#here fandom have a rebloggable version
telumendils · 14 days
i honestly think the ghoul believes lucy is just full of shit until she gives him those vials. like he does not believe she is genuinely that good of a person because no one is that good of a person anymore, and because she is the product of vault-tec middle-management. he is constantly expecting her to show her "true colors" (hence "there you are, you little killer" after she bites off his finger) until that moment when she chooses to help him despite the fact that he's done nothing to deserve her kindness. COMPELS ME!!!!
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5ummit · 1 year
So there's this post with a troubling number of notes going around insisting that "dead dove" is not a genre, it doesn't inherently have anything to do with darkfic, and that the tag could be applied to fics that are "100% fluffy where everyone's having a good time" if they happen to contain some abnormal (though entirely non-problematic) content like an unusual kink. The claim is that "dead dove: do not eat" is simply a "courtesy tag" that means "this is a very specific niche, mind the tags." And that's just... wrong.
I wrote up a whole rebuttal to this post since I can't stand misinformation and frankly OP was being kinda rude and judgey on top of their wrongness. But right after I posted my reply, OP turned off reblogs because, and I quote, “some fuckwad added some dumb shit onto this post and it is no longer educational” (the “fuckwad” being me and the “dumb shit” being proof that they were wrong). A couple people have asked me to make a rebloggable version of my response, which I've decided to do because this isn't the first time I've heard similar claims and I want to help set the record straight. However, I'm not linking the original post on the off chance this gains traction because OP did the right thing by turning off reblogs, preventing it from circulating further, and I don't want them to get hate for being unfortunately misinformed.
For those who don't know the history, "dead dove: do not eat" was originally proposed as a catchall "hydra trash party" alternative label for any fandom to warn that the content of a fic may be considered problematic or potentially upsetting and to read the tags carefully so you know what you're getting into and won't complain later. Specifically, DD:DNE was intended to convey that the Bad Things in the fic would likely be reveled in and not explicitly condemned by the narrative, which some people tend to get up in arms about, hence the need for the extra warning in addition to the tags. Don't believe me? Here's the original proposal (note DD:DNE can be found on a handful of fics dated before 2015 but this is when it really took off and became a Thing).
There are currently around 50,000 fics tagged as "dead dove: do not eat" on AO3 and close to 50% of those also include the rape/noncon warning (which of course is not the only type of "dead dove" but is one of the most popular and most consistently tagged). The normal percentage of noncon fics in any given fandom? Around 1-3%. That's a HUGE disparity. So don't tell me that dead dove is just a general "courtesy tag" and doesn't or shouldn't have dark connotations. Even the context of the original joke on Arrested Development has a dark undertone. Micheal Bluth casually finds an animal carcass in a bag in his refrigerator with the label "do not eat", as if eating it would be any sane person's first thought. The whole situation is kinda fucked up. And this fucked up vibe very much carries over into fandom usage too, as was intended.
The claim that dead dove has nothing to do with the content's genre and could just as easily be used to describe a 100% fluffy fic in which everyone's having a good time is straight up Wrong, or at the very least, severely warping the original meaning. Also, when someone these days says that they like/dislike "dead dove" most people in fandom automatically understand what that means because of the consistency of its usage over the years and the way language evolves. Whether you like it or not, "dead dove" IS a genre now and the term does carry a specific connotation. I do agree that DD:DNE should definitely still be used in conjunction with other tags, when applicable, to be explicit about the exact type of fucked up content you may find, but to say that the term is meaningless on its own is patently false and I'm tired of people who don't know what they're talking about pushing this narrative and causing even more confusion.
You want a generic term that also means "mind the tags" and doesn't have any inherently dark connotations? Just use good ol' "what it says on the tin" instead of trying to force dead dove to be something it's not.
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bluedalahorse · 2 months
Hi! I hope everyone is doing well. I am popping up to let you know that I’m alive, that there’s a lot going on, that I still love YR, and that I’m thinking about boundaries and priorities.
I loved Young Royals season three. I especially love how it engaged with the legacy of Erik and the systems of Hillerska. I love that it took the idea of the legal system providing catharsis and that it threw that out the window. I love the way characters got words for what they were going through, how Felice got to name the racism happening to her and August got words to name his disordered eating. Most of all I loved the way Lisa wrote Sara’s relationship with her father and her reconciliation with Simon. That meant so much to me, and I can’t wait to imagine a future for the Eriksson siblings.
Here is a brief list of things I loved about the finale. They were all written in the afterglow of seeing the episode. I stand by them. Especially how much I loved Wille’s ending, and what happened there.
In the coming weeks, I’m sure there’ll be stuff I’m more critical of or don’t feel as strongly about. I especially have mixed feelings about the way Lisa seemed to structure 3.5 in a way that mimics the emotional roller coaster of trauma. I’m not really focusing on that stuff here or now, because I don’t want to. But it’s on my mind, and I don’t know if I’ll end up posting about it here and elsewhere.
At present this post isn’t rebloggable or tagged with much of anything. That’s because I’m trying to figure out the best way moving forward with tumblr. I don’t know if I want to delete this blog and abandon it entirely, but the pressure to present a curated version of myself is too much, and is a pretty big trigger for things like rejection sensitivity and anxiety. The pace here is also too fast and there is no way to keep up with everything, and (forgive me for this cardinal sin in tumblr-land) I wish I had some easier way to not see the same sets of gifs a hundred times with the same commentary. I’m experimenting with slower ways of doing fandom, where I can enjoy myself more.
I do, however, want a way to get the cultural footnotes for Young Royals, especially when they help me write better fic and create better fanworks. I know there’s some pretty darn useful posts about how lines get translated and various holidays and traditions (and looking forward I would like to know more about universities in Sweden, and how the monarchy works and such.) So I want to be able to find the stuff I need without having to spend as much time on what I don’t need. The resource posts people make are truly helpful.
And I also have some other fannish things I want to see here, like Les Mis and Interview with the Vampire. And the memes are nice. I miss the memes.
Before I make the decision about how I engage, I think it will be useful for me to know my priorities. So I’ve thought about them a bit, and I want to make the decisions that align with my priorities. Here’s what I want to focus on moving forward:
I want to spend more time creating. The thing that has always brought me the most genuine joy in this fandom is writing fic. YRS3 ended in a place of possibility for so many characters, and I want to keep writing about them and learning about them that way. (I won’t even lie, of course most of my ideas are about August—August and Kristina working on their intergenerational cousin relationship, August getting pulled into weekly DND sessions with Wille and Simon so they can all get better at being human together while pretending to be elves or something, August doing the personal and liberatory work that allows him and Sara to one day have a Second Chance Romance with they’re older, even August/Nils because oh boy did that season give me ideas about them I never knew I had.) One of my goals is to cut down on browsing time significantly so that I spend more time writing, especially so I can finish Heart and Homeland. I think it’ll make me happier.
I want to spend more time helping others create. Some of the most meaningful experiences I had in this fandom involved being a beta reader or hearing out another person’s fic ideas, and getting to live in that space of creation and collaboration. For that reason, I’d like to still make new YR connections on occasion, especially with people who wanna share their writing process with me. Tumblr may or may not be a place to do that. I’m still figuring out where stuff should happen.
I want analysis to be something I do as part of my creative process, and that’s it. I don’t know if this is fully true, but it felt like ten years ago there was more fandom meta focused on what fans wanted to write in their fanfics, and how their interpretations of canon led to them creating cool art. There was some meta that was about how to interpret canon “correctly” but that wasn’t the priority. Now, it feels like—and this is true even outside of YR fandom, so this is no reflection on YR specifically—there is more emphasis on having the “correct” interpretation of canon. About getting it right, and having the right predictions and interpretations. It feels competitive in a way that wears me down. From this point forward, when posting analysis, I’m going to ask myself, is this furthering my creative pursuits and my understanding of the writing process more generally, or am I just trying to win an argument? If the answer is just to win, then I’m not going to post my argument. That runs counter to my goals.
I don’t want to engage in any space where anonymous discourse flourishes. Even when well-intentioned. Being away for a while was clarifying for me on that point. Turns out one of the biggest triggers for my anxiety and shame are extensive, heated conversations where I don’t know who is saying what and who I can trust. Spaces where there’s a lot of anon conversation are probably going to be ones I block and unfollow first moving forward. It just seems like a good baseline for how I engage.
