#heres another earworm for you Jules!
m4g0rtz · 1 year
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Today's polish was such a gorgeous blue that I had a hard time taking it off this morning. between the shimmer and the flakes and the gorgeous color, I couldn't get enough. It was also extra sparkly in the pool but I couldn't for the life of me get a decent picture with my hand in the water. 😂 This is Pleasures Remain from Garden Path Lacquer.
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saltine-kakyoin · 4 years
hii for the ask game 28/29 maybe🥺 also if u have any song recs for me I could really need it i mean we all remember the wuthering heights incident 😳 anyways hope ur doing ok!! wishing u the best🤼‍♂️💕
jules!!!! howdy hey! even though i see you on the daily, i’ve missed you!!! 🥺🥺🥺 thank you for sending these in! i ended up writing quite a bit, so i’m putting this under a readmore! ^^
28. Name a book you don’t mind reading over and over.
oh man, this is a tough one bc it’s been so long since i’ve Read a book ;w; one book that I remember thoroughly enjoying in high school and wishing I could read again (every month i flip-flop about whether or not to order it haha) is A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki! I don’t remember it super well anymore, but I recall it really opening sophomore Sarah’s eyes to many things. if you’re interested in checking it out, I would just advise caution bc I do recall it discussing suicide
29. Do you collect anything? And what are some hobbies you have?
so i already answered this one BUT i realized i forgot things! alongside plushies and score-books, I also collect the programs from my performances + any shows I’ve gone to see, alongside any ticket stubs I may have received from those! i keep thing in a big ole binder- I actually had to move them all to a new binder a few years ago because there were too many qwq I also like collecting sheet music for the songs I’ve performed, but I haven’t ordered any new sheet music in a long time ^^;
i also wanted to elaborate on the asmr thing, bc some people read that and go 🤢👉🤢👉🤢👉 mic-licker! but that’s the not asmr i want to make! (when i originally posted this i was typing WAY too fast and completely missed typing ‘not’... pls know i am not that kind of gal ;o;) The asmr I really want to create one day would kind of be similar to the content from Goodnight Moon and ATMOSPHERE: really story-driven and detail-oriented! i also want to incorporate aspects of Latte’s style, where she’ll jump to a close-up shot for certain actions (ie pouring a cup of tea), and Dana’s style with all the special effects! i think it’d be such a fun way to explore Foley artistry and work on my acting skills, but i’ve always been too shy to start recording 🙈🙈
as for song recs.....bro i feel like the one girl at the party w the beam coming out of her, i always get so PUMPED when we share songs!!! (never forget the wuthering heights incident 😳😳) here are my recs!
I’m Not Calling You a Liar by Florence and the Machine!! admittedly, i heard the dragon age 2 version of this song before i heard the actual version, and it is gorgeous too, don’t get me wrong!!! but i personally prefer the original instrumentation more uwu
Fool’s Errand by Fleet Foxes- jules i am DEEP in the throes of my fleet foxes addiction and this song has me in a mfin chokehold.. i love this song so so much, i love how the singer’s voice just soars during the chorus. another song i really enjoy from fleet foxes is I Am All That I Need / Arroyo Seco / Thumbprint Scar, which ouughhh it makes me so sad. I listen to it a lot when thinking about my DA2 player character ;_;
Feet of Clay by Vashti Bunyan- i recently discovered vashti’s songs and oHH they all hit me emotionally T T this one makes me feel many many things, and I’d love to dance to this song if/when i get married someday 🥺 i also love if i were/ same but different, which is a much sadder duo
Locket by Crumb- this song is a bit repetitive and 1000% an earworm kinda song, but god the instrumentation is SO good
Television Romance by Pale Waves- okay so frfr i originally decided to listen to this song bc i thought that the vocalist was hot umu;; however, it’s really catchy too!! I like that the lyrics kind of run counter to the sound of the song, and I really enjoyed the wistful, almost regretful?? or maybe resenting?? expressions the singer pulls between the choruses and verses
The Machinist by Japanese Breakfast- so i’m sure you’ve probably already heard this considering you introduced me to japanese breakfast, but!!! i’m recommending it anyways bc i have been JAMMING to this song lately... when the song goes ‘it could be bliss’ i’m like bRO IT IS BLISS ;_;
Need Your Love by Tennis- this was the first song i ever heard from them, but I really like their sound! the ‘baby you’ve got more poison than sugar’ section is SO fucking good, oh my goddd
Waltz Me to the Grave by Kimbra- i will love kimbra’s entire discography until i die, but god this song has always been really dear to me. I listened to this SO much when I was trying to rewrite nge so that basically everyone lived (ikik, i was like 14 ;__;), and it has kind of lingered in my head every since. i love the instrumentation through the middle of the sing, that shit SLAPS in the dark at 2:23am.. some other faves from her are the build up, 90′s music, like they do on the tv, and version of me! but every song from her is so so good i honestly recommend them all
Stone by Raveena! every single raveena song is the best song in existence, but this one.... ooh it hurts ;__; i originally listened to this song as inspiration for one of my characters, but i’ve really been relating to it more personally lately. Raveena’s entire Lucid album is *chef kiss* if NOT *chef marriage*, but I also really love Headaches, If Only, Sweet Time, and Temptation!
Valentino by FKA Twigs- so this is actually Mary Magdalene, Cellophane, and Home With You, but the specific way they’ve been blended for this fashion show is TRANSCENDENT!!! I’ve loved Twigs’ music for so many years now, but her entire Magdalene album is such a new and interesting development for her already kind of abstract sound to take, and I’m a huge fan! c: daybed wasn’t featured in the fashion show, but it’s another one of my favorites from this album!
this last one is like... a Bonus and also Not An Actual Song, but JULES my brother and i heard it and IMMEDIATELY started crying, it’s the funniest thing i’ve heard in a long time. if you’re in need of hysterical laughter, pls give Monkey Type Beat a listen ;w;
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