#he saw Caleb’s exhausted face after working a quarter of the jobs in the village and was all “fuck that shit"
imsosocold · 1 year
Okay but Dana said there’s no homophobia or transphobia in the Boiling Isles and  whether this includes Belos or not is unclear. It would make sense for Belos to be bigoted considering the time period Belos was from but but nothing is funnier to me than the concept of Belos being super inclusive towards everyone except for witches. Like the cognitive dissonance he’d be going through, unable to recognize he’s mirroring the thought processes and practices of those he’s against. It’d also reminds me of the phenomenon where  minority groups turning on other minority groups, or how people part of the same minority group will turn on other members they don’t consider legitimate.  I’ve experienced it.  I think religion would definitely be a different situation, much messier and more strict.  I’d think he’d consider  some religions subvarients of  each other ( such as the abrahamic religions) or think polytheistic religion followers are “confused” and unable to understand how much power God has. He  probably wouldn’t think people are doomed for misunderstanding stuff, God’s  machinations are naturally complex, humans can’t comprehend it all, She knows this.  There’s obviously no sympathy for anyone who practices any magic though, not even “ helpful” magic like apothecaries. And Quakers rule. Love ‘em Quakers. Anyway Belos is horrified the human realm is less inclusive and diverse than the demon realm.
Also I like the idea of all the Grimwalkers being cisn’t and while Belos ends up learning how to understand and to accept them ( they’re still family after all, unless they practice witchcraft and he will even use nounpronouns that bring bad memories like cardinalself or hollowself) and it leads to him exploring his own gender identity. Belos totally doesn’t try  to sneak dresses and makeup and padded bras and binders and scours pronoun lists and names lists. Though then Collector was Belos’s full enby awakening, making him aware of his gender before taking it. They were the original pronoun stealer and inventor .
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