#i have never been artistically productive while miserable
hellenhighwater · 2 months
How do you stay creative while working full time? :)
I don't know, I just do stuff. Not art stuff, really! I think sometimes that I have to maintain a base minimum of Stuff Going On to stay above the gravity well of Comfy Bed All the Time No Need To Get Up And Do Things. There's an inertia to stuff, you know? Sometimes when you're busy it's easier to just maintain the momentum of getting things done. I don't always get stuff done as quickly as I'd like--the fact that I'm doing stuff all the time doesn't mean that the stuff I'm doing is necessarily productive. That's a good thing, though, because creativity has to be fueled from somewhere. There's got to be non-creative time for that part of the brain to recharge and rest, so it's not bad to have a job that doesn't demand that kind of thinking.
I did a lot this weekend and almost none of it was creatively productive in a normal sense. I got some pottery done on saturday morning, and then met a friend for sushi, went to my dad's to sandblast and powdercoat car parts and got a milkshake, went for a walk in the woods to pick tiny flowers, met my brother for dinner, and played DnD until midnight before driving back home. Today I planted hydrangea, hauled flagstone into place, dug up grass and tilled it over, and put mulch down. I made a roast for lunch and played DnD in my other campaign for a few hours, then started mixing down the clay slurry into slip for casting, which has to rest for the next 24 hours. In a little while, a friend and I are going to do an online movie marathon, and tomorrow--monday--I've got a board game night after work. Then the next week is pottery tues/thurs/saturday, dinner with my other brother and his wife on wednesday, DnD friday and sunday again.
You know what all of those little appointments with friends do? Force me to manage my time well. Force me to stay on and not just let the day get away from me. I rest when I need to but I also put really concerted effort in to spending time doing stuff that I enjoy.
People often say that they create art from a specific emotion, but to me, in order to make art, to make art sustainably, you have to be happy enough to want to put new things in the world. They don't have to be happy things. But you have to be in the world to reflect it out. Sometimes that's work. Sometimes that's friends.
Work on joy; the art will follow. That's just what's true for me.
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randomdragonfires · 2 months
it's me, hi!
Hello everyone! it's me - randomdragonfires/sam and this is my new blog!
This is a note for anyone who remembers me - hello, I'm back here, I suppose! First off, I'm going to say this: I'm genuinely sorry to those whom I worried while I took off without saying a word. I was gone a whole month and I left no way to be contacted. I can understand how that could worry those of you who cared, and I should have acted better.
I left for a bit simply because I needed to catch a breath. Writing started to seem a bit like a chore, and there was too much about the fandom that made me sad, frustrated, angry and petty each time I opened my feed. I was not writing and I was not a happy participant - there was very little reason for me to stay and make myself miserable, when I could have been clearing my head, giving myself space and falling in love with writing for fandom all over again.
Which is what I've been doing in the past month.
Deleting my tumblr and discord was not a decision I made impulsively. I had been considering it for weeks, and I am glad I did. Now, after a clean long break, I've come back with a much more healthier relationship with this blog and the fandom, and I'm genuinely in a better space. I look forward to writing and posting here again too.
I've missed it so much more than you know.
that's great, Sam! so, how have you been?
It's good. It's bumpy and weird, but things are good. I hope they've been good for you guys too. <3
If this is your next question, then here it is!
I've been very busy. I work a 9-6 job as a creative writer 6 days a week and I also study for my executive masters program (in journalism and PR, if you're wondering) when I'm not working. I'm involved in a few freelance projects and when I'm not doing any of this, I prefer to read or sleep or go on fast hour-long walks; simply because it all keeps me away from my electronics. I'm constantly drained creatively, and it sucks - but I'm also engaged 24x7, learning something new and doing productive things.
will you be writing again?
If this is something that you're wondering about, then yes. I do plan on writing. I am starting a series that I am trying to pour my entire soul into - but it is going slowly. Like I mentioned, I have a tight schedule and it keeps me busy every second of the day, so I write when I can.
I plan on announcing my new series with a story masterpost anytime now. If you're interested, perhaps you should keep an eye on this space!
I will also be reuploading a selected collection of some of my work from my old blog - so if you'd like to give those a revisit, then feel free to!
that's it from me!
I'm happy to be back in the thick of things, and I hope that, to some extent, you're glad to see me back too. I'm here to be a positive, non-problematic presence that writes good fic, supports other artists, and is happy about it. Negativity in excess had me step away once, and I hope I'll never have to do that again.
Let's all be kinder, or at least try. :)
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"You have ignited a nuclear war. And no, there is no animated display of a mushroom cloud with parts of bodies flying through the air. We do not reward failure."
Balance Of Power is a 1985 apple ][ game where you control either the US or USSR between 1990 and 1997. If you provoke any kind of nuclear attack, no matter what, you lose instantly. It's a fascinating game, utterly unlike anything else. Why does it seem to stand alone? It received an update in 1990, but after that, dead silence.
apparently the reason balance of power never really went any further after 1990 is that its creator, Chris Crawford was kind of a dick. and more than a bit full of himself. at the 1992 game developers conference he gave an anime protagonist speech that boiled down to "video games are ART and shouldn't HAVE to be FUN" and "if your GAME is FUN, it's NOT ART" and ran out of the room, burning every bridge in his entire career.
after he miserably failed to produce anything as an outside artist, he then blamed Society, and the games industry, for not being Ready for his Art, ...and then bafflingly proceeded to write two books about the games industry, the latter of which after he'd already been out of it for twenty fucking years.
i checked his personal website. in it, he still writes about how the games industry doesn't "get" his "art" and that he's so much smarter than everybody else, shown on a neon blue background that hurts to look at.
it's a shame. the new breed of strategy game he invented 1985, while considered successful at the time, just didn't have any kind of staying power. but imagine if it did!
imagine if it had sprouted an enduring genre of modern political simulators, ones where avoiding war is the bread and butter of the campaign, and earning prestige is just the seasoning. imagine if paradox, sid, etc, were on that kind of bandwagon.
it would be a different gaming landscape for one thing. but knock-on effects... i can't even begin to guess.
I'll tell you, playing BOP 1990 edition had me sweating a few times, and giving it a handful of well-earned oh thank god's at particularly stressful moments. It's old, clunky, very much a product of it's time, and how couldn't it be? it couldn't have been made today, both because the ending would already be spoiled (we're alive, more or less), and the political motivations for making it (antinuke, pro normalization of relations) would be absent.
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pakeithpsy · 1 year
A serious discussion regarding Hazbin, Helluva Boss, and VivziePop
Seriously considering just jumping ship from the Hazbin/Helluva fandom and never looking back.
I don’t think there’s anything in my life that’s gone from “the thing I love more than life itself” to “the thing that causes me unrelenting pain and misery” so fast and so hard.
I’m tired of listening to the whiny fans who are never satisfied with anything.
I’m tired of listening to the overly-defensive fans who refuse to accept any criticism directed towards it whatsoever and unhealthily stan Viv.
I’m tired of dealing with the constant drama surrounding Viv and the crew.
I’m tired of dealing with the haters harassing other fans and the crew over the tiniest of slights.
I’m tired of constantly feeling miserable with the knowledge that I will never get to work with any of these amazingly talented people nor will I ever have the skill or fandom comparable to theirs while idiots who know nothing about connections and resources keep shilling it as the gold standard of indie animation and evidence as to why I should stop procrastinating even though literally nobody will ever see what I make and will unfairly compare it to HB even though it’s completely unfair and one-sided.
It’s always been like this. Even in the Zoophobia days with the Honest Critiques blog, being a part of this community was still painful. But back then there were still good things to balance it out. For every rude hater or overly-toxic fan there were good things from good people that kept me coming back. But now I don’t even have that. Just being a part of this community on either side of the discourse is emotionally draining and miserable. Staying with this fandom has caused me nothing but misery. I’ve lost friends by being part of this community, I’ve hurt good people who deserve so much better over petty drama and now I can’t even reach out to any of them to try and make things right. I truly feel as though Hazbin and everything related to it and its community was better when it was just this small, cult thing. But the bigger and bigger the show got and the larger and larger this community became, the worse and worse it became to stay involved with. Why should I continue to follow something when it just makes me feel worse about myself and about the rest of the world?
I haven’t even watched any of season two. Since my life has stagnated and dealing with this drama has taken such a massive toll on my mental health, I didn’t want to just make myself feel worse watching it. But now I don’t think I ever want to watch any of this ever again. I don’t want to look at a single piece of fanart, I don’t want to hear about peoples’ fan theories, I don’t even want to know if it’s still a thing at all. I just want NOTHING to do with this series and this artist and just pretend they never even existed.
Even if Helluva Boss was a perfect, flawless show that appealed to everybody and even if Viv was a perfect angel who never did anything wrong and all that dirt about her was just lies and misunderstandings, I still wouldn’t want to be a part of this fandom because both this community and its detractors are just so miserably toxic that it just isn’t worth staying invested in. I actually had to unsubscribe from Viv’s channel just because I was so sick of seeing it on my dash and constantly reminding me of what I will never have and how horrible discourse has tainted my love for something I was once so passionate about. And I'm thinking that it may be for the best that I just leave this behind once and for all, but I’ve been invested in this world and characters and production for so long it feels like I’m forever chained to it and leaving it behind would force me to reevaluate my entire life.
And you know what, maybe this is on me. Maybe this is my fault for unhealthily attaching myself to people I don’t even know and works of complete fiction. But I just feel like part of me is dead inside and will never be able to fully heal. Something as trivial as a fandom for a silly web cartoon should not cause anyone this amount of mental anguish, be they autistic, mentally ill, depressed, or otherwise. I don’t know what else I’m supposed to do. This feels like such a stupid thing to get upset over and I just feel so embarrassed that just saying "a cartoon is making me feel bad” out loud sounds so utterly stupid to me.
I don’t even know why I say shit like this. It’s not like anybody even knows I exist. All I can do is just pretend and fantasize about all the great things my future holds to cope with the fact that I know deep down nothing will ever get better, not for me, not for this fandom, not for the rest of the world. I wish I never found about Viv or any of her stuff. I feel like I would be a much happier person if I didn’t even know what any of this was. But I do know, and I’m not happy. I wish I could just be normal like everybody else and just move on from something when I don’t like it anymore. I miss when works of fiction didn’t cause people nothing but agony and suffering.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
I am with you on hoping 2po disappears after end of Feb cause I just hate seeing the misery get spread for no reason other than they can’t stand to be wrong that others like you are right and that paying your way into expensive meet and greets does not equal having an “in” sighs god just get over it and f*ck off
mood. And it's been. so many years. and he never learns. And he doesn't want to. because he benefits from the attention and free con tickets he grifts out. That's why they're trying so hard to signal "SCRIPTHUNT HAS RAISED OVER 10K! *** IF YOU COMBINE US WITH THESE TWO OTHER GROUPS THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH OUR MONEY FLOW" like some weird corporate tax evasion bs. no man yall barely got what, 4K. And it took you dozens of thousands of dollars in cons to get that. Like, do the math sherlock, even if you add yourself into all your other friends' work you still don't break even.
Con artists. And that list? Check the hateful, vengeful assholes in those sister groups. I've covered a bunch of them before. It's just a web of the same assholes with a few fringe attachments of specific new assholes per branch.
They've all stunted like this for years, they're the peak "DELUSIONAL" screamers that have never ONCE looked in their reflection to realize, uh. no. you were the delusional ones. You screamed market testing was delusional, berens' intent was delusional, an S15 confession was delusional until the scripts came out far later, the roadhouse was delusional, omissions were delusional, production distress was delusional, the pilot being real was delusional, the morals of the Winchesters were delusional--and guess what. All of those things were real. And 95% of psychotics think they're perfectly sane. So maybe everyone in that group orbit needs to reign in their delusional shrieking, tap the brakes, view the last 5 years of history, and then go see a doctor themselves.
That whole time they did the same shit. "well I have a friend who does interviews at cons and they say" "well I have a coffee runner friend and they say" "well I was in a M&G and--" guess what chucklefucks you were all idiots about all of those things anyway, no matter how confident you were in the last three points, because those sources are limited yeehaws that don't know any real shit and after FIVE YEARS you still haven't learned your goddamn lesson.
