#i cannot get over their vday and white day bs okay? i love them so MUCHHAUIDHGIHUDIHS
tokuteasings · 1 year
Meeting - MetsuBouJinRai
I WILL NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT MBJR OKAY? I LOVE THEM SO MUCH THAT IT H U R TS Warnings: This can be read as platonic or romantic and is dedicated to @melting-morning-blues a fellow MBJR (and naki) simp lol. Probably spoilers....yeah...def spoilers. Also this is sad kinda?
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The only time you’re gonna be able to meet Horobi in a positive aspect is after this man has reformed himself. He’s hiding in the shadows of the world now, he’s protecting it in his own way. He’s ensuring the Ark does not come back and he takes his job oh so seriously. He does not need to sleep and is reluctant to ask for help from Aruto (for obvious reasons) or even AIMS. He’s better at asking for help from the other members and his own son but it’s still...um...difficult. 
Your first meeting is that he’s protecting you from an attack somewhere or from a malicious human. It’s a nonlethal blow and Horobi just stands over them and then looks over at you. You know who he is, he was all over the news once upon a time and as he turns to leave, you speak, “Thank you.” it’s honest and sincere and this catches his attention. So he turns to you and asks, “Are you not afraid of me?” and when you shake your head no...Horobi is confused. He was...ya know...not a good person...
“You’re helping now, so there is no need to be afraid of you.” and this shocks him for a good while. He’s deathly silent and his glare could kill people. But he doesn’t speak as he leaves and you are left. But what you don’t know is that Horoboi is secretly following you as you walk to your destination in the dark, wanting to ensure that you’re okay before actually leaving.
You uh...end up meeting him again when he rescues you from yet another fucker. You chuckle and state, “We gotta stop meeting like this.” which causes Horobi to roll his eyes. “It is merely chance, do not get in trouble again.” and then...ya keep meeting again. Whoops. You swear you are not stalking him and he is definitely not stalking you. But it is chance and well...ya better off getting to know this dude anyway.
Ya somehow end up with Horobi on speed dial and you tend to text him about things about your day! He doesn’t respond quickly as he takes his time to come up with the proper responses (sometimes hijacked by Jin who’s happy that his papa has a friend) and sure these responses are dry as hell and he may not fully get things even using the internet...but Horobi is honestly trying. He’s not going to open up right away bit he’ll get there...and he considers you interesting either way...
The only way to meet Naki is technically through AIMS, especially through Yua. Naki is a homebody at heart and they tend to keep to themselves. They only interact with people when they deem it necessary and other than that, they really only hang with like...Yua and Fuwa? You meet Naki because Yua introduced you to them, in order to consolidate better camaraderie between members. Naki was difficult to get used to, honestly, not because they’re a Humagear but simply because Naki is just very hard to talk to. It’s kinda awkward and silent for a while.
Naki is super professional, however, so it’s difficult to make small talk with them. They’re focused on their work and it’s difficult to mesh with them. However, one thing Naki does enjoy talking about is their dreams and MBJR. Though it is slight, you see this...strange glimmer of artificial light within their eyes when they speak about it. It’s quick and ephemeral, you need to catch it before it dissipates altogether. They’re affectionate towards their comrades, their family...and it’s so sweet to see.
If you all have seen the Zero One anime, you know Naki is...secretly a bit of a lil shit. Ikazuchi did break the rules and Naki is secretly rather competitive and they don’t really notice it until someone has to point it out to them. Naki had been invited to a group party and they started to play games and Naki got super into it and honestly, Naki probably got it from Fuwa...
It takes a long while for Naki to warm up to you, even then communication verbally is sparse. But it helps that you have Yua to help mitigate the tension just a bit. Though, it soon ends up becoming comfortable silence between the two of you as each of you do your own thing. You just pass information to each other in this dance of quaint trust that speaks volumes within the silence. Naki shows it with cues you honestly almost miss. Perhaps small nods and a slight change in the openness of their body language.
