#he can't be 51 no 😍
afza147 · 3 months
Ep4 Queen of Tears short review
Is how I feeling right now..the mood changes completely by the ending. The way he just throw the bicycle😍😍😍😍 love it
And this hug😍
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I was surprised with the baby news ,I guess that the issue of them not good with each other and he sleeping in the baby room proof that..gosh it's going to be a crying festival when this issue come later
This ep start out good with him successfully deleted the message🤣
And him being up and down with his feeling thanks to new man.
Plus I'm on his friends side if hyun woo really decide to divorce..
His imagination of not divorce life🤣🤣🤣
The 51%🤣🤣🤣🤣
I feel sad that she really sick and don't want to fully digest the situation but hyun woo right regarding telling his family
And based on preview, I think new man will found out..so not in my calculative plan..I wish it was both their secret and the divorce issue finally reveal next week.
So fast..and it's only ep5 next week
What more could be in stock???
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And I was right the new man is dangerous ..will queen be bankrupt ? And the chairman girlfriend seem like adding something to chairman that he can't barely see
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Oh well..I now worried on hyun woo handling the divorce matter..at this point will he proceed if hae in approved the divorce?or will he stay by his side like the preview
Hae in sickness seem to get worse as clock is ticking..so scary that she can't remember how she got there. With new man plan to take over queen, hae in illness will be his key to success.
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I don't know.
All I know is next week won't be funny anymore..I can feel it..well not the beginning..maybe before finding out about the divorce.
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I hope writernim will replace the unhappiness of next week to happiness in future ep.
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hotcat37 · 5 months
2, 28 and 51 for jerse
thanks anon! <3
2: what would they do if the other wakes up in a manic state after a nightmare?
I think Jesse would be more calm in this situation. He'll wrap his arms around Jere and hold him tight when Jere starts trashing to make sure that he doesn't accidentally hurt himself. Whisper comforting words to him and pet his hair until Jere eventually comes to himself again. Then press a kiss into Jere's forehead and promise that he's safe with Jesse <3 Jere would definitely panic more if it's the other way around lol He's not used to seeing Jesse behave so erratically so it'd take him a moment to calm down and help out his lover. He'd wrap Jesse up in a blanket and give him a sense of pressure to ground him. Maybe even yank at a stray curl to snap Jesse out of it if he can't come back to his senses. Afterwards he'll rock Jesse back and forth in his arms and sing him a slightly off key lullaby
28: what are their thoughts on pet names?
I think both of them would cringe at couples using pet names but then turn around and do the exact same thing ☠☠ Jere tries to sound ironic by calling Jesse goofy names like pookie or "Urheilujätkä of mine 😍😍" but Jesse really is his pookie.... Jesse tends to accidentally call Jere pet names, darling or rakas just slipping out without him even noticing. Jere makes fun of him for it every time but they both know he loves it ;)
51: in what non-verbal way do they say I love you?
For Jesse, it's taking care of Jere. Wordlessly adjusting his ear piece, running him a shower or bath, giving him his sweater when Jere is paidaton riehuja-ing in cold weather.... It's his ultimate love language 💖💖 For Jere, he'll quietly express his love by kissing Jesse while he's working. A kiss on the cheek when he's on the computer, a forehead kiss when Jesse is fretting over organization stuff.... He'll also insist on taking some weight off of Jesse's shoulders by doing some small tasks like retrieving a roll of tape or helping with setting up the stage 💜
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Part 5 of the adorableness of Daniel (sorry for the delay...)
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51. Daniel was just this cute little puppy when he started acting professionally after moving to Los Angeles in 2012. He has come a long way since then.
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52. Also, big news for those who don't know, Daniel is a soon-to-be married man!!! Can't wait for the wedding!!!
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53. Congrats are also in order for Daniel after he gave an absolutely gorgeous and fabulous performance of the national anthem at last month's Super Bowl!!!
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54. A service dog got to meet Daniel when he came to visit his beautiful fiancée Britt in Morristown, New Jersey for DWTS: Live!!!
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55. Look at those green eyes!!!
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56. And Daniel's smile always makes me smile!!!
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57. I honestly feel like a proud mom every time seeing Daniel and Britt continue to kill it both individually and as a couple!!!
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58. Seriously, Daniel & Britt are both living my dream life right now!
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59. Seeing Daniel dance on DWTS with Britt truly inspired me in more ways than one! ✨️ Team Sign to Shine always and forever ✨️
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60. I feel like Daniel and I would be really good friends, like best friends!!! 🤟🏻💙💜🫶🏻💗💕💋🥰😍 We would support and encourage each other!!!
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metalbvcky · 1 year
Hello honeyyyy
for the fics asks game: 1, 51 and, if you're comfortable with that, 7 😍😍😍
Hi Christy!!! :D Thanks for sending these, I appreciate it 🥰 And YOU KNOW I can't pass down on a snippet!!
1: Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
I daydream alllll the time, but I almost always brainstorm (aka take notes) a little before I start poking at a scene. Or I'll just go for it and see where it'll take me because even with outlining, most of what ends up happening in the fic likely wasn't planned 😂 Those are always the fun scenes, too!!
51: Does what you like to write differ from what you like to read?
ABSOLUTELY! Omg, what I write and what I read are usually two separate things. Not always, because I'll eat up fluff, smut, and dom/sub all day long, but there are a few tropes/genres that I'd rather read than write. Like... plotty canon fics, darker themes, kidfic (was gonna try my hand at one 2 years ago but that didn't pan out), and even a few kinks. Also sometimes I'll get an idea for something and I'd rather just read it lolol.