So this is where I am as of now. I’ll probably continue to hold off on doing much posting in the coming days, but I did want to poke my head up for air for a second to let people know what the state of everything is.
Here’s one picture of the plushes for the road:
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And here’s a picture of the waffles I ate on finale day:
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Oh, to have cloudberry jam and time spent with friends. These things are truly joyous.
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1863-project · 9 months
Hi! I'm Steph, an archivist and ferroequinologist who likes attempting to drive every steam locomotive on the east coast of the United States in her spare time! There's a few reasons you may have stumbled upon this blog, so here's a quick navigation guide.
Are you here for...
Train stuff? Here's a page where I've linked all my railroad history posts, along with trains in video games.
The disability, ableism, and fandom spaces project I'm working on? All the polls and research I'm collecting can be found here. Research should be publicly available, I think.
Murphy? The best reason to find my blog is my abnormally large cat who's the size of a human toddler. His tag is here!
My Submas primer or some other Submas post I made? All of those posts are linked on the railroad page, but here's a rebloggable version of them!
The Autistic Gaming Initiative? Oh, rad! Here's our website, and here's a link to our Discord! You have to be 16 or older to join the server and 18 or older and autistic to be on our streaming team.
Something else? That's cool, too! Just remember not to be parasocial with strangers on the internet and have a great time!
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in-newjersey · 3 months
So here are my thoughts on my first time seeing a live BMC production!
Making this non-rebloggable, I am not a real theater critic and I do not want to draw any attention to this actual cast on an anonymous blog to strangers on the internet
For starters, casting!
I respect the variety going on here and the degree of diverging from famous character appearance-tropes. Tiny Latino Jeremy who's as fit as a gymnast and can (and does) do acrobatic spin kicks sometimes? Love it. Plus-size butch-esque Brooke? 10/10. Genderfuckery long-haired Michael who gesticulates with a huge fan through most conversations? Hell yeah. Pink-haired Nirvana-grunge-style trans guy Jake? Now we're talking. Christine a head taller than Jeremy? Awesome.
I will not get too into describing actual real people on here much more than that but in general it was wonderful to see a wide range of character-actor types inhabiting these roles. As someone involved in The Fandom, even though I have frequently expounded upon the mutability of character traits per the text, you do still absorb a general idea of what the characters "look" like; so it was a fun twist to have literally none of the performers fall into those tropes.
I will also say - and this is not a read - that I am no longer going to assume I'm too old to play any of these characters, because I guess that's the magic of community theater lol
On to Thoughts, which I will loosely group by characters:
Rich was fucking awesome. Like I was impressed by the singing skill across the board, but this guy fucking killed it at every turn. I looked at my friend I went with after The Squip Song and we both were like OH OK. Rich also wore mostly KISS T-shirts? Like the shitty glam rock band? But yknow, work. Excellent voice (if casting were a little more 'stereotypical,' he probably would be an excellent Michael). Emotionally, he was on the more explosive side while SQUIPped, melting toward just charmingly cute once in 'real Rich Goranski' mode.
The aforementioned Jake was an interesting take on the character. Definitely leaned more into the kind of douchey side of things, but did at least at one point seem genuinely into Christine (although the actor was very much leaning into the interpretation 'yeah he has multiple interests and he honestly likes them all in the moment but gets bored quickly, and that includes girlfriends'). Is that kind of shitty? Yes. Is that a realistic take on what a rich popular 17 year old might be like? Also yes. Nirvana-fan Jake was not a concept I thought of before but I was down for it (though I discovered later on the cast instagram page that the guy playing Jake said that his version of Jake thinks Nirvana is a clothing brand which, like, galaxy-brain take lol).
THE SQUIP!!!!! Actually cycled through Keanu Reeves costumes, which I loved. Started out in Bill & Ted, then Matrix, then POINT BREAK of all things, before landing on a pretty-impressive-for-the-budget version of the light-up circuitry priest robe thing from the Broadway style. He had the hair and beard pretty close to present-day Keanu too, which made him both line up with the resemblance and seem significantly older than the other characters; voice-wise, this guy was clearly a skilled baritone, which meant his delivery on some of the more rock-style songs was a bit unusual, but not bad. This SQUIP was suave at the right parts but did NOT shy away from being scary: the 'take me inside you' part with Brooke during Upgrade was staged very menacingly with regards to how he was physically moving around/behind Jeremy. The Play was delightfully sinister, leaning HARD into the SQUIP as literally puppeteering everyone: saying their lines and moving his hands like marionnettes throughout, keeping things very creepy and villainous.
On the topic of the play, the fight choreography kicked ass. Mr. Reyes's ALL THE WAY TO BROADWAY rant was delivered while he yanked Jeremy off the ground by his shirtfront and then threw him furiously across the stage, genuinely concerning and upsetting to watch (especially as the SQUIP was miming the same actions and lines behind him, obviously in control of Reyes's body) (I literally said 'oh fuck' out loud when it happened and got a Look from the presumably-grandma in the row ahead lol). The fight choreography during Two Player Game Reprise was also solid: the guy playing Jeremy was FIT and did a lot of impressive acrobatic kicks and such, and the person playing Michael being a lot taller and larger worked well with letting him like bounce off, lift him up for spin kicks, etc.
And in general, I respected how much this production was willing to let certain moments be dark. The Play in general was pretty horror-movie-climax; I also respected that the costuming did indeed look like so-so high school mockups of a modern zombie movie. But the whole number was eerie, SQUIPPED character movements and voices became unnervingly smooth and robotic, and positioning the SQUIP as the puppetmaster in the middle, literally moving the characters around, just sold the whole thing wonderfully. Very appropriately leaning into the horror part of horror-comedy.
Similarly, Do You Wanna Hang? was scary. AS IT SHOULD BE. My friend who came with me compared it favorably to the car scene in the movie 8th Grade, where you're just On Edge the whole time you're watching. The actress playing Chloe did a good job with it, that's an uncomfortable thing to portray but she went for it and it paid off in the moment.
Chloe and Brooke had a fun dynamic: the styles of the costuming/performers did add some interesting dimensions. Chloe was, as usual, pink and perfect and feminine, head-cheerleader vibes; Brooke was short haired and dressed a lot more masculine. Brooke had a very earnest sense of vulnerability to her, and excellent comedic timing during Do You Wanna Ride and The Smartphone Hour, as well as just the minor background-acting moments. They leaned pretty hard into the 'Chloe will take things just because Brooke wanted them, because she likes that Brooke is always a little jealous of her, and thinks that that's friendship' and, like the portrayal of Jake: is that a shitty thing to do? Yes. Is that a realistic thing teenagers might do, especially poisoned by toxic ideas about femininity and power? Also yes.
Which is a good spot to add, the ensemble was small (4) but they were serving it. The band appeared to be octogenarian church volunteers (oh, yeah, this was at a church??? Wesleyan Methodists, so the cool liberal branch of American Christianity) so I will say that with what they had, they were making it work. It would have been served well by a second keyboardist and/or guitarist to do the trumpet parts (it was drums, bass, guitar, and piano). One of the ensemble members, a tall goth-femme person with hot pink hair, played the role of the theremin by doing the melodies in remarkable and ethereal bel canto. And honestly, work.
Jenna Rolan was fun: could belt for the gods, had some pretty-intense Crazy Eyes thing going on that really sold the comedic moments and made her appropriately frightening as the Final Boss in the squipped battle at the end, styled like an early 2000s-lesbian-coded-soft-goth best friend archetype. No notes, 11/10.
The actor playing Mr. Heere/Reyes/Stockboy did a fantastic job of making those three seem separate, and as I mentioned above, really made Mr. Reyes come to life in a dynamic way. Sidenote, this production changed all references to Hobby Lobby to Michaels, which I found both funny and appropriate. Fuck Hobby Lobby, we all hate Hobby Lobby.
Back to characterizations, Christine was sweet and straightforward. Not as quirky or dynamic as Stephanie or a lot of other actresses make her, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Very gentle and smooth voice, she just really likes theater and wants someone to like the real her. They went with ballet-style choreography to introduce her during More Than Survive, which is always a wonderful touch for the way the music swells. There were points where I think a little more creative movement or a wider emotional range might have worked well, but the take on the character was consistent.