So they're just gonna go down screeching and screaming and denying and calling everyone else crazy while building their illusory world until they all ultimately will have no choice but to basically eat each other for the construction of lies they've both trapped themselves in and forced themselves to the end of the line on together. When they could just. Leave. And stop being delusional. And stop trying to make everyone as miserable as they are.
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next-lvl · 2 years
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Finally forcing myself to talk about the elephant in the room.
Wakfu, the fandom, my and Ake’s ocs, everything that didn’t happen around this February, when I did a month-long countdown, hyping up something big that then never came to be.
I worked on this enormous (20 or so characters, 6k+ pixels resolution - larger than I’d ever drawn) tribute, directly nodding towards the famous Wakfu poster by Xa, but with my and Ake’s babies.
I started around December, remade the base sketch several times, this kind of a group pic’s way outside my comfort zone so I had to put extra effort in. Around the end of January I started doing the lines, remade them two times (and probably will again), the pressure of the deadline + my own style not quite matching the old vibes anymore turned this into quite a challenge, but I was willing to brace through it, for the love of these characters and the fandom itself, place I’ve spent 10+ years in.
It was February, the countdown pics already trickled in one after another. I didn’t have the luxury of being fresh and able to draw every day, I’m in a perpetual fight with insomnia on top of other mental and physical issues, so I’d jump at the opportunity to draw every few days or so. I work in bursts. I also had this growing distraction of another passion fighting for my art energy, you know, those catboys and long elves. Balancing everything was nightmarish, but I WAS managing.
Until the very end of February, when, instead of the 10th Wakfu anniversary, there was war.
I live in Russia, regrettably and unfortunately. Won’t go into details, those who need it already have read my posts from back then, in short my livelihood got under a major, although not quite physical, threat overnight. Companies started cutting their services en masse, Paypal included - I’m a self-employed artist fully depending on it to survive - there was so much to deal with, for me alone, not backed up by anyone irl, panicking, jumping from one hastily made plan to another.. It was living hell. Running a bit ahead: it still is.
Since I’m talking about this big picture that hasn’t quite gone anywhere, I’ll try to retain my focus on it. Somehow the accumulated stress from the challenge itself, plus the emotional devastation from war and how it affected my already miserable life, devastation from failing what felt like the most important deadline, something the 10 years and the month-long hype countdown led up to, resulted in me completely crumbling and being unable to continue working on this. For months.
It’s May. Almost June. Real life shit’s still bad, in fact I’m going through another horrible episode, the war caused ripples that still reach and mess up my life in the most physical way. I talked about it recently on my personal twitter if you wanna know details.
And yet, to an outside observer it looks like I’m super productive, I’ve been doodling away on my new FFXIV blog. This’s already quite an essay, I won’t hide it under the cut since it’s THAT important to me, but I can’t well explain the workings of my tired brain, stressed and pushed past the limits. I’ve fixated on this new obsession for good because it’s my only escape since the beginning of the year. My life and my sanity are hanging on one fraying thread, and that thread’s wolgraha that I’ve been drawing to comfort myself nearly every day.
They’re my will to live and love, externalized. This’s how I’m coping.
If I isolate from everything bad in my life, then, bizarrely, it’s the happiest I’ve been in almost a decade. I feel alive, in love on behalf of my new oc, I work on his story, processing his feelings does wonderful things to me. It still does nothing to improve my real life, yet, I’m content with living in my head like this for a while if it means surviving.
What about Wakfu art, ocs and the picture itself? I’m not giving up. I WILL finish it, just don’t know when. The deadline’s failed, the stress and guilt associated with that are a lot. Sorry. Everything’s too much for me alone nowadays. My state’s disastrous, in nearly constant fight or flight mode at one hand, reaching for the comfort of my current obsession and being utterly fullfilled by it, on the other hand.
I’m still standing. I made the wolgraha obsession my everything, I’ve even found decent success and a cozy niche in the new fandom during this year, I wake up, check my platforms and there’s something sweet about my dorks, something that keeps me going. It’ll stay this way for a while. They’re my only strength currently, but I’m lucky to have them at all. Some of my fellow russian artist friends have it much worse nowadays. I’m holding on.
This isn’t the end: of my real life, of my Wakfu life, of everything. I’ll keep going. Just need time to sort this mess out. Thanks for reading and sticking with me.
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psalm22-6 · 1 year
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Source: the Universal Weekly, 5 June 1926 (special date)
This is a rather long article about the distribution of Henri Fescourt’s Les Misérables (1925) in England and America so beneath the cut I’ve just included the parts I think are more interesting such as some technical information about distribution, a special cut scene where Victor Hugo falls asleep while talking to a little boy, a special showing for English politicians, and a request for help from the president of Universal who wants to know if American’s have the patience to sit through such a long movie.
“There can be no hesitation in acclaiming “Les Miserables” as the most artistic and pretentious film production of the year,” was the unqualified statement of the News of the World in reviewing the trade showing given “Les Miserables” in London by the European Motion Picture Co., Ltd., the distributors of Universal Pictures in the United Kingdom. “Les Miserables,” is the French production purchased by Universal for release as a super-production on the 1926-27 schedule. David Lloyd George, the British Prime minister during the World War, was so interested that he asked for a performance at his home. 
“Those who were present at the private view at the London Hippodrome during the week— and the audience included the French Ambassador and other diplomatic celebrities — were unstinted in their praise,” continued the News of the World. [. . .]  Audience Fascinated, Says Sunday Express
[. . .] “‘Les Miserables’ even in abbreviated form, ran for more than four hours, but the great audience, which included many French folk, who had come over specially from Paris, was obviously fascinated by the spectacle, a pageant of human interest that dazzles the eye and numbs the mind with its wealth of incident and grandeur. There were literary giants in those days.” [. . .]
Masterpiece of Film Production
“There was something new in film presentation at the London Hippodrome yesterday afternoon, when a distinguished audience, including the French Ambassador and representative of other Embassies saw a ‘private’ view of the screen version of the Societe des Cineromans of Victor Hugo’s ‘Les Miserables’ the greatest film that France has produced,” said the Westminster Gazette. “The stage prologue began with the showing of the author seated at a desk and talking to a schoolboy. He fell asleep, and the boy then opened the covers of the novel standing at one side of the stage and through the torn pages stepped successively the principal characters in the story, the impersonators being the same actors who played the parts in the film. And what a film! [. . .]
Acting Excellent, Reports Morning Post
“The film, which is 24,000 feet long, took over four hours to show, but though physically exhausting (despite a brief tea interval), it never lost vivid grip on eye and mind, and it retained remarkably the massive and spacious impression of the original,” ran the review in the Morning Post. [. . .] Lloyd George Has Special Showing
Within two hours of his return from a trip to the North, David Lloyd George, former prime minister of England, witnessed the new film version of “Les Miserables” at his Churt home. Having heard that the new version of Victor Hugo’s great book was in this country, the ex-Premier, who has read the book from cover to cover more times than he cares to remember, expressed a desire to see it. 
James V. Bryson, managing director of the European Motion Picture Co., therefore made special arrangements whereby a private screening was held at Churt. The setting could not have been improved upon, for the viewing took place in the vast oak panelled library, around the walls of which stood the mighty tomes of Hugo, Shelley, Thackeray and other writers of immortal fame. On either side of the huge fireplace, upon which the blazing logs cracked merrily, stood a strange coincidence, two huge oaken candlesticks, which were indeed symbolic of the Bishop’s candlesticks which played so large a part in the opening chapters of Hugo’s work. 
The guests at this showing included the ex-Premier, Dame Margaret Lloyd George and Miss Megan Lloyd George, Lady Carey Evans [nee Lloyd George, another daughter], The Rt. Hon. and Mrs. Philip Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. Gwylem Lloyd George, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Ponsonby and Mr. and Mrs. Williams. [who is Mr and Mrs Williams? That seems so vague but I guess people at the time would have known??] 
Prior to the screening the white-haired political leader asked a hundred questions referring to the film version of what he described as the most powerful story of the 19th century. Was the episode of Gavroche included in the film version? Would he see the Barricades? How had the producer dealt with the story of Fantine? 
As the brain children of Hugo came to life on the screen, the party sat absorbed. It was nearly midnight before the screening was concluded, but despite his tiredness after the long journey, Mr. Lloyd George was enthusiastic in the extreme. Turning around to Mr. Bryson he said “it was a matter for great congratulation. It was one of the stories which influenced me in my youth as no other story ever did and which I told again and again to my children. The acting is brilliant, particularly in the performance of Gavroche and the little girl who plays Cosette, whilst the barricades are most powerful.”  “I agree,” said Mr. Snowden. “It is a very marvelous film which will be very popular.”
 A few days later the European Motion Picture Co. received the following letter expressing again Mr. Lloyd George’s deep appreciation of the showing of the picture: “Mr. Lloyd George has asked me to tell you how deeply interested he was in the film which you and your colleagues so kindly shewed him at Churt last Saturday. He was tremendously impressed with the picture, and the way the story was reproduced. Some of the acting he thought was especially brilliant. 
“It was a great pleasure to Mr. Lloyd George to be able to witness this story which he has read and re-read from his youth upwards, and he asks me to convey to you his sincere thanks for your courtesy in making it possible for him to see it.” 
How Shall “Les Miserables” Be Released? 
"LES MISERABLES,” which Universal has purchased from the Societe de Cineromans, has just been shown in New York in its entirety. It proved to be such a tremendous and well-knit production that it seems a pity to cut one foot from it. It is a splendid attempt to picturize in all its most important features the greatest of Victor Hugo’s novels. 
It is now arranged in two separate parts with a natural ending for the first and a beginning for the second as Victor Hugo planned them. It would be possible to release it in three different ways: in its entirety; as two separate pictures; or to cut it down to the proportions of an ordinary super-feature. 
Because it is after all the exhibitors of the country who are most concerned in the manner in which this production shall be handled, this decision is going to be put up to them. Mr. Laemmle could not send every exhibitor in the country a personal letter, as he should like to do, but he is taking the opportunity the Weekly affords of writings this letter to them: “I WANT YOUR ADVICE. Because you are interested in the betterment of motion pictures and new ideas they present, I am going to ask your opinion on a knotty problem. We have a magnificent screen version of ‘Les Miserables’, Victor Hugo’s masterpiece. Containing a maximum of drama, beauty, pathos, thrill, and entertainment, the picture has been produced in twenty-two reels.
I do not wish to sacrifice a single foot of this masterpiece by editing it to what is called ‘commercial length’, nor do I wish the picture to receive anything less than maximum attendance. It has always been my aim to maintain a constant contact with the motion picture public. My endeavors along these lines have convinced me that American picture-goers are second to none in their desire for worth-while film entertainment. But — 
Is the American public willing to devote four and one-half hours to viewing a picture, even granting that the production is a masterpiece? Would you prefer to see ‘Les Miserables’ in its entirety at one sitting or would you rather see the second installment three days or a week after you had viewed the first? I should highly appreciate hearing from you in regard to this matter at your early convenience. In case you wish to discuss this letter with your friends or patrons, I should be more than glad to have their opinion also. 
Trusting to hear from you soon, and thanking you again for your interest in our activities, I beg to remain as ever Cordially yours, CARL LAEMMLE President, Universal Pictures Corporation.” 
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holographicang3l · 3 years
My hot take on the Evangelion 3.0+1.0 movie
-40 mins of shinji crying, trying to get over the trauma seeing Kaworus head explode and splatter across the window is relatable.
- Mari confused the fuck out of me. Her existence didn't make much sense but ok. Too much boob shots, too much fan service.
- Asukas story was good. Liked that she's also a Type series like Rei. Too much fanserves. They put a shit ton of detail on her naked body. I hated it.
- the Angel concept of Asuka was cool though it was predictable.
- So little of Ritsuko and Misato. Little to no personality.
- Kaji probably controlled Mark 6 to cut off Liliths head to stop the impact. (theory / headcanon / could have been kaworu as well but damn)
- hated that everyone was blaming shinji even tho he saved everyone at the same time. Ungreatful people, trying to blame a kid for ALLL the mess is pretty messed up.
- Kaworu and Asukas soul piloting Eva 13 lmao (I assume at least that's the case)
- I was laughing so ugly about the animation fo 3d Rei. Didn't give me the creeps, I was just making fun of it.
