#hinako/kojiro is also cute
So I am a fan of many anime that are not card game related and one of those is food wars. I know the reactions can be extreme so some people aren’t huge fans but I personally enjoy the cooking aspect, even bonded with my dad over trying to re-create soma’s risotto (ironic considering he was trying to beat his own dad with the recipe).
But as with all anime I watch and rewatch a definitely normal amount, I keep getting myself stuck in rarepair hell. I do have the niche one of Isshiki/Eizan of which me and one jp artist a few years back are the nearly only content creators for, but that ship I can happily make food for myself because not even I know how I got here so there is no point trying to explain a dynamic even I don’t get.
So today the ship I wish to spot light is this
I don’t honestly know when I started shipping them, probably since their interactions during the training camp arc, but thats not important! What is important is that they a goofy and fun and I love their playful dynamic.
Thats it thats all I wanted to say!
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polar-stars · 5 years
What were your fave manga moments that got left out so far? There was a moment where Hinako and Mizuhara wanted to yell at Kojiro for insulting Megumi during her training. Another was a post Stagiaire scene with Ryoko and Ibusaki. Then there's the one flashback of showing Eizan's business methods to name a few
Those you mentioned already, with the main two ones I am upset about being:
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(It’s such a nice scene and just….such good ship-material, ahh…..And also very characterising for both of them)
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(A. Eizan being a bitch is my general aesthetic, I hope that got sorta clear already and B. I just…really wanted to see that? I liked the scene a lot in the manga and how it gave a little more closer look on how Eizan operates in business and what tactics he utilizes. Also it was honestly interesting to see that he’s capable of putting up such an innocent act. That would’ve also been interesting in the anime to show through the voice acting and how he’d probably use a more gentle tone or something.)
Aside from that it’s mostly little things, aka. OTP-content that only I care about anyway, that’s been left out. It’s not really all-too plot-relevant but its relevant for me. 
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The two I am mostly sad about:
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Also Chapter 61, I guess. Ngl, that would have been cute to be seen animated. 
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squisherific · 6 years
Which couples do you ship the most and the least? Soma/Erina, Takumi/Megumi, Akira/Hisako, Kojiro/Hinako, Ryoko/Shun?
Souma x Erina is VERY far above the rest on this list because I don’t really ship anything else strongly (if at all), but…
Takumi x Megumi is cute in theory, and there is that nice story from the drama CD of Takumi saving Megumi from his fangirls wrath, but I need MANY more interactions between them in the manga before I could fully back this ship. 
Ryoko x Shun is also cute, and I think it’s kind of been very, very mildly hinted at? Maybe? Or not? I’m not sure. But I do like it. But we never really get much from either character, let alone interactions between them, for me to feel strongly about this ship one way or another.
Kojiro x Hinako is a funny ship with some potential. I feel like I’d ship this more if I read the Shinomiya spinoff. Apparently there’s some cute flashbacks and interactions between them in there? 
Akira x Hisako I don’t ship at all. I just don’t see anything between them. They only really interacted when they had that match against each other and there was nothing romantic there IMO. If anything, Akira seems more into his surrogate mom figure Jun haha. And I don’t think Hisako is romantically interested in anyone at all at the moment. 
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