#nail polish 212
m4g0rtz · 1 year
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Today's polish was such a gorgeous blue that I had a hard time taking it off this morning. between the shimmer and the flakes and the gorgeous color, I couldn't get enough. It was also extra sparkly in the pool but I couldn't for the life of me get a decent picture with my hand in the water. 😂 This is Pleasures Remain from Garden Path Lacquer.
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gardengirl222 · 2 months
molly gunn!
sunshine, glass half full sweetheart molly gunn is who i want to be when i grow up! i just know that sweet girl has all type of eclectic fragrances for what's she's feeling like that day but for sure most are sweet, floral and bright! i love her sm - miss u brittany! 💜
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☀️ Demeter Fragrance Apple Pie (if you look really close at her vanity you can see a bottle of Demeter perfume in the back!) 🍏🌸🥧
☀️Jo Malone London Peony & Blush Suede
☀️ Hermès Un Jardin Sur Le Toit
☀️ Gale Hayman Delicious Cotton Candy
☀️ Britney Spears Rainbow Fantasy
☀️ Byredo Sundazed
☀️ Donna Karan DKNY Be Delicious
☀️ Something Sweet - smells like rainbow sherbet!
☀️ Joop! All About Eve
☀️ Lush Snow Fairy
☀️ O Boticário Egeo Dolce
☀️ Lanvin Modern Princess
☀️ Carolina Herrera 212 Sexy
☀️ Nina Ricci Nina
☀️ Demeter Fragrance Sour AppleLollipop
☀️ Ralph Lauren Ralph Love
☀️ Mugler Angel Eau de Toilette (2019)
☀️ Givenchy Absolutely Givenchy
bonus! i did some research (re-watched uptowngirls lol!) and saw her vanity and found her little products so cute so i will list them here as well in case you really want to delve into the molly vibe!
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💜 Kérastase Volumintense hair conditioner
💜 giant jar of Crème de la Mer
💜 a MAC compact (could be powder or blush!)
💜 MAC lipstick - (a close match! modesty C)
💜 BeneFit Flamingo Fancy shimmering body highlighter (sadly discontinued but here are some close matches! refy gloss for the face that suit all complexions! and 1. 2.)
💜 a MAC nail polish (I found some colors close to the one on her dresser! 1. 2. 3. )
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best-cosmetics123 · 5 months
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Medora Lipstick Colors Purple Available in Pakistan
If you’re someone who loves to experiment with bold lip colors like Medora Lipstick Colors Purple, then you’ll be pleased to know that Medora lipsticks have recently launched a range of purple shades in Pakistan. Medora is a well-known Pakistani cosmetics brand that offers affordable and high-quality makeup products. The introduction of purple lipstick shades is a unique and exciting addition to their already extensive range of lipsticks. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Medora’s new purple lipstick shades and what makes them a must-have in your makeup bag.
Medora Lipstick Colors Purple
3 Medora Lipstick shades are available in this bundle
Shade# 212,
Shade# 218,
Shade# 279,
Introduction to Medora Cosmetics
Before we dive into the details of Medora’s purple lipstick shades, let’s take a quick look at the brand itself. Medora Cosmetics was founded in 1961 and has since become a household name in Pakistan. The brand offers a wide range of cosmetics, including lipsticks, eyeliners, and nail polishes. Medora is known for its affordable yet high-quality products, which make it a popular choice among Pakistani women.
The New Medora Purple Lipstick Shades
Medora recently launched a range of purple lipstick shades that are perfect for those who want to add a pop of color to their makeup look. The new shades are available in both matte and glossy finishes, giving you the flexibility to choose the perfect look for any occasion. The purple shades range from deep, dark purples to lighter, brighter shades that are perfect for the summer months.
Benefits of Wearing Purple Lipstick
Purple lipstick may seem like a bold choice, but it can actually be very versatile and flattering on a wide range of skin tones. Here are some of the benefits of wearing purple lipstick:
Adds a pop of color
Purple lipstick is a great way to add a pop of color to your makeup look without going too overboard. It can be a fun and playful addition to your daily makeup routine.
Complements a variety of skin tones
Purple lipstick can complement a variety of skin tones, from fair to dark. Darker purple shades look stunning on deeper skin tones, while lighter shades can brighten up fair skin.
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fifthavethaispa · 1 year
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Give yourself the best nail polish. Get your Nail Polish now. Call for book appointment: 212-644-8239.
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What to Look for in a Carpet Cleaner in the West End
When it comes to carpets and upholstery, you want a professional cleaner who knows how to get them clean. They’ll be able to remove a wide variety of stains, like coffee, wine, feces, blood, nail polish, chewing gum, red dye stains, soot, mustard, ink, shoe polish, and more.
A few things to look for in a good carpet cleaner West End pro are experience, customer service, and a green approach. You should also check whether they hold the proper business licenses and insurance, and if they’re licensed in your city or state.
The company you choose should be able to provide you with a free estimate over the phone or in person before they begin work. This way, you can be sure to get the best deal on a thorough carpet cleaning.
Most carpet cleaners charge by the square foot or per room. They may even offer discounts for multiple rooms or additional services. They may also ask for a deposit to reserve your spot.
Usually, the company will come out to your home to measure and calculate the square footage to give you an estimate before they begin. They will also go over your cleaning preferences, like how many rooms you want cleaned or if you’re interested in specials during the slow season.
Some companies will also include a stain guard, a layer of protection that helps prevent liquid or solid spills from seeping through the carpet fibers. This can save you time and money if you’re prone to spills.
It can also help protect your furniture and rugs from wear and tear. Lastly, you should look for a carpet cleaning pro that uses environmentally friendly chemicals. This is important for those with allergies or asthma because some cleaning products can aggravate symptoms in people with respiratory illnesses.
Steam cleaning is a popular method that involves applying hot water to your carpets, which will help sanitize and kill germs and allergens. The water is then extracted through a machine that pulls the dirt and grime up from your carpets.
This process can be especially effective on synthetic carpets that haven’t been shampooed. However, it’s not suitable for natural fiber carpets like wool or velvet.
Another popular method is dry carpet shampooing, which uses a special detergent that binds to dirt and crystallizes it. It’s a quick way to clean the top layer of your carpet fibers and leaves them dry faster than hot water extraction or dry scrubbing.
The downside is that it doesn’t deep clean the carpet and the shampoo can accumulate in the fibers. It’s also not effective for removing stubborn stains, and it can void the warranty on your carpet.
Some companies, such as THA Cleaning Services, use a truck-mounted hot water extraction system called “steam cleaning.” They combine 212 degree water with gentle cleaners to deeply clean your carpets and rugs without damaging them. This method is safe for most carpets and rugs, and it’s a cost-effective option that dries quickly.
