#i have a lot of food wars ships but this one is my favorite
So I am a fan of many anime that are not card game related and one of those is food wars. I know the reactions can be extreme so some people aren’t huge fans but I personally enjoy the cooking aspect, even bonded with my dad over trying to re-create soma’s risotto (ironic considering he was trying to beat his own dad with the recipe).
But as with all anime I watch and rewatch a definitely normal amount, I keep getting myself stuck in rarepair hell. I do have the niche one of Isshiki/Eizan of which me and one jp artist a few years back are the nearly only content creators for, but that ship I can happily make food for myself because not even I know how I got here so there is no point trying to explain a dynamic even I don’t get.
So today the ship I wish to spot light is this
I don’t honestly know when I started shipping them, probably since their interactions during the training camp arc, but thats not important! What is important is that they a goofy and fun and I love their playful dynamic.
Thats it thats all I wanted to say!
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f1version · 4 months
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includes: charles, carlos, max, daniel, lando, oscar, lewis, george, alex, logan, pierre, yuki, lance, mick, and sebastian.
summary: f1 drivers’ and their favorite themed dates!
author’s note: happy valentine’s day my loves!! this is incredibly late (almost 15th where i am) but here it is <3
love on top, a vday special ♥︎ general masterlist
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now playing ♫₊⊹ until i found you by stephen sanchez
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★ CHARLES LECLERC ( 16 ) — Charles has a bucket list with dates. Enjoys planning them curled up in bed, talks about how you shouldn’t repeat one until the list is done—unless you are a Drive-in theater date, he loves them. When they're arranged in Monaco, it's usually for old romcoms and coming-of-age movies, which is perfect in both of your eyes. Charles makes sure to bring snacks, blankets and pillows, everything so you can be comfortable while cuddling him. He whispers sweet nothings in your ear as the movie plays, dusk falling over you, looking as beautiful as ever. He loves this type of dates… it even gives him a chance to show off his magnificent car, but hey! that's off-topic.
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★ CARLOS SAINZ JR. ( 55 ) — You and Carlos have a passion for trying new recipes, so sometimes, when you have everything you need, you decide to put on matching aprons, as well as toques, and start working on your next masterpiece. Usually, old Spanish songs play in the background, Carlos singing, grabbing you by the waist to distract you and dance a little. He loves days like these, your focused face and little scoldings are all he needs, especially because one way or another, you will end up laughing and dancing with him, sometimes full of flour and seasonings, the kitchen wearing its best perfume.
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★ MAX VERSTAPPEN ( 1 ) — Max is always looking for ways to impress you, to catch you off guard and surprise you, he loves how you tease him about it. So that's why, when you go to one of your favorite places ever —the planetarium— as a date, he recollects as many details about the celestial objects as he can, waiting for your surprise when he drops a fact you didn't know he knew, starting a long, beautiful conversation about it. You know a lot more than him, but he's eager to learn, loves the way you explain every single thing to him, loves the way places like this brings you closer.
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★ DANIEL RICCIARDO ( 3 ) — Daniel loves music, he spends hours on end with his headphones on, discovering new artists every day, sharing his songs, albums, and artists of the month with you, adding to his playlists your recommendations. So it's no surprise you find yourself going to multiple concerts. Dancing and singing, hugging and fangirling. Sometimes artists know Daniel and that's when you laugh the most because there's always a chance of him ending up on stage, singing to you (or trying to).
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★ LANDO NORRIS ( 4 ) — Lando loves your creativity, he’s a fan of getting to know what's on your pretty mind and seeing your ideas come to life, he also loves sharing his own ideas with you, feels free doing so. His favorite dates with you consist of this: having a canvas, paper, or even pottery to paint on, gossiping and laughing for hours, having picnics and enjoying food. Lando would buy hundreds of utensils, wanting to try everything with you, forever. PD: He would have you paint him and his car, probably.
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★ OSCAR PIASTRI ( 81 ) — It didn't start as a date per se, Oscar just couldn't sleep one night and you suggested building the Lego Star Wars ship in your closet, so you stayed up until 6 in the morning building it. He loves the tranquility it brings, how you can go from discussing the deepest topics to a comfortable silence. Focuses on the little things, like when your fingers brush his while reaching for a piece or that little celebration when you find another. In his apartment, he has a shelf dedicated to the Legos you've built together and photos to go with it. So, in Oscar's humble opinion, these are the best dates in the world.
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★ LEWIS HAMILTON ( 44 ) — You and Lewis can live off two things: Roscoe and the beach. Surfing is something you have always bonded over, that's why you love heading to the beach early morning, going for a run with Roscoe, and then jumping to surf (taking Roscoe back inside first). You can stay out there for hours, challenging each other, improving your skills, and lying on your boards, talking about everything and nothing, loving every second of it.
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★ GEORGE RUSSELL ( 63 ) — While experimenting with extreme sports would be a lovely date for George, he chooses to call his favorite something more domestic: comfy clothes, a good bottle of wine, and a long puzzle night ahead of you. He enjoys the challenging but relaxing parts of the activity, loves to strategize alongside you, and loses his focus when looking at you, falling deeper in love.
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★ ALEX ALBON ( 23 ) — Playing Mario Kart as if your life depended on winning has always been part of your relationship — "It's our love language," Alex says— That's why you love to spend a large amount of time (and money) in arcades. You play against each other, with and without; also spend forty minutes trying to catch that one stuffed animal from the claw machine, cheering (and almost getting kicked out) when you get it. Alex loves it as much as he loves you.
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★ LOGAN SARGEANT ( 2 ) — Logan fully believes that the best date in the history of dating are theme and amusement park dates. Whether it's a local funfair or the (in)famous Florida parks, Logan loves walking hand in hand, map and snacks in the other, trying to go on as many attractions as possible, calming the nerves of each other when necessary, laughing at the photos quickly taken on the rollercoasters (and going again to attempt looking good), and many other things that make this type of date his favorite.
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★ PIERRE GASLY ( 10 ) — Pierre loves chaos and what's more chaotic than doing karaoke? Your catalog goes from High School Musical's "Gotta Go My Own Way" to Gaye and Terrell's "Ain't No Mountain High Enough." Sometimes they end up drunk enough (from adrenaline, from love, or both) to sing French songs and attempt Celine Dion's highest notes. You can spend hours teasing each other, dancing to the rhythm, and sneaking kisses in between songs.
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★ YUKI TSUNODA ( 22 ) — Contrary to popular belief, Yuki's favorite type of date isn't taking you to a restaurant or cooking together, because even though he does love doing those things with you, your trips to farmers markets are his favorite. When the season is right, you visit them hand-in-hand, no matter the country since there is nothing better than discovering new foods with your favorite person. And hey! If there is something to eat, why not mix dates?
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★ LANCE STROLL ( 18 ) — No matter the weather or season, you and Lance will always be up for an ice cream date. You're on a quest to find the best flavors, and the fact that some dates end in small big disasters is enough to keep you searching together, chins full of ice cream and all.
