#poor brunnhilde
how do you need to be touched ?
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you crave a hug that cracks your ribs... the feeling of your wandering soul being crushed back into the bones that can't seem to hold it. you need a hand gripping yours so tightly you almost fear it may leave a bruise, a reminder that you are here. and that you are not alone.
Tagged by: @tenth-god
Tagging: @fangsofdestruction @queenharumiura & whoever else
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age-of-moonknight · 2 years
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“Secret Histories: Part Three,” Secret Avengers (Vol. 1/2010), #3.
Writer: Ed Brubaker; Penciler and Inker: Mike Deodato Jr.; Colorist: Rain Beredo; Letterer: Dave Lanpheare
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 6 months
i have an aot inspired request that i had in mind for a while to ask for (i didn’t watch aot so excuse me for used not so accurate facts lol)
fem!reader was born into a poor family of 4 (parents, her and her older brother) in paradise island, her father often abused her till he kicked her out at 4 years old to survive alone, she fell into massive tree like ymir but instead of giving her titan powers or something similar, Source of all living matter had fused with her body-almost like making reader its vessel, a visible mark was on her upper body. visual it like a modern abstract tattoo or struck by lightning (or just like it had shown in anime), but it is red color and it’s permanent till it departs from her (at it will), she soon finds a way to sneaks on a Marley, scouts find her and levi adopts her (didn’t immediately but on papers were his last name). She was of great help during the very much entire main event since you can’t kill or hurt her physically so she was putting on traps and getting information and after it all finished she was growing to be a main soldier and captain like Levi, she died later from a some diseases (could be pneumonia (i don’t know if it have a medicine for it in aot so let’s pretend it doesn’t)), she gets known for her flexibility and speed, good with almost every kind of weapons (from pistol and rifle to snipers and swords and grenades) and since she couldn’t die from any physical harm she was getting herself in different places where she could be killed by titans and enemies so she got known as “fake death” or “troublemaker” for one close to her (levi, scouts and such) because she’s quite playful when comfortable with someone and almost reckless…
To actual request itself, how would Hades, Hermes and Apollo react to her and her story, she’s fighting for humanity and she frights against a god and she wins since she still have powers from Source of all living matter in her with a mark and everything, she wins again a god and don’t kill them since she promised to never kill anybody else again at her death bed, so what will happen then? What will be gods reaction to her story? who wanted to sway her off her feet? or who will just stay in their line and maybe try to befriend reader?
-There were many gods who didn’t know you, who didn’t know what you could do, the power you held in your body, many called it the Source of All, a boundless amount of energy that you obtained when you were still young and alive on earth.
-This power, which you initially thought was a curse, as the mark it put on your body, looking like a bolt of scattered lightning which would glow when you used your strength, which people thought was unnatural, you grew to adore and appreciate. You had saved so many people using this power.
-You used this to fight alongside other warriors, beating back your enemies, earning your nickname, Trickster, as you would play dead, letting them get close, only to strike quickly and brutally.
-It wasn’t until you died, young unfortunately, from pneumonia of all things, that you realized how fragile life really was, and as you took your last breaths, you had vowed to never kill another again.
-When you came to Valhalla you met so many other strong warriors, and while you were against killing, you loved training with strong people, humans and gods you didn’t have to hold back against, showing your true strength.
-Your power- your strength is what made Brunnhilde approach you about fighting in Ragnarok. You were initially against it- you flat out told Brunnhilde that you weren’t going to kill anyone else, and you only agreed to fight if you could leave your opponent alive.
-The gods were quick to underestimate you, seeing that you were so young, thinking you would be an easy win. As your powers flared, the mark on your body flaring to life, glowing brightly, Odin could only gawk, seeing the power you held in your body.
-You charged in, showing your combat skills, showing everyone that just because you were young, you weren’t a pushover.
-Heimdall spilled all your secrets, telling everyone about you- how you had been abused by your father until you were four, when you found the Source of All, then you became the vessel for that power, and you grew into a powerful warrior on your own, being taken in by other warriors, adopted by one of the most powerful ones, Levi (sorry I don’t know AOT).
-Your strength was legendary, as not even the strongest of titans and enemies could hurt you, as your power was keeping you safe from harm, and that was apparent here, as your opponent wasn’t doing much against you.
-Many of the gods were stunned to see you fighting so hard, to protect humanity, despite facing so much pain in your short life- it was humbling to see someone fighting so hard for those who had been so cruel to you, at least some of the people.
-As you stood over your opponent at the end of the match, the clear winner, you sheathed your weapon, a short sword. Many were yelling at you, telling you to finish the job.
-Your eyes were sharp, narrowed in anger as you spoke up at them, “Unless you’re going to get down here and fight me too- then you don’t get to make any demands of me. I refuse to kill another. Life is precious as it is fragile. Don’t call for the death of others unless if you’re going to fight as well.”
-You were quick to shut everyone up and you even helped your opponent up and dragged him backstage, holding his arms over your shoulders, dragging him behind you as you weren’t the tallest of people, and you took him all the way to the infirmary.
-When he asked you, while getting patched up, why you didn’t kill him, you just beamed brightly, looking like the teenager you truly were, “Life’s too precious to just kill someone just because. I’m not going to kill someone when you’re fighting just like I am.”
-You were an oddball, but he wasn’t going to look this gift of not losing his life in the mouth.
-Hades- He was surprised by your words, that you refused to kill, despite the gods wanting to destroy humanity, and while he wasn’t complaining, he was just confused, after you had killed so many enemies while you were alive, why were things so different now. He asked you while you sat beside him, keeping him company and you couldn’t help but send him a playful wink, “You should know better than most gods on how fragile life is. I didn’t realize that myself until I died, getting sick of all things. If I was the one killing others, ending their lives so easily- it made me… I-I just never want to kill again.” You were a kindhearted person, your words resonating with him, as he knew that well, after seeing his brother and his nephew dying. He reached out his hand for you to take and you took his without hesitation, “You’re a kind person Y/N.” you beamed brightly, thanking him for his words, which made him smile softly.
