#i can talk bout it all day.
ac1dhao · 10 months
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everyone has moved on and i’m still stuck here obsessing over long hair jeonghan.
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squuote · 6 months
man not to be that guy but like. if I gotta see or hear someone say the fandom is bad one more time I might just kill someone. and then kill someone again. just make an analysis post or idk do something fun and fucking shut uuup ohmy god
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
what happened to boreas during the events of saint's campaign? I'd have figured because of his self sustaining properties, he'd be one of the last iterators actually functional before saint inevitably bababooeys him
-snaps fingers n fingerguns atcha- you got That right, buckaroo! Boreas indeed is still kicking just fine when Saint enters the Aeolus Root ring, especially if you ignore his mental state consisting of crushing loneliness and nasty ass giant case of guilt. i told Shkiki this- i geniunely think he'd only die if a lot of ice would block his water filtration systems. he's like a damn cucaracha
(see, Beebee is stationed very high up north n i think he's close enough to the sea that he uses That as his water supply. he runs Very cold, much more so than a normal Iterator- this is mostly the case cuz i wanna give the greek god Boreas shout out with it, but in-universe can be blamed on his sheer massive size. he needs to keep himself as cold as possible. can't exactly cool his systems with solid ice tho and so this person who doesn't like/can't handle other people Needs these other people that warm up the atmosphere n keep the polar caps at bay. so honestly even tho he's fine n dandy when Saint finds him, he was already living on borrowed time)
Saint has a bossfight with Boreas just like with Sliver except Boreas is.. kinda more sturdy n also more aggressive n has a bigger chamber- he's like Sliver+, that girl was a weasel. hard mode Sliver.
it takes a bit, but eventually Boreas' puppet falls and the antigravity stutters to a stop. i imagine that working iterators that put up a fight need multiple blasts before they completely die because each blast is killing only a portion of the Hivemind, then the rest of it rushes to fill in the holes, that gets blasted and the process is repeated until there's no more of the collective left. so you can imagine what kind of state B is prolly in after like 9 direct blasts
torn apart, exhausted and so much more smaller n lonelier than before, Boreas finally stops fighting and instead huddles in a corner. for once absolutely terrified out of his mind n insterestingly enough- regretful. he tries to send out a warning signal to the rest of the group, but he can't manage it with how diminished he's become. Saint approaches. Boreas doesn't plead for mercy. he stares the rat down even when its eyes wildly flash
Saint finishes him off. Leaves. Notos watched the whole thing
to say that Notos is fuckin Traumatized from that is an understatement. its special overseer stays with Boreas' puppet beeping at it for an hour, waiting for him to wake up. but of course, nothing
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now, i'll add- Beebee n Notty didn't ever really Fully Click together. either they didn't interact much because of their "i gotta work, man" mentalities, they were shit at interaction or they barked at each other (even in mythology it says that fights between Boreas and Notos were catastrophic and absolutely terrifying- fun fact! Notos actually seems more dangerous than Boreas from what i've read n this Is meant to be reflected with the Anemoi Iterators too). like i've had the idea that when Notos calls for an elder brother n Boreas n Euros look up, it'd specify "the elder brother that I actually appreciate" when needin Euros
either way, these two were still siblings and Boreas *did* Mentor Notos when it needed it (along with Euros; the Winds r kinda like a lil self-sustaining group within the bigger group- they are "Elite"/Leading Iterators of The Children of Eo after all) n they still like... Loved each other. even when Notos cut the communications with him after everything started going down the drain, it still loved him. n it regrets some things it said to him (thoughtless.. cruel things...) but cuz of the way it is as a person it never decided to step up n be the one to reestablish contact and apologize
and now Boreas is dead. one of the first iterators of the group gone, maybe the third. it can never say now, how it is so sorry and never meant it
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seiwas · 7 months
the new troye sivan album is so good for situationship iwa tho 😭
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dont-offend-the-bees · 5 months
Quirky representations of dementia should go die actually