7: Post a snippet from a wip.
(From Aster C11, because it's all I've got right now that I can share lol)
Steve: Hey, I thought I’d let you know I’m getting off work early today. You know, if you’re interested in coming over. 
Volume turned down, Bucky wanders to the couch while reading over the text. He could use a break, anyway, with how many books he’s handled. 
Bucky: I’m very interested. 
Another text comes through within a few seconds. 
Steve: To stay the night? Or to play?  
Bucky: Both.  
Lower lip between his teeth, Bucky taps three little letters before pushing the send button. 
Bucky: Sir. 
The reply is instantaneous. Steve: Oh Kitten. You know what that word does to me. 
Bucky: Which word does what, Sir?  
Steve: Kitten...  
Steve: Don’t make me come get you, wherever you are right now. 
A wild impulse overcomes Bucky’s thoughts.  
Bucky: Then do it.  Bucky: Come pick me up from the bookstore and act like you aren’t gonna dominate me harder than ever before.  
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royjamierot · 1 year
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#third gif that's the stab me gif 🥰😍🥰🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I'd like to personally thank the person on letterboxd who made that image the poster
522 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
i don't think anything has ever been more attractive than the "no im blackbeard.... shh" and the wink after "i never left"
544 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
i think the most love ive ever seen between a couple on tv is the scene with ed in the bathtub. like he's wrapped up in stede's robe crying in front of him, telling him that he's a bad person, that he has no friends, and that he was supposed to kill him and yet stede stays the whole time and tells him that they're friends, that actually he enjoys ed's company. that moment at the end where he reaches his hand out and ed rests his head on it is one of the most love filled things ive ever seen
639 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
i still can't fully grasp how amazing the romance between stede and ed is. ive said for a while now that "i want stories that have gay people but aren't about being gay" (basically i want stories to have queer people and include queer romance but I don't necessarily want to watch people have to come out and be treated differently based on sexuality i just want these stories to he treated the same way straight couples are) and like??? this is exactly what ive wanted in media. like a slowburn queer romance in a show that isn't marketed as a queer show, just a comedy about pirates that happens to have gay people. i love this show so much.
804 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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he tried to make himself a little fancy
982 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
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snallavanta · 3 months
part 2 of my answers to the seventeen asks!
36. what’s your favourite hairstyle of your bias?
honestly, anything that's vernon's natural hair colour/ dark brown is my favourite
37. which is the best era for hair?
fml era was so good. jeonghan's wavy mid length that's in a half up-half down style. woozi's wavy hair & bangs combo. idk they all looked superb hair-wise in that era
38. what’s your favourite tour era?
be the sun
39. what’s your favourite lyric?
how am i supposed to just pick ONE?
ash - metamorphosis born in fire, then i fly away
god of music - we can't communicate with words but with music, we can be best friends
don quixote - my hands up, i keep 'em high. the thing i fear is me within myself
fml - don't wanna be an embarrassment for the me i knew yesterday
40. what’s your favourite fan chant?
honestly they all have great vibes, but i love it when they make us say all 13 of their full names 😍 what a tongue twister
41. what’s your favourite unreleased song?
how was this 9 years ago...
42. what’s your comfort song?
i can't just pick one so it's super, shadow, sos
43. what’s a song you can’t listen to without having a breakdown?
44. what’s your favourite member symbol/ mascot?
they are such cute symbols & somehow describes these members perfectly?
45. what’s your favourite going seventeen episode?
i feel like i haven't watched enough (or any?) gose episode to give this a proper answer 😵‍💫 so no, i don't have a favourite
46. what’s your favourite dance choreography?
i don’t understand but i luv u. it changed the trajectory of my life. the removing of the tie, the folding of the sleeves, the gracefulness of the movements. i have never been the same since.
cheers is a close second though
47. what’s your favourite solo song?
black eye by vernon or wait by dino (i am simply incapable of choosing)
48. what’s your favourite cover?
a crime that this is not on spotify >:(
49. what’s your favourite song from the performance team?
50. what’s your favourite song from the vocal team?
51. what’s your favourite song from the hiphop team?
52. a member from the performance team you feel is underrated
53. a member from the vocal team you feel is underrated
54. a member from the hiphop team you feel is underrated
55. if you were a part of seventeen, which sub-unit do you want to be a part of & why?
hiphop!!! i know they're also my favourite sub-unit but they look so fun to be with.
also performance unit highkey scares me. wdym i'm stuck with captain hoshi, anti-delulu minghao, jun and dino who takes no shit. you would not catch me in a room with just the four of them; i will wait outside, thank you.
56. a member you want to be best friends with
57. a member you feel should release more solo music
vernon. i am obsessed with the way he enunciates his words
58. a member you would easily get along with
59. what’s your favourite collab?
also want to mention their song with new kids on the block, dk's vocals in that is insane
60. what’s a song you wish to hear live?
61. what’s your favourite seventeen interview?
idk i don't feel like i've watched any that really left an impact on me? no interview is really at the top of my head rn to give you an answer
62. what language do you prefer svt songs in?
korean + english or 100% korean. i love their 100% english songs too but the way the phrases are broken up always feels so awkward to me 😭
63. who do you think would give the best hugs?
64. who do you think would smell the best?
