#he was p9 for fuck sake
teneleven12xiii · 1 month
I dont care if Logan is not going to be your driver next year, he is your driver now! Treat him better!!
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bunnieshoneys · 1 month
china, thoughts
nico rosberg please come to every race im so serious. hes so fucking funny and genuinely incredible to listen to, especially in quali when he was talking through the laps... god i love listening to him so much
sainz... sainz... at the risk of being biased (i dont like sainz very much, lol) i really need him to Stop! im getting a bit sick of him just consistently blaming everything but himself for performance issues and refusing outright to be a team player. Between the comments on the sprint, fighting leclerc way too hard considering it was in a sprint for one (1) point and leclerc was faster (and could have caught perez!) and considering that he was carrying damage there too! no reason to not let your teammate through at that point. then the comments on the grand prix start losing places to russell and implying it was leclerc's fault for defending against him the same way HE did yesterday? god. please. just own up to being slower. charles has had zero issues owning up to his mistakes and low performance in australia and japan (both quali issues caused partially by the DNA of the SF-24), so why can sainz not do it?
as an offshot to this, sainz crashed out in q2 of quali and it was HIS fault and the commentators/pundits have barely mentioned it???? even using it as an excuse to praise the team?? and the bias is insane. i can think of a few drivers who would be ripped to shreds for the same mistake. ultimately it didnt mean anything because he got the car going, but god.
alonso recieving three penalty points for his move on sainz in the sprint (deserved penalty, but very harsh) but stroll and magnussen committing war crimes on ricciardo and tsunoda and only recieving two??? um???? FIA????
ferrari in general was hugely underwhelming and benefitted from a shockingly bad strategy call from AM to go on the soft (alonso on the hard likely wouldve finished above sainz, at least). Mcl also benefitted.
mclaren was a LOT stronger than we thought! but i think this is likely as a result of ferrari looking weaker than expected as well, regardless, lando delivered a great drive and dotd deserved today!! (never trust lando when he says they'll be weak, hes a LIAR!)
ferrari again: seem to only work on the medium tyres right now. they have to be a bit more aggressive or hope for much hotter temps in miami because they've gone so far on the tyre deg that they can't heat the tyres or get them into the correct performance window particularly in cooler conditions
piastri has struggled all weekend with tyre deg and i still believe this is why norris is clearing him, but !! piastri was carrying SIGNIFICANT damage after the safety car incident involving RIC/PIA/ALO/STR, so he did a decent job limiting damage. he stayed incredibly calm and composed. great drive from him.
speaking of damage control, hamilton recovered very, very well. p18 to p9 isn't bad, and considering russell was only p6, probably not far off what he could've managed with a "normal" quali, so...eh. not where merc wanna be, but maybe if they wanna be higher they could build a better car /j
RB got SHAFTED today holy shit, and ricciardo was on to score points too... yikes. pretty costly but neither driver was at fault even remotely.
hulkenberg points in a haas what the hell is a polar bear doing in arkansas texas (he defo deserves that chance at audi, he's criminally underrated, shitbox whisperer)
williams... im looking at you.. score points...
verstappen dunking like twenty seconds on his teammate..... bro
off track helmut marko did NOT stop yapping about sainz exposing all his contract talks LMAOO apparently RB do not want him for the money he wants, which after this weekend i can see why. hes horrible at being a no2 driver
anyway. onto miami. need a charles leclerc front row start or ill die from withdrawals. also desperately need imola to be HERE
things to look for in miami:
logan home race!
mclaren bringing upgrades
i think ferrari might be bringin some very minor things also
peace out bye
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
Good ol' Zandvoort giving me the boot
Well, well, well, have I started by not paying attention to FP3?
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So.... Well.... Did I have FP3 on the background all the time while I've been doing absolutely nothing else but ignore it? Yes, I have. I mean, there hasn't been anything at all worth mentioning, so...
Just Pierre going off track and against one of the white signs, and Carlos having some trouble with Checo were the two little things that could have been something more and weren't.