I am going to keep that positive thread through the next sections: while I might not have agreed with the interpretation through the text, I do respect going in a starkly different direction to how most productions and fans usually take such things.
I have enormous respect for the performer playing Michael for radically making it their own. The cast bios had pronouns, and Michael's performer was they/she/he, which as a fellow they/she/he who would love to play Michael someday was rad to see. They kept the CREEPS shirt and a hoodie with a lot of patches (albeit a black one with red accents), but that was about it. Michael had light-up cat ear headphones and a huge black fan which he used throughout, alternated between baggy sweatpants or just a floor-length hippy skirt, usually high-heel ankle boots, and some kind of green bathrobe thing for The Pants Song? Characterization, again, respect for making such an iconic character so heavily different. This Michael was not....very emotional. He was usually snippy and sarcastic in a very erudite and matter-of-fact way, at pretty much all points in the show. Not a lot of emotional range going on: this is a Michael who is in some combination of 'doesn't give a shit' and 'not going to let this bother me,' which came off....interesting. The chemistry this created with Jeremy was a starkly different one than we usually see. The original productions - and most since, and the majority of fandom depictions - imagines a Michael and Jeremy who, at their core, love each other a lot. However that manifests of course varies, but you Usually get the impression that (even with a little bit of codependence), these two genuinely love each other and spending time together, which makes moments in the show either heartwarming or devastating to see happen between them.
Not these versions of the characters.
Which didn't make it bad, but it did shake things up. This Michael and Jeremy didn't give deep-love-friendship so much as they gave 'we sat next to each other in 1st grade and don't have other friends. so. I guess we're best friends, huh.'
Which is an INTERESTING and somewhat bleaker, but not unrealistic, take on them. That, sadly, summarizes a lot of friendships, especially at that age and with the sort of vacuum of suburbia on your social sphere (nevermind how a lot of society discourages boys from emotional connection with their friends; if anything, the fact that this Michael was definitely queer might suggest that Jeremy even pulled back emotionally because he didn't want to seem gay or give this Michael the wrong idea). It definitely sells Jeremy feeling lonely, even with his best friend hanging around. Two-Player Game came across a LOT better than I was prepared for - I have waxed about how it's a hard number to pull off - not in spite of, but almost because of this. Like, sure, they've played through this game a million times before, they know every beat, they love it like they love each other, right? even though they seem.....kind of bored. Or at least like they're waiting for something else to happen. College? Girlfriend? Different friends? Just wait two years. Whatever.
To get critical, I will say that this dynamic did not really help Michael in the Bathroom. The fight beforehand and the song itself did.....not really lend themselves to a not-very-emotional friendship between them. The singing was perfect, so not faulting that: it's THE big song of the show, so that's a lot of pressure and the performer had a splendid voice, but the snarky-not-caring-that-much attitude didn't quite do it for me - Michael didn't seem sad or upset so much as pissed off, but still fully keeping it together (despite the lyrics saying otherwise). Tonally, the 'wish I'd offed myself instead' just sounded sarcastic ("wow, SORRY I CARED AT ALL, could've just killed myself for all you seem to care" kind of vibes) THAT SAID, it was consistent with the rest of the characterization, so I admire it as a very specific acting choice. There were also characters on stage - presumably outside the bathroom door, listening in - that turned a good portion of MITB into a comedic number; as I have said before, not my personal take on how that should go, but the audience was laughing along with it! So that's the wonderful mutability of theater.
Strangely enough, this actually made Michael and Jeremy's relationship at the end of the story work out just fine? The SQUIP experience kind of sparked a "wow we really do care about each other, huh" realization from both of them. Again, mad respect for taking such a different approach to such a well-worn character relationship.
So, overall, I am very happy I got to see this. Love to support live theater, love to be surprised by a story that I thought I knew pretty well inside and out, came away with plenty to think and talk about. If you can, go support your local community theater!
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crystallizsch · 4 months
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[ masterlists ] - art (+ some writing) / ocs - my fridge (stuffs for me :3) - tag directory
[ main: @scint1llat3 ] - reblogs galore with different fandoms including twst (not spoiler-free) - i also follow and interact from here :3
[ credits ] - used game assets from @/alchemivich for dividers/deco on my posts! - banner by @/midnightmah07 🥺💕
[ intro post tl;dr ]
you can call me "ian" or "crystal" (from my user if it’s easier)!
i am 18+ !! (but everyone is still free to interact! / this is a sfw acc)
twst-only blog (with a fixation for jamil viper at the moment help me)
i usually do art (oc x canon content / other silly stuff) + occasional shitposts/rambles
i think it should also be important to note that sometimes the majority of my thoughts are in the tags hgsdfnds
not spoiler-free for EN content, i WILL be posting about them immediately the moment new content comes out; JP content will be tagged with #twst jp & #twst jp spoilers so please filter them out if you dont want to see them!
tagging me and spam is fine! love em :0
asks open for everyone and anything (w/ anon available)!
(slightly more detailed/rambly version below!) ━━━━━━✦
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welcome ~ ♡
for the people finding themselves here uhhh-
hi! you can refer to me as ian or i don't mind crystal -from my user- if it's easier to remember!
twisted wonderland has been haunting my every waking moment so that's gonna be this entire blog ;;;
i do mostly art (forgive the style inconsistency from one post to another i'm experimenting hfjskdljs), i sometimes do writing???, and generally i just post whatever comes to mind.
also a lot of oc x canon stuff and the occasional shitposts and rambles. (fair warning i do a lot of long posts with comics hndnfsn)
(also when i freak out about things it’s usually an over-exaggeration so please don’t take everything i say too seriously and 100% my opinion 😭)
i also ramble a lot in the tags which is usually where 90% of my thoughts are ;;;
and despite being a majority jamil viper content at the moment (bc brainrot for him is real rn), i do in fact still have a love for the rest of the twst game --
this blog is not spoiler-free for already released EN content; i will only tag spoilers for JP content with #twst jp and #twst jp spoilers so please filter those out if you do not want to see those posts!
i consume spoilers and can be quick to react to them, so please keep that in mind!
i am mainly based on EN because that's what i play but i also catch up with JP stuff; so my knowledge and preferences about twst are very mix-and-match.
i am 18+ but i am a sfw account so nothing here will be too mature/nsfw!! (if there would be anything that i think would be too crude/sensitive/suggestive, i will put a warning! but it’s very unlikely i’ll even post that kind of stuff)
again just please be aware that you are interacting with an 18+ account even though there won’t necessarily be anything here that i believe you shouldn’t be seeing if you’re under 18.
(and on that note, if anything else just rubs you the wrong way or makes you feel uncomfortable, it's okay to suddenly block/unfollow i will not take it personally; please prioritize your health/safety/comfort!)
tagging me and spam is absolutely fine :0
i love seeing the interactions, y’all are fun. even you silent lurkers, likers, and rebloggers. i understand and i tend to be the same, so you are all hella appreciated too 💖
and irdc what you do with reblogs, go ham and have fun you lovelies.
also i read all tags and replies even if i don't respond to all of them. i appreciate them all, thank you so much 😭😭💕💕
also also i can be incredibly slow at responding sometimes so pls forgive me on that 🙏
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ask box ~ ☆
always open! and feel free to send about anything! (anon is always available if you prefer!)
i welcome thoughts, questions, etc and i'm always looking to chat or just gush about twst! (i'm also okay with things that aren't twst-related like just silly random asks :3)
on that note, i'm also down for requests / ideas! canon stuff, oc ramblings / interactions, oc x canon, etc. !!!
(no specific rules at the moment because i'm not sure what to expect yet;;; but everyone has been generally cool!!)
AND!!! if i haven't gotten to your ask yet don't worry i have! im usually giving it a response it deserves so i apologize if sometimes it takes a long while ;;;
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~ hopefully you enjoy looking around !!!
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I was in the fandom the cookie needle incident occurred in! It was Undertale. TLDR we still don’t know why the artist got a needle cookie because the culprit was never caught. The reason it got tied into antis and shipping stuff was because someone on Tumblr took the opportunity to go “it wouldn’t have happened if they hadn’t drawn my rival ship minor/adult!”
r/Hobbydrama has a write-up, but unfortunately the OP spends most of it going “lol Undertale fans and shippers” and right when shipping would actually be relevant it gets completely ignored. The actual incident is shoehorned in with unfounded assumptions, and OP finishes with “maybe don’t ship adults with minors”. So I’m gonna attempt my own write up from what I remember. I urge your followers to correct me if I get things wrong!
