#hizzie for ts
occulthours · 6 months
out of curiosity, are you a hosie or a hizzie? you're pretty loud about your dislike for handon, but i rarely see you post either hosie or hizzie.
Honestly, I had to think hard to answer this because I really did enjoy aspects of both ships. Short answer, I like both but don't love either. If I had to choose I would likely say Hizzie.
With Hosie I feel like they lacked a lot of the depth despite them being the most popular ship in the show. Ironically enough, they followed in KC's footsteps in that sense. They never really had enough build-up for them to start a relationship at any point in the show and it didn't help that the writers seemingly put a ban on them in s3. After being called out for queerbaiting the audience they just decided to completely cut Hope and Josie off from each other, even in situations that would've called for them to interact (s2 literally ended with them having an episode heavily centric on their dynamic, yet there was no follow up in s3?).
Their dynamic for the most part bored me, even as someone who enjoys the friends-to-lovers trope. Often times their scenes felt a bit empty, which definitely could’ve been intentional on the writers part to dissuade people from shipping them to be fair! They just didn’t get enough content for me to fully jump on board. I do think that out of Hope's popular ships, they had the best chemistry. They felt very natural in the scenes they shared and could've been great in canon. Had DRR and Kaylee been given the chance, Hosie would’ve been one of the few canon Legacies ships that had real romantic chemistry.
Hope and Lizzie’s relationship very clearly the star of the show. The best elements of the show were jumpstarted by their relationship (their rivals-to-friends era in s1, their hilarious scenes in s2 and 3, and their tribrid/heretic, sirebond, and enemies era in s4). The writers put more effort into Hizzie than any other aspect of the show, including Hope and Lizzie's canon relationships with their boring boyfriends. Typically, Hizzie is the thing the Legacies writers are praised for the most, and the praise is deserved.
Based on the writing alone Hizzie would've gone down as one of my favorite TVDU ships, maybe even one of my favorite ships period. But I don’t think DRR and Jenny have much romantic chemistry. Very close friends and platonic soulmates, yes. Girlfriends... I'd have to actually see it to believe it. They had the potential to start something, especially in season 4, but I’m not sure how it would feel to actually watch them have romantic scene.
It’s hard to say which I'd rather have been canon because of this. I can't see how Hope and Josie’s relationship being entertaining to watch (assuming that I can't go back and rewrite their relationship) and unless DRR and Jenny were specifically toning down whatever romantic chemistry they may have, I can't see myself rooting for them to kiss on screen. If I absolutely had to choose? Before s4 I would’ve said Hizzie by a long shot, but s4 gave Hosie an edge (I love ships where one or both of them are obsessively down bad and s4 Josie fit that to a T. Josie caring more about the girl that beat her father nearly to death, threatened to kill her mother, and actually killed her sister? EAT EAT EAT!), but also the sirebond gave Hizzie a bit of an edge (how could you not get even a little buzz from “I hate you for making me love you”?)… Hizzie was the first Legacies ship I fell for so I feel like I’m always gonna be a bit bias towards them.
I’d choose either one of these ships over the train wreck that was Hope and Landon in a heartbeat though! Both had potential to be excellent in their own ways if H.ndon wasn’t shoved down our throats.
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laufire · 2 years
sorry you're not a tiny redhead, MG. maybe then Lizzie would pay attention to you.
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i haven’t even watched s4 yet but hope and lizzie are NOT sisters and the sister zoning makes me so angry because if this was an m/f dynamic then they’d be practically married by now. lizzie literally confessed her love for hope, 10 things i hate about you style. they have been framed this entire time as an enemies to lovers relationship (or at least an enemies to begrudging friends to genuinely best friends, hop-scotch between the two for a while, back to enemies, and now once again friends, to lovers). even if they aren’t fucking canon stop putting them in a sisters box to eliminate the possibility of hizzie endgame because you’d rather hope kiss josie, an ableist who’s treated both lizzie and hope horribly.
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darthluffy · 3 years
Well that was disappointing. I’m pretty certain I could have written a better way to wake up Hope than that.... oh wait, I actually did!