George and Lewis were really on point today too, which is scaring me with this tractor... This is giving me major hope, guys. Stop unless it becomes real, please, in that case, please go on :)
The commentators were commenting on Lewis' way to hold the wheel and it looked curious, I liked it that for once they said something nice about him. I can forget about it now, it won't ever happen again 😂
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Starting Quali before I go to work, I think I'll be missing precisely the best of it, the last bit of Q3, but well, I'll watch it after work at midnight.
Not much going on in Q1, except Alex Albon being annoying as per usual. Please flop, Alex. It's time.
And now Q2 has been Red Flagged because some moron has thrown a flare. Bravo. Just what these people needed to get more bad press. Fan-fucking-tastic.
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Good thing that even Verstappen has kinda complained about it, because it doesn't benefit anyone, not even the idiots who do it. But it's way too little punishment to just get expelled from the track. At least someone should've punch the asshole right in the face 🤷🏻‍♀️
After this marvelous moment, which will make me miss entirely all of Q3, I have to finish getting ready for work while I watch if anything interesting happens (I'm not calling for more idiots throwing flares, for fuck's sake).
So Alonso dropped to P13 which is goooooooood!!! Pity for Estie Bestie, but Mick is going through in P9! I'll keep an eye on the results of Q3, but I'll watch later.
Finally "at home" I'm starting to watch Q3 trying not to make a sound for various reason I'm not gonna go into at the moment 😂
It's been an honestly titanic battle for pole. Leclerc was driving insanely well, but unfortunately so was Max. Fucking Checo doing idiotic things and fucking up the Merc boys' last possible lap. Whatever, there's a big chance tomorrow.
Dear Lord Perceval looking impressively good or is it just me? This guy looks more and more ethereal. I'm biased, I know, but he really does look better every time. I only wish he recovers his smile somehow, despite his idiotic team...
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Anyway, time to go to bed, I'll be able to watch a little of the race before work tomorrow, I hope. Let's see if this track really brings the surprise.
Peace out!
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Okay, so aston Martin admin fucking embarrassing, your driver said only last week he isn't happy racing for P9-P10, the team has failed to meet it's own set targets for this year after producing a shopping cart for a car, he is trying to do everything to wrestle that car into points and you are d-riding a competitor?? Like the previous few days/months their tweets have just been cringe, but this is the plain disrespectful to their own driver lmao...
Same for Seb fans here who have very conveniently crowded his tag with posts asking him to get overtaken by the Lord almighty... Seb in a brick on wheels, trying to chase after another driver, and instead of hoping he keeps a position or better gains one, his fans are praying he gets overtaken, I mean, just say you are a fan for the sake of it, because apparently Seb is angel reincarnate, not here to race but to be the PR weasel for AM, Merc and LH, and that if he ends up in a championship battle again, you'll ditch him that very moment. It's so embarrassing lol, like I am fully expecting Seb to get hate by people on here who claim to be his fans if his car decides to work for once and he ruins someone's race by not letting them pass, like I don't remember but I wouldn't be surprised if people already did that in Monaco considering Mr. Undercut/Overcut expert managed to make it work there and jump 2 spots effectively keeping a certain someone in his starting position
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this was so sexy of you, it got my heart racing ngl
Ehm... Seriously tho.
His fan profile changed so much within a few years, I doubt there are many people left on his side who actively followed him during Redbull and Ferrari years and remember all the accusatory/demeaning/undermining interviews that his close competitor and his team boss used to give about him and his team(s).
Aston Martin admin must be an airhead, because they are using this immensely cringe shipping stuff that is both out of place (in moderation things like this are good but the level of 🙄😬 they reached together with Merc admin is unbelievable) and also ignorant of the past the shipped people shared. I am a shipper, too. I like my social media fix, too... But this person is also the mouth piece of a freaking corporation and should actually check their tone and how they are acting as if this is a romantic walk on the beach instead of a sports with millions of pounds at stake.
I doubt I would be happy to read their idiotic shippy asslickery if I was a sponsor of them even tho I might try to turn a blind eye at their Merc c.ck worshipping, that same engine provider which made Seb wait for a spare engine for almost 6 fucking races, lol....