- some scenes are quiet awkwardly cut.
-I HATED the 3d fight between Eva 13 and Eva 1. It felt unfinished and unpolished.
- I did like the trueman show style of backdrop in the fight, where Eva 01 slammed through the scene wall.
- funny headless mannequin flying hand in hand 3d style. Looked ugly af but I can see the artistics in it.
- Weird but, the voice of Fuyutsuki sounded off, as if it was wrongly recorded. Maybe it was just me.
- "The key of Nebukadnezar ITS FULL CYCLE BOYS" urgh.
- Shinji putting the fucking dss choker on like the Chad he is.
- finally got in the fucking robot. What a huge Chad.
-crying kaworu was nice. Made him more human.
- didn't see it as if Shinji thinks Kaworu as his father figure, Idk how people can interpret that shit. They just come off as similar. Just because I see someone similar to a family member doesn't mean that I see them as a father or mother figure yall just interpret what you want to.
- Timeloop theory confirmed, we did it boys, depression is no more.
- it felt like a shit ton of things got cut off due to the awkward pacing, dialouge and some scenes.
- Ryo-chan I can't fucking-
- Commander Nagisa ✨ It was all an elaborate plan. Kaworu probably developed the Anti L- barrier thing or at least helped. (headcanon)
- Kaji was like father to me (probably kaworu somehow)
- melon farmer Kaworu confirmed
- Adult shinji, bantering with Mari.
-don't like the boob thing tho.
- hated the fan service. Loaded like a baked potato.
-Rei was fucking cute
- I would die for her.
- Fuck gendou
-I will not sympathies with a fucking egomaniac.
- dude fucked humanity bcs he couldn't accept the death of his wife.
- super obsessed.
-what a moron. I swear.
- Gendo hugging Shinji was cute tho.
- can't accept his apology tho, still asshole, can go rot in hell.
- All parents are assholes in Eva except Touji and Hikari.
-Tsubume and Rei fucking cute I swear.
- Kensuke is the ultimate winner, he looks handsome. Would fuck
- Rei and the farmer woman were cute, I want more content.
- End scene was stupid.
- the ending in general was good tho.
- felt bitter sweet but also satisfying.
- One LAST kiss slaps
- What if?: orchestra, piano slapped my soul into the Anti universe and now I'm sitting on the Golgatha object, ready to find Kaworu.
- I wanted them to be all happy.
-hopefully they are.
- Mari and Shinji probably endgame
- probably just friends tho, I mean come on.
-kawoshinners are crying.
- Kaworu going to super hell (predicted, it's all full cycle kids, go home)
- Maria Iskariot?! I mean what (yeah I know what the innuation is here but still)
- Asuka is a clone, guess Langley was the Original but died and the Shikinami series was deployed Idk, I'm not anno.
- Fucking technoblabble and pseudo-philosophy
- my brain melted trying to understand half of the bs that was spoken about
- I like Ryoji Kaji Jr. He's cute. I want 500 fanfics of him being a cute gardener and being best friends with kaworu (please im in pain help me)
- Parallels between Gendou and Ritsuko shooting at each other *chefs kiss*
- the detail in the scenery was just amazing.
- I'm a headless wandering Eva (no thoughts head empty)
- I missed the mass production Eva's (way cooler though I really liked the skull Eva's as well)
- give me a 14 years before prequel or give me death (probably gonna die before it comes out)
- I swear I was so sad when doppelganger Rei busted into Fanta, best development of Rei ngl
- I can not stop my anger with Gendou I swear.
-I don't care how he's written Gendo/ Gendou/Gendoh, all versions are assholes
- That L barrier thing in Asukas eye was the most painful thing to watch. Body gore Asuka as always.
- "I'll come and get you Shinji" SHUT UP
- The self insert story was funny tho ngl
- That hair flip was fabulous
- KaWoRu AnD rEi aRe StAnDinG in ClOsE pRoXiMiTy ThEy mUsT bE tOgEtHeR (what the fuck, can't people have normal friends from the other gender? )
- ShInJi aNd MaRi hElD hAnDs ThEy mUsT bE tOgEThEr (what the fuck, can't friends of the other gender hold hands? Does that mean I'm dating my best friend for holding his hand?! MAKE SENSE PEOPLE)
- UwU Asushin is Canon UwU (In the past maybe, was a huge cockblock from anno here, go cry in a corner and read your top rated evageek hentai manga of Asuka x Shinji Jesus christ (don't slaughter me) )
- God is dead after the stunt Gendou pulled and Kawoshin is (no) more (lmao no but yes but no, don't slaughter me)
- UNIT8 be like: "you're talking mad shit for someone being in consuming range" and proceeds to eat all the units (vore is strong in this one)
- Eva 13 and Eva 1 hugging (and penetrating) best shit I've seen
- Maris scream for Asuka was painful. It ripped my heart in pieces.
- Angel Unit2 was too short. I want more of that.
-That tiny Kaworu in the background while Angel Asuka absorbs Shikinami (I don't know fam, the movie is confusing)
- I read somewhere that Headless kaworu corpse playing the piano in the entry plug was cut off from the script and Im not sure if that is true but I would have LOVED TO SEE IT
- Eva 3.0+1.0 was annos huge middle finger to all of Evangelion and I love it.
- tells us to grow up and stop hyperfocusing at the characters proceeds to make them as sexual as possible lmfaooo
- That Lance of WILLE thing looks like something out of Darling in the FRANXX series and I laughed so hard.
- there you are YUI?!
- Mom was in me (I want to die)
- Gonna use plot device shit to make a Lance out of a spine (damn shinji obtained a backbone to defeat his deadbeat father, I would have never seen this coming *irony*)
- Gotta defeat your dad with the power of friendship TALKING (like any human being does)
- Anno says byebye (proceeds to think of 14 years past prequel, it makes money so I guess)
- Anno says grow up, proceeds to slap the fans in the face that you should stop using escapism as a coping mechanism in a world that makes you feel miserable and being in constant pressure to uphold a stupid image and start to live even though you're forced to work as much as possible with makes living hard af (I dotn know if you understand what I was trying to tell with this but if you do *Finger guns*)
- Give me the uncut version in a year or I riot
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legolasbadass · 3 years
A Lifetime Apart [1/3]
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Artwork by the lovely @gwen-ever​
Relationship: Thorin x OC
Summary: Thorin meets his One while still a young prince in Erebor, but their lives are torn apart by their families and the arrival of Smaug. 
Based on Alice Tynan’s interview with Richard Armitage in ‘The Vine,’ this fic was inspired by @gwen-ever’s wonderful art for the @tolkienrsb 2021! 
Warnings: Angst. Seriously guys, this is really angsty, get your tissues ready. (gwen and I are not sorry lol)
Rating: T
As always, the fic can be read on AO3. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 
There is a room in Erebor, a secret place where once their love bloomed in peace. All the memories of that place, where he held her and worshipped her with his lips, were forever engraved in his mind. It was there that, after months of struggling with his feelings, he had realized she was his One.
All Dwarves know that Mahal sometimes creates two of his children from the same stone, bonding them for life. Of course, not all Dwarves marry. Even those granted this honour by their Maker do not always choose to marry, for some value friendship above all other bonds, while others devote themselves to their craft. Still, as a young boy, Thorin had hoped Mahal would deem him worthy, and every night he had dreamt of the moment he would meet his One, conjuring their likeness like an artist who paints a picture and gives it life.
He had also wondered what it would feel like to meet his One. Would he know immediately? And how would he know? Perhaps it would be like in those romance novels his sister liked so much. A tender, all-consuming look from across the room, silently reassuring the other that they had found each other at last.
Perhaps due to long hours in the council chamber, Thorin had become more of a realist as the years went on. He always had to be on his guard, and he learned quickly that he could not trust his desires, for they could be manipulated by advisors and enemies alike. Romanticism was fine for artists but not for princes. The idea of a destined love became no more than a child’s fanciful dream, and Thorin grew gradually less opposed to the concept of an arranged marriage until the thought of it did not bother him at all. After all, his parents had been married for a political alliance and had still grown to care for each other. Thorin knew he would do the same.
At least, that was what he had told himself before he met Rúna, his dear Rúna.
He did not know immediately that she was his One, but from the moment their gazes met, he knew he would never again be the same. Her presence had so bewitched him that he had not realized he was walking toward her until she stood right in front of him. Then, stumbling over his every word, he had thought himself defeated, oblivious to the fact that she felt the same indescribable pull toward him.
“Thorin, at your service,” had been his first words to her.
“Rúna, daughter of Ragni, your highness,” she had replied with a curtsy, enchanting him all the more with her melodious voice.
“I hope you are having a pleasant time, Lady Rúna.” Already, he had loved the way her name rolled off his tongue.
“More pleasant than you, at least, seeing as you have found nothing better to do than stare at me from across the room,” she had replied teasingly.
Blushing furiously, he had attempted to remain formal and composed but, ultimately, had failed miserably. “I had hoped that would go unnoticed, or at the very least, that you would humour me and pretend like nothing had transpired. And just because I was watching you does not mean I am not having a pleasant time. On the contrary, my spirits were lifted by the sight of your fairness.”
Thorin could still remember the beautiful blush that had painted her cheeks. “Forgive me,” he had said hastily. “I did not mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“I did not say I did not enjoy it,” she had replied with the most enchanting smirk.
That was how their conversations usually unfolded. Thorin, who always prided himself on being in control and always knowing what to say, would find himself barely able to think. He blamed her low-cut gowns and the redness of her lips for that.
They soon became inseparable. Every day, they would meet in their secret room, a haven where they shared stolen kisses and soft caresses. Âzyungel, she would call him, for she, too, had accepted Mahal’s will. She had accepted Thorin as hers, and in those moments, both of them had believed nothing would ever separate them, for they were destined to be together.
Deep in the caverns of his mind, a voice called out to Thorin, warning him against the intensity of his passion, but he did not listen. He found himself thinking of her at the most inappropriate times, and she haunted the nights he wished he could spend with her. When he closed his eyes, he saw her smile and heard her laughter, clearer than the soft splashing of water against limestone rocks.
What would it be like to spend his whole life with her, his Rúna?
Thorin thought with utter surety that he would soon know when they announced to their families their intent to wed. At first, everyone was overjoyed. Rúna came from a wealthy and respectable family, so the king had no objections to his grandson’s choice — not that any of that mattered to the couple. Ale and Dorwinion wine flowed freely as the news travelled through the mountain. The prince had chosen his princess.
Thorin and Rúna welcomed their families’ approval, but they secretly longed to be alone once more. When at last they found themselves in the comfort of Thorin’s chambers, they drank some more wine between languid kisses, committing the moment to memory. Fingers braided hair then caressed the skin they hastily revealed, their cheeks tainted with the soft glow of love.
That night, like their hearts forever bound, their bodies became one. Thorin was gentle, attentive to her every need, and even afterwards, he continued to bathe her in tenderness, scattering kisses all over her skin as they murmured promises of eternal love to each other, bodies entangled.
Rúna fell asleep to the soft lullaby of his heartbeat beneath her cheek, and though she never doubted for a second his sincerity and devotion, those promises were never fulfilled.
Rúna knew they should have been patient, and although she was usually very sensible, she had not known how to resist her handsome prince, especially not when his body had promised her glorious passion, now and for the rest of their lives. Besides, it was not as though premarital relations were unheard of. However, princes had to follow much stricter rules. And these rules had been carelessly ignored. And as the days went on, Rúna knew she would not have the luxury of keeping their transgression a secret, for inside her bloomed the product of her and Thorin’s love, but also the cause of their demise.
Even if it had not been for her growing belly, her morning sickness and alarmingly fluctuating moods would have given her away. And they did. She had never seen her parents so furious, and their disappointment pierced her heart. Her father shouted about her stained reputation and their ruined bloodline, leaving her in tears as she tried to scramble away in search of Thorin even as she knew it was hopeless.
She knew they would separate them.
King Thror, with the support of Thorin’s parents, banished Rúna from Erebor, never to see her beloved again. She tried to fight them, indignation festered inside her like a poisoned wound, the unattainable promise of Thorin’s love shattering her heart into a million pieces, but it was hopeless.
