#how to make alcogel
newmandiy · 4 years
DIY Hand Sanitizer Gel | How to Make Alcogel at Home
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amyscascadingtabs · 5 years
five things tag
i was tagged by @peralta4realz, thank you so much for the tag dear!!
five things in my bag: my planner, which says ‘what would amy santiago do’ on it. an empty powerbank (i should charge that one) from primark (it sucks). wet napkins i never use. key for my locker. old pens. 
five things in my room: too many blankets for a tiny room. pride flag. a copy of the secret history i’m trying to make my way through (it’s not going too well). alcogel. a drawing of peraltiago kissing made by a friend of mine that i have on my wall ahah.
five of my favourite things: hanging out with my girlfriend. writing. pepsi max. ice cream. b99. 
five things i’m into right now: my current psychology assignment. writing baby fic. the idea that spring is coming. the song ‘bones’ by onerepublic. parks and recreation. 
five things on my to-do list: taking my sleeping meds and going the fuck to sleep because i start super early tomorrow is #1. glueing loose papers into my writer’s notebook for writing class. reading siâns latest prompt fill. laundry. fill out a self evaluation on how i think i’m doing in school and my classes for a talk i have to have next week. 
i’m tagging @johnny-and-dora, @peraltasames, @cznerdy, @startofamoment and @fourdrinkamy if you want to because five people seems fitting for this! 
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princeisawomen · 3 years
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I'm the only one feeling like it's a World War 3 outside? It feels like a circus out there🎭. Should I wear my mouth mask first or take my alcogel first? Should I go to the store now or is it too many people in there? Can I go out and eat with my friends or should we wait for another time? Should I wash my hands now or should I wash my hands after, should I even wash my hands as their getting too dry, what about the 2-meter social distance, how do I do that and will we ever be available to shake hands at meetings, introducing our names to each other. Covid changed our lives forever on this planet earth 🌍 when I say forever I mean forever,I do not think we will be free like we always have been before,yes sure we will come back to how it was but it won't exactly be the same,I really do not think so. Because I worked as a nurse they offered me to take the vaccine first and I said no,I declined it, why? Because I do believe it takes years of study to make a vaccine, I can imagine doctors coming out in 2 years saying, "Oh we are so sorry that many people are dying and feeling sick by the Covid-19 vaccine, maybe we should have worked a bit longer on it" and that's the reason why I won't take the Covid-19 vaccine for now. So be careful out there guys, wash your hands, do your dance and protect your souls 🦋 You're Prince Kim (Oh and by the way I'm, not a smoker 🚬, it was just for the picture) (på/i Stockholm, Sweden) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMHv5pBBoNS/?igshid=1nof5nu5nj74u
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