65. who has the most contagious laugh?
vernon. his goose-like laughter is everything
66. who’s the funniest member?
minghao. i think most of them are hilarious when the situation calls for it though
67. have you read any books recommended by any member(s)?
yes! i read me before you (wonwoo rec) and i was reading i want to die but i want to eat tteokbokki (s.coups rec) but stopped because it was kinda boring
68. what’s your favourite thing about seventeen?
how much they care for each other & how gentle they are with one another
69. share the svt photos that bring you comfort
everyday i find a new photo of them so any pics where they're radiating with happiness makes me happy :")
70. share an svt video that brings you comfort
the whole nana tour series. it feels like a warm hug on a rainy day
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crazyhappiness4u · 10 months
The Unseen Gems: Why Our Videos Are Too Hot for YouTube!"
📹🚫😢 "The Unseen Gems: Why Our Videos Are Too Hot for YouTube!" 😂🔥
Hey there, fellow content explorers! Welcome to my ROFL-worthy blog where I spill the beans 🌽 on why our epic videos are nowhere to be found on YouTube. Get ready for a wild ride of laughter and emoji-mania! 🎢💫
YouTube's Secret Crush: 😍🤖 It turns out YouTube has a major crush on our videos! Each time we upload one, the platform gets so flustered that its algorithms go haywire. The poor website can't handle the sheer awesomeness of our content and hides our videos in a digital panic. Aww, YouTube, it's just trying to save face! 😂🤖
The Bermuda Triangle of Virality: 🌊🚢 Our videos have mysteriously vanished into the Bermuda Triangle of Virality! Legends say this mystical zone in the digital ocean swallows content whole, leaving even the most epic videos stranded in obscurity. Our videos are just chilling there with Amelia Earhart and the lost city of Atlantis. 😱🏴‍☠️
Alien Fan Club Takeover: 👽🎉 Our content is so out-of-this-world fantastic that it attracted the attention of an alien fan club! The extraterrestrial aficionados were so impressed that they decided to keep our videos all to themselves, sharing them only at Area 51's top-secret parties. We're flattered, really. 🛸🥳
YouTube's April Fools' Prank Gone Wrong: 🤪🎭 YouTube once played an epic prank on us, promising to showcase our videos to the world on April Fools' Day. However, they accidentally turned it into an everlasting joke by burying our videos in a virtual vault. We hope they'll reveal the punchline soon! 🙏🤭
The Invisible Video Syndrome: 🤫🎥 Our videos suffer from an unfortunate case of "Invisible Video Syndrome." Whenever we upload them, they become invisible to everyone except our pet hamster, Mr. Fluffy. Don't worry; we're working on getting him a YouTube account so he can enjoy them too! 🐹💻
The Hipster Algorithm: 🎩🎶 Turns out, YouTube's algorithm has become a hipster! It's so obsessed with promoting obscure content that it refuses to acknowledge anything remotely mainstream—like our videos. We're simply too cool for the algorithm to handle. 😎💼
Cats Took Over: 😼🐾 Our videos were sabotaged by a conspiracy of cats! Feline overlords are determined to keep all internet fame for themselves. They hacked into YouTube's system and replaced our videos with hours of cute cat antics. We're planning a "Purrfect Revenge" campaign. 🐱🔪
Time-Traveling Trolls: ⏳🧙‍♂️ A mischievous gang of time-traveling trolls decided to prank us by zapping our videos out of existence. They even left a note, saying they needed the server space for their 37-hour medieval cat juggling marathon. Medieval cat juggling? Now that's a sight we'd pay to see! 🏰🐈🤹‍♂️
The "Only-on-Alternate-DimensionTube" Dilemma: 🌌🤔 Our videos accidentally got uploaded to "Alternate-DimensionTube," a parallel universe's version of YouTube. We hear they have subscribers from intelligent slime molds to tea-sipping octopuses. Let's just say our videos are a hit in the multiverse! 🌠🌐
So there you have it, the hilarious reasons why our fantastic videos are nowhere to be found on YouTube. But don't worry, we won't give up! We'll keep striving for internet fame and fortune, even if the universe itself is conspiring against us. Until then, keep laughing, stay quirky, and may the mischievous internet forces be ever in your favor! 😄✨🌈
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saebaragi · 1 year
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#hes so 😭😵‍💫💛💘💖💝😩😫💘🫠💕💛💜💗💝💖🎉💖🎉🧡💛💞💛💕😍💖🧡🤍💝😖😳💗💘🤍💘💝💘🤩🤍😵‍💫💝💖😩🤍😭🤍🧡🫠😭💛🤍💘🤍💖🤍💘🤍
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linusbenjamin · 2 years
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📸 Georgia Tennant via Instagram: Happy Birthday to Mr G Tennant x
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
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#currently going through a storm and my eyes have been opened very wide indeed to who is a true friend and who isn’t….in fact few people are
My Top Posts in 2021
Imagine you are courting Thorin but are very sensitive about your weight as you’re already chubby. You begin trying to lose weight to please Thorin as you think he’d want you slimmer. He notices you eating less and asks you about it, becoming very concerned.
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145 notes • Posted 2021-01-09 10:01:51 GMT
As of Monday, I will officially be a home owner. My mortgage is now showing on my Internet banking app. One thing down, just one more to go.... If the second one comes (which I’m doubting will) then I’ll be screaming and you’ll hear me from half way across the globe.