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★ MICK SCHUMACHER ( 47 ) — Two things about Mick: he really enjoys ice skating and he loves you. If you put them together, he's guaranteed to have the time of his life, so he's lucky you like ice skating as much as he does. You both spend hours on the rink, being careful not to fall while holding hands, yet most of the time it's Mick who ends up in the floor as you drown in laughter. He loves that sound. He loves making you laugh and smile, it's his favorite pastime, and seeing you shine on the ice rink makes him realize how much he adores this place.
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★ SEBASTIAN VETTEL ( 5 ) — Seb’s favorite is going hiking and then camping with you in the beautiful Swiss mountains, away from the a much hectic side of life. Just you and him giving new meaning to the known, sharing not only the beauty of life but also the comfort of one another, wrapped around small info-dumps and timeless laughter. It’s therapeutic being so close to each other, so pure and loving. If you ask him, he would repeat this date a thousand times over.
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sitp-recs · 10 months
Happy Friday, friends! I’ve never done monthly wrap ups before but since Wireless pulled me back from a brief hiatus, I thought it would be cool to share some things I’ve been reading, that could use more love. 10 fics both old and new, Drarry and rare pairs, Wireless treats; pick your poison and have fun! 🙌
Muscle Memory by @corvuscrowned (E, 7k) - brilliant concept perfectly executed, I’m so here for curse-breaking colleagues who fuck at the job to pass time and then forget about it every time 🤌🏼 genius and intriguing and captivating as per crow’s usual
There's something just beneath the surface, just at the periphery of Harry's mind. They've been here before — they've done this before. If only he could remember it.
And Embers at Your Lips by @nametheshadows (T, 15k) - sequel to one of my all-time favorite 8th year fics with insomniac roommates just as soft and healing as LLAYF. Gorgeous prose and all the kissing. Highly rec this series for A+ comfort food!
The sequel to Like Lightning at Your Fingertips: the kissing montage. And there’s that thing with Potter’s magic.
Rich Friend, Anon (E, 18k) - one of my faves from Wireless, pop star!Draco never gets old and both the pacing and the romance are perfectly developed! I live for Harry’s horny yearning and for their road trip together, kudos to casual Harry/Neville as a side ship!
As far as Harry can tell, Draco Malfoy is still rich as hell. He’s just not a wizard anymore. Featuring: Draco Malfoy trying to make it as a Muggle pop star, Harry Potter as our confused and horny hero, bad driving, good music, and the mysterious magic of falling for someone.
Waking Up Slow, Anon (E, 22k) - this ode to advent Drarry fics took my breath away with a charming Draco, fun dynamics, an enchanting Christmas shop and one of the sexiest smut scenes I’ve read this year, 10/10 recommend for hot & sweet magical vibes and lots of references as an homage to the classics!
'Twas the night before Christmas, although it’s July / Draco’s a shopkeeper, no-one knows why / There’s hiking and witch caves, freak snowfalls and more / Bad Christmas jumpers, nosy neighbours galore / Narcissa’s here too, but… something’s amiss / And what’s in those chocolates that’s making them kiss?
We Are Legend by Vaysh (E, 38k) - happy to report to @romaine2424 that I have finally read this epic apocalypse AU and am shooketh with its originality and serious tone. One of the most creative takes I’ve seen on animagus Draco, a poignant and devastating war story.
Eighty years into the future, Voldemort won. Harry Potter is a renegade wizard, Portkeying Muggles out of London to Hogwarts, last sanctuary in a Britain ruled by the Dark Lord. On a mission he encounters a powerful phoenix Animagus fighting on the Death Eaters' side. He recognises Draco Malfoy whom he thought long dead. But the differences between them are perhaps even greater than before. Cw: MCD
LA, Who Am I To Love You?, Anon (E, 42k) - I cannot believe this beauty was written for my lil Wireless prompt ♥️ perfect LA vibes, gorgeous aesthetics, horny ust and a fascinating take on both down and out bi Harry and out and proud bi Draco, we love to see it! Couldn’t have asked for a better story to fill my prompt, ty anon!
Harry’s summer in LA is not going as expected. Pansy Parkinson keeps inviting him to parties in the Hollywood Hills and harassing him to finally go to the physical therapist, Blaise Zabini keeps slipping new strains of his company’s magical weed into Harry’s pockets in hopes of an endorsement, and Draco Malfoy keeps having sex with everyone but Harry.
Rare Pairs
A Different Tune by November Snowflake (M, 8k) - very nice Dron get together, short & sweet with an undercurrent melancholy that I love, just what I needed before bed
Working in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office has led Ron to many strange encounters--but none more unexpected than this one. Cw: Harry’s dead
The Years Between by brummell (M, 14k) - another rare pair fave, this Rarry fic told from Ron’s smitten and jealous pov as he helps Harry recover from a coma is so deliciously raw and angsty. Gorgeous slow burn, the feels!
For both Harry and Ron, a wake-up call is just the beginning.
Things Remembered by avioleta (E, 17k) - best Snarry fic I’ve read this year, I’m low key obsessed with this hitmen + amnesia concept and how the romance develops so organically while they’re on the run. Intriguing plot, sexy ust and super scorching smut that made me salivate jfc 🔥
Harry wakes up in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar hotel room, and with absolutely no idea who he is. The man he’s in bed with has no memories either. But they think, maybe, they’re assassins, because they seem to be very good at killing people.
A Dress with Pockets by PacificRimbaud (E, 25k) - a Panville classic recced by anon (ty!!), what a sexy and vibrant read! I LOVED Neville and their dynamics are brilliant and so funny, I just couldn’t get enough of these characters. 100% sold on this ship pls and thank
Pansy Parkinson needed a drink. And a shag. She didn't care in which order. Enter: Neville fucking Longbottom and his rolled up sleeves.
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pocket-lin · 4 months
Hey!! 💕 for the fandom ask game, 5, 9 and 20? 🤩
hi!!! thank you for sending me this ask!! once again apologizing if the format for this is all janky, assume I have no clue what I'm doing 80-90% of the time!! also I found out so many of these writer's have tumblrs that I wasn't following so that was exciting!!
please note: this is all about the harry potter fandom so if you don't follow me for that, please look at my pinned post!! tldr is fuck jk and fuck terfs, I won't let her steal our joy!!
5. something I see a lot in fics and love
hmmmm... this is hard to narrow down!! so here's a few things I've been enjoying in hp fics I've read lately!
harry potter who is just so fucking earnestly in love. like, he's tripping over his feet so he can hold the door open for draco and looking at him with big heart eyes from across the pub. harry's got draco's order memorized from that takeout place he loves and he's been pining for draco for years in such an embarrassing way and all his friends are rolling their eyes and placing bets on when harry will finally make a fucking move.
adult ron weasley taking after his mother!! he makes delicious food and makes people scarves and shows his love through his actions!!
draco being absolutely rocked when he finds out that harry is queer! especially when harry is confident and completely unashamed of his sexuality. also throat goat harry
magic being tangible in some way!! like, a strong spell giving off the smell of ozone, being able to feel it in someone's hands, everyone's magic having a unique vibe.
harry as the ultimate dad. like, that dude 100% has so many complicated feelings about family and his kid(s) would be everything to him.
