#his page features bugs blood and just general horror type stuff
1990jeevas · 3 years
What obscure character design headcanon do you have for the dream smp members?
oh fuck okay these r gonna be super dumb and random but. let's go
wilbur soot
has a bunch of lil scars from his childhood, half of which he doesnt know the origin of
im a techno wilbur twin supremacist so both of them had reddish brown hair growing up, but technos got lighter as he grew up and wilburs got darker
bumpy nose from getting it broken as a child a few times (at least once by techno, though it was an accident, and once by tommy, probably on purpose)
collects gold jewlery and wears all of it, even if it cant be seen. because of this, he has a bunch of piercings (specifically picture him with septum and both sides of his nose pierced and basically every ear piercing known to man)
big tall giant man with the broadest fucking shoulders and the tiniest waist. would be one of those dudes that kpop stans make waist compilations of
you know those hcs of him having ram horns? yeah that but the horns are so small that they're not visible and you only really know they're there by feeling em. stubby lil fuckn things they are
canon height is smaller than his irl height. make that bitch 5'3"
long, pretty eyelashes!!
lots of scars on da hands and arms bc he's a rowdy child
he still has braces idc idc
very freckley like as many freckles as a fuckn redhead or smth
baby faced mfer
horns are quite damaged but it's only really noticeable up close/with feeling it. they're very rough in some parts, smooth in others, and have a lot of cracks in them, if not some pieces chipped off
tag on da ear, ya know, like a sheep.
lightly freckled around the temples and chin area
wide hips, small shoulders
has stereotypical feminine features in the face
another broad shoulder, tiny waist combo, but not as drastic as techno
give him a tail...but with a pretty ring on it.......perhaps a gold one
suit has pretty black detailing on it but you can only see it when you look for it
pocket watch type beat bc i said so
i drew dream with a mullet once as a joke but it kinda fucks so. mullet dream
very freckley but not as freckley as tommy. mostly on nose, chin and cheeks
pretty boy eyes. very wide with long lashes
one of those teens who has Not Bad Facial Hair. has a cute lil goatee
idk i picture him looking something like baptismonfire but more compact lol
another short king, probably 5'3"-5'5" range, but he wears some sneaky heels
like shoulder length hair, can be put into a ponytail if he so pleases
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