#i do like her middle part in the webtoon tho bc it makes her look more distinct from the other chars
milkbreadtoast · 4 months
v quick christelle doodle... wanted to try drawing her webnovel hair instead of webtoon🥺
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chuluoyi · 4 months
Hi Chu!!! I'm replying rn before I get busy again grrr
That's good to hear!! Will you be going on small trips or overseas?
AHAHHAHA LOVING HOW YOU'RE JUST CALLING HIM A PRICK 😭😭 And your bf definitely didn't know what he was getting you into... But you can blame him for making you start simping for Gojo! So he can't roll his eyes at Gojo anymore!
YEAH IT WAS TRAUMATIC 😭 And I guess you can get water shoes...? IDK I use those for kayaking and stuff but they cover your feet AHAHHA But how did your feet crash against rocks- Like were you walking in the water orr- And ouch How did it even get into your nails 😭😭😭
3.9?!??!?! lowkey jealous 😭 And unfortunately, I suck at presentations AHAHA Like I'm those type that must memorise their scripts or I'll start stuttering and pausing A LOT. Like I memorise my script but when I say it out I reword it at some parts... If I don't memorise and just Yolo it.... Eh I'll probably start crying AHAHA This is 1 reason why I ask myself if I joined the right course... But yes I will try! Idt I can get into a local Uni tho AHAHA cause most people only get in with a GPA of 3.7> and it's so scary...
Yeah agreed... For my friends, 4/5 of my friends including me love Taylor swift songs and Mandopop while my last friend likes k-pop... and like she always felt so left out... But both of us love anime so that's how I bond with her! She ended up ditching us for her boyfriend tho... She literally doesn't contact us anymore unless she has no one to go out with... So my mum put me on a ban and I can never go out with her again....... Reason cause she's a fake friend? Idk what do you think?
YAY yes do watch! You can read the webtoon too! It's a daily pass! AHAHAHA yes totally normal [I watched The marvels because of his one minute cameo] Oh really? how bad is the CGI 😭😭😭😭
AHHAHA THEY TRIED?!??! I'm just being laughed at cause I haven't been asked out/ asked someone out AHAHHAAHHAAH putting you up for sale 😭😭😭 Can't relate YET but I can somehow imagine it.... Omg serious?! Same omgomg! AHAHAH Don't worry babe I'm a southeast-Asian chinese and I don't know like half of those...
AHHAH It's a crystal from my crystal obsession phase when I was 16... YEAH By right it's for healing... But Idc I pray and manifest with it anyway!
Thankyou thankyouuuu! Aahah I'm not a fan of suffering from heatstroke in those stands either, but good things is my country didn't allow standing pens for her concert! So I guess no heatstroke?
YESS LUKE'S IS SO CUTE AND ANGSTY BUT GRRR I LIVE FOR ANGST DHHDHD How many are you from guaranteed SSR 😭😭 加油加油 I know you can do it! RIGHT This story got me HOOKED and you're so right ROSA 🤤🤤 She makes me question how I'm still straight...
I skipped past the main story for the S-chips ngl... I told myself I'll re-read it... But did I? I wonder...
ALSO I saw an ask about Love and deep space! Did you pre-reg? It looks so interesting!
Also I'm thinking of going off-anon soon cause I want to send pics but being anon doesn't allow me too grrr
disco anonn!!🥹 sorry for the late reply i just went back from my vacation and i really want to answer you while sitting in front of my laptop :'))
i went to malaysia! it's just a little trip planned bc we haven't been on a trip lately and also visited penang to get checked up ehehe
the way he's now regretting it is so funny ahahahah🥹 like trying so many ways to make me face the truth (gojo's death) but i wouldn't have it and he's like 🤧🤧🤧
water shoes... the ones like frog's feet?🥹 omg it's too funny like imagine walking on the sand with that big of shoes😭 more like the rocks are hidden beyond the sand and i just stomped over it??😭 it's no better that my rubber sandals has these... holes? (gods i still don't understand why they made holes in it) which basically guarantees that sand would go through them😭😭😭😭 it looks like bathroom sandals ngl
ooh actually same!! during my uni days, i'd stutter a lot and blanked out in the middle of presentations🤧 HAHAHAH yolo it omg that's so relatable and yes, now... maybe i'm just in a mostly yolo mindset too but i just went with the flow, and spout everything in my head (the cons is that sometimes it's jumbled up a bit) but i learn that it's better that way rather than clamping up?🥹 keep fighting disco anon!! i'm rooting for you!! <3 i know it seems hard at first but what doesn't kill you will make us stronger! (or cry..... at most, but that's okay!!!)🥹
mandopop!!! omg i used to love taiwanese songs back then!!🥹 oh wait i got sidetracked... hmm, it's a bit hard to pinpoint but... well, i wouldn't immediately say that she's a fake friend... but more like, friend who only comes to you for convenience? i have a fair share of friends like this and there are two kinds of them: one, who is plainly fake it shows and two, who is still kind to you despite having drifted apart. personally, i wouldn't mind the second one though, because we can't exactly force being friends with someone...