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odekiisu · 3 years
Fractions of Echo - VII - Strike
So I realised that I never properly introduced Strike. 
Echo thinks about gender some more.
“Hey, you’re the new guys, right?”
The barracks were filling after a day packed full of training and simulations – Echo and Fives’ first collective training session with the whole of Torrent company, and their first time working with an actual, proper Jedi! And General Skywalker, the Hero With No Fear, no less!
As Echo lifted the cuirass off his shoulders, he came face to face with a trooper with a soft smile and longer-than-regulation hair curling over a sharp undercut, wearing the bottom half of their armour only.
“Yeah,” Fives replied, as Echo turned to set his cuirass on the footlocker alongside Fives’ and set about unfastening his plackart. “I’m CT-27-5555, Fives for short, and my friend here is CT-21-0408, Echo.”
“Oh, I was wondering about you having a number right there on your forehead. Neat, I’m CT-37-1624, Strike. The pronouns are she/her, if you would, please, and I’m a girl.”
Echo was too neat and careful to let his armour clatter to the floor, though it was a near thing. “Oh?”
Strike laughed. “Yeah. I’m guessing you’re both the usual? He/him?”
Echo had trouble locating his tongue, so Fives stepped in with, “Yup, he/him, both of us. Well, Echo...”
“Oi, Strike!”
Strike looked over her shoulder, grimacing at the trooper who’d called her. “Ah, kark it. Sorry boys, it seems like there’s a Crisis calling. Talk later?” and she winked at them before turning and leaving.
Echo stared after her, armour completely forgotten.
“Careful, a bug might crawl into your mouth like that,” Fives commented.
“Fives, she’s… I think she’s like me! And she’s a she! She’s a brother and she’s a she!” When Echo lost sight of Strike, he turned back to Fives to see a fond grin on his face. “And she’s… She looks so… cool!” Echo’s face may have been hurting a bit by now from the ridiculously wide grin he was sporting, but who cared about that? “And she’s really in our unit?”
Fives laughed. “Careful there, your crush is showing.”
Echo sputtered. “It is not a crush!”
“Well…” Fives drawled with a smirk that said that he knew exactly how infuriating the next thing to come out of his mouth would be. “If it looks like a nuna, and it clucks like a nuna…”
Echo resisted the urge to deck him in the face, just about. He did, however, indulge himself by chucking his polishing rag at Fives, nailing him right in his recently-de-shelled shoulder.
The next time Echo saw Strike was at the mess hall during latemeal. As he and Fives collected their trays of whichever flavour of cardboard was being served that day, she spotted them and waved them over to the table where she sat with a handful of other brothers.
“Hey,” she said as they got closer. “Wanna join us?”
“Sure,” Fives replied with a cheeky wink at Echo that earned him an elbow to the ribs. Strike quickly introduced them to the rest of the group, and the other three gave their names in return – Crisis the heavy gunner and line troopers Resh and Tuft, all in the same squad, the one that’d been just ahead of them in the simulation.
Naturally, Fives nudged Echo towards the single spot at the end of the table opposite Strike while he himself rounded the table to the other side of the group, striking up a conversation with the heavy gunner.
Echo found himself thinking along a familiar path as he spoke to Strike and the others, and while Fives was recounting the tale of their bumpy ride towards graduation, decided to just bite the blaster bolt.
“Hey, Strike? May I ask a personal question?”
“Sure, shoot.” Strike set down her fork.
“What, uh… How did you… know, that going by ‘she’ was the right decision for you?”
“How do most brothers choose their haircuts, or their paint?” Strike paused, glancing at Echo’s expectant, thoughtful face. “It just… it fit me better than anything else did. It feels right, it feels more me.” She took a deep breath, leaning back. “It’s… After I made the change, I suddenly felt like I could just be myself, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world that this is who I am and who I should be.”
Echo was nodding along as Strike explained it. Her explanation made sense – it was similar to what he’d heard from others, in other contexts, but hearing it now gave him a certain clarity that he hadn’t realised he was lacking before.
Strike cocked her head. “Why do you ask? Have you not met a trans vod before?”
Echo shook his head. “Not met, exactly, at least not personally, but- I think I might… be one?”
“Oh.” Strike’s expression softened immediately and she leaned in, towards Echo. If there wasn’t a table between them, Echo was certain he’d be pulled into a keldabe. “So, what pronouns do you use?”
“I, uh.” Echo cleared his throat. “Most people use he/him for me, but I’ve thought about maybe using they/them as well. How much I want to do it changes from day to day, though.”
“There’s nothing wrong with changing your pronouns, or using more than one set,” Strike reminded him. “And a lot of vode consider he/him to be more or less neutral anyways, especially around nat-borns. Keeps things nice and simple.”
“We’re all troopers and troopers are ‘he’,” Echo said with a smirk. “Can’t break the officers’ fragile little brains by requesting different treatment when they can barely even tell us apart.”
Strike snorted. “Yeah, that too. But it’s mostly like, who even cares what they think of us? As long as we do our jobs and do them well, they don’t care, and so neither should we.”
“Yes! Exactly. As long as we can shoot clankers, who cares what box they put us into in their heads,” Echo replied.
“Yeah. Not gonna lie though,” Strike continued, “it always throws me for a loop when any of the officers call me ‘he’, but I also know another vod in the 212th, Shanti, who is just as much a lady as I am but still goes by he/him by default.”
Echo nodded. “I can see that happening.”
“Word of advice, though,” Strike said, leaning in with her chin on her hands, voice lowered as if divulging a secret. “If you happen to be in nat-born company sometime and this comes up, he/him is definitely not neutral to them and they will get very offended if you imply that it is.”
Echo chuckled. “Noted. Not as if I get many chances to hang out with them, but if I somehow do end up among birthers I’ll keep it in mind.”
“Oh, just wait till we get leave on Coruscant,” Strike said. “All sorts of opportunities to… mingle,” and she raised a suggestive eyebrow.
Echo considered his options, and made a decision. Instead of turning towards his own bunk, he climbed onto Fives’, a nudge and a ‘move over’ enough to prompt Fives to make room for him. They finally settled, pressed tight against each other, the bunk barely wide enough to accommodate two fully-grown troopers.
“Want something?” Fives mumbled.
“Nah, I’m good,” Echo replied.
Fives hummed in acknowledgement.
“Hey, Fives?”
“I think I might want to be ‘they’ instead of ‘he’ sometimes. Maybe even ‘she’, I’m not sure yet. Not now, not always, but sometimes.”
Fives smiled, planted a kiss on Echo’s cheek. “Of course. Just give the word.”
