#honelle asks
honelle56 · 2 months
Dnf mpreg drabble based on this video
George may or may not be yelling at his husband why they are millionaires but still can't fucking have an app without ads
I hope you are ready for 500 words of absolute, pure crack:
“Do you think we should go?” George gasped as another contraction made its way through his body. “The times in between are getting shorter now.”
“I trust you here, baby, what do you think?” Dream asked from where he was perched next to his husband on the couch, soothingly rubbing his back. The phone with their app to track the contractions was balanced precariously on his knee.
“I think,” George grunted, “that I don’t wanna have the baby in the car.” Dream giggled. George got up and began walking up and down to the kitchen and back. He had started getting his first contractions a few hours ago and ever since then this is how they had spent their time. Cuddling on the couch, walking a few steps, tracking the time between the contractions.
“I think we should go”, George decided once he had breathed through the next contraction. Sweat was starting to form on his forehead. Dream was on his feet immediately. “What do you want me to do?”
George waved his hands around, breathing loudly, before pointing towards their Christmas tree where Patches was hiding beneath. “Get the cat, she’s under the tree.” Dream wasn’t sure what to make of the command, they had not planned on taking Patches with them to the hospital after all. But George had been heavily suffering from pregnancy brain which seemed a reasonable enough excuse for his babbling.
Dream knelt down next to Patches and scratched behind her ears. “We will be back soon, girl. I will tell Sapnap to take care of you. And when we come back you finally get to meet the baby!” Dream got up and back to the kitchen just in time for the next contraction. “Log it, log it,” George squawked, gesturing to the phone on the counter. Dream immediately pressed on the big red button.
“You wanna go?” he asked holding up the app that had just sent them a push notification that they might want to head to the hospital. George just nodded, still breathing heavily, and supporting himself on the counter with both hands, head hanging low. “The app told me to go,” George whispered, as if he was telling Dream a secret. Dream just nodded in agreement. He would not be arguing with George on the day of their baby’s birth that he was the one holding the phone with their sacred app.
They made it to the hospital in no time, it was the middle of the night after all. George had had two more contractions in the car, and they were waddling through the hospital corridors when George stopped dead in his tracks. “Contraction,” he said through gritted teeth. “Gotta time it.” He pulled out the phone and unlocked it, thumb ready to log but- “There’s an ad. Dream, why is there an ad?”
Dream shook his head helplessly, his husband pressing around on the phone aimlessly. “We are millionaires, Dream!” he exclaimed. “Why can’t we have a fucking app without fucking ads?!” Dream softly shushed him, taking the phone from his hands, logging the contraction now that the ad was gone. “See, here, all is well. Now let’s get you settled and then I will purchase the full version, okay? No more ads for you,” he offered, dropping a kiss on George’s temple. George agreed begrudgingly and they continued shuffling to their room. Only two hours later, they were laying in bed together, Dream’s arm around George and June laying on George’s naked chest.
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tinogiehd · 1 month
I just realised that tumblr didn't send the link with my last anon lmao
Hope this works now? But that is why I mentioned Dream meeting his litter, it wasn't completely random 😂
oh my god. Dream meeting his litter for the first time.
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bluishfrog · 6 days
thank u blu for keep european dash alive 🫡
I am trying my best. I need more european people to be active with me (or non-european people with fucked up sleep schedules). I know there has to be more of us, where aaaare youuuu?
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rcnhide · 7 days
GOOD MORNING HAVE YOU SEEN THE CAT??? He was finally towel dried and isn't soping wet anymore 😭😭😭😭😭
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pathologising · 4 years
me 🤝 my therapist
fuck abusive parents all my homies hate abusive parents
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nendo-town · 3 years
do you have a poly big three?
This ask has been in my inbox for forever and i’ve been avoiding it for some reason??? I’m so sorry anon, but here it is for ya :)
||||| Hado x Tamaki x Mirio |||||
ok so i actually love this sooo much and it honel lives in my head rent free anyway:
babies, all of them
Shy romantic Tamaki buying them flowers. He has no romantic experience, and asks his mom and the internet for advice, and this was the first suggestion
Mirio is a CANON flirt, so bad pick up lines. So many bad pick up lines. They work better on Tamaki than Nejire
Nejire is the queen of casual affection
Also queen of kissing. She is almost always kissing one of them
Tamaki is actually really clingy, and gets really upset if he gets ignored for more than five minutes at a time
Nejire is kinda the same way, but more because she likes having attention and not because she needs it
when they sleep they switch between having mirio in the middle holding the other two and having tamaki in the middle and the other two holding him
sometimes they put nejire in the middle if she had a bad day
they have matching outfits. Several matching outfits.
im really soft for all of them lol
im sorry i forgot how to freakin write about half-way through. Anyway, make sure to drink water babes! My inbox is open, so drop some stuff in there!
-Clay :3
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honelle56 · 1 month
idk if its appropriate or even considered a headcannon but i have been rotating an idea of dream and george getting pregnant at the same time accidentally because they switch and dream doesnt even know that hes capable of becoming pregnant so he focuses on his pregnant husband until the fact that He Is Also pregnant is undeniable
Please excuse me for taking ages to answer this but I just uploaded something to my AO3 that might be of interest to you :D
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honelle56 · 2 months
George gets into a small accident and is sent to the hospital. Dream heard but the accident but due to some miscommunication, he thought it was way worse than it was.