They did not inform Thorin of this, for it was their firm intention never to let him know about the bastard child. Instead, they told him she was bedridden while they conjured up a more permanent plan. And so, unaware that his One had been taken from him, Thorin brought flowers to Rúna’s door every day. He hated every moment he was forced to spend away from her — it felt unnatural — but he consoled himself by thinking that they would spend their whole lives together.
Then the dragon came.
Thorin had been out hunting in the woods with his siblings when a strong wind began to rattle the treetops. Then a roar like thunder split the sky, and the blood of Thorin’s veins froze when he heard a shout from afar.
Without so much as a glance at his companions, Thorin bolted toward the mountain, fear clogging his throat.
Refusing to believe this was real, he did not even stop when the gates loomed above him, riddled in flames, but the screams piercing his ears grounded him to the bitterness of reality. The air was wrought with the stench of burning flesh and the sorrow of a broken people. All around him, children cried in fright, and mothers wept while the distant ringing of useless steel announced their defeat.
No help came from the Elves that day, nor any day since; a betrayal Thorin never forgot. Even if there had been survivors still clawing for breath inside the mountain, they had no means to reach them.
Thorin searched for her everywhere, shouting her name until his lungs burned, but when the moon appeared, and she was still nowhere to be found, Thorin knew it was hopeless. Grief crashed over him like a hurricane.
He had lost her.
He wanted to tear the sky open and demand retribution from Mahal himself, but all his remaining strength he used to remain on his feet. He had to be strong for his people — what remained of them. His family had miraculously survived, but even that could not have filled the gaping hole where his heart had once beat.
Rúna, his dear Rúna. The memory of her lips against his turned to ash in his mouth. When he had last kissed her and held her, he had done so thinking he would have a lifetime to keep loving her. But she was now no more than a memory.
He forced himself not to think of that, for his people needed him now more than ever. Only once he was finally alone did he let his tears run free, and all through the night, he sobbed into his pillow, his only comfort the memories of their secret room, untouched by fire and blood. Thorin held onto those memories all through the years, never forgetting, never forgiving.
Khuzdul translations:
Âzyungêl: Love of Loves (used here to refer to the Dwarven belief in a single, destined soulmate)
Taglist: @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @mcchiberry @bitter-sweet-farmgirl​ @i-did-not-mean-to​
Let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist!
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theflyingfeeling · 2 years
Do you have any more thoughts on makeup artist Olli and dramatic actor Joonas?👀
I might! 😌🎬💋
Joonas didn't actually need to take the role of that rather small budget no-name production company indie film, but the director Niko is an old friend (ex lover) of his and he owes Niko a favour so 🤷🏼‍♂️
So he's blessing everyone with his presence just for the sake of it, and while he thinks the film may have some potential, he only views it as just one stepping stone closer to the A-list
He's only been in a minor supporting role in a Hollywood production before, but the entire cast and crew will hear about how he turned down Chris because he wanted to "keep things professional" (it's a different Chris each time btw) and how sir Ian McKellen once said Joonas was like a son to him (it was a misunderstanding; Ian was just admiring the rising sun one day on set when Joonas happened to walk past (they never even had any scenes together))
The rest of the crew have learnt to ignore half of Joonas' ramblings, but Olli the makeup artist is 1) far too socially awkward to ask him to just shut up like everyone else is doing, and 2) kind of taking a pity on the man, who clearly thinks he's not interesting enough if he's not constantly reciting an unbelievable anecdote from when he went to theatre school with Ezra Miller and Booboo Stewart
(Olli pretends to know who they are and has to ask Joel the sound engineer later, who then sits Olli down and forces him to watch The Perks of Being a Wallflower and the whole friggin' Twilight saga (without telling Olli the actor in question wouldn't show up until the third movie))
Olli only wishes the bloody diva could keep his pretty & very kissable mouth shut for a couple of seconds at least so that he could do Joonas' lips properly 😩
And yeah, every morning Joonas wakes up, already exhausted of the upcoming day full of pretending to come. He loves acting alright, but sometimes it can be a little difficult to turn off the role of an entertainer. However, in that makeup chair, at stupid o'clock in the morning, Joonas feels like he can be just Joonas at least for the few moments it takes for Olli to prepare his make-up equipment before he starts working on Joonas' eyebags. Quite quickly it becomes Joonas' favourite part of the day: the cute, shy makeup artist seems to be the only one who actually takes his presence seriously 🥺
And the more Joonas keeps glancing at the guy via the mirror, the more he notices how he keeps blushing when Joonas slips out something a little more flirty than his usual monologue..
And the more Olli looks closely at Joonas' eyes as he does his makeover, he realises just how deeply blue they are..
And of course his hands are rather tied regarding Joonas' looks because Niko has a pretty clear vision of what his leading star is supposed to look like, but Olli is itching to try new, more daring styles on Joonas. The shape and colour of his eyes are just begging to be experimented with 😍
One day, after Joonas has been working for 12 hours non-stop (a majority of which were spent on just a few scenes he just couldn't get right because he was feeling kinda off for some reason (it happens more lften than not)), he's exhausted and miserable and can't wait to get back into his trailer to cry his eyes out, but on his way out of set he spots Olli on his own at the make-up station, practicing some pretty impressive makeup art on himself
Joonas sees how Olli smiles at himself once he's finished, but then he sighs and wipes it all off and it breaks Joonas' heart 😭
So the next day Joonas makes an effort to ask Olli about the different products and methods he's using and oh. my. god. the way Olli's eyes light up when he gets to talk about his passion, makes Joonas wonder why he didn't think of asking him sooner? 🥺
He could listen to Olli speak for hours, but alas Niko starts screaming his name from somewhere in the set, so he has to bid the make-up guy farewell 🤧
But only until the end of the day after they have finished filming the night shots, when Joonas finds Olli like he did the previous night, only this time Joonas steps in and asks Olli if he'd like to practice his art on him as well 🥰
Rinse and repeat the next few nights, and every time they come a little closer to a kiss.. 😳
They won't kiss until the wrap party though, when they're both tipsy enough to have built the courage. When they wake up next to each other in Joonas' trailer the next morning, Joonas remembers how they had spent the night doing each others make-up with Olli's personal equipment & products, giggling and making out until they couldn't keep their eyes open any more 🥰
The film is not a blockbuster of course, but it does surprisingly well. What caughts the press' eye at the red carpet events though is the leading actor and his new boyfriend, who make a stunning pair in their immaculate eye make-up 💖
(Side plots for this AU include the light engineer Joel being forced to watch after the diva's pomeranian puppy as if he doesn't have a job to do already, Niko, I love you bro and I'm not in this for the money, but for gods' sake you don't pay me enough for this shit; Aleksi the assistant director who keeps getting distracted by the mayhem going on with Joel and the puppy, and Tommi the props guy who's there do just do his goddamn job)
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kemetic-dreams · 3 years
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Melvin Glover (born May 15, 1961), better known by his stage name Melle Mel (/ˈmɛli mɛl/) and Grandmaster Melle Mel, is an American hip hop recording artist who was the lead vocalist and songwriter of Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five.
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Glover began performing in the late 1970s. He may have been the first rapper to call himself MC (master of ceremonies). Other Furious Five members included his brother The Kidd Creole (Nathaniel Glover), Scorpio (Eddie Morris), Rahiem (Guy Todd Williams) and Cowboy (Keith Wiggins). While a member of the group, Cowboy created the term hip-hop while teasing a friend who had just joined the US Army, by scat singing the words "hip/hop/hip/hop" in a way that mimicked the rhythmic cadence of marching soldiers.
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five began recording for Enjoy Records and released "Superrappin'" in 1979. They later moved on to Sugar Hill Records and were popular on the R&B charts with party songs like "Freedom" and "The Birthday Party". They released numerous singles, gaining a gold disc for "Freedom", and touring. In 1982 Melle Mel began to turn to more socially-aware subject matter, in particular the Reagan administration's economic (Reaganomics) and drug policies, and their effect on the black community.
A song "The Message" became an instant classic and one of the first glimmers of conscious hip-hop. Mel recorded a rap over session musician Duke Bootee's instrumental track "The Jungle". Some of Mel's lyrics on "The Message" were taken directly from "Superrappin'". Other than Melle Mel, no members of Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five actually appear on the record. Bootee also contributed vocals (Rahiem was to later lip sync Bootee's parts in the music video).
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"The Message" went platinum in less than a month and would later be the first hip-hop record ever to be added to the United States National Archive of Historic Recordings and the first Hip Hop record inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame. Mel would also go on to write songs about struggling life in New York City ("New York, New York"), and making it through life in general ("Survival (The Message 2)"). Grandmaster Flash split from the group after contract disputes between Melle Mel and their promoter Sylvia Robinson in regard to royalties for "The Message". When Flash filed a lawsuit against Sugar Hill Records, the factions of The Furious Five parted.
Mel became known as Grandmaster Melle Mel and the leader of the Furious Five. The group went on to produce the anti-drug song "White Lines (Don't Don't Do It)". An unofficial music video starred up-and-coming actor Laurence Fishburne[3] and was directed by then-unknown film student Spike Lee). The record was falsely credited to "Grandmaster + Melle Mel" by Sugar Hill Records in order to fool the public into thinking Grandmaster Flash had participated on the record.
Mel gained greater fame and success after appearing in the movie Beat Street, with a song based on the movie's title. He performed a memorable rap on Chaka Khan's smash hit song "I Feel for You" which introduced hip hop to a wider and more mainstream R&B audience. Grandmaster Melle Mel & The Furious Five had further hits with "Step Off", "Pump Me Up", "King of the Streets", "Jesse", and "Vice", the latter being released on the soundtrack to the TV show Miami Vice. "Jesse" was a highly political song which urged people to vote for then presidential candidate Jesse Jackson.
In 1988, after an almost four-year layoff, Mel and Flash reunited and released the album On The Strength, but with up-and-coming new school artists such as Eric B. & Rakim, DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince, Public Enemy, Boogie Down Productions, and Big Daddy Kane dominating the hip-hop market, the album failed miserably. Mel performed with The King Dream Chorus and Holiday Crew on "King Holiday" aimed at having Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday declared a national holiday. Mel also performed with Artists United Against Apartheid on the anti-apartheid song "Sun City" which was aimed at discouraging other artists from performing in South Africa until its government ended its policy of apartheid. Mel ended the decade by winning two Grammy Awards for his work on Quincy Jones' Back On The Block and Q – The Autobiography of Quincy Jones albums.
In 1995 Duran Duran did a cover version of "White Lines" featuring performances from Grandmaster Flash and Melle Mel and released it as the second single from the Duran Duran covers album Thank You':.
In 1996, Mel contributed vocals to the US edition of Cher's hit "One By One". Their version is only available on the maxi CD format.
In 1997, Melle Mel signed to Straight Game Records and released Right Now, an album which features Scorpio (from the Furious Five) and Rondo. This album took more of a harder rap style. It barely sold at all in the US and the UK.
Mel and Ralph McDaniels a.k.a. Uncle Ralph
In 2001, under the name Die Hard, he released the song "On Lock" with Rondo on the soundtrack of the movie Blazin. Die Hard released an album of the same name in 2002 on 7PRecords.
On November 14, 2006, Mel collaborated with author Cricket Casey and released the children's book The Portal In The Park, which comes with a bonus CD of his rapped narration. It also features two songs, "World Family Tree" and "The Fountain of Truth", by a then unknown Lady Gaga performing with Mel. The book was re-released in 2010. Also in 2006, Melle Mel attended professional wrestling school. In 2007 (at age 45), he stated in an interview with allhiphop.com that "I'm going to try to take some of John Cena's money and get with WWE and do my thing".
On January 30, 2007, Mel released his first ever solo album, Muscles. The first single and music video was "M3 – The New Message". On March 12, 2007, Melle Mel and The Furious Five (joined by DJ Grandmaster Flash) became the first rap group ever inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In his acceptance speech, Mel implored the recording industry members in attendance to do more to restore hip hop to the culture of music and art that it once was, rather than the culture of violence that it has become. He added, "I've never been shot, I've never been arrested, and I've been doing hip hop all my life. I can't change things all by myself. We need everybody's help, so let's do it and get this thing done."
On October 10, 2008, Mel appeared on Bronx-based culinary adventure show Bronx Flavor alongside host Baron Ambrosia. In the episode "Night at the Bodega", he appears as a spiritual mentor to sway the Baron from his over-indulgent ways and get him on the right path to success.