Echo grinned and snuggled closer. “Thanks. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
(All Fractions of Echo snippets here)
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morgue-ratt · 3 years
tagged by @eggsandbeer
nickname: Frenzy or B
zodiac: Aquarius Sun, Scorpio Moon, Taurus Rising
height: ......5 feet
last movie i saw: I made my dad watch tcm2. he didn't like it.
last thing i googled: I was looking up song lyrics
favourite musician: I don't have one, I guess it depends on my mood. I'll always listen to Lady Gaga or Evanescence though.
song stuck in my head:  the halloween theme lol
other blogs: none...
blogs following: 212
amount of sleep: uuuhh... not enough. I stay up too late and most days I have the opening shift so as soon as I get home I just crash on the sofa.
lucky number: 10.6, 9, 49, 7
what i am wearing: pj pants have elephants on them.... pj shirt has snuffkin on it
dream job: mortician or like. a writer.
dream trip: I wanna go to Prague,. I read a book that took place in Prague and I've wanted to visit ever since. I also have always wanted to go on a super long roadtrip.
favourite food: vanilla ice cream with Tabasco on top
play an instrument: I don't...
languages: I can order a cup of coffee in french but other than that, just english
random fact: Cadaver blood is viable for a transfusion up to 12 hours after death. We don't use ot though because once the heart stops beating, it's hard to exsanguinate completely.
describe yourself as aesthetic things: stained mugs, black hooded sweater, chipped nail polish, playing cards, over filled bookcase, pens everwhere
I tag @stumacher-theghostface @brownchickendog @dberl @1-800-slasher
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nataliealexxxa · 3 years
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Best nail salon I personally use for years, located in Manhattan, to get my manicures and pedicures. Definitely made sure to get my #valentinesnails ready for the month💋What do you guys think? I dig the color ✨Color and polish type: Black and red ombré powder SNS 💋 🖤Modern Spa♥️ 212-787-2508 139 W. 72nd st. New York, NY, 10023 . @modern_spa . @brianmichaelphoto . @kate_alex_x (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLPLev_lJLX/?igshid=icebzg0ujzq9
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hadleys-hopeless · 4 years
So my hubs and I have major beef with one scene in particular in 212. WHY ON EARTH is Isobel chugging acetone openly in public in the middle of a VERY PACKED Wild Pony??? It's even still in the nail polish remover container! Is this a mistake that should have been edited out? Can she mind warp people so they don't notice?! Seems really careless on the character's part and it's driving us bananas. Shouldn't she be attempting to be discreet?
What do you all think?
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cannahea · 4 years
My Dark Academia Care Routine
I’ve always felt that a clean and healthy body aids a clean and healthy mind. As such, I have always liked to practise good hygiene and beauty routines, and after reading an article on the subject, I was inspired to share mine on this blog.
Based on the article by Lily, linked below
Morning Skincare
First, I rinse my face with cold water. I follow with a gentle toner, spot cream if needed, and a light moisturiser for the day. 
I try to be as minimal as possible, and will usually only curl my eyelashes and use a clear lip balm. If I want to go a tad heavier, I apply mascara, some light blush, or powder depending on how I feel.
Hair Styling and Care
In terms of care, I simply wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner every other day and leave it to air dry. My hair is not very long, so to style it I usually just twist it up into a claw clip, or leave it down if the weather is calm.
Evening Skincare
I take my daily showers in the evening, in which I shave and wash my face and body, and alternate washing my hair and exfoliating my face and body. Afterwards, I tone and use a richer moisturiser, as well as applying spot cream if necessary, and I apply body lotion and deodorant.
Day-to-day, I use 212 NYC by Carolina Herrera, and in the evenings I use Poison from Christian Dior. Before I started using these, I actually found that some of the scents one can find at chain stores are rather nice (I used Hollister’s Wave), and more affordable than the designer brands that charge upwards of $100 for a bottle that will last about two months. I have always believed that smelling good makes one more confident, so I always make sure to use deodorant (unscented, so as not to clash with the perfume), as well as to practise good oral hygiene and keep my hair clean.
Again, I like to keep them relatively plain. I keep my nails styled in a ballerina shape, with a nude polish, or a clear coat for school. I use hand lotion every morning and evening after my skincare routine.
Many thanks for taking the time to read this. I would be interested to see everyone else’s routines and their views on care and beauty routines.
Find the original article here And the author’s Tumblr here
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jessilynallendilla · 5 years
Witches cry out against Ettil who won’t fight with Mars against Earth, he encourages them. (good) His wife cries and Ettil explains that it’s foolish, Earth will destroy them. (yeah they have no immunity against the common cold) Outside he could hear the marching army. Ettil resolves to stay on Mars and read, (I would too) his father in law says he’ll be shot, “Who ever heard of a Martian not invading? Who!” p.210 Ettil shoves him out of the house only to be arrested and Ettil shouts his goodbye to his wife.
In his cell he watches the rockets take off. Another with Ettil’s illegal Earth books demands an explanation. Ettil says that’s the reason he won’t invade and to get it over with and shoot him. (badass) He points out the books are on Mars invading Earth, getting thwarted by a man named Rick, Mick, Bannon or Jick (what kinda name is Jick?) and failing. The official calls it treason, Ettil brings up that Earth has generations of children reading stories of Earth successfully defeating an invasion, Mars doesn’t. (point taken) Reading that gives them morale. “Their youth of reading just such fiction as this has given them faith we cannot equal.” p.212 The official says Ettil has a choice join the war or burn with his books, Ettil chooses to burn. (badass like that lady in Fahrenheit 451) As he watches his books burn in the courtyard, he sees his fearful son watching, (oh that’s low and cruel) he changes his mind.
As they march to the ship Ettil sees his wife crying, (does this woman do anything but cry?) the men are laughing and Ettil whispers that they’re off to destruction but changes to victory when someone overhears him. Everything about him is back on Mars but here you’re a robot to bring death to Earthmen. You’re already dead here. Ettil thinks it happened quick, one Earth rocket reverse engineered to make an invasion. And now they know all about Earth and its people, (from one rocket and not all our radio signals?) “And we shall pay the price for our brilliance…” p.215
They wait to attack when the silence is broken by an Earth radio signal. (see) William Sommers, president of a production company welcomes them. They renounced war and are unprepared for the invasion they welcome them and ask for mercy. Sommers calls them all brothers and the Martians think he is either mad or it’s a trick. (or both)
People waited at the tarmac, the Mayor, his wife, Miss California 1965, Miss America 1940, Mr. Biggest Grapefruit and the police holding back the crowd, a full welcome wagon band and rockets. The band plays California, Here I Come, Oh, You Golden State and Santa Clause Is Coming to Town with the lyrics changed to Martians. When they land the Mayor makes a speech about the benefit of the Martians, Miss America offers to kiss them, the band play How Do You Do, Everybody and Mr. Grapefruit gives them a two-ton truck of grapefruit. All of this starting at 1:30 and ending at 4:00. (well with the lack of professionalism aside at least they’re efficient)
One Martian is suspicious of all this and wants to kill them. (of course they would) All around people mingle and ask questions. Ettil says he can feel a subtle evil about this and they’re going to do something he can just can’t figure out what. “One huge mass of common men, loving dogs and cats and Martians equally. And yet-and yet-” p.219 The humans pass out free beer (it’s technically toxic to us what makes you think an alien you know nothing about can consume it?) and the Martians start to get sick on our food. (see no immunity) The assignor says they overdid their hospitality and orders them to town as other ships land.
