#i can get normal earrings through. just not the damn piercing thats supposed to go in there
damiemontclair · 8 months
the muse is giving such a hard time (no words have been written all day) I decided to try and get my piercing back in my ear since its laying on my desk... the page is still blank, I am still missing a piercing but now my ear hurts \o/
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Flying rocks and kisses
Trying to gain inspiration through power outages, and got prompted for a Suyin request, which I’m actually pretty excited about, gives me a bit of a challenge now. Since they didn’t choose which prompt, I’ll start with 3, and I’ll just play around with a few different people. While, I’m a le $ bean, I’m open to also writing for my boys- so you can request anyone, not just the lovely ladies of ALTA and LOK (but lets be real, they’re the important ones and deserve more love). Here goes nothing, let me know what you think, and hope you enjoy!!
Prompt #3: “Shit, watch out!” She screamed as a large boulder was flying at her crush at an extremely fast pace, fast enough all she could do was jump in front of it, and prepare for the sudden pain.
Word count: 2,973
Requestor: @Helplesslesbean
Having grown up in the lovely city of Zafou for all my life, and following the guards around the city has made me grown accustomed to all the ins and outs of the city and especially the large mansion which resides my personal favorite human, Suyin Beifong. Granted yes, she is the same age as my parents, and I should definitely not be major crushing on her, but I mean… How can you not? Look at her, she’s the fiercest woman I know and would do anything for her family and she made this entire city from nothing, and she’s a Beifong! Her mother literally invented metal bending, which is our entire city. She also started a dance troupe and has worked countless of tiresome hours to perfect her dancers for their plays. I go to every performance and practice.
Speaking of the lovely, perfectionist of a woman, I sat outside helping Kuvira, Suyin’s adoptive daughter practice her dance routine since I’m always at the practices, Kuvira has me help her practice, because like mother, like daughter, she’s also a perfectionist. Something about being abandoned as a child… As we were going over how to jump from the bottom to the top to interlock her ankle with Lucy’s, Su walked up and instantly I started getting nervous, and Kuvira knows my little secret, but finds it weird and childish. Which is probably is, but I ignore her, and keep my little crush on the matriarch to myself. 
“Aww, wonderfully done Kuvira and (y/n)!! That was performed beautifully! I should create a routine without metal bending, so you can participate (y/n)! You’d be such a lovely dancer, might even steal the show!” Su exclaimed in joy while walking up to the two of us, with my pale complexion becoming as red at the Fire Nation. 
“It could’ve been better. Again.” Kuvira said while getting back to the starting position. I just sighed, we’ve been going at this all morning. Usually Su would come by earlier on to watch the practice, but with the Avatar being in town, she’s been preoccupied , which works out for you, since every time she watches you, you get nervous and mess up, and especially when Kuvira trains with you, that usually has you ending on your ass, with a lot of bruises. Kuvira isn’t easy-going, and will use your crush on Su to her full advantage. 
“Oh, Kuvira, you need to learn to take a break, it looks like (y/n) could use one, here have some water.” Su said while pushing Kuvira back down with a water bottle that she brought up. She then handed me one, and I quickly grabbed it, trying to ignore the slight spark of electricity that went off between our fingers when the brushed each other, and quickly downed half the bottle in one go. 
“Wow, you must be thirsty (y/n), I can get you another if you’d like.” Su said, which made you choke on the second half of the bottle, and had you sputtering out that you were okay. Kuvira just scoffed and pushed Su out of the way to go over the form again, she didn’t think it was strong enough. You got back up and started to practice again, ignoring Su’s lingering eyes on you. You kept up with the routine, and eventually Su had to attend to some other things around the city. 
After you finished up, you got cleaned up and ready for bed.You were brushing your teeth when you heard a knock on the door. Confused because Kuvira has a strict sleep schedule that is not to be interupted, and that even means as soon as it’s after dinner, you never hear from her. You finished wiping your mouth and opened your door. Standing there was Su in her long, luxurious emerald green gown with her metal plates and you could smell her fresh perfume she always wore to bed and light green slippers. 
“Su? How can I help you?” You ask, while trying to keep your blush down, or at least not blistering red. You were also trying to ignore the fact that while normal people who don’t crush on others twice their age, they also don’t wear just a large t shirt to bed, with NOTHING underneath. 
“(Y/N), I just wanted to check in with you about a few things, do you mind if I come in?” Su asks. You let her in, but try to ignore that her perfume has you leaning in closer and wishing you could just curl up in bed with her forever. 
As Su walks in, she slightly brushes you with your arm, and the hair on your arm stands up as you clear your throat and close the door behind her. You follow Su into the room as she sits on your bed and you awkwardly stand there. You just look down at the floor, and wait for her to speak. She just sits there and stares at you, and you’re quite confused what she’s looking at, and why she isn’t talking yet. 
“Are you not going to sit?” Su asks. You shuffle and sit next to her, but trying to keep some space between you, for your benefit so you won’t do anything too stupid. This crossed Su’s mind, and she completely ignored it and scooted closer to you and rested her hands on your forearm and knee, which prompted you to swallow loudly, as you tried to ignore your pounding heart. 
“I’ve talked with Kuvira before, and she always says how great you are at talking things through, and I have some concerns.” She starts with, causing you to die a little inside, thinking she knows your little secret. “With my sister being here, and being so resentful against me and my family, I don’t know what to do or say, and my husband is well… we’re not how we used to be, and I feel like you’d have good insight.”
“Uhhh yeah. Um. You’re not?” I squeaked out, not really sure to answer that. She’s not how she used to be with her husband? But they always seemed to be the perfect duo. How is she not doing well with him? Are they splitting up? What happened? Okay (y/n), focus. She’s starting at you. I need to concentrate on what she’s saying. I hear her speaking, but nothing is coming to my ears, I’m just staring at her perfect lips, and wow. They’re so kissable. I wish I could, just…
“(Y/N) are you okay? You seem out of it. I knew this would be too much, just forget I said anything, and have yourself a goodnight.” Su rushed out as she got up to leave. I didn’t know what to do, because now she thinks it’s her fault. I did the only logical thing to do. I grabbed her retreating hand and yanked her back down to me and before she could question anything, I grabbed her face pulled it closer and slammed my lips on her lips. I instantly wrapped my hands into her hair pulling her closer and enjoying this moment. 