And.... In Sebastian's words... Are these people in this for making a safe way to their engine provider or actually racing like the 4 times WDC that they got wants. If they forgot, someone should remind them that they aren't a satellite/junior team and Seb is there to race for wins, not act as a doormat for a driver with whom he used to fight for WDCs, for fuck's sake. Stop sucking ass for a while and build a car that's worthy of him.
Also, while I am all for everyone to have their h.rny thoughts finding an outlet on Seb's handsome self, thank you very much for the ride ppl, I hope some people should understand that they can't reduce Seb's relevancy or importance or agency into the role of a "supporting character" who is only nice to stan as long as he is this goofy/funny/quirky guy who is not a threat. They should also stop treating him as lulu's pretty arm accessory/woke bestie who got his enlightenment thanks to lulu as if the guy doesn't have any functioning brain cells of his own to think. But I guess the way they feel the rightousness surge thru them also blinds them. They are funny.
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stupidnephilimlove · 6 years
Office Hours P9
It’s new season week, so here’s another chapter. Tagging @ifthingsgetcrazy @irisphryneadler and @kindaresilient as always and @shiningalec as well. Read on ao3. Or start at the beginning.
“I think he’s in love,” Izzy teases as she lounges on the sofa across the room. Jace is balancing on the arm next to her and Alec grits his teeth. He’s told Jace a million times about doing that, but Jace just jokes that he sounds like their mother. So, Alec’s sort of letting it lie because he hates it when they compare him to their parents. It’s probably why they do it.
“Dorky grin?” Jace asks Isabelle.
Alec keeps watching the TV, trying to block them out, but he sees Izzy raise a hand out of the corner of his eye. She points a finger, and as she makes a tick in the air she says, “Check.”
“Gazing off into space?”
“Not listening to a word we’re saying?”
“I’m listening,” Alec butts in, “but you’re both being ridiculous, so I’m choosing to ignore you.”
He’s not in love, okay, nowhere close to being in love. He doesn’t have a dorky grin and if he’s staring into space it’s because they can’t hold an interesting conversation.
He’s behaving the same way he always does, nothing has changed. He almost wants to just get up and go to his room, but he’s enjoying this episode of The Bachelor. Izzy always makes them watch it and though he groans about it, he’s secretly hooked to the show. It’s become something of a guilty pleasure for him.
“Overly defensive when the subject is brought up?” Jace continues.
“Check,” and Isabelle giggles.
“Would you two stop? I thought we were watching this. They’re about to go on a date.”
He waves a hand at the screen. This is the date that Isabelle’s been praying will happen since this season started. Alec’s had to listen to her go on and on about it through every episode, and now she’s apparently just not even bothered.
“Constantly tries to change the conversation?”
Alec glares at the two of them and Izzy’s eyes catch his. Do it, he silently dares her. She tilts her head, smiles and says, “Check.”
He hates them. It’s official.
“I hate you,” and now they know it too.
He has the worst siblings in the world, and he’s kicking them out as soon as possible. Which probably won’t be for three to five years because he’ll never be able to afford the rent by himself, but still, he’ll do it.
They’re just laughing at him, not demure laughter either. No, it’s the kind where they bend themselves over and their whole body shakes from it. Which is only adding to Alec’s irritation with the situation. What’s a stronger feeling than hate? Whatever that is, that’s how he feels about them right now. He scowls at his siblings, which only makes their laughter stronger.
Through gulps of breath Jace says, “Personally attacks you,” he breaks off as they devolve into another fit of laughter and he wipes a tear from his eye. Eventually, he manages to calm himself enough to finish his sentence. “When… you call him on it?”
Isabelle can’t even say anything; she just does another air tick.
A commercial begins to play and Alec throws himself up out of his chair and stalks into the kitchen. He opens the fridge and just stares for a moment. Deep breaths, he tells himself, before grabbing a can. He gives them a few minutes to cool down and only returns once the laughing has subsided.
“So,” Isabelle starts as Alec takes his seat. “Who is he?”
“Who’s who?” Alec says. What is with them today?