They walk into town and get scared by women in a beauty parlor looking like undersea creatures. (is Ray Bradbury a Humans Are Space Orcs poster?) They would rush them shrieking, destroy their sensibilities and change them into husbands and working men who pays so they can come in here and eat their evil chocolates. (sexism mixed with space orcs) A few think they can control the women. (sexism) A few women call out to the Martians calling them cute, Ettil runs. (like you do)  
Ettil sits at the park still in horror of the movie theatre. A woman gets his attention asking if he wants to go see a picture, everyone else is. He asks if that’s all they do, she says what else is there and laughs at the thought of reading. (air headed ditz) They do drive around and Ettil should get the new model. Then she says all his talk makes him sound like a communist they don’t stand for that, (this was written during the cold war it was all Americana during this time) they’ve been good to the Martians and let them invade. Ettil says that’s what he’s trying to understand, the woman says it’s because they’re big hearted and walk off.
Ettil tries to write a letter to his wife but is interrupted by an old woman and a girl with a tambourine asking if he’s been saved. (oh no) Ettil is confused asking if they’re in danger. The woman goes on that he’s in danger of the worst kind and “We saved lots already today. I saved three myself, of you Mars people. Ain’t we nice?” p.223 (no no you’re not) Then ask if he’s been baptized, Ettil is confused and asks if that’s like being shot. The woman goes on of how he’s being sinful and had an ignorant upbringing in those Martian schools that don’t teach the truth just lies (you’re right we do need to teach religion in schools let’s start with Islam) and if he wants to be happy, he needs to be baptized. (no you don’t)
She goes on describing peace, quiet, milk, honey and laughter and Ettil blurts out that Mars is a great planet like she described. She stops and asks if he’s joking, he says no, and the woman goes again that she wasn’t talking about nasty Mars and that it’s his type that will boil, suffer and be tortured. (yes insult a person their beliefs and homeland that will get them to listen to you and come to your side) He cuts her off, “I must admit Earth isn’t very nice. You described it beautifully.” p.224 Then pleads ignorance when she gets mad again and calls him a heathen. (All My Friends Are Heathens~) She gives him a pamphlet to the church if he wants baptized and goes down the street singing loudly that she’s happy. (and is promptly arrested for disturbing the peace)
Ettil writes to his wife again, that he was naïve to think Earthmen would counter attack with weapons. There are blond, pink, rubber robots that live in caves. They have large butts. They are hypnotized to watch movies for lengthy periods of time. And their only muscles are in their jaws from constantly chewing gum. (seriously read the actual story it’s chock full of Humans Are Space Orcs content) They’ve been dropped like seeds into a concrete mixer, (tiiii-tlllle) that is this civilization. They won’t survive, killed by kindness and “We will be destroyed not by the rocket but by the automobile…” p.225 Then right on time, there’s a car crash involving Earthmen and Martians. Ettil writes the statistics of car crashes, people made into jelly, the horror. (yeah car accidents can be pretty nasty)
Blood is all over the highway. Halloween is one of their holidays and he thinks that’s when they worship the automobile or something about death. (Space Orcs) He sees the army trapped in cinemas, by gum and witches. The Earthmen are killing them with romance. Then he writes that he will try to escape and may die and wishes love to their child. Confused about it all he leaves the park only knowing if he stays, he would own things that keep him here like a wife and a car. He sees the haunted faces of Earthmen. (…really?) A limo pulls up to Ettil and a man invites him in where they can talk. Ettil does. (stranger danger)
R.R. Van Plank orders Ettil a Manhattan, he works for Big Studios, he shakes Ettil’s hand which Ettil thinks is a message and Plank tells him of his idea, a movie about Earth being invaded by Mars. (you think it will be popular with all that’s going on?) He keeps talking about how he can give Ettil money and women from his black book, (ew) Ettil mistakes that the talk of peaches is about fruit. Plank doesn’t understand and explains his vision of Mars’s silver cities, Martians dancing around fires and tall blond Martian women. (is this cultural appropriation?) He won’t listen to Ettil when he says that Martian cities don’t look like that, they don’t dance around fires and Martian women are dark. Plank starts calling Ettil other names like Mac, Billy, Roscoe etc. because he says Ettil is a woman’s name (how?) and then goes on about his idea of a Martian woman saving the ship from a meteor. (of course)
Ettil asks why Earthmen are being nice to them, “We invade your planet, and you welcome us-everybody-like long-lost children.” p.229 (this has implications of imperialism) Plank explains everyone on Earth is common, the Martians envied Earth cities and were lonely. (mansplaining to Martians) He reasons they came down for Earth’s cities and women (of course) and they welcome them. There’s profit to be made, movies, dolls, games etc. and all the things Earth can sell to the Martians. (are the Martians sure they landed on Earth and not Ferenginar?) Ettil asks what R.R. stands for, it’s Richard Robert, the Ettil asks if people call him Rick. Plank says yes and Ettil starts laughing that he doesn’t have muscles, a lean jaw or a gun, just money, a ring and is overweight. Plank gets offended (I think anyone would if you called them fat) and Ettil says he’ll be the one who’ll conquer Mars and Plank tells him that he’s just a businessman wanting to corner the Martian market with cartoons, perfumes, dresses and shoes. Ettil tells him they don’t even wear shoes. Plank calls them Oakies (what people called Dust Bowl refugees from Oklahoma basically he’s calling them white/trailer trash) and they’ll shame everyone into wearing shoes, then nail polish. (modern advertisement I see) He asks Ettil if they’ve got a deal starting at two hundred a week. Ettil says he’s sick on the Manhattan, he starts turning blue (ok I’m really interested to see what these Martians look like) and steps out for fresh air.
