#he's literally such a great villain but also just
I am really curious to see your take on Aric and Japeth's relationship. I mean, the beloved author and creator of the series have addressed this issue with 'in their own sick wicked way they had loved' so yeah it's cannon cool. But I feel like the further implications of this? We saw evil 'unable to love'/ 'only ever have true love'. From what I remember Japeth mentioned Aric more than once, how they would write letters to each other how Aric 'begged' for Japeth to come to him but Japeth never did so and then bro spent the last of his life trying to bring Aric back to life. There are so many implications, the dynamics, the context, everything, but I love how you theorise and explore all sorts of ideas so I can't help but wonder how you view all of this :D.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and have a great day/afternoon/evening/night!
Sorry to disappoint, but I should probably start off with the fact that I don't ship Japeth and Aric. While I like Japeth, partly in thanks to @discjude winning me over, and further recognizing the tragedy surrounding him, his relationship to Aric never canonically does him any favors. And, with Aric, I think I'm apathetic enough towards him that I don't actively hate him; I just don't care about him. In truth, if not for Aladdin's pitiful existence actively hammering on my nerves, Aric would probably be my least favorite character.
The first thing I want to address is that Evil being "unable to love" or "only Evers have True Love" is actually false, despite the many times the series puts forth this claim. Yes, we are explicitly told this "fact" in book 1, but the book's point was to subvert/deconstruct the myth.
First, by the end, with her self-sacrifice, Sophie proved Evil's capacity to love, meaning: Evil being unable to love is just a commonly-held belief in the Woods, not the absolute, be-all, end-all truth.
(And the belief could've been perpetuated by "Rafal's"/Rafal's way of running his institution that literally shapes the Wood's perceptions and the future. Alongside this claim about love, consider the existence of the Doom Room, created to punish a singular mutinous class of first-years, based on a now-revised philosophy about Nevers' learning from harsh treatment and (probably) disproportionate retribution that an excessively stubborn dead man already too entrenched in his old ways never had the chance to change because he died—and this is all aside from the fact proven by the display at the very first Circus of Talents, that Rafal's students did indeed learn better when he finally listened to them and mentored them as an equal in their position (as Fala). In addition, the statement: "Nevers learn from deprivation" similarly reveals how the Woods really do generalize about Nevers—until Sophie, the "exception" and iconoclast, comes along.)
Second, Sophie's non-romantic True Love at some point was said to be Agatha, and I think this established fact is consistently maintained throughout the series, even if other elements overshadow it, so not only Evers can have True Love.
My take on Japeth and Aric is that Japeth's love for Aric, however twisted or sincere it was, drove him to become the Snake, follow along with Rhian's Camelot ambitions and initial staging-terrorism-and-hostage-scenarios plot, and commit all his other, duplicitous, villainous acts throughout TCY, later by his own will, which is a motive I find fascinating (and contradictory about the nature of the Woods' Good and Evil souls, whenever Japeth is set next to the rather grey Rhian).
So, while Japeth's devotion to Aric could be viewed as romantic, it's just not appealing to me, personally, due to the relationship's ambiguous one-sidedness in particular. And, I think I once may've read something about Japeth as a Never fighting for True Love (or his perception of "True Love") and Rhian as an Ever fighting for power (the Nevers' ideal fairy-tale ending) being ironic or inverted in some way. That's also some world-building fodder to consider, or even just another point that could overturn the Rules as we know them, yet again. I'm not surprised by that subversion honestly. Japeth is very much like his parents. Nearly every SGE villain Soman has ever written has been motivated by the pursuit of love, or by the overwhelming force of their own (often obsessive) infatuations (with the exception of somewhat flatter, less-developed, secondary villains, like Aric, Vulcan, Marialena, and Peter Pan).
Also, thanks for the compliment!
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twelverriver · 1 year
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i love the mayor SO much, he’s so great. literally pulls call temp agency & haircut on the same to do list as “become invicible.” this is a big bad who is organised (check) and also. literally checks off their evil tasks. 
