sweet-milky-tea705 · 2 years
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Yep, here it is. Uhm.. the future for last legacy isnt looking great. The arcana and fictif been such a big part of my life these past few years. I cant begin to think about how much of a loss this is for me right now. Ive loved this community a lot, thx for all the memes and late night convos.. this feels like s goodbye from me but im gonna stick around to see where this shitshow leads me. Im definitely missing the good days though.. i dont think it will ever be the same
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blanketorghost · 2 years
Now that FictIf and The Arcana have been bought out by Dorian, I feel the need to remind y'all as the only person who's spoken out about this but;
Heir To Love And Lies is an extremely racist story to its core.
The love inrerests are either harmful stereotypes or key players on the violence and corruption here in Colombia.
Even if Nathalie has a Colombian father, she has failed to accurately represent the country, the spanglish abhorrent and the treatment of rural Colombia is one of the worst I've seen.
The MC is a white saviour stereotype and is such an awful character whom barely cares about the town; especially when their decisions will affect the livelihoods of workers.
Chava and his whole family are a huge stereotype of low income workers and farmers in the perifery. Their relationship with the drug cartel was unnecessary and insulting— especially when Colombian people already struggle with discrimination about being poor coca and marijuana farmers.
Sergio is literally the epitome of everything wrong with Colombia and shouldn't be romantisized as a love interest— especially as he is related to an assasination which happen in Colombia on the daily .
Val is part of the most corrupt, homophobic and racist institutions and attempting to make her a love interest makes me want to barf as an lgbt Colombian. Especially when I receive news on the daily of lgbt people getting abused by police. I'm glad her route never got released.
The whole story glorifies the foreign colonization of Colombia's economy; which have affected our country gravely— even leaving entire regions of ours in extreme poverty.
'La Dama Roja' is such an awfully constructed character; both character design and story-wise. Her dress is mexican right out of the bat. Her whole character crumbles apart once you actually learn about Colombian politics and culture.
The whole story is a complete regression for Colombian representation and a slap on the face for me, and many other latino users whom have shared their concerns privately to me. It perpetrates so many harmful stereotypes and completely misunderstands the intricacies of Colombia and its people. It ignores our pleas for positive rep after being thrown and dragged through the mud as a druggie country for upwards of fourty years and refuses to acknowledge that Colombia is more than just drugs and coffee.
If you want 'good' Colombian representation, you are much better off watching Encanto in spite of its issues.
If you want Colombian rep that is more mature leaning I would recommend;
Los Viajes Del Viento for a culturally accurate depiction of the north of Colombia
Señorita María: La Falda De La Montaña for a documentary about being lgbtq+ trans in rural Colombia
Los Colores De La Montaña for a depiction of how the drug war has affected innocent farmers in rural Colombia
These are all critically acclaimed movies that all tackle living in the small towns that HTLAL is supposed to be based upon and do a much better job at it.
Also, I've said this many times but I think it's worth mentioning that if you want a more in-depth representation of all the issues HTLAL fails to tackle respectfully, y'all should read The Rebellion of The Rats by Fernando Soto Aparicio
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plutorisingposts · 2 years
Hey, since we can't have nice things without some random making it about their personal experiences, have ANY of you asked your fellow NH Latino fans/followers their opinion about Heir to Love & Lies??? :))))
Because I can assure you, Latino followers make up almost a FOURTH of the fandom and they are NOT happy with this story :)))
If you have payed a sliver of attention to the Internet lately, you don't even need them to tell you why they dislike it so much and why they have an actual problem with it, but oh well let's instead focus on how the poor, poor little necromancer who wears the fucking bones of his dead pet raven around his neck is 'mocked' by the fucking villain of his story for his style. Cool.
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boardboxes · 1 year
Sucks so so bad Val never got a route. Chava and Sergio have completed their stories and got their endings. Val got nothing. And I think that’s so sad
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Sergio with #12
Sergio - Prompt #12 "Are you cold?"
Hehe I initially thought of making this a bit grim but I decided against it because I miss Sergio too much lol
Pairing: Sergio x GN!Reader
Word Count: 420 (pfft)
Warnings: none, doesn't follow the canon storyline ig
Masterlist | More Fictif content
Sergio tended to overthink when he was stressed. Though the workload he took on was decreased, some clients he dealt with absolutely refused to cooperate with him. Everything became a vicious cycle of overthinking and stress and it took a while for him to get out of it. Stepping away from his work and everything helped, especially when he was somewhere he felt at ease.
It was already late at night and he sat outside on the step. The air was cool, and he stared up at the sky. He never had much interest in constellations, but he might try to look into them. 
The door opened behind him and he looked over his shoulder, surprised to see you there. You were wrapped in a blanket, staring at him confused.