Outside Ettil asks if all this is the reason they were taken in, Plank says yes, anytime Earthmen can make a buck and he leaves Ettil with his card. Ettil doesn’t know what to do now, he sees the rockets and hears the night life including the common occurrence of a Martian having a nervous breakdown in the compound from all the over stimulation. (learn to pace yourself) Ettil walks to the ships, the guards are drunk, (clearly the best for the job) and he wonders how many in the year will die from liver cirrhosis, kidney failure and suicide. He has to make a choice, stay on Earth and make movies lying about Mars, or steal a rocket and return. (quite the difficult choice there)
He thinks of their ancient cities and ancestral graves having nightclubs and casinos built into them. (replace the Martian context with Native American) He resolves to go to Mars to his wife and son and read his books for a few years until they’re invaded by neon. Then they could hide in the mountains until tourists come with their cameras. “War is a bad thing, but peace can be a living horror.” p.233 (traditions start to die and culture is trivialized and used as tourist fodder) He sees a car full of teenagers speed by pointing and yelling at him. He runs and before it hits him he thinks it’s strange that it sounds like a concrete mixer. (the somewhat ambiguous way it’s written I don’t know if this was an accident suicide or murder)
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best-cosmetics123 · 5 months
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Medora Lipstick Colors Purple Available in Pakistan
If you’re someone who loves to experiment with bold lip colors like Medora Lipstick Colors Purple, then you’ll be pleased to know that Medora lipsticks have recently launched a range of purple shades in Pakistan. Medora is a well-known Pakistani cosmetics brand that offers affordable and high-quality makeup products. The introduction of purple lipstick shades is a unique and exciting addition to their already extensive range of lipsticks. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Medora’s new purple lipstick shades and what makes them a must-have in your makeup bag.
Medora Lipstick Colors Purple
3 Medora Lipstick shades are available in this bundle
Shade# 212,
Shade# 218,
Shade# 279,
Introduction to Medora Cosmetics
Before we dive into the details of Medora’s purple lipstick shades, let’s take a quick look at the brand itself. Medora Cosmetics was founded in 1961 and has since become a household name in Pakistan. The brand offers a wide range of cosmetics, including lipsticks, eyeliners, and nail polishes. Medora is known for its affordable yet high-quality products, which make it a popular choice among Pakistani women.
The New Medora Purple Lipstick Shades
Medora recently launched a range of purple lipstick shades that are perfect for those who want to add a pop of color to their makeup look. The new shades are available in both matte and glossy finishes, giving you the flexibility to choose the perfect look for any occasion. The purple shades range from deep, dark purples to lighter, brighter shades that are perfect for the summer months.
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jjfineails-blog · 5 years
J&J Fine Nails
Phone: 212 355 0098
Address: 146 E 55th St Fl 2A, New York, NY 10022
J&J Fine Nails is a full-service nail spa that caters to each client's unique style and personality. We hold ourselves to the highest standard and want only the best results for our clients. Located in New York, NY, J&J Fine Nails is here to make our clients look and feel their best. With a multitude of services available, there's nothing we can't do to help take the stress away, relax, and provide an enjoyable experience. J&J Fine Nails is committed to excellence and the highest degree of customer satisfaction. We offer a multitude of personalized nail services including gel manicures, pedicures, and custom nail art. We also use only use the best products, so you can rest assured that the results will be nothing less than stellar. J&J Fine Nails can also provide nail repairs, change nail polish and remove gel nails so you get the complete experience with us. Treat yourself to a luxurious experience; you deserve it! Our full-service nail salon makes your stress fade away while giving you beautiful results. We look forward to welcoming you soon!
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trendsdresscom · 4 years
100% of advertising revenue is donated to charity. I’m feeling overwhelmed by the volume of makeup products launching daily (let me know on Instagram if you are feeling it too!) and just wanted to create an everyday look using mainly ‘old faithful’ products. x It’s Skin – 10 Formula Q10 Effector : Embryolisse – Lait Creme Concentre: Chanel – Vitalumiere Aqua – 20: ZOEVA – Face Shape Brush – 110: Tarte – Shape Tape Contour Concealer – Light / Medium: Paula Dorf – Perfect Total Camouflage Brush: Cass Art – Pro Art – Masterstroke – Prolon Miniature 10/0 : DHC – Q10 Face Powder – Transparent: Suqqu – Eyeshadow Brush – L: Daniel Sandler – Watercolour Blush – So Pretty: Becca – Shimmering Skin Perfector: Dior – Foundation Brush 11 : Tom Ford – Shade and Illuminate Brush: Chanel – Ombres Matelassées Palette – discontinued: Paula Dorf – Sheer Crease Brush: Rae Morris – Deluxe Point Shader – 7: Suqqu – Eyeshadow Brush – M: Tina Earnshaw – Medium Eyeliner Brush – 7: MAC – Eye Brows – Lingering: Shu Uemura – Eyelash Curlers: Lancôme – Monsieur Big Mascara – Black: Charlotte Tilbury – Lip Cheat – Pillow Talk: Lancôme – Shine Lover – 212 :
On my nails is Kure Bazaar – Nail Polish in Corso 22:
For for all the products used in this film and for makeup tips and information visit my site : Lisa Eldridge. X
Follow me on Snapchat THELISAELDRIDGE Follow me on Instagram Follow me on Google+ Follow me on Twitter at Follow me on Facebook Follow me on Pinterest Disclaimer I can’t guarantee that all of the make-up and skincare products I recommend will suit you. I only use products I personally think are good having tried them on myself and my clients but everyone’s skin is different and it’s possible to be allergic to anything. Wherever possible, test products out on yourself before purchasing. I only feature products I like, or want to try. The products I use in these videos are either purchased by me or sent to me by make-up companies to use in my professional capacity as a make-up artist for fashion and celebrity photo shoots, red carpet etc. I am also sent products by many of the top magazines to judge for awards. I do not accept payment and am not sponsored to make any of the films on this channel. Some of the links under the videos and blog posts on my site are affiliated however and as stated before, I only feature products I like, or want to try. For the my full policy click here – source
The post THE ‘BUY NOTHING’ EVERYDAY MAKEUP TUTORIAL #buynothing appeared first on Trends Dress.