9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
I've been dipping into alllll kinds of ships lately. I love to just go look at individual ship tags on a03 and read the stuff with the highest kudos and then some of the most recent fics. I think you gotta do both to understand the ship!! here's some I've been vibing with lately (also realizing how many of these are drarry+someone else hahaha)
harry/draco is my otp BUT harry/ron and harry/ron/hermione are tied for second. that's harry's family!! they were his first friends and the first people to show him love and they literally went through war together. they know each other!! two favorite harry/ron fics of mine are Sun Kissed by @static-abyss and A tangled mess by @orange-peony! two harry/ron/hermione favorites are nineteen years later by wendydarlings and try to fix you by @maesterchill!
snarry - I was sooooo not into this in my early fandom days because so much of the ship stuff I saw was underage teacher/student stuff and that's very much not my thing. the first dip into this ship was actually through @writcraft's harry/draco/severus fic, A Life Worth Remembering, which is almost a complete subversion: Severus gets de-aged to 25 through a potions accident and has to stay with draco and harry, who are middle-aged and in an established relationship. its a gigantic change for everyone involved and the way their all find their way to each other is sooooooo good. from there I read all their snarry stuff. one of their other snarry fics I love is How We Were Warriors. I've actually been back into this ship the past few weeks and have loved On the Deficiencies of Translation Spells and old fires and phantom limbs by @liladiurne, as well as A Turn of the Page and Severus’s Story (or, A Hero’s Tale) by avioleta!
neville/harry and harry/draco/neville - I think about @kittycargo's Love to Give soooooo often. also absolutely love When it Returns by @academicdisasterfic and Touch Your Lips Just So I Know by @saxamophone!!
harry/draco/charlie - everyone go read Licurici by @lou-isfake and tell me you aren't a changed man!!!
ron/draco/harry. I can't even begin to talk about this one because we'd be here for a million years!!
20. your very first fandom!
I started doing irl fandom things for harry potter with my mom and sister when I was a little baby (I learned to read with the harry potter books!!) but my first solo (and almost exclusively online) fandom was the the teen titans!! I was obsessed with the marv wolfman and george perez comics from the 80s and completely lost my shit when they announced the teen titans animated series. that show cancellation still hurts 😭
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terresdebrume · 3 months
38, 39, 41, and 42 for Lieb ship of your choice!
[From this ask game]
Thanks for the ask :D You're starting to know me, Lieb and Web are inseparable in my head, so we're going to go with that :P
38: Who is more sexually experimental? Who's more vanilla?
So I've read a bunch of fics where Web is the one with the surprising kinks and now it's kind of embedded in my head tbh x)
But also I don't think Web would necessarily be super out there in terms of kinkiness, I think it's more that Joe has all these ideas about what a guy can and should want and kinda subconsciously doesn't really let himself think of sexy stuff to do besides the 'classics' so to speak.
I do think he's very entertained by what he perceives to be his weirdo of a boyfriend though.
39: Who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health? What would the other think?
I think most of their friends assume Web would be the one to do the puppy eyes and Joe does the actual nursing work, but depending on the severity of things I think it'd be the other way around.
I think after the war, Joe can't stand to watch animals in pain, every time he tries to do something that makes it uncomfortable it makes him sad angry and snappy and saying they should mercy kill the thing while being secretly heartbroken about it.
So what actually happens is that Web changes the bandages, force-feeds the medicine, occasionally drains infected wounds or looks for parasites in the feces, and he's the one who takes the animal to the vet to be put down/deals with the body when it's necessary.
Meanwhile, Joe goes to the shops to get the litter/food/meds, and when the animal is healthy again, if they decide to keep it, Web is very happy to leave most of the daily maintenance (filling the food and water bowl, cleaning cages, giving the baths, what have you) to Joe, who grumbles a lot but also doesn't actually try that hard to get Web to do his part.
41: Which one would take their jacket it off and drape over the other one because they were visibly shivering?
Oh, Joe. 100%. Web is more the 'let's get you a coat' type, which doesn't work with Lieb because
He's fundamentally incapable of just admitting when he needs something, and
David had zero issue buying a 500 dollars coat on the spot which drives Joe absolutely nuts and immediately sends him into enough of a rant to stop David in his tracks.
(On the other hand, Web is a big sucker for having his man loan him a jacket and has 'forgotten' to grab his on more than one occasion.)
42: What's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
I don't think Joe ever enjoys the cold again after Bastogne (don't think any of the guys do tbh) but when he is forced to endure it he definitely plasters himself to David for the duration.
In terms of what they actually enjoy, I think Web probably enjoys thunderstorms (or at least, feels like he's supposed to enjoy them as a writer, because of the Romantic aspects and whatnot) but actually likes a nap in the afternoon best, especially if he can get Joe to join him and they lounge around in the sunlight like cats.
For Joe, I think he likes early summer mornings, when there's still some dew on the grass and things aren't too hot yet, and he manages to drag Web out of bed for a quiet breakfast outside.
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bilbosmom-belladonna · 5 months
Clone Bang Promo Post: Team 35!
The members of @clonebang Team 35 are proud to announce our upcoming contributions to the Clone Bang! 🎉
I wrote Built on Bones and Middens, a 90K (!!!!) Commander Fox/Quinlan Vos mystery fic set late in the war on Coruscant. This Fox POV story follows our hard-knock, heavy-drinking commander as he (and a very irritating Jedi) dive deep into Coruscant's underworld to solve a mystery before Fox's brothers suffer the worst fate.
Action! Intrigue! Banter! A fatalistic view of Coruscant's inherent corruption!
Check out a snippet under the cut. Chapter 1 posts on January 6th, 2024!
The immensely talented @sankt-jesper contributed their artistic chops. Here is a might fine preview for you:
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And the dulcet-toned @flowerparrish did a podfic for one of the chapters! For a scintillating preview, please enjoy a recording of the snippet below.
Friends, I'm so excited to share this work with you all. It is the longest thing I've ever written (by a lot) and it was so lovely to collaborate with others to create these works. This was my first Star Wars fandom event and I had a lot of fun. Enjoy!
“Are you sure?” Vos asked. “They make the best Ithorian food on the planet. Would you like to try it?”
“I would like,” Fox said, keeping his voice level, “to know what we’re doing here.”
Vos went still again, eyes locked on Fox’s face with the air of a predator preparing to pounce. Fox regarded him back evenly and tried very hard not to find it intimidating. 
Once again, Vos’ smile emerged after a moment. He relaxed back into his chair. “All business, I see. No worries, Fox, I won’t waste your time. We needed to be able to speak openly and that called for a change of scenery.” Vos spread out his arms, indicating the decor. “And also a change of wardrobe. I suppose you’re wondering where I left my robes.”
Fox took another sip of his whiskey. Damn, it was good. “I wasn’t going to comment on your fashion choices,” he said.
“Big of you,” Vos replied breezily. “Here at The Little Dipper I’m known as Garyth Lidon, a small-time gangster trying to break into the casino business. He has… a certain look I need to maintain.” Vos tugged a little at his voluminous trousers.