“Don’t do that.” She jumps up from the sofa and crashes down onto him, draping herself over his body. They used to do this when they were kids, he’d stroke her hair and she’d listen to his heartbeat. Instead, she pokes him in the ribs. “You’ve been all moony and distracted and… happy for weeks.”
“I’m always happy,” Alec defends himself.
“No, you’re not. We know you too well, so talk to us.”
“Yeah, come on, man,” Jace says. “It’s no big deal.”
He’s had it with them. Where did they get this idea that he’s with someone?
“I’m not seeing anyone, okay. I’m not being coy or whatever. There. Is. No. One.”
Isabelle pushes back from his chest and gazes down at him. Her eyes search his.
“Oh,” she brushes the hair back from his forehead and he closes his eyes at the touch. “There’s really no one?”
Thankfully, the subject is dropped.
Of course, the subject isn’t dropped for long.
On Monday morning, Alec grabs a coffee on campus with Jace, as they often do before Jace heads off to work. Having paid, the two of them turn back from the counter and almost walk into someone.
Alec knows that voice, and he knows that face, and he just kind of blanks out for a moment. It’s sort of surreal to see Magnus Bane in the middle of the coffee shop. It doesn’t matter that it’s only a two-minute walk from Magnus’ office, this just isn’t right. Alec’s been compartmentalising Magnus in order to function in life and now, Magnus just decided to take himself out of one of those compartments and dump himself down into the coffee shop compartment. Now Alec won’t be able to come and get coffee without thinking of Magnus.
Although, to be fair, he already thinks of Magnus when he gets coffee here, because this is where he got the drinks that first caused their hands to brush. Shit, now he’s thinking about those fingers against his. Alec’s eyes dart down to where Magnus’ own hand is wrapped around a cup. He tries to, he really tries to not think about that hand wrapped around himself. He’s not successful.
“Hi. I’m Jace. You know my brother?” Jace offers a hand to Magnus, who shakes it.
“Professor Bane,” he says. “Alec’s in my class this semester.”
Jace looks at Alec, then at Magnus, then back to Alec, and Alec can almost hear the cogs turning.
“Don’t you have to get to work?” Alec prompts and looks at his brother imploringly.
“Sure, work,” Jace says, and the expression on his face tells Alec they’re going to talk about this later. “Nice to meet you.”
“You too,” Magnus says as Jace, thankfully, leaves the shop.
Alec gestures to a table, “Were you staying?”
“Oh, yeah... sure, I’ve got a few minutes.”
They both sit and there’s something between them that isn’t usually there when they’re in Magnus’ office. Alec thinks it might be awkwardness. He looks at Magnus, at the way his hand clutches his cup, the way his finger taps in what Alec thinks is nervousness. But that can’t be right. Magnus always seems so confident, so sure of himself. Does Magnus feel as off-kilter as Alec does?
There doesn’t seem to be the same boundaries between them as there usually is. There’s no desk. There’s no title. Here, in this coffee shop, they’re just Alec and Magnus, and Alec’s suddenly aware that there isn’t much difference in their ages.
He indulges in the fantasy of bumping into Magnus just like this, of a chance meeting in a coffee shop. He thinks about flirting with Magnus, poorly because he would get tongue tied just looking at the man and he’d no doubt make a fool of himself. He thinks about the first conversation he would stutter through, the small talk that he never really enjoys. He thinks about finding the confidence to ask for Magnus’ number before they part ways, and the thrill it would bring him for the rest of the day. The frustrated excitement of waiting for an acceptable amount of time to have passed before calling.
But they didn’t meet like that. Magnus is his professor and Alec knows (no matter how much he fantasises about it), that there are lines neither of them can cross.
Neither of them speaks. Alec thinks Magnus wants to say something because he opens his mouth, words on the tip of his tongue, before he pulls back and takes a sip from his cup instead. Alec wants to talk about that thesis, the questions have been floating through his mind all week. He wants to ask if Magnus is okay. Wants to know how his morning has been and then perhaps politely enquire about where Magnus was last week.
He doesn’t end up asking a question at all.