She was completely frozen. That’s when the panic started, and I soon realized this was not where she was going with this, and I’m an idiot. Just when I started to pull back, there was a loud bang that shook the mansion, cause me to fall to the floor and Su to stand up immediately. Horrible timing, but I could always just stare at her from this angle. Any angle to be honest. Thats when another loud bang shook the walls, and before I could get up, Su grabbed my hands to lift me up, surprisingly quickly and strong. 
“I need to investigate, stay here (y/n).” Su said eyes piercing through mine. 
“But I-“
“I mean it, don’t leave your room in any circumstance until I come get you.” Su said, then looked at my lips, gave me a quick peck on the cheek instead, and ran out of the room, metal bending the door behind her so I couldn’t get out. Damn metal benders. Though, joke is on her, because Kuvira used to lock me in my room all the time for dinner as a joke. I carved out some hollowed areas to crawl through that gives me outdoor access through the vents. Granted this was 10 years ago, when I was much smaller, but will have to do in a pinch. I wiggled through and I don’t know if its all the training I’ve done with Kuvira to stay toned and made this a piece of cake, or all the sweat I’ve gathered from thinking about the kiss I just shared with Su. Of course she didn’t want to kiss me, I’m her adoptive daughter’s friend, why would she me as anything else? Welp, time to move out I suppose. You know, Fire nation looks lovely this time of year. Another loud bang followed by shouting was heard, and I got back to focus and busted the vent and crawled out. 
When I got up, I see about 20 guards, Su and her twins, team avatar, and Lin. I can’t specifically spot out Kuvira, but I’m sure she’s somewhere amongst the guards. Who I can’t find oddly is the avatar. Isn’t this her thing? Investigation loud bangs? Then I spotted it. The giant metal plates in the center of.. lava? Well that’s new. Some buff, bald man had the knocked out avatar over his shoulder, and everyone was firing metal at him. But some of the guards were fighting a woman with water arms, and a guy who was lavabending?! Who are these people?! My training with Kuvira kicked in, and while I don’t have some super fancy bending like these people, or really any bending, I know how to throw a punch and dodge cheap shots that Kuvira loves to throw at me. 
I run into the action and I spot Kuvira bending her plates at the lady with water arms, but miserably failing. I run up to her and push her behind a pillar. 
“(Y/N)! You can’t be out here, these aren’t normal people. Go call back up!” Kuvira shouted while protecting you from an explosion near by. 
“Idiot, I’ve trained with you, I can help. But you’re such and earth bender. You’re only thinking within the box of fighting. These obviously aren’t normal people. You need to outsmart them, not out bend them.” You shout over all the commotion and duck your head into Kuvira’s arms while splinters of metal go flying a little too close to your face. Kuvira puts up a shield next to you to protect you, and you continue on you theory. “If you can distract the water bending with set up 12-4, then I jump off your back and go and electrocute her. Water hates electricity.” You shout over the loud bangs.
“That could work, but if you get injured, Su will kill me.” Kuvira shouts, while contemplating. 
“That’s okay, I think she already wants to kill me now. I kissed her earlier.” You shout/whisper to Kuvira. She just stares at you with large eyes, and punches your arm. You just shake your head and nod to her. Kuvira get the guards to line up in 12-4, a common move they do to surprise an attacker, with surrounding forces, and my added presence should hopefully hit it home. I waited for the right moment and then when I saw Kuvira was ready and water lady spun around I ran and jumped on Kuvira’s back and she launched me into the air, and thankful for all her dance routines, I flipped next to water arms lady and with the baton fully charged with electricity, I went to electrocute her to take her out, and it was going perfect, except we didn’t account for mr. lavabender to have heart eyes for her, and jump in, and shoot the ground from underneath me, and shoot me into the air, and given it was unpredicted, I was flying far, and crashed into Lin. And man, if I thought Su was strong, her older sister is earth itself, and pure muscle. I groaned from the not so soft landing. I think the ground would’ve been a better landing than Lin. 
“Watch it kid. This isn’t a circus.” She grunts roughly and tosses you aside. Ahh, so now you see the resentment Su was talking about from earlier. You roll off and sit up brushing the dirt off you. That didn’t go as planned. Before you could think of another suggestion, you looked up and saw Su fighting with her twins and you see combustion bender (how did I miss her earlier?!) Directly aim for a rock pile near by Su, to throw all of them at her at once, so she couldn’t dodge it, and before you knew what to do, your body was running full speed at Su, screaming, “Shit, watch out!” as a large boulder was flying at her crush at an extremely fast pace, fast enough all she could do was jump in front of it, and prepare for the sudden pain.
You know those moments when everything slows down, and you just embrace what is happening, but it gives you a chance to look around? This was one of those moments, and you thought you were toast. For sure, going to be flattened out into nothing. Though while you looked around, you see guards running all over, team avatar helping Lin get the avatar, and the twins under the protection of their mother, who is shielding her body to protect them, and staring at you. You feel the wind of the the boulder about to hit you, and you ready yourself for the impact…. That never comes? You look in front of you to see all the boulders that were flying towards you at full speed are now hitting the combustion lady and Lin escaped with the avatar. What really surprised you was the air being blasted from your hands. I’m an airbender????? 
Then the bald man took his staff and the other 3 talented benders into a gust of wind and they were gone. Okay, if I am an airbender, I need to learn that trick. You look back to see if Su is okay, but are instead greeted with arms instantly wrapping around you and the intoxicating smell of Su’s perfume and a bit of mix of burnt earth…You awkwardly return her hug and bury your face into her shoulder, even though she is about an inch or two shorter than I am. 
“You idiot, I told you to stay put! And why would you jump in front of those boulders? I’m an earth bender, I can handle it!” Su screams at you, and you wince.
“Yeah, but I couldn’t see you get hurt, and that was a lot. Even the best of us need help sometimes.” You say as you rub the back of your neck. She just shakes her head at you and brings you in closer. 