“Sorry,” he said, “Did I wake you up?”
You shook your head as you waddled over, your movement restricted in your blanket burrito. “No. I woke up after a weird dream about talking fish.” You replied. "And I noticed you were gone, so I came out looking for you."
“Talking fish? That sounds… interesting.”
You laughed, sitting next to him. “Are you cold?” You asked, “It's pretty chilly out here..”
He wasn't that cold, but he let you wrap part of your blanket around him anyway. “What are you doing out here anyway?” 
“I’ve been pretty restless lately. I hoped that maybe stepping outside for a while would help me relax.”
“You work too hard.” You lamented, “Maybe you could quit and just become my househusband.”
He laughed. “I couldn't do that. Then Chava would have nothing to do.” 
“That's true.” You sighed, “You would go crazy at home, and start bullying poor Chava.”
He scoffed, feigning offence, but it wore off when you bumped into him gently. 
"I'm just kidding." You said, leaning your head against his shoulder. You spoke to him a little more about your dream and he felt his stress melting away. Your presence seemed to do that to him, apparently even when you were telling him about talking fish.
Eventually, you trailed off, covering your mouth with the back of your hand when you yawned. He wrapped you back up in your blanket and stood up. "Let's go back in." He said, "We'll only get colder sitting out here."
"Oh, bummer. We'll just have to snuggle to warm up again." You said, grabbing him by the hand and happily walking back inside. He laughed, letting you drag him along, his stress long forgotten.
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anak-sapi · 8 months
Fictif is so sick for doing this
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Me, playing his route the whole time thinking: I know you did it, but I love you and I will stick with you no matter what. Gosh, I love you so much.
Still me, after a few minutes: yeah but would you actually do it? Like, I don't believe it. Would you? Would you treat me this way for real? I refuse to believe it. I still have hope. You love me too much. Do you love me? I love you.
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wiggledforsquiggled · 2 months
what the htll is an evil boop
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derogatory-duck · 2 years
Sergio in Lucio's Masquerade outfit please?
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hatsune-yeetku · 2 years
This has been said to death but it must be said again: people at Fictif/ Nix Hydra really gotta stop blaming people for not reading the female routes, considering the fact that they hardly put any of them out, so of course no one is going to read what doesn’t exist!!
In terms of routes that have their own separate stories (so not counting FTLOG, EoW, and likely MM): Celia has two chapters!! Anisa has 7 but is going on a hiatus!! Tess has 6 chapters and her story is finished!! Val has been on radio silence for ages!! The amount of chapters that the female characters have combined is less than Nicky’s route!
If it is a matter of needing people to read shit to keep it alive and interesting, then just say it straight up! Remember #SavePortia?? We did!!
And yes, I am aware of the cycle of “no one reads female routes -> no effort is put into them -> no one reads the new chapters because they are bad -> repeat”.
You gotta put in some kind of effort first! Advertise them! Give them the infinite hourglass treatment! Don’t fucking lock every meaningful choice behind a paywall!!
Edit: Fucking Christ you could have released that new story without Sawyer.
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mountain-man-cumeth · 3 years
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i forgot to drop chava doodles here.
so yeah i tripped and fell in HtLL and made a new OC whom i cant indulge in too much because i dont know a word of spanish.
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sweet-milky-tea705 · 2 years
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I would like to pay tribute to all these beautiful channel captions i made before we condense these(nobody uses them lol)
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anonymous-eggy · 3 years
i genuinely cant stop snickering at this part bc the many pit bulls i know are all big crybabies that whine and make funny noises and demand cuddles
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fictif-beloathed · 3 years
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Your honour I love him
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boardboxes · 2 years
Val never got a route :(
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HTLL LIs reactions to calling them pretty <3
Stutters and blushes. She just shuts down for a quick moment before she just returns it tenfold.
Never gets old no matter how many times you call her pretty. It helps her especially when she feels at her lowest, and just pumps her up when she knows she looks good.
She gets this gorgeous smile on her face whenever you do she's so damn preciousssss no matter her mood she just lights up
He knows lol but he still gets pretty damn shy about it. He just sits there with a blush and returns the compliments <3
The only time he's genuinely surprised is when he's not put together, when he just woke up and he's in disarray. When you tell him he's pretty then he knows you're serious.
Over all will not refuse any praise. You can just plop yourself on his lap and call him pretty and he'll sit there and accept it lol
You call him pretty when he does literally anything. He's just sitting there? Pretty. Working around the plantation? Pretty. Being the spectacular man he is? Pretty.
He's kinda baffled by it every time. He returns it of course but he's just usually not the one being called pretty.
You introduce him to people as your pretty partner and he gets flustered and coughs awkwardly. He's noticeably happy every time you do though
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