#he literally reminds me of kenobi
13ag21k · 11 months
I'm at season 3 of Star Wars rebels and the amount of people that have adopted Ezra is hilarious. Like Hera saw this boi and immediately asks Kanan to take him as his apprentice, Rex sees him and immediately decides that he is his little cadet and is responsible for his training and don't get me started on Maul, he sees Ezra for a few seconds and calls him "apprentice"
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fire-atwill · 2 years
Okay at this point how the actual Fuck is this man alive just DIE ALREADY
Fuck the force this man has persistence for days
Also it is not. This. Bitches. Fault. Anakin. Is. A. Crusty. Bitch
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captainkirkk · 3 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
Miraculous Ladybug
Open My Eyes by buggachat
Adrien smiles as he eats breakfast with Nathalie, smiles as he walks through the halls of his new lycée, smiles as people stop him on the street and tell him time and time again what a "hero" his father was.
(Adrien wishes he could've been a hero, too. He should've been. Maybe then his father would still be alive.)
(But he's surviving. Everyone may be treating him as though he were made of glass, but he can still go through the motions, he can prove them wrong, he can still smile.)
“And you’re… happy,” Marinette spoke carefully, a nervous tilt to her voice, “... right?”
(Adrien has some things to find out.)
the good, the bad, and the power hungry by konan_konan
dim trake ☑ @timdrakeceo・8hr if one more person tweets about #superlex unironically im gonna end it all 391K Views | 200 Retweets | 13 Quote Tweets | 22.1K Likes
j-son of a bitch ☑ @jsntdd・8hr ↳ replying to @timdrakeceo hurr durr these are the consequences of ur actions bitch 201K Views | 109 Retweets | 4 Quote Tweets | 18.4K Likes
or: lex luthor makes bad choices. and then, so does everyone else.
call me cute and feed me sugar by suzukiblu
Tim Drake had absolutely no intentions of ever becoming anyone's sugar daddy when he met Superboy.
This would have worked out better for him if Superboy had ever had an actual legal identity or an actual legal guardian or just . . . literally anything whatsoever in life. Ever. At all.
Just a bank account, even.
how big, how blue, how beautiful by merils
Kon-El is not good with medical settings. One could even say he's quite bad with them. How bad, exactly?
Well, let's put it this way: Very few things in the world can make him scream for Superman to save him.
(Superman will save him. That's what family's for, right?)
Clone Wars
The Kenobi Chronicles by WobblyCat
General Kenobi isn't actually dead. Someone should really tell that to his troopers, though.
Or: The clones under General Kenobi's command have a groupchat dedicated to him. Cody wishes his subordinates weren't so fucking stupid.
Shen Yuan's Forced Shen Qingqiu Redemption Arc by SpicyReyes
The System's OOC function won't unlock all at once - instead, character traits have to be added individually, through quests. This leads to Shen Qingqiu having to jump through endless hoops just to complete enough side quests to unlock the ability to be a decent person - all while avoiding the effects it has on those around him. If only the cheapskate System wouldn't keep changing the cost of point values - he needs to know what the hell Yue Qingyuan told the others about him that makes them all look so sad when he does manage to be nice! He's breaking his back here, can't we just appreciate his work?!
second-hand alibis by nex_et_nox
"All right. I’m in Proud Immortal Demon Way," he says, once he's had a chance to compose himself again. He sits back up, tossing his stupidly long hair back over his shoulders where it belongs; he is totally calm and ready to grill the System for more information.  "Who am I supposed to be?" Please please please don't let it be someone who Bingge violently murders. Though given the fact that he's a man in PIDW, his chances are already skewed, and not in his favor. Ugh. [Bound Role: Shen Yuan, Rogue Cultivator. Weapon: the sword Heng Li. Starting B-points: 100.]
or: Shen Yuan transmigrates as a rogue cultivator, one completely unconnected to any canon characters or events. Right, System? Right?
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wizardofrozz · 1 year
Shadow Play
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Commander Fox x senator!reader (fem), Senator Farr, Commander Thorn, and mention of Commander Stone
Word Count: ~3.7k
Warnings: NSFW, this is literally just filth, unprotected sex, exhibition, creampie, fluff, Fox being a tease
Summary: Seeing their favorite senator getting wrecked by their commander was certainly not in the Coruscant Guard’s mission briefing for today. 
A/N: I finally had the motivation to write some Fox smut thanks to this art. Huge thanks to @homie-one-kenobi​ for all the encouragement and help editing ❤️ Writing this has reduced me to a puddle so please enjoy 😂
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         Lights flashed across the rows of seats, making you squint as another Mon Calamari dancer twirled elegantly. You tried to focus on the choreography, praying it would hold your attention but no matter what, you still couldn’t force yourself to enjoy the ballet. Watching it for a third time wasn’t changing your opinion, yet it wasn’t like you could’ve declined the offer. Your eyes flickered to the balcony opposite you, noting Fox’s absence for the fifth time in less than an hour, borderline glaring at the unfortunate Corrie taking his place. 
         A small part of you hated the poor sentry, his red armor acting as a constant reminder that for the last 21 rotations and 17 hours since Fox left for an off-world assignment, your bed had been cold and empty. Your eyes finally drifted away from the trooper and just barely stopped yourself from rolling your eyes at the small group of senators whispering praises. While you agreed that the performers were exceptional, you couldn’t follow the plot, leaving you to count down the seconds until the next intermission. A small part of you wished that Riyo or Padme were there to make the whole experience a little more bearable. 
         Years of etiquette training was the only thing that stopped you from jumping out of your seat when a booming voice announced the second intermission. Your aid that was standing near the back of the senatorial box shot you a sympathetic look and you appreciated the gesture even if there was nothing they could do to help. Just as the door was within reach, the faint call of your name had you stopping in your tracks, forcing your expression to remain pleasant. 
         “Senator Farr,” you greeted, managing a small smile. You had nothing against the Rodian senator, you quite liked him, but you really weren’t in the mood for small talk. You expected him to ask for your interpretation of the ballet only to surprise you when he ushered you into the bustling hall. 
         “How many more acts are there?” he whispered, leaning in to keep the conversation somewhat private. Your mouth twisted to the side in a poor attempt at hiding your amusement.
         “Three,” you replied, chewing on your top lip when Senator Farr’s already large eyes seemed to grow bigger. “I plan to feign a stomach bug for the next two.” 
         “Will it be any less believable if we both do?” he mused, glancing over your shoulder at the cluster of senators still talking about Act 2. 
         “Probably more believable,” you snickered, scratching the corner of your mouth to cover your persistent grin. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m not feeling well.”
         “Hm, now that you mention it,” Farr sighed, his forehead wrinkling in a show of distress that you found quite impressive. He chanced one last look over your shoulder before gently nudging your arm and hurrying toward the bathroom. You allowed yourself a fond laugh before heading in the direction of the lady’s room, making a detour through the nearby door at the last second. The click of your disgustingly uncomfortable shoes was deafening in the silent stairwell, making you pause at the top of the first flight to check no one had followed. 
         Once you were confident you were in the clear, you took the last flight at a slower pace, contemplating burning the fucking torture devices you called shoes the entire way. You paused one last time at the top of the steps, just to be safe, before slipping through the door at the top. A warm, orangish glow washed over you, melting some of the tension in your neck and shoulders as you stepped into the cupola. 
         It had been far too long since you’d ventured into the little hideaway, only able to admire the beautiful stained glass windows from afar. Most Coruscant residents had no idea there was even a room atop the opera house, meaning they missed out on one of the most beautiful views. You lazily wandered toward the window, lightly brushing your fingers over the marbled glass, watching the slightly distorted ecumenopolis below. Your original intention had been to find a refuge from the torture of sitting through three more acts but standing there, looking out across the capital world, all you felt was lonely. 