After all the crazy moments and discovering the bald man named Zaheer, had all the airbenders, team avatar went after him, and though you wanted to join in on the fight, Su asked you to stay, and while you do love her, you aren’t sure if you can. 
She pulled you aside after the meeting into a small room that was almost never used. “(y/n), I can’t have you in danger again, especially now that you’re an airbender, you’re a bigger target for Zaheer. Please don’t go. I can’t have you getting hurt.” Su says quietly while holding your hand and searching your eyes. You really struggled, you wanted to say okay to make her feel better and happy, but you had to help. 
“Su, I-“
She stopped me by kissing me on the lips, and I think I just died… Is this the spirit world? Sparks shout out from my closed eyelids, and I pulled her in closer to my body as if this was a dream I was hoping to never awake from. Eventually we both pulled away for air, and searched each others eyes while resting our foreheads together. I eventually spoke up, “okay… I’ll stay back.” 
Su visibly sighed and relaxed against my body, and I held her tight and kissed the top of her forehead. I’m not comfortable with the idea of her going out alone, but I heard Kuvira can’t go, and someone needs to stay back to keep her from taking over the kingdom. 
I hope you all enjoyed this, and sorry it went so long!! I just ramble a lot in my head, and it kinda comes out as word vomit, and this is what you get… Please leave a like and comment for support!! 
Also side side note: I know you choose #6, but I wanted to switch it up!!
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emakenz · 3 years
mad that my mom pierced my ears as a 3 month old smh
she thought it would be cute but GUESS WHAT
seriously i still have infections to this day in the old holes (haha) and i havent worn earrings since like. years ago. around a decade ago. i have sensitive skin as it is you fucking cunt you knew this yet you still did it im throwing a tantrum its within my rights DAMN IT. ive ALWAYS had trouble with ear infections (both with the piercings and canal) and she doesnt even APOLOGIZE for it. FUCKING BITCH.
i love my mom but i seriously fucking hate her too. never acknowledges that she has traumatized me and doesnt ever apologize for fucking ANYTHING ever!! (the trauma is unrelated to the ear piercing since i dont fucking remember being stabbed in my ear lobes since i was fucking THREE MONTHS OLD but still)
yeah im venting on tumblr.com nobody rlly cares but uh im not the only one whos had some sort of physical augmentation (hope thats the right word, if not, then mutilation i guess) without my consent and it just makes me mad man. like people whove been circumcised and people whove had surgeries that werent necessary for their health (like "gender correction" surgery and treatments that you see done on intersex children) against their consent have the right to be much more pissed than i am since those can have more detrimental effects but the fact that people who have children automatically believe they own the childs body just because they made it is literally so fucking abysmal and i hate them. even forcing your kid to wear something that makes them uncomfortable or that they dont like is horrendous to me. i was forced into dresses as a little kid and guess what? they think its funny that i cried and they didnt like that i didnt want to wear what they forced on me. they have PICTURES. while it may seem very very stupid to be upset over, its kind of hard not to be affected by something like that. the people that were supposed to protect you and keep you safe and make you feel safe would willingly put you in positions that you didnt/couldnt consent to. its disgusting.
while back on the piercing thing, no, i dont consider it child abuse. i do think its wrong and fucking stupid to accessorize an infant like a doll, i know its normal in a lot of cultures and im not going to say theyre bad for doing it. but i just disagree with it since i strongly believe in consent no matter what it is. if you give birth to a female does that mean you get to force her into ballet? no. a child is a human being that lives with the shit that theyve been put through for the rest of their lives.
im literally pro choice on everything. its about CONSENT. jesus FUCK.
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lombax-lombardi · 4 years
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Summary: When lighting crashes, it means a coming storm. When a creature of the night is without her food source, she will truly lose herself to the blood lust.
Genre: Character building, slight steamy content???? maybe??. Hehehe.
Character: Madilyn Ambrosia.
The loud evil cackle filled the halls of the empty cathedral. 
A fight had ensued here, corpses piled upon corpses. Blood pools everywhere, littering the cracked cobblestone.
“Ahahahahahahaha!” Our heroes stared upon their enemy. An Ancient Dragon by the name of Diera.
The Blood Dragon.
Progenitor of the Diera Crest.
Along with its curse.
“Fools! You cannot stop my quest for vengence!’ She cackled, tossing Hilda across the room her body slamming against the cool marble.
“Mother why?” The one called Desiree cried out, the woman turned her head as if to actually look as to where that sound was coming from.
“Oh? You have lost the right to call me Mother child.” Her eyes were cold.
“Why art thou using thine children to exact thy revenge? Oh whom? On whom Mother has mine dear Lady suffer for you?” She asked, dagger in hand.
That’s who they came here for.
Byleth got a distressing message from the Ambrosia household, that their daughter was kidnapped by hodded figures and taken to this place.
This place was the nest of the Blood Dragon.
Diear, hair ratty and eyes turned to slits, like the reptile she is. “Seiros. SEIROS! I EXACT MY VENGENCE UPON THAT WHORE! SHE CAST ME OUT FOR WHAT I WAS!” Her voice boomed across the giant hall. 
“Ambrosia is the FIRST if my new SPAWN to truly become what she was meant to be!” Her clawed hand seemed to reach for said noble who was across the room.
Trying to fight off the call of her hunger.
The call for blood.
The call for feeding.
“You Desiree, are a failure! You could never become a pure blooded creature of the night.” She declared as a sluggish Hilda returned to the rest of the group.
Two blondes, who are Madilyn’s dearest friends, Minette and Sae were staring at the brunette at her place from across the room.
Minette knows the feeling of being cursed. Her arm itself is a curse. As for Sae she was the one who knew about Madilyn’s condition the longest and it crushed her soul seeing her, back into a dark, dank corner.
Like some wounded animal.
The two women weren’t the only ones who are staring at the scurrying noble.
Two others.
Two men of different backgrounds, while being both nobles, it seems this little dainty creature had caught their hearts.
They were aware of each other yes. 
But only one could claim her heart for their own.
Diera, leaning against her delapidated throne, scoffing, nails tapping against the cool stone. It seems the Professor and their students were disturbing her.