#pardon me my friends i know I'm in a Good Mood today and will probably continue to be once I've taken some time to be mad/sad#but god the other night our ex-neighbour was obvs trying to comfort me#by talking bout a lady with dementia she knew who was onviously sick but in her mind she went out and did things and danced#and i was at the dinner table with my own sick lady#and therefore could not say honey. good for her i guess.#but my mum is almost aggressively trapped in her here and now#she doesn't know how to exist without us#her safe person is the husband her marriage was failing with#if we go out for five minute she panics and scratches at the door#she is sad and confused 95% of the time#content and confused the other 5%#and i can barely even visualise her as my mum anymore#because the mum who raised me would've killed herself if she knew this was coming#(like she used to tell me that. frequently tell her small child she'd rather kill herself than be unable to look after herself)#(which had a very normal impact on me I'm sure)#anyway. I'm a huge hypocrite and will still go and listen to marbles by the amazing devil and think it's the loveliest most romantic thing#and maybe some people do get lucky and find some joy in their minds when they have nothing else#but i have to just watch her brain fester and decay every day and there's just nothing quirky or beautiful about it#and all i can think is about how there's those mums who don't like raising small kids but enjoy parenthood when the kids are grown#and how that was supposed to be her#for a little while it was her#for a brief window of a couple of years she and i were each others best friend#and now she's this sad scared anxious thing shaped like my mum#who doesn't trust me as much as the man she was maybe a year or two out from leaving#and she's trapped in her brain and swiftly rotting#and it's just not cute and it's not funny#anyway#it is what it is#mr. bees speaks
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
What’s a genuinely sweet moment with Jo?
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slutauthority · 1 year
it’s just!!! So easy!!! Like if queer is not a fucking slur than why is it supposedly this all powerful word like how did it get to that point? It’s so annoying bc this shouldn’t be that big of a fucking deal but you cunts call us TERFs and literal fascists for asking not to be referred to as queer and I don’t want to keep being forced to have this conversation. Like I had to see someone say calling queer a slur is ahistorical!!!! Which is insane!!!!! like!!!!! aren’t you fucking embarrassed? You fucking should be
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what-the-fuck-khr · 5 months
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if I have to see another fucking video that calls me a fucking neurospicy/neurospicies I will personally find the ASMRtist in question and rip their fucking hands off
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aria0fgold · 8 months
Whumptober day 10, alternative prompt used: Hunting
Character: Panacea
Once upon a time, there lived a prince, a witch, and a hunter. The witch cursed the prince, the hunter killed the witch, the curse was lifted, and they all lived happily ever after.
But what if the prince and the witch are one and the same?
The world becomes the hunter then.
Panacea hugged himself tighter as he sat curled into a ball at the corner of a cave he hid himself in. It was cold, dark, dusty, damp, and quiet with only the occasional sound of droplets from the ceiling hitting the ground piercing the deafening silence. He took a shaky deep breath, body heavy from the exhaustion of another cat and mouse chase. With his soul exhausted from the weight of it all.
It was always the same, the stray mouse found a home with friendly cats. Cats who cared about the mouse, and the mouse who trusted the cats. If only the world was like the fairytales, it would've ended happily then. But life is never like the fairytales. Because the stray mouse will always be a mouse, and the friendly cats will always be a cat. There's only one ending for such a story like that. The cat bares their teeth and chases the mouse, the mouse then runs with all their might. Because it was either death or survival.
He was exhausted. Was it so wrong to want a place to belong? So wrong to want someone to care about him? So wrong to want his own “home”? Why? Because he wasn't human? Because of something he has? A blessing to others yet a curse to himself. It was his name, a constant reminder of what he is to others. Panacea, cure-all. He once liked that name, not anymore.
It was the only thing he had, no memories, no family, nothing but a name, a power, and a weakness he can never tell or show. But now he has none, not when his name is nothing but a reminder, not when his powers is for other's to use. What else is he left with? A weakness.