So all of your prayers would be most appreciated. I’ve prayed SO much for this one last thing to come to pass. Prayer is all I have left for it to happen.
176 notes • Posted 2021-04-17 07:21:57 GMT
omg omg omg I can't believe I'm requesting to you rn!!! So I was wondering if you could do 'Distracting kisses from someone that are meant to stop the other person from finishing their work, and give them kisses instead' with Thorin x wife!reader? One where like Thorin is over working himself to death and his queen comes in? Idk whatever you decide to write will be amazing 😍😭
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There he was, yet again, hunched over his desk, signing trade deals and new contracts with neighbouring villages and cities. Many Dwarves were also being sent into Dale to help with the re-building, and so their contracts of employment also had to be signed.
The candle by now was burning low at Thorin's desk. "You're going to strain your eyes, my love," you told him, stepping beside him. The King never looked up, but instead sighed. You brushed your hand through your husband's hair, idly tangling your fingers in the strands and then you kissed the top of his head. "You'll never know how much I love you."
Thorin couldn't help but smile and tilt his head towards you.
Instantly you captured his lips in a kiss, trying your hardest to pull him away from those blasted contracts. Then you heard Thorin sigh beneath your kiss, but this time it was a pleasurable sigh, wanting so much to give up on the signing and pursue something more passionate with you.
Then you moved your lips away and stepped to the side, watching Thorin's blue gaze follow you. His expression became one of longing. "You know how to distract me," he said, his voice low and full to the brim of lustful want.
Seductively, you waltzed forward again and kissed down his cheek and then moved back. "This baby we keep discussing isn't going to just conceive itself," you grinned.
184 notes • Posted 2021-08-26 19:51:47 GMT
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Masterlist of all fics are here
Fandom: The Hobbit
Pairings: Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Jealousy, fluff, angst, brief/mild sexual references
Summary: From this imagine Thorin notices that you have been more distant recently, spending a lot of time away from him and he notices that you shy away when in the company of a male Dwarf called Hodel. He begins to have suspicions that you are being unfaithful and confronts you. 
Comments: If you would like to be added to my tag list, or removed, let me know as I’m gradually creating a new one. Enjoy!
Thorin watched you from across the room. Yet again you were conversing with Hodel, one of the councilmen. The whispers and secrecy that you were both exhibiting was making Thorin frustrated. The King took a deep inhale of breath and closed his eyes for a second, trying to collect his thoughts. 
“Are you ready?” Thorin asked curtly, the frustration still taking hold of him. 
You looked at your husband, surprised by his sudden appearance. “Oh, I’m sorry, my love,” you replied, touching his arm. “I have a few things to discuss with Hodel. I shouldn’t be any more than an hour. I’ll meet you up in our chambers shortly.” 
“Fine,” Thorin half hissed. 
Things didn’t get much better for Thorin. Over a span of two weeks you were missing for dinner. Until one evening, Thorin had had enough and flung all of the food and glasses from the table. Everything smashed upon the stone floor, paired with the guttural shouts of anger from the King. 
Thorin was well aware that unfaithfulness was rampant in your society, and not being of the Dwarf race, you had no idea of how important loyalty was. Every relationship between Dwarves, whether platonic, family-orientated, or romantic, was always to be cherished. How could he have allowed someone from that kind of race into his life? A race of cheats and liars! 
Suddenly the door burst open and you swung in, cheerful and with a huge grin on your face. “Good evening, my love,” you giggled. “Uh...oh,” you said, glancing down, shocked by the broken glass and food lying across the floor. “Are you alright?” 
You approached your husband, ready to make sure that he had not come to any harm, but he flinched away. His eyes were cold and he shot you a look of complete distain over his fur-covered shoulder. 
“Thorin?” you asked. “My love?” 
“Don’t you dare call me that!” Thorin spat. 
“W...wha....what?” you stuttered in complete disbelief. “I don’t understand.” You shook your head for emphases, dazed and confused by your husband’s outburst. “What’s brought this on?”
“Do not act so innocent. I am surely not your love. I should have known better than marry someone from such a society that is unfaithful to the ones they should cherish beyond measure. Disgusting!” 
“You think I’m cheating?” you cried. “W....why? This is insane.” 
“Every evening and you disappear with Hodel. You are constantly whispering in council, trying to steer clear of me. Do you think I am a complete fool and don’t know what you are up to?” Thorin growled. 
Tears fell down your cheeks. How on earth could he ever think you would be unfaithful to him? Did Thorin even have any idea how much you adored him? No other man could ever compare to him; in every way he was superior. Thorin made your heart leap for joy, he pleased you, both physically and emotionally. Your love making had always been intense and you hoped that you would be blessed with a child soon. 
“How can you ever think I’d be unfaithful to you?” you wept, dropping down to the bed. “No one else can compare to you...ever.” 
Thorin crossed his arms, trying to remain composed, but the sight and sound of you crying always brought him to his knees in weakness. In a split second of that weakness, he approached you, his hand reaching out to brush your hair. 
You looked up at him and softly grabbed his hand, putting it your cheek. “I love you more than life itself, Thorin,” you sobbed. 
Thorin swallowed hard, trying to press the lump away which had developed. He averted his gaze to the ceiling and tears gathered, blurring his vision. “Why? Am I not good enough?” Thorin whispered, his voice breaking. 
“It’s me that isn’t enough, never you,” you replied. “I need to show you something...if you’ll let me.” 
