#hvitserk headers
oddsnendsfanfics · 7 months
Holiday & Winter Moodboards
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I love the holiday season and even though I complain, I do enjoy the aesthetic of winter.
So, with that in mind I want to open this up for some suggestions.
If you have any particular ideas or things that you would like to see, feel free to drop me a note and I will do my best to create it. Unfortunately, not everyone will get their Moodboard and I apologize in advance.
The characters/people I am willing to create are in the header on the post. However, if there is a character from one of the shows/actors above that is not on the board please ask.
I am 100% willing to create for
Ewan Mitchell/Osferth
Henry Cavill/his characters
Jasper Pääkkönen/Halfdan the Black
Peter Franzén/Harald Finehair
Mark Rowley/Finan
Alexander Dreymon/Uhtred
Arnas Fedaravičius/Sihtric
Jordan Patrick Smith/Ubbe
Marco Ilsø/Hvitserk
Alexander Ludwig/Bjorn
Linnéa Lindström/Sigurd
Alex Høgh Andersen/Ivar
Ian Bohen/Cowboy Ryan
I can't wait to see what you come up with ❤️ You can reply to this post, send a DM or an Ask with your preferred theme.
I will be taking ideas until December 1st.
All boards will be posted with the tag #oddsnendsmb
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augustd · 3 years
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• Vikings 6b - Headers.
• If you/save: like or reblog.
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piedicons · 5 years
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please like or reblog if you save
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twistwff · 6 years
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alex høgh andersen, marco ilsø, jordan patrick smith and alexander ludwig collage headers
credit @kathewinnick or like
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ivarscar · 3 years
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• Ivar & Hvitserk headers
• Like if you save/use!
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vikingspacks-blog · 7 years
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like or credit ldeIray
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artixticons · 7 years
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headers do meu bebe e de seus irmãozinhos *.*
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○ I made some headers from the promotional pics
○ No need to credit, but if you want to then you can credit me on twitter  © athelstn or like/reblog this post
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vikingsstories-blog · 6 years
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ragnarsons header fan art 
(fan art made by crazytom666 i just made de header)
like or credit rzgnar on twitter if you use
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iconofound · 6 years
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like or @fostwrae
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vkingsicns · 7 years
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like or @fostwrae
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teenspiriticons · 6 years
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like or credit @Ieadersofmen on twitter ❃ request
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augustd · 4 years
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• Hvitserk Lothbrok - Headers.
• If you save: like or credit @hoghstan on Twitter.
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piedicons · 5 years
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like/reblog if you save credits to @alexhosgh on twitter
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asa-do-your-thing · 2 years
The whisper in the Fog - tveir
Hvitserk X OC / Ivar X OC 
Summary: Being a normal girl on her normal farmstead, living a normal, quiet life was all that Asa had wanted. What could happen? Well, Hvitserk and his ever-so jealous brother Ivar might just almost divide Kattegat and murder some people to get to marry her. But then again, wasn’t that normal? 
Before we begin: as always, this story is mature, 18+. Not all parts are mature, like this one per se, but I thought that marking everything as Mature would keep me on the safe side. I’ve just decided to give Ivar some action as well later on haha so there’ll be an amended header. Enjoy!
¦ ivar being ivar, to a certain extent, fluff, mentions of alcohol, mentions of SA ¦
Following Hvitserk, Asa had let out a slow breath. Certainly there could have been worse days; being rescued by the ever-so-handsome Hvitserk Ragnarsson was, in theory, a great day. The problem was that Hvitserk had guided her triumphantly toward his brothers and sat down, leaving her to be gawked at by everyone in Kattegat. "Evening everyone!", he chirped and grabbed a pitcher of mead and gave it to her. Four handsome men, not to mention that all were the sons of Ragnar, were staring down at her with great interest. Ubbe raised an eyebrow. "I was looking for you.", he said in Hvitserk's direction and turned his attention to her. "I think I've seen you somewhere around. Do I know you?", he asked her.
Asa uncomfortably took a sip and shrugged. "You might. I'm Asa Silje. Daughter of Throndr Silje. I have a farm not far from here.", she said and nervously bit her lip. Someone's hand quickly grazed her thigh - she quickly looked to her other side and to her shock, saw Ivar the Boneless. The Ivar that was known to rage, to kill, to beat.... That Ivar had just touched her dirty dress where her thighs were. Björn gave her a small smile. "I knew your father. He died so bravely that we thought that the Valkyries themselves would carry him away from the battlefield. Whatever brings you here?", he asked curiously. Hvitserk sat up proudly and laid a hand on Asa's shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze. "I saved her from being kidnapped into marriage."