         The soft whir of the door was lost to your aching heart but there was no mistaking the muted footsteps approaching. Anyone else would’ve felt fear in that moment, yet you only sighed, knowing the taste of solace you found had come to an end. You let your hand linger on the cool glass for another second before dropping it, turning to face the presence lingering off to your left. 
         For a moment, you were convinced you were hallucinating, that maybe you were sick, when you turned to find a Coruscant Guard member watching you. There was no mistaking the pattern you had sought out in waves of red armor time and time again. He canted his head and it was so painfully familiar, it nearly brought tears to your eyes.
         “What are you doing here?” you blurted, your manners suddenly tumbling to Coruscant’s surface. Not that he minded. 
         “I could ask you the same thing,” Fox countered. Just hearing his voice, the unique inflection in his words that set him apart had your shoulders slumping like the marionette strings folding your facade up had been cut. Something between a sob and laugh tumbled past your lips, the sound seemed to break through the barrier Fox built around himself. The second his stance lost some of its rigidity you were moving, throwing your arms around his shoulders. The collision punched a grunt out of Fox but he barely even swayed, catching your weight with ease.
         “What are you doing here?” you repeated, the words muffled against his shoulder. It had been three long weeks since you saw him before he went dark for a security detail off-world. Fox smelled of blaster fire, caf, and sweat, a mixture that should’ve had your nose wrinkling, but right then, it was so perfectly him you pressed closer. 
         “Thought I’d pick up a security shift for a few senators spending the night at the opera,” Fox sighed, pressing the hard edge of his helmet against the side of your head. That had you pulling away, staring into his dark visor. How long had he been back? The question must’ve been written all over your face because Fox laughed, a soft, beautiful sound. “Relax, we landed maybe an hour before it started.”
         “Shouldn’t you be resting?” you mumbled, threading your fingers together at the back of his neck.
         “I’ll rest when I’m dead,” Fox snorted, pulling you as close as he dared. The bite of plastoid against your body was uncomfortable but you’d take it over his absence any day.
         “Drama queen,” you huffed with a fond eye roll. His helmet tipped down and you assumed he was pinning you with a dark glare, something you had never wanted to see more than you did in that moment. You carefully broke the seal, slowly lifting the bright red helmet off, not realizing you were holding your breath. Fox blinked a few times, gently shaking his head, tousling his longer-than-normal curls. But instead of a scowl, you were greeted with a soft smile that melted your heart. 
         “Hey,” he breathed, gently tracing the curve of your back. 
         “Stars, I missed you,” you rasped just before surging forward to capture his lips. Fox let out a soft, breathy laugh against your lips before gently cradling the back of your head, and leaning into the kiss. The bitterness of caf lingered on his lips, a taste you shouldn’t have missed seeing that you drank it just as often as Fox, however, it always seemed to taste better this way.   
         The kiss had started out sweet, a slow and tender brush of lips that made your heart flutter wildly. You intended to pull away until Fox started to knead the back of your neck, molding you against the curve of his chest. Every ounce of fatigue and anxiety you had been holding onto melted away as you coaxed his mouth open. Fox groaned softly, using his hold on your neck to angle your head back with an urgency you weren’t expecting. The shift had your head spinning to the point that you hadn’t realized you were moving until your back met the cool window.
         “Missed you too,” Fox mumbled, dragging his lips away from yours to pant against your cheek. “So fucking much.”
         “Mm, playing bodyguard for one of my colleagues wasn’t engaging enough,” you teased, carding through his messy hair. Fox nipped at your ear in retaliation, forcing a half-gasp, half-giggle past your lips. He tugged you tighter against his chest, the unforgiving plastoid of his codpiece pressing into your thigh, tempting you with what waited behind it. 
         “Like any of them could compare to you,” he breathed, nuzzling into your neck with a shallow roll of his hips. Maybe it was because you weren’t used to him being gone for long stretches of time but you were suddenly aching to feel something beyond GAR blacks and rigid plastoid. Fox yelped at the impatient tug on his codpiece, pulling back to dart his eyes between your hand and your face. 
         “What - what are you doing?” he hissed, glancing over his shoulder. Yet he didn’t try to move your hand, letting you trace the shape at a torturous pace. 
         “I’m trying to indulge in what I’ve been daydreaming about for weeks,” you huffed, playfully tugging on the clip holding the armor in place. You watched the way his Adam’s apple bobbed before his expression shifted, brown eyes somehow growing darker in the low light. 
         “Right here?” Fox mused, crowding you against the window and pinning your hand in place. Daring you to bow out. “Now what if one of the boys looked up and saw us? How would they feel seeing their favorite senator being ruined by their commander?” 
         “Fox,” you gasped, closing your fist in his hair, and grinding into the curve of his thigh plate. The idea should’ve scared you, should’ve filled you with a numbing dread at the thought of anyone catching an esteemed senator with a Guard commander. Instead, you clenched around nothing, mouth falling open with your strained pants. 
         “Oh, you like that, honey,” Fox purred, his gloved hand slipping under the hem of your short skirt. Even through a layer of fabric, his touch left a trail of heat across your skin. The quiet whine that followed the first brush of his fingers over your cunt made him shiver in your grip. “Maker, you sound even sweeter than in my dreams.”
         “You - you dream about the s-sounds I make?” you panted, rocking forward in time with the drag of his fingers.
         “Oh, I dream about more than that,” he chucked, bumping his nose against yours.
         “Care to share?”
         “How long do you have?” 
         “For you?” you whispered, barely brushing your lips against his. “All the time in the galaxy.”
         “Is that so?” he mumbled, moving to pepper kisses down the side of your neck. You caught a glimpse of redness high on his cheeks just before a digit sank into you with little resistance. Your cunt clenched around his gloved finger, a strangled moan bursting from your lips as he pumped his finger once. The rough fabric of his gloves never bothered you before but the desperate, clawing need to feel the warmth of his skin had you squirming.
         “Take your gloves off,” you all but begged, “please.” You almost wished you hadn’t asked when he slowly, torturously, pulled away. He caught your eye, pinning you in place with a heavy look, never breaking eye contact as he brought his hand toward his face. You had witnessed Fox bring down a mercenary single-handedly after losing his blaster, seen him dissolve a full-fledged riot, and hit what should’ve been an impossible mark without batting an eye. Yet somehow the sight of his tongue curling around the soaked finger of his glove was more electrifying, setting your teeth on edge. 
         He pinned you in place, closing his lips around his finger; his lashes fluttered, a muffled groan filling the air as he savored your taste. Your lungs suddenly felt too small as you watched the slow drag of his digit over his full bottom lip. Fox was putting on a show, the twinkle in his lust-blown eyes giving him away and you were undoubtedly enjoying every second. A flash of white teeth sinking into the tip of the glove made your breath hitch, your eyes staying glued to the hem of the fabric as Fox tilted his head back, revealing strong, calloused hands. 
         Fox’s now bare hand came to rest lightly against your chest, following the curve of your body but your focus was zeroed in on the glove dangling from his teeth. He looked far too pleased with himself, a slight smirk lifting the corner of his mouth as he paused, letting you admire the view. The feather-light brush of his fingers over your heated skin jerked you back to reality but your eyes still followed the fabric when he turned his head, letting the glove fall to the floor before turning his attention back to you. 
         “Better?” he rumbled, brushing through your folds before sinking two fingers into you, his smug grin never fading. Your head bobbed in an almost frantic nod as you tried to bite back a moan. Fox’s smug smile wasn’t helping either. 