In April 2011, it was revealed that he would take part in a new hip hop/pro wrestling collaboration, the Urban Wrestling Federation. Its first bout "First Blood" was recorded in June 2011.
Mel also appeared in Ice-T's 2012 hip hop documentary Something from Nothing: The Art of Rap.
In August 2015, Mel appeared with Kool Moe Dee and Grandmaster Caz in Macklemore and Ryan Lewis's song and music video "Downtown".
In May 2016, Mel and Scorpio, performing as Grandmaster's Furious Five ft. Melle Mel & Scorpio, released their single "Some Kind of Sorry"
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xenosagaepisodeone · 3 years
ok 3.0+1.0 longpost -_-
it’s difficult for me to describe how I feel about 3.0+1.0 as a film because it’s artistic vision is just a 25 year cultivated response to the otaku fixation on nge. this film hardly feels like it can stand on it’s own feet as a coherent story -- it’s constantly introducing and reinterpreting symbols, contexts and concepts in order to lay down some kind of grounded world while also wanting to be evocative of the freeform flow of feelings occurring in EoE/Ep25/26. if this movie was it’s own thing and just living in the shadow of it’s predecessor, I could probably live with it and maybe even say that I liked it, but it’s flip flopping on if it wants the metanarrative to drive the story or if it wants to erect a new mythology of Eva altogether completely squanders maximizing the potential of doing either. what were left with is a very cowardly iteration of the message at the end of nge -- “human connections are important, even if they can be painful” becomes “ if we show you what you wanted to see for the past nearly 30 years, will you grow up now?”
"Defeated" feels like how I would describe the ethos of this film.
reiQ’s farmer adventures were cute, but in a way that felt bittersweet- because this character is not actually rei. not simply because she is not ayanami, but because she carries no actual development from her previous iterations like the other characters of rebuild. reiQ answers the question of “what if rei was actually as moe as she looks in official art” but forgets to pull the rug out from beneath you to unveil the depths of her turmoil. while Ayanami would say “I am not your doll to control”, reiQ has almost every aspect of her character dictated to her by other people - and this is depicted as fulfilling and human (because Anno wants you to get a job and have kids). not even her name is her choice. her sudden death only exists to serve as a motivator for shinji. I wanted to believe that this was some commentary on how a relationship without pain and loss cant exist, but it seems unlikely as rei (1, 2, 3, Q, Ayanami, lilith, etc) does not have an arc in this film. also the TV production quality of the village segment made it feel like I was watching a 12 episode sol as opposed to an actual film.
funnily enough, my feeling towards reiQ made me feel retroactive distaste towards 1.0 and 2.22. I’ve never thought rebuild was good, that much has never been a secret. 1.0 and 2.22 however carried enough over from the original series that it felt like the original characters were picking themselves up and getting better. I was happy seeing asuka, who had previously spent 26 episodes and a movie being miserable, open herself up to happiness. I was happy seeing rei connect more with shinji. even if the characters had to become simplified versions of themselves to find their own peace, it didnt feel thatbad. I didn’t realize until 3.0 came out how little this tetralogy had to it beyond puppeteering iconography and hoping that fans find meaning in it. 3.0 and 3.0+1.0 carried the same conviction of 1.0 and 2.22 of showing you characters you like doing things you wished they did, but with the support of the original series environment withering away to unveil half baked ideas, convoluted plots and meaningless regurgitation of every meaningful image this series has produced. seeing rei stripped even farther than her bare bones as reiQ put into focus what I thought I appreciated about 1.0 and 2.22.
there were a few times throughout this movie where I was trying to figure out what it was that anno was trying to say. as stated in my op paragraph, the film does carry it’s own simplified message about how important it is to grow up and face the real world, but this message largely betrays the framing. its cowardly. the pain that shinji experience does not come from the Other anymore, it is all self inflicted. learning to endure hardship simply became a matter of overcoming your own feelings, because now everyone else in your life effortlessly accepts you. there are 3 girls with who dont have any problems anymore and a solarpunk empire that would be all over you if you simply stood on your own two feet. there is no asuka experiencing hedgehog dilemma with shinji, there’s only asuka who exists so shinji can learn how to confess to a girl. there is no misato constantly subjecting shinji to a interplay of projecting her issues onto him and attempting to mother him (with varying degrees of success), there’s just shinjis step mom who accepts that she is responsible for him (which feels GREAT to see but feels bad when you think about what it sacrificed to get there). for a guy whose complicated relationship with otaku culture has bled into his work, you would think that idealistic fantasy of the real world wouldnt be the crutch of the delivering his message. when I say that “defeated” is the ethos of this film, I mean that it is so lacking in purpose compared to its predecessors that it wears itself thin trying to superficially have something for every conceivable audience while throwing out the meat of why people liked those things in the first point.
I was surprised to see that it was gendo who survived as the most introspective part of the film. i’m conflicted towards how I feel about a gendo redemption arc, but I feel as if his instrumentality sequence itself was decently shot (I hate having to compare it to ep 25/26 but it lacks the artistic flare for such a big budget film) and very well articulated. there’s a beautiful story in here about realizing your parents are people and parents realizing the responsibility they owe to their children, but I wish it could have been explored in a different film where characters are less held back by their established canon. honestly watching this whole sequence made me wonder if anno is still friendly with goro miyazaki LMAO
I was largely uninterested in the fight scenes, I think the only one that genuinely made me feel something was the one towards the end where asuka turns into an angel. the poor fight choreography coupled with weird shot composition and the overbearing usage of cg makes fight sequences overbearing and kind of difficult to decipher. cg fights are largely 1 eva vs a swarm of enemies that take up the screen, all of them having the same line weight which just ends up making all parties involved look like a mesh of colors. there arent real stakes for the most part either, asuka and mari tear through waves of enemies with effortless precision accuracy in a way that isnt visually or technically impressive.
believe it or not, I don’t actually dislike Mari. Mari enacts what Anno sought to do with the Rebuilds -- to destroy Evangelion. Mari (literally!) falls out of the sky into the story and is not gripped by the pain of the hedgehog’s dilemma as she exhibits her adoration for most things. her romance with shinji is intentionally analogous to how anno perceives his relationship with his wife -- that she saved him by encouraging him to live in the real world. the actual, textual ridiculousness in her character is softened when you realize that she’s just another component of his 4 movie long exhibition of telling everyone his life is better now that he’s successful and has a hot and talented wife.
is it worth complaining about all the crotch or ass shots. i think we all feel the same way about it. anyway i have more thoughts but these are my loose ones.
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rederiswrites · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately since the discovery that the media engine for a video game I never played has produced a lot of music that is totally my vibe (League of Legends), but I’m rapidly reaching a point where I kinda---don’t care? if a particular piece of art/media is the product of an organic process or ‘manufactured’. Or at least, I am done being upset by the art that happened because someone with money wanted something specific.  I have PAID for art that happened because I wanted something specific. It was really good art.
Are Kpop band members chosen via a very codified process and constrained heavily by imposed rules? Yeah, yeah they are, and you could pull particular gripes about a lot of it, but the fact remains that the process also finds and trains a lot of talented people and creates quite a few bands that I really like.
Like, I’m a little tired of this narrative that the best music is produced by dirty depressed people living out of their vans while they wait for their big break. I am tired of it MOSTLY because I really do not appreciate that the only way to live a half-decent life as a musician is to be *very* popular and succeed on the piled bodies of your fellows who never ‘made it’. I am tired of my musician friends either being cynical fast food managers or dangerously broke, miserable, and centimeters away from despair at any given time.
Did BTS come together organically? No. But they were hand-picked by an experienced producer with a clear vision, and it turns out he knew what he was about. I feel like at some point we have to start giving producers a little credit for art, too? Then there’s this sentiment that giving your artists training makes them somehow less legitimate and I don’t even know where to begin addressing that because that makes no fucking sense to me. We’re supposed to bag on Kim Seokjin because he put in hard fucking work and had trainers to get better at singing and dancing??? What??? He wanted to be more than a pretty face and we’re...mad about it??
I have huge fucking beef with Disney, in many flavors. But they do keep producing hits, and that is because they keep spending the money and finding the good talent. And I’m done being upset by that. Congrats, evil corporation, you evil corporation-ed successfully. Now, there is more great music in the world I guess. Grrr. Argghh. Go sing You’re Welcome and take some deep breaths or something.
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hornsandthings · 4 years
Umm hi I don’t know if you still take ACOTAR requests anymore but if you do can I request an azriel x reader where he’s in love with her and is afraid of rejection but he doesn’t know that she loves him too? 👉🏻👈🏻
hi nonnie, i’ll always accept an acotar request, hehe! did this in headcanon form, hope you don’t mind <3 it’s quite long and a little rough around the edges, but i hope you like it! ps. tumblr mucked up the formatting, some dot points don’t want to be indented. i hope it still makes sense x 
when your and azriel’s paths crossed, it was the mother at work again. after mor, azriel didn’t think he’d ever have the strength for love again. the aching and the pining had taken their toll, and the appeal of the mating bond had faded. to feel it all again, to risk his heart like that again - he couldn’t. and yet, the mother saw fit that he would. 
he first met you in the palace of hoof and leaf, and it didn’t mean anything at the time; a stranger’s kindness, or if he indulged his cynicism, a hawker’s ploy. you were a commoner, a milkmaid who came to sell your products in the markets. he’d been at the neighbouring stall, waiting for the clerk to put together the only tea brew in prythian that could placate his migraines.
“sir, mr. shadowsinger, sir,” you called, “could i offer you a sample of my goat’s milk? maggie-may is very special, her milk can be just as good as a healer’s work, i swear it. try it, try it, sir.” 
azriel looked you over, glad that cassian wasn’t here to make that particular moniker stick. one brow raised in dubiety, he nodded and held out his hand - might as well, he thought, tired and getting ever more desperate for his tea. this didn’t show outwardly, of course; azriel’s face was as neutral as ever, his shadows coiling about his talons. your gaze was expectant as he tried the sample, and while it was a little too earthy for his taste, he nodded all the same. perhaps it had encouraged you too much, because then you asked: “could i perhaps persuade you to buy a pint?”
azriel had no interest at all, yet he couldn’t help but notice the detail: your fraying sleeves, the imperfect glass bottles, the beginnings of dark circles under your eyes. and yet you were smiling, you were sweet, being very generous for someone who had to presumably make a living selling fresh products. not for the first time, azriel made a purchase that only someone of the inner circle could afford, and one that didn’t really benefit him. “i’ll take several,” he said, looking at the handful of wooden caddies, mostly still filled with milk bottles. “i’ll take it all.” 
the clerk then handed azriel his brew while you stood there, wide-eyed and speechless, working through a range of emotions. at first you thought he was mocking you, but when he turned around again, fiddling with his coin pouch, you realised he was serious. “but, sir— maggie-may’s milk sure is delicious, but only in moderation— i couldn’t expect someone to buy it all—”
“as much as you’d let me, then,” he amended, being mindful not to impose or patronise. you bit your lip, trying to tally up the ultimate price, trying to gauge whether this man could even afford it. two gold, you said, trying your luck. azriel merely fingered his coins, placing the expected two and an additional three on the counter. he must’ve noticed your shock; you had frozen, after all, perhaps even stopped breathing. “since maggie-may is so special,” he drawled, earning a disbelieving laugh from you. 
that night, cerridwen, nuala, and elain were very confused at the sight of bottles and bottles of milk laying in wait on the kitchen counter in the house of wind. the note - clearly by azriel’s neat hand - read: use within five days.
from then on, you always engaged azriel when you spotted him in the market. you could never forget his generous first purchase, and so while he waited for the tea master to finalise his special brew, you would entertain him with an endless supply of free samples of new products. over the years, azriel saw your business extend from milk to also include cheese and soap. he learned unnecessary things about your cattle, such as the supposed social dynamics and - mother forbid - adultery that mr. sweet pea the goat seemed prone to. over time, azriel grew comfortable enough to share some of his stories and observations, the things he’s seen in other courts. it took a while to realise you had become more than his mere acquaintance, and perhaps it was because you were outside his usual spheres of the inner circle and his spy network. to have someone outside was new, and a little jarring at times. the different experiences, the contrasting perspectives - it was refreshing, and reminded azriel how far he’d come since his miserable youth. when he was with you, the stakes weren’t so high, the conditions not so dire. you were a spot of calm, a reminder that life could be something other than the court’s defense. 
