with Catherine !” She says while blinking back tears. “There is no competition y/n” she turns to the deep voice she hears behind her and is faced by a serious Steve. Danny squeezes her arm in support as he leaves. She wipes her stray tears as she turns to face Steve.
“Come on you’re Steve mcgarret everything’s a competition in your world!” She says trying to ease the tension she feels. “Not when it comes to you!” Steve says looking her straight in the eye. “Steve we don’t have to talk about this. We can just go back to the way we were yesterday no harm no foul.” she says trying but failing to be convincing. “Y/n I don’t want that. I told you none of this changes our plans. I have been trying to ask you out for months” He chuckles but still has a serious look on his face. “I know Steve but Catherine is back now and she said herself she might stay and I know how it is with exes I just I... I can’t compete.” She says and calmly as she can, which isn’t very calm at this point. “Y/n I told you...theres no competition”
“I know you only just asked me on a first date but we work together Steve, and you’re my best friend on this island, so I wouldn’t have said yes to tonight if I didn’t see a future relationship with you and I know you’ve probably been debating this in your head for months before asking me out.” She says “You talked to Danny didn’t you” Steve said. Y/n chuckles but looks down at her feet in thought again as Steve says “But you’re right I’ve thought this through and I see a future with you y/n. And believe me when I say there is NO competition here” He says pushing a stray hair behind her ear.
“Steve” She says in almost a whisper “You almost married her! You’re always going to love her and I get that I do... but there is no way I measure up to her...” y/n looks down at her shoes “and I just, I’ve always been second best and I don’t think I can take being that to you.” Steve took her hands in his and swooped his head down to meet her eyes with his.
“Y/n... yes I loved Catherine , yes I was going to propose and when she left it crushed me. But sweetheart, I survived!...” “You survive everything” y/n huffs under her breath with a half chuckle. “But that’s the thing though darlin’...” Steve says in a serious voice “after Catherine , I never thought I’d feel that way again... and then you came into my life and I felt something totally different, that I have never felt before and I know we haven’t even been on a real date yet but honestly if I lost you... I don’t think I would survive.” Steve says and while his words were confident she hears the crack in his voice and notices the way his eyes are now on their feet rather than meeting hers.
She doesn’t know what to say... did the great Steve Mcgarrett just admit he wasn’t invincible? Did he just say losing her would be what brought him down? The usually sceptical y/n found her self confident in the man standing in front of her. She smiled as she took a hand out of his to tilt his chin up to look her in the eye. “I’m sorry did you just admit there is something in this world you can’t use your ninja stills to beat?” Y/n says with a chuckle Steve smiles moving his free hand to cup her cheek. “Y/n there are a lot of things I never thought I’d admit but there’s this sneaky thing about you that makes me wanna tell you everything” Steve says as he strokes her cheek.
“Yeah you have that about you too... but your secret is definitely that cute little smirk, it’s like my kryptonite! And don’t even get me started on those nicknames! Y/n laughs. “You noticed that huh?l” Steve asks smirking “Noticed it? It took all I had not to kiss you every time you said it” “hmm I’ll have to remember that” Steve smirks.
Steve looks at her a bit more seriously “but y/n I don’t want you to go into this with doubts” “Steve I trust you, I do and I believe you when you say I’m not your second choice. And I know that if the roles were reversed and my ex came waltzing in here we’d be having a very similar conversation and I’d hope you’d believe that I choose you too.”
Steve laughs as he says “If your ex walked through that door there’d be a lot more punching.” He says pointing to the door “I have much less self control than you.” Y/n laughs as she leans into Steve’s hand still stroking her cheek “you feel that strongly about me huh babe?”
Steve smiles “I sure do” Steve chuckles “babe huh? I like it” “Oh yeah?” Y/n asks. “Yeah sweetheart, I do” Steve smirks. “I told you what that nickname makes me want to do” she laughs. “Oh I remember” Steve says leaning closer. Y/n leans in closing the gap between them. Steve’s other hand moves to y/n’s neck pulling her in Slightly. Y/n’s hands travel to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. The kiss is sweet but not lacking heat after waiting so long.
They pull apart both smiling. Steve takes y/n’s hand in his “Ready for that date I promised you sweetheart?” y/n smiles. “More than ready Babe”
They walk out of y/n’s office hand in hand past a cheering Danny on the way to their first of many dates.
Not my gifs!!!
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word-scribbless · 5 years
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Not my gif!
x female reader
Y/n had joined 5-0 about 6 months ago after she had helped out with a case that involved one of the people from the shelter she volunteers at. After Steve and Danny found out she was an ex cop they asked her to assist them. When they saw how talented she was and how quickly she fit in with the Ohana, Steve offered her a spot on the team.
Y/n wasn’t quick to accept because she had left her job as a cop after becoming tired of the politics and set her sights on helping others in different ways. However the 5-0 family was not something she could easily walk away from. She realized that she may have just stumbled into the place she was meant to be when she met Steve and Danny.