You cut Thorin off. “Please. It’ll make everything clear and you’ll understand.” 
Both of you exited the bed chamber in complete silence. Thorin followed on behind you, praying to Mahal that this was a huge misunderstanding and that you really were faithful to him. 
You finally reached your destination. it was one of the many worker’s rooms, specifically where instruments were hand crafted from metal and wood. 
Thorin stepped inside after you, apprehension swarming in his gut. 
“Oh, my King,” Hodel stuttered as he saw you both at the door. He reached for a cover and tossed it over something quickly so as Thorin could not see. 
“It’s alright, Hodel. Can you give the King and I a minute alone, please?” you asked politely. 
“Of course, my Queen,” Hodel replied, lowering his head and then he disappeared. 
You walked over towards the covered object. With your back still to Thorin, you spoke, “This was supposed to be for our two-year anniversary next week, my love. I designed it especially for you and had Hodel and his son begin making it for you, but they encountered a couple of problems and that was why it took longer than it should have.” 
With a sigh, you picked up the cover, only to show a bright, gold plated harp. The gold had been fully moulded into the form of runes and had the markings of the date of your marriage. “The strings still have to be attached...”
Thorin spun you around and you gasped as you hit him gently. You put your hands on his chest and his wound his arms around your waist. Tears were pouring down the King’s face. “Please don’t,” you said, wiping his red cheeks with your thumbs. Then you pressed your forehead to his. “It will only ever be you that has my heart. Trust in that.” 
Follow Forever tag list: @dumbassunderthemountain @lathalea @estethell @guardianofrivendell @lilith15000 @anjhope1 @elvish-sky @ladylouoflothlorien @hirokosoul @guyofgisbourne @lostsoldieronahill @peneigh-dzredfohl @msjava1972 @criminaly-supernatural @shethereadinghobbit​
The Hobbit tag list: @downwiththedoorpoole @on-my-way-to-erebor @thophil2941btw @laurfilijames 
209 notes • Posted 2021-03-27 19:09:57 GMT
As You Are.
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Masterlist of all fics are here
Fandom: The Hobbit
Pairings: Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader, Thorin Oakenshield x PlusSize!Reader
Warnings: Angst, insecurity of weight and appearance, self hatred, dieting, fluff
Summary: Thorin becomes extremely concerned when he notices that you aren’t eating as much at meal times. He asks about this, only to find that you have been trying to diet as you are ashamed of your weight and think that Thorin would prefer you slimmer. 
Comments:  If you would like to be added to my tag list, or removed, let me know. I’m beginning a new tag list due to the fact that I’ve been inactive recently. Just a quick piece to stretch my writing muscles again. Enjoy!
“My love, you have barely eaten anything,” Thorin said, growing concerned as he looked upon all the various foods covering the table, of which you had only ate a few bits. Normally your appetite could have easily outshone his. In fact, Thorin had always enjoyed watching you have your fill. After all, when you had been on the quest together to re-claim Erebor, food had been scarce through parts of the journey. Being the queen meant that she lived a very luxurious lifestyle now, and that included delighting in many delicacies. 
You raised your head and your gaze lifted from where it had been in your lap for the last five minutes as you mentally felt disgusted with yourself. The rolls. The stretch marks. It all made you hate yourself. Back in your world and most men would have made you feel inferior for your larger build and compared your appetite to that of a farmyard animal who lived out in the dirt. 
“I’m just not that hungry,” you replied softly, feeling your chest tighten. 
“Is there something wrong?” Thorin asked, his brows furrowed. “This is not like you at all.” 
“What? To eat like a stuffed pig?” you barked back, fighting tears. 
Thorin was aghast at your outburst and placed his silver cup down with a dull thump upon the table. “And this outburst is most certainly not like you!” Thorin’s voice was firm, and it instantly made you recoil back in guilt and shame. 
One of the serving women came out from the kitchens and saw what was happening between you and Thorin, so she immediately disappeared back to where she came from. 
“Lets take this back to our chambers,” Thorin said, a sharp edge now apparent in his tone. 
The walk back to your royal chambers was quiet. Only the tapping of Thorin’s boots against the stone could be heard as you ascended flights of steps and traced hallways to the royal wing. The atmosphere between you both was tense and fragile. 
Thorin tossed his robe over the end of your bed and then looked at you, his blue eyes shining bright with question and frustration. “What was that downstairs? And tonight is not the first time that I have noticed you eating less and skipping meals.” 
That was true. Most mornings and your breakfast was left untouched, and on those days when Thorin was required in council early, you had requested no food to be sent up to you at all. Whenever Thorin tucked into a tasty dessert after his main dinner, you could feel yourself salivating. That only made you hate yourself more. 
“I’m disgusting, Thorin,” you said, your voice breaking. With that, you fell down on the bed. You placed your head in your hands and wept. 
Thorin was puzzled, but also grief-stricken at the sight of his One in such anguish. “My love?” he whispered, sitting beside you and taking your hand. “Where has this come from? Who has made you feel such a way? I know that it is not me. However could you say you are disgusting? You are beautiful. Every inch of you.” 
Tears blurred your vision as you looked upon your husband. “Back in my world and being overweight is seen as something that makes you less desirable.” 
Thorin scoffed. “Are men in your world really so blind? Your body shape shows that you are healthy. Less desirable?” Thorin chuckled in disbelief. “They cannot be serious. I adore you just as you are. And you have no idea how that body of yours makes me feel.” 