Once again: The culprit was never caught so we have no idea why they did what they did. Keep this in mind.
A popular Taiwanese fanartist called Avimedes was at a convention in 2017. She got some gifts there, among them a cookie. When she took a bite her tongue was pierced by a needle. I think it was bad enough she had to go to the hospital? Either way she posted a picture of the bloodied cookie and needlea on her plurk, stating she had no idea who did it. A screenshot of it was posted and spread on Tumblr. The first reblogs were of people reacting with horror.
Then someone reblogged with (paraphrased) “Sure it was wrong, but it probably wouldn’t have happened if she hadn’t drawn Frisk/Sans.”
Context: Frisk is the protagonist of the game, implied to be a child but very open for headcanons and self-inserts. Sans is THE most popular character in Undertale and thus the most shipped one. He interacts a lot with Frisk, so while it was never the fandom OTP for him it was pretty popular. People got around the age thing by simply drawing Frisk as a teenager/adult. Avimedes was one of them.
Not that the reblogger, who just so happened to ship Sans in the fandom OTP Soriel, cared. They might’ve been a BNF? Either way now legions of Soriel shippers were reblogging that version of the post, either as is or with additions about how minor/adult is wrong, Frisk is a child, [insert typical ship and anti arguments here], until people were outright defending the culprit.
The incident got posted only a day later to r/Undertale, but by them rumors were already flying about ships being the cause. Reddit OP made it clear the culprit hadn’t been caught and that these were just rumors, but they still took the time to denounce the culprit and people defending them for those reasons.
One game of telephone later and we have today’s “artist got feed needle cookie by an anti!”
Because of this there’s an now forgotten incident that happened few months to a year later. People started talking about how the culprit had been caught, and it turned out they had been one of Avimedes’ fans! I can’t remember if a reason was ever stated? Either way this got spread for a while until people got suspicious and looked up the source.
The source was a Soriel shipper going “Trust me guys! Also this totally had nothing to do with ships!” See, while it was (still is) the fandom OTP… turns out people will side-eye its shippers if it seems like they’re fine with people being seriously injured if they’re rival shippers. Once it was clear it was damage control people stopped spreading those claims.
So while anon is right in that we can’t say it was because of a ship because we don’t know, people were damn quick to defend the culprit because of their shipping bias so it IS still tied into anti-stuff and fandom purity. Kinda side-eyeing anon for trying to down-play it, because it certainly had an effect on Undertale fandom and ships.
After some research I’m also gonna side-eye anon for bringing up the claims about animal abuse and scams. The only sources I can are from 2021, from a few people going “source: trust me guys”, several years after the fact.
Even if they’re true, and even if that’s why the culprit did it?
People still thought it was fine an artist got needles in her cookies because she created content for their rival ship.
Thank you OTNF for letting me rant late at night, and apologies because this'll probably start another round of discourse.
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sneverussape · 8 months
Also, if possible, 31?
I’m having so much fun with these asks, been loving reading everyone’s responses :)
31. if he had a tumblr what would it look like? this is such a good question because i never once thought of associating severus with a tumblr :))) but why not right?! mans deserves one and he’d probably feel right at home here than any other site.
he’d be one of those tumblr users with a name so unique that it doesn’t need numbers to be accepted as a valid username in the system. the pornbots prob get all their names from a generator he had created back in the aughts. the blog description would probably only read “uninterested; go away”.
it’d have the most basic layout but with a profile pic that’s probably a zoomed in version of his nostril with a single hair sticking out. the reblogged posts would be things that elicited a lip twitch from him (a rare feat irl but tumblr manages to do it every day), or things he deemed important enough to be shared, from hurricane psas to NASA’s space pictures.
he’s rarely on the fandom side of tumblr because it gives him a headache and the wank and discourse that happens makes him want to blow up the computer sometimes. he prefers the dumb jokes, the news even though some are circulated via destined memes, the photos of animals and plants and space, and the occasional reading lists people throw out.
he wishes he could unlearn color of the sky and Color Theory.
he answers polls with relish but doesn’t reblog them.
he regrets looking up certain terms. “knotting”, in particular.
he softblocks anyone that tries to follow him. if you attempt to follow him more than once he’s blocking you.
his original posts are usually alchemical formulae that no one else would understand and they’re all not rebloggable by default. they are also watermarked to death.
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oriocookie · 11 months
Hi! Since you reblogges the post on this blog I am assuming you want to be asked here 😁 its for the fanfic writer ask game
❤️🎬 🧪 😎
oh hey!! im just gonna do it with whatever fandom bc this is my main (aka catch-all) blog lmaoooo
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
this one isnt posted yet and GENUINELY ive met 2 people who actually care about this fandom but its for mia and me (children's show with 12 works on ao3) and its a fic where mia lives in the magical world permanently after her grandpa renzo dies
But she couldn’t stop herself from pacing the empty halls in socked feet, simultaneously too young, too young to be without Renzo, too young to be alone in a house of her own, and yet eighteen years old, just old enough. 
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
going to be completely real i know Jack Shit about celebrities so the only thing i can say is jack black will be a part of it, whatever fic i choose, but i dont know anything else
🧪 Do you research for your fics?
so much. an unfortunate amount. i learned a whole language (and am currently still learning it) for silent spidey. im super bad at letting go of plot holes lmao
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
ooh this is fun!! i actually did a test on myself with this!! because when i'm reading fics for the romantic ship aspect, i prefer AUs and like pirate versions, mermaid versions, changing up the setting, etc. back when i read and wrote sanders sides, i wrote a LOT of aus, i think i only wrote one or two actually canon-set fics??? something like that, and i hardly ever read canon setting
whereas with irondad, phineas and ferb, gravity falls, etc. all those platonic fic ideas i currently have, i prefer sticking to more of the canon setting. not a single idea why lmao
the exceptions to this ive found are my horrendously obscure polyamorous romantic ships, probably because i can hardly find anything in general for them, not to mention random aus.
but yeah in general: romantic - au, canon noncompliant platonic - Mostly canon compliant with random things changed
ask game
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captnjacksparrow · 2 years
Hi! Sorry I just have to tell someone about something terrible that I just saw. I was scrolling in anti naruto ending tags and saw a post about Sakura. In that post this person said that they loved Sakura because the person that she could have been and should have been. They literally tagged the post as anti canon sakura. Sorry but personally I am losing braincells. How do you like person but consider that person as anti in canon but pro in fanfiction or what??? Like that fanfiction person ISN'T Sakura. And in comments people where talking about how she should have been hokage. Bruh. But sorry for possible mistakes English isn't my first language so I hope you can undestand what I mean. Bye and have a great day/night/evening/morning!!
Anyone who is spouting about a mediocre and low-life character as, "XXX Character should have been a President.", just know that they are exactly like that 'said Character' in real-life and hates to see themselves on-screen.
So, that Anti Canon Sakura person must have been a real-life Sakura and likes the better version of themselves.. i.e, the Fanon Sakura.
Recently, I saw this interesting discussion thread in Tumblr.... Not from Naruto fandom of Course. But from Mo Dao Zu Shi Fandom. Mo Dao Zu Shi is a popular Yaoi Novel all throughout Eastern Asia. 
That whole tumblr thread was just saying what I've been saying about Kishimoto's take on women Characters in Naruto Manga in many of my posts....
Apparently, some stupid pests has started this Misogyny rant in a Yaoi Novel and the OP got Annoyed with those pests. Because those pests are calling the Author (A Women at that) as a misogynist... Believe me, that fandom never got such lame complaints until few months ago.
One of the Reblogger made a Wonderful point which I'll requote it here...
But before that let me give you a preface.... There are 2 popular Yaoi writers in China and both of them are women. One's name is Priest... Other's name is MXTX (Mo Xiang Tong Xiu). But MXTX is the most popular out of the two. Priest also writes Woman centered Novels as well. Whereas MXTX sticks with just Yaoi. What an Irony!!!! A Woman who writes an excellent novel about Woman as well as Yaoi is not popular. But a Woman who writes only Yaoi Genre with very less Women characters in her novels is the popular one!!!!!
So, that discussion goes like this...