         “Fuck, yes,” you gasped, tightening your grip in his hair. Fox hummed in the back of his throat, lazily pumping his fingers like he had all the time in the world. You were suddenly reminded of your hand placement when he shifted his weight. If your brain didn’t feel like it might leak out of your ears, you would’ve been more impressed with the skillful way you unclipped his codpiece in one swift movement. 
         “You’re getting too good at that,” Fox groaned, rocking into your hand.
         “You only have yourself to blame,” you laughed breathlessly, tracing the shape of his hard length. He surged forward, his finger brushing a devastating spot inside you as his lips slammed into yours, muffling your incoherent cry. 
         “Will–will you let me,” he stammered between kisses, the sloppy roll of his hips growing rougher, “let me fuck you for all of Coruscant to see?” 
         “If–fuck–if you don’t–” you warned, trying to sound commanding, but your ability to form words was quickly narrowing to nothing more than curses and Fox’s name. That seemed to be all the permission he needed though as he licked into your mouth again, the hand that had been buried in your cunt coming up to grip your jaw. In a flurry of movement, you were suddenly facing the expanses of Coruscant, Fox’s warmth pressing against your back as he hiked your skirt up, bunching it around your hips.
         “Put your hands on the window, honey,” he rumbled, brushing his nose against the shell of your ear. You obeyed without a second thought, bracing both your hands against one of the orange panels; your heart fluttered when one of his large hands filled the space beside yours. “I wonder if I’ll be able to see our handprints every time I pass by.”
         The thought that you’d leave behind a reminder, something only you and Fox would know about, had you pushing back into him. He seemed to catch on, unceremoniously tugging his pants down just enough to free his weeping cock, slipping it between your thighs. There was a brief moment where he paused, his tip barely pressing into your folds like he was savoring the buildup before he pushed in. The stretch felt endless, your head falling forward as you panted around soft whimpers until he was fully sheathed. 
         “Stars,” you chuckled, feeling dizzy with how full you were, “almost forgot how big you are.” Fox’s hips jerked forward involuntarily, punching the air from your lungs. His free hands slowly followed the curve of your waist, catching on the flashy fabric of your outfit, pausing briefly to brush a thumb over your covered nipple. A shiver tore through you when his hand gently curled around your throat, never squeezing, only using his grip as a way to hold you in place. 
         “Guess I’ll have to remind you,” he growled, pausing long enough for the words to sink in before he moved. The first thrust tested your ability to hold yourself up but Fox barely gave you a moment to steady yourself before he picked up a brutal pace. If you weren’t so high above the bustling crowds, you might’ve been worried about how you cried out, throwing your head back against Fox’s shoulder. 
         “F-Fox,” you moaned, needing him to hear the desperation pumping through your veins. You mindlessly curled your fingers over the smooth window pane, forcing your eyes open when you met warm skin. Fox’s hand was still braced against the window, your hand half covering his after your frantic scrambling. You were so mesmerized by the sheer size difference that you didn't notice right away when Fox shifted his weight, hitting a spot that made your eyes cross. You blindly grabbed onto the back of his hand, fingers interlacing between his. Fox instinctively closed his hand, pressing your fingertips into the rough skin of his palm. He nuzzled against your cheek, his ragged breathing raising goosebumps along the length of your throat.
         “Fuck, you - you feel so good, cyar’ika” he whimpered, pressing a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss to your cheek. You were both spiraling out of control, climbing higher and higher with each galaxy-shattering thrust. Fox’s usually composed attitude was long gone, leaving him just as desperate and pleasure-drunk as you were. The heat building under your skin had reached a scalding level but you just couldn’t seem to fall over the edge.
         “I– I’m so close,” you whispered, turning your head to try and find his lips. Fox mumbled something you couldn’t quite catch before his hand slid over your chest, coming to rest on your stomach. The pressure of his hand made each punch of his cock somehow more explosive, reminding you both just how deep he was; Fox’s strangled moan overlayed with yours, his hips losing their rhythm.
         “Never - fuck -  never leaving you behind again,” he panted, leaning heavily against your back to drop his hand lower. Every muscle in your lower half clenched when his fingers brushed your clit, ripping an unusually loud moan from deep in Fox’s chest. The movements of his fingers were sloppy but you were so lost in the blinding pleasure that it didn’t matter. It finally, finally, crested, throwing you over the edge with a cry of Fox’s name as you gushed around him.
         It only took three more thrusts before Fox went rigid, burying himself to the hilt with a soft, shaky moan. 
         Your thoughts cleared slowly, the fog of arousal melting away as you drifted back down to Coruscant. The empty cupola felt oddly quiet without the slap of skin on skin, leaving you to focus on Fox’s slightly labored breathing. Your eyes drifted back to where your hands were still braced against the stained glass, a small smile lifting the corner of your mouth when you noticed that your hand was still wrapped around Fox’s larger one. Flashing speeder lights caught your attention, drawing your gaze to the traffic zipping past the opera house. 
         “Think anyone saw us?” you wondered absently. Fox laughed, loud and unguarded, dropping his forehead onto your shoulder and the sound alone was enough to make your stomach do a funny little flip.
         “We may never know,” Fox snickered, kissing the base of your neck. The deafening chirp of Fox’s comm brought you crashing back to reality, but you did your best to not let your disappointment show when he reached up to tap a button on his vambrace. “Fox.”
         “Gotta question for you, Commander,” Thorn said in place of a greeting. Fox propped his chin on your shoulder, humming softly when you let your head drop to the side, resting your temple against his. 
         “Yes, Thorn.” There was a pregnant pause, your brows pulling together when you swore you heard a muffle laugh through the channel. 
         “You, uh, wouldn’t happen to be in the opera house’s cupola, would you?” Thorn snickered. Your stomach plummeted to your feet while Fox stiffened behind you. There was no denying it since Fox’s cock was still buried inside you. You tilted your head down, searching for a few dots of red in the sea of creatures, easily finding them near the opera house’s entrance. 
         “No,” Fox replied stiffly, only making the situation worse.
         “Oh really?” a slightly different voice huffed. You glanced to the side, arching a brow in question. Fox rolled his eyes but mouthed, Stone, before returning his attention back to the comm. 
         “Heya, senator!” Thorn shouted. You only knew it was him because just as the greeting came through, you saw one of the dots with more red paint raise an arm, waving it wildly.
         “How’d you know?” Fox grumbled, sounding close to pouting in your opinion.
         “We can see your shadows, shit for brains,” Thorn wheezed, barely getting his sentence out between fits of laughter. 
         “Go do your fucking jobs,” Fox snapped, punching the button to end the call a little too hard. You had managed to keep a straight face throughout the call but you were steadily losing the battle against laughter. “I’m glad you find it funny.”
         “I’m surprised you don’t,” you giggled, lightly resting your head against his temple. Fox huffed and hid his face against your shoulder, faintly shaking his head. 
         “I’m never going to hear the end of this,” he groaned, mindlessly squeezing your fingers that were still intertwined with his.
         “About getting caught,” you wondered, letting a smirk pull at the corner of your mouth, “or how hot it looked from their perspective?” Fox sounded defeated as he brought your intertwined hands to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles. 
