#honestly can't tell if i like the ice blue > gray blue just yet...
mattodore · 1 year
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i switched from gray-blue to ice-blue eyes on matthias and his gaze feels so much more impactful to me now
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ft-stories-lgbt · 5 years
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StingSu Modern AU - Spy
Natsu frowns as he cocks his gun up. The door in front of him is slightly open and he can hear someone whimpering.
He takes a look around him, but his eyes are only met with an empty corridor on both sides. He can still hear the music from the party going on downstair. That’s good news, at least.
"I think someone is in the hotel room." he whispers into the microchip.
"Isn't that the point Pinkie?" Comes Gray's voice.
"Yes, but I'm pretty sure the door is supposed to be closed before I break in, and no one is supposed to whine yet." Natsu retorts, harshly.
He can hear a sigh from the other line. There's a moment of silence and Natsu is sure that Gray is probably trying to figure out the real gravity of the situation.
"Alright, I can't hack the wifi of the hotel, I don't have access to the guy's computer or his phone…” Gray’s voice drops to a less focused murmur. “I can't even manipulate the security camera in front of his door, I'll need some backup, it’s gonna take me a bit longer than expected. Whoever this is, they know what they’re doing, you can't go in there blind, it’s too dangerous." Gray says quickly, voice tight with concentration.
"Are you kidding me?” Natsu hisses. “I've been hunting this guy for centuries! I know he’s alive, I know he’s somewhere here, you’ve got another thing coming if you think I’m gonna drop this opportunity. I don’t care, I’m ending this tonight."
"Natsu! No! Are you crazy? He could have a gang’s worth of people there, just fall back!"
"Fuck that, what if I don't get another chance like this? It’s now or never, Ice Queen. Just trust me!"
Gray lets out a frustrated sound and Natsu can't help but smile, knowing perfectly that his childhood friend knows he can’t win this.
"Fine! But I swear if anything goes wrong, I'm going to kill you myself! Got it Flamebrain?"
"Yes, Princess." Natsu chuckles. He advances.
The agent checks one last time around him before slowly pushing the door open. It's dark inside, and even if he can't really see anything, he moves quietly. He can hear someone struggling and some stifled sounds. He has no doubt about the identity of this person but right now it's not the most important thing, so he concentrate on the sounds around him.
Nothing seems out of the ordinary. Since he left the door open, the music from the party can be heard. There's the soft sound of the air conditioner. He can also occasionally hear a car or two pass from the road next to the hotel.
Everything seems normal, but Natsu has worked for the Fairy Tail Agency for nearly fifteen years now, and if he learned anything in his time there, it’s to always be on guard when everything is too silent. So he keeps his gun loaded, and makes every advance with precision and intent.
Now that his eyes are adjusted to the dark he can see the man he was searching for sitting on a chair, struggling against his restraints. There are a few things scattered on the ground, evidence of a conflict.
Natsu is about to approach and interrogate the man, he and Gray both needed as much information on this place and business as he could find. But that train of thought is brought to a grinding halt as bright, blinding lights suddenly fill the space, causing Natsu to squint against the burning in his eyes.
Now, he can hear the soft laugh and tension rolls over him in waves. He knows that voice.
"Oh, you gotta be kidding me!"
Suddenly Gray’s voice is in his ears, but all he can focus on is the flash of blond as he slowly turns around.
"Natsu! What a surprise to see you here!" The blond beams, voice far too cheery.
"Sting." Natsu breathes, before letting out a groan. "What the hell are you doing here?"
He watches as the smile on the blond’s face turns into something devilish as he comes approaches. Natsu raises his gun, pointing it at him, eyes glaring daggers.
"What a silly question! To steal your case, of course! Like I've been doing for what... A few weeks now? You're getting old and predictable, my dear. You have no idea how easy it was to find you and this man!"
Natsu barely registers Gray telling to get out of here. He doesn't even pay attention to the man behind him still struggling stronger and harder as the seconds pass.
All his being is concentrate on these blue eyes, heavenly blond hair and soft features. Sting looks like an angel, but only a fool would fall for that face. Natsu perfectly knows what lays behind this perfect mask.
"I thought I told you to back off my cases. Your agency might have an alliance with mine but that doesn't mean I won’t kill you if you keep doing this kind of shit."