She points a long nailed finger towards the brunette who was now aware of the Ancient Dragons presence. “By my Crest, I turn you-”
Her speech was interrupted by a dagger being thrown near her neck, her eyes went from the dagger to the one who threw it.
“Desiree!” The exasperated voice of Flayn breathed out, the white haired female stareddaggers at the one she called her Mother.
“Do NOT finish the write! DO NOT! I WILL NOT ALLOW IT!” The female dragon lunged at the other, pulling her off her throne and into the crumbling floor.
And she threw a punch at her face, fangs bared. “Thou shan’t recite the write! I will take your tongue for mine own!”
Diear just laughed. “Oh now THATS the daughter I know! Fight me daughter! Prove you are stronger!”
In an explosion of light and dust, two large dragons appeared in the ladies places. Diera was large, covered in whote and red scales to excentuate her status of a Blood Dragon.
Her daughter was different. Despite her white hair, her scales were a deep blue/purple colour, blending together to make her look like a mystical creature.
Well she was one.
The Professor moved their students away from the two dragons fighting as so no one could get injured. But the group had another problem on their hands.
“hey ummm....did anyone see where Maddi went?” Hilda quiered loudly, hooing to get an answer. The group has lost sight of the damsel they were supposed to be rescuing.
The large group of students, former students, slowly sukled around the large cathedral.
Ingrid noticed something. As she was standing next to Sylvain, a dear and close friend but a damn flirt and skirtchaser, he seemed. Stoic.
Yes war in uneasy but this was a different unease.
As the two dragons continued to fight, a scream pierced the darkness. Blood curling.
Bone chilling.
In the darkness they could  see a pair of glowing yellow irises, staring right at them. Byleth stood ready to defend the students when Minette stood in front of them.
She had seen this before.
As did Sae.
As did Sylvain. 
As did Balthus.
Byleth only heard the rumors of Madilyn’s predicament.
According to Hanamen and Madilyn herself plus Desiree, the Crest of Diera demands blood every three months, to keep the curse at bay. Without feeding, the curse will begin to take control.
That’s what was happening now.
The darkness lunged at the cursed one, sounds of muffled cries and hissing filled the air, until the Aevis was thrown across the room at superhuman speed.
There was a loud crack against the stone.
The shadows dispersed revealing Lady Ambrosia, hands clawed, wings protruding from her back, the glowing Crest in the middle of her back.
Glowing dark red.
The two dragons who were fighting paused.
As if time itself stopped.
“No! Lady Madilyn! No!” the sea dragon cried out. Her Mother did get the last laugh after all.
The woman she spent years protecting had become what she dreaded.
Darkness. All there was was darkness.
An inner carnal desire.
The hunger for blood.
but there was something.
Something else.
Filling the ringing in her ears.
She could see what she was doing, throwing her comrades aside but she could not stop herself! She didn’t want to hurt her friends.
Didn;t matter what house they used to belong too.
They were food for her now.
The ground rumbled as the two dragons continued to fight, the vampire threw more of her comrades to the floor, arrows pierced her sking but that did not matter.
She healed quickly.
In the back of her mind she was fighting with herself.
The one who wanted to feed and the one who didn’t want to hurt the people she loved.
The voice back in her mind was Diera, talling her to Feed on the Fell Star.
If she couldn’t find Serios. She’d take the next best thing.
The Professor realised that the brunette’s gaze fell upon them, they knew what to expect next. Sword at the ready, they would cut her down if need be.
But it seems that was not the case as a blur of red and armor dashed past on horseback to knock the vampire across the floor.
Buried under rubble.
The flapping of Pegasus wings filled the air. It was Ingrid. “Sylvain!”
It was Sylvain, who was on that horse who sent Ambrosia flying.
The rubble wouldn’t hold her long. “Ingrid. You and the Professor and the others need to help Desiree. I can do this myself”
The blonde was tempted to hit him in the face. What an idiot. “That sounds stupid! You could die!”
“What she needs is blood....” The raspy voice of Minette called out, being supported by the ever lovely Yuri, who kept whispering to her.
“Blood? Minette what do you know?” Ingrid asked the Aevis, the white haired blue eyed female ran her hand through her hair.
“She’s....not fully a vampire....” she expained through raspy breaths as the pile of rubble began to stir.
“She’s fighting with herself. On the inside I believe. If she just...just had enough blood she’d go back to normal.....”
“That’s your theory!?” Ingrid snapped. “She could kill one of us! Who do you think is going to offer themselves to her?”
The group fell quiet.
That’s when the sound of a horse filled the quiet and headed away.
“I guess that answered your question...Ingrid....Owch...Maddi did a number on me....” Minette grumbled as the sound of hooves faded away.
Hands gripped the rubble throwing old stones away. As if he was looking for something he lost.
Well he kind of did.
Sylvain wouldn’t admit it but since those days in the Acadamey, while he was indeed chasing other women, when Madilyn arrived, he was kind of shocked.
He knew the Ambrosia house was a small house in the Kingdom, he didn’t expect such a beauty inside that house.
He wanted the girl whow would yell at him but laugh at him.
He wanted her back.
Not this snarling creature he is now face to face with.
She was clawing at his skin. Trying to maim him or blind him!
This isn’t the girl he remembered.
The one he secretly yearned for.
All those years.
Sure there was another for her heart.
He didn’t care. He was going to do this for her.
“Madilyn listen to me! This isn’t who you are!” his voice was like the point of a knife, digging into the skin.
He got a loud snarl in response.
He knew in those golden dark eyes the one he cared about was in there, so he had to get her attention some how before she either killed him or else. He lost a piece of his armor in the fight with the dragon Diera, exposing some skin.
That caught the vampires attention, fangs beared.
Until she froze in place.
Froze for a long time.
The golden amber hues in her eyes faded, returning to the earth brown that was warm and inviting.
her hands shook. Who knew how long she’d be left like this before the snarling hungry beast came back out?
“W-Where am I...?? What’s going on?” her eyes wandered nervously,feeling armored hands cup her cheeks, here earth toned eyes meeting the eyes of the infamous skirt chaser.
“Madilyn. Listen to me. You’re about to turn into a full vampire and if you don’t drink human blood you’ll be lost forever!”