From the day she joined the team she had been drawn to Danny. His jersey accent, his sarcastic humor, even the way he called everyone babe. That’s why it really started to bother her that she was the only one he didn’t grace with that nick name. She thought maybe it was because she was new until Abby came to help with a case.
Just that morning y/n was standing in the door way of Steve’s office talking to him, kono, and Abby. Danny walked in and greeted everyone with a “good morning” he turned to Abby and said “nice to see you again babe.” Before he turned to y/n and said “morning y/n” almost dragging out every letter of her name. Y/n felt her blood boil... they had just met Abby a month ago and she was being called babe so what was wrong with her!
Danny didn’t treat her like he hated her. In fact sometimes y/n almost thought he was flirting with her. He would always choose the seat next to her, check on her after tough cases, find reasons to touch her arm or hand, and send her looks across the room that gave her butterflies. So why the hell didn’t he call her babe!
The rest of the day any time Danny said “y/n” she got more and more angry. It seemed silly since she loved hearing him say her name... but it was the principle of the matter! He liked everyone else enough to give them a nickname so what was wrong with her?
She did the only thing she could think to do! Buy kono some coffee and then vent to her! As they sat out front of the palace sipping their coffee y/n explained.
“I know I’ve said it before but I’m really starting to think he doesn’t call me babe because he doesn’t like me as much as he likes you guys!”
Kono looked a bit shocked, “y/n, there is absolutely no way it’s that! If anything I’d say he likes you more than us” she chuckles.
Y/n lets out a sigh “then why does he refuse to call me anything but my name? And very awkwardly I might add!”
Kono laughs “maybe you should just ask him.”
“OR! I could just do it back to him and see how weird he thinks it is!”
“Your gonna start calling everyone babe?” Kono asks
“No that’s too obvious! I have a better idea” she says with a smirk.
The rest of the day any time y/n was talking to Danny she made sure to say his name at the end of every sentence. Every. Sentence!
It didn’t take long for the team to notice. They were all amused knowing why she was doing it. Danny however was very confused.
the team was all going over a case file later in the day, when Danny really started to get annoyed.
“Well we have his last known address right”
“Yes, It’s over on the table Danny. Do you want me to go get it Danny?”
“Yes please”
“Here you go Danny”
Steve tried to stifle a chuckle while Danny rolled his eyes and said
“Okay, that’s enough! We need to talk.”
He said gently grabbing y/n’s hand and walking towards his office
“Why Danny?” She asked
Danny groaned in response.
“Why the hell are you being so awkward!?”
“What do you mean Danny?”
“Well it’d be so much easier if I had a nickname for you, but you and I don’t do that sort of thing!” Y/n blurts out sounding almost hurt. She catches herself and adds “Danny”
Danny is too confused to be annoyed at this point. He rubs his thumb over her hand that he is still holding from before.
“What do you mean we don’t do that sort of thing y/n?” He says softly
Y/n had tears in her eyes realizing she is going to have to hear him admit he doesn’t like her that way, while she would give anything just to be in his arms.
“Hey, hey, hey! Why are you crying!?! What did I do?” Danny questions frantically
“Why do you call everyone babe but never me? What did I do? Why don’t you want me around?”
“Y/n no no no! I love having you around!” Danny says wiping a tear from her face “That isn’t why I never call you babe!”
“Then why?” Y/n asks
Danny takes a deep breath
“Y/n” he says looking down
“Why Danny”
“I don’t know” he says not convincingly
“There has to be a reason! Y/n says getting upset!
“Y/n” he whispers
“Whatever” She says pulling away
“Wait” Danny says reaching out for her
“What?” She says spinning around facing him again
“I” He hesitates
“Just forget it” she says turning back around
“Babe isn’t good enough for you!” Danny yells
“What?” She says stopping in her tracks
He takes a step closer grabbing her hands again.
“Y/n I want more than anything to call you a nick name... but babe isn’t good enough. It’s what I call everyone else.” Y/n stands there staring at him in shock
“You aren’t everyone else. That’s why I won’t call you that.”
“What am I then?” She asks
Danny looks into her eyes before grabbing her face gently and kissing her.
She instantly melts into the kiss.
When he pulls away she sighs at the lose of contact
“You’re everything sweetheart ” he pauses resting his forehead on hers “I’m falling for you, I have been for a while now.”
“Sweetheart?” She says reacting to finally having a nickname.
“Yeah, Sweetheart. I can call you babe though if you really want...”
“NO!” She protests “I wanna be your sweetheart”
A giant smile spreads across Danny’s face “you do huh?”
“More than anything!” She says
“Glad to hear it” he says placing a sweet kiss on her cheek. “But now you need to give me a nickname because after today you’re not allowed to call me Danny for a while!”
She laughs as she pulls him back in for another kiss, forgetting all about wanting to be called babe
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