"Don’t be this rude! Honestly, I'm doing you a favor by taking them! They are so boring!"
Sting is now staying just in front of him. He doesn't seem disturb by the gun between them, pointing at his heart. He looks completely collected as a soft smile is now taking upon his lips.
"But.. I'll admit I've been a little harsh lately by taking all the credits for me for all the close cases when really all I did was stealing your info… so to make amend this one will be all yours. Does it make it even? "
Natsu's jaw clenches while he lowers his gun and closes the gap between their bodies. Their faces are inches from each other and Natsu can clearly smell the soft scent of mint coming from the other man.
They meet each other’s eyes. Olive meeting sapphire. There's no other words exchanged but Natsu doesn't need them to speak. Not when their gaze are saying everything. Like the tender light in the blond man eyes, he looks at him as if somehow he is the most precious thing on earth when his face in generally closed off. Natsu can hear the slight change in Sting's breath as their faces move a little closer until finally... finally their lips are meeting for a brief but delicate kiss. There's a hand on his cheek now, caressing the skin smoothly.
"See you later... Husband."
And Natsu can't help but smile while the blond man take his leaves. It's been nearly five years since they met and started this mismatched relationship. They loved each other more than anything in the world, even if they never miss a chance to mess with the other, like Sting has been doing these past few weeks, Natsu can't have dream of a better partner.
"Wait a fucking second. Husband?! Is that the guy you married and told no one about?!” Gray’s voice shrieks. “You fucking asshole how dare you keep this from me! I thought I was your partner! Just you wait until you get back here I'm-"
Natsu rolls his eyes as he kills the line between him and his friend. Really, there are things more important to talk about than his relationship. Especially with another Secret Agent, for example the man behind him, that he still has to bring to the Agency.
Thank you to @grayserigala for the beta job and all the precious time you put in this! You're a sweetheart!
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teddybear-yn · 6 years
[ice cream and smoothies for breakfast]
nct. mark lee
i need more of whatever it is you make me feel
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You never thought that it was a bad idea to have a smoothie for breakfast. And no, not one of those healthy meal-in-a-drink kinds, but the kind of smoothie where all you could taste was sugar, cream, and whatever artificial flavor you chose.
Your favorite was Green Tea. So what better way to start your new semester than to have an extra large green tea smoothie with whipped cream for your first morning class, right?
It was a horrible idea. And only then did you notice that when said smoothie was no longer contained in a cup but painted across you white shirt and blue jeans.
For once, it wasn't your stupidity and clumsiness that caused that... Well maybe half of it was your fault, but only because you were distracted by your friend who just had to explicitly tell you all about her date the other day as you were walking fast paced across the busy campus.
You know what they say, never gossip and gallop (no, they never said that).
So here you were, outfit, breakfast, and basically morning, ruined.
"Jesus Christ, Mark. Look what you did!" A senior you knew by the name Lucas exclaimed while laughing, quite heartily if I might add.
"Oh shit, I'm so sorry." Guy named Mark's eyes only widened even more as he turned around amd saw how big of a mess he made.
I would've been okay if it was only a small splotch but literally my large smoothie cup was empty and my white (now semi green) shirt was stickily clinging to my body.
I'm a pacifist, liked solving and not making arguments. But I really wasn't happy right now.
"Do you have an extra shirt I could borrow?" I asked my friend, ignoring the guy named Mark's apologies.
With a shake of ber head no, my friend gave me that look when she knew I was being childish and so I eventually faced guy named Mark.
It completely infuriated me how he was clean and dry. Not even a hair out of place. He looked gorgeous while I looked like the wet grinch! Did I say gorgeous? I meant clean.
"Um stay here while I go grab this hoodie in my car." I honestly didn't want to just stand here, wet, as he grabbed probably a smelly frat hoodie for me so I was about to decline, my first class was about to start anyways.
"No, it's-" "Better yet, come with me." It was so sudden how he just grabbed my wrist and dragged me away the campus that I couldn't even retort.
We were halfway down the parking lotwhen I finally gained some sense again.
"My class is about to start." I looked down at my phone and noticed it already did.
