#i forgot how funny obey me can get😭😭
mammoanlmao · 1 year
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Please excuse me for being the biggest Banshee simp :,))) Could it be fluff? or a little sus it doesn’t matter bdhfhv (I’m gonna say that its a pre-established relationship bc 👉👈)
Anyways- Its late at night at the tower and I’m sitting at his shop and telling him stories about funny stuff that happened in gambit as he tinkers with weapons. He gets frustrated with the thing hes working on so we go outside and end up cuddling (just being affectionate in general bc i just want to kiss his little forehead bdhdjv 😭) as we watch the city from the tower.
Thank you so much!! I really hope this is good, and please take your time <3!!! (Also bestie- if you simp for anyone I’ll gladly write little stories like this for you. I promise I won’t judge >:))
WELL WELL WELL....I get why you're simping for Banshee tho, he is adorable. But thank you for giving me a scenery! I'll see what i can come up with on this one! ^^
Btw...you are a Guardian in this one if that's okay! No class is specified so feel free to just think of what class you are and i forgot to put it in but you're also not wearing a helmet.
This one turned out pretty good for my standards, i hope you enjoy it!! <3
Genderfluid!Reader x Banshee-44
It has been a long day for you, filled with awesome and nerve wrecking events. You are a Guardian who just got done with their tasks right at the end of the day as you now found yourself at the shop of your beloved gunsmith Banshee-44. You two have been together even before the Red War, when the Black Garden still decided to cause some drama. But speaking of the present you are now finding yourself sitting at the back of the small shop and tell your Exo boyfriend all about what happened in Gambit today and your chat with The Drifter all the while Banshee was tinkering with an Auto Rifle that has been jammed (up) in multiple ways and is hard to fix - even with his knowledge.
He was trying to give you all of his attention, he really was but this damn rifle kept on causing problems so he had to speak up "(Name), I am sorry for having to say this but i have to concentrate on this weapon right now so if you could give me a minute of silence that'd be really of use." and you gladly obeyed. You knew his job was causing him problems sometimes AND the thing with his memories just keep on adding up to that so you decided to just silently sit there and watch him do what he is best at.
While you were - by now - cleaning your own Hand Cannon you heard him grunt as the sound of something heavy hitting the metal surface of a counter had followed close behind. With a concerned expression you stood up from your current position on the chair and walked up to him, seeing him clearly distressed and annoyed by this stupid rifle that some Guardian managed to jam up so hard even the Gunsmith couldn't properly fix it. "Are you feeling alright? Would you like to take a break, Banshee?" you asked while laying a gloved hand on his shoulder. He was looming over the rifle with his hands placed at the edge of the counter, leaning on it with his full weight as he was just looking down on it and tried to think of a way to finally get it to work again like it should. Noticing how deep he was rummishing in his mind to get a solution, you decided to wrap your arms around his torse from behind, laying your head on his shoulder that you previously grabbed before you grumbled. That brought him back to reality as he finally answered "W-what were you saying? I didn't hear it, I was thinking..sorry" , "You should take a break, Banshee. If this rifle causes you too much stress then you have to clear your head even for just a minute." you muffled against his neck and he went silent. It took a minute or two before he rose his head and looked at you rather confused, "What did you say? I forgot...memory problems and all" was all he managed to say as you scoffed and let go of him before grabbing his hand. "Follow me" was what you said before leading him out of the shop and to a secured spot where no one usually went.
It was late...pretty late with the stars floating in the sky, illuminating it. While the City down below was glowing with lights, showing it's beauty at night all while the Traveler was right in the middle, big and shiny. As you and Banshee were looking at the view you pointed out the various Ghosts flying around near the Traveler, "They are probably still looking for their Guardians" Banshee said as he acknowledged the view in front of him, but nothing compared to you nonetheless. Speaking of you, Banshee couldn't resist the urge to look at you, seeing you illuminated by the glow of the Traveler and the moon just took his breath away (even if he doesn't really need to breathe). He was glad that he agreed to the date all those moons ago, he was happy to now call you his. You know...you always caught his attention when you were striding through the Tower, talking to your Ghost about various topics.
He was lost in his thoughts again and you had to chuckle as soon as you noticed it, which..well flustered him so he looked away. "You are easy to fluster, even with that stern expression of yours" you said as you raised your hand to touch one of his antenna to which he crossed his arms and huffed, "You just know what to say and do" was the answer you got while his optics flickered from the view to you and back. It was amusing to see such a calm and collected Exo get flustered that easy just by one move. He only gets that flustered when you two are alone though.
While you lightly touched the antenna at the back of his head it twitched, which made you chuckle so you kept on doing it. Seeing how much fun you had with just his antenna, made Banshee turn off his optics - like he was simulating to close his eyes - and slightly lower his head.
As you realised how happy this Exo actually made you, you decided to surpise him with a big bear hug. He was startled by your sudden action and had his mouth plates hang open while his arms were raised. "I love you Banshee" is all he had heard because you whispered it as you clung to him, "I love you too..(Name)" he answered as he slowly wrapped his arms around your back and held you close. After a minute or two he decided to lay his head on your shoulder and sighed while you gentle stroked his back.
The silence between you two was comfortable. It was all he ever wanted in his live as an Exo, a person he could love and hold close to him like he had you, getting loved and appreciated like you did. Honestly you - specifically you - was all he ever wanted in his existence and now that he got you, he was finally able to relax and get really comfortable. (He really loves you)
With a kiss to the side of his head from you he practically melted in your touch. You had to smile at his reaction while you raised a hand to place at the back of his head, gently stroking the plate there with your thumb. He hummed in response and wrapped his arms around you a bit tighter, signaling to you to that he appreciates it.