This information was new to her. But she knew the hunger inside of her was rising. A loud ringing pain rang through her head which only worried the male more.
“B-But...I can’t...I don’t want to hurt humans anymore...I don’t want anymore blood....” she whimpered.
She looks so small. So fragile there. Which crushed his heart.
Cupping her chin, he lifted her head for her teary eyes to face him. 
“Why? You could die....”
Those words cut deep. very deep. “There is a chance I could kill my prey which is why I rendered them unconcious before I fed...Live victims struggle and that makes me scared, I’d hurt them...Drinking blood is a.....”
Her face turned bright pink.
“Is a.......what?”
“It’s an...intimate process” she mumbled out.
Is that why she fed on common thugs and hoodlums?
She couldn’t do this to someone she loved. But at this point she had no choice.
Madilyn was staring at her bloodied hands, from the blood pools she was sitting in, not even aware of the shifting of armor and body weight. When she lifted her head, she was shocked.
Shocked by lips against hers.
Her eyes squeezed shut, allowing herself to sink herself deeper into his body, lips molding together. His tongue prodded her lips as if asking for enterance, she obliged roaming around her mouth, dipping around her fangs.
She could have bit him there but she didn’t.
Her body felt warm, for the first time in a long while, fingers curled into those loose red locks.
A fire started low in her belly, she couldn’t act on it no. Not now.
Breaking apart, shallowed breaths between the pair, eyes glazed over. 
“S-Sylvain...I-I can’t! Please don’t make me!” She breathed out. She didn’t want to hurt him. What if she killed him?!?!?!
Her eye widened when she saw his exposed neck before her, she swallowed hard.
“Don’t.....please” Tears filled her eyes, he gave her a soft hearted smile. Oh his boyish charm shines through despite the hard 5 years.
“I trust you. You won’t hurt me. I know it.” He voiced dripped with confidence, warmth and love.
“You need to do it....I’d rather die then lose you to your curse” He said it with such vigor that’s when her eyes turned back into that golden black.
She pulled him close, breath fanning against the skin. It caused his breath to hitch. This was going to be painful.
“I’m sorry....” She whispered before her fangs sunk deep into his neck, quickly. Blood slowly dripped from the wound, more then she anticipated.
His haand was in her hair, curling tightly at the searing pain flowing through his burning body he kept her close however. He tugged on her locks slightly as if to pull her back to reality.
Her lips hungryily sucked, drawing more blood from the small punctures. 
“Easy there...easy...easy...” his voice was ragged, breathless as if this was some pre-initmate encounter making out.
her eyes flickered, the golden flecks slowly turning back into those earthy brown hues, her hunger gradually slowed.
“There....There we go...that’s my girl....”
Her face flushed, retracting her fangs from his neck. He was pale. Paler then normal.
But...he didn’t die!
“A-A-Are you alright...Are you alright?” She fell into his arms, holding his face with her hands.
He gave her a small smile, thumb rubbing the front of her hand.
“yeah....yeah I’m fine....You...you think you’re strong enough to fight?” he quiered, motioning to the two dragons still fighting each other.
“I think so.But you’re too weak....Feeding...makes prey weak”
“Oh nah I’m fine” he said confidently, only when he stood up he fell down. Madilyn sighed.
“You stay here and recover, I’ll go fight.” She said, placcing a hand on his shoulder as she whistled for her horse.
To take her into the fight.
Sykvain watched her ride off to the others, running his fingers over the punctures in his neck. They seemed to be healing quickly.
It seems she’s amazing. As always.
He’s gonna have to tell her that.
He also doesn’t mind being marked for the time being. It saved her life.
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Phantom Of The Arcana (PART 2)
( @countlucioheadcanons <3 
The hallway is cold, but the light that comes from the torches graze me with a bit of warmth. Silently, I curse myself for wearing such light and skimpy clothing. A white linen dress that was supposed to look like my night gown and a small linen jacket, my outfit to go out with Julian.
My thoughts were instantly cut off when the burning gaze of my master, or this phantom I should say locked gazes onto me once more, though he wore a blindfold, with a beautiful headdress only to give him a form a elegance beyond no other.
As he led me down the many corridors, hallways and down and down flights of stairs. I felt my head begin to spin when I tried to remember every turn we took, it felt like we’ve just been walking I circles for a while now until I felt something wet at my feet.
“Water…?” I question, slowly turning to look at him as he could only smile at me and pull a boat into view.
“Thought my piece of art would like a gondola ride, but because I cannot go inside, I do hope this is acceptable.” My Angel spoke and I nodded slightly, once the boat was ready for us to get on, he held out his hand for me for to take.
I turn my head back, wondering if Julian was looking for me, only to feel His gloved hand gently grasp my chin and turn me to look back at him.
“Don’t look back into the light, it will blind my finest piece of artwork.” He whispered softly, dragging his gloved hand sensually down my neck, then onto my shoulder where he hesitated for a few seconds only to feel the hand slide down my arm and firmly grasp my wrist.
Once onto the boat, I began to look around in hopes of finding something interesting about this wet, dark and barely illuminated corridor. Besides the fact that it was on water, just to hear my angels’ voice echo around the empty walls of cobblestone filled my heart with a sense of overflowing joy.
Once again, I was lost in thought and a small sigh came from my lips. That is until the loud click of a gate echoed around in the dark corridor where I turned my gaze to where the sounds of clicking echoed.
“Welcome to my home, the music of the night, where people hear me and call me the Angel of Music.” My angel spoke and I looked around, wanting to get off the boat once candles illuminated up the room for my eyes to gaze around.
Music sheets were sprawled everywhere, some having music notes on them and some blanket, some are compiled and some others are wiped in pieces. Mirrors that were covered up all around the room as a piano sat in the corner, candles illuminating everything enough for me to be able to gaze around without squinting. Everything felt… Oddly right.
Feeling a presence next to me, I looked up only to see my angel holding out his gloved hand for me to take, I take it without hesitation as he gently takes me from the boat and leads me around the small home-y area.
Though something catches my gaze, I hesitantly reach out to remove the curtain and he grabs my hand.