-Hermes- He agreed with your words, he knew how fragile the lives of others were, after watching so many die, both humans and gods, and he had to respect your decision not to kill him- he was alive because of that decision. You had the power to easily take him on in combat- you could probably take on any of the gods with your power. He could see the marks on your body, up close now, and they looked like a scar, like when someone would get hit by lightning, it looked like it would be painful and he reached out, taking one of your hands in his own, surprising you. He looked at your scar, a sad look on his face, “Does it hurt?” you were surprised by his words, but you grinned, “I remember it hurting when I first got it, as my body had to get used to it- but not anymore, it’s just hot!” You were so bright, so full of life, he didn’t want to snuff that life out, he didn’t want to snuff any of it out.
-Apollo- He could only stare at you, seeing you smiling so warmly at him, explaining yourself. You were so… so true- you were unapologetically you, and you looked so beautiful, inside and out. He was grateful you had spared his life, getting to live another day, but to see that you were such a lovely person on top of it was even more humbling. Apollo reached a hand towards you, and you took it, holding it with both of yours and he had to smile, feeling how warm your hands were, “You are an amazing person Y/N. I’m grateful to have met you.” You were surprised by his words, and he couldn’t help but smile as your cheeks turned a bit red, a little embarrassed by his praise, showing that you wore your emotions on your sleeve. You were a very complex person, but he wanted to know more about you as you made him feel so happy.
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thelittleliars · 1 year
New Year
Warnings: kinda fluff?
Words: 2.2K
Summary: Wanda dragged you to the Avengers Compound after your friends cancelled last minute on New Year's Eve.
AN: I have a lot of stories stored in my drafts but this is the first one I'll publish so be warned about the awful writing!
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You sat with best friend Wanda in some random pub on new year’s eve since all your other friends cancelled on you last minute. Wanda was so nice and rescued you from being alone in the pub. She promised to stay for a couple of drinks before going home or just somewhere else. 
"Y/N, let’s go. You’ve had enough drinks." Wanda said but you tried to ignore her words. You sit so comfortable that you don’t want to get up and get dragged somewhere else. "Give me a good reason to get up right now." You groaned.
"You said you wanted to get kissed by some random girl, right?" You nodded eagerly at her. "Look around you.. do you actually see any woman here?" She was right, there was no other women than you two. "Well.. there is always you." You tease her shamelessly. Wanda gaped at you even though she was used to your flirtiness. "You know, if I weren’t wholeheartedly in love with Vision I’d still say no to you."
You grabbed your chest and acted as if her words hurt deeply. "Wanda.. how could you do this to me? My poor heart. So broken now.. thank you." She giggled at your goofiness before she slapped your arm and got a serious look on her face. "I know a place with a few girls who’s love to volunteer to kiss you at midnight." Wanda wanted you to come back to the Avengers Compound. You were there only once or twice but that was enough for almost every female Avenger, their friends and other STARK employees to be extremely smitten by you and asked Wanda a lot about you. The poor redhead tried so many times to get you to come and visit her but the Compound just wasn’t your type of place.
You paid for your drinks immediately after hearing Wanda’s words. Then followed her like a lost puppy to the Avenger’s Compound without any question. As soon as you two walked through the doors of the living room all eyes were on you. 
"Y/N Y/L/N, you’re alive!" Yelena shouted with excitement while Kate choked on her drink. The archer got a huge crush on you and Yelena teased her about it all the time. Sharon Carter immediately rushed to your side and asked if you wanted a drink. Before you could even say anything Wanda told her that you already had a good amount of alcohol in you. You thanked Sharon with a huge smile. The moment she saw you smile at her, her knees gave in a bit and almost made a fool out of herself.
The Black Widow didn’t like the way you smiled at Sharon. It made her fucking furious. "Wanda did you manipulate Y/N’s mind in order for them to come here?" Wanda smirked at you before she looked back at Natasha. "She willingly came after I said I know a place with girls who’d love to kiss her at midnight since she so desperately wanna be kissed by a girl." The entire room fell silent. Nobody but Yelena knew what to say or do. The younger Black Widow laughed loudly at the fact that Wanda called not only you out but also all of her fellow Avengers that had a crush on you. You were glad that the younger Widow reacted because you did not handle that awkward silence well. "So who is it gonna be?" This time it was Natasha who asked and that shocked you deeply. You did not expect the redhead to ask this. 
Every woman in the living room looked at you intently. You felt the pressure of deciding right there and then.  "Each one of you need to give me a good reason why you should be the one." You said not expecting anyone to give you an actually answer. Kate was the first one who stumbled out her answer. "I’m the world greatest female archer." Brunnhilde shrugged before she told you she’s King of New Asgard and can treat you like a queen that you are. Carol Danvers offered you to fly with her. Sharon only gaped like a fish since she didn’t know what to say. Maria offered a high security secret and Natasha threatened not to kill you. Yelena snorted, "Dear sister we all know you are not a killer anymore so you need a better reason than that to be kissed by your crush."
The shock they all gave you sobered you a bit up. You actually didn’t care who kissed you that night, you only wanted a kiss by a cute girl and now almost all Avengers offered you to kiss them. "Whoever finds Y/N at midnight gets to kiss them!" Wanda announced to everyone since she saw you struggle with choosing someone. 
You tried to find the perfect spot to hide, a spot where it's not too easy but also not too hard to get found so you ended up on the rooftop. The harsh cold wind blows from time to time and you wished you brought a jacket.
Time flew by fast and it soon turned into 11:59PM. The second you thought of giving up and find yourself an Avenger to kiss, a hand came out of nowhere to cover up your mouth. Their other, warm hand covered your eyes. You got the message of keeping your eyes closed. 