“And why,” Fox asked, “are we meeting at Garyth Lidon’s favorite restaurant to discuss this case instead of the secure GAR facility?”
Vos hummed. “Not so secure, though, is it?”
Fox looked down at his glass, swirled the whiskey around. He took a moment to control his expression. “You have a problem with my security?” he asked cooly.
“Oh, don’t be insulted, Fox!” Vos cried as he flopped back in his chair. “It’s nothing against you personally. I’m sure you run a very tight ship. But we can’t ignore the obvious here, can we? It was clones who attacked Obi-Wan and we don’t know why.” He spoke with his hands, rings catching the light as they moved. “Maybe they were just angry mutineers. Maybe they were brainwashed by a Sith. Maybe they swallowed one of those brain slugs from Geonosis!” Vos leaned forward, elbows on the table, and pointed at Fox. “Maybe it was the first attack of a massive coup and you brought two squads here to kill me when my back is turned.” 
Fox raised an eyebrow and used his glass to point at one of the windows. “My sniper is getting into position now, I’m just waiting for the signal.”
Vos snorted and sat back again. “I get it, I do, Fox. You have faith in your brothers, as you should. But we have no idea who we can trust here, even among friends. So we’re going to keep this investigation as far away from the GAR and the RCMO and that bantha-kriffer Tarkin as we can. And that starts with meeting at fine establishments like this one.”
“You don’t trust Tarkin either?” Fox asked.
Vos shrugged. “We don’t know how far up this goes. The attackers told Commander Cody they were acting under orders, but not who gave them. We can’t rule anyone out yet.”
Fox tried not to be too pleased at the idea that he might get a chance to arrest Tarkin, far-fetched though it may be.
“And the serene mystic act?” Fox asked.
“Ah!” Vos waggled his eyebrows. “That was my spot-on impression of Obi-Wan’s late master, Qui-Gon Jinn. He could stonewall politicians with all that Force babble for hours. When we have to be under close supervision I want to discourage anyone from asking too many questions. And no one wants to talk to the guy that makes you want to strangle him after two sentences.” 
“The thought did cross my mind.”
“Then I’m doing my job!”
Fox allowed himself to relax a little. Vos wasn’t what he had expected from this meeting and he certainly wasn’t like any of the other Jedi Fox had met. But he didn’t seem to care if Fox got a little sarcastic with him. Vos himself had insisted they forgo the formalities. Maybe he wouldn’t be too much of a hindrance during this investigation. Even if he was a little… cocky.
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luciddreamingcrow · 1 year
Playable character au pr. II
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--Song recommended for today is: pools by glass animals--
Sumery: in this au, you the reader, are a playable character/nps in witch the fanbase have made their own ships with other characters based on voice lines, canon inteactions, popular headcanons etc. :D
Characters included: Beidou, Yae Miko, Zhongli.
About Reader
" Reader? Oh they are my sailor, they are in control of the coordination of the ship, Reader is one of the people I will always have loyalty and I can always rely on when times are though, despite their friendly personally you shouldn't underestimate their determination and strong character, if you ever need help and I'm not here, just go to Reader they'll clear things out for you, of course if you mention that I was the one who told you that. And if you'd ask me if I'd rather live without the ocean or live without Reader, I'd rather live without the ocean without a second thought."
About how it started
" You wanna know more about me and reader? Well we met each other when we still kids, at the time we were at our lowest and the only thing we did to pass the time is daydream about having a boat only for ourselves and nobody else, explore the rest of the world and go treasure hunting, one day we had enough of it being just a dream and so we went to the harbor, stole a couple book guides for constructing small boats, and the needed supplies, a couple weeks later we succeed and started to accept requests on delivering supplies that needed to be sent overseas"
General sumery about your relationship with said character:
You and Beidou are life long traveling partners, and you two are the founders of The Crux, and there was a contract when you two were younger that the two of you will always be by each others side no matter what, that is evident in Beidous hangout that before Beidou goes with the traveler, she tells you exactly where she'll be and reassure you that she'll be just fine and leaves the boat in your hands.
What the fandom thinks:
OK there may or may not be a shipping war between Beiwang and Beider (the ship name between Reader and Beidou). But the Beider shippers are having the time of their life cuz when beidou is on the scene Reader is never far behind, even Thoma had pointed out how close they are, and Kazuha suspects that Beidou and Reader may be more than friends. But most people(nps) just excuse it by saying that you two are just "close friends". As fanfics go there are a lot of aus specifically where Readers and Beidous roles are swapped and there's a handful of soulmate aus.
Yae miko
About reader:
"Oh? Reader? My my, now from where did you hear about them? Mhm I see well for short they are the main illustrator of yae publishing house and have been for a long time now, they never seem to disappoint me with their illustrations and the way their hands gently glide across their sketch book, they even managed to become a beta reader for upcoming books and gives advice to the writers if needed."
About Yae's absence
"Now, now why are you so curious about my absence in the grand narukami shrine mh? Don't you worry I was simply in (insert restaurant) with Reader, beta reading some novels that are gonna be released soon and getting some (insert favorite food) to get ourselves some energy, nothing more. Hm? You think that sounds more like a date? Perhaps it was, who knows?"
General summary about your relationship with said character
As seen in the voiceless abb you, you guys have a friendly relationship that may or may not be more than just partnership between coworkers, and that's evident by how often yae takes you off work just to go restaurants and try out their new dishes or when the two of you walk around the shore and talk abb whatever is occupying your minds or when you are sketching in the moonlight due to you getting inspiration in the middle of the night and if you look carefully there's a pink fluffy companion in your lap warming you up.
What the fandom thinks
Ok the fandom itself has mixed feelings. On one side we got the toxic Eimiko shippers slandering Remiko( the ship name between reader and yae miko) with each opportunity they get. While the other Eimiko shippers are trying to reassure Remiko shippers that not every Eimiko shipper is like that and it's ok to ship whatever you want as long it's not problematic. Remiko shippers on the other hand are just chilling and enjoy every interaction there is to consume, and the ship itself got more recognition in the update where yae was released and in your hangout it's obvious that yae wasn't pleased at all when the traveler had to drag reader out of their date, meet up.
About Reader
"Reader? They are a close friend of mine we met at Third-Round Knockout, and I must say I admire their strong personality and they're not afraid to say what's on their mind, I keep all the letters they've wrote me while they were away, and whenever I miss their presence I pick one of the letters and read them"
General summary about your relationship with said character
You and Zhongli met at the Third-Round Knockout restaurant and since you were the only people left there and it was quite late, he ofered you to walk you home, and in the meantime you guys started to talk abb liues history, afer a while u two started getting closer because of ur similar interest in history, even if u were visiting another nation he would write u letters abb what stories u missed so when u would come back u wouldn't had missed a thing and as per usual he would walk u home as u talked abb ur travels, at this point it's a routine, he will insist for u to talk abb things you enjoy because he loves the look of excitement and passion in your eyes, for him your presence alone is refreshing and a breath of fresh air.