“Curious about this art? Here, I want to hold you when you look at it” My angel spoke, his luring voice only caused me to lean back into him as he removed the curtain, if my eyes could be plates, they would.
Behind the curtain was a very beautiful figurine of… Me… Yet what was on the figure is what shocked me the most.
A very beautiful and elegant wedding dress that wasn’t so tight nor to lose, just the most perfect amount of silk and ribbon. It was.. beautiful… Feeling my train of thought loosen, my mind swell and grow lightheaded. Within moments, I’m in my Angel’s arms, having fainted from shock.
Though when I woke once more, I was placed on a beautiful peacock bed, the finest cushions and blankets covering my form as a golden veil surrounded the bed. Confused, I stood and began to walk out and look around in hopes of remembering.
“I remember there was mist… Swirling mist upon a vast, glassy lake. There were candles all round and on the lake there was a boat… And in the boat there was a man…” I whispered, gradually growing louder once I finally get out of the room, spotting the boat and turning my head just a bit more to see someone at the Piano, fitting their headdress on.
“Who was that shape in the shadows? Whose is the face in the headdress?” I asked as I slowly walked over to the man who leaned into my touch as I gently cupped his cheeks. Though slowly, my hands snaked up to the blindfold only to remove it.
The feeling of suddenly being shoved shocked me, crashing next into a candle as he held the headdress close to my chest. Listening to my Angel scream and yell at me.
“Damn you! You little prying pandora! You little demon! Is this what you wanted to see!?” He yelled as he yanked off a curtain from a mirror, opening his eyes only for me to see a small glare of red before he closed them again and felt his way around.
“Curse you! You little lying Delilah! You little viper! Now you cannot ever be free! Damn you! Curse you!” He continued to rave on as he walked around boundlessly until he finally found a spot beside me.
I scooted back from fear of getting him a small sob of a sigh came from my lips as I gazed at him, tears running down my cheeks.
“Can you dare to think of me as a monster? This loathsome gargoyle who burns in hell but secretly years for heaven… Secretly yearns for beauty… Emma…” His tone grew softer as he looked at me, well just turned his head and I felt the disappointed look behind his hand and eyelids.
Another small sob came from me as I gently handed him the headdress. He gently grazed his hand over mine before taking his headdress and turned away from me to put it on. Slowly turning back to me, he helped me up and sighed.
“I must return you, those idiots that run my theater will be missing you” He spoke softly to me, squeezing my hand as he brought me back to the surface only to be greeted by yelling in the lobby and Portia and Mazelinka looking at me worriedly. Being taken to bed, I couldn’t imagine the hell that people were raising outside.
All I could do was sigh. Vlastomil was back and I didn’t have the leading soprano part for this play. I actually had the silent role. Putting on my makeup for my role, I could feel the piercing eyes of my master from somewhere, I knew anger raged within them.
“I’m sorry master, they didn’t let me…” I whispered to him as I got up and slipped on my outfit.
Anger flowed within Lucio’s veins as he rushed around the opera house. The play had already started, someone was in his normal seat and Emma wasn’t playing the main female role, and he had some jackass on his tail.
Making his loud announcement, make everyone in shock, including my little art piece. A small smirk played on my lips as I began to play with my new little toy.
A small growl came from Lucio as the man began to run away from him. It wasn’t long before the man had fallen into Lucio’s trap when the ballet began to play.
Screams erupted from the crowd and the dancers when the man that Lucio had just killed was dangling there on a noose, shaking around as if he were one of the dangers before being fully dropped onto the ground.
I was running around the opera house, avoiding the chaos as I felt a gloved hand grab onto me. Spinning on my heel quickly to see if it was friend or foe, I could only sigh in relief once I saw the worried face of a familiar friend. Julian.
Grabbing in his arm, I began to drag him back into the opera house, only to drag him farther up stairs back stage and up more stairs, our conversation kept short. “Why have you brought me here, Emma?” Julian asked once we were on the roof, both of us out a breath.
“Julian, I’m frightened! Last night the Angel of Music came to me and… And…” I shook my head, unable to even think of it.
“Emma… Emma.” Julian started, gently grabbing hold of my arms to pull me into a small hug.
“Emma…” I heard the voice of my master echo around the roof, a small shudder ran through me.
Julian pulled me close into a tight hug. Making sure my form was safe and secure in his arms that felt so much home. So much like the past but, this is the present. Yet… What about the future?
“Emma… I’ve waited so long to ask you, but seeing you’re in a desperate time of need of someone to hold you, watch you, protect you and shield you… Emma, I love you. Share one love and one lifetime with me? Please, thats all I ask of you” Julian whispered to me, only for me to freeze in shock. All this time, Julian has… Loved me?
“Yes! I will share one love, one lifetime with you, Julian! All I ask for is just that with you. Only you and for our future to hold prosperity between us both…” I answer him with glee, a bright and happy gleam in my eyes as I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into a long and passionate kiss.
Its been a month since Julian has asked me to be his wife. A large smile was on my face as we walked into the ballroom, arms linked together. I’ve never felt anymore happier than this moment exactly.
Though we’re back in the place where my nightmares happen, where my angel or this phantom would follow me and whisper and sing into my ear, watch my every moment without feeling any shame.
A small shudder rippled through my body as I felt the same gaze again press against against the back of my head, my grip tightening on Julian who took notice and tried to comfort me.
“Look, my future bride is standing next to me, always looking so elegant. I’m surprised none of the women here are whispering how beautiful you are.” Julian whispered into my ear, making a small smile stretch onto my lips at his statement and weak flirting.
“Please Julian, don’t let them see. I don’t want Him to know.” I emphasized the word Him so that Julian could catch on, but his smile only  got cockier by the second.
“Emma, this is an engagement, not a crime. Emma what are you afraid of?” Julian asked, his smile being replaced with a glance of worry as I begin to pull him onto the dance floor. I could only shake my head as we begin to dance around the floor, getting some glares but I’m pretty sure its just Vlastomil getting jealous that I have Julian, and he doesn’t once again.
Smiling up at Julian, I’ve never been this happy since Julian asked me to marry him. Another moment I shall cherish as long as I possibly can. Though the moment wouldn’t last long as the lights suddenly dimmed and the brightest light was on a familiar mask.