The woman behind you hesitantly lowered her hand from your mouth. "I’ll keep my eyes closed but please just kiss me already." You begged her. In the background you heard the other mostly male Avengers counting down from 10. Anxiety and anticipation filled you like nothing else in your life. And you only realized that she removed her hand from your eyes when you felt her soft lips on yours. All the yelling and fireworks in the background become numb. The only focus were the lips from the woman in front of your. You two kissed for a solid few minutes but you didn’t dare to open your eyes. The second that you did, the lovely girl that you kissed wasn’t even in front of you anymore. 
You stood there stunned with your fingers ghosting over your lips when Wanda came up on the rooftop to tease you but changed her mind the second she saw the look on your face. "I-I.. I didn’t even get to know who she was." One kiss was all it took to crave more. One kiss and you were a goner for the mystery women. 
Wanda stayed with you for a couple of minutes before she excused herself to find Vision. You needed another 5-10 minutes to calm down and face every Avenger downstairs. When you walked back into the living room the boys sheered and wished you a happy new year. Of course you wished everyone a hoppy new year back.
In your head, you told yourself you can face the girls but when you hear Kate giggle at something Clint said, all your confidence vanished. Right the second afterwards Yelena came back with a bottle of Vodka. She saw you and smiled devilishly. "Y/N you’re back! Who did you get to kiss??"
"And more important how was the kiss?" Tony butted into the conversation. "It could have been only good with how much time she took before coming back." Natasha said with a look in your direction before she took the straw in her mouth and took a sip of the smoothie she somehow got in the time you were gone. [You found the move incredibly hot and imagined her kissing you.]
Heat rushed to your cheeks fast. You didn't think about how red faced you actually were since that would've added even more embarrassment. "I don’t kiss and tell." You hoped your answer would end this conversation and it did for a while. Maria, out of all came to you 15-20 minutes later to directly ask you who you kissed. The information was strictly needed to keep up the work environment the way it always was, those were her words. 
You didn’t tell Maria anything but you reassured her that nothing would interfere the work environment since you won’t be visiting the Compound often anyways. After the short conversation with Maria you felt exhausted and wanted to go home. Wanda was nowhere to be found which got you super frustrated. How could she leave you alone with all the other people you barely knew? In your rushed state to find Wanda, you did not see Natasha in your view. The Widow was about to curse the person with ugly words when she saw it was you crashing into her. "Oh god. I’m so sorry! I was looking for Wanda and must have not realized where I was going." You apologized. 
Natasha nodded at your apology and told you that Wanda had gone with Vision to his room. Since you looked into Natasha’s beautiful green eyes you have not heard a single word she said. You were just too busy being mesmerized by the beauty of her eyes. Oh how you wished that the new year’s countdown was right there and then. The other women must have said something else you hadn’t heard since suddenly the back of her hand is on your forehead. "I uhh what?" You stammered out. "I asked if you were feeling alright?" NO you wanted to say. You weren’t alright ever since the kiss happened. But how could you tell THE BLACK WIDOW that? Especially with not knowing which whom the kiss was. 
Instead you blamed it on the drinks. "I guess the alcohol is taking a toll on me." Natasha teared her eyes away. She guessed that it wasn’t the whole truth but she had no right to ask you further. "I could take you to Wanda’s room?" You could’t seem to find words to answer so you just nodded. 
As soon as Natasha lead you to Wanda's room, she left you alone and you threw yourself onto the bed. Your brain swirled with thoughts of the kiss with the unknown woman. It soon turned into the vision of Natasha and you kissing. At that point you knew you would not get any sleep. So you got up, took a blanket and found the way upstairs to the rooftop. To your surprise Natasha sat there on a chair. She seemed to be in deep thought but still heard you coming. 
"Couldn't sleep?" She asked you almost whispering. "Did you ever overthought things right before falling asleep?" You asked but didn't wait for an answer. "I can't stop thinking about tonight which is rare since I usually just make something up to force other thoughts out but it feels as if someone controls me.. controls my thoughts."
She hummed at your words. "Do you think Wanda has something to do with that?" Natasha finally looked at you or rather stared in your eyes. "She wouldn't do that to me, right?" You questioned yourself and Wanda. "I’ve seen her do crazier things for something she had good intentions for." You let out a deep sigh. If Wanda really manipulated your thoughts then what motive had she? "I can’t think of why she would do it, that means if she actually has something to do with this."
Natasha smiled at you. She found it cute that even though you questioned and kinda doubted Wanda, you still defended the witch. But then her whole persona changed. "I can’t help you since I don’t know what’s going on in your head." She shrugged, trying so hard not to show more emotions. The Widow was unsure about how she felt about you and the tiny feelings she already had in that moment didn’t help her at all. She stood up and walked towards you. She was super intimidating and her proximity made your heart race extremely fast. Somehow she was hovering over you with her tiny frame. One look at her lips and you were a goner. You craved to taste her lips, craved to feel her lips against yours, you wanted her to be as close as possible.
Natasha opened her mouth but whatever the widow was about to say it died in her throat. She heard and saw the younger widow with her friend Kate coming and took a step backwards. You sensed that the woman in front of you cared a lot about what Yelena thought or she just didn’t want to be seen more vulnerable. You glanced at Yelena who had her eyebrow raised at her older sister. When you looked back at Natasha an extremely strong desire pilled inside of you. You honestly had no idea what came over you when you grabbed Natasha’s jacket collar and pulled her into a short kiss. The second you released your hands from her jacket you ran away. That left Natasha alone with Yelena and Kate who both looked as shocked as the older woman. 
The kiss confirmed two things for you. Firstly, the mystery woman who kissed you was Natasha . Secondly, you just fell in love with the Black Widow and couldn’t stop smiling even through your panicked state.
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
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Pairing: Brunnhilde + Jane Foster x female reader (no other specifications)
Word Count: 920 words
Outline: What happens when Jane and Brunnhilde return to their chambers only to find you with your fingers buried deep inside you?