"Well you can't go to class looking like that." He fumbles to find his car key and raised it to the air as he unlocks it. The car's beep was close but still a good distance. Did this idiot not know where he parked his car?
"I was in a hurry this morning and rarely parked in this side of the campus okay?" Oh did I say that out loud?
"besides who walks around with large smoothie so early in the morning it was bound to slip from your hands.." I hear him mumble under his breath.
"Excuse me?" The audacity. I was about to go off before he stops abruptly in front of a beat up Camry and drops my wrist.
"couldn't be more gentle?" I mumbled under my breath.
As he sticks his head back out of the back seat I notice he pulled out a gray College hoodie and boxer shorts.
"Here. Don't worry I just washed the hoodie." I took the hoodie with two fingers as I slapped his hand holding the boxers.
"No way in hell an I wearing your dirty boxers." He rolls his eyes and grumbles as he throws the boxers back in the car and locks it.
"Look I really am sor-" Guess I caught him by surprise when I pulled my sticky shirt of myself with no hesitation.
"Turn around will you?" I snap him out of his thoughts as I was basically topless. Lil Idiot had to shut his jaw with his hands. How cute.
Surprisingly enough the hoodie really was quite comfy and smelled clean. Fixing my hair, I tapped Mark's shoulder to let him know I was dressed.
"So as I was saying, I really am sorry I spilled your drink." My anger subsides as I stare at the boy genuinely apologize to me.
"I was half to blame, don't worry." I say as chic as possible.
"Man, I really didn't expect to start the semester by spilling a cute girl's drink all over herself." Did he just?
"What did you just call me?"
"A cute girl."
I blushed. He really had the audacity to flirt right now?
"I mean, my hoodie makes you look like an ant so you are pretty cute right now."
I look at my reflection through the car window, his hoodie was indeed huge on me.
"And I was gonna ask, if I hadn't made a bad first impression yet, would you let me buy you a drink sometime?" I stare at him with judging eyes. Effectively makes him uncomfortable.
"You know to make up for the drink I just spilled on you."
He was being unbelievably cute right now, darn it. I stare at my phone and notice it's too late to go back to class right now.
"I'm late for class anyways. Do you want ice cream for breakfast?" I said as I walked towards the passenger seat of the car.
Mark's smiles widely as he unlocks the car again, hops in, and starts it. We sat in the car for a while, both of us laughing like giddy schoolkids for skipping class. But eventually we start to exit the parking lot.
"Do you normally have smoothies and ice cream for breakfast?"
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abunchofbadchoices · 6 years
Michael's Song
HSS Michael x MC (Jordan) in Midnight Sun AU
*Disclaimer: Most of the lines and scenes I got from the movie the Midnight Sun and all rights belongs to the creators and writers, as well as the characters from PB. This is merely a converted fan fiction*
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Part Four
"My God, Jordan..."
That notebook was like where Jordan writes her songs. She can't have lost it, right? Maria knows the girl would be devastated.
"Can you please go get it for me?" Jordan takes her hands, staring into her eyes. God, those green eyes are amazing. "Maria, you know it's so important. Please."
Her eyes blinked, "You know, I would, but there's, like, um... A few other hamster funerals that I was gonna hit today--"
The blonde grabbed a pillow and hit her playfully. They fell back, giggling as Maria tried to shield herself.After a minute or two, they sighed breathlessly and sits back. Jordan gave her that irresistible pout that Uncle Scott always warned her about. "Please, Maria?"
Ughhh, oh no, She groans. My poor weak heart.
Two hours later, Maria walks into the train station with her hands inside the pocket of her long coat.There is a slight drizzle in the air, making it chilly. She weaves her way through the crowd of commuters and headed to the spot where she knew Jordan always sits to play. She scans the stations carefully, then she find him.
Michael Harrison stands leaning against the wall on the corner, obviously waiting. Probably for a girl that would less likely to show up under the bright sky of the day. His fingers drumming a tune on the familiar notebook in his hands.
Maria was surprised. She didn't expect Michael to care to return something if he even found it. Yet there he is. She approached him carefully, they attended the same school and there is always the possibility he wouldn't even recognize her. "Hi. My friend's been looking for that."
Michael looks up. "You know her? "
Maria nods curtly.