Clearing her throat, she bobbed her head from side to side. "Well, I mean, I was washing my clothes when a random man appeared, was shot by an arrow and... then Prince Hvitserk came and rescued me.", she said, blushing immensly and feeling her palms beggining to sweat. Sigurd lifted an eyebrow. "An arrow, you say?", he said somewhat mockingly. Asa nodded nervously. "I mean, he... laid there in front of me. I saw it clearly." Clearing his throat, Ivar narrowed his eyes and got up, almost pulling Asa down onto the floor. Thankfully she could steady herself on Hvitserk's shoulder. She gave him a little apologetic smile, which he returned with a blank stare, his moustache twitching.
"Asa. Come with me.", Ivar said pointedly and gave his brothers (especially Sigurd) a nod, who contidued to watch Asa following their crippled brother, her looking back and forth from him to Hvitserk, as if she didn't know what to do. "Ivar, Ivar- please, where are you taking me?", she cried quietly once they had left the great hall. He turned around and shook his head, walking towards the beach, his crutch clanging with every step he took. "I will walk as long as I have to to get you away from Hvitserk. For now, that is." Shaking her head, Asa stopped walking. "Of what importance am I to him? Or to you, in that matter?", she grumbled and threw her arms into the sky, annoyed at being unceremoniously dragged out of the hall.
Ivar chuckled and continued walking toward the beach, where he sat down, not far from the small waves that broke upon the shore. Asa took another long look back at the great hall and walked down to him. "So?", she said and pulled her knees up to her chest. Ivar looked at her with a smirk. "I shot him.", he said and leaned onto his arm, facing her, watching her every move. She also noted how he conviniently avoided her previous question. Quietly shaking her head, she scoffed. "Congratulations. You have killed a random man I have never seen before just so your brother could pick me up and 'rescue' me. I am truly impressed."
Ivar's face darkened. "You're the epitome of gratitude.", he spat and came closer to her, grabbing her wrist. "Einarr would have kidnapped you! Do you understand, you stupid thing? You're not meant to be kidnapped, you're meant to be mine!" His piercing eyes twinkled in the moonlight. Gathering her long brown hair over her shoulder, she groaned incredulously. "If I'm the epitome of gratitude then you are the epitome of charm. You know, at least your brother hasn't called me a stupid thing. You should abstain from calling me that if I am really to be 'yours'", she said angrily and tried freeing herself from his grasp.  
She knew that she had crossed the point of no return - there would be no meek excuses anymore, she had angered him. He flared his nostrils and tightened his grip on her wrist, hurting her immensley. "STOP TALKING ABOUT MY BROTHER!", he roared and threw her down onto the sand, hovering above her, the scent of mead, leather and sweat engulfing her. Asa turned her head to the side, not wanting to be stared at any longer. "O... Okay. Just... please let me go.", she whimpered, hoping the he wouldn't take her or worse, kill her. She shouldn't have angered him, she told herself, but then again, he shouldn't have acted like a self-righteous, jealous arsehole.
Loosening his grip on her wrist, he used his other hand to turn her face towards him. "The Seer have told me that you shall change my destiny, so I know that in the end you will be mine. I'll leave you be, for now, and will be waiting for you in my bed.", he said with such a force, as if he was threatening to kill her and let her go completely, taking his crutches and retreating into the warm summer evening. Silently crying, Asa took her wrist into her hand and tried her hardest not to curl into a ball. Was he lying about the seer? Or was he really promised that she would change his life? Surely he was not meant to be her husband?
"Asa?", she heard Hvitserk shout in the distance and damned the gods for, well, just about anything in this moment. Quickly standing up and brushing the sand off of her mud-stained dress, she walked towards him, trying to quickly brush away her tears, yet with every step she took that came closer to him, they seemed to stream ever faster. Seeing his concerned face, she ran up to him and hugged him. At first, it seemed like he didn't expect it, but the longer the both of them stood there, he gently hugged her back and, much to her surprise and delight, kissed her sweetly. His lips were begging for Asa's to open up and for her to give herself to him, so that was what she did.
Just as she was about to pull back, he took her wrists and quickly stepped back from her, glancing down at her bruised wrists. "Don't tell me that Ivar...", he said quietly, his voice filled with rage and concern. Asa blushed and shook her head. "No, no, not at all. He just... He was telling me that I should stop talking about you and that the seer had seen me changing his destiny. Or something like that." Hvitserk shook his head and put his hand on the small of her back. "What nonsense... No, dearest, come with me, I'll make sure to bring you to my chambers safely.", he said gently.
Grinning, Asa nudged him. A wave of courage flooded through her.  "I'm sure that you will see to it that I am safely tucked in, won't you?" Internally she was screaming with glee and nervousness. Did she just invite him to sleep with her? Maybe. But then again, it had been such an unnormal day and he had been so good-natured to her and handsome... Hvitserk clearly understood her cheeky comment and guided her through the great hall up to his room, his hand travelling from the small of your back down to your butt.
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ivarscar · 3 years
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• Headers Ivar & Hvitserk
• Like if you save/use!
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