Warnings: sub/dom dynamics, power play, face sitting, finger fucking, overstimulation, pet names, objectification, scissoring, not beta read, if I missed anything lmk, my brain is a little mush lately!
Author’s Note: I felt like some smut for these wonderful ladies in honor of thor's release today, lemme know what you think and if you'd like more!
P.S: dividers by @firefly-graphics //​ banners by @maysdigitalarts​
Main Masterlist ・❥・Valkyrie Masterlist ・❥・Jane Foster Masterlist
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"Do you think she can handle it?" The black-haired woman asks the other one, worry evident in her voice.
"She's so eager to please she will make sure she will." The blonde hair winks at her and presses your legs down towards the mattress. In response, you huff and squirm trying to move your legs away but Brunnhilde only slaps them apart.
"Don’t disrespect your king.” She warns you and scoffs. 
“Be a good girl for us, come on. You are the one who wanted this anyway," Jane reminds you, her fingers brushing against your thighs softly. All you can do is whine again spreading your legs apart of your own volition, and sitting prettily waiting for whatever was next. 
"Please…" you mewl squirming your legs trying to close them but Jane held them tightly. Her big muscles shone brightly against the night light. 
"Is too much. " You shout and your whole body shakes to the rhythm of your fifth orgasm. Was an hour ago when they had pinned you down for disobeying them. But it wasn't your fault they were away so much on business and whatnots. What were you supposed to do when your pussy ached so? You needed some release and they walked inside the chambers battle clad in just the right moment to torture you and thus the punishment began. 
Jane and Brunnhilde were co-ruling Asgard together and they had been together for some time. Yet one fateful night, one night that truly felt like any else, you didn't expect them to show interest in you, just another humble maid. One beckoning stare from Jane and another from Brunnhilde and there you were their new shiny toy. That was six months ago now you were on their bed, naked as the day of light and crying from too much pleasure. 
"If you wanted to cum so bad what else is there for us to do than to make sure you won't stop cumming, huh?" 
“We only want to please you, sweet one, what else can we do? Look at how eager your poor pussy is. I don’t think she is even close to enough yet.” 
“Think after this we bound to teach her some manners or bet yet tie up her legs and never let her cum again without us. What do you think, baby?”
“That’s the best thing I’ve heard all day.” Jane beams at her wife and looks at you with a darkened stare. You moan again, your clit now oversensitive as you watched Brunnhilde proceeding to remove her armor. Without further ado, she lands her pussy on yours and begins wildly riding you. 
"You're nothing but my sex pet, pretty one, did you really think you're even allowed to make your own decisions? No, you thought wrong. Time for you to do whatever I tell you to do." 
Jane lets go of your legs and as if they have an unspoken agreement she removes her clothes as well and proceeds to sit on your face, her body facing Brunnhilde's. The sound of them loudly making out moaning at your touches while you were struggling to lick Jane made you even hornier. Tonight you'd truly learn just how much you could take. A glance at the golden mirror next to the bed held the most perfect picture for you. You are perfectly planted by your two lovers holding on to one another. Breasts brushed over each other as they used and worked your body to their pleasure. You were nothing but their pet and you were very glad to be so. 
"Harder!" Jane yells at Valkyrie and all she does is drill your body to the mattress riding you with incredible ferocity. Is clear who was calling the shots but this was only evident inside the confidence of these royal champers. Outside, they were both vicious strick co-rulers. Brunnhilde extends an arm to Jane's pussy rubbing her feverishly, a favor Brunnhilde returns immediately. While the blonde woman was riding your face the way she needed you to not giving you a lot of space to breathe. They loved using you, working your body as if it was nothing but a toy and nothing more than a golden coveted object. It was everything you ever wanted and more. You spend your days and nights close to their chambers or on the rare ocassion bound to their tents when they went on a trip. 
They had a pact that they would always cum together which you found endearing. You found out about this deal early on, and it surprisingly warmed your heart. Jane is the one to cum first as per usual which only makes Brunnhilde break out into a thunderous moan screaming and crying out her name. They loved repeating each other names like that, moaning and screaming as if to establish dominance over one another. 
Satisfied in their pleasure they both use your body for as long as they need to. 
“Time for a snack.” The black-haired woman says happily and points to you which makes the blonde woman nod positively in response. 
They crush their lips against each other, hungrily kissing until they both kneel in front of your pussy and together start assaulting you with their tongues making you cum once again. You should have known you would have been the snack yet sometimes your brain got really hazy cause of them. 
If all punishments ended up like this maybe you'd be naughty more often.
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for future updates please follow @fluffyprettykittylibrary and turn on notifications! my inbox and my requests are open :D
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rynrising44 · 8 days
Danbeau vs. Valcarol: There is no competition. They both mean the world to me.
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At around 6am while on my Zoo med rotation, I was running treatments and ruminating about Carol Danvers, as I normally do. I started thinking about Carol and Valkyrie, and then Carol and Maria, and then Carol and her relationship with Monica. I was thinking about a few posts I've seen regarding Danbeau vs Valcarol with some discourse over which one is right, and which one is wrong, and I found myself asking the question, "Why do you write about Valcarol so much? Why does their possible relationship mean something to you, when Carol and Maria literally started raising a child together, before Carol left?" and then it kind of hit me.
Carol died.
I knew this. It's something that drives a lot of my works, but I really just let it soak in:
Carol Danvers- the hot-headed, stubborn woman who never thought twice about doing something she knew was right- died. The light speed engine killed her. The Kree stripped her of her memories, revived her for the sole purpose of weaponizing her powers for their racist genocide, and then shaped her into a murderer. In the end, she beat Yon-Rogg's ass, saved Earth, and re-united with her family, but her memories were still gone. She left, not truly realizing what Maria and Monica meant to her; and then- due to a variety of poor decisions and an overwhelming sense of guilt- she never came back. She never really remembered, either.
Monica grew up.
Maria moved on- became a hero in her own right with SWORD. Kicked ass as a mother and as director of a freaking intelligence agency.