What the fandom thinks
Once again the fandom is having a shipping war but surprisingly it isn't from Zhonchi shippers and Regli ( the ship name between Reader and) shippers, but it's mostly the rest of the fandom debating whether witch one is more "valid". Some folks on tiktok are saying proship this, midship that but at the end of the day the ship itself isn't problematic in any way so yeah. But hey in the lantern rite festival there was a cutscene where the two of you were enjoying a nice meal while admiring the fireworks, also you were seen with him in the end of the second part of the Liuye Archon quest. Also let's not forget the matching compass necklace that points in the direction of each other.
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microchive · 1 month
either cam or gideon for the character thing!!!
GAH!!!! picking gideon because you already did cam also i want to talk about gideon nav my best friend gideon nav
favorite thing about them: how do i even begin.... i love that she isn't a hero and doesn't become one through the narrative, i love that she is so blatantly posturing all of the time and she builds herself up to be this big confident sexy funnyman because she needs that to keep herself afloat but what she is in reality isn't any lesser! she is funny and she's shy and nervous and she's so powerfully butch to the bone in a way that avoids all negative stereotypes but still manages to highlight the pitfalls butches find themselves in. she has so many layers and people reduce her to some kind of himbo when in reality she's objectively both too mean and too intelligent to be a himbo. i love that you can sense from the very beginning that she is sitting on a massive broiling lake of sadness and for all of her posturing she is both incredibly delicate and one of the strongest characters in the story. i love that she sucks so bad and died a virgin like christ jesus and even missing half her soul she remains consistent not in her outward personality but in her ability to shield her soft underbelly through some sort of performative attitude but EVERYONE can see right through her except gideon herself because everything she does is loud and annoying. she's impulsive and passionate and. incredibly annoying. i hate her and she's my favorite person ever
least favorite thing about them: probably the war crimes but it's not like she's passionate about war crimes she just doesn't gaf. this is just what a lesbian situationship will do to a guy
favorite line: literally all of them man everything she says makes me laugh.... here are some standouts though: - "If my heart had a dick you would kick it" - "I have lots of fealty in me. I fealt the Emperor with every bone in my body. I fealt hard" - "You've got two short minutes left before I punch you right in the butthole" - everything she says when talking to ianthe
brOTP: her and camilla ooooohhhh..... also her and pal. gideon works so well with the sixth house because they're just as annoying and generally peculiar as her they're just more lowkey about it
OTP: i'd have to say griddlehark because i have never stopped thinking about them ever but i do enjoy gideon x camilla (i forgot their ship name) because the cav4cav shit is so good godddd they're just two sides of the same coin, the same story with different upbringings they would help each other out
nOTP: not a huge fan of gideon and corona just because i think corona needs to chase someone who doesn't like her for enrichment purposes and gideon's schoolgirl crush on corona probably doesn't translate well into an actual relationship (let's be real though none of these relationships are going "well") but it is an interesting dynamic
random headcanon: i think she is really gross. genuinely. she picks her nose and doesn't wash her face and harrow gets on her ass about it which i guess is reasonable. also more intense but i definitely think both gideon and harrow have food issues but while harrow copes by being intensely picky gideon has some textual evidence of binge eating which makes sense to me character wise and also would explain why she developed muscle on planet malnutrition
unpopular opinion: i don't really have any once again?? i guess i like to imagine she isn't as attractive as she thinks she is but a lot of people write and draw her as a lesbian adonis which i understand because thats how she describes herself lmao. i think she's kind of cute in a weird way and tamsyn describes her as boyishly pretty so in my mind she's the kind of hot a straight man would never agree with. she is still the hottest person in the world to me
song i associate with them: I HAVE SO MANY. main ones are: father by the front bottoms, dance in room song by sipper, bodysnatchers by radiohead, suffering jukebox by silver jews, knife in the coffee by car seat headrest
favorite picture of them: this fanart: (this artist does such a delicious gideon ohhh i need her.) https://www.tumblr.com/bastardnoodle/741903153830723584/im-in-the-middle-of-reading-harrow-and-i-miss-her?source=share
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piecesofeden11 · 3 months
Hello 💙 I will as more questions because I am curious.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
Haha! Hey friend, no worries! More questions are always welcome! <3 A head canon for one of my favorite ships: the first thing that sprung to mind? Merrin pegs Cal. Regularly. He's very into it and they have a lot of fun :D And a bonus, which might be a little lame ... but for Obikin I like to imagine that Obi-Wan cannot cook for shit (because he grew up in the Temple and I imagine there to be food provided so he never head to learn). Meanwhile, Anakin grew up with his Mom who taught him and he actually enjoys it from time to time when he gets a chance. He also eats extremely spicey food which would kill Obi-Wan, probably. How I got into writing fanfiction. I started many, many years ago with a friend at school. We had a book that we passed back and forth and each of us wrote a section and so on and so forth. That turned into me joining an online community for text based rpgs, which I did for a very long time. In between, I wrote a few small-ish things here and there. Then, when I got back into Star Wars, and Obikin in particular, did I pick up writing again :D My username is a reference to the Pieces of Eden in Assassin's Creed series as well as the fact that I love the name "Eden". Since I came out as non-binary, I've been contemplating a new name and "Eden" has stuck. In the online/english-speaking realms I move around in, I prefer it to my given name. About PiecesOfEden, I also love that it gets shortened to PoE, which is why I will also answer to Poe :D The 11 that is often found behind it is my birthmonth ^^ Thanks again for the ask! <3 <3 <3
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itstokkii · 16 days
I love love LOVE your Korea and AmeKor headcanon list! You really opened my eyes to this ship! I've been binging your content on it. The way you approach these characters is so cool and really refreshing!
If you have the time, I was wondering if you had any head canons about what their favourite dishes from each other's culture are. Like, what's Americ's favourite Korean dish, and what's Korea's favourite American dish?
Thank you in advance!
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ㅇㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏ진짜감동이다..... you don't know how much this ask means to me!!! amekor was my driving force when I first joined the fandom, and my love for them still stays strong <3 thank you for the compliments, too! so here are some sketches i made of them, the 2nd one is more relevant to your ask!
my korea oc was being fleshed out around the same time I began to ship amekor, so I tried to go about my oc in the most authentic way I could think of as a korean, and then apply her personality to the ship and adjust the dynamics!
I'm always open to answer asks about amekor!! it was kind of hard to find a favorite korean dish for america, since there's a lot of korean food americans seem to love. this one won't be 100% authentic, but I feel like traditional galbi, as well as LA galbi, would be his favorite. galbi is grilled beef rib(sometimes pork) and it's traditionally prepared in a way where the rib is cut alongside the bone in a parallel way.
however, korean immigrants in LA couldn't find ribs prepared that way since ribs in the US are prepared differently in stores, so they turned to local mexican stores and butchers that sold the meat cheaper, with the rib cut across the bone to create the iconic look of bone sticking out in the middle of the rib.
i feel like he would enjoy both, since alfred feels like the kind of guy that loves to grill in the summer. soojin probably taught him how to make the marinate sauce, but he still feels like it tastes better when she makes it.
as for korea, the 2 most popular foods are fried chicken and burgers, however, fried chicken has changed in terms of sauce to be more "korean" and so another popular food worldwide is korean fried chicken. this is the more popular one, so I felt it wasn't right to include a korean-influenced food. I've heard many different stories on how fried chicken was introduced to korea, some say it was the black american soldiers who introduced the dish during the korean war, with the korean sauce version(양념치킨) made by a restaurant owner who noticed how people struggled to eat regular fried chicken as it was tough, so he softened the shell and created a sweet and spicy sauce to marinate the chicken in hopes it would attract more customers, and it worked! burgers were introduced when fast food chains such as burger king and mcdonalds launched in korea for the first time. people were initially worried since the food appeared to be so greasy and unhealthy, but they quickly learned to love it, and we have bulgogi burgers of course!