I think this is one of the reasons why mxtx is popular, she wrote irrelevant female characters or bitter female characters, both are easy for women to project. She clearly could write strong and independent female characters, but how many in the fandom talk about Ling Wen? If girls here really are honest when they say they want strong female characters, female MC, in battle manga, then Claymore would be the biggest manga here, but no, they're thirsting over boys in bnha. If people really care about strong female characters who have their life together, Priest would be more popular than mxtx.
The Character Ling Wen, whom the poster was talking about... She is extremely a well written character from a Yaoi Novel named Heaven's Official Blessing. She is not that regular power punch girl, smash the enemy and all those non-sense. She is cunning, decisive, calm, quiet and goal-oriented. She had quite an impact on the story to the point of making the Main Character to run around in circles for many chapters, you know.
But I've never seen anyone talking about her in that fandom. Just like I complain about nobody giving a proper credit to Tsunade.. In fact, Ling Wen is more nuanced and layered than Tsunade... Ling Wen has her own Arc too.
And the poster asked a right question about Strong Female Characters.... And I also want to ask the same thing....
Like Why nobody in Naruto fandom talks about Claymore manga which is also a Shonen??? It has a strong female protagonist like many girls want in their dreams and yet... I've never seen anyone talking/citing about this Manga in this fandom???? 
So, what gives???
People want a strong women character ONLY IN THE PRESENCE OF HOT BOYS.... THEY TOTALLY WANT A MARY SUE WHO WOULD MAKE EVERY MAN FALLS FOR HER STRENGTH/CHARM... Other than that they don't care about story and development. 
People like Jiang yanli exactly because she didn't do much, and got an arranged marriage to a rich and good looking dude, she felt like a YA fiction MC who has two boys around her. Priest's characters like Chen qingxu or Zhou Fei are far too competent and useful to project. Strong female characters aren't profitable, look at all these women thirsting after the male actors in The Untamed,
Unlike Sakura, I like Jiang Yanli... But she is just like that OP says... She didn't do much in the story other than offering comfort to the Main Character as his Elder Sister.
But people project a lot into her and expect something that doesn't match up with the narrative. Just like people expecting Sakura to be the Hokage. Just like people make a different Sakura in Fanon.... Jiang Yanli also has a different fanon version of herself.
They say Jiang Yanli should’ve been a cultivator, but Wen Qing had cultivation, they don’t wank her like they wank about the soup girl.
They say Jiang Yanli should’ve become sect leader, Bai Rong became sect leader in Thousand Autumns, and she worked for it. People are only interested in Yan Wushi’s tiddies.
I will rephrase this here...
They say Sakura should've been a Hokage.... but Tsunade is a Hokage, Mei is a Mizukage... but they don't wank Tsunade like they wank about this Sakura.
People are only interested in Yan Wushi's tiddies
Yan Wushi is a Male Main Character from another Yaoi novel called Thousand Autumns... And he looks like this
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Looks like an Immortal Elf, isn’t he???
People are only interested in Sasuke's Tiddies....
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In Every damn Yaoi/Gay media.... Girls badly wants to self-insert themselves... And project their shitty self and complain about bad writing and misogyny non-sense. Whereas if you give them what they want, they just won't buy it. All they want is, to project themselves as this strong woman and get the boy they drool over in the Manga and then want that happily live ever after shit.
Writing strong female characters for a female audience is such a thankless job. They say they want strong women, but when you write them, they don’t buy it. What they say they hate is actually what they really want. They want weak and average characters for them to project and, also for them to complain about to look woke. They want to have their cake and eat it.
They say they want strong female characters.... But how many of them actually talk about Saori, another female character (an alter ego of Sasuke with same backstory, behaviour and aesthetics) which was also written by Kishimoto? 
Different Fandom.... Same complaints...
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5ummit · 2 years
Banned Tags
When I made my original Tumblr Purge 2: Electric Boogaloo PSA, I knew the situation was bad, but I still had no idea how bad. It was only after I started noticing how many posts were missing on iOS, investigating exactly which tags caused them to be blocked, and making my own list that it really sunk in. Y’all it’s bad. It’s real bad.
While most of the banned tags are at least somewhat logical (nsfw, porn, kink, etc) there are also a significant number that have no relation to “sensitive content” whatsoever. In fact, these tags are so ubiquitous you would be hard pressed to find a single tumblr user that doesn’t regularly use at least some of them, especially content creators. I don’t know how these tags could’ve possibly ended up on the banned list, but my guess based on my findings and tumblr’s general level of competence: a bunch of blogs flagged as explicit were scraped and all of the tags that were used x amount of times were dumped into a “banned tag” database and never checked by a real human. I can only assume that some of these will be walked back eventually once the backlash becomes great enough (as they did in the Original Purge), but until that happens we’re left managing this mess as best we can.
And in case you’re thinking to yourself “surely it can’t be that bad,” here are all of the general/fandom tags I’ve found so far that are now hidden, from both searches and dashboards, on the iOS app (more under the cut):
[Updated Feb 8, 2023]
my stuff/mystuff
my gif(s)/mygifs
my photo(s)/myphotos
my face/myface
my thing
my life
my post
my video
my words
made by me
about/about me
long post
ask to tag
don’t reblog
self reblog
trigger warning
the winter soldier
alec lightwood
Obviously these are not the only tags that have been banned but they’re the most commonly used for content creators and the least obvious so I wanted to put them right up front to spread awareness.
I’ve been compiling my own comprehensive list of banned tags for the past couple days and was planning to post them, but it looks like someone beat me to the punch and there’s now a whole blog dedicated to collecting them and multiple posts with fairly extensive lists so far! With that in mind, I’m going to continue adding to my list of banned general/fandom tags above, since I feel those are the most important to single out and be aware of, but I’ve decided to forgo posting my own complete list and let @bannedtags​ take over as the primary resource. This is honestly for the best, since with the extreme number of banned tags that currently exist (and still growing!), I’ve come to realize I just do not have the time, energy, or mental health capacity to continue this project right now.
What I would like to offer instead is a bit more information on how these banned tags seem to work and what you can do to mitigate the damage from this disaster of an update.
There are two main types of banned tags:
Softblocked on all platforms – Posts tagged with these words are unsearchable on all browsers and apps but will still appear on your dashboard (as long as you’re not using the iOS app). These seem to be the same tags that have been softblocked since the Original Purge. On the iOS app, these tags are now hardblocked (type #2).
Hardblocked on the iOS app (as of version 22.5.1) – Posts tagged with these words are unsearchable + hidden on iOS dashboards. This applies to both tags on reblogs and original posts. Also, if the OP uses a banned tag, any reblogs will be hidden on all iOS dashboards regardless of the reblogger’s tags.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The new hardblock system ONLY applies to the iOS app. If you’re accessing tumblr via any other browser or app, even Chrome or Safari on iOS, the only ban that directly affects you is the first one.
How do you identify a banned tag and how do you know which type it is? 
The only way to determine if a tag has been banned is to search it. If it’s banned you will generally get one of two results depending on the type. Softblocked tags will appear to be searchable but have no search results (with some sort of cheeky message about not finding anything). Hardblocked tags will display a pop-up saying “This content has been hidden.” There is no way to know if a tag has been hardblocked on iOS without searching for it on the iOS app.
Softblocked on all platforms (+ hardblocked on the iOS app):
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Hardblocked only on the iOS app:
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This message system is a good rule of thumb but it’s not a 100% foolproof way to know which type is which. The only way to know for sure is to search on both iOS and another browser/app. If the tag displays search results in a browser but not the iOS app then it’s only blocked on iOS.
In addition to the two types, here are the basic “rules” for how all banned tags seem work as of right now, at least that I’ve been able to discern through trial and error since there’s no explanation provided anywhere:
Only tags are searched for banned content. This means you can still write whatever you want in the body of the post without fear of it being blocked.
Sometimes banned words embedded in a longer tag will result in the post being blocked, but not always. This especially seems to be true if the banned word is the first word in the tag. For example, the tag for the movie “single all the way” appears to be banned because it includes the banned word “single”. For this reason, it’s safest to just assume you can’t use a banned word or phrase anywhere in a tag unless you’ve checked it and know for sure it’s safe.
Banned words merged with no spaces are not recognized as banned content unless that specific combination has also been banned. For example, “sugar daddy” is banned but “sugardaddy” is still searchable.