SAME I WATCHED THE MARVELS FOR HIM but he only showed up for 2 minutes skaldjsa CGI's not that bad!!🥹 but in my eyes, the creature seems strange so...
THEY DID TRY ASKDASKDA i felt like a fruit put on sale honestly omg my aunt tried to set me up with her son's friend once (she said he had a stable job and is a nice, big catch etc) and what happened? nothing. the guy was so silent i was like talking to a brick wall and i couldn't say anything because ??? hello i'm way younger than you i don't have the audacity😭 ahahaha but seriously putting up daughters for sale is like a trend within chinese community or something?😭 everywhere i go, we always have similar stories regarding this adskdjalsd
i usually pray... using hands🥹 that's just because i'm lazy though ahahaha in the new years it's usually with incense and such
omg that's so convenient!!🥹 it would do wonders if only there's a regulation like that in my country too *sigh* did you have fun??
AHAHAH i used to skip them too for schips🥹 but apparently they're so engaging! especially eps 6-8, i lit can't get away from my screen ahahaha
i did! but... honestly after playing it for two days now... it's not quite my style?? :')) it looks way too realistic... but not... uh, what i'm comfortable with? i prefer to keep playing otome with drawing styles rather than 3d one because i can't never get used to it asjdkajda do you pre register and download it? how are your thoughts so far?
it's okay to go off anon!! ahahah🥹 but wait i think i might know who you are....🤭
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A Dumb Rant About A Webtoon
Okay so I’m actually super into reading webcomics (I read them on both Webtoon and Tapas), and although this has nothing to do with my blog (I AM considering making a side blog for webcomic content/reviews tho) I sort of feel like ranting about one that I saw. I’m sorry, but if you like Athena Complex this is probably going to piss you off. Admittedly, I couldn’t get far into the comic without being upset about this so I stopped reading a few chapters in, so that may affect my opinion here. This is mainly my opinion though, and if you disagree with me it’s fine.
So I did mention in my Fire Emblem kelpie beast unit post my opinion on mythological adaptation. Essentially, I believe that when you adapt any sort of mythological being into your story you need to keep these two things in mind:
The recognizable features/symbols/abilities: by this I mean what physical features is this being known to have, what are their physical/magical abilities, what objects are they most associated with, etc. You don’t need to have every single thing that is mentioned in the source material, just a decent combination of them that can allow the reader to easily connect the adaptation to the source material.
This factor mainly applies to individual characters as opposed to a full species or classification of creatures (I have read a decent number of mythological adaptations and have seen a mythical species depicted as evil in one adaptation and benevolent or neutral in another and enjoyed both, it all depends on if it makes sense in the context). What are the character’s main personal views, goals, and motivations? By this I mean how do they think and what are their views on the world around them, and what is the context surrounding that? Essentially, what can their main personalities and motivations be boiled down to and why?
After those two factors, I think that you can then go buck wild with any other characterization as long as it isn’t contradictory and makes sense in your story.
Now that I have set that down here’s my deal with Athena Complex. Athena Complex is a Webtoon based on Greek mythology that follows Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom and strategy. She falls in love with Poseidon, the god of the sea, and is rejected by him. Fueled by vengeance and a desire to win his heart she takes the form of a high school boy in order to take revenge on his reincarnation. Basically, this entire Webtoon is practically a public execution of a large part of what makes Athena, well, Athena.
First off, I will give credit to Athena Complex for at least getting the symbolism correct, Athena is a goddess of wisdom and war and when in the form of a goddess her design reflects that with her armor, among other things such as her association with owls, so the first aspect that I mentioned is fine.
