aamusedly · 10 months
@hvadeina / "Shepard?"
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"Would you..."
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
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soulcluster-moved · 3 years
@hvadeina / commander shepard
For whatever reason, Shepard had allowed him to come along on her mission, even when she hadn’t had a reason to trust him. Aside from him being a turian and she a human, he had failed to pin anything on Saren in his initial investigation. Then he quit C-Sec just to join her. It wasn’t a record that would inspire confidence in most. Now here, on the eve of the final battle, he wanted to express his gratitude to her. In a lot of ways, she was still a mystery to him, but there was one thing he was certain of: he would never regret following her.
The commander’s door slid open with an electronic hiss as he drew near. He could see her at her terminal and waited by the door, ready to back out should he be intruding. “Commander?” 
As he stared at her half-illuminated form, there was something else there too, but something he wasn’t sure he wanted to recognize about himself. The implications were...complicated.
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syntharts · 4 years
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BLM donation commission of Commander Shepard for @hvadeina ! 
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cryochronism · 3 years
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@hvadeina i know you’re having a rough day but hopefully a little doodle of six relaxing can help make things better a little bit!! ♥
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womanlives · 3 years
MERCY’S ALWAYS HATED THIS RITUAL. Find familiar, or as she likes to call it, an hour of sitting on her ass throwing stinky herbs into a stinkier fire. It takes too long and it makes her legs cramp. Or at least it’s supposed to take too long, but casting it in a large, empty stone room of an even larger, almost as empty stone palace is — different. Maybe it’s because she damn near died about twenty minutes ago. 
Probably it’s because Kaldar’s just down the hall. Right in the room next door. 
She stares at her reflection in the small washbasin mirror. It’s not as wrong as it was a little bit before. Her hair’s still the wrong color — gold, like the sun if the sun was sick — but her eyes are back to normal, and she rubbed off most of the shit from the disguise kit. The little scar at the corner of her forehead has reappeared. Her freckles are back. Her cheeks are bright red. 
Mercy swears. It comes out louder than she means it to, but she’s too busy burying her face in her hands to notice. Her thumb traces the edge of her lips. They didn’t look swollen in the mirror, but they’re still burning from — from before. 
Damn it. There’s a gentle pressure on her elbow. She looks up into two liquid brown eyes. They belong to the small, black fox who appeared from smoke and nothingness, and they have a question in them. Francois tilts his head. In response, Mercy mutters something from behind her fingers. It sounds like: “Mmm kmmmf hmmf.” 
Francois blinks, and looks towards the door. It’s open. Just a crack. She left it like that.
“I know, okay? I know. I want to, and I brought you back so you could see him, but — I can’t, okay? I’m not — I don’t know what to — I kissed him. All right? I kissed him. And I can’t just — yes, it felt good, but it doesn’t change the — no, I’m not going to answer that — I’m not even sure if he — I kissed him!” 
Francois slicks his ears back. His eyes turn shifty.
Mercy catches his expression and freezes. She lifts a finger. 
Francois flicks an oversized ear.
“Don’t you dare.”
And then he’s gone, like a streak of ash lightning. Francois darts out the door and beelines it down the corridor, pausing just long enough to make sure the stupid girl takes the bait. She does; she bursts out of her room so fast she slips, catches herself on the opposite wall with a clipped bananas, and — as quietly as she can — sprints after her fox. 
Here’s the thing: she’s good at quiet. So good there really ought to be a stronger word. When everything you do is loud, so is your silence. Nothing’s louder than the absence of a song that’s always been there. 
Mercy reaches Kaldar’s door. It’s open, and the panic hits almost immediately. He’s the second-most (well, to her, the first-most) wanted man in a goddamn city filled with murderers, one of whom is a hunter with no soul and rot-eyes, and what if she’d missed the signs that she was being tailed, and what if they’d followed her to him, and —
Madeline barges in, and damn near trips over a boy who’s grown up and is now sitting right by the door. She catches herself, though it’s not as graceful as it could’ve been on account of her right side being previously bombarded with arrows, and whirls around to slam his door shut. “You — what — why are you leaving your door open?! Are you trying to give me a heart att — oh.” 