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bonefall · 1 year
hey, can i ask what your doing with sandstorm ? she’s one of my favorites in canon.
i know in better bones she’s not romantic with fireheart (bc he’s aro and that’s awesome heck yea) but he honor sires and co-parents with her. Also she’s redtail and runningflights kid and longtails sister, but i’d like to know more about her?
A thing i actually like about her that most people don’t is her sudden turn to being nice to fireheart, i mean, part of it anyways. i don’t like that in canon fireheart is just like “oh she’s nice now. hot” and doesn’t talk to her about it at all. BUT i do like that she decides to be nice to fireheart. that it’s character progression she does on her own, that it surprises fireheart.
I love the idea that as she got older, she had a moment where she realized that her animosity towards fireheart wasn’t really warranted (since she gets annoyed with how bb!dustpelt acts towards him too, maybe that’s a turing point for her here), that she dealt with her issues through self reflection, without fireheart noticing. I like the idea that she worked out most of her issues without talking to him, through her own strength, and then talks to him, apologizing and explaining why she acted like she did. and i think the catalyst, aside from dustpelt, shouldn’t be some moment like “he saves her in battle” it should just be some small act that he doesn’t even remember, that sets it all off, like giving someone their favorite food after they’ve had a really bad day, something small like that
idk i just really like sandstorm being able to deal with her issues on her own strength, showing how she’s matured, sorry for the wall of text lol
I feel you totally, this is all stuff I like about her too
100% of my problems with canon Sandstorm come from her mateship with Firestar, and the way the Erins write downright insufferable romance. I can't even have the satisfaction of being harsh towards FireSand, because it's one of the best in the cesspool of canon warrior ships.
She's great in Fire and Ice though! Something I really like about that book is how Fireheart is struggling with the question of if Clan life is really worth it, between Graystripe's distancing, the murder plot thickening, and still not fully fitting in with ThunderClan. Sandstorm is an extension of the entire Clan warming up to him, as he finally finds his place.
And something else I love, and think the romance plot gets in the way of, is how Sandstorm has her own mind and opinions. She's actually quite "traditionalist," distrustful of outsiders and unwilling to defy Bluestar’s will to stop war with WindClan. I like this about her! I think it's interesting that she isn't just Fireheart's waifu!
And that's the role I want her to have in Better Bones. She ALWAYS thinks for herself. She's an introspective and serious cat, a lot like her dad Redtail. Losing him was devastating to her, but she eventually asked herself: why DO I act like this towards Fireheart? Does he actually deserve it?
Eventually, her and Firestar are deep friends. See, Longtail is Firestar's DEPUTY, he doesn't go to him when he has a weird dream, he doesn't go for a walk in the woods and pop some rowanberries with him, he doesn't tell him about that time he tried to date Onewhisker. That's what he does with Sandstorm.
And eventually she wanted kits, and felt like doing that with her best friend was the best option. He'd raise furballs if it wasn't for her balancing his influence out.
But that aside, I enjoy her as a reliable but not ambitious warrior. She's close with her brother Longtail, lifelong friends with Dustpelt after he comes around, and a great mentor to Sorreltail
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You know what, I want a fic where ikran racing is like a super big thing (think like the Pandoran version of derbies and all that) and is a big part of the culture. Nobody knows what to do with Spider who, being a human, doesn't really stand much of a chance but still seems intent on participating, so they just make him the clan ikran groomer to keep him out of trouble. Enter Neteyam, his best friend Lo'ak's older brother who's on the fast-track to take their father's place as ikran racing champion---or at least he was. Recently he's been having major trouble and things aren't looking good.
Imagine over the next few months Spider, who has like a shit-ton of knowledge about ikrans due to the fact that he's been the caretaker of pretty much all of them since he was knee-high to a grasshopper, helps Neteyam in secret to fix whatever's happening meanwhile they sort of fall in love even though they really shouldn't (for various reasons). Think of all of the themes that could be explored! Think of the angst! Neteyam strikes me as a brooder, so think of all the brooding!
And what's even better? This could also work for all you locorro people out there. Picture, if you will, a Lo'ak who's stuck in the shadow of his father (the greatest ikran racer known to Na'vi) and Neteyam, who seems to be following in the footsteps of their father's greatness. Desperate to prove himself, he comes to Spider for help (let's just say he and his ikran don't really. . . vibe) and Spider agrees despite all of his misgivings and fast-forward through a whole training/bonding/falling in love and finding themselves montage and boom!
How would either of these end? Idk. But man do I want this and if I don't get it I may just have to take matters into my own hands. (For some reason I just dig chill ikran caretaker Spider and high-strung, works himself to the bone to achieve perfection Neteyam or desperate to prove himself despite the fact that both him and his ikran are a mess Lo'ak.)
HOLY FUCK this is my favorite ask of all time. Alright that's it new tag folks: the people need this fic we are begging for it (please explore I have gone back and tagged appropriately).
Hey buddy hey fam I am a huge huge Star Wars fan and you are gonna come in here with your fucking Anakin Skywalker podracing au fic and think I'm not gonna sniff that shit out instantly? Ur crazy dog.
-Spider is like, THE guy for the Omaticaya's ikran care. It's tradition that if you want to participate in ikran racing then you care for ikran for a year before you complete your iknimaya, but Spider has been doing this shit for years longer than anyone else.
-He's like an expert all of them love him, he's like the Hiccup of the Omaticaya he knows all their weak spots, their favorite foods, things they're allergic too, plants that bother them, their favorite places to be scratched: kid could probably ride everyone's ikran even without a rider, but only a select few people have noticed.
-Toruk Makto is the most famous ikran racer because motherfucker rides a toruk. He doesn't participate on toruk anymore after a big legendary competition, and the only person that rivals him is his equally legendary wife (who's better than him it's just toruk that makes Jake better lol)
-Neytiri is as good as she is because unlike a lot of other ikran riders, she does all the care for her ikran alone. It is something she has instilled in her family, but, they are busy. Busy running and leading their clan. So sometimes, Spider steps in. But still the amount of time they dedicate to their ikran compared to others means it's hard not to notice Spider's expertise
-I love the idea of Neytiri being like "yeah no one but me or Spider can touch my ikran, hands off"
-it's a slow build but that equal passion is their connection
-OBSESSED with the idea of the Neteyam and Spider version (getting too many asks about them, we gotta make a ship name poll lol), my bad if I focused heavily on that I might reblog later with the locorro one.