“You cancelled your office hours,” he blurts out and the words are accusatory. Well done, Alec. Magnus was the one who cancelled them, he clearly knows that and he doesn’t need reprimanding by a student for fuck’s sake.
Magnus doesn’t take offence, though. The look he has is actually apologetic and Alec feels like shit.
“Yeah, sorry I didn’t give you any notice.”
Alec hones in on the way Magnus says ‘you’, like he didn’t give Alec notice, like Alec is the person he should have told and granted Alec’s the only one that ever turns up to those office hours, but he lets himself think it’s more than that. He knows it’s a fantasy but he’s not hurting anyone by indulging in it, right? Well, no one but himself.
“It’s- It’s fine. No big deal.” No big deal at all. He wasn’t in the worst mood of his life the whole day after he read that note. That wasn’t him. He’s been totally chill about the whole thing.
“It was just…” Magnus pauses.
Wait, is Magnus trying to justify himself to Alec? Alec’s stunned, Magnus doesn’t have to explain anything. He’s the professor, he can do what he wants. But Alec does move a little closer so that he can fully appreciate Magnus’ words and the way his lips move when he says them.
“I had to go to a funeral.”
Okay, they’re not words he should appreciate, right?
“Oh, I’m sorry,” and Alec really means that. He’s sorry that someone Magnus knows passed away, but also he’s sorry for his thoughts. He’s been annoyed all week about Magnus cancelling those office hours and he’s been so caught up in how frustrated he’s been that he hasn’t even stopped to consider the reason Magnus wasn’t in. Magnus doesn’t cancel lectures, he cares about his students, Alec knows this. So, why didn’t it cross his mind that something could have happened? For all Alec knew Magnus could have been hurt or sick. Wow, how self-centred of him. If Magnus wasn’t sitting across from him right now, he’d probably bang his head on the table in disgust.
“I told you about my friend Catarina, right? The one that’s helping me with the manuscript?”
Alec nods his head. That’s the friend Magnus said Alec could talk to if he had questions about publishing. Did she die? Alec’s been cursing his bad luck and the universe, and Magnus’ friend died!
“Her friend died rather suddenly...”
Phew. Well, not phew, someone died and that’s not great, but Alec can feel slightly better about himself that it wasn’t someone directly linked to Magnus. Does that make him a terrible person? This whole conversation’s making him feel like a terrible person.
“...and her partner had to go out of town, so I offered to go to the funeral with her. Ragnor- Professor Fell, is a friend of both of ours, so he did me a favour by covering my classes. It was sort of last minute, so I’m sorry, again, that I didn’t let you know.”
Alec knows Magnus is a good person, this isn’t news to him, but Magnus is apologising for cancelling his office hours to support a friend at a funeral? Can they get married, adopt three kids, a dog, and move to the suburbs already?
“It’s fine, I didn’t have too many course related question anyway.” Alec pauses for a moment, unsure if he should say anything about Magnus’ email, he decides to anyway. “I read the thesis you sent.”
Alec watches the shock cross Magnus’ face.
“You did?” Magnus seems sceptical.
“Of course.”
How can Magnus think he wouldn’t? Or more, that he’d say he did when he didn’t?
“I’ve got a million questions.”
Magnus chuckles, then looks down at his watch and sighs.
“And I’d love to hear them all, Alec, but I’ve got a lecture in five minutes.”
Oh, is it that time already? Alec tells himself he only imagines the dejected tone of Magnus’ voice. Magnus pushes back from the table to stand and Alec wants to ask him to stay, possibly for forever, but he pushes the feeling away.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Magnus asks. “You can ask me then?”
Tomorrow? Oh, office hours. How could Alec ever forget? Possibly because he’s watching the way Magnus is straightening his jacket, brushing lint from the sleeve, and the movements are so fluid that all rational thought just flies out the window.
“Yeah,” and Alec knows he’s sporting a dorky grin. Okay, maybe his siblings have a point after all.
When Alec leaves the coffee shop he checks his phone. There’s an invitation to join a new whatsapp group from Jace - myster(ga)y solved. Has Alec expressed how much he hates his brother lately?