"Wait, Maria Flores, right?" He gave her a slight smirk. "Student body president? We had English class together. I'm Michael--"
"Harrison, of course. I know. And it was actually a History class. And Geometry and chemistry last year. Not English."
"Whatever." Michael rolls his eyes. "But how do you know her? Did she just move here?"
Maria holds out her hand, her palm up. "Notebook first."
The guy narrows his eyes at her, not at all intimidated and stood his ground. "Or you could just tell me where she lives and I could drop it off."
Nope, not gonna happen. Maria glared at him then sighs. She doesn't really have time for this and it looks like he will only bug her if she doesn't say anything. "You know what, I have a better idea."
Her phone beeps, indicating a new message from Maria.
Got the notebook, but had to run to the shop. I left it at the station ticket booth.
Jordan smiles and sent a bunch of cute emojis back to Maria to express her thanks then went to bed, turning off her bedside lamp to call it a night. Or a morning. Whatever it is.
She wakes up that night just in time for dinner. After putting on her fabulous outfit of the day-- a baggy gray shirt, black sweatpants and old sneakers-- Jordan joins her father on the dinner table. Featuring Chinese take-outs.
"Hey, Dad," She looks up at the man, almost finished with her food. "I need to go to the train station to pick up my notebook. Fred has it."
"Okay, text me when you get there." Scott mumbled in between mouthfuls. "And be careful!"
Jordan gave him two thumbs up, then rush down the hall and to the evening streets. She should have called Maria first to ask if they can hang, but her best friend must be looking after the night shift of their family business, the local ice cream shop called Cedar Creamery.
So she went on her own anyway.
The town doesn't look as festive as yesterday. Few people can be seen on the streets as she walks the familiar path to the train station.
The station as well looks half empty. Half a dozen people lounging on the waiting area probably... Well, waiting. Their faces blank and bored. Jordan passed by and went directly to the ticket booth but the station officer was nowhere in sight.
"Fred?" She called, frowning. No Fred?
Jordan kept walking until she reaches the corner and spots a familiar figure leaning against the wall by the shadow. One of his hands inside the pocket of his signature green jacket and on his other hand, a blue hardbound notebook.
"Holy...pregnant...cow," She turns around and hides behind the corner she came from. "Oh. My. God! My God, my God..." Jordan retreats back to the other side of the ticket booth and pressed herself against the wall, hoping Michael hadn't seen her.
What the hell is he doing here??! Maria said she got the notebook already! Why is he-- Maria! She gotta call Maria!
On the other side of town, the ice cream shop was just recovering from the last rush hour of the day and only a few customers are around and hanging out.
"Thank you!" Maria forced out a cheerful voice and a friendly smile, then turned back from the take -out booth to let their service crew do their work.
She had been wearing this colorful apron since that afternoon and honestly, her face is already hurting for smiling too much. Maria should have been home, finishing her book but her Dad Stephen is at the police station solving his cases while his Dad Jose wasn't really feeling well so she was left to handle the ice cream shop.The telephone behind her starts ringing and with a heavy sigh, Maria picked it up and speaks. "Cedar Creamery, how may I--"
"Maria." Jordan's familiar voice cut her off, sound tensed and nervous.
"Oh, hey." She couldn't help but smile. If her calculations are correct, her best friend must be at the train station and sees her hopeless Prince Not-So-Charming waiting for her already. "How's your second date?"
"How could you do this to me?" The blonde whispers urgently. "My goodness! I'm in sweatpants. My hair, it's-- it's a mess. It's tied, messily tied! Uggghh... I look like an idiot!"
"Oh, please, Jordan." Maria chuckles and sits down on her father's office chair, the telephone wire stretching across the space. Sometimes, it make her wonder if Jordan even know how beautiful she is. The girl is too innocent for this world. She sighs and shakes her head, smiling like a fool. "You're super freakin' gorgeous, okay? I can't even see you right now and I can tell you look so beautiful."
"Hi, excuse me." A customer waves at her impatiently outside the take-out counter. "Can I just get a large--"
Maria holds up a finger to stop him, shooting the guy a look. "Can you not see I'm on the phone?"
She gestured for the crew to hurry why their doing and attend to the inpatient guy. As if she would drop her call with Jordan. Maria returns to the conversation. "Look, he really likes you, okay? I can tell. Just try to be yourself. Don't ramble too much. And call me afterwards."
