#her whole desperation to be more like the ppl she loves hints at a dissatisfaction with/disconnection from her own identity
n0brainjustvibes · 6 months
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"Mannequin's trial demands that a candidate changes themselves, and that it be hard."
here [throws a S9!Toga lore snippet at you and runs]
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kendrixtermina · 2 years
Uncomplicating Tritype: Synergy vs. Conflict
I would actually not echo the common advice of "nail your core type first" because ppl often mistype within their tritype, & often when you have it its easy to find the core by triads or the dominant center speech patterns thing.
However, for tritype to bring illumination rather than confusion, it bears to keep a principle in mind:
Tritype is about Synergy, not Inner Conflict
What does this mean?
Look at the types in someones tritype as like a venn diagram of possible traits. A person of that tritype will have those overlapping traits in the center of the diagram. That which all the types in the trifix have in common.
You can also look at it as a modifier that describes where you are in the "range" of your core type.
Say youre a 7.
Slap a 2 fix on it, and the sociability & optimism of the 7 get enhanced, since those are traits that 2 and 7 share. Give them a 3 fix and they will be even more industrious, energetic 6 even better smooth-talkers than the average 7. Slap a 4 on it & it will enhance the artistic and intellectual side of 7 but also make them yet more prone to dissatisfaction & frustration.
Hence why some tritypes can have a wholly different vibe despite being just 1 number away, because the overlap is different.
So what's that bit about inner conflict?
There's that common scenario of a person being like "I probably have 8 and 4 in my tritype" because they feel a polarity or conflict between wanting to be strong but also identifying with the underdog... otherwise known as "being a 6".
But you also see the odd 9 explaining various facets of themselves this way, which they'r predisposed to see as facets because, well, theyre 9s. its that whole fragmentation thing.
But knowing this trap helps you evade it with the aid of this simple rule:
Assume that any big inner conflict you experience (especially if its one of the main things often causes you grief) would be part of your core type & hence an important hint about what it may be.
Attachment Types in particular (9,6,3) inherently experience some conflict between fitting ppl's expectations & being their true selves. Some comply most of the time, some try to defy or resist the expectations, most are somewhere in between depending on the situation - rebel 6 vs compliant 6, stubborn 9 vs yielding 9, the tough competitive 3 vs the approval-seeking side.
It came up in a discussion with @its-an-inxp-again and @jerdle-typology how we generally think of the "counter 3" as the default & overlook the gloomier 9s. Looking at 3 as only 'oily salesman' or 'ellbow mentality' is kind of like looking at cp 6 as only the aggression without looking at the underlying fear, doubt or questioning.
I would add that tough-acting in 3s can be compensation for being seen as flawed or a loser in early life (Tom Cordon's materials describe compensation in 3s pretty well - & a bunch of those then mistype as 4s because they feel 'flawed', but they're overcompensating for it agressively rather than pointing to it as a reason for why they dont have to do their homework.)
Asuka from Evangelion is a good example of a "counter 3" where the compensatory nature of it is actually adressed. She's introduced as very competitive, viciously aggressive to her co pilots & putting up this big front of not caring about anyone's opinion but her own. At first she looks like a shallow self-obsessed bitch who is just mean to the other main characters. But then, bam! big reveal! The whole time she was secretly desperate for ppls attention & love and she is only acting so proud as a compensation for her terrible family situation & actually pretty low self esteem. She only hates her 9  colleague/roommate whom she views as meek and servile because shes rejecting the part of herself that wants others approval very much. (& then her final monologue in the last rebuild movie went like - "Give me somewhere to belong! I just wanted a pat on the head" & ends with her being told that shes enough just being herself)
But if you look at many content creators that are 3s there's many that are quite recognizeable as heart types & wanting your approval & just wanting to hear that ppl are proud of them. They don't come off like oily salesmen at all but rather like overeager golden retrievers. (Ferdinand from 3 houses is a good fictional example. Or heck, Naruto of the eponymous anime)
MBTI feelers in general tend to be the less "onion layered" versions of their enneagram types, whatever the type is. Maybe because they are more talented in  & have more conscious control over processing feelings so they need less psychic shielding - or because it is harder for them to keep up & maintain it. Though given a tragic enough backstory you can get some very oniony feelers, and sincere thinkers are hardly nonexistent.
But pretty much any type is complex enough to have its own particular dilemmas.
Tl;dr: Any big inner conflict you feel is very likely to be a product of your core type. Tritype is less a conflict between the patterns but rather the overlap between them.
also, hug a 3 today
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