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Taglist: @techs-feral-wife​ (thank you for your help too Max ❤️)
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foggysirens · 2 years
i think what made the last episode of kenobi, and the kenobi show as a whole, so special is because it really just reminded us that the heart of star wars is love.
we see it full force with beru and owen. both willing to do anything to protect luke. put their lives on the line for him. we see it in beru immediately jumping into action. we see it in owen's claiming of luke as his own. his son. their son. in the looks on their faces when they see luke again, the utter fear that he may be gone. because while obi-wan could most likely feel him in the force, for one gut wrenching moment owen and beru thought their boy was gone.
we see it in breha and bail. their odd, funny little girl finally home and you can just feel their joy. their pride when leia is unapologetically herself. and how when obi-wan talks to leia about her birth parents, she instead looks to them. those who have raised her with a fierce love and kindness. how when she looks to them, they look back with so much love.
we see it in obi-wan and anakin. obi-wan apologizing to anakin, and we have to wonder how long those words have been building inside him? and then the tragic acceptance that there is no longer that person there to love. that his ten years of grief, maybe longer, was over something that was not his fault, that he could have never succeeded in preventing. but at the same time, we know that obi-wan still holds his love for anakin. it's just that darth vader isn't him.
and don't even get me started on obi-wan and his love for luke and leia. how leia was the one to pull him from his isolation. become the man he was again. how watching over luke is his motivation to stay that way. how thinking about them literally is what gives him the strength to pull himself up from the ground. honestly obi-wan and the twins deserve their own post.
star wars has always been a story about love. it can, after all, ignite the stars. and the kenobi finale has captured that fully, making it feel like the most truly star wars show in ages.
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miguelswifey04 · 10 months
wait a riff off of the universal POC household experience:
miguel is helping gabi with her math hw (who’s STRUGGLING, she did not get the STEM genes) and he’s desperately trying not release his inner dad because he’s trying to break the cycle of children crying due to their dads getting mad at them for not being able to do math.
YES THIS!! but my moms too because my mom literally made me break down 😭
miguel o’hara and gabriella o’hara
breaking the cycle of being emotionally abusive to your children while helping them with their homework.
it was heartwarming yet slightly challenging situation as he assisted gabriella with her math homework. he understood her struggles and empathized with the frustration she felt, but he was determined to break the cycle of parental pressure and children's tears. with a patient and gentle demeanor, miguel leaned over gabriella’s desk, his eyes scanning the equations and numbers she was wrestling with. “alright, let's take this step by step. don’t worry, mija, math can certainly be a bit tricky at times, but with some practice and a positive mindset, you'll get the hang of it."
gabriella sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. she felt a sense of relief knowing that miguel wasn't going to lose his temper over her difficulties. “thanks, papa. it just feels like my brain isn't wired for this stuff. i feel so dumb."
miguel shook his head, his face filled with sincerity and encouragement. “hey now love, none of that negative talk. you’re not dumb, gabriella. everyone has their strengths, and we all learn differently. it just takes a little extra effort sometimes, but i know you can do it." miguel guided his daughter through the problems, breaking them down into more manageable parts. he utilized different teaching techniques, ensuring he tailored his approach to her specific way of understanding.
in moments where gabriella’s frustration threatened to overtake her, miguel provided encouraging words, reminding her of her potential. “remember, we're not aiming for perfection here. progress and understanding are what matter. take a deep breath, you've got this."time ticked away as they persevered through the math problems. there were a few struggles, a couple of incorrect answers, but miguel smiled reassuringly after each challenge, showing gabriella that mistakes were merely part of the learning process.
as they finally wrapped up the last problem, gabriella looked up at miguel, a mix of relief and gratitude in her eyes. "thank you, papa. i couldn't have done it without your patience and support. you really helped me understand this."miguel beamed, proud of gabriella for persevering and pushing through the difficulties. “you did the hard work yourself, gabriella. i was just here to guide you. remember, math is just one aspect of your incredible journey. your worth is not defined by numbers. you are intelligent, creative, and capable in so many ways."
gabriella's face brightened with a newfound confidence as she internalized her dad’s words. she felt a sense of empowerment, knowing that her worth extended far beyond her struggles with math. in that moment, miguel knew he had succeeded in breaking the cycle of pressure and anger that had haunted his own childhood. he filled the room with a warmth that radiated a genuine love and understanding, reminding his own daughter that her worth was immeasurable.
a/n: dad miguel 🔛🔝(of me)
tags 🏷️!! @kairiscorner @meeom @obi-mom-kenobi @sabcandoit @emiemiemiii @astro1bloom
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rants-of-rae · 2 years
Kenobi: Skywalker’s Only Hope
Let’s talk about Anakin’s final “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope” as seen (as I will argue) in the final episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi (Part VI) [spoiler warning!]
During their final duel of Kenobi (Pt VI), Obi-Wan is able to (literally) crack Vader’s facade. Behind the helmet, he sees Anakin. He calls his name, too stunned to do anything else.
Vader looks at him and tells him that “Anakin is gone.”
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Yet as Obi-Wan cries and apologizes to Anakin, we see the facade crack more as we catch a glimpse of Anakin, tortured emotions across his face.
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Vader then says something very surprising. He says “I am not your failure, Obi-Wan. You didn’t kill Anakin Skywalker. I did.”
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This is significant for two reasons. 1) it’s a callback to Mustafar (“I have failed you, Anakin, I have failed you”) and 2) this is also, arguably, a sliver of Anakin here — whether it’s a desperate move by the suppressed Anakin to assuage Obi-Wan’s guilt or is simply (Anakin’s) self-loathing and self-hatred, which are also canonically emotions that fueled Vader, is up to you.
The brief raw emotional vulnerability quickly fades, however, and Vader is back to threatening Obi-Wan, who finally comes to the conclusion that Anakin is well and truly gone, and decides to leave him, turning his back on him as he had done on Mustafar.
But the thing is, Vader can’t keep going on without Kenobi. The passion he has for Kenobi- whatever nature that may be- fuels Vader’s power. As Obi-Wan walks away, Vader cries out to him, calling his name twice.
The fact that he calls Obi-Wan’s name twice is really important, because I argue that this is coded as Anakin’s ‘distress signal.’ In “Twilight of the Apprentice” (from SW Rebels s2), Anakin also calls out to Ahsoka after his helmet has been slashed by her. “Ahsoka…. Ahsoka,” he says, initiating the outreach. She responds by whispering his name back in return (twice), further showing the importance of the double use of the name.
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Which is why it’s a really big deal (!!) that when Obi-Wan finally tells Vader he’s given up/finally believes Anakin is well and truly gone, Vader initiates the contact and cries out to him. Twice.
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This was Anakin’s last attempt to communicate his ‘distress signal’ to Obi-Wan, to tell him that Anakin needed his help. Anakin knew that he would never escape Vader if even Obi-Wan came to believe that Anakin was gone. Anakin cried out to him, knowing that Obi-Wan was his only hope.
Reading the text this way makes Vader’s final scene all the more tragic. In talking to Palpatine, Vader reinforces his desire to chase Kenobi. “He will not evade me again,” he says. (He’s my only hope, I cannot let him evade me again). Like a moth drawn to flame, Vader (or really Anakin inside of Vader) needs his Master. He cannot give up the flicker of hope that Obi-Wan presents.
That is until Palpatine yanks on his leash, reminding Vader of his dependency on him. He calls him out for his feelings over Obi-Wan weakening him, then vaguely hints that if Vader cannot overcome his past, then there would be no further use for him, and Palpatine would destroy him.
This is the final nail in the coffin. Vader sinks back into his chair. Defeated. “I serve only you, my Master,” he says, and we hear the Imperial March swell in the background.
Vader has resigned himself to his fate. Anakin slips away inside of him, not to reemerge until Return of the Jedi ten years later with the aid of his son. Until then, we see an increasingly cold, detached Vader, one that truly lost all hope when Kenobi called him “Darth” and accepted that Anakin was gone. If Kenobi had lost all hope, so did Anakin.
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kyberrebel · 9 months
Things that went through my mind during Ahsoka Episode 5
“You look old” Damn Anakin that was rude
So… Has Anakin just been watching over Ahsoka (and maybe his children) while he’s been dead? 