"Ugh, bye." Jordan mumbled from the other line.
"Good luck, honey!"With that, Maria turns back to help the crew.
Jordan, meanwhile, stares at the phone for a few seconds in disbelief before putting it down. She looks to her side and realized the walls of the ticket booth is made in glass and totally see-through. From the other side of the booth, Michael catches sight of her and stands.
"Oh, my..." She gasped, turning her back to him and pressing face first against the wall hoping it swallows her and take her back to her room.
It feels suddenly hot. Why is she sweating? Jordan fans her face. Okay, Jordan. She whispers. This is real. He is here and he won't be going away any time soon unless you come face him. Take a deep breath... Jordan takes more than a few breaths then steels herself as she walks to his direction. She looks down to check if sweatpants is properly tied then performs a few warm up jumps.
"You exist." Michael Harrison's unmistakably smooth voice speaks. He stands there obviously been waiting for her to come out. A meaningful smile on his handsome face. "I thought I was dreaming last night or something."
Keep your cool. Jordan reminds in her head. Remember what Maria said, act normal. Don't ramble too much.Her mind goes completely blank when she meets his deep grayish eyes. Jordan speaks the first thing that came out of her head. "Were you in the REM stage of sleep?"
"What?" Michael looks confused.
"That's when most dreams happen, actually." Jordan explains. "Yeah! Your brain activity is super high and functioning and your eyes are just going nuts behind your eyelids. It looks super weird." You sound super weird, her subconscious snides. You gotta stop rambling, you idiot. She ignores it. "It's like a typewriter or something--um, anyway, thank you for--"
"Wait. I--" Michael steps back just as she reaches out to take the notebook from him. "I still don't know your name."
"Oh." Right. Jordan nods absentmindedly. "It's Jordan."
"Jordan." The gray-eyed guy repeats the name, as if practicing how to say it. The corners of his lips curved. "I'm Michael."
Of course, it is. "Wow... That's a weird name." Jordan avoids his gaze. He shouldn't know that she already knew his name. Like for ten years. "Thank God you told me it 'cause... I wouldn't have known it otherwise. T-Thank you." She grabbed the notebook from him and turns.
"Wait, what..."
"You didn't..." Jordan stops in her tracks as the thought hits her. She looks at Michael suspiciously. "You didn't read through it, did you?"
"Just a little, I--"
"What?" Michael blinks. Apparently, all she has ever done is confuse him all the way.
"Are you serious?" Her eyes widen. "You read through my journal?"
"Look, I--"
"This could have been a diary. I-- I mean, it is, kind of."
"Um, I'm... I'm really sorry." Michael looks down, frowning. Did he just said sorry? I never say sorry, he thought. He looks at Jordan who has a cute defensive look on her face. "You left really quick the other night, and I really had no idea who it belonged to, so I just looked through it quickly. But I like that you still handwrite things. It's... it's cool. It's old school."
He watches her eyebrows carefully. Michael finds it easier to read her through the movement of her eyebrows which he find quite amusing. They were frowning one second, then slowly smooths over, followed by a little smile.
"Thanks..." Jordan says quietly. "For finding it."
Michael realized the notebook must be of something important. It looks old, but the stuffs written inside were recently written. Just a few random quotes, but Michael caught sight of a couple pages containing a drawn sheet music.
He figured she would definitely look for it. Like the way he would look if he accidentally lose his grandpa's old motorcycle. In a way, he do understand.
Jordan once again used the moment of silence to walk away.
"Wait!" Michael called after her. Fortunately, she looks back. "What, another hamster died? You have to..."
They both chuckle. Jordan has some dorky chuckles. "Um... I... I had to... I... I'm... I'm walking home."
"Can I walk with you?"
"Um, yeah."
Michael returns her sweet smile, gesturing for her to lead the way. They walk in silence down the empty road for a few minutes before he decided to break the ice. Something that doesn't happen all the time. "So, you were home-schooled? Man, that must have been wild."
"Actually, it was the exact opposite of wild." Jordan hugs the notebook to her chest. "My dad's pretty protective."
"He's not, like, watching us right now, is he?" He looks at the buildings they pass by.