Fast forward a few decades, and here you have an anxiety-ridden, effectively immortal, still half-amnesic Superhero with a shit-ton of guilt and a self-sacrificing complex. Maria is dead, and Carol refuses to reach out to Monica, for fear of roping her into all of Carol's mistakes. She's running from planet to planet in a chaotic pattern of, "I need to make up for Hala. I need to make things right," and self-isolating herself as a form of punishment.
Enter Brunnhilde, a woman who literally self-isolated for like a thousand years on a murder planet. A woman who knows loss, who is extremely long-lived, and who drank to shove away her past, because she couldn't handle the memories. She's got a shitty history as well, filled with regret and poor decisions.
While Carol has no memories, Brunnhilde has too many.
Carol latches onto the past, Brunnhilde tries to ignore it.
While Carol is a nervous wreck of, "I have to fix it. I have to do better," Brunnhilde was the, "Maybe if I ignore everything, it'll go away," variety, that has now turned into the, "I am responsible for literal warrior children and a country full of theme-park goers. Oh gods, what have I done?"
They're both utter messes in their own right. They're both foils of each other: soft and hard, dresses and suits, expression and repression, patterns and solids, past and present, and to me, they just... fit. Maybe it's a combination of my own trauma that draws me to them. Maybe it's because I love a good tragedy, I don't know, but the thing I'm trying to get at is this:
I love Maria and Carol for who Carol was. For that fireball of a woman who never second-guessed herself. The person before the Kree, and Hala, and space- whose biggest concerns were proving the Air Force wrong, changing diapers, and finding a babysitter for Monica on date nights. Bars and alcohol and baseball caps. First loves and long drives with the windows rolled down. Two women with an equal lifespan, who could live and die together like normal, beautiful humans.
And I love Carol and Valkyrie for who Carol has become. An immortal PTSD-ridden warrior. Someone who second-guesses everything. Whose concerns now involve about a hundred planets, Titans, gods, Accusers, etc. She's nostalgic for the 90s. She wears god-awful crocs and yells at her cat. She's in a fake-relationship with a random Prince because she "felt bad" and hooks herself up to fracking pods every night because she clings to the past like it's all she has. Valkyrie tethers her to real life... shows her that healing is possible and encourages her to open herself up to others again, even if it hurts.
To me, both pairings are beautiful. Both are valid. Both have their place in discussions, fanworks, and canon, and in everything I write, I aim to treat them with love, respect, and devotion.
Because these three women absolutely deserve it.
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liyawritesss · 3 months
ᖴᒪOᗯEᖇᔕ Iᑎ ᗷᒪOOᗰ - ᐯᗩᒪEᑎTIᑎEᔕ ᗪᖇᗩᗷᗷᒪEᔕ
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Day 24 - Cuddles
- A Little Cold Outside - Valkryie/Brunnhilde - Marvel's Thor
- in which the grounds are still painted white with snow, and Valkyrie suggests and idea to keep warm from the cold.
- Check out more prompts and other activities on the Flowers In Bloom Event Masterlist!
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“Shit, it’s cold.”
You aren’t sure why the house hasn’t gotten any warmer. Despite having the heat cranked up and sporting a sweatshirt and sweatpants with fuzzy socks, you, for some reason, can’t seem to retain heat. The amount of discarded tea bags and throw blankets that litter the living room loveseat is also a testament to your feeble attempts at keeping warm.
The Norwegian weather was no joke, and as it crept closer to the colder months, you find yourself getting more frustrated with how to keep warm. You’ve stockpiled more jogging sets than what your poor closet is willing to sustain. If it gets any colder, you’ll have to buy a personal heater for every room in the house so that you don’t turn into a human popsicle.
Then, there’s your girlfriend, Brunnhidle, who finds the weather more than tolerable. In fact, she’s enjoying it.
“Hildie,” you whine as she comes down from her home office, hearing her footsteps take her to the kitchen to likely to refill her mug with the same tea you made earlier, “it’s coooollldd!”
“It is not,” Brunnhilde counters, “it’s perfectly fine in here, darling.”
“No it’s not!” You retort with a pout. “It’s freezing! I’ve spent most of the morning trying to keep warm and nothing’s working!”
“Not even the new thermal jogging set I just bought you?” The royal says as she makes her way into the living room, taking the opportunity to break and check her phone as well. She peers over the back of the couch to see you, curled up under your mass of throw blankets, looking so adorably mad at her teasing.
“I swear, I’m gonna buy a heater for every room in this house when winter sets in. I can’t handle this!”
“Hm,” Brunnhilde hums, now leaning on the back of the couch, “there is one thing you’ve yet to try, darling.”
“And what is that?” You ask, eyebrows furrowed as you look at her quizzingly. Brunnhilde’s face lights up in one of her cheeky smiles, and you know that she’s got something mischievous going on in her mind.
“Meet me upstairs, and I’ll show you.”
“That would require me to leave my spot, and the limited amount of warmth I just started garnering?”
“Trust me, baby, you’ll be way warmer upstairs with me.”
You aren’t sure what idea she’s posing, but the prospect of getting warmer is too good to pass up. And so, after moments have passed and she’s went back upstairs, you, too, peel yourself from the couch (accompanied with a singular throw blanket around your shoulders), and make your teck upstairs to your warm bedroom.
As soon as you come into view of the threshold, you see Brunnhilde between the blankets of your shared bed, still in her somewhat casual loungewear, arms open wide for you to climb into. You purse your lips together to keep from chuckling. “Is this your indirect way of asking me for cuddles?”
“You’re cold, and I need a break from being King. Kills two birds with one stone doesn’t it?”
She’s got a point, you admit. So you give up any ideas you had of teasing her to hell and back for her neediness, and pad your way over to the bed, cuddling up to your lover, tangling your limbs with hers, waiting for the warmth of her body what to set into your own.
