#i dont believe sigyn is completely eliminated in the 616 timeline I just believed she escaped to another timeline
annachumsblog · 2 years
Headcanon : For some time, it is believed that all of the Valkyries have died in the Massacre of the Valkyrie.
Of fucking course everyone was devastated upon the news. Thor, his friends and Loki all mourned for the supposed passing of Brunnhilde and Sigyn.
Loki was a teenager when he heard that, yet when he heard that Sigyn ( an old friend of his ) possibly died, something just punctured his heart inside ( he honestly have no idea what that was ).
That is, until in Thor Ragnarok, it is revealed that Brunnhilde escaped to Sakaar to try recover from her grief and PTSD by working for the Grandmaster and also excessive drinking.
Then, in New Asgard, Brunnhilde confessed to Thor that she has dreams of several of her old Valkyrie compatriots.
Loki basically built a temple with Sigyn's helmet in Thor Ragnarok and his last words in Infinity War being ' Undying fidelity ', implying that Loki might dream of Sigyn, and Sigyn has probably escaped to another timeline at this point.
So it is implied that maybe, just maybe, Brunnhilde isnt the only survivor in the Massacre of the Valkyrie
There might be several others who survived but escaped to different planets or timelines
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