So what can you do if you find out one of the tags you’ve been using regularly is now banned and your old posts are hidden to a large percentage of the userbase?
Luckily there’s an extremely handy website called Mass Tag Replacer that allows you to find and replace any given tag on hundreds of posts in seconds! You do have to give it read/write access to your blog, but you can revoke the access at any time. I’ve used this website for many years and never had any issues with it.
As for how to search a banned tag? The @bannedtags​ blog actually discovered some semi-workarounds: adding apostrophes around the tag (ex: ‘nsft’) or adding a period after the tag (ex: nsft.). I’ve tested this and can confirm that it generally works (at least at the moment), but the results can be spotty. Still, it’s better than nothing!
This whole situation is very new and in a state of flux so I’m going to continue my research and keep this post updated as we learn more.
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bluebeardsbride · 3 years
callout post for Mars @dickneto
HELLO EVERYONE! it’s Lear, back again with another exciting update to this callout post. Mars has returned to tumblr, he’s now at @mimikyute​. the blogs @pokezilla2, @loveplagued​, and @stormplagued are around but not active. I would recommend blocking him and avoiding him!
Mars @/dickneto (previously villyns, traumaloki, and vendettas, and also at marsplagued, mindbleached, rainplagued, stormplagued, and urfavehatesmarvel and as of 28.10.2021 at @mimikyute​) is a 26-year old white Mormon Russian [edit 16.08.2021 - Mars is a former Mormon, and lied about being Russian, and is actually from Idaho] who lives in the United States, and who has pretended to be black, Mongolian, and Jewish. He has used these claimed identities to harass people who criticize Marvel films or who he perceives as having problematic taste in media. He’s made up dozen of sockpuppet blogs and alter identities in order to do this. He blogs about Marvel and Hannibal; if you’re in either of these fandoms, I would highly recommend blocking him.
Post last updated 28.10.2021. This post will probably be updated periodically, as more information comes forward.
In general, I don’t believe in callout posts. I sat on this for several months before making the decision to post it. I want to be clear that the purpose of this post isn’t to “cancel” Mars, it’s to warn other people of his behavior because I know he is continuing to do it.
I tried to make this as clear as I could, but the fact is this entire situation is batshit bananas and trying to explain it in a clear way that makes sense is a little bit difficult. If you have any questions, feel free to respond to the post with them.
This is rebloggable.
Trigger warnings: discussions of racefaking, racism, antisemitism, harassment, child porn, and pedophilia.
Post updates
14.08.2021 - TW for pedophilia: It has also been brought to my attention that Mars has been telling people that he has hacked in me and a few of my friends’ hard drives and found child porn, and that he “discovered” my father works in private security (not true). So now he’s falsely accusing me and some people I know of being pedophiles. 15.08.2021 - more evidence for digital yellowface added, and also Mars’ threat to murder me. Mars deactivated and changed his blog title to “Lear Bluebeardsbride the Liar”. 28.08.2021 - Mars has returned, now @mimikyute​
Additions by other people on tumblr (if you are one of these people and want me to remove this, please don’t hesitate to contact me!)
yuxatengri - post here (x)
hannigramthey - in a reply to the original version of this post, said - “this person threatened me with multiple thingsincluding doxing me and leaking my nudes. They made a fake fb profile as me and created fake convos. they harassed my partner and friends forweeks. I could keep going with an endless list and I have screenshots to prove it”
Blogs Involved
Mars @dickneto (previously villyns, traumaloki, and vendettas)
Bug @pokezilla (previously girlbossgodzilla, hannimeme) — Bug is not a real person, they were made up by Mars, and claimed to be a Mongolian Jew (racefaking #1)
satan-incarnate-666 — another mars sockpuppet
mimikyute — another mars sockpuppet
pokezilla2 — Bug’s remade account, with a suicide note 
proship-death — callout blog for me an my mutuals, run by Mars
proship-pain — follow-up blog to proship-death
toothfairyman — fake account Mars “doxxed”
checkprivilegepeepsss — blog run by “black” members of a Hannibal discord server dedicated to calling me out. this blog was also run by Mars, who is a white Russian. (racefaking #2)
In May 2020 (last year) I made a comment insulting someone’s meta in a private discord chat. This person wasn’t in the chat, but their s/o was, and thus relayed this information for them. For the record, I was in the wrong here. I directly apologized to this person, and things seemed to be fine, but then they decided things were not. After that, they went around personally messaging people, informing them that me and my mutuals (who were not even remotely involved in the above drama) were “pro shippers” and “fetishize incest and bestiality”. This is not remotely true, and I have addressed these claims before, so I’m not going to regurgitate it here. They made a callout post in December 2020 for me and a few of my friends, and continued privately messaging people with this claim. 
Fast forward to 2021. I joined a public discord chat run by one of my mutuals, where I encountered Mars. We spoke once or twice personally, but other than that, that was it. However, Mars quickly became hostile towards me after the person whose meta I once insulted told him I was a proshipper.
In May 2021 I deactivated my blog after receiving sustained harassment from a bunch of blogs, whom I suspect were Mars. I will go into detail below.
1. “Doxxing” and Toothfairyman
Part of the reason I deactivated was out of fear of being doxxed; I had reason to believe Mars might attempt to do so. But Mars claimed they could hack someone with only an IP address. I know technology education is spotty, but for the record, this is not how hacking works. You cannot hack with an IP unless you have direct access to their device or a port. Even having someone’s IP address alone is not particularly helpful information! You can get their city, state, and zip code, but all this is completely void if they use a VPN. If it’s accurate, location information can be helpful in narrowing down the identity of a person, but this is only if you already have personal information on hand, such as their legal name.
Moving on— the user they “hacked”, toothfairyman, is almost certainly fake. There’s almost no posts by toothfairyman left on the web, or any independent activity at all. The only time they pop up is in anons sending messages to people informing them they’re reblogging personal posts, and here:
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reblogging something immediately after Mars liked it. I don’t think this is a coincidence. I think toothfairyman was one of Mars’ sideblogs, who he decided to “doxx” for some weird attempt to gain clout. Now let’s take a look at the screenshot of what is apparently toothfairyman’s screen. Onto the post where Mars “hacked into” this person’s computer:
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There’s a few things that are fishy here. Starting off, “tumblr user @villyns should end it” seems like an incredibly fake way to phrase a suicide threat. This is indistinguishable from fake hatemail people send themselves. Next, if you look at the paypal screenshot, it is literally from 2017. Personally, if I were to hack someone, I would not immediately reach for receipts from 4 years ago, and unless this person is doing some sort of weird tax thing it doesn’t make sense for them to have it up either. Also, what I can make of the numbers on the right side seems... fishy? The math is off. I could be misreading it; it is, after all, very fine print, but who makes a perfectly calculated purchase for 29.77 USD when they have exactly 29.77 USD in their account?
Now, imagine I’m wrong. Let’s say Mars is some genius-level hacker, and somehow, magically, all of this is true. How the fuck do you be a genius-level hacker and then publicly post about the illegal activity you’re engaging in online that could get you criminally charged? Either Mars is confessing to breaking federal US law on his blog, or he’s making shit up for clout.
I reported this, with the attached posts, to tumblr support, who told me it wasn’t violating tumblr community guidelines. Now, tumblr support is obviously full of some very overworked people, but when someone is committing a federal crime they’re not going to sit on their asses; they’re going to do something otherwise they can be held legally liable. If they didn’t think this was hacking, then it probably wasn’t!
2. Fake Anonymous Messages and IP Checking
Onto other stuff: Here is another post Mars made.
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The phrasing “this has gone far beyond concern and well into targeted harassment” is copied verbatim from one of my posts. Mars actually submitted this to the moderator of a discord server I was in, claiming it as evidence I sent him anonymous hate. As you can see, the IP address says Germany. The address actually belongs to de.hideproxy.me — which means whoever sent this likely sent this through a proxy/vpn, and was not actually located in Germany.
I’ve talked about speaking German on my blog, but despite this, (1) I do not currently live in Germany (2) I did not at the time of the message (3) I have literally never been to Stuttgart. A few things here: I don’t use Chrome because of privacy concerns, I don’t own a Windows computer, and if you all follow me you know I am an opinionated bitch who isn’t afraid to say things with my name attached. Also, even if I was going to send anon hate (which I don’t!), I’m not an idiot— I would not copy it verbatim from one of my posts. I think Mars sent this message to himself in order to get me kicked out of the groupchat.