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sigynthevictorious · 2 years
❛ I’m not drunk, i’m just intoxicated by you. ❜ [Stephen]
𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘  𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐊  𝐔𝐏  𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒. - @tangleweave
"Now that is a line I never thought I'd hear," Sigyn laughed and brushed her golden curls over her shoulder, "for one so talented with his lips, I thought you would have come up with something better than that for your own lover," she teased as her slender finger circled the crystal rim of her glass.
"I warned you that trying to outdrink Brunnhilde was a poor move, but of course Mr. Supreme knows best!" Sigyn playfully scolded and switched his drink from sweet mead to water with a wave of her hand. It was the least she could do, though it was rather sweet seeing him in such a state.
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docgold13 · 2 years
Brunnhilde alongside the other Valkyrior would tragically die at the hands of Malekith the Accursed during War of the Realms. Angela & her team were however successful in separating Annabelle from Brunnhilde so she didn't die again, & Brunnhilde has since assisted the new Valkyrie Jane Foster from Valhalla during her book & the King in Black tie-in (alongside Tessa Thompson Valkyrie & Dani Moonstar).
That stinks! How many times must poor Brunhilde be killed/reborn? Leave Britney alone!!
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valkxrie · 1 year
@tessastormrp continued from here x 
Brunnhilde failed at hiding her smile, and shook her head. “You are a poor Witcher indeed if you can confuse a Fossgrim for a dragon.”
She sat near the hearth of a small but tidy cottage. It was perched high in the mountains, wind-swept on the outside and cosy within. It was just them; which could bode well or very poorly for them both. He was a Witcher and she - well, she was not human either.
“Perhaps you battled Jörmungandr.” Brunnhilde half teased, not hiding her accent. Her wings were hidden, but she had no doubt he sensed something in her - just as she did for him. "I pulled you from the water. You almost froze to death. The cold kept you from bleeding out - so, I suppose you were lucky.”
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bigbadripley · 1 year
Chemistry - Ⅱ - Research
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Pairing: Valkyrie x Bisexual!Female!OC
Appearances: Student!Valkyrie, Student!Thor, Student!Yelena Belova. Student!Wanda
Summary: Reese Majors decides to join a tutoring program hosted by her favorite professor for volunteer hours. She gets set up to tutor a girl named Valkyrie Brunnhilde, a bombshell she’s never met before. Reese finds herself in a world of trouble as she grows closer to the once stranger that she is meant to help with her classwork.
+18 | third-person omniscient | 1,304 words | Fluffy/Dash of Angst | College AU | Warnings: Light swearing, mutual pining, questioning of sexuality, Loki is an asshole
A/N: I write new warnings for each part of the story. You are responsible for your own consumption of stories online. DL;DR. As always, if you find anything that needs to have a warning or I mislabeled something, please let me know~
Chapter list (ongoing)
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Reese's time outside class was spent aimlessly scrolling through Val's social media, admiring her photos and funny captions. She considered texting Val numerous times to see if she was doing anything and wanted to hang out, but Reese was easily intimidated by the prospect of asking girls out. 
Yelena arrived back at the dorm and saw what Reese was up to immediately. 
"That's called stalking." She pointed out as Reese scrolled from one photo to the next. Reese looked at her with big eyes,
"I'm not stalking her!" She said defensively. At least Reese didn't see it that way. 
Yelena peered over her shoulder, "She's cute. Not my type, though." She said. Reese rolled her eyes,
"You don't have a type, Lena." She told her asexual, aromantic friend matter-of-factly. Reese glanced back at her phone, and she spotted a red heart. She realized she must have had her finger on the screen while talking to Yelena and accidentally liked the photo. The problem was the picture was from 9 months ago. 
"Shit, shit, shit!" Reese exclaimed, dropping her phone quickly. Yelena looked confused, unsure of what she was freaking out about. "I liked a photo from nearly a year ago! Fuck!" She said. Reese began to feel nauseous, understanding now what all those poor souls from the internet memes were talking about. 
"Just unlike it, it's not the end of the world," Yelena said, trying to get Reese to chill out. 
"I can't! It'll still show up in the notification, and once she goes to the photo and sees that my like isn't there, she'll know I unliked it! But I do like that photo! God dammit!" Reese explained, still pacing and avoiding looking at her phone. "What if Val doesn't even like me like that? I mean, there are many photos of her with some dude named Korg." 
"I don't understand the big deal. So you liked a photo from a long time ago, and? It could be flattering." Yelena said, trying to soften the blow. Reese flopped down onto her bed and sighed,
"Or she could see it as stalking, as you said." 
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It was time for Reese's first session with Thor, and she was not excited. She and Thor were best friends in school, but that all changed when his brother decided that Reese was evil for going on one date with him and deciding she doesn't like him like that. Few people knew about that, and Reese wanted to keep it that way. 
She was trying her best to walk Thor through a basic equation to determine his understanding of Professor Colson's class, but he needed to pay more attention to what she was saying. Instead, he was on his phone. 
"Earth to Odinson; what's the answer to this? I've basically spelled it out for you!" Reese told him, trying not to laugh at her use of the old phrase from school. The big, blonde himbo looked up from his phone and to the paper, squinting. 
"That would be... nine?" He answered in the form of a question. Reese sighed heavily and wrote the big number "6" on the page without a word. She didn't mean to be an ass, but she was still beside herself about what had happened earlier. 
Thor sensed this, oddly enough. "You seem glum, chum." He told her. Reese rested her head on her palm,
"Just girl troubles." She admitted. She had no intention of getting deeper into it with him, knowing well that they weren't buddies like they used to be. Thor was delighted to hear a topic more interesting than calculus and decided to pry. 
"I'm pretty good with girls! What's the problem?" He asked, suddenly giving Reese his full attention. This was when she realized that they wouldn't be getting much done in the way of tutoring today. Fuck it. She thought to herself before explaining the picture-liking incident with him, leaving out the detail of whose photos she was perusing at the time but making sure to include that Reese isn't positive that she swings that way. 