That response made you giggle. “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.” 
“Would I ever lie to you?” Thorin asked, raising his hand to your cheek where he brushed away your tears with his palm. 
“I just thought you’d want me slimmer....”
Thorin cut you off. “Shhh.” He curled his hand around your head, his fingers lacing in your locks. Then he placed his forehead against yours and kissed it softly. “You are utter perfection.” 
224 notes • Posted 2021-02-26 19:30:15 GMT
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sophiesworldofgames · 2 years
Sci-Fi Villagers for SofisWorld!
Guys! Guys! Guys! I have soooo much inspiration now to do a sci-fi themed island. It's going to be AWESOME. 🤩 Here are the villagers that I think will turn this island into the mad science facility of my dreams:
Head of Research: Petri
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This lady is going to be my queen bee head of research. Ever since I saw her introduction she has lived rent-free in my heart. 😍 No secret science lab would be complete without her.
100/100 - please come be the ruler of my science paradise
The Robots: Cephalobot and Del
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Can you really call your facility sci-fi if you don't have a robot or two running around? No, no you cannot.
1100100/1100100 - these binary babes have stolen my whole heart
Scientists: Velma, Graham, Ruby, Ione and Barold
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The competition to be employed as a scientist at such a high caliber facility is fierce. Many individuals submitted applications and were considered, but only these few were accepted.
Velma - Old school researcher who loves books and unwinds at the end of the day by playing the piano.
Graham - New school researcher who spends way too much time perfecting his machine learning algorithms.
Ruby - Aerospace engineer extraordinaire who has been to the moon multiple times.
Ione - Electrical engineer who live streams building aesthetic gaming PCs in her free time.
Barold - Nearing retirement but still the top scientist in his field. Firm believer in the after lunch desk nap.
5/100 - Nintendo, why can't I have more villagers on my island?!
CEO: Raymond
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Every mad scientist needs a rich person with ambiguous morals backing them up. Raymond is just the cat for the job.
110%/100 - will work overtime to acquire funding
Alien Enthusiast: Roswell
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I can't decide if this funky dude is going to be an active researcher, or if he will just live in the pipes and try to start an alien cult. 🤔 Either way, he sure will add "atmosphere."
51/100 - let him welcome our alien overlords
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meliodas-world · 2 years
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I posted 487 times in 2021
60 posts created (12%)
427 posts reblogged (88%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 7.1 posts.
I added 403 tags in 2021
#nanatsu no taizai - 43 posts
#the seven deadly sins - 42 posts
#seven deadly sins - 41 posts
#meliodas - 41 posts
#seven deadly sins manga - 41 posts
#dragon sin meliodas - 40 posts
#nnt fanart - 39 posts
#melizabeth - 39 posts
#ban x meliodas - 39 posts
#fox sin ban - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 39 characters
#that time i got reincarnated as a slime
My Top Posts in 2021
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Here is my good morning to you all since I can't sleep. Color page Gowther and he looks amazing!
74 notes • Posted 2021-11-10 11:29:12 GMT
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Hope you all like my merlin because I love her! So happy with how she came out! Please click for better quality!
78 notes • Posted 2021-10-18 23:09:14 GMT
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New Meliodas and Hawk! Hope you like!
79 notes • Posted 2021-07-12 05:16:17 GMT
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90 notes • Posted 2021-07-14 13:35:45 GMT
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Arthur has now assumed "villain sit down and lean" stance
115 notes • Posted 2021-06-30 17:51:53 GMT
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hecckyeah · 4 years
Could u do some dousy headcanons pls
Omg I would love to 😍
When Fitz tells everyone about the plan to save the world (daisy dying to kill nathaniel), Sousa almost has a heart attack
He keeps quiet because it's obviously her choice, but he wonders if this is how she felt when he volunteered to stay in 1983
He promises himself that he'll never throw something like that at her again
And when she gets back and he realizes she's alive, he won't leave her side
She recovers, and teaches him about the 21st century
By the time she's all recovered again, he has a list of movies and shows to watch, he knows what Netflix is, and he learned what it means to 'meme'
Daisy christens him an honorary millennial, but also calls him "old man" all the time
When she gets the all clear from Jemma, she takes Sousa shopping
He's blown away by how much stores have changed, but as always he takes it in stride
He refuses to buy anything other than button downs and slacks, and a suit, but Daisy picks out a soft cashmere sweater and he begrudgingly adds it to the pile
(it's secretly his favorite item of clothing)
(only because sometimes she steals it to wear, and when he has it on, she's constantly trying to hug him)
They live in the Lighthouse for a while to help Mack rebuild Shield
But they take weekends off to travel
Daisy finally learns how to fly a quinjet, and so does Sousa
They fly across the US and to a few different countries
They talk about everything on their trips
Daisy has a soft spot for the quinjet (mostly because of that time she talked to Mack about Sousa when they were in space)
They talk about their past lives and events leading up to their first meeting
Daisy learns that Sousa actually dated Peggy Carter for a while, but she moved back to New York, and long distance was a bitch
Sousa learns that Daisy grew up an orphan, and his heart breaks for her
They talk about mundane stuff and deep, dark subjects, and everything in between
She tells him that Steve Rogers came back from the dead and joined Shield, and he sits in shock for seven entire minutes
When Mack asks them if they're interested in space travel, it's Sousa who instantly lights up