I don’t know if I have just gotten used to it, but his face doesn’t look as weird as in the last episode
Just seeing Hayden back as Anakin without even really doing anything yet is bringing legit tears to my eyes
“I’m here to finish your training” SIR??
The fighting between them is so good. It reminds me of the training-fighting between Anakin and Obi-Wan flashback in the Kenobi series 
Oh good, they don’t actually think Sabine’s dead
“There is something about the water… Can you hear it? The lightsabers?” Jacen is totally force-sensitive and I love it
A FLASHBACK??? *as I hyperventilate*
Damn Anakin looks fine here
Little Snips is so cute 
This scene really highlights just how young Ahsoka was during the war, and how kind of messed up it is to have a kid fight in a war, which I feel was sometimes lost in TCW
The acting is top-tier, from both Hayden and Ahsoka’s child actress
“He was intense” I wonder if Huyang knows Anakin was Darth Vader
So will they address the Vader-shaped elephant in the room in this conversation?
I guess so. I also literally screamed when the red saber came out.
I have so many questions… Was that actually Anakin, or was Ahsoka imagining him? If it was really him, was he just testing her? Or does he actually struggle with the dark side, even in the afterlife?
I knew she would come back to life in one episode. How many times now has Ahsoka been resurrected at this point?
I’m just now realizing that Ahsoka doesn’t have ears.
“I respectfully disagree” I can’t remember this dude's name, but I love him
This episode was amazing from beginning to end. It definitely deserved the theater release. Everything was just Chief’s kiss. Now let me go cry some more about the Anakin scenes 
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memoriesoftanalorr · 1 month
My favorite Star Wars guys
Note: If I didn't mention some of your faves, well all of Star Wars men are pretty and badass. I'm appreciate all of them. Or I could forget some.
Dagan Gera
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Once I saw the trailer of Star Wars Jedi survivor, I've seen some guy in bacta and I saw the eyes that was so blue that I'm was frightened and hypnotized in the same time. High Republic is unknown SW timeline for me but I'd love to read comics and audiobooks somehow of it because I'm interested. Dagan is interesting character but he didn't get much character development and not all of the backstory. I wish creators made a scenario where he is getting a redemption arc. Not to mention his grieving of lost opportunity and wishing to change the past or however overthinking is reminds me of myself. I love this character a lot.
Side note: I didn't know about Cody Fern at all, now I know. I think he's pretty and talented actor. One of my posts I'm saying Dagan's eyes unrealistically blue but when I'm looking at Cody and how I'm can say it now? I love his voice and eyes. Literally lost my mind. I'm thinking of Dagan everyday and about Cody too because it's his character.
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Cal Kestis
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Hmm, I can't decide between Dagan and Cal because they're both my favorite characters and I thought that Dagan and Cal could become friends before Dagan bleed his lightsaber crystal. They're making me angsty sibling dynamic. I'm really love Cal because he's a good person, brave and caring.
Note: I know Cameron Monaghan only as Cal Kestis but he has other roles. He's great actor and sweetheart.
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Obi Wan Kenobi
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My childhood crush. I love him so much. That's all. Ewan McGregor is lovely.
Ezra Bridger
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How I miss Rebels. I love this dork. I don't liked Ahsoka series much no offense, I don't feel what I feel when I'm watched Rebels. Eman Esfandi is fine but I miss SW Rebels. :(
Luke Skywalker
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One more of my childhood crush. I remember my dad brought us the original trilogy and we're watched it on VHS on our old TV set.
Han Solo
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Yeah. I miss those movies. Harrison Ford. 💕
Kanan Jarrus
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I adore him. I can relate to him losing his eyesight because I have rare eyesight issue but it's getting worse at 2013 that I thought I'll be blind. Huh that rough. He's soft and caring guy. 💖
Quinlan Vos
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He is chaotic, crazy in a good way, trickster, he's a softie too. When I'm listened to Dark Disciple I'm laughed and cried and I'm find out he's soft, caring and playful guy. I'm not sure if I can listen to this audiobook again because I'm always so emotional.
Anakin Skywalker
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Hmm, I'm neutral about Anakin but I can admit that he's pretty and Hayden is my childhood. I mean preteen years. I have a thing on emo guys too? ( I think so.)
In general: my type is softies, sassy or humorous guys. I wish I could find one.
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shelbbswrites · 9 months
I may have gone on a Twitter spree last night because of Ahsoka Part 5.
It’s SO special to see Hayden Christensen embody the complexities of Anakin Skywalker and Vader. From the Prequels to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka, he delivers nuanced performances that dig into the depths of this iconic character who couldn't be further from one-note.
The literal and figurative places Christensen and Dave Filoni take Anakin in Ahsoka Part 5 ALONE are enough for me to pour over for AGES. So, as a gentle reminder, actors and writers deserve to be paid fairly.
People can say the CGI is bad (It's really not!) or whatever else they want to dig at people who are enjoying seeing Hayden Christensen step back into these roles — and in a live-action show about Ahsoka Tano, no less — but no one can steal my joy.
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purgetrooperfox · 2 months
15 Lines Game
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture their character/personality/vibe. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well.
I'm here from someone's open tags heehoo
passing on npts to @hamburgerslippers @totentnz @killerspinal @kiwikipedia @alwayskote @galacticgraffiti @certified-anakinfucker and anyone who wants to do it!!
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“It's not like I frequent these events,” he mutters, feeling like a broken record. “I would appreciate the help though, thank you.”
“A great many things might seem unbecoming when their purpose is obscured, Master Tapal.”
"Peacekeeping has many faces. The diplomats and negotiators do work that I can hardly even imagine." [redacted context] "You're right, all the same. There's a certain naivete and unconscious bias in a lot of Knights. Lack of perspective about what it takes to survive."
“The artist who gave my father his markings was the one to give me mine," he continues, a touch wistful. "Going back home was strange. Seeing the ways it had changed and the ways it was still stuck was… hard.”
"You would be wise not to show your condescension so openly, Skywalker. If I can feel it, so can most beings on this planet. Need I remind you that ties with the Force run deep here?"
“Just Bastra is fine,” Vargdan sighs. The look he fixes on Kenobi is equal parts irritation and resignation. “You said it was urgent, so I didn't pit stop on Coruscant."
“Not the way you do, but my Master did.” His smile is sad, but free from the weight of grief. “He took them very literally, and if you know what they’re like, I imagine you can see how that would toy with one’s mind.”
“The Order is all I have. This is the only reason I ever got off Dathomir.”
“It's not safe to be out here alone,” he says without turning, forcing her to jog a few steps before matching his pace, “especially for unsubtle thieves.”
“Don't say that. Not now. You had your reasons, you had Sifo-Dyas, and I got that. Eventually. It doesn't matter anymore.”
“I know.” A silence, then an admission, “She's not as angry as I was, I don't think.”
"I mean, it's not like I know how to conduct an army. Bones is miles more qualified than I am, so I'll gladly defer to his judgment."
"This was kept from you for a reason. Some stories are best left buried."
"Obi-Wan was killed in action on Utapau," he repeats. "I know nothing more of it."
“I nearly did, after Sifo-Dyas died.” [redacted context] “I was on my own out there, after, no contact with the Temple to replace him. In all that– with that gang, the things I had to watch. The things I had to do. I was right at the edge.”
(nocte and des under there ⬇️)
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“It’s not just the job.” Still, Nocte pulls off his gloves and dumps them in a bin. His expression settles into something hard to read. "You're one of us now, whether you're ready to act like it or not."
"I've put myself on the line enough at least one lifetime, but here we are."
"I don't pity you, MacTavish. I didn't come here to fight with you either."