one time when he visited - his tea no longer a requisite for him to make an effort to come in - you were noticeably subdued. “mr. sweet pea passed away,” you revealed, eyes wet and voice thick. something about that seized his heart, his shadows growing restless. “he was so special.” you actually said that about each of your cattle, something that azriel had started to find endearing, because he knew you really believed it.
social tact was not a strength of his - azriel knew he tended to be rigid and too formal - so he stumbled over some stilted condolences. it felt awkward and impersonal; azriel couldn’t empathise with the death of a pet, but he wanted to make it hurt less. he still remembered what the late goat had looked like the last time you had brought him in - an old thing, with a long beard and a mix of brown and black fur. strong, impressive horns, one which had a sizeable chip missing. 
so that night, he did what he could and sketched that image he had in his mind, of mr. sweet pea looking very wise and ponderous, if a little tired. azriel’s time as spymaster had bestowed him a keen eye and dexterous fingers, allowing him to make the necessary sketches to give his colleagues a clearer picture when necessary - of maps, of creatures, of profiles. they tended to be a little rough and raw, nothing particularly artistic. he thought the same of his current piece, and hesitated over whether it was good enough.
when he finally gave you the sketch the next day, you went very still. he started stumbling over some excuses, but you soon interrupted him with a shaky breath. “this is so thoughtful, azriel. thank you so much.” 
azriel grew bolder, and interactions started to occur outside the markets. he’d invite you for tea, indirectly revealing one of his interests. he was a hard man to read, his expressions subtle when not stoic, but you learned. outside of professional matters, he was rarely straightforward, and tended to express his emotions in delicate, layered ways. his care for you was in the way he listened, how his attention never wavered when you were speaking with him. it was how he kept you close when you two navigated busy streets, how he lifted a wing over your head for cover when it rained, how he was content to spend time with you at your stall - sometimes for hours - despite his preference for quietude. 
when work took him away, you two would exchange letters. azriel didn’t realise how dangerous a thing it was, because you quickly became a very intimate and constant part of his life. the act of writing tricked him, making it easier to truly express his thoughts - there was no pressure of navigating the immediate reaction, no incentive to keep his words short. you managed to draw so much out of him. he was mindful of each letter of yours he received, keeping them safe and tied together with an old ribbon of yours he’d saved before you could throw it away. he would never admit it, but work abroad tended to be overwhelming: while secure in his network’s quality of intelligence, being in another’s territory always meant having to deal with various variables and vulnerabilities, usually unknown. maybe your letters would have made it all a little more manageable if they didn’t elicit such longing within him. your words made him smile, yes, but they also made his heart ache. he missed you.
after a lengthy assignment in the dawn court, azriel was relieved to be back in velaris. his shadows swirled and whispered around his shoulders, eager to feel your presence too. he knew they fascinated you, how playful they could be sometimes. yet, azriel couldn’t find you at your empty market stall. it was odd - you hadn’t mentioned moving in your recent letters, and he couldn’t find you in any of the other market squares either. soon his shadows grew restless, embodying the concern that was rising.
he employed his spy network to find your farm, hoping it wouldn’t be too intrusive to just show up unannounced. you had mentioned some details in passing before - it was a modest place, with a small house and a meagre hill of grass to feed a handful of goats and sheep. the door was answered by two worried faces, who took one look at azriel and grew even more distressed. “our son— it’s not our son, is it? it can’t be— he just—”
“i’m here to see your daughter,” azriel interrupted, too preoccupied to remember polite niceties. they were confused, guarded, but let him through. the hallways were narrow, his wings often knocking against the wall sconces. he listened as they explained your condition - an illness had befallen you, leaving you bedridden for days. apparently a healer had told them it’ll pass with rest and water, and with that reassurance, azriel forced himself to remember his place. right in front of your closed door, he willed his shadows away from his face, called upon his familiar impassiveness. turning around to face your parents, he amended, “may i see your daughter?” 
your room was dark, the curtains drawn. his heart raced as he heard your laboured breaths, and something pulled at him when he saw the small desk in the corner, an unfinished letter atop it. “azriel?” you whispered, voice sounding so small. “is it really you?” 
he neared, taking a cautious seat on the side of the bed. you were shivering, but the thin sheet covering you stuck to your skin with sweat. “yes, it’s me, sweetheart,” he said, the endearment slipping out before he could stop it. his throat closed up immediately after, but your vague movements suggested you didn’t even realise, and that you weren’t all there. he could see the feverish blush high on your cheeks, even in the dim light.
“you’re too big for this room,” you mused softly, making azriel smile despite his worry. indeed, he had to bend down to avoid hitting his head, and keep his wings tucked in uncomfortably tight. he took your hand in his, and even in your feverish haze, you could register the roughness of his scarred hands, but they always handled you gently. “why didn’t you tell me in your letters?” he asked, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. your discomfort was clear in your frown, in your downturned lips. noticing the basin on the bedside table, he took the damp rag on your forehead and dipped it into the cool water, wringing away the excess before gently placing it atop your head again. 
“i… didn’t want to trouble you with… with something trivial. a few more days and… and i’ll be back to work.” a weak smile pulled at your mouth, and azriel gathered both of your hands in his again. he shook his head at your line of thinking.
“your health isn’t a trivial matter to me,” he said, leaning close and cupping your cheek. in hindsight, it was so obvious that he had been in love with you far longer than he thought. it was all so rueful, the fact that he had let it happen again. despite it all, he pressed a kiss to your hand, trying to ignore how it trembled. your smile strengthened then, tracing a finger over his brow and down the bridge of his nose. azriel took a deep breath to savour the touch, and soon you two were merely watching each other, azriel wondering what thoughts were running through your slightly added mind. your lids eventually started to droop, however, but still he stayed even when you fell asleep, taking care to change the cool rag when necessary. his shoulders slumped when his head fell into his hands, squeezing his eyes shut tight. with such a revelation, what was he to do from now on? 
azriel didn’t think he could be a good lover to you - even if he so very much wanted to be. his job took up so much of time, and it required him to be secretive. azriel wouldn’t ever be able to share everything with you, for the sake of keeping you safe. even if he could, there was just something in his nature that kept him reserved and pushed others away. there were so many things he’d rather leave in the past, and so many more that he wished he hadn’t been part of. there was that, but also his loathsome scarred hands - a reminder of those darker days. no matter how gentle, his touch would always scratch and scrape. once you took notice of how neglected they were, left to dry out and sometimes even scab, you took to work to concoct a nourishing lotion. “you have to be gentle with yourself, azriel,” you had once told him, gently applying the salve to his hands. they were rough but warm against your skin. “you do so much.”
and so, everything he did with you was tinged with a hint of sorrow. he couldn’t bring himself to confront you with the severity of his feelings, but he also couldn’t quite remove you from his life - you had become a friend. you eventually noticed that he started to let his touches linger: when he hugged you, he’d curl arms and wings around you, enveloping you wholly; when you were near, his shadows would stretch toward you, as if revealing a hidden desire. when you reached for his hand, he would always grip it firmly, and when you came very close for some unimportant reason, his gaze would always linger on your face, flicking so often to your lips. 
one night you had invited him over to the farm, wanting to introduce him to the latest addition of your household: a baby goat, just over a week old. she was as white as snow, and kept nibbling at your hair as you held her in your arms. “what should we name her, azriel?” you had asked, too preoccupied to notice how tense he was, hands in his pockets. “i was thinking of marjorie, or maybe miss marjorie… hey, what’s wrong?” his face was unusually expressive, his shadows roiling about his talons as if in distress. putting down the goat, her legs still clumsy and gangly, you stepped closer to azriel, reaching out. he shook his head, trying to school his face but you knew him by now. your shoulders slumped, recalling his strange behaviour over the years - he was present in most ways, but avoidant in others. “i wish you’d talk to me, azriel,” you murmured, taking his hand and hoping he wouldn’t mind the dirt. “you mean so much to me.”
it all bubbled up then in that small barn, the light dim and the smell of earth pungent. you let out a rueful laugh, rubbing your eye. “i’m in love with you,” you said, very quietly at first. immediately you felt so naive to be doing this. the fact was that azriel came from a different life, one that saw him as a leader of the court, who worked with powerful and beautiful people, fae who were richer and stronger and vastly more interesting. azriel’s mere presence in your life was extraordinary enough. and yet, you had found yourself falling in love despite the impracticability of it, found yourself admiring his kindness, his quiet generosity, his strength and resilience and dry humour. you shifted, looking right into his eyes. even if your love was unrequited, he deserved to be told - if only to let him know that he indeed was loved by one more.  “i’m in love with you. i don’t— i don’t expect you to say it in return, but i can no longer keep it to myself. i love you.” 
that threw azriel. he had fantasised of course, indulged in the scenario. but now, as you waited for his response, his thoughts stuttered. what? he wanted to say, unable to believe what he actually so very desperately wanted to believe. you grew nervous as the silence lengthened, azriel’s face as stoic as ever. you shook your head, covering your mouth in regret. “i’m sorry, i— i shouldn’t have said anything—”
he gripped your shoulders tight, gaze intense and voice low. “i also love you.”
“why do you say it like it’s a bad thing?” the solemnity which had tinged your relationship for some time was subtle, but you had felt it, and it had bothered you. 
azriel’s hands came up to cup your face, and he quickly shook his head. “it’s not,” he said, he urged. “it’s not, it’s not.” and then his lips met yours, chapped and rough, kissing you slowly, thoroughly, firmly. the conviction made your heart melt, and you gripped his wrists, feeling his racing pulse and caressing it, kissing him back, standing on your toes, letting him steal your breath. “i love you so much, sweetheart,” he sighed against your lips, nose brushing against yours. you went to reply but then azriel had claimed your mouth again, one hand snaking around to your back and the other to the nape of your neck. the light shifted behind your closed eyes as his wings came down to envelope the both of you, and your fingers reached to tangle in his hair, to trace the shells of his ears.
when you two parted again, his grin was lopsided and a little wry. “i just couldn’t believe it,” he murmured, his eyes shining with emotion. why not? you wanted to ask, wondering what it was that had held him back for so long, but decided to delay it for another day. all you could do was hug him tighter, just glad for the sight of his smile and the feeling of his relief. glad for his happiness.
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hearts-hunger · 3 years
ciryc ca'tra (cold night sky): chapter three || din djarin x reader
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist
chapter one | chapter two
Series Summary: When you crash-land on a frozen planet on your way to Trask, you and Din work together to keep the Crest afloat and keep your little family safe under the cold night sky. || Part One of Jate’kara (Lucky Stars)
Chapter Summary: You panic when the baby goes missing, only to find him trying to help his daddy fix the ship. You panic when the frog lady goes missing, only to find her trying to warm her eggs. You panic when there’s suddenly spiders all over the place. You’re really not having a good time on this frozen planet.
Pairings: Din Djarin x Wife!Reader 
Genre: Hurt/comfort, fluff, angst | Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Maybe old fashioned ideas about marriage? Idk, I’m an old-fashioned kind of girl. Let me know if there’s anything you need me to tag!
A/N: I’ve been writing this fic nonstop for the past few days and it’s the most fun I’ve had in a long time. I’m thoroughly enjoying it, and I hope you are too! Also, I think it’s actually very sexy of me to post each chapter less than 24 hours apart. Enjoy! ♡
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You couldn’t get back to sleep.
You tried - your whole body ached with exhaustion, and you knew you should rest - but you were too rattled by the scare with the droid and too worried about Din out in the cold. You tried to find something more productive to do than fret, but the baby had slept through everything, and there was very little to do when you weren’t chasing him around the ship. You’d already organized and cleaned everything you could; there really was nothing to do but wait.
For the sake of your sanity - and Din’s, as you knew an anxious wife was absolutely the last thing he needed right now - you decided on a shower. The refresher was outfitted with a regular shower as well as a sonic; you’d be using the latter, considering the fact that there was no heat on the Crest at the moment. Neatly folding Din’s spare cloak and putting the rest of your clothes in the laundry basket in the refresher, you stepped into the sonic and let the thing work its magic.