He helps Daisy warm up to the idea, and after a week of thinking, she can't wait to go
They're ready, and Kora is finishing up at the academy
But right before they leave on Z3, eight months after Daisy died, Daniel Sousa buys a ring
Of course, he doesn't ask Daisy anything yet
He just . . . Wants to have it and look at it
He keeps it hidden the entire year and a half they're in space
Because he knows the spot he wants to take her to
When they get back to earth, he asks Mack for some time off, which of course is granted
They decide to take a quinjet to travel again, and Sousa flies them to Nevada
Daisy laughs when she sees the huge, open base
He radios in to Area 51 and asks permission to land
(It's sappy and dramatic, but the last time Sousa proposed to anyone, he was on both knees with his hands stuck in a couch)
So he takes her hand and leads her down and finds the storage room that used to be his office
And of course she says yes, and she cries a lot (but insists he was crying more, which was probably true)
Their wedding is tiny, but Fitzsimmons fly in from Scotland with their kids, and even Bobbi and Hunter show up
Daisy watches Sousa's face as he realizes that he doesn't have any family there, and her heart breaks
But Mack is his best man, and Coulson officiates, and Kora is sobbing, and Daisy tries not to drip mascara onto her plain, simple, beautiful white dress
They're prepping for another trip to space, so they barely have time for a honeymoon
But Mack shoves car keys into their hands and gives them a brochure for a romantic getaway somewhere warm, and orders them to be back in four days
Daisy hugs Jemma and Fitz and clings to May for too long, and buries her face in Coulson's shoulder
Her found family watches the newlyweds drive away, and Daisy laughs at the dorky grin on Sousa's face
Even if everything changed, and Sousa doesn't have his dad around, and Daisy's found family is split up across the globe . . .
They've never been happier
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bihet-dragonize · 2 years
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I posted 26,490 times in 2021
876 posts created (3%)
25614 posts reblogged (97%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 29.2 posts.
I added 3,025 tags in 2021
#my answers - 507 posts
#kia's answers - 498 posts
#kia's og posts - 446 posts
#kia's post - 360 posts
#signal boost - 287 posts
#mutual aid - 283 posts
#donation request - 202 posts
#fundraising - 169 posts
#scream - 151 posts
#art reference - 122 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#the joy and happiness is just 💖💖💖❤❤💖💖❤💖💖💖💖😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️😍😍😍😍😍😊😊😊😊
My Top Posts in 2021
Genuinely where is this energy for Chris "I attend a homophobic church" Pratt? For Scarlet "whole ass Zionist" Johansson? For Chris "let's sign bombs that will kill brown people" Evans? For Ryan "got married on an actual factual Plantation" Reynolds? Anthony Mackie makes one (1) tone deaf statement and now he's the King of Homophobia. Meanwhile y'all can't even write his character with any nuance or without any racial tropes coming in to play in the gay ships, but you want him to gaybait for you? The fuck is he supposed to do? Play coy and lead you on so you can give Disney/Marvel more fucking money? Or do you think they'll actually make him gay so he can be their 46th "NEW LGBT CHARACTER!!!!!"?
4311 notes • Posted 2021-06-18 04:00:48 GMT
I absolutely HATE how people are focusing more on the "tik tok is having a major ethical scandal" aspect of this whole bone selling company cuz that shouldn't be the focus at all. Like it's not just some "scandal" it's a major ethical issue that's emblematic of how white people view bodies of color- even after death- as things for them to profit off of. We are not afforded the same respect white people give even to animals (other animals, whatever) and now people are being rude and turning this into some "lol tik tok/twitter are always behind tumblr in major drama" thing and it's just not funny to me.
4975 notes • Posted 2021-08-15 20:27:17 GMT
I think it's funny how white people (yes ALL of you) will whine about poc asking them to learn about racism from poc and not just through "fiction" and the excuse is that that's the easiest way to teach people lessons, but then those white people can't analyze ANY media or current events and find the racism in it. Like they will try to justify making all your villains dark skinned and then scream about why h*try p*tter is radical text (also missing Rowling's rampant *checks notes* racism, antisemitism, transphobia, transmisogyny, homophobia, fatphobia etc.). Like.....if fantasy racism is the only effective way to teach about racism, why can't y'all recognize racism better? Everyone and their mother wants to compare Trump to Voldemort and yet y'all can't recognize how the Capital Coup was a push in favor of white supremacist fascism? Are you reading the books or just reading names of characters so you can write a smut fic?
6354 notes • Posted 2021-01-14 04:51:09 GMT
I think a lot of non-Americans forget that America has dropped bombs on and around communities of color in America either to outright kill us or to slowly kill us while terrorizing us. Like I know y'all get tired of learning American history cuz America is a global power but like if you looked into the insidious shit that the American government has done to it's own "citizens" of color to stop us from overthrowing it you'd realize WE aren't so different from you in terms of suffering under American terror. Just saying.
7228 notes • Posted 2021-05-05 17:46:04 GMT
No but when JKR was being casually antisemitic on twitter and homophobic with her reveal that lycanthopy was an AIDS allegory, how was that not the creator of a bigoted media coming through in the media she produced? How do you separate the content from the creator when the creator defends her choice to include racist, antisemitic, homophobic and transphobic content in her media? Like you hp fans are doing gymnastics to justify your love for a franchise that at its core has always been flawed and you just shrug that off. You just hand-wave it away and say "separate the art from the artist" but the art is flawed and the artist has defended those flaws. So where does the separation happen when the artist admits to purposely being cruel?