Naki whispers a genuine and kind, “Thank you.” to you one day when you had complimented them. It’s robotic a bit but there’s this twinge of gratefulness and lightness to their voice in the end. This soon spirals into asking them to possibly some down time outside of the AIMS office and they accept, perhaps one of the few times they have an actual human friend that isn’t Yaiba or Fuwa...and it’s nice.
Meeting Jin starts when he finds you repairing a dumped Humagear, after all...it must have belonged to someone and lived out his short life to its fullest. So you wanted to at least give it something. He’s surprised that you are helping, and he eventually helped you bring it to Hiden Aruto who fixed it up real quick! He thanks you of course, and then he is on his way. He’s surprised that you are helping Humagears but knows that they’re aren’t bad humans out there and inwardly, he hopes he gets to see you again.
And then he did. He finds you ending up working for Aruto’s company and meets you again when he visits him! You two get formally introduced by this time and you end up...not really tailing Jin (even though he jokes that you are) but keep on meeting him whenever you work for Aruto. Jin is the only member of MBJR that visits Aruto the most and it’s not a surprise to see him in the president’s office just chatting with him or learning about the happenings of the day. Thus, you kind of end up getting to know him during this time. 
You two end up becoming work buddies and whenever Jin visits, half of it is now to visit  you! It’s like patrol but not really patrol because he’s here to kinda goof-off half of the time. He takes his job seriously but like...there are times when he wants to be himself, and experience things for himself. It’s human-like and childish, yes, but honestly...it’s worth it to see him smile. 
He’s very much the easiest out of all of MBJR to get along with, and soon enough you are pretty much going flower shopping with him. He has a garden back in Daybreak Town and loves finding little whacky pots and new flowers to plant! Hell, if you two go paint flower pots together, he’s over the moon!
Jin is the most receptacle to texts from you and tends to randomly send you texts as well! It’s things like you two exchanging greetings, things about your respective days, where to meet up for a job, where to meet up for another shopping trip, etc! He has come to enjoy hanging out with you and honestly looks forward to it! Expect him to text you in the middle of the night just because he wants to hang or something, lol.
You met him when he was still known as Raiden and Subaru was by his side. He was probably sitting in a planetarium at his workplace, mapping out this false map of stars and there’s this twinkle in his eyes like a longing...he’s seen the real thing but sometimes, here on earth...it’s beautiful to see them plastered on to a simple ceiling. He hears you and wonders if you had gotten lost, laughing if you are and trying to take you back. 
He introduces himself as Raiden and you two spend time talking about the stars and planets. As he has spent so much time up there, he tells you about the beauty of it, how small everything was from his point of view. He knows you cannot see it but ends up giving you photos he had snapped while up there. “For a keepsake.” and he gives you a playful wink and ruffles your hair. “See you around, some day!” You visit him often now, wanting to learn more, understand more, and are magnetized to his energy...
When he is destroyed as Ikazuchi, you go to spend time with Subaru now...in mourning, perhaps. You two have gotten closer since meeting with Raiden and it’s this silent moment between the two of you as Subaru is processing his grief. It’s a new emotion for him and he can’t shed tears but it’s these sobs that threaten to tear out his sensors and voice box and he clings to you tighter than ever. You can’t do much but just hold him...
When he comes back as Ikazuchi, it’s awkward but you ran up to him with the brightest sparkles in your eyes and almost tackled him into a hug. “You’re back! You’re back Raiden!” and he stiffens. He hesitates to embrace back but pushes you away and tells you, “I’m...part of Metsuboujinrai...you’re not scared?” and you answer him no...because...why would that make a difference??? If Ikaika could cry, he would have.
Ikazuchi spends equal times with MBJR and equal times with Subaru and you now. You tend to visit him at the space center of course as he returns to working there. But he spends a lot more time down to earth (ha) now. This means he’s up for like random lil hang outs and dumb shit to do together. Fuwa sometimes checks on y’all as does Aruto and one of these days you and Ikazuchi are legit gonna disappear because you two stole a car and are going on a road trip-
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