#i do know a good source for fonts tho... I'll see to it that I find it again so I can use it for the game
donuts4evry1 · 2 years
Absolutely in love with the concept of Jellyfish dating sim!!!!!!!!!! .0. !!
If you ever need anything like assets, bgs, or someone to bounce ideas off of, I would absolutely LOVE to be a part of it and lend you whatever helping hands you might want ^u^
Of course you don't have to take me up on the offer, I know that you're fully capable on your own. I'm so excited about the concept though!!!!!!! I hope that this goes somewhere, whether that somewhere ends up being an actual finished game, or not. If it's just a more developing of this base idea, I'm excited to see it unfold. It's a great idea, that carries potential that I'm mad hype to exolore
AHH Thank you so much for your kind words ;w;!!!
I'll be sure to keep that in mind as well :). Maybe once I start stitching together code I'll make a discord server for the game so people can bounce off ideas (and also for possible beta testers... 👀👀?), and also be more uniform when helping me find assets
I don't have many solid ideas on what this game is going to be about, but I do know that it's probably going to be one of my most ambitious undertakings yet, so it'll be exciting ^v^!!
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graphics-cafe · 2 years
can we submit graphics (like textless blinkies that we’ve made) to possibly be added to blinkies.cafe?
unfortunately i'm not currently taking submissions to blinkies.cafe,,,, but i want to change that and tbh i've been thinking about it from the start!! i have a WIP or two lying around (details under cut) to try to take a crack at it.
thank you so so much for your interest tho!!!!! i would love to see your templates!!! if you post them in the #blinkies tag (& maybe #blinkie templates) i bet people could get a lot of use out of them ^^
and when i iron out some wrinkles (details under cut) i'd love to add more submissions to blinkies.cafe <3
yeah so i've been thinking about this since the earliest days of blinkies.cafe. currently i have some obstacles.
manual work
at the moment, i personally have to add every new template to the generator. there's a bunch of manual work involved: choosing font, font colour, default text, text positioning, etc. it takes a bunch of trial and error to see what looks good.
when an artist submits a blinkie template, i want to make sure they're happy with the result. so it's a back-and-forth collaborative process. it takes a bit of technical knowledge on the part of the artist as well, to know what sorts of things i can & can't do.
i should streamline this process.
in the meantime, i'm already at capacity with adding templates >< i love doing it - it's like "comfort work" for me - but i also have a full-time job and chronic fatigue and chores and adhd, and a lot of the time i just don't have much time and/or energy to spare.
credits & licensing
if i'm gonna start accepting submissions from a bunch of different people, i need to draft like a "terms & conditions" statement for submitting.
basically to say, "by submitting your template, you agree to let me use it for X & release it under Y license. people will be able to make your blinkie say things, and i'm not responsible for what they say. here's how you'll be credited" kinda thing.
but idk much about art licensing and i know even less about writing legal text
also, different artists might have different opinions on how they want to be credited. the easiest thing for me to do would be to have the artist link pop up after you generate a blinkie and add it in the archive of sources. i'd say that in the terms & conditions, but ppl might want to be credited in a different way, and i can't have like a custom crediting method for each submission.
possible solution
one of my thousands of wips (thanks adhd) is a blinkie generator that runs entirely in the browser. if i can get around to polishing it up, i'll put it on blinkies.cafe, and you could embed it in your Neocities or even your tumblr theme.
basically you'd upload your template somewhere (tumblr, imgur, deviantart, whatever) as PNG frames, then you'd paste their URLs, select a font, type your text, and generate a blinkie!
it'd also give you a URL for your own personal blinkie maker, so you could post a link and other people could use it too ^^
this would be a lot easier for me to maintain because i wouldn't have to moderate or manually add templates at all!!
it'd also make it possible for anyone to run their own personal blinkie maker with their own templates, and host it on Tumblr or Neocities or anywhere else that lets you embed scripts :3
downsides to this are that A) browser-based gif generation might not work on all browsers or on older hardware, and B) personal templates wouldn't get the visibility of being on the main blinkies.cafe gallery.
lmk if that sounds interesting to u
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