-Neteyam and his ikran bonded but have they bonded. He NEEDS to live up to the level of precision and skill that his parents have with their ikran. Hell, flying is how his parents fell in love! They go on date nights once a week still to fly together, bonded through their love of the sky. He just can't figure out how to translate his thoughts into actions through his ikran. His too wired and anxious all the time, and his ikran's thoughts are always a mile a minute.
-He knows Neytiri only trusts ONE other person to care for her ikran, and that person doesn't have anything to lose either so he goes to Spider and begs him to keep this a secret and to help.
-Without tsaheylu, Spider's bonds with the ikran are formed through a building of trust, care, empathy, and affection through actions. If Neteyam wants to build a bond and he can't trust his mind or his ikran's mind; maybe he can trust actions.
-Oops the bond is formed between Spider and Neteyam too, they slipped and fell into trust, care, and empathy born of actions!
-Neteyam like "how do my parents fall in love flying, flying is stupid and stressful and scary" and then Spider's wrapping his hands around his waist to encourage him to make his movements lighter and he's like 😳
-the jeytiri parallels i'll kill myself frfr
-Lo'ak is still in his year of ikran care pre iknimaya, so he's just around and bitching all the time in the background about how annoying Neteyam is and how perfect he is and Spider is like 😶 yeah he's so perfect 🤭 he's so annoying.
-Kiri has her ikran but would rather die than race, she feels it's inhumane to make the ikran race without asking them first. So she's just bitching the entire time, moping around Neteyam like "why do we have to race, who would even want to?" and Neteyam just REALIZES Spider does.
-He becomes determined to help him be able to race as well. I haven't decided how yet...
Anyways this is how it goes when Spider can:
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kawaiichibiart · 2 months
Random assortment of ATLA AU ideas I'm probably not gonna do anything with but needed to get out there:
AU where Zuko was never banished from the FN due to the people of the FN revolting when they found out. Word of the Agni Kai and the War Meeting had made it's way across the nation and the majority were in favor of Zuko. So much that they were planning a mutiny. Annoyed, but seeing a way out, Ozai orders a tower be made far away from Caldera. Once it's made, Zuko would live there. If they win the war, he'll forgive his son and welcome him back. The tower is built and Zuko is dumped in there. Only one way in and out and he can't open it. The other option is literally barred. Blah blah blah, we get into book 2, Suki has been caught by Azula. She's on her way to prison, not sure where she'll end up. And she's surprised when she's told she'll be keeping the prince company. Because, what prince? And she's put into Zuko's tower. In short, Zuki prison roommates AU but it's not in the Boiling Rock.
No one understands how it happened. Why it happened. They prayed to the moon. So, why did the sun respond and save their daughter? She prayed to the sun. She prayed and begged for him to answer. The one who answered her was the moon. Sun Spirit Yue and Moon Spirit Zuko AU. Bonus if both can bend the element of the spirit that blessed them (firebender Yue and waterbender Zuko).
Zuku joins the Gaang early and poses as Sokka's wife the entire time (fiancee if we go as early as book 1 and up until they get to Ba Sing Se in book 2. Zuko: I must find my darling husband!! I'm so worried about him... Katara: Seriously, what do you see in that guy? Zuko: He makes me laugh.)
The SWT has collapsed. Men have gone to war, and the remaining women, children and elders have split between finding sanctuary in either Kyoshi Island or the NWT OR living a new life at sea as pirates. Sokka becomes well known as a decent pirate. He won't raid someone just to raid them. They have to have something he wants. And right now, his attention was in the rather pretty boy (he assumed it was a boy anyways) onboard Zhao's ship. He'd usually go for maps and plans and even rations when he raided a ship, but this time he's thinking of getting a person. Huh, kidnapping...well there's a first for everything. (Basic summary, the SWT doesn't exist, Sokka is now a pirate, and yes so are Katara and Kanna. Their biggest enemy personally is Zhao, who's hunting down the Avatar (whom they're hiding in their ship). Sokka eventually notices Zuko, who was given to Zhao rather than banished. Blah blah blah, it's easy to tell Zuko hates Zhao, hopefully he won't mind a small kidnapping if it means getting off Zhao's ship (he does but honestly he'd rather be on Sokka's ship, it's a lot cleaner and the avatar seems nice, the bison is a bonus.))
Despite his attempts, Zuko is unable to join Team Avatar. Not able to turn to either side, he runs off and goes into hiding. While on the run, he reunites with Jin and they end up having a heart to heart. Things are confessed but in the end they get together and go on the run together. They open up a secret camp for people like them, on the run from the war. They heal the injured as best as they can and work together to make food that can last a few days. The first time things turn sour is when Jet enters the camp. He's hostile and picking fights until he's given the choice to cool his attitude or leave and hope someone else takes pity on him. Things settle down and he gets close with Jin and Zuko. More time passes by and they're eventually approached by Team Avatar, Aang and Toph both seem pleasantly surprised to see Zuko, but Sokka, Katara and Suki (whom the two water siblings freed from prison alongside their dad) weren't, Hakoda doesn't say anything. Like with Jet, they were given a choice, cool the attitude or leave.
Growing up, Azula always trailed after her mother and older brother. Despite being their father's favorite, Azula preferred their company. Call her overprotective, but like Uncle Iroh and their cousin Lu Ten have told her over and over, they were dragons. And dragons hoard and protect what's theirs. Ursa and Zuko are Azula's hoard, and she wouldn't let anyone hurt them. So, when Ursa disappears, when Zuko gets burned and banished, she decides enough is enough. The war against the other nations has ended, it was time for Civil War. And once she won, she'd bring her real family back. Ozai touched her hoard, it was about time he learned why you should never touch something belonging to a dragon.
Is this how adoption works now?? He just, finds kids lost at sea, abandoned in random places, having run away? Hakoda's not sure why it happened. It started when he found a young girl adrift on a small boat. Her white hair hidden with scarves and her hood. Yue, Princess of the NWT. Ranaway upon learning she was engaged to someone who wouldn't care for her or her people. Then came ex-Prince Zuko, who had been abandoned on an island they stopped to camp at. He'd been living there for about 3 years, maybe longer, he's unsure. But hey, what's another kid? He joins their crew... Fuck his earlier words, he doesn't need more kids. But Hakoda just sighs as a small girl (Toph) follows Zuko aboard. Seriously, is THIS how adoption works now? How's he gonna explain this to Sokka and Katara and his mother? They'll accept Yue no doubt, Toph might also be easy, but Zuko? Fuck, he needs a drink- BATO STOP LAUGHING!!