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shima-draws · 8 months
Rewatching a playthrough of Danganronpa and it actually shocks me how chill Monokuma is. Even when Kyoko goes around stealing his shit and he finds Makoto with it later he's like. Yeah okay. I don't hold it against you or anything it's cool. LMAO
He has every available opportunity to just kill everyone whenever, especially when they break the rules, but he never does. I really love villains who stick to their own rules so it's fair for everyone else :")
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thedreadvampy · 6 months
so me and Sam FINALLY watched the last season of Capaldi's Who
and tell me how, after literally over a decade and for perhaps the first time in his fucking career, Steven Moffat wrote a not just tolerable but really actually good two-parter and fully stuck the landing. like the editing and pacing were still a bit off but the storyline was original, fun, interesting and emotionally invested, and most importantly, rather than ending on a damp fart or the most furious autofellatio in history, the final part didn't fumble it and ended in a way that felt emotionally satisfying and like it made sense for the characters. like the last time he successfully wrapped up a multiparter in a way that didn't feel cheap and hollowly disappointing to me was literally The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, and a) that was in 2005 and b) tbh The Doctor Dances is about a tenth as compelling and memorable as The Empty Child.
so after 12 years of either hackery or great ideas that fall apart in the second act, Steven Moffat writes what I would genuinely consider to be a memorable Good Doctor Who serial. it ends with bittersweet pathos, a solid closer for all the main characters, and sends Moffat's showrunning career out on a genuine high despite failing ratings and budget cuts (and the fact Doctor Who hasn't been consistently good since about 2009). good job Steve. with grudging respect I admit you pulled it out of the bag on this one.
wait what's this there's one more episode left? and it stars Mark Gatiss? and you literally spend the whole episode inexplicably just shitting all over the legacy of Doctor Who by inventing a version of the First Doctor that bears literally no resemblance to the character that William Hartnell actually played, just so you can spend the whole episode saying misogynistic things to run yourself off to how much more Totally Feminist your version was than the version you made up in your head of what Doctor Who was like in the 60s? and it added literally nothing to the season except to take all the wind out of the sails of the actually good finale you already wrote?
even when he writes a good episode this fucker still finds ways to disappoint me.
#red said#as I remembered it is by a LONG shot the best that Doctor Who has been under Moffat and I do think giving Capaldi more creative control#helped a lot. cause he's a massive nerd and also he approximately knows how to construct a story.#bill is the first female companion Moffat has ever written with an actual fucking personality#(even if being mean that personality is maybe kind of just what you'd get if you put rose Martha and Donna in a blender)#(at least she's not a blank slate with the words SASSY. SEXY. written on it)#matt Lucas is genuinely surprising bc despite hating the man it's kind of impossible to not like Nardole by the end??#michelle gomez finally gets some room to get her Anthony Ainley on and be the Master PROPERLY#i was hooting and clapping my hands at the John Sim Master's dumb disguise#like the cast is GREAT#(and while he still can't shut the fuck up about her at least Moffat isn't shoving River fucking Song down my throat 24/7)#buuuuuuuut uhhhh the politics are. incoherent and the vibes are rancid in a lot of the episode plots.#they clearly WANT to do Social Commentary but weirdly keep bringing up colonialism and capitalism and then taking the side of the baddies?#how are you doing to do a piece about the British Empire colonising Mars with a posh villain and a whole comparison to the British Raj#then come down on the side of the British state? same with the ninth legion piece? and the zombie spacesuit one is fun#but it wraps up with 'and then they complained to upper management and capitalism ended forever the end'#uhhhhh in the one with the microbot colony again we conclude the Morally Correct Answer is colonialism#don't get me started on the monks plot which is a) literally just ripping off the Year That Never Was but without the emotional impact#but also b) has some really weird and genuinely fucked up ideas about both geopolitics and uhhhh consent????#so yeah the philosophical core is either incoherent or Fucking Horrendous in almost every episode#it's frequently derivative but tbh that's often to its benefit bc it vibes like trying to figure out what actually makes episodes memorable#and the budget is clearly cut to the bone bc the visual effects look worse than 2005 and the post edits are really weird and janky#like the pacing and ordering is weirdly off and a lot of the shot to shot transitions are awkward or confusing.#plus the sound design in the first few eps is. unhinged. it sounds like offbrand versions of standard stings it's all just Slightly Wrong#but for real i liked it more than I've liked any other season of Moffat Who. it's messy incoherent and often politically INFURIATING#but it has some actual heart and energy. and it feels like doctor who. and i would say moffat is spending like 10% as much time#wanking over his own past triumphs (and Alex Kingston)#and a lot more time like. trying to write something which works. he's not like successful 100% of the time. or even 50%.#but there's a lot more warmth and creativity. mackie capaldi and lucas have actual chemistry as a core cast#and i think it helps that everyone in the core cast is SO PSYCHED TO BE THERE. like it just wasn't a slog like all Moffat's other seasons.