[8.35 am Jace]    I know who Alec’s in love with.
[8.36 am  Izzy]    ??????????
[8.38 am  Izzy]    You can’t just say that!
[8.41 am Jace]    I could give you a clue…
[8.41 am  Izzy]    I’m not cooking for you for a week if you don’t tell me.
[8.41 am Jace]    That’s not exactly a threat, Iz.
[8.42 am  Izzy]    You want a threat?
[8.42 am Jace]    Okay, Okay.
[8.43 am Jace]    We just ran into Professor Bane. Alec’s in his class.
[8.43 am Jace]    and Alec forgot what words are.
[8.43 am Jace]    and I just left them having coffee together.
[8.44 am  Izzy]    Alec?!
[8.45 am  Izzy]    Is this true?
[8.46 am  Izzy]    ……………….
Alec doesn’t reply, just exits out of the app and another notification instantly pops up.
[8.58 am  Izzy]    Alec, I can see you just read these!
How does he go about disowning his siblings?
Read part 10 here
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Your enemy is my enemy P9
Hey loves, sorry it took so long for me to write this! Not too much going on between Happy and his love. There will be in the next chapter! Promise!
Juice took control of the plane. Good thing he always played video games in his free time. y/n stood up walking back out. The captain was tied up eyeing her. “Boys.. you need to go back to Charming. This is going to get ugly. I can not have this club take the rap for what is about to happen.” y/n looked down and then back up. Happy stood up looking at her “What is it?” “The only way this is gunna end is with Greg, the captain and me. I can take those two out, but who knows how many more people are involved. For fucks sake all I did was follow some orders and stumble upon this.” “We are going no where.” Clay stood up looking at y/n. “Clay, no.” She stood up to him. Clay was confused on what he should do. He was being challenged infront of his club. “I will not be the reason you guys go down.” y/n stepped away. “What is different from any other time?” Kozik stood up showing his pearly whites. y/n sighed. “Fine, but remember I am not sure if I can get you guys out of this fucked situation!” y/n looked at the captain. “time so see an old friend.” She punched him, knocking him out.
“Lad… you almost give me whip flash..” Chibs rubbed his head. “If it wasn’t for Juice we would have crashed.” y/n searched the plane. Grabbing a few guns, switch blades and even a katana. “Happy, go with your brothers, Juice come with me. I need you to disarm the system.” Juice nodded. Happy growled a bit. “Becareful.” Happy spoke gently. “Always baby.” y/n went forward. She was still sore from her last beating.
Juice disconnected the security. y/n went in first, Juice behind them. She looked around, all it was, was an old compound. She walked around “Well, well. You figured it out.” She hurd Gregs voice. “Juice drop your gun. It was a trap.” Greg appeared from the shadowns. Juice sighed setting his gun down. Greg stepped out of the shadows. He walked torwards her, slowly, smirking. “How many more are there Greg?” “Well.. Just me… and the captain. Oh.. and a world leader in the middle east.” “Shame.. you could turn on your country.” “Well… you know being a soldier doesn’t pay well. Plus all I want is you.” Greg put his hand on her chin. Greg went wide eyes when he hurd a click. He turned around slowly. Kozik held a gun to his head. “Sis…” y/n smiled withdrawing her Katana. “Kozik, get Juice out of here.” Kozik nodded. “This was the Katana my uncle gave to me Greg.. The one that you made fun of me for owning. Well.. your going to die by it..” With that, she sliced him across he chest. Watching him bleed out.  “y/n lets go, I set the bomb!” Opie yelled. y/n grabbed her katana running out of the building. She ran to where everyone was standing. “Is everyone accounted for?” “Where is Kozik?!” y/n eyes went wide. “No!” y/n yelled running back to the building. Soon it exploded. She flew back, knocking her head on a rock.
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
Uninteresting rainy day at the office? ⛈
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Honestly, I really haven't paid attention to FP3 today either 😅 I really haven't seen anything besides Kevin and the unmentionable going off track in the exact same corner, Alonso 🤮 ending up 1st followed by Pierre and Seb, respectively, and Chucky Leclucky not even getting out of his garage. I really hope Quali looks up somehow.
