#hoya rangsan
plantshaped · 3 months
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I have many hoyas getting ready to bloom! Very exciting! The rangsan has 8 peduncles forming so far and it'll be it's first flowers ever so I'm really looking forward to them
In order: krimson queen, bella, DS-70, rangsan
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reviewinglemons · 1 year
A Bit of Silver and Splash
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H. carnosa 'Nova Ghost' (a.k.a. reverted 'Argentea Princess') and H. parviflora (splash)
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H. biakensis 'ASL1' was a surprise in how much silver it has, and how happy a grower it is.
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Two similar ones H. verticillata (heart leaf splash) (formerly parasitica) and H. latifolia 'Snow Queen'. I don't know which I'd pick of I could only keep one. Verticillata has that gorgeous splash that turns pink in high light, but 'Snow Queen' has nice splash too, and it's always been one of my easiest and fastest growing hoyas. So, good thing I don't have to pick, huh.
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These two pictures have been taken a while ago. H. rangsan looks better these days, and H. sigillatis worse.
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