#i could talk ab valkyrie for a month straight and still have more to say btw but this is like why i love them laconically
mishkakagehishka · 2 years
hiya korka!!! how are you doing today?
anyway, since you reblogged that thing asking about questions... how about why valkyrie are your favorite unit? or some of your favorite things about your culture/the country you live in if you're willing to share~? (i'm so curious and you talk about it a lot!!)
WE GOT ANOTHER ONE (interested in the culture) LADS /lh
Okay but wait hiiiii!! I'm doing quite well, resting up😌 I hope you're still fine, too!
Firstly, Valkyrie. Valkyrie. [Screams] okay, to understand why I love Valkyrie, you need to understand me on a molecular level. Not really, just some key facts - n°1 I am unfortunately very into steampunk, have been for ages, it's peak aesthetics to me. Victorian era in general, too, but specifically, like, the 1860s and 70s and 80s were a blessing for western european fashion, and you cannot change my mind. I love crinolines and bustles and corsets and I want them back soooo bad. But then steampunk is like. Personally, I think industrialisation was a mistake (/hj), but steampunk aesthetics? The bronze, the cogs, the goggles, the clocks, the myriad of belts? Yeah. Go off. N°2 so my music taste is questionable, a singular "kpop" band, videogame soundtracks and anime rappers, mostly. But the one thing I'm willing to call my taste superior over is the fact that I love chamber pop and adore baroque and classicism especially.
And when my friend showed me Valkyrie, who do (livelier - very, yes i'll say this again, baroque of them) chamber pop with steampunk aesthetics, what was I supposed to do? Not install Ensemble Stars then and there? But! I could have just been a ValkyrieP without being a Shu and MikaP so I'll also say why I'm a ValkyrieP both as in "I have all of their songs downloaded on my phone" and "I'm tempted to throw my actual irl money at happyele if it's to get Shu or Mika cards". But if I said all the reasons, we'd be here until tomorrow, so I'll keep it brief: I fucking love well-written conflict and a satisfactory conclusion to a story. Granted, enstars is ongoing, but I'm mainly talking ab their growth during ! here. The contrast between early ! and early !! ... it's like. It makes me want to send flowers and chocolates to Akira, because the character development is immaculate, makes sense, it's well-written, and well-paced. Like, it takes a while, and they're still not quite "there" yet, but you can taste and feel the progress. It makes you want to root for them imo bc you see how much they've already done.
Is this already getting too long? Maybe. ANYWAY I recognise you put "or" between the two, but guess what, I'm gonna tell you about a proposal tradition that I've been going insane about for a month now. Nobody does it anymore (but I better be proposed to that way or I'm rejecting smh), but like. So, in Croatian, "engaged" is hard to literally translate. Zaručiti, can be separated into za and ručiti, and ručiti comes from ruke. Za ruke (and zaruke means "engagement"), would mean "hands" but you gotta use a verb. As in, "hold hands" or "take [someone's] hands" - držati za ruke, uzeti za ruke. I always thought this was metaphorical, like, taking your s/o's hands as a symbol of going into life together. Anyway. In ye olden times, proposing would be like. The couple literally joins hands and pledges love to one another (which used to be the marriage rite itself), and the girl gets gifted an apple, money and/or a ring. And then gets spun around in the direction of the Sun, which I thought was hilarious, but also cute. The old wedding traditions are cute, too (personal fave: best man has to tie the couple together with rope), but modern weddings are more like drink and party until you see the Sun, and then some more.
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