#hi idk. vine boom sound effect
vacant2007 · 1 year
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elendsessor · 2 days
more dds headcanons bc someone asked
-jenna would definitely wear gothic clothing. she would kill it.
-cielo quotes random ass internet memes all the time especially vines. he has heavy early zoomer energy (i should know because i have first hand experience in the trenches). unfortunately, this has lead to gale constantly questioning him and consequently adding certain terminology to his vocabulary. he has said bruh. he has said he knows someone’s ip address as a threat. he knows what the vine boom sound effect is (albeit only a rough understanding). help him.
-also cielo would be really good at styling hair??? that and argilla. maybe they do one another’s idk
-heat doesn’t have abs in fact he is at the very least slightly chubby. fuck you
-despite hating each other, he and argilla would have a shared taste in metal
-lupa back when he was just local single father greg was a dog trainer
-sera’s generally affectionate af towards serph but serph doesn’t comprehend any of it. just smiles and is a supportive tired dad.
-this one is more based on interpretation but i do think the reason heat constantly stays away from others is because he feels undeserving, or is at least a little concerned about lashing out unexpectedly. he knows he has issues. that being said, i do like thinking serph actively seeks him out just to be with him, also because it just feels safer to do so. he really does love and trust heat i stg.
-roland actually went out of his way to get gale glasses. maybe they’re just the fake kinds but it’s the least he can do.
-sera’s experimented with other songs since she probably remembers a few. they don’t do anything except sound good. cielo is her hype man :)
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dragon-cookies · 4 months
Motivating myself to watch episode 6 by telling myself I can skip all of Adam's dialogue if I want
FINALLY we get a fuckin kiss between Charlie and Vaggie. It's still just a cheek kiss but I'll take it
Oh yeah Cherri Bomb was a character from the pilot huh
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I still realllly feel like having the angels swear was a bad call but here we are ig
Okay at first impression, I'm not super impressed by Heaven's design. It just looks like hell but with a pastel color palette. Same with the angel designs, there's not really anything that sets them apart
[vine boom sound effect]
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Ah, Adam again, time to mash the skip button
"No one but the exorcists can know about the exterminations" WAIT so Heaven doesn't even know they're exterminating demons????
Vaggie's a fallen angel we all called it
Girl why did you let this gross fuck pick your name, and then KEEP it?
Oh wait that's a cute as hell backstory for Vaggie and Charlie, really wish we got to see more of them but they're barely a focus
"Their love is vile and blasphemous." Are you saying that because Vaggie's an angel and Charlie's a demon or because they're both women
"Hot as fuck though" yep definitely because they're both women
Webster's Dictionary exists in this universe. I'm not sure what to make of that
"What do you think it takes to get into Heaven?" Clearly not a lot if they let Adam stay there
Why is Angel talking about Val like he's just a pushy manager and not his literal abuser, what is happening here
When did Angel Dust give a shit about getting into Heaven?? This is just Alastor all over again where these characters have a significant change of heart completely off screen
What is Angel's "progress" even supposed to be?? Is he sober now? Going to actual therapy? You can't just say a character's making progress without actually telling us what they're doing to better themselves
Pentious you are too good for this show, someone please rescue this man
Cool, y'all did THAT joke.......
WAIT so NO ONE actually KNOWS how to get into Heaven????? What?????????
Once again a really good song that doesn't feel earned whatsoever
Okay if Heaven didn't know about the exterminations what the fuck did they think the angels were doing going to Hell each year??
"If Hell is forever then Heaven must be a lie" PREACH IT
Also kinda feel like Charlie learning Vaggie was an angel could've had some more weight to it if maybe Charlie had a traumatic experience with angels or, idk actually seemed to be traumatized from seeing her people slaughtered. But FUCK dude the reveal itself is SO well done what the actual fuck
Okay so, absolute banger song at the end there. But where the fuck do we go from here?? This feels like it could've been a season finale yet we have a few more eps to go I'm pretty sure.
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rose---child · 2 years
2013-2016: do it for the vine,onlya spoonful, whip and nae nae boom sound effect dab backaetwithewitevans here come dat boi
2008-2012: boom goes the dynimite chuck testa 1 pound fish miku hi im boxxy grab on rainbow nyan cat
90s idk: haha dancing baby
2018: dont touch my spaghett, ultra sonic shaggy, kirby with a gun, number 19 burger king foot lettace
2022: ps5 plinko horse dracula twitter
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reindeer-dad · 2 years
Idk why but that unedited pic of Rudy, I hear the vineboom sound effect looking at it
I love it!