Thor let out an exaggerated gasp. "That's brutal, but you should just play it cool if you see her. Pretend it didn't even happen, and if she asks, tell her the truth." He told her. Reese reflected on the advice for a moment, realizing it was better than just avoiding Val entirely. "By the way, who is this girl?" Thor spoke back up. 
Reese started to remember what it was like with her old friend. He was a jock but the kindest jock you'd ever meet. She leaned in closer to him. "You keep this to yourself, alright?" She told him, wide-eyed. Thor nodded, swearing himself to secrecy. "Valkyrie Brunnhilde" She whispered to him.
This took Thor aback for a moment as his brain put together everything he had ever heard around campus about Val. "Well, you'll be happy to hear that she plays for your team." He told Reese with a grin. 
Reese lightly hit Thor's enormous arm with the back of her hand. "Shut the fuck up." She laughed, thinking he wasn't being serious. Thor shrugged,
"I swear, up and down." Reese took a moment, still not believing him, 
"What about that Korg guy in a ton of her pics?" she asked. 
"Her buddy, nothing more," Thor told her. He was one-hundred percent certain. 
"I think you're bluffing," Reese said, trying not to smile with giddiness in case he was playing her. Thor threw his hands up in defense, 
"I've been around. I hear and see everything, like Heimdall!" 
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While Reese and Thor were meant to discuss independent and dependent variables, Valkyrie was attempting to get the skinny on her tutor from her roommate, Wanda. 
"Reese Majors? She was a huge nerd in high school, but she had her 'She's All That' moment and glowed up over the summer break before our Junior year. Was a bit of a party animal after that, but it didn't last very long." Wanda explained, giving Val more detail than she originally asked for. "Also, that year, Thor Odinson set her up with his brother Loki, but apparently, she didn't like his attitude, so she shut that down. She started dating Clint Barton after that, though." Wanda continued to explain. 
Val sunk a bit at the idea of Reese being straight until her roomie spoke up again. "Nobody really knows why she broke up with Clint, but she hasn't really dated anyone since. The running theory is she's gay." 
"Really? Why do they assume that?" Val asked, hoping for substantial evidence. She wasn't looking to pursue a relationship with Reese immediately, but she was very enamored with the strawberry blonde. 
Wanda chuckled at Val's question. "Because somebody found her lesbian Game of Thrones fanfiction account online. Unless she's just a slut for Cersei Lannister; lesbi-honest." She stated, putting extra emphasis on somebody like she knew who. Val pried for more information. 
"Who was the somebody?"
"Loki. I guess he thought it would be suitable revenge for her rejecting him, but everyone forgot about it after a week. Everyone but Reese that is. I think she stopped talking to Thor even after that." Wanda explained further. "It's funny, though, because Loki came out at bi last year, so he just did what he did to be a dick, it seems."
Val thought about this for a long moment, realizing it would suit her better to get to know Reese personally rather than through rumor. She took her phone out and sent her a quick text: 
Hey, meet me outside of Jefferson hall tomorrow, noon.
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ao3feed-thor · 2 years
Day 5 - "Rules"
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/fw8pglB
by imperatorkhaleesi
“Not used to this, huh?” You breathe, smiling down at her; she’s turning a very rich pink under her light brown skin, her long curly hair fanning out across your bedspread. You have to pity anyone who’s fucked her but not seen this stunning sight. You’re enjoying it a bit too much, to be honest; you’re definitely drunk on power. She could throw you over, her fingers are curled in your throw blanket, her legs are trembling under you, but she won’t. Because she knows what you’re going to do, and she wants it too.
Poor, pretty, Brun. No one to fuck her like she deserves.
Words: 819, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Kinktober 2021
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Reader
Relationships: Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel) & Reader, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel)/Reader, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Kinktober 2021, Kinktober, Cunnilingus
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/fw8pglB
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 10 months
One Piece x Record of Ragnarok
The One Piece world is the far future of Earth and Luffy is chosen as a champion to face off against Apollo. Why? Because Nika and I find the potential reactions of the gods to be hilarious when they learn that Luffy is pretty much a god who is toon force personified
-It wasn’t hard to convince Luffy, who came to Valhalla in his prime, right after he discovered that his Devil Fruit wasn’t the Gum-Gum Fruit, but the Sun God Nika Fruit, to fight in Ragnarok. Brunnhilde told him that a feast would be prepared after he won his fight and showed him a video of the food being prepared.
-Brunnhilde herself was going to be his partner, telling him, “My Volundr with you will allow you to remain in your Nika form with no repercussions or strain on your body.”
-Luffy was sparkly-eyed at this, thinking it was going to be so cool to fight with no limitations, wanting to really try out his skills.
-Brunnhilde had no issues tricking him, “But the longer the fight, the longer you’ll have to wait for your food, and it might get cold~” Luffy was almost instantly fired up, lifting his fists to the sky, “I’m not gonna make my meat wait for me!!!”
-Apollo was annoyed his opponent was a pirate, the Pirate King at one point, but nevertheless, a pirate, finding it a poor choice against a god like him.
-Luffy walked out with a meat stick, something Brunnhilde gave him for some motivation to get started, giving him a tease of a taste of the feast that awaited him.
-Apollo sneered down at him, “Really? This is the best humanity could do?” Luffy swallowed, looking a bit confused, “Huh? Who are you?”
-The outrage from the side of the gods, especially from Apollo, was very loud, many were stunned to learn that Luffy had no idea who Apollo was!!
-Apollo glared hard, pointing a finger at him, “You dare ask such a question?! Have you been living under a rock?! I’m the sun god Apollo! The pinnacle of perfection!!”
-Luffy ate the rest of the meat stick in one bite, pulling the bone out after stretching his mouth with ease, stunning Apollo with his bad manners before he grinned brightly, spreading his legs, “Apollo huh? Never heard of you!”
-Apollo was quick to launch an attack, furious at this disrespect from Luffy who seemingly disappeared as he leapt up with ease before kicking the sun god away, stunning everyone with his combat skills with his Devil Fruit abilities.