Dream was relieved to see it wasn't as worse as he thought once he reached the hospital, but that fear of losing George didn't go away. So for the next few days/weeks he keeps George in his eyesight any chance he can while George recovers from his injury.
Hello dear anon :D
As already previously mentioned I absolutely love sick / injury fics so I could not just write a short drabble about this. Instead I wrote a 5k fic that you can now read on AO3. Hope you like it :))) Thanks for your awesome headcanon!
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honelle56 · 2 months
I'm injured!george hc anon. Take your time! I'm actually honored you got inspired by my little hc to write a full fic. Can't wait to read it!
Yay, glad to hear you are still around :D To celebrate, here a little snippet of the untitled injured!George fic:
George nodded weakly and then the Doctor was gone. Immediately Dream shifted closer to his bed, softly caressing his bruised face. “You can’t imagine how glad I am that you are alive.” When he pulled back, he saw that George’s eyes had filled with tears. “What’s wrong, baby?” He asked already on the verge of panicking again. He couldn’t stand seeing his boyfriend so shaken and scared. “Does anything hurt? I can call a nurse!”
George just shook his head, tears now rolling down his cheeks and his breaths coming heavier than normal. “Shh,” Dream tried to calm him, drawing soothing circles on his arm with one hand and wiping away the tears with the other. “You are okay. You are safe.”
“I-“ George stuttered out between sobs. “I am s-so so-sorry.”
Dream’s heart broke right then and there. He wished he had the gift to travel in time to take away every and any pain George ever had to suffer “Whatever are you sorry for, honey?” he asked instead, trying to find a way to comfort his boyfriend.
“I haven’t s-seen you in weeks and now I can’t e-even get a hug be-because I’m broken,” George sobbed. If his boyfriend didn’t look so miserable, Dream probably would have laughed.
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honelle56 · 3 months
okay so what if I tie the chains into my soulmate au where it is custom to present your soulmate with a trinket to strengthen your bond. And sure jewelry is often used for romantic soulmates but it is not exclusively that so they still don't know what they are to each other. And maybe George asks what it means but Dream is so afraid of what that conversation could do to them (settling into a strictly platonic relationship is not what he wants. but starting a romantic relationship? he longs for it but there are also so many things that could go wrong) that he pretends to be asleep. They are both disappointed and relieved at the same time.
I need to chill.
I have found out how to block people on tumblr like a week ago and I can promise you that you are not safe from my newfound power. Let them be happy goddammit 😭
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honelle56 · 2 days
I have such a stupid Minecraft mod idea but is it really worth learning to Minecraft-code just because I think I could make a funny dnf joke that is probably only funny cause I am running on like 3 hours of sleep?
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honelle56 · 2 months
just found ur ao3 and read the dnf ttpd fic while listening to "robin" and "so long london". this fic is so perfect im screaming!!! and finally someone point out the "cassandra" burn-the-bitch lyrics!!!!!
+ the bridge of "how did it end?" is so dtqk coded taylor is a stan
Awww thank you!! Yeah there are so many more lyrics that are incredibly dnf, I could not fit them all in the format I wanted this fic to be 😂
I didn't make the connection to "how did it end?" yet but you are so right!! But that song also makes me kinda insane so maybe that's why I didn't pick up on it yet lol
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honelle56 · 2 months
I am just gonna assume this is about the questions I just reblogged and 23 was "fav piece of clothing you own":
I very recently finally got the 25 Mil Dream Hoodie and that is for sure up there, like it's incredible! Other than that I have two ankle length summer dresses that I adore so I am waiting for it to get a bit warmer :D
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honelle56 · 3 months
Adore the Echoes of pain fic! i wonder the implications of that pain-feeling system combined with mpreg And labor :0 would both of them need someone 3rd to drive them to the hospital because the pain is just too intense or is it a bit dulled for the soulmate?
Thank youu!
Interesting question ... This was not something I asked myself when I wrote the fic but I imagined that the pain would be quite a bit dulled for the soulmate (which is (SPOILER) also why Dream is in a good enough state to bring George to the hospital in the last scene while poor Gogy is just completely out of it) so I guess it would be fine. Although I am sure we could recruit Sapnap to drive them somehow. But I guess I might need to revisit that universe at some point and give them a baby to see what happens!
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honelle56 · 5 days
they scrapped the whole game so no one that played the second game is eliminated unless they changed it again but im pretty sure everyone is still in but i think they will potentially add a 3rd game tomorrow to make up for it
Ahhh okay I see, tysm for answering!! 🫶🏼
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honelle56 · 6 days
aw man, that's sad :') i had 2 artists even but never got to see what they did - the only good thing about that is that i actually got what i wrote in betaing process atm so it should actually be good once it comes out eventually (soon™) xD
i also just realised i actually read what you wrote for the collab and really liked it :D
Oh no, I'm really sorry about that :( but super excited to read your fic once it's out :D and thank you, I really appreciate that!! 💚
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