Additionally there is the fact that they also did heavily tap into the prideful aspect of Athena’s nature. Essentially in the source material Athena is a VERY prideful goddess and will take any opportunity to prove her worth if someone attempt to upstage her, and gets very angry when she fails or is insulted in the process (ie the story of Arachne, the story behind the double flute). This aspect could also be seen slightly in Athena Complex’s Athena’s behavior, which I can also give them credit for.
But that’s where a lot of the similarities end. Tbh a large majority of these issues surround the second aspect, the basics of the figure’s personality and motivations.
First, Athena’s stance on romance. Original Athena...literally wanted nothing to do with any sort of romantic relationship. Seriously it’s one of her main things one of her epithets is literally “Parenthos”, which means virgin. No lovers, no sex, no marriage, no intentionally created children (I say intentionally bc she and Hepheastus accidentally created a child when his snot got onto a torn piece of her cloak, but that’s a different weird story), nothing. She solely focused on the expansion of knowledge and learning. She had no time for any sort of relationship. Making Athena in Athena Complex heavily motivated by an unrequited romantic attraction literally rips one of her main core values to shreds.
And this in my opinion one of the worst offenses, MAKING THE SUBJECT OF THAT ROMANTIC ATTRACTION POSEIDON. Literally one MAJOR thing for the original Athena and Poseidon is that they HATE each other. (Also Athena is literally Poseidon’s niece, but tbh that’s a less heinous crime bc Greek mythology was weird about that shit, multiple gods married their siblings/cousins/uncles/aunts/nieces/nephews/etc., it’s weird. Also in Athena Complex Poseidon acted the main person raising Athena, which is ALSO really fucking weird and concerning, anyway back to why they hate each other).
The Contest for Athens: Basically before the Greek city of Athens was called Athens the people were looking for a patron deity, and both Athena and Poseidon tried to lay their claim. In order to determine who the city would go to, they decided to have a contest of who could give the city the best gift. Poseidon gave the city some horses (for transportation and farmwork) and a small spring in the middle of the city (note: the water in the spring was salt water and therefore undrinkable). Athena gave them olive trees (for food, making oil, wood, etc.). The peoplr decided that Athena’s gift was better and thus named the city “Athens” after her, leaving Poseidon incredibly salty.
The Medusa Incident (TW: possible rape/non-con): So Poseidon was having a nice little affair with a mortal woman named Medusa (you notice how this name is familiar, right? that’s important). It’s a little iffy on whether or not this affair was fully consensual on Medusa’s end due to the sort of victim blame-y aspects to this story, hence the trigger warning. So Poseidon his having his fun and decides to find a nice little place they can go to do the nasty. Where does he think would be a great idea? One of Athena’s temples of course! You know, a literal place of worship dedicated to his rival who is known to dislike involvement in romantic/sexual relationships? Nothing could go wrong at all! They of course get caught, and Athena, being pissed, decides to curse Medusa with snakes for hair and the ability to turn people into stone just by looking at them (see why the name was familiar?) For good measure she also curses Medusa’s two sisters with the snake hair. The sisters are then dubbed the Gorgons and then go live in isolation on a island until they are killed by Perseus (a hero that Athena was helping).
So this Webtoon completely ignores the context behind this hatred and decides to make it into an enemies to lovers story based on unrequited feelings (the feelings of a person for their childhood caretaker too...still weird). I guess they wanted to do enemies to lovers and such based on a rivalry dynamic, but in doing so they erased most of the actual substance behind that rivalry by making it romantic and destroying the characterization of one of the main characters.
I can understand taking creative liberties, but before you do so you NEED to have a full understanding of the characters that you are adapting. If a mythological character is known for a certain practice (refraining from romance) or for having an extreme distaste for another figure (Athena hating Poseidon), INCLUDE IT. You NEED to have all of the bare bones basics before you start taking liberties.
For example, the original Athena:
Goddess of wisdom and strategy
Association with owls, olives, carries a shield known as Aegis
Highly values learning and knowledge
Prideful to a fault
Virgin goddess with no interest in romantic or sexual relationships
Extreme hatred for Poseidon as a result of repeated negative encounters
Those are the bare bones basics, after that you can do what you want.
Honestly I don’t think that this Webtoon is necessarily BAD, but it is VERY annoying when you have the context behind these characters (hence my frustration and inability to make it past 10 chapters). In my opinion, if the author wanted to write this storyline, they should have made their own OCs as opposed to butchering a pre-existing figure’s characterization.
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