from Trends Dress https://trendsdress.com/the-buy-nothing-everyday-makeup-tutorial-buynothing/
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workingclassdan · 6 years
All albums I listened to in 2017
1. David Bowie - No Plan (ep) 2. Ryan Adams - Prisoner 3. Gone is Gone - Echolocation * 4. The xx - I See You 5. The Flaming Lips - Oczy Mldy 6. Cloud Nothings - Life Without Sound 7. Japandroids - Near to the Wild Heart of Life 8. Foxygen - Hang 9. Ty Segall - Ty Segall 10. Camp Cope / Cayetana - Split EP 11. Cuddle Magic - Ashes/Axis 12. Hand Habits - Wildly Idle 13. Son Volt - Notes of Blue 14. Sun Kil Moon - Common as Light… (notable for shitness) 15. PVT - New Spirit 16. Steve Vai - Modern Primitive 17. Dirty Projectors - ST   (little bubble) 18. Middle Kids - EP 19. Father John Misty - Pure Comedy 20. The Waifs - Ironbark 21. Bruce Springsteen - (Odds & Rarities) 22. Thundercat - Drunk 23. Animal Collective - The Painters EP  (kinda bonkers) 24. Los Campesinos - Sick Scenes 25. Grandaddy - Last Place  (lost machine) 26. Methyl Ethel - Everything is Forgotten 27. Kingswood - After Hours, Close to Dawn 28. Holy Holy - Paint 29. Vagabon - Infinite Worlds 30. Spoon - Hot Thoughts  (do i have to talk you into it 31. Brian Eno - Reflection 32. The Shins - Heartworms 33. Laura Marling - Semper Femina * 34. Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever - The French Press EP * 35. Temples - Volcano 36. Roy Buchanan - Telemaster Live in 75 37. Real Estate - In Mind 38. Depeche Mode - Spirit * 39. Mastodon - Emperor of Sand * 40. Drake - More Life  (Passionfruit) 41. Ben Wright Smith - The Great Divorce 42. Sleepmakeswaves- Made of Breath Only - (hailstones) 43. Aimee Mann - Mental Illness 44. Jesus and Mary Chain - Damage and Joy 45. Steel Panther - Lower the Bar 46. Evyltyde - Rising 47. Spiral Stairs - Doris and the Daggers 48. Julia Holter - In the Same Room * 49. Boss Hog - Brood X 50. British Sea Power - Let the Dancers Inherit the Party 51. Anjou - Epithymia 52. The Melker Project Remix 53. New Pornographers - Whiteout Conditions 54. Future Islands - The Far Field 55. Craig Finn - We All Want the Same Thing 56. Smith Street Band - More Scared of You Than You Are of Me 57. Cold War Kids - La Divine 58. Clark - Death Peak 59. The Black Angels - Death Song 60. Arca - Arca 61. Luke Howard - ? 62. Kendrick Lamar - DAMN. 63. Prince - ep 64. Incubus - 8 65. Amy Shark - Night Thinker ep 66. Mew - Visuals 67. Gorillaz - Humanz 68. Ryan Adams (b-sides) - 69. Tim Rogers - An Actor Repairs * 70. Feist - Pleasure 71. Bill Baird - Easy Machines 72. Bill Baird - Baby Blue Abyss 73. Thurston Moore - Rock n Roll Conciousness 74. Colin Stetson - All This I Do For Glory 75. Bob Dylan - Triplicate 76. Pond - The Weather 77. Alice Coltrane - The Ecstatic Music of Alice Coltrane 78. San Cisco - The Water 79. Doug Tuttle - Peace Potato 80. Big Walnuts Yonder 81. Perfume Genius - No Shape 82. Penguin Cafe - 83. Mac Demarco 84. Afghan Whigs - In Spades 85. At the Drive-In - interalia 86. Slowdive - Slowdive - falling ashes 87. Dead Letter Circus - The Endless Mile - Lines 88. Nick Murphy - Missing Link ep 89. Bob’s Burgers - s/t 90. Fleet Foxes - The Crack-Up 91. BNQT - Volume 1 92. Do Make Say Think - Stubborn Persistent Illusions 93. The Beatles - Sgt Pepper's 94. Dan Auerbach - Waiting on a Song 95. Ben Ottewell - A Man Apart 96. Bernard Fanning - Brutal Dawn 97. Roger Waters - Is This the Life We Really Want 98. Underground Lovers - Staring at You Staring At Me 99. Elder - Reflections of a Floating World 100. Half Waif - form/a ep 101. The Kills - Echo Home non-electric ep 102. Bleachers - Gone Now 103. Amber Coffman - City of No Reply 104. Marika Hackman - I’m Not Your Man * 105. Husky - Punchbuzz 106. U2 - (some bootleg of latest tour) 107. Alt-J - Relaxer  (3WW) 108. Beach Fossils - Somersault 109. Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked at Me 110. London Grammar - Truth is a Beautiful Thing 111. Lindsay Buckingham/Christine McVie - 112. Phoenix - Ti Amo 113. Sufjan Stevens, Bryce Dessner, Nico Muhly, James McAlister - Planetarium 114. Big Thief - Capacity Mythological Beauty 115. Kirin J Callinan - Bravado 116. The Magpie Salute - The Magpie Salute (Live) 117. Portugal. The Man - Woodstock 118. Lorde - Melodrama * 119. Royal Blood - How Did We Get So Dark? 120. Ride - Weather Diaries 121. Cigarettes After Sex - s/t 122. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Flying Microtonal Banana 123. Jeff Tweedy - Together at Last 124. Tara Jane O’Neil - s/t 125. Baby Driver soundtrack 126. UNKLE - The Road pt1 127. Silicon Valley soundtrack 128. Haim - Something to Tell You 129. Broken Social Scene - Hug of Thunder 130. Jay-Z - 4:44 131. Tex, Don & Charlie - You Don’t Know Lonely 132. Oh Wonder - Ultralife 133. Radiohead - OKNOTOK 134. Waxahatchee - Out in the Storm 135. U2 (live Vancouver) 136. Japanese Breakfast - Soft Sounds from Another Planet 137. DJ Shadow - The Mountain Will Fall 138. Vera Blue - Perennial 139. Lana Del Rey - Lust for Life 140. Nine Inch Nails - Add Violence ep * 141. Singles soundtrack deluxe 142. Arcade Fire - Everything Now 143. Boris - Dear 144. Perera Elsewhere - All of This 145. Manchester Orchestra - A Black Mile to the Surface 146. The Murlocs - Old Locomotive 147. Dan Sultan - Killer  (fire under foot, kingdom) 148. Fountaineer - Greater City, Greater Love 149. Benjamin Gibbard - Bandwagonesque 150. Juanita Stein - America 151. Saskwatch - Manual Override 152. Kid Koala with Emiliana Torrini - Music to Draw To: Satellite 153. David Rawlings - Poor David’s Almanac 154. Damian Cowell's Disco Machine - Get Yer Dag On! 155. Jen cloher - s/t 156. Queens of the Stone Age - Villains * 157. Paul Kelly - Life is Fine I smell trouble 158. Davey Lane - I’m Gonna Burn Out Bright 159. Mogwai - Every Country’s Sun 160. Alvvays - Antisocialites 161. Ben Frost - The Centre Cannot Hold 162. Grizzly Bear - Painted Ruins 163. Iron and Wine - Beast Epic call it dreaming 164. Gang of Youths - Go Farther in Lightness 165. Gold Class - Drum 166. King Gizzard and Mild High Club - Sketches of Brunswick East 167. Steven Wilson - To the Bone 168. The Preatures - Girlhood 169. Filthy Friends - Invitation 170. The War on Drugs - A Deeper Understanding 171. Chris Forsyth and the Solar Motel - Dreaming in the Non-Dream 172. LCD Soundsystem - American Dream 173. Cloud Control - Zone rainbow city 174. Liars - TFCF 175. Neil Finn - Out of Silence 176. Deerhoof - Mountain Moves 177. Jake Bugg - hearts That Strain 178. Gordi - Reservoir 179. Meg Mac - Low Blows 180. The National - Sleep Well Beast 181. Beaches - Second of Spring 182. Chad Vangaalen - Light Information 183. Nothing But Thieves - 184. Foo Fighters - Concrete and Gold 185. Tori Amos - Native Invader 186. The Belligerents - Science Fiction (Sorry to Say) 187. Rostam - Half-Light 188. Hope Sandoval and the Warm Inventions - Until the Hunter 189. Ariel Pink - Dedicated to Bobby Jameson 190. Davey Lane - Back/Here/Forward 191. Lisa Mitchell - When they Play That Song ep 192. Tired Lion - Dumb Days 193. Mastodon - Cold Dark Place ep 194. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Luciferian Towers 195. Lee Ronaldo - Electric Trim 196. Neil Young - Hitchhiker 197. The Killers - Wonderful Wonderful 198. Hyla - Osaka 199. Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross - The Vietnam War 200. Moses Sumney - Aromanticism 201. British India - Forgetting the Future 202. Matt Cameron - Cavedweller 203. Hammock - Mysterium 204. Ben Frost - Threshold of Faith 205. Philip Selway - Let Me Go 206. Prophets of Rage - s/t 207. Phoebe Bridgers - Starnger in the Alps 208. Pearl Jam - Let’s Play Two 209. Wolf Alice - Visions of a Life 210. Torres - Three Futures 211. Ibeyi - Ash 212. Wolf Parade - Cry Cry Cry 213. Liam Gallagher - As You Were 214. Andrew Bird - Echolocations: River 215. Bladerunner 2049 soundtrack 216. The Horrors - V 217. St Vincent - Masseduction 218. Kurt Vile & Courtney Barnett - A Lotta Sea Lice 219. Beck - Colors 220. Robert Plant - Carry Fire 221. Alex Lahey - I Love You Like a Brother 222. Destroyer - Ken. 223. William Patrick Corgan - wpc 224. Custard - The Common Touch 225. Love Migrate - Somewhere, Over the Mangroves 226. Protomartyr - Relatives in Descent 227. Polish Club - Alright Already 228. Ecca Vandal - s/t 229. Grooms - Infinity Caller 230. Lean Year - s/t 231. Kevin Devine - Instigator 232. King Krule - The Ooz 233. Portico Quartet - Art in the Age of Automation 234. Weezer - Pacific Daydream 235. Hans Zimmer et al (Blue Planet ll soundtrack) 236. Fever Ray - Plunge 237. Julien Baker - Turn Out the Lights 238. Jim Lawrie - Slacker of the Year 239. REM - Automatic for the People (25th Anniversary) 240. Angel Olsen - Phases 241. Stranger Things 2 (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) 242. Nathaniel Rateliff and the Night Sweats - Live at Red Rocks 243. Tame Impala - Currents (deluxe) 244. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Polygondwanaland 245. Sharon Jones - Soul of a Woman 246. Bjork - Utopia * 247. Aldous Harding - Party 248. David Gilmour - Live at Pompeii 249. Queen - News of the World (deluxe) 250. Stella Donnelly - Thrush Metal ep 251. U2 - Songs of Experience 252. Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds - Who Built the Moon? 253. Taylor Swift - Reputation 254. Kamasi Washington - Harmony of Difference 255. Wand - Plum 256. Weaves - Wide Open 257. Mavis Staples - If All I Was Was Black 258. Neil Young and Promise of the Real - The Visitor 259. Pony Face - Deja Vu 260. The Orbweavers - Deep Leads
Stray tracks: Hans Zimmer & Radiohead Lisa Hannigan - Oh! You Pretty Things Jarvis Cocker & Chilli Gonzalez Jack Whiter Glen Hansard (2) John Butler Trio Ryan Adams - back in your head Brian Eno & Kevin Shields Tropical Fuck Storm (2)
2016 catchups:
Ryley Walker & Charles Rumback Alex Isenberg Lisa Hannigan Margaret Glaspy Catfish and the Bottlemen Badbadnotgood 1 Mile North Chris Forsyth Peep Tempel Tash Sultana Rogue Wave Damien Jurado Love Migrate - Luke Howard Kaleo
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Being Alone, Animals, and Apparently: amond d 61723 7 Yrs., 43 lbs Manhattan ACC INTAKE DATE: 05-02-2019 I'm shy, I'm pretty, I'm unique I'm affectionate. My favorite activity is playing fetch with children and running around the park. When in the house I follow people around and enjoy being in the same room with them. My favorite toys are balls, stuffed animals, and chew bones. My favorite games are fetch, chase, and tug. I'm housebroken, I love long walks, I previously lived with 2 adults, 2 children and 1 dog. But they betrayed me, and now I'm alone and lonely and dreaming of a new family to love me forever. A volunteer writes: "Diamond Goodall is just as precious and well-behaved as her name suggests, a gentle family dog whose affectionate heart opens up more and more each day. Keen to explore the park and meet new four-legged friends, she walks like a champ on leash, seems very house trained and is always ready to show off her impeccable sitting skills for a tasty treat. I was lucky enough to share some snuggles with Diamond during our photo shoot, and she gave me thank you kisses in return--too cute! We've yet to see this shy beauty's silly side at the Care Center, but we're told her hobbies include playing fetch with the kids and running around the park, that her favorite toys are balls and stuffed animals, and her favorite games are fetch, chase and tug. A priceless treasure just waiting to be polished to her brightest self by the unconditional love of a forever family, Diamond Goodall can't wait to go home sweet home. Look for this hidden gem at our Manhattan Care Center today. DIAMOND GODELL, ID# 61723, 7 Yrs., 43 lbs., Spayed Female Manhattan ACC, Medium Mixed Breed, Tan / White Owner Surrender Reason: Shelter Assessment Rating: LEVEL 3 No children (under 13) Medical Behavior Rating: OWNER SURRENDER NOTES - BASIC INFORMATION: Diamond Goodall is a large mixed breed, altered, female. She came in as an owner surrender. She previously lived with 2 adults, 2 children and 1 dog. Diamond Goodall is said to be shy for a few minutes with strangers. It is said that with some she will bark and others she will warm up quickly. When playing with adults it is said that she plays gently. Diamond Goodall has previously lived with children of all ages, ranging from new born to teenagers. It is said that she is usually tolerant and respect towards children but has recently been barking at a baby in the house hold. Diamond Goodall previously live with a small mixed breed dog, who is 1 years old. It is said that she was respectful and playful with the dog, and that she plays gently with him. When on leash and on walks, it is said that she will growl, bark, and lunge at dogs in a seeming non-friendly way. Her behavior around cats is unknown. She has no known resource guarding and no bite history. Diamond Goodall is housetrained and her previous owner describes her energy level as high. Other Notes: It is said that Diamond Goodall is non-reactive with storms and fireworks. It is also said that she is non-reactive when her food, toys, and treats are being taken away, when being taken off of furniture, when being restrained, when being disturbed while sleeping, being given a bath, and when unfamiliar people approach family members. It is said that she is afraid when having her coat brushed, and will bark when unfamiliar people approach the house. It is unknown how she will react to having her nails trimmed. She has no known medical concerns. For a New Family to Know: Diamond Goodall is described as shy, affectionate, and anxious. It is said that her favorite activity is playing fetch with children and running around the park. When in the house it is said that she will follow people around and enjoys being in the same room as the family. Her favorite toys are said to be balls, stuffed animals, and chew bones. Her favorite games are said to be fetch, chase, and tug. She was kept indoors and is use to