"What was it you said? No room for morality in war?"
"Well," he grunts, "call it a lapse in judgment if it helps you sleep at night. Not like I'd take offense."
“It doesn’t matter, Soap. It’s just not my bloody name.”
"It's exhausting. The upper crust is exhausting. Aren't you exhausted?"
"Price is going to kill me and it'll be your fault. Me and Lee, both," he complains, though it rings hollow when he doesn't stop her.
"It'll grow back, probably faster than the higher ups would like."
"I don't care whose fault it is. Get your asses back here and fix it."
"Are you threatening to blackmail me, Captain? Because that's a two-way street after–"
He whistles, low and appreciative. "That is one big bastard."
"Quit trying to pick me apart, Lieutenant, I'm fine."
"We shouldn't," he forces himself to say. "We can't."
"How do you ever get anything done with your head that far up your ass?"
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"You will mind your goddamn manners or you'll see a different 'doc. Do you understand?"
“You came in with a referral, made my life a little easier, so I'll give you a discount. I respect you, Viktor, you're good at what you do. Not to mention your days in the ring – I was such a fan.” His expression twitches toward something that might even be genuine. “How about this, I'll dig up this chrome for you and you'll owe me a favor.”
"I doubt Royce would've let me walk away from that. Heard he's got a new right hand."
"Hard to believe that's true," he said, laughing a little. "Reckon this is more memory than imagination."
“The crew called me Eyes, which was a gonk ass nickname. Stuck, though."
“I’ve known Hands for a long time, grew up in Pacifica. Don’t get me wrong, I heard about you on the street, but didn’t really pay it any mind until he started asking after you.”
"I think you answered your own question. It's a clinic, ain't it? I'm getting doctored."
"Fucking disgraceful is what it is. You build something, pour your blood sweat and tears into it, just for some upstart leadhead to run it into the ground."
“So I’ll talk to him, clear this up,” he says, even though it’s an uncomfortable prospect. “He probably respects me enough to halfway listen.”
"No. No one ever made me do anything. I lost a lot, but I won't lose that."
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tennessoui · 7 months
november ko-fi part two release
hello hello i made a mistake and decided i wanted my december ko-fi to be more overtly holiday related.....after getting 3k into it, so i finished it and am posting early so i can post a more wintery one next month!! my b my head is literally everywhere but on straight lately
so this is the link to my ko-fi; in my gallery, i've uploaded the link to a google doc where i've written 5k of the divorce lawyer au, set in the morning after this snippet (where divorce lawyer obi-wan gets drunk at a bar and flirts with serial husband anakin)....here is an excerpt:
When Obi-Wan just blinks at him again, mouth slightly open, Anakin huffs as if he’s being difficult on purpose. “I want to stay married to you.” “What?” Anakin has the nerve to roll his eyes as if this isn’t incredibly jarring news. “I mean, I’m assuming you can’t be the divorce lawyer in our divorce, right?” Obi-Wan’s lips thin. “Yes, that would be—” “A conflict of interest, right,” Anakin waves his hand through the air. “And I’m assuming you’re not very interested in one of your coworkers knowing that you fucked me and married me during a drunk night out in Las Vegas.” “I’m much more interested in that than I am in staying married, Mr. Skywalker,” Obi-Wan snaps, even as he realizes how uninterested he is in his coworkers finding out about this. Who would he trust to be tight-lipped about the whole thing? Cody perhaps, but there’s no way Cody wouldn’t tell his brother. And there’s no way his brother wouldn’t tell everyone else. And Vos, his other partner? Absolutely unthinkable. “Don’t call me that,” Anakin replies. His lips tilt up into a grin, as if he’s finding something incredibly entertaining but this current situation. “Too formal for you now? Am I supposed to feel obligated to only call you by your first name now that you’ve had your tongue dow my throat?” Obi-Wan asks in his most withering tone. Anakin’s cheeks light up, as if he isn’t a man who spends half his time in other people’s beds doing much more explicit things. “No,” Anakin says. “Call me by my last name all you want, it’s just that it’s not Skywalker anymore.” He flashes a devastating smile in Obi-Wan’s direction. “It’s Kenobi.”
as a reminder, the link is only accessible for monthly supporters--but if you sign up now, you would get access to the other three ficlets i've posted there AND access to the december one because i'll be posting that in the first half of december!! if you want to become a monthly supporter, it's really easy, just make sure that you switch the payment amount from 'one time' to 'monthly', otherwise the system won't recognize you as a monthly supporter and you won't be able to see the link :(
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obislittleone · 2 years
House Of Memories (32/?)
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader
Warnings: just fluff nothing more-
Summary: Under the watchful eye of the council, you must figure out a way to revert your saber to its original glory, lest they find out and you be expelled.
A/n: okay guys i literally sobbed tonight bc i was listening to the peter pan soundtrack and fairy dance came on and this was all i could think of-
also y'all if you like the story, maybe consider buying me a coffee :)
Words: 1.9k
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"Focus, little one," his tentative whispers in your ear were not exactly helping you to achieve the desired state of mind while this process took place.
Sat in the center of a private training area, you closed your eyes, holding your crystal in your hand and trying to fix the mistake you had made.
"You are strong with the light, let it guide you."
He was knelt beside you, hoping to assist you in any way he could, but it seemed his presence was causing more difficulty then help. You tried again, much to your dismay, heaving another breath and moving towards a state of serenity in your mind, but then it wandered, into a place it should not be. Serenity for you did not just come as a feeling, but a familiar presence, brought by a person. Said person was breathing on your skin, and it caused you to lose whatever sense on control you almost had.
"I can't do it, Master."
"Don't say that, not when we both you that you can," he sat back on his heels, but placed a hand on your shoulder to assure you of what you knew to be true.
"What if it takes me more time? Maybe I'm just not ready," you rapidly stood up, hiding your crystal within the chamber of your hilt, before reassembling the pieces, and activating your once beautiful saber. You looked upon it with great shame, for what you had done to it was an act that showed the makings of something you were not. You were a Jedi, like your Master before you.
"Do not put off till tomorrow, what can be done today," he reminded you, a teaching he planted in your mind when you were very young, before he was your Master, even. It rang in your head every time he repeated it, and you understood that there were deeper meanings now than when he usually spoke it to you.
You shook your head and scoffed, gesturing for him to see the monstrosity you'd mad with your own anger.
"I should wait for life day, hang it up as a decoration," you joked, but he didn't seem to find it funny. He knew that you were ready to perform a crystal healing, but even if you weren't, it's not like you could wait days or even weeks to fix your mistake. The council would be watching you like a shriek-hawk, and if they sensed anything off in your signature, surely, they would expel you from the order.
He wanted to give you a small break, perhaps take you to the meditation gardens to relax, and bring about some new scenery. Your powers within the force were greater than you had a capacity of believing, and Obi-Wan knew this better than anyone you had ever come across.
He knew it was a foolish idea as soon as it entered his head, but he was, for lack of a better word, an addict at the moment. It was the newness, it was the fresh feelings that were nearly constantly nagging at the back of his mind, and everything you did that was not even noticeable to anyone else, but it made him crave you. He shouldn't voice this idea, it's a terrible idea, an absolutely-
"Come with me, my love," he held out his hand, willing you to join him, and you did with a smile at the name. He was in love with you, and he wanted you to know it every time he addressed you... of course the outside world would never be able to hear the way he called you, so his former go-to of little one would still be on his lips often.
With your saber now hung on your hip, you followed him through the busy halls of the Temple. The disconnection in your previously intertwined hands was only mildly irritating until you were both outside. To avoid busy streets and onlookers, you both took a hidden pathway into the city underworld, where the lights were beginning to come on as the sun went down.