"Yeah. He has his phone tapped into every camera." She rolls her eyes, making them both laugh. "So, um, what did you think of the songs you read? Without my permission, I may add."
"I honestly don't know." Michael shrugs. It was the truth. He won't just lie to impress someone. "I mean, you can't really read a song, right?"
He noticed the downcast look in her eyes. "I guess I'd have to hear you sing them."
Jordan blushes. "Um, so anyway... I'm right up there." She pointed to a house just down the street. "So you don't have to walk me."
"Wait. You live up there?" They stopped walking and stared at the two story family house ahead. Michael couldn't believe his eyes. "I... I don't understand how we've never met. I've probably skated by your house. Like, everyday on the way to practice."
"It's a..." Jordan makes a funny face then shakes her head. "Funny coincidence. Um, thanks."
She walks towards the house and Michael stayed on his spot, shoving his hands into his pockets. An idea crossed his mind. "Hey, you wouldn't wanna do something sometime, would you?"
"Uh... Together?"
"Yes, us together. Hang out."
"Well, you should put your number in here then." She flips through the pages of her notebook looking for a space but on one page, a number is already written on it. Signed by Michael.
"I'm old school too." He admitted, this time a genuine little smile on his face.
"Smooth. Thank you."
They stared at each other for a few moments, standing in the middle of the road before Jordan makes a awkward You rock! gesture that caused them to laugh then she sprints towards the gates of her house and disappeared.
Note: Thanks! Have a nice day. Or night. 🤣🤣
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Chapter 2: Something's happening 'Who's voice was that? Kind of sounded like happy's...I can't see anything, where am I, It's so dark…'
Happy flew out of the house and went to find Gray, it didn't take long considering he was still walking to his own house. "GRAAYY!" the raven turned around just as Happy flew into his chest, crying.
"Happy?! What's wrong?" a bubble of panic washed over him as he thought the worse of what Happy was about to say.
"I't Natsu! He suddenly fainted! I..I couldn't wake him up Gray!"
Gray hugged happy and ran straight back to Natsu's place. He barged into the house and was shocked to see the dragon slayer slumped against the wall with his head hanging down. He ran over to the unconscious dragon slayer and shook him by the shoulders.
"Natsu! C'mon man wake up!"
Not a sound came from him, not even a snore to reassure Gray that he was only asleep. The raven then picked him up so that his head could rest against his chest. "I'm taking him to the guild, maybe Wendy can do something to help him"
Happy nodded but he looked quite worried.
Gray found it hard to run while holding the dragon slayer in his arms but he managed it somehow. While on the way to the guild he had noticed an intense drop in temperature as there was no heat radiating off the dragon slayer at all at the moment, he began to panic and pushed himself harder.
Once in the guild everyone turned their heads to look his way considering he almost kicked the doors off its hinges. As soon as their eyes met the figure laying in the ravens arms everyone rushed over to help.
The ice mage made his way up to the infirmary and layed Natsu down on one of the beds just as Wendy, Master and the rest of team Natsu rushed in.
"Gray, what happened to Natsu?" Lucy looked just as worried as Happy did.
"I'm not sure, he was unconscious when i got to his house. Happy came after me and said he had fainted." there was no hiding the worry in his voice.
Erza moved over to the bed where Wendy was casting her healing magic on the dragon slayer. "Wendy, how are his vitals?"
The younger wizard hesitated for a moment before speaking "he does have a cold, which is why he got sick faster than normal on the train...but that's not all…"
Gray listened to the young girl as not to miss a single word she had said but what she did say frightened the ice mage and his whole mind went blank after hearing a gasp escape every one's lips.
'Man I feel like i've been walking for hours..is there no way out of here...i'm actually a little frightened, it's so dark I can't even see my hands or anything in front of me...why is it so dark? I can't even use my magic...Where am I?'
Wendy left the room after she had said that she cannot heal Natsu and apologized for it. Everyone smiled at her with a sympathetic smile before saying it's okay. Master left to contact Porlyusica in hopes that she may be able to do something to help the dragon slayer but returned saying that even she couldn't do anything to help him.