What's Left Inside (30981 words)
Chapters: 4/4, Completed
Fandom: Legacies (TV 2018)
Relationships: Hope Mikaelson/Josie Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson/Lizzie Saltzman
Characters: Hope Mikaelson, Josie Saltzman, Lizzie Saltzman, Alaric Saltzman, Freya Mikaelson, Marcel Gerard, Rebekah Mikaelson
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Not super romantic, but I do love subtext, Hope finally has to deal with her trauma, The twins finally get to see Hope's trauma, mindtrip shenanigans, Hope's whole family is there too, Angst, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hosie, Hizzie -
Summary: Hope's consciousness ended up trapped inside her own subconscious after being ripped from Josie's mind. Simple enough to fix, all Josie and Lizzie needed to do was go in and pull Hope out. To do that though would require going through the worst parts of her mind, the parts even Hope wanted to avoid. Turns out being told about the things the young Tribrid had been through in no way prepared them for actually seeing it firsthand. Set right after Season 2 Finale
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fadeintoyou1993 · 3 years
Bruna have you ever made a gifset of blank space by ys featuring hizzie? 👀
wait do u mean by ts? sjksks cos either way i havent but do u have any specific lyrics u want i can make it ! :)
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laufire · 2 years
Legacies 4x15
I LOVE Lizzie’s new dynamics with Aurora, and now Jen! Given how the Plecverse can be with secondary characters (well, secondary female characters lol. Male ones are more likely to overstay their welcome) I’m scared we’ll permanently lose them now that the season is coming to a close. Woe is me. I hope my pessimism doesn’t pay off xD.
BTW, I loved that moment of MG & Alaric discussing how ineffectual they are despairing over bringing Lizzie back to them for Jen to have just convinced her of returning to the school.
Meanwhile, I’m despairing over the possible return of Ethan x Lizzie and MG x Lizzie. Can the show get rid of both* and keep Jen and Aurora LOL
(*MG wouldn’t bother me at all if it wasn’t for the Lizzie thing; I find the actor very likeable and he’s gr10 when the show isn’t trying to get me behind that bullshit. Ethan contributes absolutely nothing and his sister Maya should be the one appearing more instead lol).
Also, humanity!Hope name dropping Lizzie ñalkdfjaf. I can’t wait for that reunion next episode.
Kaleb and Cleo remain really cute and enjoyable. I liked seeing a bit more of his backstory (and want to know mooooore), and I’m looking forward to Cleo exploring her new powers.
I was happy to see Marcel until they mentioned he was wearing Elijah’s clothes. wtf was that??? Anyway. The best part of that subplot was how no1curr it was about Elijah himself, honestly. Like, Rebekah picked up ONLY Klaus’ ashes for three years straight?? They’re celebrating ONLY Klaus’ funeral?? Discussing ONLY where Klaus’ place of rest should be?? 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Hope wanting Klaus' ashes near her in MF did make me emotional (plus Klaus belongs more in MF than NOLA as far as I'm concerned lol).
I knew there was something weird about how Jen & Ben’s accounts of their family didn’t quite match. Also this reveal has the added bonus of maybe, possibly, making Jed x Ben more interesting and I’m all for that lol (ooooooooor. If Ben becomes a baddie to be defeated, maybe Jed will go in search of his old friend Trey to see what’s happened with him. I’m just saying!).
I skimmed through the scene with TWO ALARICS (???????????) because I don’t hate myself, tyvm.
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laufire · 4 years
Hizzie & Hosie (sorry if it's cheating to send two, but I just wanna know your brutally honest opinion on both lol)
Part of me is always going to be a bit wary of Hizzie, as much as I can’t help but fall for it. So far I don’t feel Lizzie’s fallen prey to proppiness, she has clout of her own... but until things are over and done I know I’ll stress about this, mark my words. With some luck, it’ll be like with Carolena, and if I get my way I’ll enjoy it much more on rewatch *knocks on wood*.
As I’ve mentioned before, the ship wasn’t really on my radar until 1x14. I enjoyed their interactions but I was held back. Then Miss MF’s episode happened to me and I was ALL OVER THAT. I was so taken aback by the genuine, heartfelt emotion in the dynamic, especially on Hope’s part.
Looking back it’s obvious her animosity towards Lizzie is more functional than fundamental, and there’s even that moment in 1x10 where she asks for her collaboration and is clearly bothered when Lizzie refuses her... but boy, I did not expect her to go full on “omg the cool girl is being nice to me” teen crush giddinesh right then and there xDD. She even asked Lizzie for relationship advice! Does Lizzie look like she knows shit about relationships, Hope. Does she. Smh.
Their scenes bring me joy and warm my heart. The noir!AU episode went to a whole other level too, d’aw. I kind of want to explore it more, fic-wise. We’ll see.
My opinions on Hosie are far more negative because there’s no doubt about Josie being proppy towards Hope, especially in s2 after being paired with Landon. The episode where they “reconcile” and hug it out and Josie tells Hope of course she can stay in the school... fandom was all over “yay hosie rights!!” that day and I was gutted because Josie came across as feeling so, so miserable in that scene.
I can not comprehend how people couldn’t see it. I mean, I can: proppiness. But it jumpted out to me so brutally. And you can tell she’s still bothered by it, given how dark!Josie listed it in her list of deep resentments (“Landon breaks up with you in ONE speech”). FFS pay some attention.