There’s a fox on his shoulders: all black, unnoticeably arcane. As she watches, Francois rubs himself against Kaldar’s hair, nuzzling the scars on the side of Kaldar’s face with a big, wet nose. His emotions register crystal-clear in her mind: safe, happy, home. Something in Madeline’s ribcage cracks. Kaldar looks up at her.
Suddenly the words are gone. This is unusual for her. Back when she was seventeen and vain and by no means plain, Chastity had warned her about this. Careful, she’d said, after Mercy had bragged about how easy it was. It’ll be anything but when it’s someone who matters. 
“Um,” she says. “You — your door was open.”
Francois settles on Kaldar’s shoulder and kneads at his cloak with tiny paws. 
“That’s — I mean, you know who he is, but — well, um, he’s different, but not really, and — ” there’s a bit of desperation now “ — well, your door was open, and he wanted to see you, and I did, too — to make sure you were all right, I mean, um — ” Logic says if she doesn’t look at Kaldar, he won’t notice her blush, so she looks at Francois instead. His fluffy face is smug and patient. Like there’s a riddle he’s waiting for her to solve. 
Madeline’s first thoughts finally catch up to her third thoughts, and she blinks. “Wait a minute.” She points over her shoulder. “What were you doing at your door?”
@hvadeina / tfw u cant steal him kidney cuz he already stole ur heart
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afraidofchange · 3 years
@hvadeina said: U wanna try Zaeed and Karin
    “You drive a hard bargain,” Karin whispers into the shell of Zaeed’s ear. His hands, rough and calloused grab at her ass, and she laughs beneath her breath. “Take me. Make me yours.”
   The good doctor��s instruction is met with that low, rumbling voice of his, muttering a ‘gladly’ before strong arms lift her off her feet. Out of habit, her legs wrap around his waist, arms around broad shoulders. Hungry lips nip at the curve of her neck and she cares little for the marks Zaeed will leave in his wake. It’s what high collared uniforms are for. 
  Karin’s back meets the mattress and Zaeed’s weight remains above her, only to lean back on his haunches to pull off his shirt. Muscle, scar, and sinew greet her, and roaming hands grasp at his bare chest, nails raking along ageing skin. For a man of his caliber and age, he remains strong and fit and goddamn handsome. 
   “These are comin’ off,” He returns to Karin’s neck, breathing in the scent of her while eager, calloused hands lift her evening dress, hooking his fingers to the hem of her laced underwear ( worn just for him ). Out of habit, she lifts her hips and the fabric comes to rest around one ankle. Roughly, Zaeed parts her thighs and a sigh heaves from the confines of her lungs when she realizes the direction he’s taking her tonight - one she has no quarrel with. 
  In the frenzy, teeth nip at the sensitive skin of inner thighs before teasing his future path, hovering above the slit of her cunt. One good eye looks up with that boyish grin - youth of days long gone by still very, very present - before Zaeed delves between her lower lips, tongue parting her and eager to taste. Unashamed, a moan escapes her, head hitting the pillow with the sensation of warm, wet against her most intimate. Despite the privacy of their rented room for the evening, the desperation that leaves them half-clothed adds to the moment.
  One hand reaches out, grasping at short, short hair; legs bent at the knee, her toes curl with that one particular stroke against her clit. “Oh, there,” Karin instructs, wetting her lips before lifting her head, a muss of grey hair partly obscuring her vision. He hums against her skin, lifting his chin just enough to bring a hand forward with a single finger forward, teasing at her entrance but not yet indulging in what she wants so, so desperately. Karin’s nails rake against his scalp, but Zaeed pays no mind, even though his cock throbs for her already. 
  “Please,” She begs, but he only continues with his mouth. 
   They have all night, after all. 
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mantis-scope-moved · 3 years
“interesting; i thought the translation was gonna be, like, 'dick pine’.” / from kasumi!
