#i definitely need to work on descriptions tho this dude is just floating in the void rn
virmillion · 2 years
AWESOME news lads i just realized i can procrastinate on writing by instead making a bullet journal ABOUT writing
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heaven-s-black-box · 7 months
Girls night- ensemble
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Recovery date: July 1st, 2020
Description: girls sleepover
Notes: An entry from my 2020 research project into the universe of Ace Attorney. You can find the next entry here.
Word count: 721
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“So, what exactly are we supposed to do?” Rayfa asked, her voice was incredibly unsure.
She was currently kneeling on Trucy’s bed. Ema had just walked in with a bowl of popcorn and her bag of snackoos, followed by Kay carrying soda and chips. Trucy and pearl were laying on either side of Rayfa, while Pearl flipped through movies on Netflix. Rayfa felt a little out of place, as everyone else looked completely relaxed. Athena popped up from the foot of Trucy’s bed, Rayfa had forgotten she was there.
“That depends!” She chirped, “We can do anything really, braid each other's hair-”
“Cliche,” Ema said.
“Watch horror movies-”
“Looking for one right now!” Pearl cheered.
“Play games-”
“And talk about whatever!” Trucy finished.
Rayfa nodded, still a little unsure of herself. “So… what is this horror movie?”
“We should start with something easy,” Kay said. Her and Ema were now sitting at the head of Trucy’s bed. “Do they have Chucky? That’s not too bad.”
“They did last time I checked,” Athena said, snatching the remote from Pearl.
It was October 27th, the weekend before Halloween, and the girls were having a sleepover. Rayfa was visiting the U.S with Nahuyta for the week, so Trucy decided to put together a sleepover. Of course she would still make Rayfa go trick or treating with her, this was an introduction to the spooky season. Kay had been in the country this week too, so Trucy had invited her and Ema as “Parental supervision” because her dads were busy with a case.
Miles had found a small, old TV to hook up in Trucy’s room, that way the girls could watch TV in there. Athena had insisted on a dress code of cute and silly onesies, but unfortunately Rayfa didn’t have any. So before going to Trucy’s, Ema (who she and Nahyuta were sharing a hotel room with) had taken her to find something. Rayfa had found a cute dragon onesie, Ema wore the onesie Lana had gotten her as a joke a few Christmases ago; it was covered in science related puns like “ expect Sa R Ca Sm periodically”. Trucy and Pearl were wearing matching bunny onesies, courtesy of Maya, and Kay was wearing a racoon onesie because it was the only one she owned. Athena’s onesie was galaxy themed with satellites floating around.
“I don’t understand… so, the man was a spirit channeler of some sorts?” Rayfa asked, she had started to relax and was braiding Athena’s hair absentmindedly.
“No, he used voodoo magic I think,”Pearl hummed, “It’s kind of like spirit channeling, but the person doesn’t need to be dead to control them, and you can transfer souls and stuff… I think.”
“Whatever it is,” Ema shoved a handful of popcorn into her mouth, “it is completely unscientific.”
“Not necessarily! I’m sure something like this could easily happen with robotics, at least now.” Athena turned her head to look up at Ema from the floor.
“Ya, maybe now. But definitely not then, plus they said they used voodoo. So in the canon Chucky universe, their explanation is completely implausible.”
“Goggle head,” Ema frowned at the nickname, “how long have you been in Khura'in again? I’d expect long enough to know that spirits work in strange ways.”
“... That’s different, you guys like- share your bodies with spirits. This dude literally moves his spirit into a fucking doll!”
Trucy laughed, “It’s magic! Now shhh, I found the next one.”
“There are more?”
“Yup!” Kay chirped, opening another bottle of soda. “There’s like six-”
“Technically eight, we just don’t talk about the remake.”
“I thought we didn’t talk about any of them after they started calling them the Chucky movies?” Kay asked.
“No, even the seed of Chucky was better. And that was horrible in the department of scientific accuracy. Cult and curse of Chucky are really good too, still not scientifically accurate though. Especially that bit where the main character gets her leg function back.”
“I haven’t seen past the second one,” Pearl said.
“Oh, I’ve seen the third one. Dad won’t let me watch past that, apparently it gets ‘Wildly inappropriate’.”
“Ooohhhhh ya,” Athena said, laughing to herself. “They get really bad.”
“So, we will have to find a different movie after the third one?” Rayfa asked.
“Hell/Fuck no!”
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