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dennisboobs · 11 months
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bakarrot · 11 months
still so pissed off over how they fucked over gas. like, they set up parallels between him and goku - even outright said it in the text that elec is a lot like canon raditz in that he only wanted his younger sibling around to act as a meat shield to protect himself, and that he’d only get tossed aside once he outlived his usefulness - yet they still fucking disintegrated his ass anyway!! he’s has almost the exact same set up as tien, but instead of getting a chance to break away from someone who used him his entire life, he dies in despair after getting abandoned by the one person he trusted. ok.
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So close to beating executive dysfunction’s ass... I can feel it.
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"i don't want him to be anybody but himself." "you sure about that?" "yes." "'cause i heard he told you how he felt and you bailed."
"the only thing that makes him worse...is you." "i know. why do you think i left?"
today on: i'm literally never gonna be not angry about how jemma was treated throughout s2
#like. this could have been her villain origin story.#tbh it looked like it was gonna be for a second there#but yeah going through the same traumatic event as your best friend and saving his life and trying to help him recover#right after he told you he was in love with you and wouldn't let her help when she tried#and leaving because everything you do seems to make things worse and hearing he's doing better while you're better#only to return and hear that he's been telling anyone who will listen that he told you how he felt and you bailed#still continuing to be treated. Not Great by said guy who says he's in love with you and preferred the hallucination of you he had#and gets frustrated with you when you try to literally do what he wants (to help him. to use you to talk through.)#(only for everyone to insist that you Must have feelings for him even when you continue to say you never thought of him that way)#only for him to ultimately have the attitude of 'if you won't date me i can't even try to be friends with you' p much the entire time#idk man! it'd be my villain origin story!#this is not a fitz friendly blog#every time i rewatch this show he grates on me more and more#(also to be noted: not just the way he is with jemma. the way he is with most characters.)#and like. i hated mack through most of s2 and then in s3 he became one of my favorites so like! i can change my opinions of characters!#just like how i used to love fitz and now i hate him lmao#several bad puns later – out of character.#idk i'm just gonna tag it as that for now#if u read these tags to this point you're the real mvp and i love you
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dmclemblems · 2 years
im just thinking suddenly about gw/ag miklan and edelgard like
lol r u fckn kiddin me
they basically implied that the empire had their hands full on the western front (for the entire game in gw bc miklan never dies in gw, only matthias does)
and a little tumbleweed blows by the entire western front like girl are you actually fucking serious right now are you literally murdering people left and right to change a system that right before your eyes has clearly already come apart at the seams in faerghus
like girl you’re literally behind the times get with it you RLY over here talking about a future for fodlan that can “only” happen if xyz but... it... already... happened... outside the empire... which means... if YOU are still having trouble fixing YOUR system AS THE EMPEROR with the supreme power of your country where YOU have the final say in shit... girl... that’s a fckn Y O U problem don’t drag the rest of fodlan into ur shit
now mind you in gw claude also manages to change the system in his country and fix their biggest problems (re: the roundtable during war), which means both leicester and faerghus ain’t havin’ a hard time fixing their systems or the overall crest problem in fodlan
nah that’s LITERALLY an empire based problem if y’all still havin’ a hard time over there bc the rest of fodlan is moving on without a hitch
“but the CHURCH likes their cwest system uwu”
cool seteth actually complimented miklan and has a good deal of trust in his ability at the western front and even got approval from rhea to send their personal soldiers to aid miklan in the defense of the sturdiest fortress in all of faerghus, possibly all of fodlan so what im telling u is that RHEA sent her own soldiers to AID A CRESTLESS COMMANDER WHO WAS PREVIOUSLY DISINHERITED AND DISOWNED and left their lives in his hands bc ya boi seteth has a good opinion of miklan BASED ON WHAT HE HAS SEEN/HEARD ABOUT HIM and ain’t even worried about his crest situation he lookin at the MAN not the crest or lack thereof (mind you this information is shown in ag, but all the routes show the story from a different perspective, which means seteth still had to talk to rhea about sending church soldiers to aid the west and defend from the empire which as i understand it, miklan had the highest authority or at least one of the highest authorities in that area, but rhea and seteth put their soldiers in the hands of a crestless man and seteth found him very capable)
so basically tl;dr edelgard’s entire reasoning for war falls apart completely because it’s literally only the empire having these issues still, two+ years (timeskip+time passed during the war) into all the lords taking full power in their countries. she basically goes to war with all of fodlan to conquer it just so everything is the empire, not to fix the system in “fodlan” because the only system that needs fixing at this point is the empire’s. instead of focusing on fixing the empire’s issues, she assumes the empire’s issues are everyone’s issues and goes to war over it because she can only see what’s happening in the empire.
