#hope this is okay for a starter if i need to edit anything bop me on discord
intcrpol · 3 years
He’d noticed Liu reaching for his earpiece, the way his eyelids started to pull back in a state of heightened alertness. It never happened the way films enjoyed depicting explosions- With time slowing down to a crawl, the very air as weighty and oppressive as water. One moment you’re on both feet, the next you’re crumpled against the ground while everything surrounding you dissolves into chaos. If anything, there’s a distinct sense of urgency pumping your blood faster and harder through each vein- a heavy metronome thundering in your chest and neck compared to the soft fuzziness of other sounds your over-pressurized ears strain to make out.
Ginjiro grimaced as he was roughly shoved back against the adjacent wall, the younger man’s body shielding him from chunks of flying concrete, shards of glass, and shrapnel. He’s stuck in a kind of half-kneeling position, sandwiched between Liu’s limp form and the wainscott paneling running along the lower edge of the hallway. The case officer is concussed and bleeding out and as much as Shirogane likes the kid, he’s going to get them both killed.
Gritting his teeth, he rolls Liu onto his side and peels himself away from the wall- Pain, intimate and familiar, singing all the way up and down the length of his right hip and leg. The metal tip of his cane scrapes against the ground when he grabs the length of it, giving the handle a firm twist to release the .410 hidden inside.
Atsuhi is released first, thick mane bristling as a deep growl rumbles from the depths of his broad chest and muzzle. Next is Jubei the Aegislash, moving to hover cautiously between Shirogane and the openly exposed section of the building. This had been only one of many explosions he can hear still going off in other, distant parts of the Aviary: Interpol’s largest training facility. It was publicly known in name only, it wasn’t even officially acknowledged by the government. They would obviously do a thorough investigation as to just how they’d been compromised once the immediate threat was neutralized- With extreme prejudice.
“The ‘cruel and fearsome’ Proton of Team Rocket’s Executives, eh?” he muses aloud, his features hardening into a stoic mask.
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“You don’t look much older than a second-year student.”
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