#i didnt actually care much abt who was deputy i just wanted it to not be lionblaze
amethyst-halo · 8 months
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my excerpt thoughts
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matoitech · 3 years
silverstream or graystripe? or crookedstar?
why not all of them :)
Sexuality Headcanon: het
Gender Headcanon: i can literally only think of her as trans now bc of that person who threw a fit about trans silverstream headcanons. like i hadnt even seen trans silverstream headcanons but seeing some cis person complain about them i was immediately like oh but havent you heard? she IS trans <3 so from that point on shes been trans in my brain. anyway yeah trans woman she/they! she couldve had an accident on thunderclan territory she needed medical attention for and wasnt carrying the kits in the first place, dying in childbirth specifically isnt integral to her character or something its just a way the erins chose to kill her off and create conflict
A ship I have with said character: idk lol im not invested in her and graystripe but i dont have smth i like better
A BROTP I have with said character: if she survived it would b cool if she had a friendship w cinderpelt cuz cinder saved her life and so after they just always stayed in touch and hung out
A NOTP I have with said character: idk fireheart i guess?
A random headcanon: au where she didnt die and while she never became clan leader and never wanted to be, she was a main figure in changing the warrior code to make Love Win across all boundaries aka it wasnt breaking the code to get w a cat from another clan. bc that rule is stupid. all the boring forbidden romances in arcs after: gone! now we can focus on REAL conflict. i think shes the kinda character who couldve actually gotten change in the clans done
General Opinion over said character: i like her! shes neat. i rly like this fic w her and think abt it whenever i think abt her character
Sexuality Headcanon: i would say het but ik some ppl r genuinely invested in firegray so i will say bi. for them
Gender Headcanon: hmm nonbinary? he/him
A ship I have with said character: idk honestly i dont rly care abt any of his relationships
A BROTP I have with said character: unsure..
A NOTP I have with said character: i cant think of stuff i genuinely dislike but like i said i dont rly care for his canon relationships (i hate millie <3 i didnt in the mangas but i dont like how she treats her kids post-briarlight accident, shes ableist abt briarlight and shitty to blossomfall) and ive never been invested in firegray
A random headcanon: he never wanted to be deputy and was kinda relieved when he came back to the clans and brambleclaw got the position instead. hes never had ambition like that he just wanted to help firestar. wait i think this might be canon now actually? i forget what he said in his SE
General Opinion over said character: i dont rly care for graystripe but i DID like his super edition, i like him more as an old dude than i did when he was young lol
Sexuality Headcanon: het but i like bi crooked too
Gender Headcanon: trans man! yeehaw! he/him
A ship I have with said character: crookedbreeze is genuinely cute
A BROTP I have with said character: oh idk lol i think its nice he was friends w those farm cats
A NOTP I have with said character: i dont rly care for crookedblue but i see the appeal. i dont hate it i just dont care about it cuz i like him and willowbreeze as they r
A random headcanon: his nest has lots of trinkets bc willowbreeze loved trinkets and silverstream inherited the love of them too so she started finding him pretty shells and rocks and feathers too and crookedstar was like *tears up* shes so much like willowbreeze..
General Opinion over said character: i like crookedstar a lot his super edition hits pretty hard and is one of the better ones imo, even tho i think it couldve worked fine without mapleshade
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