I’m not as bothered as if this was happening to Lizzie, to be clear. Stanning is like that. If this was happening to Lizzie, based on my Caroline vs. SE feelings, I’d hate Handon with endless passion right now, and instead I still love them together and separate. And I definitely wouldn’t enjoy Hizzie vs. Hosie showdowns the way I do. But the point is that I can’t like Hosie, as a dynamic on its own, when this is how the ship comes across to me.
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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laufire · 4 years
I was wondering if you could talk more about the rebound Love Interest > Lead Guy > Sought After Woman for josie, hope and lizzie idea you had? NGL I do love that as soon as lizzie became more friendly towards hope, hope just went for lizzie and actually looks like they spend time together outside of monster of the week. part 1
If hope was a guy I could see them going there as the main love triangle. Insert parallel of elena failing to snap damon out compulsion to hope failing to bring josie back VS stefan fighting compulsion for elena and lizzie remembering hope first (that moment when lizzie remembers hope before any of her actual love interests tho XD!!!). Also josie called it when she said lizzie would go for anyone she liked as seen by hope.
part 3 - I know that stefan and elena didn't end up together but those moments when stefan was still the lead/in lead limbo. Comparing the legacies characters to the tvd ones is so fun to me cos you can see that it is the same people making it because they make the same narrative choices again and again depending on what characters they are feeling. 
Hope going immediately soft the MINUTE Lizzie started being friendly with her is one of my favourite parts of the show, sns xD.
I don’t see that many parallels with the original triangle in that sense, probably because I don’t think Elena was The Guy in that scenario lol. Stefan was always The Guy; although those that you point out are interesting.
ETA: when it comes to Elena, sometimes they make me think of (a far less cutthroat and toxic version of) Bonnie-Elena-Caroline, actually? With Caroline being more impervious and Elena growing more respectful of her because of it, and Bonnie being emotionally weaker to Elena. OTOH Hope and Lizzie actually like each other as people lmfao, and Lizzie has her own parallels with Elena keeping her up...
However, the parallels I usually see between the twins and the Salvatores tend to go the other way around lmao, with Damon-Lizzie (which, yeah, I have conflicted feelings over lmao) and Stefan-Josie. Not so much in their relationships with other people, like their parents for example, but in the dynamic between the two of them. One example of this is the season one finale when both tried to put themselves in between the other and the bullet, and it went to Josie; it reminds me SO MUCH of TVD’s finale and the Salvatores playing hot potato with their sacrifice play xDD. S2 repeated this when Lizzie wanted to sacrifice herself to get rid of the demon inside her and Josie refused. Let’s just hope this Salvatore-inspired pattern is never, ever ~subverted, for my sake *knocks on wood*.
I love the line about Lizzie going for those Josie likes, and how they end up choosing her over Josie, because it’s not factually accurate (Lizzie could not clearly be less interested in Landon or Penelope or viceversa, and the situation with Rafael makes it seem as one of those times where Josie didn’t speak up her own mind and Lizzie was too blissfully self-centered to notice something else was going on), but it rings emotionally true, which might be more important xDD.
Related to that “triangle” structure, one plotline that to me makes it clear was when Hope tried to intercede on Lizzie’s behalf on 1x15, for example. She was approaching it enterily from Lizzie’s perspective, and Josie’s reaction was tellingly jealous and extremely petty (the issue of Josie being careless af when it comes to Lizzie’s mental health still bothers me a little, ngl). That’s a classic Rebound Love Interest -> Lead Guy -> Sought After Woman scenario.
Also, it’s clear to me that Hope is just more attuned to Lizzie’s emotions. I know everyone fell over themselves with that Hope/Josie hug where Josie told her she could come back to the school, but I can’t ignore the fact that Josie was clearly miserable in that moment and Hope was pretty much unaware. In a far less explicit way, it echoes the Rafael -> Hope -> Landon dynamic in that sense, IMO.
And even better example was the noir!AU. noir!Hope KILLED Josie to protect Lizzie, despite not having her memories of either. Yeah, the context influences that, obviously, but again: emotional truth is what matters. And ofc, there’s the way Hope approached dark!Josie and the Merge.
Billy -> Silver -> Flint did it in a far more hilarious way, IMO (and ofc I stan Silver and adore Silverflint, which added to the entertainment), but they reached their peak in that show’s last season, so. There’s time! Now that I’ve discovered this dynamic is such an endless source of amusement under the right circumstances, I hope the show doesn’t let me down :P
And yessss, I love comparing notes on the parallels of this ‘verse. Especially those that are likely unintentional, it reveals so much.
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laufire · 4 years
I (half jokingly buuuut...) compared the classic sitcom triangle of Rebound Love Interest -> Lead Guy -> Inadvisable But Sought After Woman to Billy-Silver-Flint in Black Sails and I stand by it xD, but I also wanted to mention that’s what I see (and rarely see acknoledgment of) in the Josie-Hope-Lizzie dynamic lmao.
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