“Its him…” I whispered to Julian who only glared at him, pulling away from me and beginning to rush off. A small sigh escapes my lips as my eyes are stuck on my master. And ONLY my master.
His gaze locks with mine, I know he’s staring right at me in amusement. His strides are slow and longing as he walks over towards me, my breath catches in my throat as his hands gently cup my cheek before sliding down to my chest, ripping the ring off from my chain around my neck.
“You cannot change! You belong to me!” He yelled in my face, tears welled up in my eyes as I watch him leave, only to see Julian jump down where my angel had left.
With Julian, Mazelinka had to save him from the maze of mirrors and light now, Mazelinka was trying to slip away from Julian by rushing through the many corridors of the opera house but Julian was persistent.
“Please! Madam Mazelinka! I need to know why he is after Emma!” Julian stated softly, following her through the halls and Mazelinka only growled.
“No! I can’t! Theres been too many accidents!” Mazelinka stated quickly, trying to close the door only for a foot to come between the door and the frame.
“Accidents?” Julian asked through gritted teeth. Mazelinka sighed softly knowing this boy wouldn’t give up when his love was on the line.
“Alright.. Come in” She whispered softly, grabbing Julian’s wrist as she brought him in and locked the door.
“It all started when I was training to be a ballerina here at the opera house. I was staying in the dormitories and… There was a circus in town, gypsies.” Mazelinka began to tell her story, putting down pictures on the table for Julian to see.
“And they called him the devil’s child.. He had unique red eyes and golden hair that seemed to be of actual gold and a missing arm.” Mazelinka explained only to shake her head slightly.
“He killed the gypsy that ran his exhibit. So I took him… I took him away from all the pain that he’s known… And hid him in here, now its his artistic domain, his playground! He’s a genius!” Mazelinka began to get all teary when she finished the story.
“Mazelinka, clearly genius had learned to madness.” Julian stated to the old woman as he left her room only to take me back home, away from the phantoms lair.
Though I could feel the cold gaze all the way home away from the opera house, all the way back home where I stayed with Julian. The burning sensation of watchful eyes that ever left my form.
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krayns · 7 years
All :p
THANKS A! okay ill skip the ones M already asked me!
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? 
LOLOL, well it was the GC so I would say hey bitches wus good. ACTUALLY. I’D BE LIKE YALL CAN LOOK BUT CANT TOUCH CAUSE YALL BITCHES BE GETTING THE WRONG IDEA, and told yall bout a good million times Im just not interested. Pls take a hint.
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
WELL. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, bc he was a lowlife scrub who I do not need in my life at all. Blocked & erased my history 
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care? 
UM…. yes bc I would care about my partner and would want the best for them……. so I wouldnt want them on drugs 24/7
4. Is your last name longer than six letters? 
OMG its exactly 6 letter BISH.
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober? YA GIRL WAS DRUNNNNK IN LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE 
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
OMG NO. Im never the one to mess it up SMH, im the one left to clean up the mess SMFH 
7. What does your last received text say? “Or nahhh” 
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? 
LMFAO what kind of question. YALL REALLY THINK I SIT THERE AND COUNT EVERYTIME I KISSED MY MAN LIKE LOL?????????  Lets just say I kissed him WAY too many times than he deserved. (V many times tho bc who doesn’t love a good smooch)
9. Where was your last kiss at? 
BRUH. my ex mans house OK NEXT 
10. When is the last time you saw your sister? 
well I have 2, and a few hours ago before they both went to sleep bc they youngins. 
11. What do you drink in the morning?
Ya girl likes her steaming hot cup of TEA in the morning. Gotta have my daily tea. 
12. Where did you sleep last night? 
My mans crib ;) why you care tho?
13. Do you think relationships are hard? LOL. They’re hard if you make em hard. And if you’re partner is stressin you then hell yeah. But I mean no relationship is perfect. Its all about working through those hard times and that honestly makes the relationship stronger. 
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? 
YES. I would’ve left the trash ass ugly piece of garbage that treated me like shit and used the hell out of me, before I got super attached to him and let him walk all over me. DEFS wish I could’ve left his fuck boy ass long time ago, shouldn’t have let things lasted as long as they did.
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO. bruh. YOU ARE ASKING FOR A WORLD WAR 3. im crying could you imagine. OH he would be shook. That or he would have the best sex of his life lbr. 
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
Sunny when I gotta go out, Rainy when I’m inside/ at night. BC YA GIRL HATES GOING OUT IN THE RAIN. Womans are not tryna look like a wet cat. 
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? 
Actually yes quite a few, people I knew from school, also I think Selena Gomez? My middle name is kinda basic.
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
None of the above ;) 
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
PART OF ME: I REALLY HOPE SO bc ya girl a hopeless romantic 
OTHER PART OF ME: HONESTLY IDEK BC MANS ARE SO WHACK THESE DAYS, HARD TO FIND A QUALITY QT, and honestly im doing me these days like mans can wait BYE 
20. Does anyone like you?
Jesus! My boy JC. Dont know if anyone else likes me bc like I clearly can’t read minds so?
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
Besides family, no one else is ringing a bell
22. Is the last person you kissed gay? 
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
Currently: My EX, Alicia from AYTO (tv show) (snake ass bitch), 
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
Yessss many times. Like theres so many ideas I have. I would probs get one like on my side, back, lower waist, or behind my ear? Either something cute or something with meaning.
25. In the past week have you cried? 
Yes I think I had a moment the other day.
26. What breed was the last dog you saw? 
A cockerspaniel. 
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
Depends on my mood. I really like showers tho, preferably with my man 
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
Not yet ;)
29. Do you think you’re old?
Honestly sometimes I feel old asf
30. Do you like text messaging? 
TBH not really. I prefer having that face to face, talking through text is too much miscommunication. 
31. What type of day are you having? 
A swell day, kinda was in my feels earlier but ya girl got it together. 
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
YASSSS. I’ve wanted one for a while, but now I’m like do I want one that bad? It would be cute af THO
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
WARM WARM WARM. No ones tryna freeze their ass off. Ya girls an Island baby 
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
Jesus Christ. 