“Who told you about Palaven Tree Dick.”
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“I’m done. I’m done with this. I am no longer the Normandy’s expert on Turian STDs.” 
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outsidelost · 3 years
“It’s after five, sleepyhead.”
          The only window in this one-room basement apartment is covered in a layer of permanent, murky fog. It almost looks frosted. Light passes sparingly through it, only when the sun is in the east and only until noon. Then the shadows grow deep and long until they are so dark they shade every one of his meager belongings. His bed, the kitchenette, the bathroom, the teetering six foot stack of slightly-damp book against the far wall. All bathed in swimming, semi-transparent darkness. It’s unlike Alan to sleep through those first initial rays of sunshine, but if he does, he’ll stay in bed until they come to pass again.           He rolls over on his lumpy twin mattress and faces the wall away from her, hiking the flat sheet to his chin.           “Come on,” he mumbles, his voice too rough from sleep to express his half-pleading tone. His feet, still wearing boots, stretch until they hang over the edge. It’s useless to chase sleep now, his energy blowing unbidden into his veins like contrast medium. It always feels good, at first. Like a warm blanket, a full-body cover, like a good high. Until it doesn’t. Then it is pins and needles, a buzzing in his head, his feet, his face. His fingertips and his lips tingle, his scalp prickles, and Alan sighs at the wall. Rolling over to lie flat on his back, Alan turns his head to Six.            “Did you even buh-bring breakfast?”
@hvadeina - THE CHOSEN - accepting
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atnoctum-archived · 3 years
𝗛𝗢𝗧 𝗧𝗔𝗞𝗘𝗦, 𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝗢𝗙 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥. / / always accepting!                                                                        What is your hottest take on your fandom?
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you mean the only fandom i’ve been a apart of since i was 10 years old, in 96? ( totally not resident evil ) i have so many ‘hot takes’ that i will just address the most present, which has a lot to do with how annoying the newer fanbase is. i’m not even sorry, because a lot of them are dumb. they are so dumb with the dumbest ideas, and then wonder why we get shit games like RE6 with bukkake clone villains and colonel fucking sanders looking asses who transform into a damn fucking t-rex......., and boring, generic, characters like ethan and mia. “ but they’re normal, every day people i can relate to!” no. no they are not. i don’t know a single person that can just be chill as fuck when his arm or leg gets hacked off, or grab a gun, which apparently he’s never used before or had any training with, and casually shoot at moldy ass creatures with teeth and a ~*spooky little girl with long, black hair and paranormal powers*~ cause i’ve never seen that aesthetic before! or trying to convince me some woman who looks like she just graduated high school is a scientist and is also just chill as all get out about being locked up by a crazy family for 2 whole years? another thing i don’t wanna get too into. anyway, this became a stupid rant mostly about RE7. i’m not excited about 8 at all, even if my favourite character in the whole world is in it ( just leave him the hell alone, man ). don’t give two fucks about lady milf, wannabe vampire alcina, either. there. I SAID IT PUBLICLY. now i can end rant in PEACE.
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o-rusted-heart · 3 years
“I never knew relationships were supposed to make you feel better about yourself." from six
“I mean, I’m happy to meet your abysmally low standards, but--”
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“God damn, Six.” 
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pcsitivibee · 3 years
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positivity for hvadeina : @hvadeina is a masterfully curated blog with an intriguing selection of muses, all beautifully layered and complex. I would definitely recommend following! The mun is a delightful person as well.
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shedivinearc · 3 years
♡     closed  starter.          @hvadeina .
there  is  not  always  hostility  to  others  in  this  makeshift  family.     rather     ,     you  are  quite  fond  of  the  lord  to  house  beneviento.     even  if  you  must  stoop  extra  low  to  fit  inside  her  doorways  and  feel  it  far  more  wise  to  sit  on  the  floor  than  any  of  the  furniture  about.     still     ,     you  appreciate  the  gentle  quiet  she  oft  employs.     (  though  the  doll  does  give  you  pause  at  times  )     donna  receives  an  easy  smile  delivered  upon  blood  red  lips. 