"Where are we going?"
He was never this spontaneous, never so impulsive to just go off into nowhere in particular when there were things to be done. The galaxy was at war, and it was raging now more than ever, but here he was, General Kenobi, the Great Negotiator, dragging you through hidden passageways and into the depths of the city. Where he was taking you, you were almost sure you'd never been before.
"You'll see," he seemed so giddy, so excited. You were the reason for that. You were the one to make him beam like a young boy, you lifted him up into the air and made him feel like he truly belonged in this galaxy, like he had a place other than being the stoic Jedi General that his reputation proceeded him as.
"That answer was far too vague, are you feeling okay?"
This was so unlike him, to shirk off responsibilities and take you on an adventure.
You entered an old and dusty access point of... well you still weren't sure. You'd stumbled into the dark after him and wondered if he finally snapped. Yes, that's it, your mood and sarcasm drove him to madness, and he was dragging you out here to dispose of you for good.
"I am feeling fantastic, and yourself?" he replied quickly, his sharp wit could impale you if he actually tried.
"Well, I'd be doing better if I was certain that you weren't taking me some place where nobody could hear me scream."
He chuckled lowly and brought you close to him, and suddenly the door closed behind you, leaving you both in the pitch-black area. You heard him moving around before there was light in the area. It looked like an abandoned service pathway, with an elevator in the corner. It looked ancient, but of course, Obi-Wan was lunging towards it as soon as the lights came on. He pressed the button to open the door, then turn to you in reply of your previous remark.
"If I was going to kill you, I would have been smart enough not to let so many witnesses see us leave," he stepped on the janky piece of machinery. You smirked at that one, rolling your eyes and doing anything you can to avoid joining him on that elevator. "Are you coming?"
He's your Master, you thought to yourself, why did he seem so different to you right now. You felt as though his equal, someone who shared the same mind level and age and wisdom. It was an elating feeling for sure, to simply be in his company and to not feel as if there were any expectations. Not that there ever really were with him, but something had changed. You weren't Master and Padawan for now, you were two lovers sneaking away from your duties to spend time with one another.
You heaved an exasperated sigh before joining him on the old relic of a gantry lift, letting the doors close around you and jolt before shooting straight up, and knocking you off balance. Obi-Wan laughed lightly, helping you keep yourself upright.
"I forgot to mention the acceleration," he didn't let go of you once you were standing straight, but kept you within arm's reach, hands encapsuling behind your waist.
"How convenient."
You must have been going up ten floors per second, and when the doors finally opened, you sensed you were very high off the ground. The darkness that surrounded you wasn't as pitch black as the former room, because in the corner of the room, there was a small opening in which brought light and sound from a lower source.
He took a few steps and crouched by the small opening and pulled back what you guessed was a curtain of some sort. He looked at you invitingly, nodding his head over and then letting his eyes rest on whatever was down there.
You knelt beside him, and almost gasped at where you recognized yourself to be.
You were in the opera house, in the roof it seemed, because you were looking straight down at the performers for the evening. Beautiful music filled your ears, and you watched as dancers flitted about the air, hovering like they knew how to fly. It was all an illusion, but you were entranced by it. You couldn't take your eyes away, your lips curling up slightly with every reaction.
His eyes never left your face, admiring the peace and wonder you'd seemed to have found here. As you were taken by the lovely performance below you, he was taken by the loveliness that sat right before him. You glanced over at him to see what he thought of the show but caught his gaze instead. You smiled, turning a deep shade of pink when you realized he'd been doing that the whole time.
He leaned in and captured your lips with his, unable to restrain himself any further. You truly did look angelic, in the soft light of the opera house, and the music playing below. He pulled away before an idea struck his mind.
"I know that look, what are you thinking?" You tried to coax an answer out of him, but you got nothing. He stood to his feet, looking down at you with a smile and holding a hand out to help you up. Once you were standing before him, he put one arm behind his back and one across his front, bowing before you as if you were a queen or senator.
All done while looking at you, he raised one hand beside him, the other reaching out to circle around your waist. Did he want you to... dance with him?
You took his hand, laying your other one against his shoulder, and along to the slow and melodic rhythm of the song below you, you swayed from side to side, occasionally taking a step or two to make a small shift in pattern.
"I've never brought anyone up here before," he admitted, eyes full of stars. He was under your spell completely, and he was perfectly happy to be. "I found this place when my Master first took me on, it was a place I could come to and think about everything... I came here the day we brought you to Coruscant. You'd been the first person to really teach me the meaning of compassion, and I was up here for hours contemplating it all."
"I find it hard to believe that you learned compassion from me when I was only three years old," you weren't shocked by the revelation, just a bit surprised is all... but it was true, and he did.
"You have always been wise beyond your years, little one. A Jedi consular if there ever was one."
You laid your head on his chest, enjoying the moment, dancing in the darkness of an abandoned room of the opera house. Within the arms of the man you loved over everything else in this galaxy. You would sacrifice it all for him, leaving nothing in the wake of the universe, except for Obi-Wan Kenobi.
You let your eyes fall closed, feeling all the love, and all the light coursing through your veins. It was almost like a meditative state, the way you branched your signature out so fluidly, wrapping around not only him, but the energy in the air.
He could feel your soft presence nudging at his own, and he relaxed, embracing it whole and letting himself be overtaken by you alone.
It was so untraditional, and it would have been seen as a defiant disgrace of the act, but you were meditating on him.
There was a low thrum of heat by your hip where your saber hung, but you ignored it, keeping in tune with this moment and everything that surrounded it.
@spencerrxids @sawendel @fandomstanner24 @i-shall-abide @officialjellydoughnut @whatshxrname @darkened-writer @superavengerpotter @cutiepoo16 @hypnoash @softlymellow @howlerwolfmax @mephistominion @honestlywtfisgoingon @anakinskywalkerog @mandiiellen @je--a-n @guyinachair27 @avenger5-a55emble @amelia-song-pond @kaminanii @the-abyss-of-fandoms @queenofnightdreamland @world-dominating-kitty @mandowhatnow @ella-error505 @annahalo @infinity-witch @beetlejuice-stuff @liueski @solarbxby @sirianisrock @lxdyred @endless-warrior-always-fighter @iloveinej @msjb2002 @shoochi @itsilvermorny @gingerrosecosplay @sebschicken @loversjoy @argentinemango @1-800-vader @house-of-kolchek @marierg @graciexmarvel @ttzamara @truly-madly-nerdy @molieux @majahu @dyzlks @pancakefancake
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Anakin skywalker, Darth Vader, Obi wan Kenobi, Cody.
Overall Headcanons
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Back on my Star Wars bullshit, so heres some overall hcs about some of the characters I love, enjoy. Ft some x reader elements. Can yall tell which character ive been most obsessed with lately?
 Let me know if you guys are interested in more like this, as it’s a good way to get the writing juices flowing.
 Mild nsfw stuff under the cut, but it’s nothing wild.
Anakin Skywalker
-          Anger issues, but would never yell at you as it reminds him of his time as a slave
-          Gets nightmares about his time as a slave and his fears.
-          Wears black because it sets him away from the other jedi. They made him feel as if he didn’t belong, so he was gonna go his own way.
-          When he first joined the jedi he had a really hard time drinking or just using water in general since it was so sparce on Tatooine. Nowadays he enjoys to take long showers and baths.
-          Cant eat too strong tasting foods.
-          Has a real hard time talking about his emotions. Because of this, if he falls in love hed rather go around nursing a crush than actually confess.
-          He falls in love super easily, and gets kinda blinded by it.
-          Touch starved as hell, literally melts into your hands if you cradle his face in your palms.