Your Ghost suddely appeared and floated around you both, chirping in response to the wholesome scenery infront of it before nuzzling against your shoulder and just staying there.
This moment sure was one of the best you ever had, here at the beautiful night view from the Tower of the Last City with your beloved gunsmith in your arms. "Did i already tell you that I love you..?" is what broke the silence between you two by the low voice of Banshee-44 to which you had to laugh and say "Yes you did sweetheart but I love you too!" and with another kiss to his cheek you had him softly chuckling aswell.
Yep, you never wanted this moment to end.
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blissfullyapillow · 1 year
Hello, darling! I hope I wasn't for the event you're doing. I have been busy during the holidays and I forgot about to make a request. 😭
I would like to make a match up for Genshin and Obey Me, if that is okay?
Personality? I can be shy but can be all over the place when I am with my close friends. Make some jokes (think you know what I'm talking about 😉) and like to make people happy. Yet I have my cloudy days where I want to be left alone and don't want to rain on anyone's parade. I can have blonde moments, then I get teased for it which I don't mind cause I will be laughing with them. 😂
Hobbies? Reading, writing, play video games, singing, baking and cooking, and do any type of art. ^^
Qualities I want in a partner? I want a man who is patient with me, loves me at my worst and will be there for me when I need him. I like him to have the same interests as me but he can have his own tastes as well. Mature, loyal, and funny. A gentleman, for sure.
I hope you're doing okay, love. And be careful during the holidays. I pray that you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🥰💞
Notes: Ngl I struggled with the genshin matchup since I did Kaeya for you already lol, so I hope you like it :) The Obey Me matchup came to me super quick though lol. Tysm!! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year as well <3 Stay safe love!
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
I match you with: Diluc Ragnvindr
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At first he got a bit of whiplash when you finally broke out of your shell. It was a welcome surprise of course, but it took him a bit of adjusting.
When you first make a suggestive joke with him his face gets as red as his hair. The sight was so beautiful you not so subtly took a picture to capture the moment. 
To this day he asks you to delete the picture, but little does he know it’s your home screen on your phone.
Diluc is willing to stay by your side or give you some alone time when you are feeling down. Once you’re feeling better, his arms always open the moment he sees you. It’s kind of a routine now; he’s patient and willing to wait for you as long as he needs, and he welcomes you with open arms that you happily run into. 
One time he was asking you which drink you’d prefer but you started talking about something completely off topic. After a bit of conversation he realized you thought he was discussing a different matter with you. He chuckles to himself before giving your forehead an endearing flick, as his lips follow to soothe the sting they leave behind. but he flicks so lightly it doesn’t even hurt in the slightest
Diluc has his own dark past so he’s not one to judge others when they’re at their worst. He’s supportive and loyal to you, waiting until you are ready to continue moving forward. He may give you a bit of a push if it seems like you need it, but otherwise he’s someone you can always rely on.
Diluc can be funny, but not in the sense you’re thinking. Sometimes he goes on long winded rants about ‘the abyss’ and how ‘their a stain upon this nation’ and it’s genuinely funny when he keeps going even after a semi-sarcastic reply from you.
He’s enthusiastic whenever you bring him something new to try. In turn, whenever he creates a new drink he’ll always ask if you’d like to be the first to taste it. If alcohol isn’t your thing, he has lots of other options as well.
After a long day it brings a smile to your face whenever you enter Diluc’s arms, his fiery passion for things can be seen in your relationship, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
“Oh. This tastes good. What did you put in it?” Diluc asks with interest evident in his voice. He savors the treat you’ve made for him, and as you go into detail he watches your facial expressions with rapt interest.
At some point you slowly stop talking since his eyes are basically staring into your soul. You ask him if there’s something wrong with your face, and to that he abruptly sits up.
He swiftly makes his way around the counter between the two of you, and he wordlessly lifts your chin with his thumb and finger. “No. I was just admiring you.” His simple response catches you a bit off guard. He’s not always this upfront about his feelings, and it causes your hands to get clammy and your heart to pound in your chest.
“Well, the treat I gave you isn’t the only sweet thing I have for you to try.” With that you show him the meaning behind your words with a syrupy kiss against his luscious lips.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
I match you with: Satan
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
One of his favorite things to do with you is read together. Whether it’s sitting beside each other or on opposite ends of the room, he’s content with occupying the same space as you.
There have been times when he bashfully asked you to sing for him, and he’s the best audience you could ask for. He’s the definition of mature so you don’t have to worry about immaturity with him.
He’ll tease you whenever you act shy around him. He’ll be the calm to your chaotic whenever you start acting goofy with him. 
He’s the best person to go to whenever you’re feeling down. It’s almost eerie how he knows exactly what to do each time you go to him for comfort. 
If you want him to fall for you even harder, make him something with cats. Cat shaped cookies, a cupcake with a cat face made out of frosting, do ANYTHING with cats and he’s all for it. 
You turn into a mushy fangirl whenever he acts like a gentleman around you (which is pretty much all the time) and he’s pretty smug about it especially if you start acting like that when Lucifer’s around you two. 
“Y..You made this for me?” Satan’s failing to cover up his red cheeks as he admires the cute cat cookies you’ve made for him. 
When you encourage him to try them, you notice the hesitance on his face. “They’re almost too cute to eat, but since you took the time to make them for me…” He takes a bite and you smile at the way his eyes light up in delight. 
“They’re delicious. Thank you.” Satan compliments you, and his compliment is accompanied by a sweet kiss on your cheek. 
You relish the opportunity to admire him as he savors the purrfect treats you’ve made for him.
Dedicated to,
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