3. Harassment
As I covered before, for several months leading up to May 2021, many of my  mutuals and I were continually harassed. Part of this harassment came through sockpuppet accounts. In May, a blog called proship-death posted a callout post for me and my mutuals, accusing us of being “proshippers”. I’m not going to give this claim airtime, because it’s not true and because I have addressed it like 500 times. It was very clear to me that whoever wrote the post was a native speaker of a Slavic language; there was a distinct, inconsistent use of articles, which is a familiar mistake to me because many people in my family are Russian speakers. I suspected it was “Bug” @girlbossgodzilla (now pokezilla, now “dead” at pokezilla1), because they had previously made posts about one of my friends, and so I confronted them. [Important note: girlbossgodzilla and Mars are the same person, but at that time I didn’t know this. I will get to this a little later in the post.] “Bug” denied the accusations, and then sent me a message “proving” they weren’t by sending me a link to another tumblr account, called proship-pain (who was apparently proship-death) whose only post was a screenshot of two people communicating in a tumblr chat, with the following commentary:
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The person who sent the message was obviously Mars, because Mars has a distinct style of writing. Mars often uses “friend” to refer to people, as you can see from some discord screenshots below:
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Now, I’m not a fucking idiot, so I immediately brought this up to “Bug”. I asked how they found the proship-pain blog. Here is a transcript of our discussion, from Tumblr chat:
bluebeardsbride: how did you find the proship-pain blog?
girlbossgodzilla: mars has been tracking it, he sent me the updated url he confirmed he didn’t send the message. The new and sole post on there is a screenshot of a tumblr message taken by proship-pain and posted plus, i was following the blog to see what happened. the url automatically updates
bluebeardsbride: how did he track it?
girlbossgodzilla: and you have a point with articles, i may be overthinking it im guessing he either followed the blog too or had other methods. he is a hacktivist.
But none of this was true. This was a completely separate blog from proship-death, and you cannot track a tumblr blog by its IP address. It was pretty clear “Bug” was lying at this point.
4. Digital Yellowface
“Bug” claimed to be a trans Mongolian Jew from Russia. This is obviously a bit sketchy— you can read about the history of Mongolian Jews here, and you can probably come to your own conclusions that the statistical likelihood of having a trans Mongolian Jew from Russia who is 18, speaks excellent English and is into Hannibal is… very, very low. Bug’s story changed— on his recent blog, pokezilla, he claims he was adopted from Mongolia by a Jewish family in Russia. (He also claimed to speak Hebrew and Mongolian, neither of which I ever saw evidence of; additionally, non-religious Jews, the vast majority of Russian Jews, do not generally speak Hebrew.)
His story also changed when he spoke to other people, as below:
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There was something else suspicious. Bug made their Tumblr account in February 2021, and immediately after they made their first post, this happened:
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I don’t think this is a coincidence— I think Mars is trying to cover his own tracks here.
“Bug” never joined the discord chat, but Mars would often talk about him Occasionally, Mars would let “Bug” have control of his blog sometimes, who indicated this by saying that they were posting.
5. Digital Blackface
In the public discord server where I met Mars, something else happened. One day, someone (hereto referred to as Person C) received a bunch of anonymous messages calling them racist and personally attacking them for pointing out imperialist themes in a new Marvel show in the discord chat. Again, I’m not even going to give airtime to contending this claim, because it is patently ridiculous. Person C brought it up in the chat (to which I responded it was patently ridiculous, and was then accused of being racist by Mars) and Mars chipped in and claimed he had received anons too, but did not provide screencaps.
Mars said he would get into contact with this person, and he did (similar to how Bug got in contact with the anonymous blog). This person then sent (through Mars) a long rant, including a message claiming I was a pro-shipper, written as “🌈🥩” exactly how Mars and proship-death wrote it in their posts, as well as Bug:
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and saying they they didn’t feel “safe” (another similar phrasing). Interestingly, this anon also sent Person C messages accusing them of transphobic remarks in that discord chat— but the remarks that were “transphobic” were made in a conversation with Mars.
This drama came up again when I warned people about Mars’ behavior. The blog, checkprivilegepeepsss replied to my post:
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This almost certainly Mars, pretending to be a multiple black people to call me out. Spamming people with sideblogs, is a pattern of behavior for Mars, which he has admitted to, as in
this post
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Recently, “Bug” posted a “suicide” note on his blog (for the second time). I know Mars is continuing to harass people, because I still get anons that resemble his style of language.
6. Child Porn Allegations
On August 14th 2021, after I had made this post, it was also been brought to my attention that Mars was telling people that he hacked in me and a few of my friends’ hard drives and found child porn, and that he “discovered” my father works in private security (not true) and I come from a law enforcement mafia family. Here are the receipts (anonymized to protect the person he told this to):
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So now he’s falsely accusing me and some people I know of being pedophiles. Interestingly, this part is indistinguishable from an antisemitic blood libel theory, lol.
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naturesloopholed · 2 years
A vent about the current situation.  All of this is tagged.  I’m upset that everyone is getting pushed out of a fandom they enjoy writing in.  This is a rare moment for me as I like to keep my space drama / vent free.  Skip to the bottom to see how you can help.    REBLOGGABLE VERSION RIGHT HERE
The fact that people send HATE behind an anon button is ridiculous.  You have NO IDEA what kind of lives these people live outside of the internet and you throw slurs their way,  tell them to go die,  and are just downright nasty.  If you support this treatment unfollow me now.  If I ever find out someone that I’m friends with does this to people?  I’m dropping you.
IT TAKES ZERO DOLLARS TO BE A GOOD PERSON.  Unfollow that blog that you hate seeing on your ask don’t send the mun a message.  If you want to be a jackass to people go write it in a little notepad and then delete it.  Don’t send it to someone over ships,  writing,  etc.  You are a coward for hiding behind the button to send rude messages to people or even really send them in general with your blog attached.
You mock people for having feelings of being upset,  mock them for shipping things,  or doing something that you don’t like.  You also mock the less popular blogs but oh no! Don’t get too “popular” or else that is bad either.  Letting this fandom shit get to your damn heads when we are all people that ENJOY the same hobby.  This is meant to be fun and a place to enjoy your writing and partners.  Not a game of who can tear who down first. 
HOW CAN YOU HELP PEOPLE?   Be nicer to one another,  send cute messages behind anon or with your name on it to people that you know are hurting,  make positive messages,  and overall be the kind of person that you wish someone was for you.  You want to tell someone that you have known for a long time how much you miss them but you haven’t talked in 5 weeks?  DO IT.  You want to send a message to someone you are scared to reach out to but want them to know that someone cares? DO IT.
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Name's Emile, and I've fallen headfirst down the rabbit hole of Madness Combat. I have no idea when I'll stop falling either, and I may be here for a while.
(Main blog is @lightkrets312 , which is a lot more "general content" and assorted stuff. I will inevitably reblog stuff to the wrong blog, but it is what it is.)
(If y'all wanna know my thoughts and feelings on various stuff, send me an ask! Content's freely rebloggable unless stated otherwise, ask if you're unsure!)
Content, tags, and more:
AUs (as of June 2021):
MCVRAI - Combines "Half Life VR but the AI are self aware" and "Madness Combat", which is kinda just me loosely slapping characters into places they sorta fit and laughing along with it.
[Trick!Hofnarr] - "haha hey what if tricky could just be hofnarr at any given moment? ...wait no hold up why does this have a plot now, stop-"
MC² - Madness Combat except it's a Minecraft online server with RP-based lore. I have a lot more thoughts about this AU than I've written down, but it covers the players, the lore, the server's history itself, and group dynamics.
- #madness combat and #madcom [name] are my go-to's for tagging characters, in which you just swap out [name] for most of the primary named cast.
- #MCVRAI, #MC², and #trick!hofnarr are tags for AUs I work on, though I may change MC² to MC^2 for the sake of desktop typeability.
- #my post and #my art are my primary tags for content made by me!
If I mistag a post, shoot an ask my way?
Possible questions:
"How old are you?" An adult! 20s if you're really curious, I mainly just stick to my own lane.