Also works with the edited pic:
*Asgore appears* *quick zoom to his fluffy chest with vine-boom sound* *cut to Rudy with bass-boosted vine-boom sound*
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christianborle · 7 years
well well well. here we are. after a year and a half, rotten says goodbye on broadway. i’m super sad about it but i’m grateful it is going on tour and will continue to spread joy and laughter around the country.
here was my day at rotten’s final performance! (warning this is super dramatic and emotional)
i’m going to bold the moments i started crying just for dramatic effort (well i was tearing up the whole day but these moments were like....The Emotional Moments)
the first was on the train where i remembered “hey, i’m on the train to see something rotten for the last time”
i got to the theatre at around 3:30. i stood under it and took it all in. and there was no one around, weirdly, which really added to the effect. i took long, lasting looks at the marquee and the wallpaper. i crossed the street over to phantom to look at the theatre from afar. i couldn’t believe in 24 hours, it would all be gone. my home would be gone.
then i met up with me pals (@stuff-and-shenanigans​ and other pals who don’t have tumblrs) and we went to get food and then got ready for the show in our matching t-shirts bc we’re annoyingly extra. hayley headed to the theatre early and we met up with her. while we were waiting in line i saw christian borle and his dresser, meredith, walk into the restaurant right next to the theatre and i was so shook. i knew he was gonna be at the show, i just didn’t expect to turn around and boom there he is!
finally the time came and the usher who i don’t know his named but he always checks our bags and he knows us now checked our bags and we thanked him for everything and hugged him and the usher scanned my ticket and i just. began crying. last time scanning my ticket, last time walking down this long hallway.
Christian Borle and his dresser Meredith, Brooks Ashmanskas, Brian D'Arcy James, Will Chase, Jordan Roth, Karey and Wayne Kirkpatrick, John O'Farrell, Kevin McCollum, Gregg Barnes, and Todrick Hall, and all the producers were in the audience tonight.
also i saw stephanie @writingplays again yay!!
i also saw karey and wayne in the lobby and i went over and said hi and wayne hugged me and we talked about the tour! they’re so freaking nice it’s really mind blowing to just?? be in the presence of the writers of ur fave show and have them remember you??
The Show!
So this was the most rowdy crowd I've ever heard in my life. Any time there was room for applause, there were waves of it. Literally just.....always cheering. Every entrance and actor made got an applause. Every applause after a song lasted twice or triple as long as it would have on any other day (A Musical and Omelette were even longer, but we'll get to that later).
cheering for Brooks's cell phone announcement (I'm so glad they kept it as Brooks for the whole run. I'd love to have seen his reaction to hearing his voice again) and for the dimming of the lights and for André's entrance.
Cheering as the curtain pulled up
The ensemble looked so happy and so ready to burst with energy. They were smiling so big and were holding back tears.
Huge applause for Rob and Josh and the troupe!!
So Rob was sick yesterday and apparently had a raging fever, which is insane because he was AMAZING. I would have never known he was sick
Robin (Aaron Kaburick) got so many cheers and laughs throughout the night i’m so happy for him
The famous “don’t be a penis” line got a huge laugh, the laugh it deserves
GERRY VICHI!!!!!!!!!!
Huge applause!!! His speech about how much he loves theatre was so passionate and so full out energy and it got a huge cheer, something i haven’t heard since previews/early run
Rob played along and even clapped for Shylock!
Also any time jews were mentioned some audience members clapped thx friends
LESLIE KRITZER!!!! WENT OFF!!!!! I love her so much she riffed the hell out of the song and just gave it her all!
When bea kisses nick, she kissed him for a rly long time and the audience started cheering so leslie broke off and then just kept kissing him again rt ur goals
Bea winked and blew nick a kiss right before running off and got a huge applause of course
Josh changed his hyperventilating/panic bit! It’s really hard to describe just in text but basically he dragged out his words “i don’t thiiiink i can wooooork under than kind of pressuuuuure”
Got a huge applause!! We literally just didn’t stop so nostradamus just went with it and he started looking up and around as if he could hear voices.
Brad always gives x200 each performance, but tonight he just had so much enthusiasm and it made me so happy to see him give justice to this number.
There were cheers for the les mis joke, for when the ensemble comes out, “and then you got yourself a musical,” and the end. People were also clapping along to the song.
“And then you got yourself a musical” is the line that always gets me. It’s the loudest point in the song, it’s when everyone is lined up together, it’s just?? The best part and i really teared up at that part. 