❛  you  needn’t  cover  up     ,     it’s  just  me     ,     dear.  ❜          you  are  the  demanding  sort  but  only  insist.     are  sure  to  not  change  her  mind  with  just  those  words.     while  you  will  not  fault  her  for  her  choice  of  garb     /     cannot  help  but  push  a  little  further.          ❛  you  should  let  me  paint  you  sometime.     you  have  such  a  beautiful  face.  ❜
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soulcluster-moved · 3 years
@hvadeina / v
Goro could not think of a time in all his forty some years of service to Arasaka that he had been in a worse situation. Never without his implants, never without his resources, never without the backing of Arasaka. He could operate without these, he was not so unskilled as that, but being cut off from Arasaka, his name tarnished, and Arasaka-sama dead by his own son’s hands, no. He could stand for that.
Yet it was all he could do right now. That man in there lying on the operating table was his best lead right now. While they had stolen from Arasaka, it could be set aside for now. There were more pressing matters to deal with.
Deep in thought, but not unaware, he barely turned when someone stepped out of the shop and into the dingy back alley.
“How is he doing?” His cybernetic eyes flicked toward the entryway.
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@hvadeina​​ :|| Kaidan and Shep
                They had.. a  lot of time to think about what had happened on Virmire, there are still times that Kaidan thinks it’s supposed to be him that had been left.. He knew that she had been a valuable part of the crew and Shepard had been put in a tough spot.. the commander wasn’t to blame for the problem. Saren had been. But they didn’t have time for pointing fingers no matter if they were in the middle of the fight or not. There was an entire mess that needed to be cleaned up..
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                It’s not until the commander had approached him that the man shifted to look.. It was usually easy to tell when he was thinking too much on something, and the soldier was easy to read sometimes.. Especially when they ended up making their way to a memorial.. Gunnery Chief Ashley Williams.. she had been a good member of the crew. Reliable as any of the others. Her duties were always attended to at all times before she would find her own time.
                How much different would the world have been had it been Kaidan that was left on Virmire. Had he been the one left there. It wasn’t his call. He shouldn’t feel guilt for being the one that lives but he felt it. The soldier shifted, hoping that he could say something.. “Commander...” He’s really not sure what to say.. maybe he shouldn’t say anything. “I uh.. are you okay?”
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cryochronism · 3 years
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@hvadeina for wrex.
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❝Wrex, I’ll be requiring your presence offboard this ship at 2100 hours, Citadel Standard Time.❞ Shepard’s messages were hardly known for eloquence; deferring to clipped tones and filling others in later when in-person. There’s a pragmatism behind the technique, ranging anywhere from anticipating the short attention spans of many of her crew when it came to simple emails to minimizing a paper trail. Survival, she’s learned, is contingent on paranoia.
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It’s when the Normandy finally hits dry dock that Shepard is found waiting outside the ship’s airlock for him; arms folded and just as grim as ever. ❝Let’s get moving. I’ll fill you in when we’ve got some distance.❞
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womanlives · 3 years
🗣️ omfg from any of them tbh
mercy: rich people should be robbed once a week ma’am: why mercy: builds character
[on a nature hike] davies: it’s so beautiful out here ma’am: and quiet davies: ma’am: davies: wait a minute ma’am: did we lose someone? [cut to mercy and kaldar fighting a bear]
mercy: i actually have a black belt ma’am: in what? karate? mercy: no, from gucci
kaldar: how do i make a date more romantic davies: try being mysterious [later] mercy: where are you going kaldar: none of your business
davies: quick! take my hand! ma’am: *grabs davies’ hand* ma’am: now what? davies: nothing. i just wanted to hold hands
kaldar: can i ask a favor? mercy: i would literally die for you, but continue kaldar: kaldar: we gotta talk about you starting sentences that way
tempeste: *signs a legal document with a glitter gel pen*
@hvadeina​ / incorrect cowboye.
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