It looked pretty tricky today with all that rain on track, so I hope it gets interesting. Mick even swore on the radio about it. Mick. Swearing. My baby boy is growing 🥲 I never thought this day would come, he's too polite for his own good 😂
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During the TP interviews Otmar was questioned about Oscar Piastri's future, a topic that has been brewing this past few days especially, and he says that he believe's he'll have a seat in 2023. Which I hope means Alonso will leave at once. I know it's less than likely but a girl can dream. He even said that he might even race this year, so it looks good. I really look forward to having him in the grid soon, we need more nice kids here.
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Another good news is that Pierre continues with Alpha Tauri. Not because it’s in the RB cult but because at least he stays in F1, which makes me happy. Let's hope that means Yuki continues as well so that they keep on giving us the content with deserve 😬
And now onto Quali and it didn't seem too interesting but we lost precisely the Alpha Tauri boys plus our Lord and Savior Sebastian Vettel in Q1, who was pretty angry when he got back to the garage. Poor Seb, after FP3 he looked so magnificent giving cunt that I was convinced he'd make it far today as well.
AAAAAAAAND not even 10 minutes into Q2 and Pérez loses the car. The sound I just made seeing it was not even human. He really went berserk on that Tech Pro barrier, he stuck his car and couldn't even take it out. Very very nice, honestly. This is what I'm talking about!!
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Now I'm watching my boys at Haas flying around and I couldn't be happier (unless Mr. Hamilton got pole, obviously, but that's a pretty long shot seeing that tractor).
AND ZHOU, KEVIN AND MICK ARE THROUGH TO Q3!!!!! And Lewis came back biting everyone's ass! God, I'm so fucking happy at the moment, the worst thing is that it'll last less than 24h, but it's a ray of sunshine right now 😂
I mean, don't mind me but it looks bright on this side today. Lewis P4, Kevin P5, Mick P6!!!!!!, Estie bestie P7, Georgie P8, Daniel P9 and Zhou P10. I mean guys. I was only missing Charles and Seb instead of Max and Alonso around and that would've been a fucking blast. I hope both of them can get into the party early on, and stir shit up. Or at least I hope Alonso crashes into Verstappen in turn 1 and I think I could live with having Carlos there for a little while and Lewis after him. Or if the 3 of them fucked each other leaving free range to Lewis then that would be great too. A girl can dream 2.0.
Look at Mick hugging his mum. I'm not okay 🥲
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Let's hope tomorrow brings half as much joy as today did. For fuck's sakes I think my boys have earned it. For now I need to sleep already, otherwise I won't be able to go to work 😂
Peace out!
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
O Canada, the big surprise
Well, hello hello, we're back at it again in dearly beloved Canada!
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Race day finally came and if I could (I'm wearing aligners on my teeth, so I can't) I'd be biting my nails, my fingers and whatever I found in my way right now. The start has been pretty good, Lewis and Kevin again wheel to wheel but this time without such an inchident, thank goodness.
Writing while I watch (from lap 10 on, I mean), this has started to go crazy pretty early on. Pérez just lost the engine after 8-9 laps, which is pretty comforting. Now there's only one person who needs to lose it and I'd be pretty happy.
Chucky Leclucky has managed to get back a few positions so far, which is very encouraging for now. I'M SO PROUD 🥹 Georgie and Lewis doing a very good job, let's hope they can push enough to climb a little more.
NOOOOOOO MICK MY BABY!!!! SHIT!!!!! He loses power in the exact same place Checo did. And I believe he swore like hell, which is more than understandable, he was doing such an amazing job 😭 My baby boy deserved so much to be on points today, this is terrible. I believe we might not have to wait as long as I initially thought for Mick to start committing war crimes like his dad did. It might be what he needs?
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I've just now watched Dani boy's pit stop.... I have absolutely no words. What the fuck Mclaren!!!??? And now fucking Antonio Lobato that Hamilton is "unfortunately" there after Alonso. Yeah, no shit we didn't already know that you hate him for absolutely no reason.