NOW MIND YOU that two years was spent by dimitri by reforming the crest system and his own private army. he had miklan located before he even knew edelgard was going to start a war. he had him trained in military thoroughly by matthias himself (who has defended against sreng for many years and has the prowess to speak of) and successfully created a private army of commoners. everything edelgard is claiming she fights for was already done and sealed in faerghus BEFORE she even started a war and yet she didn’t even think about the continent outside of anything in her immediate view i.e. the empire’s problems which she assumed were fodlan’s problem, showing how tunnel visioned she is and how if the empire is having problems she’s gonna make it everyone’s problem.
so basically her only goal is to make the whole of fodlan under the empire’s flag and nothing else because the rest of the shit she claims to fight for has already been in progress elsewhere and she’s THAT ignorant to anything outside the empire that she’ll start a continental war over the issues within the empire.
mind you any nobility things in leicester like... nobody cared lmao the nobility protected the commonfolk and the commonfolk lived their lives literally like nobody cared about the system and everyone was fine. the lords at the roundtable argued and shit but like... usually it was just over their own territory and shit, it had nothing to do with crests and erwin was considered HIGHLY loved by his people regardless of having a crest.
erwin rly said like up yours @ edelgard and im here for it this guy is such a vibe and im trying not to like him so much bc of houses but im starting to fail the more i delve into his characterization in hopes ajkdhjasgdj erwin stOP
#Three Hopes Spoilers#is this an im angry at edelgard post? or is this... a miklan is superior post???#or is this... edelgard looks like a damn fool precisely bc our boi mikky is here post?!#edelgard's motivations make me so tired... and i can see why they make dimi and claude tired too#i don't like micaiah but at least she had totally legit motivations#and in fact i hate micaiah and love jarod but i totally acknowledge jarod is the bad guy here lmfao#jarod is like top tier shithead but he's funny about it and he gives damn badass speeches so like#at least with him im willing to fully admit i like him and completely understand he is not in the right#im not gonna defend his bullshit just bc he's funny and badass and has a VERY loyal and interesting sidekick#like those two all in their own are cooler than edelgard and literally they just are like#more interested in their reputation in begnion at anyone's expense and THAT'S THE THING#i like them yes but im not willing to defend their intentions bc i can SEE how crappy they are#edelgard is like... worse ashnard too bc she has the same exact motivations as ashnard to the dot#just in another world/universe/continent with a SLIGHTLY different system i.e. crests but the nobility system is the same#but then you have laguz who have the exact kind of system edelgard would want and they're co-existing with ppl who have#the opposite kind of system i.e. beorc and nobody ever went to war over that between them#they went to war bc ashnard has a same general concept as edelgard except ashnard owns his shit#and he doesn't listen to what other ppl/his actual enemies tell him and take it as the truth#he also runs his own shit and doesn't make excuses for it like... at this point im sad that edelgard couldn't be#as cool a villain as tellius' villains bc it'd have been great to have a badass female villain like them#in such a nuanced game like houses. it's sad that one of the only female villains just couldn't be written AS a legit villain#instead the writers tried to uwu her bc pretty sexy bisexual girlboss when rly they could've just put in an ashnard clone#and i'd have taken that shit over edelgard's headache any day like just toss female ashnard at me and i'd take that#i ain't about to make excuses for ashnard and jarod im gonna like them and im gonna tell the world how shitty of people they are lmao#tl;dr miklan being in this game and his role in it just proved exactly how ignorant edelgard rly is and how much she literally#does not care about anything except being the supreme ruler and can't accept anything else#bc the rest of the continent moved on without her and she didn't even notice apparently#so she just assumed the empire's problems were the whole continent's problems and they were literally not#miklan and erwin both honestly make me gape in disbelief at her sheer volume of ignorance
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bluehairperson · 2 years
hi,, Valerius for the character bingo, pls?
(you're one of my favorite artists btw!!)
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MY BOY 😭💙 I love him dearly.