sleeping in a crate. It is said that she is comfortable in a crate for up to 8 hours. She as fed dry food that was always available. It is said that she is house trained and will rarely have accidents in the house. When left alone in the house, it is said that she is well behaved. She knows the commands sit, stay, and come. For exercise she is use to slow walks on leash or runs in the park. It is said that she doesn't pull when on leash and will wander but come when call off leash. SHELTER ASSESSMENT SUMMARIES - Date of assessment: 5-May-2019 Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Light Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Fearful, tail tucked, trembles Call over: Approaches with coaxing Sociability comments: Handling Soft handling: Accepts contact, leans in, trembles Exuberant handling: Accepts contact, leans in, trembles Handling comments: Arousal Jog: Follows, low bodied, fearful Arousal comments: Knock Knock Comments: No response Toy Toy comments: Minimal interest INTAKE BEHAVIOR - Date of intake: 2-May-2019 Summary: Fearful, tail tucked MEDICAL BEHAVIOR - Date of initial: 3-May-2019 Summary: Tense, shaking, tail tucked ENERGY LEVEL: Diamond Goodall is reported to have a high energy level in her previous home environment. We recommend daily mental and physical stimulation as a way to direct her energy and enthusiasm. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: Level 3 Behavior Asilomar TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations: No children (under 13) Recommendations comments: No children (under 13): Due to Diamond Goodall's overall level of fear and timidity, we feel as though she would be best set up to succeed in an adult only home environment. Potential challenges: Fearful, Anxiety, On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration. Potential challenges comments: Diamond Goodall is reported to lunge and bark at dogs while on leash in her previous home environment, this behavior has not been observed in the care center, however please refer to handout on Leash Reactivity. Diamond Goodall remains highly fearful in the care center and is reported to be shy in her previous home environment, observed to bark at strangers at times, please see handout on Fearful and Defensive aggression. Diamond Goodall is reported to be anxious in her previous home environment; in the care center she appears to pace and whine during interactions at times. Please see handout on Generalized Anxiety. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 3-May-2019 DVM Intake Exam. Estimated age: ~7yrs based on O hx. Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative. placed by LVT History : Owner surrender due to patient being reportedly dog reactive and barking at home. Subjective / Observed Behavior - BAR; tense and shaking during exam. Ears pinned back. Tail tucked tightly between legs and with the tip wagging rapidly when soft talk or petting occurs. Muzzled for exam. Evidence of Cruelty seen - none. Evidence of Trauma seen - none. Objective: BCS 5/9, EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted. Oral Exam: did not examine due to muzzle being in place. PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: No murmur ausculted; CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Tense, Non painful. difficult to palpate due to tense muscles. U/G: spayed female. scar seen. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat. some staining and pressure sores on feet. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities. Rectal: externally normal. Assessment apparently healthy. Prognosis: excellent. Plan: recommend behavioral assessment. SURGERY: spayed *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** If you would like to adopt a NYC ACC dog, and can get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process, you can contact the shelter directly. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) If you CANNOT get to the shelter in person and you want to FOSTER OR ADOPT a NYC ACC Dog, you can PRIVATE MESSAGE our Must Love Dogs page for assistance. PLEASE NOTE: You MUST live in NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Northern VA. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a NYC ACC dog. Transport is available if you live within the prescribed range of states. Shelter contact information: Phone number (212) 788-4000 Email [email protected] Shelter Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309 *** NEW NYC ACC RATING SYSTEM *** Level 1 Dogs with Level 1 determinations are suitable for the majority of homes. These dogs are not displaying concerning behaviors in shelter, and the owner surrender profile (where available) is positive. Some dogs with Level 1 determinations may still have potential challenges, but these are challenges that the behavior team believe can be handled by the majority of adopters. The potential challenges could include no young children, prefers to be the only dog, no dog parks, no cats, kennel presence, basic manners, low level fear and mild anxiety. Level 2 Dogs with Level 2 determinations will be suitable for adopters with some previous dog experience. They will have displayed behavior in the shelter (or have owner reported behavior) that requires some training, or is simply not suitable for an adopter with minimal experience. Dogs with a Level 2 determination may have multiple potential challenges and these may be presenting at differing levels of intensity, so careful consideration of the behavior notes will be required for counselling. Potential challenges at Level 2 include no young children, single pet home, resource guarding, on-leash reactivity, mouthiness, fear with potential for escalation, impulse control/arousal, anxiety and separation anxiety. Level 3 Dogs with Level 3 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters, and the ACC strongly suggest that the adopter have prior experience with the challenges described and/or an understanding of the challenge and how to manage it safely in a home environment. In many cases, a trainer will be needed to manage and work on the behaviors safely in a home environment. It is likely that every dog with a Level 3 determination will have a behavior modification or training plan available to them from the behavior department that will go home with the adopters and be made available to the New Hope Partners for their fosters and adopters. Some of the challenges seen at Level 3 are also seen at Level 1 and Level 2, but when seen alongside a Level 3 determination can be assumed to be more severe. The potential challenges for Level 3 determinations include adult only home (no children under the age of 13), single pet home, resource guarding, on-leash reactivity with potential for redirection, mouthiness with pressure, potential escalation to threatening behavior, impulse control, arousal, anxiety, separation anxiety, bite history (human), bite history (dog) and bite history (other).
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