The standing ovation started when everyone had their headsketches up. It was really incredible to see the actors smiling so wide, really taking in the audience. Most of the ensemble was crying. I was in the second row so I could turn around and see the orchestra, the mezz, and the balcony all on their feet. I saw Jordan Roth standing and beaming. It was really magical.
The applause clocked in at approximately a minute and 30 seconds, which doesn’t seem like a lot of time but trust me when i say it felt like five minutes. Then when everyone sat down, the applause started back up again to last another 30 seconds.
So Elizabeth Earley went on in Marisha’s track, meaning she was the ugly woman Nigel accidentally points at. And she did the funniest bit i have ever seen in that role. Nigel pointed at her and she screamed at him, shaked her butt, and just kept dancing and the crowd went wild. She hovered over to the fruit stand and bought grapes from the seller and proceeded to eat them in front of everyone. The crowd was LIVING. I didn’t think i could laugh any harder until she took ANOTHER grape vine and offered it to portia and portia said no so she just gobbed on them. This literally went on for a full minute. I’ve only seen a funny bit done in this role before at that was with Tracee. Elizabeth Earley is so fantastic I’m so glad i got to see her shine!
I’ve never laughed harder at black death than i had last night
“Pleasure’s a sin”
Any time bea mentioned feminism the crowd cheered
I Love the Way was so frickin CUTE
Will Power was so fire and I kept thinking of Christian in the audience watching and wondering what he was thinking
“Thanks for helping with my wood”
Adam’s “hmm” are so funny
Bottoms Gonna Be On Top might honestly be my fave number i just love it so much
THE TAP BATTLE ok so any time the crowd cheered for Shakespeare, Nick looked at the audience (specifically in my direction??) like “what no stop!!” and rob did the most hilarious thing. When shakespeare asks “you wrote omelette?” rob mimed a string lifting up his knee, then mimed lifting up his foot, and the mimed cutting the string and his foot landed on the ground and he said “yes” that was so brilliant and unexpected i hope he keeps that on tour
I said hi to Gregg Barnes!! we had a rly nice convo about his costumes and tour and seeing the show develop from previews and he’s honestly such a nice guy. he thanked me for supporting the show and coming back and i rly can’t wait to see what he does in the future
i headed over to the lobby and saw some of my pals talking to jordan roth so i said hi to them and jordan said hi and welcomed me back and complimented the matching shirts!!
I saw todrick hall in the lobby and we made eye contact and he smiled and i waved?? I don’t know him super well and he doesn’t know me at all but that was a cool moment!!
dina @sscsldcp had a free snack voucher so i went with her on line to get a drink and we ended up behind christian on line with brian and brooks in our vicinity. i said hi to christian and he smiled and said hi and that he was happy to see me!! (that sounds super general but he was actually so nice and generous!!)
Act Two (idk why act two notes are shorter than act one notes??)
Again i just kept thinking about Christian watching Adam do HTBTB
“i like the new york actor”
The scene where nigel reads his poem to portia got so much response!
We see the light was so fun and happy
Tari’s last “so true PREACH IT”
Everyone awwed when nigel and portia kissed!
“DON’T DO THAT” left the audience SILENT and SHOOK my fave moment of the show
To thine own self was fire
Adam’s toby screech
Right hand man reprise was so sweet and touching
My favorite line in the whole show, “my father said this to me, that he did and then he blew me………….away” got so much laughter thank u thank u
Another standing ovation for Omelette. Pretty much the same as before. Lasted a minute. So much smiling and energy from everyone in the theatre.
To thine own self reprise :((((((( man i was crying
“And brother. I know just the story we should tell”
I was full out sobbing during the finale and the curtain speech
John and kate popped out stage left during the speech and i was so shook???? Surprise ALL ur faves are here!!!!!
Stage Door
Edward Hibbert, Catherine Brunell, Aaron Kaburick, Leslie Kritzer, Angie Schworer, Max Clayton, Stacey Todd Holt, Elizabeth Earley, Jenny Hill, Rob McClure, Josh Grisetti, Tari Kelly, Brad Oscar, Leah Hofmann, Beth Nicely, the Kirkpatricks, John O’Farrell, Jordan Roth, Kate Reinders, and John Cariani all came out. I saw Eric but he had to leave.
I basically just thanked everyone and wished them well. I got hugs from Catherine, Leslie, Tari, Eric, and Beth.
I took a ton of photos with my pals and as I was walking away from the theatre I just lost it. It felt so wrong leaving the theatre knowing it would all be gone.
and that.....was my night. if i remember any more i’ll update this post but ye thanks for reading and thank you to all my SR pals on this website!! ur the real bros!!
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