AND LEWIS GETS P3!!!!!! Jesus fucking Christ, this is madness!!! And now Charles is up to P7, he's flying now that he has less slow people ahead. Sorry, Estie Bestie you're next in the demon's list.
Tyre management it's looking more complicated than what was expected or is it a me thing? Because I'm seeing difficulties going around. What I can't really grasp to this day is Ferrari not listening to Charles. I mean, how many HOURS has this kid spent listening to Seb while being teammates? Do they really think he knows nothing, or worse yet, that he learnt nothing from him that he doesn't know what he's saying?
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST FERRARI WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT PIT STOP AGAIN!? AND LEWIS MANAGES TO GET PASSED VERSTAPPEN JUST AS HE GETS OUT OF THE PIT LANE. Pitty that obviously the RB fucking flies, but that was so sexy!!!!!! I was saying to Marina that I wanted to kill Mercedes for pitting him right after that but I might as well kiss them for how good they were today with the pit stops. Lewis setting fastest lap has been a very beautiful thing to see today.
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And now Tsunoda goes off track on the grass. Poor Yuki... Safety car about to go on track for sure... Shit, why. Ferrari, fucking Carlos' pit stop wasn't needed today of all days considering it's the Human Error going P1 now for fuck's sake.
This Safety Car never ends.... They're all way too close to each other, it's scary given the circumstances.
I've just seen Seb getting P9 inadvertently? Yes, I did. And finally, DRS is enabled. The party is finally starting again. And Carlos just let go of his first chance with DRS on Human Error.
Charles just passed Alonso and Esteban is next again! Finally! Let's go Sharl, you can do this!! This guy's so good, and so elegant when he overtakes, he doesn't need to put too much pressure or push anyone off track. Someone should learn from him. Crappy luck getting Esteban's place going off track now and having to return the position, but it can be done. AND HE'S DONE IT!!!!! HE 'S SO FUCKING GOOD.
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Meanwhile Lewis is right there, not so far away from Carlos and Max, with Georgie following close behind. This is good. Not perfect, not what I want, but it's good. It's better than what we've gotten so far.
I believe Carlos is the eternal third string. Unless he shuts me up in the last 6 laps, I've made up my mind. He's so close, yet so far. I don't really like him (except when he's being an absolute idiot with Charles, in those moments I do like him because it's fun to watch them), I don't want him to win either, but he's a better alternative than Max 🤮
And now Alonso's crying on the radio when told that they're staying the way they are (Esteban is right in front of him). Look you douchebag, you haven't been able to do your fucking job maintaining your position in the first place now shut the fuck up. Jesus, how can this guy be such a moron?
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Asshole No.1 is gonna win again and I hate it here. Although it's been one of the few races that I've enjoyed for a while at least, so it's something.
Lewis ends up P3 and George P4 and Charles is P5 after starting P19. My boys making me proud as fuck. I really hope they give him DOTD because he deserves it so much. I'm listening to Lewis on the radio now and I'm so happy, he deserves this so much after all the shit he's been through this season.
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Okay, now that it's really over, I just wanna relish on the fact that Lewis and Charles are fucking incredible and I love them dearly. I really haven't seen anything from Charles after the race, but I have seen Lewis and he was GLOWING. I mean, look at him:
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Between the hair like that (I truly love when he wears the bun like that with the dreadlocks), the purple cap (like the one I bought at Montmeló) and that bright smile. It really, really warms my heart seeing him that happy.
I looks like James Allison's presence has boosted the W13's performance or something, because what a coincidence. James, please, never leave again, we need you at every single race from now on to try and make this a constant.
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Well, now that I've made this a long one, I have to say that I'll be watching Silverstone but I have no clue yet how I'll do it, since I'm going to Bilbao (my city) in order to see Metallica live that Sunday, but I have to work on Saturday and I have no clue of the planning for those days just yet, but if I can't watch it on time, I'll do it later when I can, Monday tops, and I'll come back to bomb all of you with my nonsense 😬
Until then, peace out ✌🏻
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