The state of the refresher when you’d first come aboard the Crest was... abysmal, to put it honestly. It told you all you needed to know about the Mandalorian bounty hunter you’d met when he arrived in your small town deep in the hills of Naboo: he was used to being alone, and very unfamiliar with a woman’s company. When you started working for him and living on the ship - he’d needed your help finding a man who used to live in your town - you’d asked if there was any way to at least have a door on the blasted thing. He readily complied, and with the help of a few of the handyman types in your community, the Crest’s refresher was sorted out in no time, and more elaborately than you’d hoped for. 
The sonic was made to be used with or without water, and warm lights adorned the new mirror above the sink. Best of all, there was a sliding door - much like the one on the bunk, which had been expanded slightly in all the renovation. Until you were married - only a short while after you came to work for him, as you’d both fallen head over heels in a matter of weeks - Din had slept on the reclining passenger seat in the cockpit. You’d always considered that likely miserable sleeping arrangement and the new refresher his very first love-gifts to you, and you knew you would always cherish his selflessness and generosity.
Clean and a little less wired after the sonic, you quickly put on new clothes and wrapped yourself back in Din’s cloak. You went to check on the baby, sure he was still sleeping; to your dismay and instant panic, your little foundling was nowhere to be found among the blankets you’d nestled him in earlier.
“Ad’ika!” you called, searching through the ship like Din had earlier. Your little one was an escape artist, that much you’d known from the very beginning. Usually it was of little consequence - there were only so many places he could go on the ship, and you or Din found him contentedly playing with his silver ball or some other toy he’d fashioned. But here, with the temperature dropping and the wreckage everywhere and only the tarp between the ship and the icy world outside - you had to find him.
Your panic grew to a fever pitch as you searched the ship high and low, calling for him with an increasingly desperate tone. Finally, positive he wasn’t anywhere on the Crest, you ventured outside; snowdrifts piled across the rocky ground, and the air was bitterly cold. Heedless of your own safety, you searched around the wreckage of the ship, calling for him as you felt the sting of tears.
You heard Din’s voice calling you from the other side of the ship, and you made your way to him as quickly as you could. Surely Din would know where your baby was, and if he didn’t, he would know where to look. As you rounded the corner, you almost couldn’t make him out as tears blurred your vision. You tried to collect yourself before you told him - what, that you’d lost your son? That you’d had one job and couldn’t even keep your toddler safe?
Your distress must have shown on your face, because Din reached a consoling hand out to you and met you halfway as you walked through the snow towards him. You prepared to tell him, to beg for his forgiveness and help - 
Then, wrapped in the corner of Din’s cloak and nestled snugly in the crook of his arm, your baby peeked out at you and gave a babble of greeting.
“Oh, Maker,” you gasped, the words coming out like a sob. You reached out for him and Din gave him to you; you held him tight as tears streamed down your face.
“Don’t ever do that to me again,” you said, shoulders shaking as you tried to get a hold of yourself. You felt Din’s hand on your back, drawing you close against him; you let him hold you, the baby pressed safely between you.
“It’s ok, cyare,” Din soothed, running his hand up and down your back. 
You gave a hitching breath. “It’s not ok, Din,” you insisted. “I thought he was - ”
You couldn’t make yourself say it, and felt a flash of anger at your husband that you knew was misdirected, but you didn’t know what to do with the guilt and fear that still ran through you.
“You knew where he was this whole time?” you snapped, looking up at his visor. Your tears were cold on your cheeks, and you angrily brushed them away. “How long was he out here with you, while I was worried sick looking for him?”
Din held up a hand in a conciliatory gesture. “No, I didn’t know he was out here,” he said, determinedly calm and patient. “I only just found him, and I’d just finished getting onto him when I heard you calling for him. I was coming to take him to you, cyare.”
You knew he was telling you the truth - he’d never do something like that to you. You didn’t know what to say, ashamed that you’d accused him of letting you worry needlessly when he’d actually been doing all he could to prevent that.
“S-sorry,” you managed brokenly. You could see your vague reflection in the planes of his helmet, tearful and small and overrun with emotion.
He sighed and drew you close to him again. “I know,” he said gently. “You don’t have to apologize. I know that scared you.”
You shook your head as you leaned against his chest. “He was asleep,” you tried to explain. “I closed the door on the bunk and I just went to take a shower - I didn’t mean to - ”
“It’s not your fault,” he said, giving your shoulder a comforting squeeze. “He knew better than to wander off like that, especially outside.”
Din looked down at the small bundle in your arms, wrapped now in the cloak you wore.
“It was very naughty to make your mama worry like that,” Din said firmly, raising a finger for emphasis. “Don’t do that again.”
The baby gave a babble that sounded somewhat affirmative and apologetic, looking up at you with those big eyes for good measure. You were so relieved that he was alright that you couldn’t stay upset with him; you covered his ears with your cloak and held him close.
“You ought to get back inside, cyar’ika,” Din said. “Try and get warmed up.”
You looked up at him, intending to say that he should come in as well, and felt a wave of guilt that you’d only just realized how his beskar was completely frosted over. The usually shiny metal was dull and white, and you knew he had to be freezing.
“Oh, Din,” you said, reached a hand up to touch the icy side of his helmet. He took your hand in a gentle grip before you could, saving you from touching the cold metal and warming your fingers with his touch.
“Please come inside,” you said, already trying to think of ways to warm him up without any heat on the ship. “You must be freezing.”
“I’m alright,” he soothed, though you knew he was probably more uncomfortable than he let on. “I need to keep working on the repairs. You and the baby shouldn’t be out in this.”
“Neither should you,” you said. “You’re - I mean, you’re covered in frost.”
He nodded. “Beskar clouds pretty quickly in the cold. It’s nothing to worry about.”
You sighed, realizing you weren’t going to get anywhere with him, but you weren’t annoyed. Since the frog lady had urged him to begin repairs sooner, he’d been single-mindedly working on the major parts of the ship that were damaged; he was going to work until he couldn’t feel his fingers any more, and then probably a little bit longer before he came inside. You admired his determination and hard work as much as you worried for him, and you wouldn't have had him any other way.
You were hesitant to leave him, but knew you should get the baby inside.
“At least kiss me before I go,” you said, knowing it was a lot to ask. “That way I can see for myself if you’re turning into an ice block under that helmet.”
He chuckled and lifted the bottom of his helmet just enough to oblige you, giving you a gentle, chaste kiss.
“There,” he said, once his helmet had been replaced. “Warm enough for you?”
You hummed in agreement. “For now.” You lightly tapped your boot against his. “Don’t stay out too long, my love.”
He shook his head. “Ne baatir, cyare.” He’d said that to you enough times over the years that you didn’t have to ask what it meant: don’t worry, beloved.
You gave him one last smile before heading back around the ship, bundling the baby close against the temperature that had started to drop steadily as the sun went down. Minding your steps lest you stumble over a snow-covered rock or bit of debris, you noticed something odd; it looked like there were another set of footprints in the snow, bigger than either yours or Din’s. You stopped and followed them with your gaze, trying not to let fear get the better of you; they led away from the ship towards the jagged side of the cavern, around a corner that seemed to lead into a different cave.
The baby started to babble excitedly, his little clawed hand pointing in the direction of the cave. Goodness, had he followed something out here? Come to think of it, where was your passenger?
You looked back over your shoulder and saw your husband diligently working on a smoking part near the back of the ship.
“Din!” you called. You tried to make your voice carry without any indication of panic, but he looked up and zeroed in on you all the same.
He cocked his head in question, as you weren’t in any obvious danger, and you waved him over. He set his tools aside and started towards you, and you hoped you hadn’t annoyed him by interrupting his work.
“What is it?” he asked, not unkindly, and you knew he hadn’t minded coming over. You gestured to the footprints.
“Do you think it’s the frog lady?” you asked.
He studied the path of the footprints, most likely through his HUD, and sighed.
“She’s not in the ship?” he asked.
“No,” you answered. Recalling your frantic search for the baby, you realized that you hadn’t seen her anywhere. “Why would she leave?”
He shook his head. “I don’t know, but I need to go find her. There’s no telling what’s in those caves.”
You suppressed a shudder at the thought. “Should we go with you?”
He considered that, looking over you and the baby for a moment. “I guess. I don’t feel comfortable leaving you here alone, but - do you think you’ll be warm enough?”
You drew his cloak closer around you and your baby. “I think so. I’d feel better going with you.”
He put a hand on your back as you followed the path of the footprints, his touch steadying and safe. “Just stick close to me, cyare. Don’t wander.”
“Din,” you said, affectionate and a little exasperated. You’d been married to a bounty hunter long enough to know that right by his side was the safest place to be. “When have you ever known me to wander?”
He chuckled. “I know, I know. You’re very good about it.” He looked around as you walked through the mouth of the cave, and you knew he was making himself aware of every possible danger. 
“I don’t have any idea what to look out for,” he said honestly. You could tell how much he hated not knowing what you were up against, not being as prepared to protect you as he would have liked. 
You had never made a habit of questioning his authority - he knew much better than you how to keep you safe, and if he gave you an order in a dangerous situation, you complied. It was the least you could do, considering how often he was called on to protect his wife and child. With your marriage vows, Din had sworn to kar'taylir bal cabuor, to hold you in his heart and to protect you; you had vowed your love and trust in return.
You reached out to put a hand on his arm. “I trust you, Din,” you said simply.
He nodded. “I know, cyare. Thank you.”
You stayed close to your husband's side as the cave darkened and threaded through the columns of ice that loomed on every side; it was eerily quiet except for the sound of your footsteps through the snow. Din scanned the area constantly through his HUD; you trusted him to lead you, as you couldn’t make out the footprints in the dim light. He paused for a moment at a fork in the path.
“There’s a heat signature through there,” he said, nodding to the leftmost path. You held onto the edge of his cloak, hoping to settle both of you a little, and followed as he cautiously made his way down the path.
After a bit of a tricky slope that Din offered his hand to help you over, the path opened up into a cavern that was noticeably warmer than the rest of the cave had been. Steam rose from a wide, shallow pool in the middle of the space that you guessed came from a hot spring. The frog lady was swimming in the pool, her eggs spread out around her like little jewels on the water’s surface.
“There you are,” Din said, his voice echoing around the cavern as he walked over to her. He sounded understandably frustrated; you watched as he got a sense of his surroundings and assessed any threats, undoubtedly coming to the conclusion more quickly than you had that it was too big of a space with too many shadowed corners for him to be at any sort of defensive advantage if the need arose.
“You can’t leave the ship,” he told her, rounding the pool to the side where the egg chamber sat full of liquid but without any of the eggs. “It’s not safe out here.”
You followed and knelt with him beside the pool, putting the baby between you.
“Let’s gather these up,” Din said, gesturing to the eggs bobbing in the warm water. The frog lady croaked in dismay as she cradled a few.
“I know it’s warm,” Din said, a gentle sympathy coloring his voice. He scooped up a handful of the eggs, paying no mind to wetting his gloves, and put them back in the chamber. “But night’s coming fast, and I can’t protect you out here.”
You helped take the eggs out of the water, careful of their seemingly thin protective skin; the water was delightfully warm, and you couldn’t help a fleeting wish to be swimming in it too. You handed the eggs to Din to put back into the chamber.
In your periphery, you saw your baby’s little hand inching towards an egg floating close to the edge of the pool; you and Din both noticed it at the same time, and both of you held an admonishing finger between your son and the tempting egg.
“No,” you said at the same time, in the tone you reserved for scolding. The baby looked from you to Din with a pleading expression, but Din wasn’t fazed.
“No,” he repeated firmly. He went back to gathering the eggs as the baby gave a squeak of protest, and you made a mental note to find your son something to eat when you got back to the ship.
The eggs were more slippery than you’d expected, and rounding them up took all three of you working together. You knew Din was trying to be careful and  quick at the same time; being away from the ship made him wary, and there were a lot of you to protect in such a large space. You helped as best you could, holding out handfuls of eggs for him to put back into the chamber and quickly going back to gather more.
From behind you, you heard the distinctive, fearful cry of your baby; you whirled around, looking everywhere for him, and found him running over from between rows of little white eggs that seemed to be twisting in a sickly, grotesque sort of way.