#the pathetic excuse of a man that has been consuming my every thought for over a year#wish I could kiss him on the forehead as if he were a cat#I get that the devs probably only thought of him as a mini villain and comic relief Which he's absolutely great as btw#but yeah he has SO MUCH potential it's really a shame he doesn't get more attention both in canon and by the fans#they wanted a funny character and accidentally ended up with an extremely layered and interesting individual who has one of the absolute#coolest looking arcana patrons key scenes and character themes but like ok go off#the scene in nadia's route when we find him in his half demon form in the catacombs of the hierophant's realm surrounded by skeletons#wearing elaborate and rich clothing is literally one of the coolest visuals I've ever read in my life and I just have to be ok with the#fact that it's only two lines of text and not a full illustration... ok#the fact that he has seen his lover being turned to fucking ash and had to lead a whole ass city almost by himself for three years while#having to mourn alone alchoholism and making deals with the devil like OK SURE TOTALLY NOT EXTREMELY FASCINATING CHARACTER KEYS#also where was my boy in Lucio's route??? where is my canon pre plague content with them?? devs please respond#I'm outside of your houses banging at the door please open I just want to talk#lately some of my friends told me they started to get interested in him solely because of my drawings and that makes me very happy#please like my boy he's so cool#asks
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semi-sketchy · 1 year
Alright, I put a bunch of Xenoblade stuff in the queue. This is your reminder that if you wanna see trauma actually portrayed well you should play those games.
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forevercloudnine · 2 years
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THE BATMAN NEVER KILLS. (Batman: Reptilian #1 vs. #6.)
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
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whatever you imagine happened during and after this scene is 1000% better than what happened in the actual show
#shrimp thoughts#(nothing. nothing happened)#(i thought fei lian would have a role in defeating him. yknow as the good friend who hates seeing yu huan Evil and Heartless#(what yh tells him here is LITERALLY that he has no heart anymore lol) and would rather kill him than see this great man like this!#but uhhh no literally nothing of that sort happened and yh was Magic Attacked into disintegrating because that's how villains go now ig#anyway as i must have said back then i am imagining the tense drama-filled au in which fl goes something like. what will it take to stop#you? i'll do Everything and there's a flicker of red in yh's eyes because i think that's very cool and also sexy#and this is how fl becomes yh's concubine and they rule with an iron fist etcetc i didn't watch the show#also i didn't watch the show SO i don't know what's up with mr grandpa and yh but i think it would be good FOR ME if yh needed to#get rid of that evil energy once in a while. lbh style#and fl lies awake at night having just been fucked into next thursday. yh is dead asleep next to him and he does his best not to look at his#face because he knows he's going to see his old friend and he's going to be overwhelmed with stupid fondness and the urge to tease him#about his stupid little frown even when he's asleep! loosen up dude or there won't be a mrs yu huan in the future!#and he's going to forget that every day he doesn't slit yh's throat in his bed is another day of suffering for innocent people#every day he spends wondering at what point can he start gently pushing yh towards relaxing that iron fist; towards maybe making things#better for people who don't deseve to live in pain -- is a day those people spend living in pain because of his inactivity#he should kill this man. as soon as possible to avoid sentiment muddling his morality. he should do it before it's too late#(but he knows that it has been too late when he agreed.)#THIS IS WHAT I'M THINKING ABOUT. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED. IN MY HEART. I AM FINE IF YOU WANT TO KNOW
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shima-draws · 1 year
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roetrolls · 1 year
I mean Zerkev. Do you /really/ want Mallum to try and patch things up? Isn’t it just a load off your back to call it quits? To hell with him imo. there will be more Pravuses
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“Excuse me?”
> He sets down his pen and rises from his seat to tower over you, regarding you with disdain.
“Perhaps you have me confused with someone else. Are you earnestly suggesting that I could replace my son?”
> He grits his teeth, fins flaring in warning. The Marauder is not one to express himself through violence, but he looks about one careless comment away from getting physical.
“Let me be very clear. My child is not some failed experiment to be discarded and begun anew.
What I want is to set him on the right path. To watch him succeed, not because he shares my name, but because he is my son.
There will be other Pravuses.
There will not be another Mallum.
If you wish to continue this discussion, I suggest you consider your next words carefully. I am low enough on patience as it is.”
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Peacemaker is still a supervillain in my heart and always will be but I do think its kind of funny that his one real villain appearance in the comics was actually just him showing up in Vigilante, which like. Adrian himself is starting to become more villain then antihero at that point, so. Like I think the best villain Peacemaker we ever got was actually the way he was in TSS that was perfect
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