-Brunnhilde appeared next to Luffy in spirit form, speaking to him, “I’m ready on my side. Remember- the sooner you beat him, the sooner you get to eat to your heart’s content!”
-Luffy punched his fists together before inhaling deeply and energy and power seemed to explode from him, creating a whirlwind, one that nearly took Apollo off his feet.
-Laughter quickly filled the stadium as Luffy appeared high in the sky above, his appearance now drastically different with snow white hair that looked like fluffy clouds.
-Jaws were dropped all around the stadium, many not completely sure what was happening before Heimdall shouted out, “That’s- that’s the Sun God Nika!!” the crowds were instantly alight with cheers and shouts, seeing that a human had a god like ability.
-Apollo believed that this was just for show, instantly going on the attack, “This arena only has room for one sun god!!” Luffy took the punch full force, and his head went back into a nearby wall, with everything else remaining still in front of Apollo, not bothered.
-Like a serpent, Luffy’s head was quick to come back, spiraling around Apollo who was horrified, “What is this?!” Luffy just laughed loudly, having fun.
-Gods were horrified to see how easily Luffy was handling Apollo, bouncing his ass like a basketball… literally, smushing the god into a ball shape and playing around with him.
-Some, like Buddha and Loki were nearly falling over each other, laughing loudly, as Apollo had been talking so much smack leading up to the match.
-Ares and Hermes were conflicted, on one side they found it hysterical, thinking it was amazing Apollo was being put in his place, but at the same time, they, along with many others, were intimidated by Luffy’s power, seeing him as someone very dangerous.
-Luffy was announced the winner in the quickest match of Ragnarok and once he was announced he returned to normal, feeling completely fine before Brunnhilde came apart from him.
-He held her hand like a child, “Bruu-chan! Meat!!” her eyelid twitched, making a mental note to smack Buddha the next time she saw him as she nodded, “Yes-yes, come with me. It should be being brought into your room now.” He cheered loudly, leaping up and everyone was stunned, seeing how simple he was, fighting so he could eat.
-On the way he ran into Kojiro who had been watching the fight up close on a balcony and Luffy beamed, “Double sword guy!!” Kojiro laughed warmly, greeting Luffy and Brunnhilde couldn’t help but smile, seeing how easily these two got along, but then again, Luffy seemed to make friends everywhere.
-When Brunnhilde arrived back to his room several hours later with more food, she was stunned to see Ares, Kojiro, Jack, Buddha, most of the Valkyries, Shiva and his wives, and Loki all enjoying the feast with Luffy, turning into a celebration party.
-She couldn’t help but smile as Luffy cheered when she came in with more food and many of the others cheered as well, greeting her.
-She declined to stay, as she was preparing for the next match, but thanked Luffy before walking by Buddha and left him with several large steaming lumps on his head which he only snickered at, finding Brunnhilde’s reaction to Luffy using her nickname hysterical.
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ao3feed-the100 · 2 years
Poor, sweet lamb, already caught in our web
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Y0mnE9A
by Dinofuryjaws
“Poor, sweet lamb,” Natasha said again, hungrily watching Clarke sleeping, “Already caught in our web. So caught in our web, you have no idea that it’s too late.”
Natasha sensed the other vampires grinning fiendishly.
And it really was too late.
Clarke was theirs now, and there was no escape.
Another tribute to WolfHowlRunner61, prequel to my Betrayal trilogy. References "Dark desires."
Words: 4289, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Marvel (Comics), Marvel 616, Black Widow (Movie 2021), DCU, DCU (Comics), The 100 (TV), The 100 Series - Kass Morgan, Carmilla (Web Series)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Clarke Griffin, Natasha Romanov, Diana Prince, Hela Odinsdotter, Felicia Hardy, Mari McCabe, Yelena Belova, Jennifer Walters, Brunnhilde, Anastasia Kravinoff, Dinah Lance, Helena Bertinelli
Relationships: Clarke Griffin/Natasha Romanov, Clarke Griffin/Diana Prince, Clarke Griffin/Hela Odinsdotter, Clarke Griffin/Gamora, Clarke Griffin/Nebula, Clarke Griffin/Jennifer Walters, Carol Danvers/Clarke Griffin, Clarke Griffin/Mari McCabe, Clarke Griffin/Felicia Hardy, Yelena Belova/Clarke Griffin, Clarke Griffin/Melina Vostokoff, Clarke Griffin/Anastasia Kravinoff, Brunnhilde/Clarke Griffin, Helena Bertinelli/Clarke Griffin, Clarke Griffin/Dinah Lance
Additional Tags: Polyamory, Strap-Ons, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Fisting, Safewords, Stalking
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Y0mnE9A
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annachumsblog · 2 years
Headcanon : For some time, it is believed that all of the Valkyries have died in the Massacre of the Valkyrie.
Of fucking course everyone was devastated upon the news. Thor, his friends and Loki all mourned for the supposed passing of Brunnhilde and Sigyn.
Loki was a teenager when he heard that, yet when he heard that Sigyn ( an old friend of his ) possibly died, something just punctured his heart inside ( he honestly have no idea what that was ).
That is, until in Thor Ragnarok, it is revealed that Brunnhilde escaped to Sakaar to try recover from her grief and PTSD by working for the Grandmaster and also excessive drinking.
Then, in New Asgard, Brunnhilde confessed to Thor that she has dreams of several of her old Valkyrie compatriots.
Loki basically built a temple with Sigyn's helmet in Thor Ragnarok and his last words in Infinity War being ' Undying fidelity ', implying that Loki might dream of Sigyn, and Sigyn has probably escaped to another timeline at this point.
So it is implied that maybe, just maybe, Brunnhilde isnt the only survivor in the Massacre of the Valkyrie
There might be several others who survived but escaped to different planets or timelines
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reading-hawkeye · 5 years
The Defenders #7, 1973
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