You felt an icy wash of uncanny terror and needlessly called your husband’s name, abandoning the pool to rush over to your son and pick him up. You saw with a sudden wave of nauseated horror that things were coming from the eggs, chittering things with long, spindly legs. You stumbled backwards and would have lost your footing if Din hadn’t caught you, immediately pulling you back towards the pool.
You couldn't have spurred yourself to move, so horrifically entranced were you by the loathsome creatures as they swarmed over the far side of the cavern floor, but you wondered why your husband didn’t seem any more inclined to action. You felt a little faint.
“Din,” you said uncertainly. You vaguely wondered how often you called your husband’s name like a plea for help, and if it ever wore on him.
“Right here,” he said, and it sounded so unlike him, so dreamy and faint, that it snapped you back to awareness like a slap in the face.
“Din,” you said again, more firmly. You turned and looked at him; he was watching the spider-like creatures start to climb the walls, his posture slack. That alone scared you badly enough to smack a hand against his chestplate in panic.
“Din!” you said again, sharp and loud. The spiders were inching closer, their chittering growing louder with each passing second - 
Your hand on his chest and the sound of your voice seemed to snap him out of it, and his whole body tensed up immediately.
“Kriff,” he bit out, anger and panic tightening his voice even through the vocoder. He shut the canister of eggs and slung it onto his shoulder, taking your upper arm in a firm grip with his free hand.
“Go,” he ordered, and you couldn’t have disobeyed him if you wanted to. He released you and you started to run towards the cave entrance you’d come through earlier, your baby pressed close to your chest - 
You only made it a few feet from the pool when a terrible roar shook the cavern, stopping you dead in your tracks. A giant, eldritch spider was crawling from behind the outcropping at the far side of the cavern, and it was all you could do to hold onto consciousness as you saw it take another step towards you.
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Read chapter four!
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romanceboys · 4 years
(interview) w korea september issue 2020 — reptile
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1. i was surprised to learn that this is your 13th year since debut. within a company, the years almost reflect the experience of a vice department head. that’s right. though there are things i’m seeing for the first time at this point, i think there’s a lot that has remained the same. shall i tell you something funny? early in the year, i transformed into my debut appearance from when i was 16 with a bowl haircut and had my picture taken. i put it up on instagram and as i watched my fans briefly mistake it for an old picture, i thought to myself ‘well at least my face hasn’t aged much yet.’ haha. 2. today, i get to meet one of the personalities i’ve been very curious about personally. how should i put it, you seem like a person who possesses a perfect narrative. oh my, thank you. 3. maturing steadily after debuting with shinee in middle school, you broke away from your image as the group’s youngest and instead donned the clothes of a solo musician. all 5 of your solo albums have been recorded as hits. now you are a member of superm that has gone global. even a narrative within a coming-of-age novel could not be as sturdy as this.  when i look back on my life, i find it quite fascinating. i entered the company at the age of 13, and this year i turned 28. i’ve lived half of my life as a singer, i realise this when i think ‘i’ve run along the same path for a long time’. i think... i’ve been very greedy. it was through this greed that i was able to debut in a team called shinee, and consequently receive solo plans. once, producer lee sooman told me to bring him a recording of any pop song. wondering ‘what’s going on?’ i prepared for it and submitted, and soon after my solo album was released. thinking back, it must’ve been a test. i felt a sense of accomplishment in these things. that too very deeply, of course luck was on my side too. 4. a methodical company like sm couldn’t have proposed a solo career so lightly. there were a couple of tell-tale signs as far as i could tell. my singing parts were little during debut. after all taemin had the image of the one in charge of dancing. then my parts started to increase gradually, this could’ve been one of the signs. back in the day i used to stay back in the practice room till dawn. the employees working late would see me and the word probably went around. they must have felt sorry for me. a skinny boy practising by himself till dawn (laughs). 5. were you the type to stay back later than the rest in the practice room? i would go to the practice room as soon as we wrapped up our schedule. i’d practice till sunrise then return to the dorm and prepare for the next schedule immediately, i spent a long time doing this. 6. it was at the time of ‘sherlock’ in 2012 that your stage presence started to shine in shinee’s stages. thereafter, it seemed that you enjoyed your time on stage thoroughly. when did you begin to realise that only you were in command of your own stage? there were a couple of times... sherlock was one of them. sherlock was an album that came out when i was 20, right after becoming an adult, it was then my attitude towards performance changed. in those days i challenged myself to ‘not to do what was expected/fixed.’ usually our gestures at certain sections of the song are fixed beforehand, from sherlock onwards however i tried my hand at different things without reserve. it was my way of approaching the audience with sincerity, and my way of improving in the future. back then i would notice variations (in my performance) everyday when i monitored myself. 7. frankly, isn’t it difficult for someone to have made such a prominent leap? i think it might have been because of the long hiatus before sherlock. i was able to prepare well so my growth was likely more obvious when i stood on stage after a long time. how should i put it, my members were very stimulating for me. since the hyungs aren’t ordinary people (laughs). this is something i’m confident about, even if you say that most of the shinee members are main vocalists, none of us is inferior to the other, everyone is so talented. with these thoughts verbatim ‘i must survive in here,’ ‘i need to finish what i started,’ i practiced. i couldn’t not have made the leap with such stimulation and not to mention my greedy nature (laughs). spending time together with the members made me realise that we started to resemble each other in some aspects, thanks to them i was able to broaden my perspective and become aware of my undiscovered talents. 8. the prologue single ‘2 kids’ of your third album ‘never gonna dance again’ released in august. as i was listening to the song, i suddenly became curious about the lyricist and looked them up. my impression was that the language of the lyrics was raw and honest. the lyricist turned out to be you. my intention was to include everyday, colloquial speech. i’ve written poetic and abstract lyrics before, but while working on ‘2 kids’ i wanted the listeners to easily grasp the emotions at once. since i’ve released many songs like ‘danger’ with vivid concepts and sensual performances, i expected there to be some distance between me and the public. i found that i shouldn’t stray too far. in any case, i’m a pop singer. i thought to myself let’s meet the public halfway, and the result was the lyrics for ‘2 kids.’ it’s the brightest of all my title tracks (laughs). 9. i find two interesting points here. first, you are completely aware of your identity as a pop singer, second, to do that you work hard to keep close to the public. of course there are times when it doesn’t work out (laughs). for instance, when we’re deciding on the title track for a shinee album, my opinions always diverge from the members’. after listening to our fourth album title track ‘view,’ i said ‘no way, it can never be this!’ (laughs). what i’m after is, how shall i put it... there is a side to me that wants to experience things profoundly. for example, if i were to express love, instead of depicting it one-dimensionally, i’d prefer to do it maniacally. i like taking it one step further to appear twisted.  10. that’s amusing. it’s probably because i’ve seen your easy-going appearance on tv a lot, i would have never guessed for you to approach things ‘deeply’. profound people tend to be like that. ‘multi’ people are able to do several things at once, i can’t do that. i have to dig into things deeply at a time. that’s why when my members and i receive the same schedule notice, i’m the only one who always forgets it (laughs). 11. oho, this makes me curious about your taste in pop culture.  i really like the british drama <black mirror>. i get hooked on the unusual. like mind-boggling things? i used to watch movies that weren’t popular because such movies are less likely to repeat contents that have already been consumed. but then i slowly began to enjoy light films as well. these days i leave a movie running in the background while i do other things. back when i would look for an independent film or thriller of my liking, i’d get extremely exhausted after watching it. they require so much focus that they sap my energy. 12. we were talking about lyrics but somehow ended up here (laughs). if you were given the opportunity to write lyrics again, what kind of story do you want the lyrics to convey? i like philosophical lyrics. for instance, a song called ‘soldier’ from my solo album deals with religious content, it varies from time to time of course but well if i were to write again... i think about this a lot these days. i want to change myself, i want to shake off my image uptil now and be reborn again. 13. why is that? i want a colour that is more concentrated and unique. as if i'm debuting again, i want to show something completely new that i had not before. 14. but aren’t your comebacks always novel? a musician like you who does diverse and experimental concepts is rare. is that so? sure the concepts are always new but... these days i think about how i want to change myself as a person from the very inside. instead of putting a facade on display, i have a thirst for wanting to show a more humane, genuine appearance. all humans experience moments of weakness and dysfunction. i think these moments definitely hold some beauty in them. the moment a person breaks down. it’s the only way one can get up and overcome difficulties again, i believe showing these sides of me, all of me, unabashedly is a path i need to walk as an artist now. 15. honestly, i’m excited for your third album because i heard this album reflects your ideas the most. what aspects of the production were different this time? firstly, i personally cast and liaised with the music video director. i thought it was important to work with the director one-on-one by keeping mediators to a minimum. through several meetings we mulled over every single thing like concept, outfit, hair and makeup. i offered my opinions too: ‘because i’m thinking of leaving a connecting link in the prologue, since there are two albums that would release following ‘2 kids,’ i want to drop certain keywords in the music video.’ fans usually call this a ‘bait’ (laughs). 16. the choreography stood out the most in the ‘2 kids’ music video. you weren’t simply moving to the rhythm, rather weren’t you moving your body guided by emotions? actually there were barely any plans to include dancing scenes. but i thought you never know so i quickly prepared a choreography the day before i left for paris. initially, i had a ‘dramatised’ (borrowing elements from drama) choreography in mind, but the director was expecting something modern. in the end, we expressed it well with a choreography that the director and i came up with after finding the perfect common ground. 17. personally i think a dramatised choreography would have been quite alright because ‘2 kids’ is a universal love song. i told the director i wanted to look miserable and pathetic through and through, like falling into a bottomless pit, wrecked, to be found waking up in the middle of the street, that would do too. why did i want to be that wrecked? i don’t know. there’s just a lot that exists within me. and i might have wanted to express that.... 18. with your first solo mini album <ace> you proved your grit as a solo musician to the public, and i believe your second album <move> reified your colour. i think taemin is a musician who doesn’t need to prove himself anymore. having reached this status, you’re releasing your next album <never gonna dance again>. did you ever think that this album could be it? rather, i hope that this album can be my ‘turning point.’ just as how it was during sherlock, i hope this time it changes my identity completely, as an individual and as a performer. people might like this album or find it mediocre, but i try not to care about these things now. 19. were you the type to stress over feedback? yes. because there are many people who are uncomfortable with change. but then i realised we’d never be able to free ourselves from within if we continued to be tied down. so now i’m trying to notice these things less. 20. have you ever had this thought? that looking back, the experimental has always revolved around you. as i said before, i think there is a lot of something within me (laughs). people have recognized that, there’s a lot i want to do. there is a greed for wanting to be different from others. it’s not that i want to ‘appear’ different but truly be different. 21. do you think there is an aspect of you that others can’t follow? i can’t seem to figure it out. i’m looking for it. however, my satisfaction level with myself tends to be low. and it’s something that has been guiding me till now. 22. what helps you recharge the most? i like lower-body bathing so much (laughs). as soon as i get into the bath, i automatically end up going ‘euu’ ‘aah.’ i soak my body completely, light up a scented candle, then let my body warm up like this. 23. while watching your vlog-like youtube content taem-log, i wondered ‘does he have an affinity for household goods?’ since the camera often captured your surroundings, i noticed pretty glasses and a colourful coffee machine adorning your cupboard. not at all. my mother did all of that (laughs). she’d say ‘this would suit taemin~’ then set it up prettily for display on the shelves. sometimes i do think i’d like to furnish my house with antiques if i were to move in the future. this is a bit funny but i find the houses in old horror movies so pretty. 24. i saw a bottle of moët & chandon in your refrigerator, is champagne your regular choice of alcohol? i rarely drink. i usually receive gifted alcohol quite a lot, it all goes to my father (laughs). my mother brought the moët & chandon and left it in there. i asked her to leave a pretty bottle in there at least for decoration purposes, so she probably brought it just for that? (laughs). 25. what kind of a person is 28-year-old taemin? i sort of want to set things ablaze. i want to put up a spectacular finale of the opening act. 26. how do you want to be remembered as a musician? as a great person. i say this knowing it sounds a bit grandiose but it’s my mission.  27. i can see it. the bigger you become the larger the impact you can have on society. i will become that person. so that many people can hear the message i want to convey.
translated by romanceboys — take out with full credit (source)
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