Not a single HP fan can answer this btw because you'll all circle back to "B-b-b-but the art can be sEpArAtEd". None of you have any argument that deals in real life material affects.
The facts are that the HP series is riddled with bigotry and JKR has fought tooth and nail to justify that bigotry. JKR is a Terf (trans exclusionary radical feminist) and has included transmisogyny and casual transphobia in the books since the first book. JKR has taken her fame (from continued public support of HP) and hatred of trans women and used it to get laws in the UK passed that endanger the lives of trans people, specifically trans women and tried to get laws passed in the US. JKR has also written a new violently transmisogynistic book.
No matter how much you try to separate a series filled with bigotry from the bigot that wrote it, you're going to fail. And you want to know why? Because art does not spawn from no where. Art is not made in a vacuum. Art is not some mystical power that comes to some people in the night. Art is a product of the people that create it and if the person who creates the art is a bigot that bigotry with always shine through. People create based on what they know and what they believe to be true.
7248 notes • Posted 2021-09-23 03:04:10 GMT
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eurydicees · 2 years
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I posted 4,047 times in 2021
1133 posts created (28%)
2914 posts reblogged (72%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.6 posts.
I added 2,782 tags in 2021
#ohshc - 733 posts
#ouran liveblog - 395 posts
#tamaki suoh - 318 posts
#ask - 244 posts
#haikyuu - 229 posts
#kyoya ootori - 215 posts
#atla - 178 posts
#fruits basket - 174 posts
#haruhi fujioka - 153 posts
#riordanverse - 143 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i dont really care about follower count. but i am well aware that y’all followed to anime and/or musicals. and couldn’t care less abt sports
My Top Posts in 2021
haruhi: want to play a game?
honey: sure!
haruhi: it's called "kyoya or tamaki." i give you actual quotes i have heard tamaki say and you tell me if he said them about his boyfriend or himself.
honey: that can't be too hard, right?
haruhi: quote number one- "you're the prettiest person in the world"
honey: oh
301 notes • Posted 2021-06-06 21:43:16 GMT
haruhi: hi
tamaki: 😍💕❤️💕💘💘😍😍💝❤️❤️💘💗💖💖😘😘😘
haruhi: how the fuck did you say that out loud?
303 notes • Posted 2021-03-09 22:45:24 GMT
literally listening to zero tumblr criticism of solar power….. lorde owes you NOTHING. stop this whole “go back to being mentally ill” and “i miss when she was doing cocaine” like ??? girl i know think you’re better than everyone else but she’s not gonna fuck you
432 notes • Posted 2021-08-20 06:14:08 GMT
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i’m not as devastated as i could be, but this picture may make me cry 
456 notes • Posted 2021-08-02 10:19:51 GMT
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heterosexual ways to interact with your friends
491 notes • Posted 2021-03-07 02:51:50 GMT
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firstruleofmethclub · 3 years
41, 51, 61, 71, 81? I am sorrow if you've done any of those already
41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now?
L'ALICE!!!! Oh my God more than anything. After living together for 2 years straight (and on-and-off multiple times for the past 10 years) she moved out again like 3 weeks ago and fuuuck do I miss her already. AND NOW WE'RE IN LOCKDOWN SO I CAN'T EVEN VISIT 😤 There are a lot of people who are struggling at the moment that I'd like to be with right now, like a childhood friend who lives in NSW but works with me in ACT and so she gets a 14 day stay at home order every time she crosses the border. So I want very badly to be there for them. But just for me? Yeah, I really really really really want to see L'alice. (Who people that follow me but don't know me IRL might recognise from the CEO sleepout fundraiser she did because she's an actual real life superhero).
51: Favorite actor and/or actress?
I've spent years saying Ray Stevenson... I don't know if that's true... I Think it is? I haven't seen him in anything new for a while. He is very good though, and I do like him as a person. Tom Hardy pretty up there too 😍
61: What makes you unfollow a blog?
Recently I unfollowed a blog for literally no reason other than they kept posting about not wanting to people to follow them, so like, obviously I'm gonna do that. But normally it'll be people who get a hyperfixation on something (which by itself is actually a good thing), but then they'll back to back just reblog *everything* from the tag about it on tumblr, including multiples of the same image/video, and like INCREDIBLY pixel-y/low-res pictures, or even just links to stuff they clearly haven't actually looked at themselves. Also I usually unfollow blogs if they've gone 2 years without posting anything. It used to be more than 2 months, but I put a much wider margin on it after the titty ban, which meant people were still around, but less frequently.
71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most?
I'm too fat to fit in most of the clothes that like... Get made. I'm also way too poor to buy new stuff very often So I basically just wear the same 7 or 8 things over and over. I'm fine with whatever so long as it's black. I guess the "outfit" I like the most is the same thing I wear every day but feat. trench coat and eyeliner. So the thing I wear almost every day.
81: Piercings you have?
Literally just my ear. I used to have my tongue pierced and 5 labret piercings, but one day in 2012, when I was on a real bad comedown, I had that feeling of being gross and dirty no matter how much you clean, so I took all my piercings out to try and alleviate the feeling somewhat (which it did) and then I fell asleep. Woke up 13 hours later and all of the piercings had healed too much for me to force the jewlery back through, except for my ear. And I just never got them re-done. I would like more though. Just... Again, poor.
💋💋💋 Thank you, Izzy!
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