She didn't want it to end the way it did. She hated what had happened to him. What Ozai did to him while she was gone. What their mother did when she abandoned them. She remembered when Zuko was happy. When he'd smile at her and tell her he'd love her. She remembered the expectations put on him, the extra lessons and how little he was allowed to sleep. She was...jealous for so long. Both of their fire were unique, hers a brilliant blue and his a kaleidoscope of colors. It wasn't fair he was treated special... He wasn't treated special. And she was blind to that. She was blind and the truth was falling apart right in front of her. She hated this. She hated what this war had done to her family. What it did to her. What it did to Zuko. And she hated that she just stood there as her brother was carted off somewhere, ignoring his gaze as he was taken away. She hates everything... (sorta a roleswap between Azula and Zuko but not really?? Both are strong benders, Zuko just peaked later on but not too much later. As the oldest, a lot of pressure was placed on Zuko and thus Ozai's attention was on him as well. Azula, upset with this, did everything she could to upstage him. The two have a good relationship, but Ozai favoring Zuko didn't help and so Azula left to capture the Avatar, stating she wanted a challenge and to prove herself. She got a ship, and set sail with Iroh at her side. Azula eventually joins to Avatar's side and branded a traitor alongside her uncle. Zuko is tasked at bringing her home and despite how much he'd rather join her, Ozai's grip on him is too strong (not in the sense he's loyal to his father, but in the sense that he's too scared to leave). We eventually get to Agni Kai during Sozin's Comet and Azula comes out victorious, but it feels like an empty win because she knows Zuko had lost long ago. This was just the fight that broke him (also yes, Azula becomes the Firelord).
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churrobellscorner · 1 year
Hi there
Rules + The shit I write
I write for male, female, trans, non-binary and gender neutral
I write fluff, crack, angst and smut fics
I can write for all kinds of kinks, if you have a question just ask
I will write for some minors, it just depends on the character and their age
I'll often write x readers or random ass ships that I like, expect some of related stuff too
There not much that I won't write for, you really just have to ask
I can write best for Boku no Hero Academia, Death Note, Demon Slayer, Dragon Ball Z, Haikyuu, InuYasha, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kakegurui, Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, One Punch Man, Seven Deadly Sins
I'm not fond of it, but I can write for Boruto
There's a lot more as far as what anime I can write for, but I'll put the full list at the bottom
When it comes to characters, you really need to ask
I write for a lot of characters
Especially those who don't get much love
But from the ones I listed above, I guess my favorite characters to write for from each would be, Bakugo, Kirishima, Aizawa, L, Light, Misa, Rengoku, Muzan, Kokushibo, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Usai, Hinata, Tendou, Sesshomaru, InuYasha, Gojo, Sukuna, Toji, Mary, Yumeko, Runa, Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Madara, Genos, King, Saitama, Meliodis, Ban, Elizabeth
As far as Boruto goes.. I like Kawaki and Kagura
There's still more characters, those are just my favorites to read/write about
If you want a character not on that 'lil list, just ask
Aside from anime
I don't mind writing for certain video games
Such as, Undertale, DDLC, FNF, your boyfriend, Obey Me, Danganronpa, Danganronpa 2, Danganronpa V3, Omori?, Piofiore: Fated Memories, Cafe Enchante
Yeahhh, not as many games as anime I know
At least I touch grass okay
With the games, really just ask for characters
Well, I'm pretty sure that's all for now, can't wait to see some of y'all's requests
Here's that list btw, even still, there might be moreee
7 Deadly Sins
Attack on Titan
Black Butler
Black Clover
Blue Exorcist
Boku no Hero Academia
Bungo Stray Dogs
Chainsaw Man
Code Geass
Death Note
Demon Slayer
Dragon Ball Z
Fire Force
Food Wars
Hellsing Ultimate
Hunter x Hunter
Jujutsu Kaisen
Kill La Kill
Mob Psycho
Naruto Shippuden
One Piece
One Punch Man
Panty and Stocking
Sailor Moon
Spy x Family
The Promised Neverland
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
Tokyo Ghoul
Tokyo Revengers
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doodle17 · 9 months
Welcome to the Blog Neeeerrd
Hi, the names Doodle, I draw sometimes so if you're into that sort of thing feel free to stay 👍
Alright about some stuff about me...
Video game enthusiast. Multifandom, I post for whatever fandom I feel like. Favorite movie is "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" and favorite TV shows are "Psych" and "Sonic BOOM". I love fast food, it's probably going to be the thing that kills me.
Not a furry, not, not a furry, but a secret third thing
I like Pepsi and hot guys, hot werewolves, as well as almond hershey bars. Music taste is everywhere and I update my playlist once every blue moon. Choir kid, love screaming singing my favorite songs.
I love main characters. 90% of my favorite characters in media are the main ones. They're all just silly guys. Some of my favorite characters are Link, Amy Rose, Razputin Aquato, and many more. Also a Shadow the Hedgehog simp, but who isn't?
Uhhh, let's see what else- oh yeah, if you're pro-ship or into nasty things like that then please leave. I'm also Christian so if that bothers you as well then just skidaddle on somewhere else. I try to keep politics and stuff hushed here, because this isn't a blog for that, this is a blog for doodles (at least 17 of them)
I don't really do NSFW, slightly suggestive stuff? Yeah kind of, but no outright porn. Also don't do a lot of gore, mostly because idk how to draw it.
Post my art on pinterest without credit and let people have wars in the comments to figure out who the artist is. Use my art in your slideshow with 2010s music blasting in the background. Do it you cowards.
Massive loser 👈 absolute dork 100% so don't be shy to leave rants in the askbox or a simple message to just say hi.
I think that's it. Enjoy yerself human try not to break anything and if you do just don't tell me I probably won't even notice
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the-kr8tor · 3 months
Hi hi! How are you mi amor?? Thank you for always putting in effort to respond to our asks and reblogs. Means a lot. Anyway-! Did you know?
During the American Revolution, the colonies told merchants and citizens with their own ships to attack the British navy if they so pleased. When the US finally won the war they were told them to cease fire but some men decided to ignore the news and basically became pirates.
I just thought this was hilarious because I can totally see Hobie doing this. Him already being British is completely coincidental. Like, you would expect some dark and grusome backstory to pirate Hobie. The legends and stories that are told about him across the seas. But no, he just thought piracy was fun.
On another note, I'm so happy I have someone I can simp with over tasm Spiderman. He's by far, my favorite. I have a whole list of reasons of why he is the best Peter Parker- but let's not go there.
So I have two ideas for you! If you'd like to and have time to write them.
One, let's out flirt my man because he is smooth but not smooth enough for us. Setting to me, but this is just me personally, a camera store where he regularly buys his film. Where reader is a new employee or has been there since he started going. So maybe Peter goes clear across town just to see her with dumb excuses like "yeah I finished my last roll of film" or "I need a new camera bag". It's totally up to you though!
Two, and this is totally not because something similar happened to me 😬. A shy/quieter reader who tries to talk to Peter because hey- he's cute and likes photography too but keeps backing out last minute. Run from there!
Drink water!! Eat food! Take care of yourself Katy 💜
Hello, my love!!!! Ofc ofc I love talking to everyone! My day is literally incomplete if I don't talk to you guys 😔
*me seeing this while flicking my eyes towards chap 9*
Tumblr media
(are u in my walls?)
HE IS THE BEST PETER PARKER!!! MOVE OVER PETER B! TASM PETER WINS he's got that perfect blend of being nerdy, cute and still having rizz and he's literally boyfriend material 😍
AHHHH A TASM PETER REQ!!! Can you pls send them in one ask bc I want to combine them (I've got a vision let me cook) Please and thank you @pinksugarscrub ❤️❤️❤️ you take care too ly 🫶
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