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
RELATIONSHIPS, FUCK FLINGS ARE JUST NOT FOR ME. I am not meant for that fling life 
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
Im quite wild tbh when you get to know me
37. What song are you listening to? 
Currently: Straight Up & Down by Bruno Mars 
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it? 
Hellllll YEAH 
39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you? 
Yes, I’d say my Moms, Ash, Rach or my sister Tia
40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
OK. WELL…………………………………… dont ask me bout this rn im confused. But I kinda also have feelings for my ex ex man who wasnt really my man but still he is literally like my ideal man and ive been seeing him a few times and im triggered UGH my first uni LOVE FML fuck he has me WEAK ASF
41. When did you last receive a text message? 
A second ago: so 1:55 AM 
42. What is wrong with you right now?
no but real talk school out here draining me. ALSO IM V CONFUSED BOUT STUFF. 
43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
YO thats my girl. RIDE OR DIE since 7th grade. I know her like the back of my hand and likewise for me. 
44. Does anyone disgust you? 
HAAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA, you already fucking know the answer. TRASH ASS EX MAN. Also fuck boys just disgust and erk my soul in general. 
45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
Depends on who’s asking 😏 but hey if I like you, you cute, nice, funny, LOYAL, determined I mean I would probs say yes. ALONG WITH MY OTHER WANTS: smells good, good style, nice hair, kind, TALLLLLL, athletic, 
But hey I mean he don’t have to fit all these categories, im just being extra here 
46. Are you in a good mood right now? 
Currently Yes :D
47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
My mom
48. What color shirt are you wearing? 
Not wearing a shirt oooooooops 😳
49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? 
YUP. dont wanna repeat bc it was honestly the DOUCHIEST thing I’ve ever heard in my life and it makes me sick to my stomach that this literally came out of a mans PIE HOLE. i cant. 
50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
Already gave up on em. LIKE UP OUT OF MY LIFE. blocked and erased that history 
51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? Not really my ex ex man I still kinda like. BC my ex man was not the one that a fell hardest for so nah. IF IT WAS HIM THEN I WOULD. 
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
ummmmm noooo????
53. Do you like rain? 
Only when I’m inside, or about to sleep. That Netflix and cuddles possible chill typa weather ya feel 
54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
Nope, unless the liqs turns them into a monster then yes I would care. 
55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? 
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL😳😳😳 HONEST TO GOD IM EITHER STRAIGHT UP OR SO LOWKEY. Like im TOO GOOD AT THIS. I could be crushin so hard on someone and they would never know bc im too good at hiding it.
56. Do you like to cuddle? 
YES LOOOOOOOOOVE. your girl likes her doses of cuddles. BABS like getting cuddled too ): 
57. Are you shy? 
LOL HONEST YES. IM SO SHY AROUND CUTE BOYS OR LIKE PEOPLE I DONT KNOW. But once I get comfortable with you whoever you are im defs not. YA GIRL WILD AF
58. Do you get along with girls?YASSSSSSSS girl power bitch. LOVE MY GIRLS. Love hyping and empowering up my girls. 
59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
60. What do you carry with you at all times?
STRESS. LOL jks but omg phone, lipgloss (bc you never know if you eva gonna kiss a QT), the normals 
61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
YES. OBVI. I’m that long term typa gyal ;) Im that ride or die typa girl
63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? 
LOOOOL. Lets not think back to that time, I already ctrl alt and DELETE. BOI BYE 
64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
um YES. stop. putting. me. in. my feelS. But lets just say it wouldn’t just end with a kiss on the forehead ;) 
65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week? 
Well im cute so……….. everyday something cute happens aka ME :)
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
21, and the rest were family SO LOL 
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?   
honestly i can do my own nails, but its nice to treat your self
68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? 
ZEBRA, your girl is a zebra print stan, my whole room is practically this print 
69. Do you have any stickers on your car? 
i dont own a car, but the car I drive has a “princess on board sticker” which is for my little sister but HEY its suitable for me too so 
70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?
Lil Wayne… not about that country/ tim buck two. But tbh I dont listen to either of em 
71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?  
72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    
Maybe like last year? Usually get pizza pizza
73. Do you like diet soda?   
NAH, diet taste kinda weird 
74. What color are the walls in your room?    
Its like an olive green, but I want to re paint, maybe a shade of pink 
75. Are you 16 or older?    
older…. why you tryna holla?
76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?  
I did…. show got mad boring tho. 
77. Do you have a job?   
Not currently, in school tho
78. What are your initials?   
79. Did you ever have braces? 
nope, but the dentist always ask me if i had braces and always say how nice my teeth are :D
80. Are you from the south?  
81. What does your last status on facebook say?  
um???? I think I promo’ed Ash’s travel VLOG, check that shit out tho!!!!!!!
82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? 
83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? 
I would say my dad bc I grew up with him? but i tell my mom and step mom more personal stuff/ everything so
85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? 
I think it was suicide squad.
86. Do you smoke?    
Nah, not on those greens fam
87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?  
DEPENDS. On location and look. 
88. Is your phone touch screen?    
89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? 
Well my hair is wavy and I usually just leave it natural. I love straightening my hair but takes way too much strength and energy out of me.
90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?  LMFAO YES. TO GO TO SLEEPOVER AT ONE OF MY MANS HOUSE IM CRYING @GOD forgive me father 
91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? 
94. Are you single or in a relationship?   
Doing me. Living life. Doing whatever the hell I want. I am happy and thats all that matters. Not letting mans bring me down, have me stressing, crying myself to sleep, or crying until i have no more tears to cry
95. What were you doing last night at midnight?  
Texting my squad in the GC, talking about waste mans 
96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?  
Fireworks in my heart: probably in the summer on my first date with trash 
97. Do you like the camera on your phone?   
YES bc I stay taking cute pics, im obsessed with taking fire pics
99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    
NOPE. Always know my limit
100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? Hate is a v strong word. I think if anyone I really disliked I’ve removed, I may have some fakes from like HS but thats about it.
103. Do you have any tan lines right now?  noPE, but honestly i wish I did bc I wanna go somewhere warm 
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