-          Loves kissing, could spend hours with his lips on yours or just kissing you all over.
-          Oral fixation. Goes hand in hand with him loving to kiss so much. Watch out for your fingers.
-          Has a strong gag reflex, but doesn’t let it stop him.
-          This man is verse leaning towards submissive and you can’t convince me otherwise. Those anger issues make me think he just wants someone to love him and take care of him.
-          Loves you wearing his clothes or wearing your clothes.
Darth Vader (I know he’s also Anakin but whateves)
-          Still has real bad anger issues, but in a more subdued and controlled manner if that makes sense. Still won’t yell at you.
-          Very self-conscious about his body, and is scared of touching anything he cares about because he doesn’t want to accidentally destroy it.
-          Still has horrible nightmares but these are mainly about the purging of the jedi.
-          He secretly listens to recordings from before the fall of the jedi and the republic when he is feeling extra down.
-          Mourns how he can’t kiss anymore. Tries to breathe as quietly as possible when you cuddle because he thinks the noise disturbs you.
-          Secretly still sensitive so it would help you if affirm that you love him.
-          More touch starved than ever, wants you to touch what little accessed skin he has, all the time.
-          Doesn’t talk much anymore. This scares other people as he’s just a large silent scary shadow.
-          I don’t think he has much of a sex drive after becoming Darth Vader, mainly because I think his own body is too damaged, though he would be able to use his hands.
-          Though I think he would like to sit on his knees in front of you with his head in your lap, having you caress him.
Obi wan Kenobi
-          Insomniac to the fullest. He uses the force to keep going.
-          Loves tea more than anything, has a collection of teas from different planets he’s been too in his time as a jedi.
-          Touch starved, as I think all jedi are at this point.
-          Has nightmares and lasting trauma from the many things he went through even before he became a jedi knight like melida/daan and bandomeer.
-          Quite protective of those he cares about, though he doesn’t express it much with words.
-          Doesn’t cry much, so when he does, he just needs someone to hold him as he gets it out.
-          He sneaks out of the temple to eat at Dex´s diner all the time. He brings along Anakin, Ashoka and later multiple clones.
-          Isn’t as uptight as people think. He will bend or break rules regularly, he just isn’t caught.
-          I think he both tops or bottoms, whatever the mood is that day, though I see him as the type of person to refer to it as “lovemaking”.
-          Has had multiple partners in the past, a few being Quinlan, I believe they were casual and just did it to relieve stress and etc, Santine or even Siri Tachi.
-          He is quite confident with a partner, even if he isn’t sure what he’s doing.
-          Likes making his partner feel good, holds you close and maybe even clings on quite desperately at times.
-          A big cuddler, just wants to lay for hours and half sleep with you in his arms.
-          Would keep your relationship a secret for obvious reasons, but would be willing to leave the jedi for you If you got very serious and truly loved eachother.
-          Tries to keep serious at all times, but can be quite goofy and lovey-dovey behind closed doors.
-          Very protective over his fellow clones and the jedi he is assigned.
-          Used to follow orders as closely as possible, but after joining the 212th, has started to follow in Obi wans footsteps and bend rules to fit the situation.
-          Secretly struggles a lot with being a clone and not being seen as a living sentient being by most people.
-          Has issues with his self-esteem, please tell him he’s good enough.
-          Has very little knowledge about kids, the outside world of sex ed, as I don’t believe the kamonians thought it was something clones needed to know.
-          Sterile, as I believe most clones aren’t able to have children.
-          Likes to cuddle and be held close, hold him as tight as you can against your chest. Will listen to your heartbeat and fall asleep to it.
-          Likes it when his partner caresses his scar or holds his face in their palms. Please pepper kisses all over his voice.
-          I think he’s fine with whatever in the bedroom, but it will be kinda awkward or goofy the first couple of times as he figures out how it works.
-          Likes to go slow and take his time, take you in and really show you how much he loves you.
-          Doesn’t keep your relationship a huge secret, as in his squad and some jedi know but not the council or the republic as you could be forced to split up.
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miguelswifey04 · 10 months
i hope yk you’re literally one of my favorite writers on here<3 i hope you don’t mind im requesting again😭✋
i was thinking kf miguel’s past, especially in the comic runs and i feel like many people sort of skirt past the fact that he literally has ex girlfriends and i feel like that could be grounds for some jealous!reader👀
i don’t know how to articulate my thoughts on this but i was wondering what your hcs would be in such a situation where the reader is jealous asf 😃😃
jealous! reader IS SOOOO ME LMFAO
miguel o’hara x jealous! s/o reader hcs
you feel the need to be very assertive if someone is crossing miguel’s boundaries or trying to hit on him, YOU LITERALLY PUT THEM IN THEIR PLACE IN FRONT OF EVERYONE YOU DO NOT CARE IF IT CAUSES A SCENE OR NOT. so miguel has to stop you and carry you away (literally) poor miguel he’s kinda embarrassing but still puts up with you 😭
you protective nature can come off as possessive sometimes so miguel tells you to take it down a notch and you do, you apologize to him and he accepts your apology always…definitely reassures you that you have nothing to worry about <3
he says he has eyes for you and only you but you usually be like “do you really? like actually?” and he’ll be “yes i’m serious,” and if you still don’t “believe” him…he’ll spoil you and show you in different love languages that he does love you and only you
you may give sharp glares, cross your arms, or create physical distance between miguel and whoever has caught your attention 💀
you express your jealousy verbally!! you aren't afraid to speak up and let miguel know when you're feeling insecure or uneasy.
you regularly remind miguel how much he means to you and how lucky he is to have you. you express your love and affection in heartfelt words, reaffirming the strength of your bond. your jealousy doesn't stem from insecurity but rather from your deep investment in the relationship.
spending quality time with miguel is extremely important to you so every time he’s done playing spider-man, he’ll come by and swoop you up for a date or just to be with you :3
suggestive you may leave love bites or hickies as a subtle way of marking him as your own. it’s your way of stating to the world that he belongs to you and you alone.
he’ll pepper your face with tender kisses, whispering sweet words to assure you that he only has eyes for you.
jealousy can stem from little things, like someone looking at him for too long or a seemingly innocent conversation with another person. you may not always show it openly, but your eyes darken with a touch of jealousy that can be both intriguing and intimidating.
tags 🏷️!! @kairiscorner @meeom @astro1bloom @obi-mom-kenobi @emiemiemiii @sabcandoit
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nonhumanhottie · 11 months
Rebels season 2 rewatch
Twilight of the apprentice
god i remember watching this episode for the first time and it broke me
Ahsoka and Rex's convo at the beginning ugh
I can't believe chopper was brave enough to come along
Love the reference to Kylo Ren's lightsaber lmao
Maul's fucking old man act cracks me up so much he's putting on such a good voice
I'm glad Ezra is smart enough not to talk to strangers
this gives me huge Aladdin vibes where Jafar pretends to be that beggar to get into the cave of wonders
Ezra you're too trusting but at least he has that teen boy invincibility
stop this is literally Aladdin
Do they call non-binary inquisitors like third sibling?
The last time Ahsoka saw Maul was during order 66 that must be a brutal reminder
Love that Maul has his shirtless era then his suburban dad polo shirt era
Maul is such a sneaky little bitch
Vader standing on top of his TIE that he clearly put on auto-pilot and climbed on top of is peak chaotic Anakin energy
Vader still wants to be friends with Ahsoka oh my god
Vader, bud, revenge and avenge are two different things
Chopper holding Kanan's hand!!
Hearing Anakin's voice in the Vader suit... ugh (much better than the Obi-Wan Kenobi version lmao)
the end montage and music are easily one of the best and most beautiful scenes in all of star wars
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