#he also decides to stay with geralt. because thats where he MADE his home
roughentumble · 5 months
AU where jaskier has never felt right. his parents are rich, get him the most recent iphones, but they suppress his desire to sing. and he can just FEEL that he's different, somehow. he likes to sit on the roof and stargaze, feels a connection somewhere out there, in the deep dark of the night.
until one night, a ship lands in his parents large, expansive grounds. a creature climbs put-- bipedal, humanoid, but... different. it looks at him, seems to... scan him. claims its name is geralt, and its something like a space bounty hunter. and then asks him if he'd like to come along.
jaskier is an alien, who for unknown reasons was cloaked by his birth parents before being left on this unknown planet, earth. and the only way to fix it, to show what he's really supposed to look like, is to find his people, who will have the key to deactivating it. in doing so, he'll also get a chance to see the place he came from, to understand why he feels the way he does, to find a place where he belongs.
(geralt presumes there'll be a reward for returning jaskier, but he's also a bleeding heart who cant just leave someone stranded)
and that's how they start traveling together
(vaguely inspired by:)
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