"You don't ship?" Not personally. Most of the time that has romantic/possibly sexual connotations in my head (not my cup of tea), and I'm just not big on it anyways. However I do think people can do wonders with any content, and I've got no issues with people that do!
"Do you just draw? Is it all colorless?" I do write occasionally, but drawing/visual art's my preferred method of doing things. ...And lines-only is just faster.
"Are you gonna write stuff down?" I already have some bullet points on a reference page for a few of these, and sometimes the art just doesn't wanna be drawn, so at this rate... maybe!
"Anything else?" Hey followers! I see you and your content, and I'm glad you enjoy mine! I'll also probably skim your blog if you follow me, just know that.
"...Okay but can I actually reblog th-?" If it doesn't say ya can't, yes do it. I see your reblogs and I love them, thank you.
"How'd you get into Madness Combat?" Short answer: Friday Night Funkin mod videos.
Long answer: Blame YouTube, honestly. Videos of "song except it keeps switching modpacks" led to me watching modweeks, and then of course that led to Tricky. After the Tricky mod became a whole ass week, I ended up watching some fan-reactions to it, which got my interest more than the probably-creepypasta clown did.
(and before anyone asks: YES i thought Tricky was some creepypasta nightmare creature, what was I supposed to think of the Funkin interpretation?? That version of Tricky reads as a lot more serious than the canon Tricky! MadCom Tricky is a little shit and a bastard and THAT'S the one I enjoy.)
Anyways, a bunch of videos had mentioned stuff about "Hank" and some old video series, and at this point I was dipping my toes into the Fandom Wiki enough to feel confident about using it, so I finally caved and went spelunking through Tricky's wiki article.
...Which led to the Madness Combat wiki... and then an episode list... and then a video of "madcom but it's just tricky"... and then at least a week straight of just watching the series once a day...
...And then at some point along the way, I made a sideblog for MadCom content and here I am!
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Re: Yud and eugenics. He's not going to state what he believes outright because he knows how that looks and what people associate with eugenics, but I really think there's some weird stuff if you read between the lines. For instance, look at LW's "Guardians of the Gene Pool" where he basically calls the Communists "defective transhumanists" instead of the Nazis because the Nazis were "bioconservatives" who believed the Ubermensch had already been achieved in times past and had degenerated in the present, not something you had to create in the future. The implication is that neither party did it right, and that there is a right way to do it.
He also joked about geneticists intervening to stop stupid people (Trump supporters in this case) from breeding. I get being hyperbolic about Trump supporters, but this joke is... awkward. There's other hints too, though I know people will say we shouldn't look at HPMOR because that's fiction and the characters are all flawed people. Only, wait, HPMOR is an author tract and recruitment tool for rationalists, so it's more aligned with the author's core values than most fics. However, if your version of Harry refuses to interact with Ron because he doesn't "see any reason for him to exist," that means that just maybe you do view certain people as expendable (which is confirmed throughout the story as Harry triumphs over obstacle and obstacle). Don't tell me this is an unreliable POV because Harry, however flawed, however imperfect, is still unambiguously the hero of the piece and a transparent self-insert Gary Stu. I know lots of mediocre fic writers love to bash characters (the HP fandom is notorious for it), and many fans hate Ron, but doing this to the everyman of the franchise is... a choice lol. Not to defend JKR but maybe she had something to say here about the value of the common man. Every other story/franchise where most of the heroes are scientists or the otherwise exceptionally intelligent people - I'm looking at you, Star Trek - know better than to demonize those of average intelligence.
That one reblogger writes: "At its base there’s really only one thing transhumanists all agree on: your body and your mind belong to you." Again, most people would agree with that general statement about bodily autonomy and individual choice. You don't have to be a transhumanist to agree. No one here's going to be, like, noooo, my body belongs to the state, the church, the whatever. Transhumanism is primarily about promoting research into human enhancement by technology, sometimes in a singulitarian context, sometimes not (often death is the chief problem to be solved). It's not inherently bad, and human enhancement is going to be pursued regardless of whether transhumanists are at the helm, but when you start to think about some of its unspoken assumptions and some of the more realistic outcomes of such technologies becoming available, like unequal access and the likelihood of their being abused in a technocracy, the picture looks a bit more grim.
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swanimagines · 4 years
(Hahaha Lord of the Rings reference…)
Some of these prompts are from my old prompt list because this is The One Prompt List now and I’ll update this if I want to add more prompts.
If you want the rebloggable versions, you can find them here (please credit me (swanimagines) as the creator!)
LAST UPDATED: 12th of May 2022
Contains: dialogue prompts in three topics: general, fluffy and hurt/comfort + one word prompts, setting/trope prompts, kiss prompts, affection prompts, hug prompts and a song drabble request template.
DO NOT merge different categories (like B47 from dialogues and F3 from kiss prompts, or a song and a prompt) and absolutely NO plot, just the prompt, the character + the fandom, please (you can also state if you want a platonic or romantic thing + if you want the reader to be a female, unless you want those to be up to me as well). Also don't send all your requests in the same ask, one ask per request!! Also check how many prompts you can send with your request from the title of the list.
You can find the fandoms here and request here.
A) don't have ideas but want to request
B) want to be surprised with what I'll cook up
In other words, if you have a plot in mind, send it instead, without a prompt. You can also send both in separate asks, which would result in two fics.
LISTS A-C: DIALOGUE PROMPTS (max. 2 per request)
LIST D: ONE WORD PROMPTS (max. 2 per request)
LIST F: KISS PROMPTS (1 per request)
LIST H: HUG PROMPTS (1 per request)
I’ll write something for the character based on a song. Any song will do which has English lyrics/English translation somewhere, I can translate Finnish lyrics myself though if you want to request a Finnish song. Do not include a plot for the fic since it only messes me up if I get a different idea from the song and it can result in loss of quality in the fic! You can, however, state which verse do you want me to use if you don’t want me to pick it myself.
Template: “Can I request Believer by Imagine Dragons with Raven Reyes and a best friend reader? Thanks!”
 1) Do not include a plot, not even the vaguest one!
You may state that you want a platonic fic/the reader being the character's sibling, the reader being a female etc but no more than that.  If you have a plot in mind, you can always send it in as a gif imagine!! Gif imagines just need a tiny plot with me, like "imagine x character asking you out". UPDATE: with dialogue prompts, don't tell me who you want to say which prompt as it might mess up my own ideas.
2) Send the letter of the list with your request (I’ve formatted the prompts in a way to make you less confused about it).
Categories are: Dialogue prompts, one word prompts, setting/trope prompts, kiss prompts, affection prompts and hug prompts + song drabbles.
4) There reads the amount of prompts you can pick for the request from each section in the header, but here’s the list for clarification:
Dialogue prompts: 1-2 prompts
One word prompts: 1-2 prompts
Settings & trope prompts: 1 prompt
Kiss prompts: 1 prompt
Affection prompts: 1 prompt
Hug prompts: 1 prompt
+ A NOTE: I might twist the prompt a little bit, like add something before the prompt etc, like A1: “Um, I was just wondering... can I take a picture of you?”
Or I might change up the prompt with replacing ! with . etc if I find it to be more fitting for it, like if I don’t come up with a sensible situation where using a certain punctuation mark sounds right, so changing that helps a lot in some situations. I might also change the wording of the actual prompt if the original one doesn't fit the character's mouth (since I sometimes get those). Also “they” might change to she/he depending on character’s/reader’s gender.
NOTE 2: I have the right to make the fic platonic even if you request a romantic prompt, as I sometimes get prompts like B51. “I think I’m in love… with you.” for characters I don’t write romantically for. In those cases the character/reader says the line to someone else/is pretending to say the line to someone else/I write the prompt in a way that it’s platonic otherwise. Of course, if you request a romantic fic for them, I’ll just turn the request down because you want a romantic fic for a character who’s a minor/whose actor is a minor/was a minor during filming or I just don’t feel comfortable with writing romance for them in general.
I also might get platonic inspiration for characters I do write romantically for and I reserve the right to do it that way if I get an idea like that. Keep that in mind.
NOTE 3: I might do a oneshot or even a short "series"* out of your request if I feel inspired enough, but please don’t request it in your ask as I start to feel stressed about it. I usually don’t do a oneshot out of it but sometimes I might feel inspired.
(*"Series" means max 5 chapters)
For rebloggers!! You might want to have access to the easier, chopped down lists, so you’ll find them from here!
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