He's exhausted.
Panacea took another shaky deep breath, putting his head on his knees, pursing his lips as tears flowed down his cheeks. Why was he even born to begin with? To be a tool locked in a golden cage? Why does he always put his hopes up? Only to be let down again? Why must he even keep living? When everything in the world can easily kill him?
He always believed in the rainbow after the rain.
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mysicklove · 8 months
Well now you have a Halloween costume idea
Alice mccullen
i didnt see this. but then how am i supposedd to be pussy in booties 😔
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stevebabey · 2 years
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judarist · 11 months
again my s*ster continues to be the most useless 
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abimee · 1 year
despite how much WOL art i make i still have the ''I NEED TO DRAW 14 ART'' crave in my gut like i need to draw canon scenes and canon characters and such. it is disgusting how much this game motivates me to pick up a pencil and write or draw NOTHING has ever pushed me like this
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0iam0 · 1 year
Idk I take this blog too seriously or something so just posting whatever. I'm in some laboratory and idk what we're doing, what readings are we supposed to be taking
i bored
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feel free to talk. always feel free to talk btw. u can even spam my dms I wouldn't mind
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scribbling-dragon · 2 years
something i miss about a few months ago, despite how i was constantly stressed in that time, was how i got to talk about the vigilante au with people through asks and stuff
ive fallen out of love with that au now (who knows, maybe ill revamp it for s2) but i domiss talking about something like that with very little concern over spoiling what mighy happen, because it was partially written by asks.
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
Hi Jaevya! You know Naka right? Can I ask how you two met and what your opinion of him is?
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->He debates.. clearly unsure if he wants to speak about it..
"Not like it's much of a secret anyways. That boy enjoys talkin' about people he's friends with.. I don't mind."
"..We definitely go back.. I reckon back when I looked a little different too. Probably four cycles ago."
"..And before he bit the dust. Not hard to see he's reanimated. Many think he's got some weird marks on his face and some tattooed sclera... so I think it's better that way.. till he runs his damn mouth 'bout it. Somethin' bout bein' transparent ta others. He hates makin' others wigged out 'bout it."
"I accidentally found the purple when he was still a grub. Real active one he is. Wandered off from that old Lion Lusus of his.. and he somehow meandered few acres over ta my property.. Just kinda made noises at me and started to lightly hit his head against ma' leg. Definitely picked up them traits from his lusus.."
"I just kept him 'round till his guardian showed up. She looked tired. He scampered over. They left."
"Rinse and repeat... hmm.. many many times.. even had his twin squeakin and runnin up too."
".. Then it stopped. I think that's when they were startin' ta get around themself. I got worried. Went and checked up on em.. and one check up turned into two... then three.. four.. and it was kinda sealin' my fate. I was stuck hangin' round the Skeuno twins. Kinda funny in reality. Turned into the one poppin in unannounced."
"I've seen the good and the bad moments. I was practically like a damn mother hen. Did more than that sorry excuse of a lusus ... and have kinda been round whenever.. Till Naka died. Its... a complicated affair. Gave me a deep understandin' of the boy... and watched another drift away."
-> His tails flick aggressively at the memories.. frustration.. that is what it was. He knows things he shouldn't know. He sucks in a sharp breath..
"..... With that understandin'.. comes my own complicated feelin' 'bout him."
"I ruined whatever this.. new life.. of his.. Actions have consequences. I ruined a happy kid by being selfish and emotional."
"That boy might pretend to be happy chipper 'bout it.. being back. But I know it not to be true. The only difference now.. is I think he's copin' better with a like fated person round him.. and some new people in his life. I want him to be happy. Not the fake one he puts up. A real happy."
".. I clearly like the kid if I'm ramblin' bout my feelings so openly.. I just want the best.. and to make this new life of his one where he can start to move on from the burdens of the past."
"But it ain't sugar and spice I tell ya that."
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