Everyone else left the room to go an find anything that could possibly cure their friend except Gray. he stayed for a bit longer. He touched Natsu's forehead which still had heat radiating from it showing that he indeed had a fever so the raven let his magic flow over the area in hopes to bring that fever down. It didn't work.
Gray sighed and picked up Natsu's hand, realizing how cold he felt sent more fear coursing through the raven. "C'mon you flaming idiot, snap out of it, this isn't like you, you're not supposed to be cold, you're a frickin' fire mage for crying out loud!" No response came.
'Wait i think i heard a voice...sounded like Gray...why is Gray here? GRAY?' -no response- 'hmm, he never said anything...wait I hear it again...is he telling me to snap out of it? Snap out of what?'
There was a blinding light that filled the darkness and suddenly Natsu could see Gray but he also seen something else...He seen himself laying still on a white sheet, and Gray was holding his hand pleading him to wake up. Natsu could barely hear what the raven was saying but he got bits and pieces of his words. 'Natsu please….you can't….need you….don't go!"
Natsu was now standing next to Gray "Gray i'm right here! I'm not going anywhere!" he tried to touch the ice mage but his hand just slipped right through him.
The dragon slayer took a step back and looked down at his hand for a moment which happened to be transparent..he then looked over at his still form on the bed.
'N-no...this can't be happening….wait I don't even know what's happening...Am I dead? No i can't be dead I was on a mission with the team then i came home and eveything went dark...and now i'm here...I thought I heard Wendy speaking earlier...i can barely remember what she said...but i thought i heard her say that she couldn't do anything to help me...she couldn't what….couldn't save me? Save me from what!? I can't remember!...Gray...I'm sorry..I don't know what to do...I want to wake up but i don;t think i can...Gray...i'll come back...i'll come back to everyone...i'll come back to you…'
Something cold seemed to go right through Gray and caused him to shiver..he also thought he could hear Natsu's voice telling him that he was right there...sure he was right there, right there laying on that bed looking lifeless as ever. The dragon slayer's breathing had become uneven and he jumped up to go find the others.
The projection of Natsu followed the raven down to the guild hall and watched as Gray asked all around the guild to see if anyone knew of a way to cure the dragon slayer. No one knew that they were being watched considering they could not see the dragon slayer but he could see all of them.
Erza, Lucy and Levy all sat at one table flipping through book after book trying to find anything that could cure their friend..sadly anything they read came up short and no one could find a cure.
Gray rushed over to them "Guy's have you found anything yet?" They all shook their head and the raven ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and panic.
"How is he Gray? Did anything else happen to him?" Levy looked at the raven as she spoke
"His breathing is uneven now...i don't know how long he's going to last.." fear clearly evident in his voice.
Happy came flying into Gray's chest and clung to his shirt. The ice mage wrapped his arms around the blue exceed and hugged him. "Will Natsu be okay?" The little thing was crying as he looked up at Gray.
The raven sighed but didn't want to lie to the exceed.. "I honestly don't know happy…But we are all trying to cure him"
They let go of each other and Gray found himself smiling sympathetically at Happy. "Sit with the others and try to help them out..i'm going to keep asking around to see if anyone else may have found something."
The Master was flipping through a few books while talking with Porlyusica through a lacrima vision.
"That little brat overdid himself Makarov...he may not come back from this one"
"I know, but everyone here is family, I will not let one go that easily...It is my job as the master to make sure that everyone is safe."
"I'm just warning you...but I will help if you so need it...i do have a few books here that i can lend you."
The Master nodded, told her to come over right away and then he turned back to his own book as he heard a 'tsk sound and the lacrima shut off.
'Natsu...We'll get you back...I promise...You're a part of Fairy Tail….and we don't give up that easily…'
At that moment everything went black, all lights were off, there were screams and sounds of objects breaking. When the lights came back on everything was a mess the entire hall was destroyed. Erza looked at Gray "Check on Natsu!"
Gray nodded and ran up to Natsu's room and stood in the doorway completely shocked. The room was completely ransacked and almost every item was either flipped, torn or broken but what scared the ice mage was that Natsu was gone.
What did you guys think of this chapter? I wonder who took Natsu. You will find out in the next chapter. hehe! Also feel free to toss ideas my way, they are always welcome, and the more help i get the faster i can get to the next chapter!~
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